Unselected thumbnails have two shades of grey?

In apparently just one folder in my catalog, thumbnails in grid view have four different shades of grey:
The upper-right thumbnail is most selected, and the one to the right of it is selected.  But why do the remaining thumbnails have two different shades of grey?

In a related comment, my impressions as a recent Aperture to LR convert is that there is too much grey in the UI.  I recognize that grey is a great background to stay out of the way of the images, but in situations like above, it takes too much thought to know what is selected, deselected, marked for deletion, stacked, picked, etc...when all of these are variations of grey and white, it becomes a bit confusing.  I am getting used to it, and while 95% of what LR does is better than Aperture, the "selection" UI one thing that Aperture does better. (In my opinion) 

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    Rick Fernandez1 wrote:
    I don't know why the songs aren't matching.
    Just because a song does not "match" does not mean it won't be available in the cloud. Non-purchased tracks that are not matched will be uploaded to the cloud. You need to enable the iCloud Status. Pull down View > View Options and select "iCloud Status" then close the small window.
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    Unless you've deleted the track from the iTunes library you shouldn't see any cloud icons next to songs that have been successfully processed. Did you delete any tracks?
    Rick Fernandez1 wrote:
    What is really want is to match and also be able to keep the songs that don't match. Are these mutually exclusive goals? If so, then I don't want iTunes Match after all.
    You do. The tracks in the iTunes library are not touched or modified in any way. They stay right where they are unless you delete them.
    Rick Fernandez1 wrote:
    Also, I thought Match was supposed to convert the songs that are matched to 256 kbps. This has not at all happened. I don't see any that were upconverted at all.
    This does not happen automagically. You must delete the track from the iTunes library and download the "matched" track. But upgrading only works for tracks that have been "matched." Tracks that have been "uploaded" are exactly the same as what was on your HDD. See my instructions above to enable the iCloud Status column.

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    The easiest way is to get both computers on your home network and copy the files over the network. It's easier than you think
    Check this earlier thread:
    [How do I move my itunes library to new computer|http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=7937172&#7937172]
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    If you go to Settings > iTunes & AppStore , you can sign out from your account, and sign in with the one you've used to purchase apps.This will not remove any apps you already have on it.
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    I don't think so. The only other ID I have is a developer id, and I didn't get that until several months after I got the phone. In addition purchases I made from the App Store onthe phone would sync up with It unes on the Mac meaning it would be the same id.
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