Update column item in record

Hi, i have a tabular block that shows all the records in a table.
The problem is:
In a record, I want to update a field.
The code i'm using in "WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED" trigger is:
It doesn't work!!
I know that this way, i don't know the idcliente of the record that is being updated.
Then what should i do??
Is this code correct??

This is the database table where i want to update some values in a record.
The fields should be set to UNIQUE??
I have tried to do that, but it still doesn´t work.
Or am i not understanding what you are trying to tell me!?
Sorry :(

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    I understand that the reusable workflow doesn’t work properly now. Have you tried to remove the Update list item action to see whether the workflow can run without issue?
    If the workflow runs perfectly when the Update list item action is removed, then you need to check whether there are errors in the update action. Check whether the values have been changed.
    Entan Ming
    Entan Ming
    TechNet Community Support

  • The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information using Update Item action

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    Thanks for the quick response Nikhil.
    Our SPF 2010 server is relatively small to many setups I am sure. The list with the issue only has 4456 items and there are a few associated lists, eg lookups, Tasks, etc see below for count.
    Site Lists
    Engagements = 4456 (Errors on this list, primary list for activity)
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    Clients = 4396  (Lookup from Engagements, Tslips, etc)
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    A few other lists that are used by workflows to lookup associations that are fairly static and under 50 items, eg "Parters Admin" used to lookup a partners executive admin to assign a task.
    Stunpals - Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

  • Combine checked item and update column

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    seq     code     comments amt
    1     T     test1     30
    2     A     test2     20
    3     T     test3     80
    4     T     test4     20
    user action: picked seq 1,2  and update code from A to T for seq2
    ==> process will insert the selected statement to result table
    seq     code     comments amt
    1     T     test1     30
    2     T     test2     20mushar

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    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to update Column value after current item is Approved and then publish major version using Sharepoint 2013 designer workflow.
    You will get into this kind of Catch-22 situation trying to set the Content Approval Status in SharePoint Designer workflow:
    - You must check out the document before you can change the Content Approval Status
             - You can't change the Content Approval Status once the document in checked out
    Since you set the Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited=Yes, you will need to check out the document when run the workflow on the item. But you cannot approve a document when it is checked
    out. So the logic in workflow conflicts.
    As a workaround, you can use the Start Another Workflow action to start the normal Approval workflow on the document.  The built-in Approval workflow can work with a document that’s not checked out.
    The designer approval workflow also can work with a document that’s not checked out.
    You can create two workflow using SharePoint Designer 2013.
    First, create a SharePoint 2010 platform workflow.
    Then, create a SharePoint 2013 platform workflow.
    Then when the SharePoint 2013 platform workflow start, it will start the SharePoint 2010 platform workflow to set content approval status, then the SharePoint 2013 platform workflow will update current item value.
    More information:
    SharePoint Designer Workflow Content Approval Issue
    SharePoint 2010 Approval Workflow with Content Approval
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Regards Gautam S

    As per my understanding...
    You Would like to see this 
    SELECT COALESCE(Salary,0) from Employee;
    Shivaprasad S
    Please mark as answer if helpful

  • Update column data to Upper Case in parent and child table

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    ORA-02292: integrity constraint (XXXXXXXXXXXXXX_FK) violated - child record found
    When updatng corresponding child row:
    ORA-02291: integrity constraint (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_FK) violated - parent key not found
    how can i update on both the places ?

    I am facing issue while updating column value to upper case in parent table and child table. How can i do that ?
    Why do you need to do that?
    That is just ONE of several questions you should answer before you start modifying your data.
    1. What is your 4 digit Oracle version? (result of SELECT * FROM V$VERSION)
    2. If both values are the same case what difference does it make what that case is?hen you don't need to alter your original data.
    3. What is the source of the column values you are using now? If you change your data to upper case it will no longer be identical to the source data.
    4. What is your plan for enforcing future values to be stored in UPPER case? Are you going to use a trigger? Have you written and tested such a trigger to see if it will even work the way you expect?
    5. Why aren't you using a surrogate key instead of a 'business' data item? You have just demonstrated one reason why surrogate keys can be useful: their actual value is NOT important.
    You should reexamine your problem and architecture and consider other alternatives.
    One alternative is to add a new 'surrogate key' column to use as the primary key. Just create a new sequence and use a trigger to populate the new column. Your current plans will require a trigger to perform the case conversion so instead of the just use the trigger to provide the value.
    If the change is being done to facilitate searching you could just add a VIRTUAL column UPPER_MY_COLUMN and index that instead. Then you could search on that new virtual column and the data values would still be identical to the original data source.

  • SQL Report with 1 updatable column - help urgent

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    I have a updatable text item (NULL) in the column. I am able to store that value in the collection.
    Any clue?
    1. Creating a collection in parent page:
    (p_collection_name => 'ORDER');
    2. Query to populate item rows with option to key 'QTY' before pressing 'Add to Order' link.
    NULL AS qty,
    'Add to Order' add_to_order
    from itemtab
    3. Made 'QTY' to Text item -- to allow users to key value
    4. Created 'hidden & protected' items P1_ITEMCODE, P1_QTY
    5. Set values of itemcode, qty in add_to_order link
    6. Created a process to add values into collection:
    for x in (select * from itemtab where itemcode = :P1_ITEMCODE)
    apex_collection.add_member(p_collection_name => 'ORDER',
    p_c001 => x.ITEMCODE,
    p_c002 => x.DESCRIPTION,
    p_c003 => :P1_QTY
    end loop;
    7. Display value of itemcode, description, qty in report region
    select c001, c002, c003
    from apex_collections
    where collection_name = 'ORDER'
    Probem: The value of qty is not being stored in the collection and not appearing in the #7 report. itemcode and description values are fine.

    I'm guessing here as I can't see your application, I think your missing the page process to collect the data from your QTY field.
    I created a quick demo of what i think your trying to achieve on apex.oracle.com
    I added this to the html expression on the report Field add to:
    <input type="button" onclick="doSubmit(#RANDOM_ID#)" value="Add To" />
    Then the page process to collect and set the page item:
    l_qty number;
    l_qty := nvl(APEX_APPLICATION.G_F03(i),0);
    IF l_qty > 0
    :P2_QTY := l_qty;
    END IF;
    Let me know if this helps
    Don't forget to mark reply as helpful or correct as this may help others reading this thread in the future!
    Edited by: cptbutcher on Mar 25, 2010 10:40 PM

  • Update and delete a record

    Hi all
    I have a requirement in oracle forms 6i
    I have a data block which is tabular
    there are 5 columns
    1 column is display only and other 4 are normal text fields where we can insert update and delete those records
    My requirement is when a user updates a record an alert must fire and the alert should ask whether the user wants to update that particular record
    if the user presses yes then the record should be updated else the record should show as it was previously shown
    Similarly in case of delete an alert should fire where it should be asked for confirmation if the user presses yes then the record should be deleted from the data base
    else the record should be again visible on the form as earlier
    also my 3rd requirement is that
    i have a item field which is normal text and the display only field is the description
    when entering a new record when i enter the item field and press tab or navigate out of the item field then the description of the item should be pouplated into the decsription read only field
    Please help me in the above 3 cases
    I am new to forms
    I am using a friends ID which has many posts
    Thanks in advance

    your first requirement i'd do in the PRE-UPDATE trigger of the block:
        v_alert_button NUMBER;
        v_alert_button := SHOW_ALERT('your_alert'); -- "Do you want to update?"
        IF v_alert_button = ALERT_BUTTON1 -- assuming "No"
            -- reset value:
            -- optionally set item to valid if you don't want validations to fire:
            -- do this for every item:
            -- finally reset record status:
            -- interrupt PRE-UPATE trigger:
        END IF;
    END;(not tested, please try for youself)
    raise the alert in PRE-DELETE trigger.
    you can do this within the WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger or a List-of-value (LOV) that returns the description values.

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    Can anyone please help me with this issue.

    You could try something like this:
      x        INTEGER;
      err_ct  INTEGER   := 0;
      x  := 5;  -- number of rows displayed
      for i in 1 ... x (
        IF wwv_flow.g_f08(i)) IS NULL THEN err_ct  := err_ct + 1;
        END IF;
      end loop;
      IF err_ct = 0 THEN
         RETURN NULL;
        RETURN 'Nice error message: you must supply a value.';
      END IF;This would be used with a PL/SQL validation: Function Returning Error Text.

  • Mass Update Column In Tabular Form

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    Hope that makes sense.
    I've search the forum but cant find reference, is this possible.
    Thanks Andy

    Just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this.
    I can get the text to populate another cell e.g.
    But how can i get it to reference a column, this is what I'm using to reference another item
    and I've tried changing the P4_TEXT to other things like
    apex_application.g_f03 (vRow)
    apex_application.g_f03 (i)
    But with no luck

  • Sharepoint 2013 web service to update column content

    I have a folder in a sharepoint list. Folder have columns ie Title, modified by, modified date, details. I am trying to update details column content with csharp code for that folder. I am trying to find sharepoint service method to update a column content
    for a list item.
    Added my sp site service ex: http://mysite/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx as reference
    I included service reference in my project and create object.
    I am referrring the below service to check if I can use any method from it but unable to find it. Do we have any method to 

    Hi Sri,
    Per my understanding, you might want to update item using Lists Web Service.
    In Lists.asmx, the methods available are as below:
    I suggest you follow the documentation below about updating list item using Lists Web Service for a try in your environment:
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Int Server (ABAP Cache) - Cache Updated column shows "red"

    ...long read, appreciate your patience...
    In the IB:Config, under Cache Notifications, I'm getting the red square in the Cache Updated column for all "ABAP Cache" entries (green for notification).   The "Java Cache" and "Central Adapter Engine" entries are green all the way through.
    I've read a bunch of other threads here, and I've read and worked through the entire "How to Handle Caches" document.  I ran in to a couple issues, but I don't know how to solve them.....
    1) When I run SXI_CACHE, I receive the following messages:
    <green> "Cache contents are up to date"
    <red> "Error during last attempt to refresh cache"
    --->double-clicking shows: Error ID = BUSINESS_SYSTEM, Message = LCR_GET_OWN_BUSINESS_SYSTEM - NO_BUSINESS_SYSTEM
    --->Running the LCR... fxn via SE37 is successful, so I don't understand why SXI_CACHE has a problem running it.
    2) When I run the Cache Connectivity Test where the Yellow triangle is displayed for the IS-ABAP with message "Attempt to fetch cache data from Integration Directory not yet started or still in progress".
    3) When I try to load http://<host>:<port>/CPACache/refresh?mode=delta or full, I get a "403 Forbidden - You are not authorized to view the requested resource."  But I'm never prompted for a user/pw?  Since I'm the only user in this XI box, I do have some of my logons saved in Internet Explorer - could it be using one of those without prompting me?
    I have been experiencing on and off network issues, and the machine we have XI installed on is slow.  I don't know if that could affect anything or not.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this...
    Message was edited by: Brian Vanderwiel

    Thanks for the replies...
    I think SXI_CACHE is for items in the Java stack only (correct me if I'm wrong).  The main problem I have is with items in the ABAP stack not making it in to the cache.
    I walked through the Readiness Check - everything passed except for the items I already mentioned (Cache test shows yellow).  The document is a nice gathering of tests, but it doesn't offer any ideas has to how to correct problems encountered.
    Integration_directory_hmi tested successfully, and I read through the other OSS Notes, but none solved the issue.

  • Update FI item text from PO item text

    Hi all,
                     i am trying to update FI item text(bseg) from PO item text(ekpo).I know that bseg is a culster table therefore inner join is not allow.So is there a way i can join these two tables together so i can retrieve the line item and then i'll do a modify to update into FI item text.I have tried the various codes that are posted within this forum but can never get anything to write:/ out.
                       I've manage to retrieve the various info from PO (ekpo) and also manage to update the FI text field with some random words(but both seperately).What i need now is to create a link between bseg and ekpo.
                       I have attached my coding for better understanding..Thankss
    Table Declaration
    TABLES: ekpo, ekko, bseg, zstkll_1.
    Types Declaration
    TYPES:  BEGIN OF t_bseg,
            ebeln LIKE bseg-ebeln,
            hkont LIKE bseg-hkont,
            END OF t_bseg,
            BEGIN OF t_ekpo,
            ebeln LIKE ekpo-ebeln,
            txz01 LIKE ekpo-txz01,
            bukrs LIKE ekpo-bukrs,
            ebelp LIKE ekpo-ebelp,
            hkont LIKE bseg-hkont,
            END OF t_ekpo.
    Data  Declaration
    *grab data from t_ekpo then append it to zstkcy008
          bseg_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_bseg WITH HEADER LINE,
          zstkll_1_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zstkll_1,
          wa_zstkll_1 LIKE LINE OF zstkll_1_tab.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_bukrs FOR ekpo-bukrs,
                    s_ebeln FOR ekpo-ebeln,
                    s_hkont FOR bseg-hkont.
      SELECT bukrs
      FROM ekpo
      WHERE bukrs IN s_bukrs.
    IF ekpo_tab[] IS NOT INITIAL.
    SELECT ekkoebeln ebelp bedat txz01 ekkobukrs
    FROM ekpo INNER JOIN ekko
    ON ekpoebeln = ekkoebeln
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN ekpo_tab
    WHERE ekko~bukrs = ekpo_tab-bukrs
    AND ekko~ebeln IN s_ebeln.
        WRITE:/ 'Extracted Data:'.
        LOOP AT ekpo_tab.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING ekpo_tab TO wa_zstkll_1.
          WRITE:/ ekpo_tab-bukrs, ekpo_tab-ebelp, ekpo_tab-txz01, ekpo_tab-ebeln, ekko-ebeln, ekko-bedat.
          AT END OF ebeln.
           APPEND wa_zstkll_1 TO zstkll_1_tab.
          CLEAR: wa_zstkll_1, ekpo_tab.
        SKIP 2.
            CLEAR sy-dbcnt.
    INSERT zstkll_1 FROM TABLE zstkll_1_tab.
          CATCH cx_root.
            WRITE:/ 'Record(s) already exist!'.
        WRITE:/ sy-dbcnt, ' Records are inserted.'.
    WRITE:/ 'No data Selected.'.
    PARAMETERS:p_belnr LIKE bseg-belnr,
               p_bukrs LIKE bseg-bukrs,
               p_gjahr LIKE bseg-gjahr.
    SELECT * FROM bseg INTO TABLE it_bseg WHERE belnr = p_belnr AND bukrs = p_bukrs AND gjahr = p_gjahr.
    MODIFY it_bseg FROM it_bseg TRANSPORTING sgtxt where belnr = p_belnr AND bukrs = p_bukrs AND gjahr = p_gjahr.
    LOOP AT it_bseg.
    WRITE:/3 it_bseg-belnr, it_bseg-gjahr, it_bseg-sgtxt.
    MODIFY bseg FROM TABLE it_bseg.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.

    self solved

  • Purchase Orders - Updating Line Items After a Portion Has Been Received

    Is there any way to make a line item editable on a purchase order if only a portion of it has been received?
    Basically, our company will create a Purchase Order in SAP, which goes to our office in Hong Kong to arrange shipment. These Purchase orders will, many times, have multiple items listed at, let's say, 10,000 pieces each. Each of the items may ship on different dates due to our request for different dates or due to limited container space. So really...each item on the Purchase Order is like a "mini purchase order"... as I like to call it. 
    So, when we have a situation where only 5,000 of a specified item has been sent, we create a Goods Receipt for that amount...making that line item un-editable on the Purchase Order.
    I would like for it to be editable so that I can add/change the the "Status Update" column I created (this is for our sales reps to be able to determine when product should be arriving).
    The only solution I can think of is readjusting the quantities right when we know they will be split...so by the time they arrive (usually a month after they are shipped from Hong Kong), the quantities are already separated out in the system.
    Only thing is, I have to be REALLY careful not to mess up the original order...or confuse things.
    Any suggestions??

    There is a good reason that a line item will become non-editable on a purchase order if a portion of it has been received.
    Do not fight with system.  If possible, change the order to small one from the beginning. That would be much better.

Maybe you are looking for

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