Unused disk space

How can I see the unused disk space in solaris 9? is there any commands to check the unused disk space in MB or GB?

In that case, its a bit trickier.
you want the format command
run format
select the disk
do 2 "p" commands for partition, print
slice 2 should represent the entire disk.
You need to compare the existing partitions with the entire disk to see whats unused
And then create a partition to contain it.

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    create table #TableSize (
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    [rows] int,
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    data varchar(255),
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    Downloads Home
    Unified Communications
    Call Control
    Unified Communications Manager (CallManager)
    Unified Communications Manager Version 10.0
    Unified Communications Manager / CallManager / Cisco Unity Connection Utilities-COP-Files
    It is called:  "VMware Disk Size Reallocation COP file: This COP file allows UCM VMs to increase the size of their vDisk(s) without requiring a system rebuild. 
    ciscocm.free_common_space_v1.1.cop.sgn "
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    • Use the Disk Expansion COP file (ciscocm.vmware-disk-size-reallocation-<latest_version>.cop.sgn) to
    expand the vDisk size if your virtual environment has additional available disk space. Ensure that you
    review the Readme file that supports this COP file before you proceed.
    • Use the Free Common Space COP file (ciscocm.free_common_space_v<latest_version>.cop.sgn). This
    COP file removes the inactive side in the common partition to increase available disk space without
    requiring a system rebuild. Ensure that you review the Readme file that supports this COP file before
    you proceed.
    • Manually remove outdated or unused firmware files from the TFTP directory. You can remove these
    files using the TFTP File Management page in the OS Administration interface, or you can use the file
    list tftp and file delete tftp commands from the command line interface.

    I noticed this has only 1 and 2 star ratings after bumping into this issue myself, so I figured I would help out the original poster and others who are experiencing this issue.
    Presumably, the original poster is intending to advise that we read the CUCM 10.0(1) Upgrade Guide, and view the Pre-Upgrade Tasks therein.  These (the bullet points below) seem to be the salient options contained in that section.  I used the "Free Common Space COP file" option to resolve my disk space issue and allow my upgrade.  I found the .cop file in the following download area on CCO:
    Downloads Home
    Unified Communications
    Call Control
    Unified Communications Manager (CallManager)
    Unified Communications Manager Version 10.0
    Unified Communications Manager / CallManager / Cisco Unity Connection Utilities-COP-Files
    It is called:  "VMware Disk Size Reallocation COP file: This COP file allows UCM VMs to increase the size of their vDisk(s) without requiring a system rebuild. 
    ciscocm.free_common_space_v1.1.cop.sgn "
    • Use the Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool to adjust the low and high watermarks to reduce the traces
    and remove unnecessary log files. Cisco recommends that you adjust the low watermark value to 30,
    and the high watermark value to 40. After the upgrade, you must restore the high and low watermarks
    to their original values in order to avoid premature purging of traces. The default value for the high
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    Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool, see the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration
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    expand the vDisk size if your virtual environment has additional available disk space. Ensure that you
    review the Readme file that supports this COP file before you proceed.
    • Use the Free Common Space COP file (ciscocm.free_common_space_v<latest_version>.cop.sgn). This
    COP file removes the inactive side in the common partition to increase available disk space without
    requiring a system rebuild. Ensure that you review the Readme file that supports this COP file before
    you proceed.
    • Manually remove outdated or unused firmware files from the TFTP directory. You can remove these
    files using the TFTP File Management page in the OS Administration interface, or you can use the file
    list tftp and file delete tftp commands from the command line interface.

  • No Disk space on my BRAND NEW MacBookPro???

    While using my Imovie to import clips from my Canon ZR600 First 38 edited clips suddenly moved into the Trash on their own.. and cannot be dragged out without them flying back like on a rubber band.. Now I get this error message that says,"You are running Dangerously low on Disk Space.. If you continue you may not be able to save your project..(which I have already saved I thought), You should immediately delete unused clips from the Trash, or switch to the Finder to delete other files in order to make more space available.." But for crying out loud I haven't even owned this high capacity memory machine more than a few days.. how can this be?? Another error message says I should empty my Trash to acquire more disk space... but I WANT to Restore them.. not delete them.. Very frustrating.. Any help?? Please Advice Thanks Much. I hate to say it, but I NEVER had this kind of problems with my previous 8 Windows machines that didn't have a simple solution.. I hope this problem does as well, or I'm going to be seriously in doubt about the superiority of Apple.. especially given the problems I'm observing that others are having on this board.. TELL ME I'M WRONG..

    You don't say how long those "..38 edited clips.." are.
    Digital Video uses about 13GB of space per hour of video. If you've imported, say, 3 hrs of video, that'd take up nearly 40 GB of hard disc space. On an 80 GB hard disc, that'd be a tight squeeze, taking into account your Operating System, whatever programs and documents you may have - especially if you've loaded it up with pictures and iTunes!
    And the Mac OS likes to have about 10% of the hard disc as free space, for swapping items in and out of memory, keeping 'log' files of what it's doing, etc.
    If you're going to import and edit lots of video, do what many people do: get a fast external FireWire hard disc to use exclusively for movies, format it as Mac OS Extended (aka HFS+) as soon as you first plug it in - using Applications>Utilities>Disk Utility and clicking the 'Erase tab' - and then you should have trouble-free editing ..oh!.. just thought: Canons don't like to share the FireWire connection with anything else, so you may not be able to 'daisy-chain' your Canon camcorder through the FireWire disc to your MacBook ..in which case, import video to the MacBook, and movie it across to the FW disc.
    But first: how long were those 38 clips..?

  • Free disk space in Finder vs Terminal df command

    i am in process of writing a shell script to backup our data.
    before starting the backup process, i am checking how much space is left on the disk:
    terminal> df -k /my_data_directory/
    Filesystem   1024-blocks      Used Available Capacity  Mounted on
    /dev/disk0s2   244781464 173055384  71470080    71%    /
    this states 71.47 GB free space on /
    however, the Finder reports 96.17 GB free space on Macintosh HD (which is also mounted on /).
    where does that difference come from? how can i "calculate" the real free disk space?

    tuscan wrote:
    do i get your answer right:
    this means the Finder is reporting an amount of free space one can never use?
    its number includes those bytes that are unused in used disk blocks?
    e.g. say a block is 8k an my specific disk, and i'm saving a file with 1k of text.
    the Finder would report 7k of these 8k as free space?
    while df takes the whole 8k block as "used"?
    As jsd2 points out, it is more complicated than that. I don't have local snapshots running on my machine but I still have a significant discrepancy, although not as large as yours.
    df is a fast tool and only looks at blocks. The Finder does more work and keeps track of file sizes and, apparently, the potential to delete them. But if you had a one-byte file, those other 4095 bytes wouldn't necessarily be wasted. You could write another 4095 bytes to that file without losing any disk space.

  • Reclaim disk space after delete an index

    Hi ,
    I have deleted unused indexes from a history table to reclaim the disk space was allocated for these indexes , yet the size on the disk is the same , any steps I can follow to achieve this would be greatly appreciated..
    indexes size is 70 GB
    table size is 45 GB , # of rows is above 200 Million
    Thanks in advance

    in order to reclaim space after your big delete.  Don't shrink your data files unless you have no other choice.
    The space will automatically go back to SQL server. You don't have to do anything.
    The database size will be the same plus the growth of your log file due to logging the transactions. However, internally, SQL server knows that it still has that space to play with.
    Other wise you can go for  update the statistics and rebuild indexes . but I think it would be the part of your normal weekend nightly maintenance plan
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  • Problems saving pdfs in IE "not enough disk space"

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    I reinstalled 'Reader X - no solution
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    What can I do ??? Thanks..

    when you make a dvd using dvdsp, you need to build it on a local drive before dvdsp can burn the dvd.  So more than likely, .... there's "not enough space" on that drive.
    You should always have a minimum of 10% free space on ALL drives and at least 20% free space on your startup drive.  Having less space can create all sorts of problems and the data on the drive can get corrupted and unusable.

  • Excessive use of Disk Space

    I noticed today that the Apple Software update is using 452MB of disk space and it appears it's captured every update for iTunes, Quicktime and Safari since I've started to use it.
    /c/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Apple Computer/Installer Cache
    /c/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Apple/Installer Cache
    There appears to be no way to purge the cache via the Apple Update Software, but i guess the old-school method works.
    Anyone higher than 452MB in their Installer Cache
    Message was edited by: Drunark

    Thanks for those who replied. The idea was to write a technical paper and write a supporting tool that will list all unused indexes on a Oracle database and list indexes that were used and if so, how they were used and when. I am working on a project basically.
    Referencing papers aren't difficult. I can always do that. But we all being DBA's, there are one or the other issues that we would come across in day to day work. If i can reflect any of the real time problems and try to address it in my tool, it would be beneficial for all.
    So that was the motto. Also, it's not only for Oracle. I am trying to write a tool that can possibly integrate with other databases such as SQL server and Sybase.

  • Ran out of disk space - 1TB drive

    I've run out of disk space for back up with my 1 TB drive I use for TM. The key reason is because of the HD files I am using for my home movies not to mention the media I have been buying off of iTunes.
    I have an unused 500GB drive. Can I somehow create a "RAID" drive that can "combine" my 1TB drive and my 500GB drive into 1 drive that TM can use? I know RAID drives can be created using Disk Utility, but I am not sure if this is really the purpose of a RAID drive.
    Any insights?

    Although it is possible to create a raid using 2 drives of different sizes, the size of the raid will be slightly smaller than 2x the size of the smallest drive..and you will lose the 'extra' space on the larger drive.
    Raids are also better suited for internal drive configurations - that way, you can't accidentally break your RAID by (accidental or intentionally) disconnecting a drive. If you break your raid, you have lost all your data.
    Hazard of a 2 drive raid is data loss. Unless you are using 3 drives, data integrity is compromised. (raid with error recovery requires a 3rd drive)

  • This message may contain a virus or there is not enough disk space. Skip this message?

    I have been randomly getting the following message for example for the past couple of weeks and it seems to be getting worse:
    There was an error downloading the following message:
    From: Popular Science <[email protected]>
    Subject: The Coolest Cars We Saw At The Detroit Auto Show
    This message may contain a virus or there is not enough disk space. Skip this message?
    I have also noticed that that there is an issue when I select the option to skip the message by selecting '''Yes'''. The body of a one message is replacing the body of one of the other messages that is downloaded (i.e. body of facebook message replacing body of message from amazon). This has been seen multiple times.
    I am using Thunderbird ver. 31.4.0 on Windows 8.1 and the latest Norton Security with Backup software for my antivirus and all software has the latest updates.

    Hi. Thanks for your prompt reply. The error message is generated in Thunderbird and not by my anti-virus software. It is also specific to one email account and does not affect the others.
    I have around 40Gb unused space on my hard drive.
    The From and Subject fields in the error message contain the sender's email address and subject header respectively (these didn't show in my original email)
    I have also moved a lot of messages from mu inbox.
    I have not changed my anti-virus software (and have been using the same package for years

  • No free disk space on my Macbook Pro- why?

    Hi, i'm having a lot of trouble trying to free up disk space on my mac!
    I have 120g HD with 8G RAM. I'm using OS X 10.8.5
    Disk Usage on Activity Monitor says i have used 110.29G and only 10.18G free, which i find ridiculous! I have backed up my computer with an external hard drive, have deleted all of my unused apps (like Photoshop and some Microsoft office programs), movies, work, and most of my photos to free up space, leaving only photos, music and a few small word files here and there on my computer, yet i still have no space!
    'About this mac' shows 62.97G of 'other' storage being used.. what could this be??
    I have used apps like Trash It, CleanGenius and AppTrap to free space, but nothing seems to be working! The app CleanGenius enabled me to get rid of duplicate files and i managed to get 17GB free, but after i restarted my computer it went back down to 10GB! Why?!
    On Disk Utility i have used the verify disk permissions, repair disk permissions, and verify disk functions but to be honest i don't think it made any difference.
    I have used terminal to free cache's and clear the sleep-mode file that the mac makes.
    Any suggestions would be fantastic as i don't understand why i still don't have any space!! I've been trying for weeks! Fr
    Please help!!


  • Issue 2: Not enough free disk space

    Well, now that I'm here, I will try to figure out all my problems.
    Ignoring the fact that my MacBook won't turn on, once it goes back to normal, I hope I can solve another thing. Two or three times, while I've been working in heavey Word documents in my Macbook, a message box appears when I click on save or when it tries to do "Autorecovery". It says there's not enough free disk space for me to save that file. What I do every time is I select all, then copy and then quit word. I open it again, paste and save. Everything is fine, but I'd really like to know *** is wrong since I do have a lot of free disk space and this doesn't happen unless it's a heavy file in word. Should I get rid of some apps? Unused files? I don't have that many... I think my Macbook is acting weird since I've almost got nothing stored in it but files, pictures and songs. Any ideas on how to prevent this from happening again?

    Get Info on your hard drive or open a finder window and see how much space is available on your drive - that's at the bottom. Music, pictures, movies use more disk space than most files. You might have enough space sometimes because various programs - like Safari - cache material and the caches can get large. Some caches empty themselves and others need to be emptied; you can empty the Safari cache from one of the menus.

  • Disk Space not restored after deleting iphone backup

    Today while restoring my iphone i realised that itunes had made multiple copies of ~3gb of my iphone data. Since my iphone was restored successfully I decided to remove all the backups and make a fresh new backup. After deleting the multiple backups I found that my available disk space had not increased at all. I even went to ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup and ther was nothing in there. So I went ahead and made a new backup which consumed additional ~3gb. And just to test if it was only itunes that was doing this I deleted my photos from iphoto ~5gb and even that did not give me back my 5gb. I went to trash and I dont have anything there.
    So, here I am confused as to where my deleted stuff is going to because it does not seem like its getting deleted.
    Anything that i can do get my space back?

    Local snapshots are hidden copies of files that have been changed or deleted in between Time Machine snapshots. They are stored in free space that would otherwise be unused, and therefore wasted. The space occupied by the snapshots is managed automatically. When free space starts to run low, the snapshots are deleted. The Finder reports the space occupied by local snapshots as "Available," which it is.
    If there are unwanted changes to your files in between Time Machine snapshots — which may be far apart when you're moving around with a portable computer — you may be able to revert the changes from a local snapshot. If you disable local snapshots, you lose that protection, and you gain nothing. There is no offsetting benefit whatsoever; merely added risk.
    Empty storage space is simply wasted. You paid for it to be there, but it's doing you no good at all. Local snapshots put it to use.
    Very rarely, if ever, you might need to delete the local snapshot store in order to add a large amount of data all at once. If that need ever arises, which it probably won't, all you have to do is turn Time Machine OFF in its preference pane, and then turn it back ON immediately.
    You should ignore the bad advice that circulates on this site to disable local snapshots permanently by running a shell command. If you ran such a command, ask for instructions on how to reverse it.

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