Untidy DB

Only use hires .wav converted to aiff, 43000 tracks from 3440 CD's, spend many hours cleaning up orphans and deleting unlinked files which are copies of track titles, ie cd of 14 tracks has 14 extra tracks which are not linked and can be deleted only to reappear later.
Also often shows two copies of the same file, one of which iTunes can't find, a simple search of the h/d reveals that there is only one copy of the file on the h/d's.
What am I doing wrong?

Sorry not mean how many rows in the tables rather the actual size like how many blocks.
Check this from Performance Tuning Guide
You can compute an approximate size for the KEEP buffer pool by adding together the blocks used by all objects assigned to this pool. If you gather statistics on the segments, you can query DBA_TABLES.BLOCKS and DBA_TABLES.EMPTY_BLOCKS to determine the number of blocks used.

Similar Messages

  • Untidy HTML code and strange usage of Tags.

    RH8 HTML
    I've been noticing over pretty much all of my topics that the HTML is quite messy, and various types of tags are being used.
    Best example is the use of both the    <span style="font-weight: bold;"> and the very standard <b> tag being used to both achieve bold text, the same is occuring for italic text.
    sometimes this is happening at the same time, example:  <b><span style="font-weight: bold;">Form Builder</span></b>
    I'm using either CTRL+B or the Bold icon in RH to set off the bold text, and it seems to pick whichever tag it wants at random.
    does this happen for everyone....is there anyway to lcean this up automatically somehow....I'm not looking to edit this all manually, and if its not broken I'm not going to try, but I like things to be clean, and this is not clean at all.

    <b>,<i>,<small>, etc are not (yet) decaprated in HTML and XHTML F,T,S. See http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_font_style.asp, although I think that it's sensible to avoid these tags altogeher.
    My solution to this untide HTML is avoid inline styling and above mentiond tags altogeher. Personally, I use span classes for every use, even though separate uses have the same styling, such as field names, page names, paramaters, etc. By creating a separate class for every use, you insure that you can easily change the style of a specific type.
    This means ofcourse a rather large style sheet and you cannot use the styling options in RoboHelp itself. But once you're used to that, it actually saves you a lot of time. I've had to change some specific styles more than once and it's much easier to to change a style sheet, than change hundreds of topics with a Find and Replace or by hand.

  • Could I have some help with making these two files merge?

    Copyright - Trademarking - Prohibiting further use of these files (Unless you are helping me) - Etc..
    Hello, I'm back with another problem and if you read the last post you would have realized that I shortened the code. My goal is to replace my spacer and header with a single header that I based my design around. I just can not get this too work with the rest of the document I have had too many attempts. I will post my header files in 'RED' to begin with and the files I need to combine in 'BLUE'
    Preview of Header:
    Link to the Header HTML Coding:
    Link to CSS Coding of the Header:
    Example of one of the Html pages that I need to merge:
    /* This Html file is part of the ExpertComputerGuides.com Website Copyright - Trademarked etc.*/
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                    About Us</h2>   
                <p class="style10">We are an online non-profit organisation who are continously increasing in numbers, thanks to you guys. With multiple articles providing information into PC personalisation, Problem removal, Tips &amp; tweaks and general help you are sure to find something helpful to you. </p>
                <p class="style10">We have a motto 'Technology Explained.' and this is exactly what we wish to stand by. We offer in-depth tutorials that focus on providing that little-bit of information which no other site will include. </p>
                <p class="style10">Our goal is to combine multiple sites, so that you can receive more specific information which no other site will provide. In saying this, we certainly don't just copy and paste other peoples articles, but may use some of the concepts from other sites with our own wording or interpretation. If some of our wording alligns up with another website this is likely because the topic was broad and every website will have similar information.</p>
                <p class="style10"> </p>
        <div><h2 class="style20">General Questions and Answers:</h2></div>
                <p class="style12"> </p>
                <p class="style17">Can I email you guys?</p>
        <p class="style14">You certainly can. But on a busy day you should probably post your thoughts in the forums. We aim to answer every relevant email within 24 hours. In the forums we generally rely on other users to help eachother out, but we may step in if we know the answer.</p>
                <p class="style14"> </p>
                <p class="style17">When and why did you start this site?</p>
        <p class="style13"><span class="style14">This site was started on the 12th of the 7th, 2014. The intention behind this development was to create a website that would be functional with a variety of articles for many users. Worst case scenario, the authour would have a neat offline guide for all of his problems.</span></p>
        <p class="style13"> </p>
                <p class="style17">Would  you be able to write articles for us?</p>
        <p class="style13"><span class="style14">More than likely, just contact us and we will consider your inquiry.</span></p>
                <p class="style13"> </p>
                <p class="style17">Can I write articles for you?</p>
        <p class="style13"><span class="style14">Less than likely, the articles on this site are in the copy of one person making access to others difficult. Pointing out clear influencies and spelling errors is appreciated, more information about this is </span><a href="create-a-page.html" class="style60">here.</a></p>
        <p class="style13"> </p>
                <p class="style17">Can I republish your articles?</p>
        <p class="style13"><span class="style14">No way. Making this website took ages and because of that substancial amount of time spent, every single sentence on this sight is copyright. In saying this though some topics may be broad, and there may be only one way to word the situation at hand for example opening the start menu is generally something which will sound exactly the same on multiple sites.</span></p>
        <p class="style13"> </p>
                <p class="style17">Where do you guys get these ideas from?</p>
        <p class="style13"><span class="style14">Most of these ideas come from what we had once searched up, user suggestions, or what we think other people might search up. This was done with the intention of linking multiple searches into one site, that many people would have the ability to  access. </span></p>
                <p class="style13"> </p>
                <p><span class="style17">How many people are making this site?</span></p>
        <p><span class="style14">At this point in time, there is one person developing on the site. Which is why all helpful contribution made by internet strangers is appreciated.</span></p>
                <p> </p>
                <p><span class="style17">What program did you use to make this website?</span></p>
        <p><span class="style14">Adobe Dreamweaver CS3.</span></p>
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    <section class="wrapper"><h3 class="hidden">If you are seeing this, then the site is losing stability</h3></section>
    'Merging-Style.css' File:
    'Merging-Reset.css' File:
    Thanks for the help in advance.

    You're not getting any help because your HTML & CSS code is pretty messy.  It's like asking an interior designer to make over a very untidy bedroom.  It's not going to happen until you clean things up.
    I would start with just the basic HTML code like this.  Avoid those redundant style10, style19, style108 tags.    You really don't need them.  HTML selectors provide you with all the hooks you need for most things.  Also, you should run a spell check.  I saw errors but I didn't fix them.
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
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    /**CSS RESET**/
        -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
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    img { vertical-align: bottom }
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    nav li a {
        margin: 1%;
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        text-decoration: none;
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    nav li a:hover, nav li a:active, nav li a:focus { }
    /**search bar**/
    section.top {
        background: #1A3BE5;
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    section.top li {
        float: left;
        margin: 1.5%;
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    section.top li:after {content: '| ';}
    .search { float: right; }
    /**main content**/
    article { }
    article h3 {margin:0; padding:0 }
    article p { }
    /**Q&A definition lists**/
    dl { margin: 2%; }
    dt {
        font-size: 125%;
        color: #1A3BE5;
        font-weight: bold;
    dd {
        font-size: 90%;
        color: #333;
        margin-left: 4%
    footer {
        background: #333;
        color: #CCC
    /**3 columns**/
    footer aside {
        width: 33%;
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        padding: 0 2%
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    footer a {
        color: #EAEAEA;
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    footer a:hover {text-decoration: underline}
    footer ul li { line-height: 1.5 }
    footer h4 {margin:0 }
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    /**clear floats**/
    .clearing {
        clear: both;
        display: block
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    <h2>About Us</h2>
    <p>We are an online non-profit organisation who are continously increasing in numbers, thanks to you guys. With multiple articles providing information into PC personalisation, Problem removal, Tips &amp; tweaks and general help you are sure to find something helpful to you. </p>
    <p>We have a motto 'Technology Explained.' and this is exactly what we wish to stand by. We offer in-depth tutorials that focus on providing that little-bit of information which no other site will include. </p>
    <p>Our goal is to combine multiple sites, so that you can receive more specific information which no other site will provide. In saying this, we certainly don't just copy and paste other peoples articles, but may use some of the concepts from other sites with our own wording or interpretation. If some of our wording alligns up with another website this is likely because the topic was broad and every website will have similar information.</p>
    <h2>General Questions and Answers:</h2>
    <!--Q&A definition lists-->
    <dt>Can I email you guys?</dt>
    <dd>You certainly can. But on a busy day you should probably post your thoughts in the forums. We aim to answer every relevant email within 24 hours. In the forums we generally rely on other users to help each other out, but we may step in if we know the answer.</dd>
    <dt>When and why did you start this site?</dt>
    <dd>This site was started on the 12th of the 7th, 2014. The intention behind this development was to create a website that would be functional with a variety of articles for many users. Worst case scenario, the authour would have a neat offline guide for all of his problems. </dd>
    <dt>Would  you be able to write articles for us?</dt>
    <dd>More than likely, just contact us and we will consider your inquiry.</dd>
    <dt>Can I write articles for you?</dt>
    <dd>Less than likely, the articles on this site are in the copy of one person making access to others difficult. Pointing out clear influencies and spelling errors is appreciated. <a href="create-a-page.html" class="style60">Click here for more information.</a></dd>
    <dt>Can I republish your articles?</dt>
    <dd>No way. Making this website took ages and because of that substancial amount of time spent, every single sentence on this sight is copyright. In saying this though some topics may be broad, and there may be only one way to word the situation at hand for example opening the start menu is generally something which will sound exactly the same on multiple sites.</dd>
    <dt>Where do you guys get these ideas from?</dt>
    <dd>Most of these ideas come from what we had once searched up, user suggestions, or what we think other people might search up. This was done with the intention of linking multiple searches into one site, that many people would have the ability to  access. </dd>
    <dt>How many people are making this site?</dt>
    <dd>At this point, there is one person developing the site, which is why all helpful contributions made by internet strangers is appreciated.</dd>
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    <p class="clearing">&copy; 2014 by Expertpcguides.com. All rights reserved. </p>
    Once you've got all your HTML pages cleaned up, it should be a simple matter to style.
    Nancy O.

  • Returning an XmlDocument from an external function?

    In an attempt to simplify my XQueries, I have started looking at writing some of the more complex functions in Java and calling them via an XmlExternalFunction.
    This seems fine, except that I have an issue with returning a constructed document (or any node set). The only way I have found to return a document without it being destroyed is to put it into a temporary database first. Here is the end of my function. I have written a convenience function that converts a DOM Xml Document into a dbxml XmlDocument (DomToXmlDbDoc).
         XmlResults results = mgr.createResults();
         XmlDocument result = DomToXmlDbDoc(doc);
         XmlContainer tmp = mgr.openContainer(txn, "_tmp.dbxml");
         putDocument(tmp, result);
         XmlValue value = new XmlValue(result);
         return results;
    I would prefer not to have to use the temporary storage in the middle as it is inefficient and rather untidy, but the following just gives a blank result.
         XmlResults results = mgr.createResults();
         XmlDocument result = DomToXmlDbDoc(doc);
         XmlValue value = new XmlValue(result);
         return results;
    Best Regards

    this is a bug in DB XML, namely in Java bindings. I could try to search a patch for this (which is not very well tested though) and send you by email if you tell me your address.

  • "test" in the timline

    Recently went from Imovie 5 to 6. In the timeline clips, the word "test" appears. I How do I get rid of the "test mode?

    How did You do the up-grade ?
    I would do a new clean install - then directly up-date to 6.0.3
    *Not knowing the origin to Your problem - General approach when in trouble is as follows.*
    • Free space on internal (start-up) hard disk if it is less than 10Gb should rather have 25Gb
    • Delete iMovie pref file
    iMovie pref file resides.
    Mac Hard Disk (start-up HD)/Users/"Your account"/Library/Preferences
    and is named. (one or more of these)
    and find
    While iMovie is NOT RUNNING - move this/these file/s out on to desk-top.
    Now restart iMovie.
    • Hard disk is untidy. Repair Permissions, Repair Hard disk (Apple’s Disk Utilities application)
    • Garageband-fix. Start it, Play a note and Close it. Re-try (Corrects an audio problem that hinders iMovie)
    • Screen must be set to Million-colors
    • Turn off Mac and disconnect Mains/Power for 20-30 minutes - will at least re-set FW-port
    • Third party plug-ins that doesn't work OK (not relevant for iMovie’08 or 09 or 11)
    • Problems in iPhoto Library can affect iMovie to crash on start-up. Re-build this first then try to re-start iMovie.
    This You do by
    _ close iPhoto
    _ on start up of iPhoto - Keep {cmd and alt-keys down}
    _ now select all five options presented
    _ WAIT a long long time
    • iMovie updated ?
    • QuickTime updated ?
    • Mac OS version ?
    • Program miss-match. iMovie 4 - will not work under Leopard
    • Program miss-match. iMovie 5.0.2, up to Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK
    • Program miss-match. iMovie 6.0.3 or 6.0.4, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK (will work under Leopard and Snow-Leopard)
    • Program miss-match. iMovie’08 v. 7.1.4, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK (will work under Leopard and Snow-Leopard)
    • Program miss-match. iMovie’09 v. 8.0.6, Mac OS X.5.8 AND QuickTime 7.6.4 - is OK (will work under Leopard and Snow-Leopard)
    From LKN 1935. (in this case = iMovie HD (5), I tried it all, but nothing worked.
    Your answer (above) has been helpfull insofar as all the different trials led to the conclusion that
    there was something wrong with my iMovie software. I therefore threw everything away and reinstalled
    iMovie from the HD. After that the exportation of DV videos (there has not been any problem with HDV videos)
    to my Sony camcorders worked properly as it did before.
    Lennart Thelander
    I run "Cache Out X", clear out all caches and restarts the Mac.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Is there a way to auto sync playlists while manually managing your music?

    I used to use WMP11 before I bought an iPod and used iTunes, and in that I was able to auto sync playlists to my Samsung dap, as well as being able to manually drag tracks/albums to it.
    Since using iTunes, I have found it is not as accessible in this regard. Of course, you can opt to manually manage your music, but if you do this, it does not auto sync any info. This means that if I drag a playlist to my iPod and alter it at a later stage by adding more tracks, it won't alter it on the iPod unless I manually replace it with the amended one. It also means that any ratings that I set on my iPod do NOT get transfered to the tracks in iTunes when connected.
    What I have done is set a playlist called 'iPod Tracks' in iTunes, and have dragged any extra albums to my iPod using that, as well as the smart playlist 'Top Tracks'. But the disadvantage of this is, if I drag a few songs from an album into my 'iPod Tracks' playlist, then later decide I want the whole album and drag that over, I end up with two of the same tracks in the playlist, which makes it look very untidy (although I am aware only one of each track will be on the iPod) so it is not ideal.
    Surely there must be a way to auto sync playlists so that when you amend them in iTunes it does so on the iPod too, as well as manually drag over any extra tracks/albums you want without having a messy playlist work-around like I have done.
    Any help/ideas?
    Thanks in advance.

    There is no way to sync content back to itunes. As you are aware there are a couple of unsupported ways to recover your content, you will need to decide if your content is valuable enough to go down this route.
    If so and you are not comfortable with the procedures, I suggest taking the unit to a data recovery specialist with mac experience.

  • Will existing Time Machine back ups build after 1 account migration

    I have one i-Mac happily backing up with Time Machine to an external hard drive.
    I have just bought a second i-mac (the old one's filling up) and propose to use migration assistant to move an admin account from the old to the new i-mac leaving two other accounts (and their files etc) on the old one. I see from some posts that it seems as if Time Machine will start a new back up series for the new i-mac's back ups (cos its a new MAC address). But what about the old i-mac? Will that continue to extend the existing (old) Time Machine back up files, albeit without my transferred account and its files? I'd like to end up with the old i-mac continuing to work with and build its Time Machine back ups (less my account and its new files) and have a new back up series from the new i-mac building to a separate partition on the external drive.
    Second minor point: I have read that putting a partition on the external drive is the best way forward as it will stop competition for space and allow changes in one set up in future to have no impact on the other. Is this the best way forward?
    Does this all make sense?
    Sorry but I can't see an answer in the forum to what must be a reasonably common issue in this expanding mac world.

    I then tried to move it (TM back up files) off with Restore, whilst preserving the TM back ups but I couldn't seem to do it to the i-Macs hard drive nor to partition that to allow this to happen (assuming the lack of a discrete partition was the problem).
    That's likely correct. This only works if you restore one entire partition to another, and check the +Erase destination+ box.
    The problem was that I could not (maybe for the same contiguous reasons) create a new partition on the old i-Mac just to temporarily move the TM back up to. Without it I could not 'empty' the WDC firewire drive and partition it prior to returning the TM back ups to it albeit contiguously in a dedicated partition.
    Unfortunately for me to retain the TM back ups for the account I moved to the new i-Mac, I will have to leave that account on the old i-Mac as well. I can't see a way around that? If I delete the account on it then surely I will lose the ability to Log onto it and then to click TM and see back in time on that account?
    If I understand you correctly, that will be true eventually, but not immediately, as TM will, eventually, delete it's copies of anything that's no longer on your internal HD. That will depend, of course, on how long TM can keep it's backups. But while they're still there, if you log on with Admin privileges, you should be able to view the old backups.
    Not sure I explained myself clearly. Sorry. Having understood from your earlier help that 'migrate' actually means 'make a copy in another place', I have the migrated account in two places: one now dormant, on the old i-Mac and two, where it is migrated to (the new i-Mac). But TM continues to back up all accounts, indeed everything, on the old i-Mac by dint of its MAC address. So to see the migrated account's past history I assume I have to access the version on the old i-Mac. To put it another way, when logged into one account on the old i-Mac I believe it is not possible to see the TM history and files of another account on that i-Mac despite TM backing the entire HD. You have to be logged in to that account to see it. On the new i-Mac, with its different MAC address, TM is busy creating the first TM back up and I assumed that in the migrate it did not bring TM history as I had read that it is MAC address specific.
    The only issue (apart from having this account's history spread over two machines (pre-today on the old i-Mac's TM and today onwards on the new i-Mac) is that I have all the files on both machines. I am not worried about security only unnecessary usage of disk space. It isn't critical, there's lots of it, but it just seems wasteful and untidy. Unless you guys know otherwise?
    If I understand what you've done, you do have duplicates of the current contents, but only one copy of the old backups (on the old F/W drive).
    On the old i-Mac I have the two accounts I wanted to stay there plus the now dormant account I migrated. TM continues to work away at memorising ALL these although there will be no further changes to the dormant migrated account as I will not be running it on the old i-Mac. On the new i-Mac I have the migrated account of which TM is now creating its first (huge) back up but starting today. There is no history here. So I have copies of everything; its just that the old history of the migrated account remains on the old i-Mac and a new history (does that make sense?) is building from the new one. My point was that if I were to delete the dormant account from the old i-Mac, then I could not access it to use TM with it. I believe TM only shows the history of the account and screen you're in at the time?
    There is an option in TM that will allow you to selectively +Delete all backups of+ selected items. +Enter Time Machine,+ locate and select the item(s), click the "gear" icon in the Finder window's toolbar, and select the +Delete all backups of ..+ option.
    What you can't do is, keep the backups of only previous versions of things that were changed or deleted. It's all or nothing.
    Not sure I understand this. What would have been nice but I do not think is possible is to have moved the account to the new i-Mac together with the TM's back ups of that account and continue to build it up (whilst having access to its history) on the new i-Mac. If that were (is?) possible I could have totally deleted the old account and with it its files from the old i-Mac, freed up some HD space and had a full AND growing TM history all on the new i-Mac.
    Many thanks for staying the course and for your continuing help.

  • Can I delete my iCloud email address?

    Is this possible?  Google offers a way to delete your Gmail account.

    Depending upon the details of what you described, there is a potentially big difference between removing an email account (which is what I would like to do) and just removing all of my interfaces to it (which is what I believe you described). One, significant difference is that actually deleting\removing the account, means that no one can hack into it and use it. An equally signifcant, and perhaps more relevant to daily experience, difference is that it also means that emails sent to that deleted\removed account will be returned to sender, alerting them to the fact that the account no longer exists.
    If I followed your instructions, then would it be possible for someone to hack into the account and use it? What would happen when an email is sent to that account?
    I'm frankly shocked that deleting an account is not an option here. In the online world, your accounts are your proxies; they represent you, so why would you leave an unattended proxy lying around? That's a loose end that's more than just untidy.
    So, is there a way to actually delete\remove the email account that I created within my AppleID\iCloud? That email account is not the same as my AppleID. I have been using my AppleID for many years, and the iCloud service with it for a long time, but I just created my first @me.com email account a few days ago, under the umbrella of my AppleID. I just want to remove\delete the new, @me.com email account that I created.

  • Changing iCal Print Layout

    When I print a calandar month, the month and year are top left on the paper so that when I hole-punch the page to stick in my filofax, the month has got a big hole in the middle.
    Is there a way of changing the print layout so that I can move the month a bit towards the centre ?
    Any suggestions very welcome. I hate it looking untidy !!

    I've been battling the lack of a "Page Setup..." menu in iCal for several hours, even after reading the fix above. Some of my conclusions and a tip:
    1. It seems that iCal 'gathers' the paper/printer info when it starts up. It is therefore a waste of time to set these dimensions while iCal is still running/open.
    2. Any app that allows access to the "Page Setup..." menu can be used to create/modify a custom/existing choice.
    3. It may be better to set up a 'custom' setting using "Any Printer" rather than any specific printer you may have.
    Perhaps the most important fact I discovered is that it is more important to set the paper dimensions than the actual margin numbers! iCal seems to prefer using a minimum margin setting regardless of what is defined in any "Page Setup..." item. But it will recognize and respect a slightly smaller page size and print within it. For example, my final success came when I re-defined the normal 8.5 x 11 inch paper as 8.25 x 10.75 inches! Just be sure to crate this as a custom, named setting so you can find and select it in iCal.
    BTW, I have not attempted other 'standard' paper sizes, just the 'full-size' version.
    Anyone have an idea why iCal ignore the GUI standards?! Or is simply another attempt at 'integrating' all apps; like using Safari to tell the OS to use another browser? What happened to Apple's 'user friendliness' mantra?

  • How can I get chekbox or button to function as copy and pasting the information on acrobat?

    I need to have a checkbox or a button where information will be copied from another filled out text.  For example, when you purchase something online, there is a box where you can click if you billing address is the same as shipping address.  When you click on the box, the whole entire information under shipping address gets copied on billing address. 
    Can somebody please help me how I can do this function on adobe acrobat?  I am using windows by the way.
    Thank you in advance!

    Just thinking.
    • Did You try more than one stand alone DVD-player ?
    • When You burned Your DVD - Did the internal Hard disk have more than 25Gb free space
    iDVD and Mac OS Can't address any other for it's temp files - pretty important.
    If so I would.
    *Not knowing the origin to Your problem - General approach when in trouble is as follows:*
    • Free space on internal (start-up) hard disk if it is less than 10Gb should rather have 25Gb
    • Hard disk is untidy: Repair Permissions, Repair Hard disk (Apple Disc Util tool)
    • Delete iDVD pref file - *or rather start a new user/account* - log into this and re-try
    • Program miss-match: iDVD 5.0.2, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK - DON’T work under Leopard
    • Program miss-match: iDVD 6.0.4, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    • Program miss-match: iDVD’08 v. 7.0.1, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    • iDVD (08) v7 Locate theme folder. Move out iDVD1, iDVD 2 and eventually iDVD4 folders to desktop - re-try
    • Try a Cleaning CD/DVD that cleans the laser lens on the DVD burner/player
    iDVD 6.0.4 and iDVD 7.0.1 are compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
    iDVD pref file resides: Mac Hard Disk (start-up HD)/Users/"Your account"/Library/Preferences and is named:
    While iDVD is NOT RUNNING - move this file out to desk-top.
    Now restart iDVD.
    Last resort: from Craig: Solved the problem!! Finally!!
    I deleted every iDVD application and folder from my boot drive,
    emptied the trash and then installed iDVD 08 using the customize option
    and I am up and running.
    Yours Bengt W

  • How to Get HTML Cell in red depending on a condition while getting a output from Sharepoint powershell

    In Below Script I am able to get "disksizerequired" number in red by below script but I want that whole Cell to be red.
    Please let me know how to do it
    # HTML code to format output
    $b = "<style>"
    $b = $b + "BODY{background-color:white;}"
    $b = $b + "TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}"
    $b = $b + "TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 0px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:thistle}"
    $b = $b + "TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 0px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}"
    $b = $b + "</style>"
    # Variable initializing to send mail
    $TXTFile = "C:\Abhishek\test\test231.html"
    $SMTPServer = "mapintmail.lab.com" 
    $emailFrom = "[email protected]
    $emailTo = "[email protected]
    $subject = "Sharepoint Farms Content databases Report" 
    $emailBody = "Dailyreport on Sharepoint Farms Content databases"
    $encrypted ="01000000d08c9ddf0115d1118c7a00c04fc297eb0100000097606a1d1a7321488a23f2056c613f690000000002000000000003660000c000000010000000ebf48a9bd08c88a4de367597a1b86b390000000004800000a0000000100000006fa6c5ca0af8ad180e19cc6e5a42765e200000009a2551a74c5da425a1fa63705d1d7469fa0bb94409bf9a43ba951ee5c64d7ff614000000c9c659511fda53078b9f2e00f3b673349962affa"
    $usser1 = "lab\abhi"
    $usser2 = "labb\abhi"
    $password = ConvertTo-SecureString -string $encrypted
    $cred1 = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $usser1,$password
    $cred2 = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $usser2,$password
    # Creating PSSession and Loading Snapin
    $s1 = New-PSSession -Authentication CredSSP -Credential $cred1 -ComputerName LROSHRPTL01
    $s2 = New-PSSession -Authentication CredSSP -Credential $cred2 -ComputerName LROSHRPTL03
    Invoke-Command -Session $s1 -ScriptBlock {Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell}
    $f1 = Invoke-Command -Session $s1 -ScriptBlock {Get-SPWebApplication | Get-SPContentDatabase}
    $g1 = $f1 | Select-Object DisplayName,WebApplication,disksizerequired,CurrentSiteCount,WarningSiteCount,MaximumSiteCount | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment DisplayName,WebApplication,CurrentSiteCount,WarningSiteCount,MaximumSiteCount,@{label="disksizerequired";expression={
     if($_.disksizerequired -gt 1024*1204*1024)
    $g1 = $g1 -replace "#font","<font color='red'>"
    $g1 = $g1 -replace "font#","</font>"
    Invoke-Command -Session $s2 -ScriptBlock {Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell}
    $f2 = Invoke-Command -Session $s2 -ScriptBlock {Get-SPWebApplication | Get-SPContentDatabase}
    $g2 = $f2 | Select-Object DisplayName,WebApplication,disksizerequired,CurrentSiteCount,WarningSiteCount,MaximumSiteCount | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment DisplayName,WebApplication,CurrentSiteCount,WarningSiteCount,MaximumSiteCount,@{label="disksizerequired";expression={
     if($_.disksizerequired -gt 1024*1024*1024)
    $g2 = $g2 -replace "#font","<font color='red'>"
    $g2 = $g2 -replace "font#","</font>"
    ConvertTo-HTML -head $b -Body "<h1>$(Get-Date) Sharepoint Farm Database Content DB Report</h1> <br /> <h2>SharePoint_Config_UAT2010 $g1 SharePoint_Config_Intranet2010  $g2</h2>" | Out-File C:\Abhishek\test\test231.html 
    Invoke-Expression C:\Abhishek\test\test231.html
    # Code to Send Mail
    Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -From $emailFrom -To $emailTo -Subject $subject -Body $emailBody -Attachment $TXTFile

    If I understand the script correctly, what it will be doing at the moment is setting the font colour to red, instead of the background colour. To do this, you'd normally have to sent the attribute on the <td bgcolor='red'>, rather than using <font
    color='red'>, but you might try using a span instead.
    $g2 = $g2 -replace "#font","<span style='background-color:red;'>"
    $g2 = $g2 -replace "font#","</span>"
    If this isn't what you're looking for (because there may be an untidy margin around the span, or something), you'll need to give the <td> a classname, and then change the css for that class within $b instead. Let me know if you prefer to try that.
    OWA For SmartPhone

  • Event viewer stopped working?

    10.6.2 OS. 8.0.5 iMovie '09
    When I mouseover imported clips, the viewer works, but clips in my project library do not play, only the audio can be heard. It was working this morning and now stopped. what needs to be done? thanks.

    QuickTime version ? 7.6.6
    May be downgrading to 7.6.4 will help.
    Most of this list is still relevant
    *Not knowing the origin to Your problem - General approach when in trouble is as follows.*
    • Free space on internal (start-up) hard disk if it is less than 10Gb should rather have 25Gb
    • Delete iMovie pref file - or rather start a new user/account - log into this and re-try
    iMovie pref file resides.
    Mac Hard Disk (start-up HD)/Users/"Your account"/Library/Preferences
    and is named. *com.apple.iMovie.plist *
    While iMovie is NOT RUNNING - move this file out to desk-top.
    Now restart iMovie.
    • Hard disk is untidy. Repair Permissions, Repair Hard disk (Apple Disc Util tool)
    • Garageband-fix. Start it, Play a note and Close it. Re-try (Corrects an audio problem that hinders iMovie)
    • Screen must be set to Million-colors
    • Third party plug-ins that doesn't work OK (not relevant for iMovie’08 or 09)
    iMovie updated ?
    QuickTime updated ?
    Mac OS version ?
    • Program miss-match. iMovie 5.0.2, up to Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK
    • Program miss-match. iMovie 6.0.3 or 6.0.4, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    • Program miss-match. iMovie’08 v. 7.0.1, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    From LKN 1935. (in this case = iMovie HD (5), I tried it all, but nothing worked.
    Your answer (above) has been helpfull insofar as all the different trials led to the conclusion that
    there was something wrong with my iMovie software. I therefore threw everything away and reinstalled
    iMovie from the HD. After that the exportation of DV videos (there has not been any problem with HDV videos)
    to my Sony camcorders worked properly as it did before.
    Lennart Thelander
    I run "Cache Out X", clear out all caches and restarts the Mac.
    Yours Bengt W

  • How can i access the internet using a non-wireless...

    Before upgrading my BT broadband to BT Infinity, I was able to connect my two desktop PC's to the BTHUB2 without a problem. One of them is running Windows 7 and has a wireless connection, the other is running Windows XP and does not have a wireless adapter but it was connected by an ethernet cable to the BTHub2 which was portable and could therefore be plugged into any of the telephone sockets that were positioned around the house.
    Unfortunately, since upgrading to the BTHub3 which is not portable, the Windows XP PC is too far away to connect using an ethernet cable and it is impractical to move it closer to the hub.
    I'm happy with the position of the hub and do not wish to move it, so I need to consider other options.
    As both PC's are in the same room, I understand that it is possible to link them with a Lan cable, and this will enable me to add the XP PC to my home network.
    What I would like to know is what cable I need. (ie. what do I ask for) ? Is it an ethernet crossover cable ?
    I'm sure that other BT Infinity users must have experienced a similar problem with older non-wireless equipment that is not in close proximity to the hub. I would be grateful for any advice that may help me to find the best solution to the problem.          

    Thank you for confirming that a LAN and ethernet connection are the same thing. I have tried linking the two PC's with an ethernet cable and I've read so many articles on how to configure them both to enable the XP computer to connect to the internet via the WIN7 computer and it's wireless connection to the BTHub3, but I'm afraid that I'm now more confused than when I started.
    It should be possible to do so, but unless someone can explain the correct procedure in step-by-step fashion, I don't think that I will ever find the solution using this method.
    Using a power line solution sounds like a simpler solution, but even that raises more questions.
    Just to clarify the problem as I understand it -
    The BT Hub is static and positioned in the hallway.
    Both PC's are in the same upstairs room.
    The room has a telephone socket on an extension which works with a telephone. There are also power sockets available.
    I already have a home network set up with the WIN7 wireless PC as the host.
    I have wireless devices connected to the home network that are working perfectly (eg.  HDTV,Xbox360, Laptop), but can I heck figure out how to connect the WIN XP to the home network.
    I have managed to connect it directly to the Hub using an ethernet cable, but it involved carrying it downstairs into the hall and plugging the ethernet cable directly into the hub, and although this worked a treat, I need the PC to be upstairs.
    Using a long ethernet cable is not an option either I'm afraid. Apart from the untidiness, I believe that it would seriously reduce the speed of the BT Infinity connection, which is also the reason that BT do not recommend plugging the hub into a telephone extension socket.
    So far, using the ethernet cable between the two PC's and using the Networking Connection Wizard on the XP PC, I have tried connecting using the local area network with limited success. The STATUS window shows that it is connected with a speed of 100.0 Mbps, but the ACTIVITY only shows that there are packets being sent, none received. Also, clicking on Internet Explorer brings up a window stating that no connection to the internet is avalable.
    However, my initial optimism that this at least indicated that progress had been made quickly disappeared after adding the   XP machine as a device to my Homegroup on the WIN7 PC.  The  local area connection STATUS window on the WIN7 PC shows the media state as 'enabled' and 'speed 100.0 Mbps', but again it only shows that packets are being sent and none received. Furthermore,  IPv4 connectivity is showing 'no internet access' and IPv6 connectivity shows 'no network access'.
    I've tried running Windows Network Diagnostics and the troubleshooter stated that the Local Area Connection does not have a valid IP configuration. Here is the troubleshooting report:
    Issues found:
    "Local Area Connection" doesn't have a valid IP configuration  NOT FIXED
    Reset the "Local Area Adapter"                                             Completed
    Investigate router or broadband modem issues                      Completed
    Details about network adapter diagnosis:
    Network adapter Local Area Connection driver information:
    Description............................ Intel (R) 82562v-2 10/100 Network Connection
    Manufacturer......................... Intel
    Provider................................ Microsoft
    Inf File Name........................ C:\Windows\INF\netele32.inf
    Inf File Date.......................... Monday,  July 13, 2009   8:46:31 PM
    Section Name........................ E104C
    Hardware ID......................... pci\ven_8086&dev_10c0
    Instance Status Flags............. 0x180200a
    Device Manager Status Code.. 0
    IfType.................................. 6
    Physical Media Type.............. 0  
    The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties on both PC's for the Local Area Connection were input as follows:
    IP address: (with 68 being the next device number available)
    Subnet mask:
    Default Gateway:
    Preferred DNS server:
    Alternate DNS server: . . . .
    I've also tried configuring the above properties by ticking the box 'Automatically detect settings', but it reports no connectivity. I haven't tried the third available configuration option which is 'using a proxy server', because I don't know if it is relevant or not and it is asking me to input an 'address' and 'port' ?
    Any solution ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  • A few questions that probs make me look like an idiot!

    I've used Photoshop for 13 years and recently made the jump to Illustrator and there's been a few things bugging me. I've been using 'my own way' of solving them, but I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong, and it's far too time consuming...
    I'll have to use pictures to describe what I'm trying to say, so we'll use my origami frog...
    Right, here he is...
    Now, I've read that all paths must be closed before sending to clients / printing etc... In my next picture, how are you meant to close the highlighted yellow path? (And similar ones used as detailing lines on faces for example, since they're just a single line and can't join back to their starting point)
    Also, where I'm pointing the red arrow... How can I make that triangular section a different colour? Since the leg as a whole is the joined path, all these thinner strokes inside the leg are singular, open paths, as you can see by the yellow highlight... Am I supposed to 'trace' the leg outline in the shapes of the smaller triangles? Because that doesn't seem very professional, and I can imagine it being annoying and time consuming with complex curved lines. So I must be missing something obvious.
    ^ Also, as you can see by the blue arrow, it doesn't meet up with the corner of the leg. Is this impossible, as it's just based on the stroke width? Because close up you can see its not very tidy.
    And finally... Can I use the Pathfinder Minus Front tool on the arm layer (yellow outline) the rough edge bit hidden behind the body layer, because again, when you mouse over the arm, it looks untidy again... But If i were to minus front that hidden bit from behind the body layer, to line it up neatly to the outline of the body, again, if the body stroke was thinner than the arm stroke, then the arm stroke would show past the edge of the body stroke making it look horrible again?
    This program can be very confusing. I hope someone can understand what I'm trying to say.

    Now, I've read that all paths must be closed before sending to clients / printing etc... In my next picture, how are you meant to close the highlighted yellow path? (And similar ones used as detailing lines on faces for example, since they're just a single line and can't join back to their starting point)
    That is not a general requirement. It is possible (but usually unnecessary) to create closed paths by combining segments/paths, such as copies of segments of the closed outer path and the inner open paths, using the lighter Stroke Weight of the latter.
    Also, where I'm pointing the red arrow... How can I make that triangular section a different colour?
    You should be able to use Live paint, or create a closed path as described above.
    Also, as you can see by the blue arrow, it doesn't meet up with the corner of the leg. Is this impossible, as it's just based on the stroke width? Because close up you can see its not very tidy.
    You could move the Anchor Point at the corner of the thinner inner path a bit to match the apparent inner corner of the thicker path.
    And finally... Can I use the Pathfinder Minus Front tool on the arm layer (yellow outline) the rough edge bit hidden behind the body layer, because again, when you mouse over the arm, it looks untidy again...
    Basically, there is nothing wrong in hiding something beneath something else. The viewer may just as well find it smart or intriguing that something turns up on mouseover.

  • Please help someone confused

    Hi everyone. I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right forum but I need some help and the people I know are as clueless as me. I've been having problems with my Internet Explorer everytime I click on a link that tries to open a new window. What happens is that a new window does open up but never loads. I have to press the stop button on the new browser window then refresh for the window to load. Also, sometimes despite stopping and refreshing, it doesn't work and all I can see in the address window is a javascript address. I also have the same problem when trying to open windows media player within a browser. My computer just crashes. I used to be able to use netscape too but now it just gives an error message upon opening. I don't know if unstalling Opera and installing and uninstalling versions of Winamp has anything to do with it. Also, I downloaded Java Web Start because i thought it would be a plug-in to help me open javascript windows, but it doesn't work still. I will appreciate any form of help and advice! Also, sorry for writing here and please direct me to a different place if you think that is more appropriate. Thanks so much.

    Hi everyone. I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right
    forum but I need some help and the people I know are
    as clueless as me. I've been having problems with my
    Internet Explorer everytime I click on a link that
    tries to open a new window. What happens is that a new
    window does open up but never loads. I have to press
    the stop button on the new browser window then refresh
    for the window to load. Also, sometimes despite
    stopping and refreshing, it doesn't work and all I can
    see in the address window is a javascript address. I
    also have the same problem when trying to open windows
    media player within a browser. My computer just
    crashes. I used to be able to use netscape too but now
    it just gives an error message upon opening. I don't
    know if unstalling Opera and installing and
    uninstalling versions of Winamp has anything to do
    with it. Also, I downloaded Java Web Start because i
    thought it would be a plug-in to help me open
    javascript windows, but it doesn't work still. I will
    appreciate any form of help and advice! Also, sorry
    for writing here and please direct me to a different
    place if you think that is more appropriate. Thanks so
    mas2388I habitually burn my toast in the mornings, I believe that I have a congenital inability to patiently wait for the toast and constantly peer under the grill without getting distracted by something or other. Usually this is driven by the necessaity to prepare industrial strength coffee, but it could just as easily be a task of domesticity, such as wiping the bench or relieving the stainless steel sink of coffee stains. It seems such a waste when I then pick up the smell of burning toast moments later and I have to scrape the darkened hydrocarbon-based charcoal waste all over the newly cleaned sink and spatter the work-surface with an untidy collection of darkened crumbs.
    To some such things may be trivial, but to me its a metaphor of the futility of life in the vortex of Camusian world.

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