Unlock paths w/out unlocking all layers?

Hello!  I routinely lock individual paths in a layer in order to monkey around w/their neighbors (which are in the same layer), but then when I need to unlock them, I just want those two paths to unlock, not every single layer that is currently locked.  How can I do this without splitting them into different layers?  Thank you!

huh? i dont really inderstand your question but i'll give it a shot haha.
you want to lock and unlock individual abjects within a layer right? if you click the arrow of the layer it will expand to show the objects, which you can then scroll to your desired object(s) and lock them, then just unlock them when you are done. you dont have to unlock the whole layer.
also, on a related note, in cs4 and cs5 you can double click an object and edit it by itself even if it is grouped with something else.

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    do this
    now when u want to add again
    do this
    CB=new JComboBox();
    CB.addItem("bla bla ..");

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    You can also Select all Layers by clicking on the top, or the bottom, then holding down Shift and clicking on the other (top, or bottom). That will Select the Background, but as Conroy points out, it cannot be Moved, so you might not want to use that, depending on what your next operation will be.
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    Good luck,

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