Unwanted space when working with tables

I have created a layout using tables (in CS4), and when I top align the tables containing images and text, it leaves a large, blank, unwanted space at the bottom. I am unable to resize the tables accordingly to eliminate the space, how can I fix this? Here's an image

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with coding for CSS. If I was able to layout a site with CSS the way I had envisioned, I totally would have, I just don't know how. Any suggestions? Anyways, here's my code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<title>The Crisis // Crew</title>
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td img {
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td img {
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td img {
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td img {
display: block;
td img {
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td img {
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td img {
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td img {
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        <td><img src="Photoshop/Animation/spacer.gif" width="1" height="50" border="0" alt="" /></td>
        <td><img name="Top_r4_c8" src="Photoshop/Animation/Top_r4_c8.jpg" width="107" height="1" border="0" id="Top_r4_c8" alt="" /></td>
        <td><img src="Photoshop/Animation/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>
    <td width="870" bgcolor="#161616"><table width="870" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td width="605" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" Valign="top"><table width="870" border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0">
            <td width="572"><table width="553" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
                <td width="300" valign="top"><img src="Crew-Photo" width="300" height="451" /></td>
                <td width="235" valign="top"><span class="bodytext">Andy Madeleine - Director/ Producer/ Editor <br />
Adam Rock - Assitant Director<br />
Jacob Kubon - Director of Photography<br />
Justin Dixon - Sound <br />
Vaughn Greathouse - Grip</span></td>
              <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
              <p> </p></td>
            <td width="268" valign="top"><table width="268" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
                <td bgcolor="#666666" class="center">About</td>
              <span class="bodytext"><br />
                The Crisis is more than just a documentary film, it is an alliance of hip-hop artists, fans,  and likeminded individuals who are interested in preserving the integrity of the hip-hop community, and maintaining hip-hop as an art.
                Commercial music has taken over the mainstream, and in doing so, created a channeled, often negative image of hip-hop. The Crisis will attempt to educate the uninformed, discredit stereotypes, and push for a positive image surrounding hip-hop culture. <br />
                <br />
              <table width="268" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
                  <td bgcolor="#666666" class="center">Get Involved!</td>
              <span class="bodytext"><br />
                Interested in getting involved? Become part of the project or help us promote! Artists, film-makers, or fans, send e-mails to: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br />
                <br />
              <table width="268" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
                  <td bgcolor="#666666" class="center">Follow The Crisis</td>
              <table width="100" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
                  <td><a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Crisis-Film/120240911333083" target="_blank"><img src="facebook_button_11.jpg" width="35" height="35" alt="Facebook" /></a></td>
                  <td><img src="twitter-button copy.jpg" width="35" height="35" alt="Twitter" /></td>
                  <td><img src="YoutubeButton.jpg" width="35" height="35" alt="YouTube" /></td>
              <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
              <p> </p></td>
          <img src="Photoshop/Bottom_stamp.jpg" width="870" height="100" /></td>
<div align="center"><span class="Arial"><a href="index.html">Home</a> I <a href="artists.html">Artists</a> I <a href="crew.html">Crew</a> I <a href="gallery.html">Gallery</a> I <a href="contact.html">Contact</a><br />
  Copyright © 2010 Andy Madeleine. All Rights Reserved.<br />

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    I don't know. I haven't used InDesign for a while. The last time I used it was before upgrading and that was InDesign CS6.
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    Michael F Weart

    Hi Michael.
    Interestingly the maximum number of rows you can use when you create a table via the Table > Insert > Table menu item is 100. That said, I've just created a 500 row table and whilst it is slower than a smaller table it is OK. I am also using RH 8.0.2 but on a higher spec PC.
    Read the RoboColum(n) for a tips, tricks and musings on the Technical Communication Suite products.
    Follow the RoboColum(n) on Twitter

  • InDesign CC 2014 is very very slow when working with a table.

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    @Martien – How complex is your table?
    How many cells? Merged ones as well?
    Complex formatting of texts inside the cells?
    Complex formatting rules of table rows and/or columns?
    Many images inserted?
    If yes, and the table is running through many text frames of many pages, I fear, you can do nothing against slowness.
    Nothing but: Greek text, not showing the page contents in the Pages Panel, in short: anything you can do to get better performance in redrawing of the screen.
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    Now you can throught he code which is followed by error also.
    <u>Java file.</u>
    public class DisplayComponent extends PageProcessorComponent {
         public DynPage getPage() {
              return new DisplayComponentDynPage();
         public static class DisplayComponentDynPage extends JSPDynPage {
              private JCATviewBean bean;
              public void doInitialization() {
                   IPortalComponentProfile profile =
                        ((IPortalComponentRequest) getRequest())
                   Object o = profile.getValue("myBean");
                   if (o == null || !(o instanceof JCATviewBean)) {
                        bean = new JCATviewBean();
                        profile.putValue("myBean", bean);
                   } else {
                        bean = (JCATviewBean) o;
                   // fill your bean with data here...
                   IPortalComponentRequest request =
                        (IPortalComponentRequest) this.getRequest();
              public void doProcessAfterInput() throws PageException {
              public void doProcessBeforeOutput() throws PageException {
              private IConnection getConnection(
                   IPortalComponentRequest request,
                   String alias)
                   throws Exception {
                   IConnectorGatewayService cgService =
                        (IConnectorGatewayService) PortalRuntime
                   ConnectionProperties prop =
                        new ConnectionProperties(
                   return cgService.getConnection(alias, prop);
              public void doJca(IPortalComponentRequest request) {
                   IConnectionFactory connectionFactory = null;
                   IConnection client = null;
                   String rfm_name = "BAPI_COMPANYCODE_GETLIST";
                   try {
                        try {
                             //       pass the request & system alias
                             //       Change the alias to whatever the alias is for your R/3 system
                             client = getConnection(request, "MyIDES");
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                                  "Couldn't establish a connection with a target system.");
    Start Interaction
                        IInteraction interaction = client.createInteractionEx();
                        IInteractionSpec interactionSpec =
                        interactionSpec.setPropertyValue("Name", rfm_name);
    CCI api only has one datatype: Record
                        RecordFactory recordFactory = interaction.getRecordFactory();
                        MappedRecord importParams =
                        IFunctionsMetaData functionsMetaData =
                        IFunction function = functionsMetaData.getFunction(rfm_name);
                        if (function == null) {
                                  "Couldn't find " + rfm_name + " in a target system.");
    How to invoke Function modules
                        System.out.println("Invoking... " + function.getName());
                        MappedRecord exportParams =
                             (MappedRecord) interaction.execute(
    How to get structure values
                        IRecord exportStructure = (IRecord) exportParams.get("RETURN");
                        String columnOne = exportStructure.getString("TYPE");
                        String columnTwo = exportStructure.getString("CODE");
                        String columnThree = exportStructure.getString("MESSAGE");
                        System.out.println("  RETURN-TYPE    = " + columnOne);
                        System.out.println("  RETURN-CODE    = " + columnTwo);
                        System.out.println("  RETURN-MESSAGE =" + columnThree);
    How to get table values
                        IRecordSet exportTable =
                             (IRecordSet) exportParams.get("COMPANYCODE_LIST");
                        // Moves the cursor before the first row.
                        while (exportTable.next()) {
                             String column_1 = exportTable.getString("COMP_CODE");
                             String column_2 = exportTable.getString("COMP_NAME");
                                  "  COMPANYCODE_LIST-COMP_CODE = " + column_1);
                                  "  COMPANYCODE_LIST-COMP_NAME = " + column_2);
                        //       create the tableview mode in the bean
    Closing the connection
                   } catch (ConnectorException e) {
                        //       app.putValue("error", e);
                        System.out.println("Caught an exception: \n" + e);
                   } catch (Exception e) {
                        System.out.println("Caught an exception: \n" + e);
    <u>Bena file</u>
    package com.sap.JCA.bean;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import com.sapportals.connector.execution.structures.IRecordSet;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.table.DefaultTableViewModel;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.table.TableViewModel;
    public class JCATviewBean {
         public DefaultTableViewModel model;
         public TableViewModel getModel() {
         return this.model;
         public void setModel(DefaultTableViewModel model) {
         this.model = model;
         public void createData(IRecordSet table) {
    //       this is your column names
         Vector column = new Vector();
         column.addElement("Company Code");
         column.addElement("Company Name");
    //       all this logic is for the data part.
         Vector rVector = new Vector();
         try {
         while (table.next()) {
         Vector data = new Vector();
         } catch (Exception e) {
    //       this is where you create the model
         this.setModel(new DefaultTableViewModel(rVector, column));
    <b>JSP File:</b>
    <%@ taglib uri="tagLib" prefix="hbj" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="myBean" scope="application" class="com.sap.JCA.bean.JCATviewBean" />
    <hbj:content id="myContext" >
      <hbj:page title="PageTitle">
       <hbj:form id="myFormId" >
       <hbj:textView id = "tv1" text = "<b>TableView Example Using JCA</b> <br>"/>
        headerText="TableView example1"
        width="500 px"
    <b>Error when Executing this component:</b><u></u>
      Portal Runtime Error
    <b>An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : N/A
    Component Name : N/A
    Exception id: 12:21_28/10/05_0173_94105150
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file</b>  
    If anybody find the error please reply to this post.

    Thanks for your response Martin,
    I have already seen the log file but im couldn't findout anything from that since it is so long here im putting some part of please see this.if u able to find it clarify me,
    <b>Here the log file:</b>
    1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907100001CB000040419258FBF4E#1130405957843#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.persistence.jdo.DataBaseJobStore#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.persistence.jdo.DataBaseJobStore#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler/JobStore#Plain###With in the acquireLockForNextAvailableJob DataStore#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907200001CB00004041925916735#1130405957953#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler#Plain###Acquired the job null#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907300001CB0000404192591688D#1130405957953#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler#Plain###Did not find any job.So, Waiting for sometime for the next job#
    #1.5#001321FD621300650000120E00001CB00004041925C953D7#1130405961625#com.sap.aii.af.sample.adapter.ra.SPIManagedConnectionFactory##com.sap.aii.af.sample.adapter.ra.SPIManagedConnectionFactory.XIManagedConnectionFactoryController.run()######04d7f690469311da8d52001321fd6213#Thread[Thread-114,5,SAPEngine_System_Thread[impl:5]_Group]##0#0#Debug#1#/Applications/ExchangeInfrastructure/AdapterFramework/ThirdPartyRoot/comsap/Server/Adapter Framework#Java###MCF with GUID is running. (,)#3#964bfca0444711dabb51001321fd6213#com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.ApplicationLoader@1586c77#964bfca0444711dabb51001321fd6213#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907400001CB000040419275B24FC#1130405987953#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler#Plain###within the infinite of the Scheduler Thread#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907500001CB000040419275B25D9#1130405987953#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.persistence.jdo.DataBaseJobStore#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.persistence.jdo.DataBaseJobStore#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler/JobStore#Plain###With in the acquireLockForNextAvailableJob DataStore#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907600001CB000040419275B2E27#1130405987953#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler#Plain###Acquired the job null#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907700001CB000040419275B2EFA#1130405987953#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler#Plain###Did not find any job.So, Waiting for sometime for the next job#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907800001CB0000404192924ED59#1130406017953#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler#Plain###within the infinite of the Scheduler Thread#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907900001CB0000404192924EE36#1130406017953#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.persistence.jdo.DataBaseJobStore#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.persistence.jdo.DataBaseJobStore#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler/JobStore#Plain###With in the acquireLockForNextAvailableJob DataStore#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907A00001CB0000404192924F652#1130406017953#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler#Plain###Acquired the job null#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907B00001CB0000404192924F710#1130406017953#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler#Plain###Did not find any job.So, Waiting for sometime for the next job#
    #1.5#001321FD621300650000120F00001CB000040419295CCD8B#1130406021625#com.sap.aii.af.sample.adapter.ra.SPIManagedConnectionFactory##com.sap.aii.af.sample.adapter.ra.SPIManagedConnectionFactory.XIManagedConnectionFactoryController.run()######04d7f690469311da8d52001321fd6213#Thread[Thread-114,5,SAPEngine_System_Thread[impl:5]_Group]##0#0#Debug#1#/Applications/ExchangeInfrastructure/AdapterFramework/ThirdPartyRoot/comsap/Server/Adapter Framework#Java###MCF with GUID is running. (,)#3#964bfca0444711dabb51001321fd6213#com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.ApplicationLoader@1586c77#964bfca0444711dabb51001321fd6213#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907C00001CB0000404192AEEB1E2#1130406047953#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler#Plain###within the infinite of the Scheduler Thread#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907D00001CB0000404192AEEB2C0#1130406047953#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.persistence.jdo.DataBaseJobStore#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.persistence.jdo.DataBaseJobStore#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler/JobStore#Plain###With in the acquireLockForNextAvailableJob DataStore#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907E00001CB0000404192AEEBAD8#1130406047968#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler#Plain###Acquired the job null#
    #1.5#001321FD6213005D0000907F00001CB0000404192AEEBB9E#1130406047968#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#sap.com/crm.trexr3#trexr3.com.sapmarkets.isa.services.schedulerservice.SchedulerThread#J2EE_ADMIN#530##obtdev3_O09_94105150#Guest#8a2bbd20444711da932c001321fd6213#Thread[SchedulerThread,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Info#1#/System/Scheduler#Plain###Did not find any job.So, Waiting for sometime for the next job#

  • Problem with Ai when working with a logo (the program gets slow & I can´t move the logo easily)

    Hi there, Hope everyone is well. I have troubles with my Ai when working with a logo, I just want to move it from one point to another and it gets pretty slow to be moved. I am working on a brand new iMac and this problem surprises me a little bit. Do you know why is this happening? I get de Ai from the Creative Cloud...could it be the internet?

    Can you please show a screenshot?
    Are there any placed raster images in your file? Are there any raster effects in your logo file? What are your Effect > Document Raster Effects Settings... ? Also, what are your Preferences > Scratch Disks settings, and how much free space do you have on that (those) drive(s)?
    I doubt it's the internet, unless you're also synching at the same time ... and while this is taking place your internet connection is super-slow.

  • How to get exact match when working with Oracle Text?

    I'm running Oracle9i Database R2.
    I would like to know how do I get exact match when working with Oracle Text.
    CREATE TABLE T_TEST_1 (text VARCHAR2(30));
    INSERT INTO T_TEST_1 VALUES('Management');
    INSERT INTO T_TEST_1 VALUES('Busines Management Practice');
    INSERT INTO T_TEST_1 VALUES('Human Resource Management');
    SELECT * FROM T_TEST_1 WHERE CONTAINS(text, 'Management')>0;
    The above query will return 3 rows. How do I make Oracle Text to return me only the first row - which is exact match because sometimes my users need to look for exact match term.
    Please advise.

    But I would like to utilize the Oracle Text index. Don't know your db version, but if you slightly redefine your index you can achieve this (at least on my 11g instance) :
    SQL> create table t_test_1 (text varchar2(30))
      2  /
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into t_test_1 values ('Management')
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t_test_1 values ('Busines Management Practice')
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t_test_1 values ('Human Resource Management')
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> create index t_test_1_idx on t_test_1(text) indextype is ctxsys.context filter by text
      2  /
    Index created.
    SQL> set autotrace on explain
    SQL> select text, score (1)
      2    from t_test_1
      3   where contains (text, 'Management and sdata(text="Management")', 1) > 0
      4  /
    TEXT                             SCORE(1)
    Management                              3
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 4163886076
    | Id  | Operation                   | Name         | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |              |     1 |    29 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| T_TEST_1     |     1 |    29 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  2 |   DOMAIN INDEX              | T_TEST_1_IDX |       |       |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - access("CTXSYS"."CONTAINS"("TEXT",'Management and
       - dynamic sampling used for this statementJust read that you indeed mentioned your db version in your first post.
    Not sure though if above method is already available in 9i ...
    Message was edited by:

  • When working with aRGB images, what changes must be made when printing?

    Working in the Adobe RGB color space requires that all components in the chain (camera, software, monitor, printer) be able to handle aRGB. When printing from Photoshop Elements, what changes (if any) need to be made at printing time?

    Thanks Michel.
    I knew about the "more options" dialog box and use it regularly to set
    ICC profiles for my Canon Pro9500 Mark II printer, ensuring also that
    "Photoshop Elements manages colors". I could have asked the question
    better perhaps: "When working with aRGB images, how can I set both an
    ICC printer profile for a specific paper and ensure that printer uses
    the aRGB color space?". As far as I can tell, you can set an aRGB
    profile (either in Photoshop or at the level of the printer), but you
    can't use both the aRGB profile and an ICC paper profile at the same
    time. I am assuming that you can't set an ICC profile for the paper in
    Photoshop Elements and at the same time use the printer's aRGB driver.
    Is that right?

  • Keymapping problem when working with emacs and openbox

    I have an apple keyboard and I had to do some remapping of the keys to make the mod-4 key the first key to the left of the space bar for when working with Emacs.  The below script worked fine when I was using the dwm window manager, but after switching to openbox I have found that instead of swapping keycodes between the option and command keys, only the command key seems to be working since the initial openbox command-space doesn't work when pressing option-space.
    One odd thing I noticed, was on the new setup when I click run `showkey` and press the option and command keys I get 56 and 125 respectively, but these keys don't work at all when inserting them into the below script instead of the 64 and 133.
    I must admit I created the script below by continually tweaking it until it worked so there could be a much better way of doing it.
    ### capslock => ctrl
    xmodmap -e "clear Lock"
    xmodmap -e "add Control = Caps_Lock"
    ### switch alt and command
    xmodmap -e "keycode 64 = Alt_L"
    xmodmap -e "keycode 133 = Meta_L"
    ### remap of mod 4
    xmodmap -e "clear Mod4"
    xmodmap -e "add Mod4 = Super_L"
    ** Update:  The Alt key is not being swapped with the command key, but is not just a duplicate.  So no M-x can be done by both Alt-x and Command-x
    Last edited by iso (2011-02-19 19:21:01)

    java -cp "E:\Java Programmes\class" mygame.server.Server

  • Date/Time erros when working with Database Connectivity toolkit

    We are observing errors with date/time when working with LV. The error occurs when the system datetime format is set such that day precedes month (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy). Our VI uses LV 7.1, Database Connectivity 1.0 and SQL Server 2000 on a Win2000 machine.
    Problem details
    Our database in SQL server has a table having columns with data type "datetime"
    If the system date format (as set in control panel) is "mm/dd/yyyy", the 'insert into database' vi works fine. This function inserts the date and time (among other things) into the above mentioned table.
    However, when the system datetime is set to dd/mm/yyyy we start receiving error that date and time is beyond range for dates in which the date had the day field greater than 12 (e.g. 23/10/2005). With the same settings, if the date is such that day field is equal or less than 12 (e.g. 03/10/2005), we do not receive an error but the date is interpreted as 10 March 2005 rather than 03 September 2005.
    Clearly LV (or is it SQL) is mistaking the day field as month.
    We have taken care that when sending and receiving date, the format date and time string is set as per system settings.
    Thus, if system setting is "dd/mm/yyyy" our format string is "%d/%m/%Y"
    And if the setting is "mm/dd/yyyy" our format string is"%m/%d/%Y"
    Any help on problem cause and cure is welcome.
    Gurdas Singh
    PhD. Candidate | Civil Engineering | NCSU.edu

    Hi Xu,
    You answer led me to some very interesting fact finding on how SQL server handles date and time. I have attached a zip file which contains webpages that throw more light on this issue.
    The attached pages tell me that SQL has an inbuilt date/time reference format. The default in mm/dd/yyyy. Which explains why my VI worked when I used that format to write to SQL.
    However there is a catch:
    SQL expects the date/time to be in its inbuilt reference format when you WRITE data to SQL. If the date/time is in a different format, better tell SQL about it by using say the SET command you mentioned.
    BUT what about the date/time format when you are reading data from SQL?
    Our finding is that SQL sends date/time string in the system date format when you READ from SQL !!! That is very surprising behaviour (why differentiate between write and read?).
    Is our finding correct?
    So, we adopted the following simple strategy (yet to be fully tested):
    1) Whenever we write date/time to SQL, the string is formatted as mm/dd/yyyy. Presently, the user's SQL server is in the default state. Caveat is that if the user changes SQL date/time from default (which is mm/dd/yyyy) to anything else, our software will give errors. But then he changed it  ;-)
    2) When we read date/time from SQL we format the string as per system date/time format.
    I know this is not very robust coding. But assuming the user keeps his SQL in the current setting, should we expect smooth working?
    In other words, are there any errors and/or flaws in our strategy?
    Gurdas Singh
    PhD. Candidate | Civil Engineering | NCSU.edu

  • How to work with tables located into another schema ?

    I have created an application named OBSERVATOIRE and a schema named "OBSERVATOIRE" for it into my db. I created into this schema a few tables like "AGENT" for example.
    Now I am designing another application named TELEGESTION located in another schema named "SIVOA" and I need to display and to use tables located into the schema OBSERVATOIRE.
    I added the schema OBSERVATOIRE into my application TELEGESTION.
    In my new application TELEGESTION, when I try to create a report with a simple request like this
    select * from observatoire.agents
    I get this error :
    Query cannot be parsed, please check the syntax of your query. (ORA-00942: Table ou vue inexistante)
    What should I do in order to work with tables in another schema ?
    Thank you very much

    Vajrad and Dan,
    Thank you very much for your suggestions.
    At this point I am wondering if It would be better for me to change the way I began work.
    These two applications will be used by the same users into an intranet (a private network of our company). I wonder if the better would be to import the tables and my application OBSERVATOIRE into the schema SIVOA and get rid of these problems of access.
    Historically, the schema SIVOA contains a lot of tables already used by a previous network.As i was beginner with APEX I created a schema "OBSERVATOIRE" to be "safe". But this schema contains a small amounbt of tables, i can easily tranfers them into the schema "SIVOA"
    But now as I see that that having two schemas is complexifying the developpement and also I am thinking to the login page, I do'nt want to force the user to login each times a switch from one application to the other, etc... I want some kind of "single sign on".
    Whad would be you advise ?
    Thank you for your time.

  • Layout adjustment not working with tables

    Hi all
    Why will layout adjustment not work with tables?
    I am trying to re-format from A4 landscape to A4 portrait.
    The text box containing the table will resize but not the table.
    Any clues why this might be, I don't want to manually resize every table in the document.
    Many thanks,

    Thanks Jongware,
    Having resized the table and got the little red ovals, I tried various things like changing the font size etc but the best workaround I found was to select the table and change the cell inset value to 0, this got rid of all red ovals and I didn't need to change the font size.

  • Aperature crashed after 3.3 update. I am a novice at best when working with restore functions. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?

    I had the 3.3 update window with Aperature pop up and say that I could no longer work with my library until updating Aperature. The update froze up about 90% through the completion of the last set(9 of 9/ 90% complete) and ran over night. My MAC shows version 3.3 installed. When I try to open Aperature, I get a system crash error. I am a novice at best when working with software and I am panicing because of the amount of pictures that I have on the system. I do back them up but do not know how to restore Aperature software(I purchased it before the app store and can not find it). Please advise.

    There is an Aperture forum that you can repost in, that is where you will find the guru's for that product. Simply click: Aperture to get there. BTW before you do please complete your profile, it makes it much easier for those attempting to assist you. You can find instructions by clicking Profile Update

  • Very slow responce when working with Office file on DFS-Share

    Very slow responce when working with Office file on DFS-Share
    We have implemented the following configuration
    Domain level Windows 2000. Two member servers with Windows Server 2008 R2, sharing the same DFS namespace with, at the moment, one folder target called Home.
    Users complaining that the access to different MS Office files is very slow. Even creating a new MS Word document using right click context menu takes up to 4 minutes to open. Saving, for example, one singe Excel sheet takes also few minutes.
    Tested with both, MS Office 2007 and MS Office 2010. Makes no difference. When using Office 2010 you can see the message like contacting:
    \\DomainName\Root\Home\UserName. Other files like TXT, JPG or PDF are not affected.
     What makes the thing really weird is the fact, that the behavior described above can absolutely change after client machine being rebooted, suddenly everything becomes very fast and this condition can revert back again just after the next
    Considerations until now:
    1. This has nothing to do with the file size. Even tiny files are affected.
    2. AD Sites are configured correctly and the client workstations see themselves in the correct sites.
    3. This is not an Office issue. If I map my folder target not as DFS, but directly as shared network drive
    \\ServerName\Root\Home\UserName , everything functions as expected
    What makes me suspicious: when using f.e. TCPView to monitor connections, I can see, that each time I make any operation on an office file, there will be a connection established to one of the domain controllers, sometimes to remote ones,
    located in other countries. But on the other side, even if the connection is established to the nearest DC, operations are still very very slow!
    Just forget to say. All clients are Windows 7
    Thanks to all who respond.

    Dear all,
    sorry for the delayed reply. The problem has been solved now and since September 19<sup>th</sup>. everything is functioning as expected.
    What was done:
    Deleted replication targets excepting the initial ones
    Carefully recreated folder targets
    Deleted and recreated  replication groups
    Disabled SNP features on both namespace servers
    Created EnableTCPA registry entry
    Checked that the following Updates are installed
    Concering Office File validation KB2553065 - This Update was already declined on our WSUS server
    Kind Regards

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