Update erase database

I just made one app and use the update framework (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/articles/air_update_framework.html)
All works fine.
I can check the updates and download the new version.
My problem is that when I update, all data that I have into my database is lost. The new version erase all data.
Any tip ?
What I can do to not lost the data?
I try check if the database exists, but is nor working

I was storing in applicationDirectory
I changed to applicationStorageDirectory and works perfect.

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    QryStr = "update OSRI set U_sqf = Val('" & sqft & "'),U_sqm = Val('" & sqmt & "') where ItemCode = '" & Code & "'"
                Res = True
    Edited by: puneeth shankar on Jul 2, 2008 7:27 PM

    Maybe you are missing these sentences ..
    Dim RecSetAs SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
    RecSet= SBO_Company.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
    and then
    QryStr = "update OSRI set U_sqf = Val('" & sqft & "'),U_sqm = Val('" & sqmt & "') where ItemCode = '" & Code & "'"
    Res = True
    But I think you are trying to update directly using an Update statement to a SAP table.  You must check the documentation.  I think this is not allow.  You must then use an alternate way !

  • Regardig error while updating the database table

    hi experts,
       i m trying to update the database table from the values containig in my internal table  ,,,but the system is giving this error plz help me::::
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    "ITAB_UPDATE" are not Unicode convertible. Unicode convertible.          
    my internal table name itab_update and the database table name yitab.i m using this statement::
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    1. You  have to Declare the Itab with the same structure as DB table.
    2. Use the statement
        Modify <DBtable> from TABLE <itab>.
       Update <DBtable> from TABLE <itab>.
    Hope this will solve.
    Reward .....if so.

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    NUMBER = P0315-pernr
    RETURN = wf_returne.
    Update Mode
    INFTY = '0315'
    NUMBER = P0315-PERNR
    RECORD = P0315
    TCLAS = 'A'
    DIALOG_MODE = '0'
    RETURN = wf_return.
    NUMBER = P0315-PERNR.

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    Tomcat 5.5.4
    MySQL 4.1
    Connector/J 3.0.16
    JSTL 1.1
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    The same goes for updating my database. Swedish characters get garbled.
    I have tried the following without success:
    *adding &useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8 to the Resource-url -- causes my web-app to fail loading.
    *adding a <filter> to the web-apps web.xml as suggested at  http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-09-2004/jw-0906-unicode_p.html -- caused another web-app error, resulting in it not being loaded.
    *setting the form attribute accept-charset -- resulted in no improvement.
    Right now I'm half desperate and half fed-up. Is this a common problem with MySQL? Should I use another database? Or perhaps it is the Connector/J Driver that's messing things up.
    I'll appreciate any help I get greatly.

    Hello. Maybe not so interesting after a year to try to ask did you ever get a final solution to that problem in command line perspective. OR does somebody else knows solution to this problem.
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    Class.forName("org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver"); or
    com.mysql.jdbc.Driver etc connector is 3.0.17
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    l_how_many Number;
    l_sol_av Varchar2(1):= NULL;
    select count(*)
    into l_how_many
    from quality
    where 1=1
    and variant_type= :P2_VARIANT_TYPE --'Road Bike'
    and model_code = :P2_MODEL_CODE --'6'
    and year_manufacture= :P2_YEAR_MANUFACTURE  ; --'2000'
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        l_sol_av := 'N' ;
        l_sol_av := 'Y';
    end If ;
    :P2_SOLUTION_AVAILABLE := l_sol_av;
    :P2_HOW_MANY_RAISED       := l_how_many;
        when no_data_found then

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    No Experts to answer this???????????????????

  • New ABAP Program to check Direct UPDATE in Database Table

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    As per customer requirement , I have to develop ONE  Program which find out that  in which ABAP Program , Programmer has used Open Sql command like  UPDATE , DELETE , INSERT , MODIFY to direct update in Database Table.
    Have a look on all Z-ABAPs, find out if there are statements with "update", "delete", "insert" or "modify" in the coding, then find out if updates to sap-Tables are done
    How can I achived that ?
    Please , If anybody is having idea , than please let me know..
    Thanks You ,

    Kindly refer to the below link. This has step by step how you can achieve the checks.
    But if you want to check if any program they have used 'UPDATE' then you can do like below.
    Go to SE38
    Utilities---> Find in Source Code-
    Find --- UPDATE
    In program - Z* or ZX* if you want to search only in Exits
    Vijay V .

  • Updating a database using EJB Inheritance

    I am new to EJB's, so please forgive my ignorance. I creating the following classes that inherit from each other along with a method to update my database:
    @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
    @DiscriminatorColumn(name="TYPE", discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING)
    public abstract class ObjectA implements java.io.Serializable {
         protected String name;
         protected String desc;
         protected String type;
    public class ObjectB extends ObjectA implements java.io.Serializable {
         protected String str_b;
         public ObjectB(String name, String desc, String type, String str_b) {
              this.name = name;
              this.desc = desc;
              this.type = type;
              this.str_b = str_b;
    public class ObjectC extends ObjectB implements java.io.Serializable {
         private String str_c;
         public ObjectC(String name, String desc, String type, String str_b, String str_c) {
              this.name = name;
              this.desc = desc;
              this.type = type;
              this.str_b = str_b;
              this.str_c = str_c;
    public class MyFacade implements ServletContextListener {
        private EntityManagerFactory emf;
        private UserTransaction utx;
        public MyFacade() { }
        public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {
            if (emf.isOpen()) emf.close();
        public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
            ServletContext context = sce.getServletContext();
            context.setAttribute("MyFacade", this);
         public void updateObject(ObjectA obj) {
            EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
            } catch(Exception exe){
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {}
                throw new RuntimeException("Error updating obj", exe);
            } finally {
    }If I do the following:
         String name = "test name";
         String desc = "updating object c";
         String type = "OBJECTC";
         String b = "b";
         String c = "c";
         MyFacade myf = new MyFacade();
         ObjectC objC = new ObjectC(name, desc, type, b, c);
         .....In my database, only the values associated with ObjectC get updated and nothing from ObjectA or ObjectB get updated in the database. Does the "merge" method not work on inheritance. How do I update my database using inheritance?
    Message was edited by:

    did you only have ISQL for testing it?
    Can you debug the form and look, if someone happens - exceptions, ... ?
    after the update you can use
    message (SQL%ROWCOUNT); pause ;
    to look, how many records were updated

  • Help with updating a database while in cfloop

    Greetings. I'm having some difficulties in updating a
    database using cfquery inside of a cfloop.
    I've got a text file that I need to interpret, line for line,
    and then update an existing database with information from that
    text file. For example, the text file might say
    jdoe~103 Anywhere St.~East Nowhere~New Jersey~05784~
    asmith~8963 North St.~Crabapple Cove~Maine~01390~
    (etc...you get the idea)
    So, I use a CFFILE to read the file, and then calculate the
    number of lines (records to be updated in the database) using
    listlen / 5 (in this example). From there, I:
    <cfloop index="record" from="1" to "#numberoflines#">
    <cfloop index="field" from="1" to "5">
    <cfset position = ((record - 1) * 5) + field>
    <cfelseif field EQ 1>
    <cfset form.username =
    <cfelseif field EQ 2>
    <cfset form.street =
    (etc...through EQ 5)
    <cfquery name="updatedatabase"
    UPDATE clients
    Street= '#form.street#',
    WHERE email = '#form.username#'
    The problem I am having is that it updates the very first
    record in the set of records to update, but then it does not update
    any subsequent records.
    Sorry if the code is crude. Is there a better way of doing
    this? If so, great detail would be helpful :) Relatively new at

    Originally posted by:
    Dan Bracuk
    Updating a db from a file using cold fusion is generally
    inefficient and should only be used as a last resort. If your db
    has any bulk loading/updating utilities, consider using them. Maybe
    you can use cold fusion to upload the file and ftp it to your db
    server or something like that.
    Better yet, that file has to come from somewhere. Is there a
    way you can update your db instead of generating a file in the
    first place?
    The file starts as an output generated by a web user (an
    administrator on the software) which creates a text file containing
    email addresses, one per line. An external process which I have no
    control over takes that file and generates another file containing
    information about each of those e-mail addresses (last name, first
    name, etc) one per line. I can't change that process. So, I'm left
    with an external text file that I need to parse and then put into
    the database...all through a web interface. The goal here is that
    an administrator of the software, who does not have direct access
    to the database, can (using cold fusion processing) update the
    database with new information on each e-mail address without my

  • Subscreen data not updating to database

    I have created a subscreen in transaction code ME41/ME42/ME43. Whenever I put data on the custom subscreen, table ekpo is not getting updated with the input data. I have checked EXIT_SAPMM06E_013 and I did passed the new table to XEKPO. But it is still not working. Kindly advice.
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Marc,
    In EXIT_SAPMM06E_018 do as follows:
    e_ci_ekpo = ekpo_ci.
    The append structure CI_EKPODB is included in ekpo_ci. Moreover the screen fields should be created with reference to ekpo_ci.
    This will update the database table with values for the custom field.
    Hope this helps.

  • Constant failures in setting up scalable wordpress. Update ClearDB database failed.

    I've been having Constant failures in setting up scalable wordpress with no luck on finding a fix. 
    Update ClearDB database failed is the most common issue, with Update deployment being the second issue. I though maybe it had to do with Azure changes over the last few months (beta portal), but have yet to successfully deploy a site. 
    Any suggestions / fixes would be greatly appreciated. 
    Also, i've tried utilizing the support link but it seems to hang perpetually (regardless of browser) when checking my subscription. 

    Two points need confirmed:
    1.Have you already purse the ClearDB database?
    2.What's error did you encounter when you scalable WP site?
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Application Compatibility does not update the database.

     I am using application compatibility manager 6.1, and SQL server 2012 as database. ACT run ok and it create the XML file but it does not update the database at "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA" location.
    I can see the valid XML file but somehow the MDF file of database is not updated so my ACT windows does not showing anything on it.
    Any Help would be appreciated.
    Rakesh Patel
    rakesh patel

    Hi Rakesh,
    I am not sure if you have resloved your issue.
    But for helping others to know what to do if they meet the same issue as yours, I consider to mark the post as answered.
    If you would like further assistance, please post back and we will be always here to help you.
    Any concern about this mark behavior, you can just unmark it.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Kelvin hsu
    TechNet Community Support

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    What do I need to modify in my ADF/UIX application so that the Commit button adds the new data field in it's update action?

    Does it work in the application module tester?

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