Update daylight saving table

What is the best way to maintain the daylight saving table?
Best regards,
Hans Freund

Once ME is running on NW, we follow the recommendation of NW team. As I remember, there was SAP Note on this topic. The main idea is that it is hard to guarantee the consistency of data. Thus it is recommended to schedule a downtime for the period of time shift. In March it is easier because the time is shifted forward so that you just need to stop production before the shift, then adjust the clocks and start the production. In October it is a bit more difficult because additionally you need to wait 1 hour due to shifting the clocks backward.

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    what is the solution for this .? Can you explain?

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    You might want to post on ODBC

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    Calendar theDateTime = Calendar.getInstance(tzEasternRegion);
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    SELECT the_date_time, EXTRACT(TIMEZONE_REGION FROM the_date_time), EXTRACT(TIMEZONE_ABBR FROM the_date_time), EXTRACT(TIMEZONE_HOUR FROM the_date_time)
    FROM time_table WHERE time_table_id=1
    This provides the following results:
    29-OCT-06 AM US/EASTERN US/Eastern EST -5
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    Execute this SQL:
    UPDATE time_table SET the_date_time = TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('10/29/2006 01:00 US/Eastern','mm/dd/yyyy HH24:MI TZR') WHERE (time_table_id=1)
    SELECT the_date_time, EXTRACT(TIMEZONE_REGION FROM the_date_time), EXTRACT(TIMEZONE_ABBR FROM the_date_time), EXTRACT(TIMEZONE_HOUR FROM the_date_time)
    FROM time_table WHERE time_table_id=1
    This provides the same results:
    29-OCT-06 AM US/EASTERN US/Eastern EST -5
    Now, execute this SQL:
    UPDATE time_table SET the_date_time = TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('10/29/2006 01:00 EDT US/Eastern','mm/dd/yyyy HH24:MI TZD TZR') WHERE (time_table_id=1)
    SELECT the_date_time, EXTRACT(TIMEZONE_REGION FROM the_date_time), EXTRACT(TIMEZONE_ABBR FROM the_date_time), EXTRACT(TIMEZONE_HOUR FROM the_date_time)
    FROM time_table WHERE time_table_id=1
    This provides better results:
    29-OCT-06 AM US/EASTERN US/Eastern EDT -4
    The correct time zone is now in the database. Let's test reading this with the following Java:
    System.out.println("cal= " + theDateTime);
    System.out.println("date= " + theDateTime.getTime());
    System.out.println("millis= " + theDateTime.getTimeInMillis());
    System.out.println("zone= " + theDateTime.getTimeZone());
    This provides the following results:
    cal= java.util.GregorianCalendar[...]
    date= Sun Oct 29 01:00:00 EST 2006
    millis= 1162101600000
    zone= sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo[id="US/Eastern",...]
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    Opened an SR. Looks like there is a problem with conversion either in TopLink or in JDBC.

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    Any help is appreciated.

    Problems with time, time zones have been quite common. Clearly, my brand new, the most forward thinking smartphone has the same bug. Sometimes I wonder why Apple is unable to get basic things work? they simply don't care, that's all.
    Issue with the line materializes itself on my iCal on iMac as well
    I hope, at least alarm will go off at the right time Monday morning
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    After creating the equipment in IE01 ,you are not able to change in IE02 or display the same in IE03, then kindly check with your basis team for your update termination error

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    Mine is working fine, I changed from Brisbane to Melbourne, only moved forward an hour with automatic time update on.
    I'm using Belle though, perhaps when you get the Anna update it shall fix it.
    For now you might have to just turn the automatic updates off

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    I don't see a DST option either. I assume that Set Date & Time automatically did set from the phone network and that would include DST corrections. Mine is correct now and we are on DST here. Manual says:
    "Set whether iPhone updates the date and time automatically: Choose General > Date & Time and turn Set Automatically on or off.
    If iPhone is set to update the time automatically, it gets the correct time over the cellular network, and updates it for the time zone you’re in.
    Some carriers don’t support network time in all locations. If you’re traveling, iPhone may not be able to automatically set the local time."

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    Hi ,
    Can any one tell me whether BOXI 3.1 supports Day Light Saving (DST), in case of scheduling reports?
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Reddy,
    you can contact your vendor regarding this information ....
    You need to appy the Business Objects patch, you will need to apply the extended Daylight Saving Time (EDST) patches for your operating system and Java Virtual Machine and Application Servers in order for the Business Objects patches to take effect. Please contact your vendors for updated information.

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    Thanks in advance!

    Support Note 417277.1 '2007 Daylight Saving Time Updates For Oracle Application Server'

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    Globally in BD61,
    added the field in BD52.
    But its not working.
    Please let me know if anybody faced such problem ?

    Hi Karthick,
    Did u saved after the changes in Sm30?
    Also is there any maintenance events for this table? If yes check the code in these events. There might be some logic for over writing ur changes.
    u can check the events by this path.
    SE11=>Table name=>change=>utilities=>Table maintenance generator=>Environment=>Modification=>Events.

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    Since you didn't list your computer, here's a link to Java 5.0 release 4 for both PPC and Intel-based Macs, which came out in April: http://search.info.apple.com/?q=J2SE50Release4.dmg&type=kbdload&search=Search&lr =lang_en&search=Go. That should solve your problem.

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    I am trying to extract data from Oracle Database tables and their Date format is Daylight saving and using their Oracle side function to convert it to "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" is taking a lot of time while extraction.
    So, i am tying to replicate the following code in SAP:
    dDateOut DATE;
    IF dRemedyDateIn is NULL THEN
    END IF;
          dDateOut := TO_DATE('12/31/1969 16:00:00','MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') + ( dRemedyDateIn/ ( 60 * 60 * 24 ));
          IF ( dDateOut < DAY_LIGHT_SAVING_STARTS(dDateOut) )
                OR ( DAY_LIGHT_SAVING_ENDS(dDateOut) <= dDateOut ) THEN
                dDateOut := TO_DATE('01/01/1970','MM/DD/YYYY') +  ((( dRemedyDateIn / 60 / 60 )- 8) / 24 );
                dDateOut := TO_DATE('01/01/1970','MM/DD/YYYY') +  ((( dRemedyDateIn / 60 / 60 )- 7) / 24 );
          END IF;
          RETURN dDateOut;
    Did somebody have come across this scenario?

    try to play around with these function modules..
    TZ_LOCATION_TIMEZONE           Time zones: Determine time zone for a location (land, region)                                                                               

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    My requirement is to update a standard table from the maintenance screens of the custom table whatever the data the user maintains in the custom table and save should automatically saved in the standard table
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    Hi gautham,
    The requirement is like that actually user want to maintain value in z table ( with one extra field ) . the table updation of table is important

Maybe you are looking for

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