Unpartitioning hard drive without making a back up?

I have three partitions on my HD at the moment, and I want to create just one HD by unpartitioning.
However, I don't have a separate hard drive or USB or anything that could hold the amount of stuff I have, so I was wondering if it's possible to unpartition in Disk Utility without backing up my files?
I really hope so, because I can't really be bothered backing it up...

My humble opinion ...
When delete a partition you alter the boot sector.  Things can go wrong and you *can* lose mapping of all partitions.
I would not call backup in this case a "bother".

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    Hello again Jack,
    Every OS X shortcut you could every want to know is in the Help files. Click on the desktop and then choose Help>Mac Help from the menu. Click on the link for "Look up topics easily". Then click "K". Next click "keyboard shortcuts". After that, choose whatever topic is relevant. Most of what you'll want will be under "Shortcuts for ...".
    A neat trick that you couldn't do in OS 9 is move files. While dragging from one drive to another, you can press the Command key and the files will be moved instead of copied.
    I have looked at your posts in the prepress newsgroups for years.
    That's interesting. Nice to know I guess that (I assume) my font FAQ is getting around. Although I wouldn't even know where to look for such forums myself.

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    Stress Test wrote:
    On the fly formatting from NTFS to FAT32 is not possible without loosing data.
    Not true. I have converted drives from FAT32 to NTFS, and vis versa, all while preserving the data on the drive. There is a number of ways to do it on a Windows machine. What I don't know is if there is the same software available for doing on a Mac. Since the OP mentions a WinPC, he might still have that capability himself. The one note of caution is that on an NTFS drive, you want to make sure that there are no individual files you want tot keep that are larger than FAT32 can support (4 GB). Here is one solution.

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    If you reformat the drive all data is lost.
    The only way to save the data is to copy it somewhere else during the reformat.
    Drag & drop will not backup things correctly.
    I suggest you set up partition for each Mac and then point Time Machine to each of the partition for each of the Macs.

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    Two cautions if you want to try this:
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    disk0s2: I/O error.
    disk0s2: I/O error.
    The MBP's disk is damaged and requires replacement.
    Genius Bar Reservations: http://www.apple.com/retail/geniusbar/

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    have you done some searches on FCPx and time machine? Is there a known issue with using a TM drive with FCPx? dunno but ...wait...I'll take 60 sec for you cause I'm just that kind of guy....   google...." fcpx time machine problem"  Frist page link 
    http://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/fcpx-bug-best-practices-for-using-external-hard- drives-and-final-cut-pro-x/
           You cannot have time machine backups on your hard drive if you intend to use it in FCPX.

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    Hi bodegakc,
    If you have the serial number then please use the below mentioned link to download the product you are looking for .
    Also before installing Please go to Applications-->Utilities--> Adobe installers and if there is any uninstaller for CS5.5 , you can remove it and do a fresh install.
    You can also use creative cloud cleaner tool before installing.
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    Nikhil Gupta

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    I have an external  hard drive with files I backed up manually over the past 2 years 1TB of memory.
    I am finally taking the leap to use Time machine to back everything.
    will I have to reformat that drive, thus wiping my previous back ups?
    can I split it the drive in two partitions?
    as I have two separate Macbook Pro's- one older than the other.
    OSX 10.68
    the other is
    OSX 10.75
    can I back them up separately?
    or even synch and merge files and folders etc? between the two?

    You CAN use a drive with files already on it to store Time Machine backups. But long term, that is not recommended. You do not need to reformat or re-partition the drive to do this. Once Time Machine Backups are established, you could remove the old files.
    But do not delete Time Machines files with the Finder -- that can cause it to lose its place and lose everything.
    With the cost of backup drives under US$100, it might be a better idea in the long run to get another drive. Best results from Time Machine is a drive about 3 times larger than the drive(s) you are backing up.

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    have you tried following the steps given here on the apple's knowledge base site may be they can help you
    here is a video from youtube as well
    also this tutorial

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