Update IT0008

Hello Experts,
                      I need to upadte the wage type 100 in basicpay(it0008) by a certain fixed amount and this has to hapen on a fixed process date(one of my selection screen field of my report).
Please provide with any sample code for this,
satisfactory answers would be rewarded.

Hi Naveen,
Try to use this FM
Good Luck

Similar Messages

  • Update IT0008 from IT0759

    Hi all,
    I´m working in ECM, and I´m updated the IT0008 from the IT0759, but I need to update the It0008 not only using one waytype, I must split  the increase salry into the salary waytype and another one up the same time.
    Anyone knows some bady that I can use?
    Thanks in advance.

    Enhancements - PBAS0001.
    SMOD ->PBAS0001->Change/display
    ->Click on components -> Two exits available
    EXIT_SAPFP50M_002 - Customer check(In your Case,code here)
    You will need code the logic for updating in Include zxpadu02.

  • It0008 update in  enterprise compensation management

    Hi All
    Currently I am trying to update IT0008. The requirement is that on ctc whatever percentage is applied would generate compensation adjustment component. This component would get divided by 12 and the monthly arrived value should update basic in such a way that sum total of all components change should result in monthly arrived value.
    For example if monthly adjustment required is Rs 1000 then it should not update basic pay with an increase of rs 1000. It should check what all components are linked with basic pay and how will they increase with the result in increase of basic. Lets say conveyance increase by rs 100 with an increase in basic of 1000. The total increase then becomes 1100 monthly which is more than the desired monthly compensation increase. This is how the system is currently behaving. I want to restrict the total increase to rs 1000 after increase in all components.
    Kindly advise what I am looking for, is it possible in ECM? What should be approach taken to do the same.
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Vinod
    I am doing this only. After calculating the compensation amount I execute the report for changing the status to active and update IT0008.
    But inIT0008 update the entire compensation amount gets divided by 12 and the monthly amount so arrived updates only wage type basic pay.
    The requirement is to distribute this compensation amount in various wage codes so as the total increase remains equal to monthly value arrived as per IT0759.
    As of now when wage code basic pay increase all wage codes linked to it also increases. As a result total monthly increase is more than the increase calculated in IT0759.
    Thanks and Regards

  • Push button in ALV Grid Display

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement wherin i need to place a button in the ALV Grid Display which should update all the records whatever are displayed in the specified infotype. This is to be done in a report.
    Can anybody give me any pointers or sample code for the above query.

    Simply add a button on your GUI status. Then when pushed, code your logic for update IT0008.
    AT USER-COMMAND event block will be triggered when you press your button.
      if sy-ucomm = 'PUSHBUTTON'.    "here comes function code of your pushbutton
         "update your diplayed records

  • Default Wage Type Values in Infotype 8 screen using  exit EXIT_SAPFP50M_002

    Hi Experts,
    I am facing an issue with defaluting few of the Wage Type Amount/Percent values in Infotype 8 when PAI gets triggered while chnaging the record.
    I have implemented the custom logic and updating Wage Type amount for IT0008 sturcture in PAI ( PBAS0001 -> EXIT_SAPFP50M_002) and again rewriting the data back to screen by using cl_hr_pnnnn_type_cast=>pnnnn_to_prelp. But the changed data is not getting shown on the screen. Can some one help me out on this issue.
    I have tried with SHOW_DATA_AGAIN = 'X', but this is leading to non functioning of SAVE button. No BADI will suit for this requirement. How to acheive the solution for this issue?.
    This is an high priority issue for us and would appreciate your help in resolving this issue.
    Thanks and regards,
    Srikanth Reddy.

    Hi Srikanth
    Try updating IT0008 by submitting a report, as mentioned below:
    SUBMIT ZHR0008 (for example)
    In ZHR0008
    Hope this helps
    Best Regards

  • Check before an infotype operation (PA) / HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION

    In my latest project there is a requirement to simulate the HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION (or other possibilities to update the PA* infotypes). The main meaning of the project is in robust customer customization, which translates to dynamic abap webdynpro views with data from the infotypes. Person fills those forms and sends the "personal document" for processing (creating entries in customer Z* namespace). Just after that a different user can pick the "personal document" and can process it - that is the part where it comes to the infotypes filling (HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION, batch-inputs, direct updates etc.).
    Now requirement is to implement checks also in the creating of the "personal document" itself, before saving it into customer (Z*) tables. How could that be achieved? One way would be using HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION with nocommit = 'X' and after all operations call of ROLLBACK WORK, initializing buffers etc. However whole concept of using HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION is in locking the personal number before the call. User which only creates the "personal document" should not lock the personal number - as this part should be independent on other processes, taken in SAP standard HR tables / transactions themselfs.
    I did not find any kind of checking mechanism ignoring the person-locking concept, but with full logic that the corresponding infotype expects. There should be are all kind of operations supported (insert, copy, delimit...).
    I underline that the customer is at a low support package (< EH5) and the decoupling infotypes concept is useless here.
    Thanks for any advice.

    Hi Surya,
    Enhancement project PBAS0001which contains those includes is obsolete in terms of detached infotype framework.
    The following enhancements will work for a decoupled infotype:
    HRPAD00INFTYBL Enhancement of Business Logic of Standard Infotypes (this is the direct replacement for the enhancement project PBAS0001)
    HRPAD00INFTYDB Performing actions after updating (this is the direct replacement for the BAdI HRPAD00INFTY)
    HRPAD00INFTYUI BAdI: UI Logic Enhancement
    More information you may find here:
    IMG Personnel Management->Personnel Administration->Customizing Procedures->Infotypes->Infotypes in Detached Infotype Framework
    Under the following IMG nodes:
    Enhancements to Business Logic and Updating
    Enhancements to UI Logic
    Regarding to your questions:
    1. If the infotype is decoupled, even the HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION will call these business checks and time constraint checks. Right ? So, what is the major advantage of moving to HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE ?
    I suppose it has been done to follow the same logic as SAP does in PA-EC component
    For example to adjust a salary in ECM SAP uses FM HR_ECM_ACTIVATE_SAL_ADJUSTMENT meanwhile it uses FM HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE to update IT0008
    2. Is there some trick to enable HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE call the user exits of the Infotype ?
    I think there is no standard way to do so...
    It is a good idea to follow the standard enhancement concept for decoupled infotypes, at least I see no problems in moving the old enhancement to a new one.
    Kind regards,


    Hi All,
    I have a Y program which is modifying Infotype 0759. When it is modifying this record, based on some conditions, it creates a new record in Infotype 0008.
    For creating this new record in IT 0008, this program WAS USING the FM "HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION". Now, this has been changed to "HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE".
    The major difference I observed with this change :
    HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION calls the user exits of the PA30 coded for Infotype 0008 in ZXPADU01 and ZXPADU02. All was fine with this.
    But now, this new FM HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE is using the Infotype_Container=>insert (something like this, related to decoupled infotypes)
    This is updating IT 0008 perfectly like HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION, but it is not doing the functionality in the user exits.
    Reason for change:
    The new FM calls the decoupled infotype logic which has some business checks and time constraint checks.
    Now my questions :
    1. If the infotype is decoupled, even the HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION will call these business checks and time constraint checks. Right ?  So, what is the major advantage of moving to HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE ?
    2. Is there some trick to enable HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE  call the user exits of the Infotype ?
    Any info would be greatly helpful.
    Many Thanks in advance,

    Hi Surya,
    Enhancement project PBAS0001which contains those includes is obsolete in terms of detached infotype framework.
    The following enhancements will work for a decoupled infotype:
    HRPAD00INFTYBL Enhancement of Business Logic of Standard Infotypes (this is the direct replacement for the enhancement project PBAS0001)
    HRPAD00INFTYDB Performing actions after updating (this is the direct replacement for the BAdI HRPAD00INFTY)
    HRPAD00INFTYUI BAdI: UI Logic Enhancement
    More information you may find here:
    IMG Personnel Management->Personnel Administration->Customizing Procedures->Infotypes->Infotypes in Detached Infotype Framework
    Under the following IMG nodes:
    Enhancements to Business Logic and Updating
    Enhancements to UI Logic
    Regarding to your questions:
    1. If the infotype is decoupled, even the HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION will call these business checks and time constraint checks. Right ? So, what is the major advantage of moving to HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE ?
    I suppose it has been done to follow the same logic as SAP does in PA-EC component
    For example to adjust a salary in ECM SAP uses FM HR_ECM_ACTIVATE_SAL_ADJUSTMENT meanwhile it uses FM HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE to update IT0008
    2. Is there some trick to enable HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE call the user exits of the Infotype ?
    I think there is no standard way to do so...
    It is a good idea to follow the standard enhancement concept for decoupled infotypes, at least I see no problems in moving the old enhancement to a new one.
    Kind regards,

  • Error "No automatic updation for IT0008. Allowance Grouping not found"

    I am maintaining IT581 of an employee.but system throws an error -->No automatic updation for IT0008. Allowance Grouping not found.I have maintained allowance grouping properly.The thing is my requirement is that i am maintening pay groups and level in table T710 instead of T510.Not touched T510.
    Means i have also created IT1005(Planned compensation) in OM.Every other thing is ok.Except IT581.
    What i beleive is its taking  assignement from table V_T7INA3.where i am not able to store ESG for CAP, groups and levels.Because its taking value from T510.But i want to do everything on basis of pay scale grade ie T710.
    Need your help and inputs....

    Dear Sumo,
    Kindly update feature 40 ECC which will help to automatic open the IT0008 for autmatic updation of such wagetypes ex: HRA
    you can maintain percentage their for the particular wagetype for
    40ECS - HR-IN : Feature to Determine Elgibility for RAPS
    This feature is used to determine the factor which is multiplied with
    the Reimbursement, Allowance or Perk (RAP) amount to calculate the
    amount payable to the employee.
    The factor can be arrived at by making a decision on the following
    Country Grouping
    Company Code
    Payscale Grouping for Allowances
    Wage Type
    Gender Key
    Number of children for children education allowance
    Number of children for children hostel allowance
    Personnel Number
    As per company A's policy, all employees belonging to the Payscale
    Grouping for Allowance MN01, receive twice the amount eligible for
    Childrens' Education Allowance (wagetype M260) in case the employee has
    two or more children.
    1           D   MOLGA
    2   **          &ELIAL=1
    3   40      D   LGART
    4   40 ****     &ELIAL=1
    5   40 M260 D   CEANO
    6   40 M260 *   &ELIAL=2
    7   40 M260 1   &ELIAL=1
    kindly update the same and let me know.

  • No automatic updation for IT0008. Allowance Grouping not found.

    Guys whenever i am saving any employees 0581 it by giving metro,city allowances information in PA 30 i am getting the message "No automatic updation for IT0008. Allowance Grouping not found".
    Can anybody tell what the reason behind it?

    Hi Sikindar,
    Request you to let me know, if in table V_512W_D, in the cumulations column 14-HRA Basis, if there should be a check for wage type M230.
    Would this solve the problem of automatic updation on infotype 0008??
    Thanks in advance,

  • ECM - updating wagetype IT0008 with parttime correction

    We currently use BAdI hrecm00_activation to update wagetype the "Monthly wage full-time" in IT0008. The wage type "Monthly wage part-time" is updated, taking the employment % into account automatically (user exit IT0008). Therefore we cannot update the "Monthly wage part-time" directly.
    As we do not want to distribute budgets in the portal based upon full-time but part-time, we need to adjust the process of updating the wage type. <u>We need to update the wage type "Monthly wage full-time" taking the employment % into account</u> (Comp. Amount IT0759 * 100 / BSGRD (part-time % IT0008 capacity utility level)).
    Does anybody know how this adjustment can be made? Can this be done with the hrecm00_activation BAdI or, if not, are there any other alternatives?
    Thanks in advance!

    HI All
    This happens for Hourly employees for whom the currncy is configured as USD4.
    For regular Salaried employees currency is USD   and the config is in USD(t510K) its normal.

  • No automatic updation for IT0008;Relevant wagetype not found

    Dear Friends,
    When we are trying to update IT0583 with any conveyance type, system is throwing error.
    I  have checked the following tables (V_T7INC*, V_T7INA9) including the one mentioned in the message (V_T7INC9).
    However, we did not find any discrepancy. Please let us know the issue.

    Hi Niladri,
    Kindly check following following:
    1. In table "V_T7INA9" you have to include that respective wage type in respective allowance groupings.
    2. Need to check table "V_T510
    Please check these entries and let me know.
    Venkat Polisetty.

  • Error while updating HRA in infotype 581 for the employees.

    System is showing an error while updating HRA in infotype 581 for the employees.
    The error is No Automatic updation for IT0008. Allowance Grouping not found.
    What is this error. Please advice what to do in this case.

    Hi Deepthi,
    Check Table V_T7INA5,V_T7INA1,V_T7INA3 and V_T7INA9 also.
    Check it,
    Edited by: vinod rao on Jul 30, 2008 1:23 PM

  • [hr_infotype_operation fails] update it230 in it8 via clientspecified IT

    Hi there
    I need some help to solve my problems with updating infotype 230 from a clientspecified Infotype.
    How it works:
    I have a client-specified Infotype (9100) that recalculates specific dates for the public sector (typical german stuff ). Those data, stored at infotype 0230, is maintained via it0008 where a small subscreen is included, to enter those Data.
    At Infotype 9100 the user can start modifying data by pushing the button "modify IT0008 Data".
    At PAI the fcode calls a perform where "HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION" passes the Data to IT0008.
    I think everything works fine und the return structure is initial, what means: allright, nothing went wrong!
    BUT: no data is transferred to the database tables!! If I press the button a second time, the system crashes with a dump ...
    If I use "2" at dialogmode, infotype 8 is shown and the data is correctly inserted into the correct fields ...
    The problem is: the FM "HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION" works fine, but the Data is not send to / updated in the DB tables of IT230.
    Here's the coding:
    ****ps_0008 and ps_0230 are the datasets, containing the data to modify my infotype(s)
    ****p_viekn is the viewidentifier
          number = ps_0008-pernr
          return = gv_return_struc.
      IF NOT gv_return_struc IS INITIAL.
    *** Errorhandling
        infty         = '0008'
        number        = ps_0008-pernr
        subtype       = ps_0008-subty
        validityend   = ps_0008-endda
        validitybegin = ps_0008-begda
        record        = ps_0008
        view_identifier = p_viekn
        secondary_record = ps_0230
        operation     = 'MOD'
        dialog_mode   = '0'
        return        = gv_return_struc
        key           = gv_record_key.
          number = ps_0008-pernr.
    thankyou for your help

    I already tried to commit with ABAP "COMMIT WORK". Is this similar to your proposal?!?!
    But yesterday I found a first workaround, thats working great!
    I export neccessary Data to ABAP-Memory (with EXPORT obj to MEMORY ID xyz) , calling an external programm (SUBMIT report AND RETURN)
    The external Programm does nothing more than getting the Data from ABAP-Memory (by IMPORT obj FROM MEMORY ID) and calling the function modul "HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION" to modify the Infotype
    Now I try to solve it with a simple function module (don't know why I didn't think about it earlier) ....
    So, my question is answered and maybe this thread can help someoneelse with the same problems

  • Update Position changes in infotype 0001.

    Hi Experts,
    I am doing salary change with promotion workflow, for that i am writing a function module which upadates 4 infotypes
    IT0000,IT0001,IT0008,IT0014. Using FM HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION. But I am stuck in updating Positon change of
    the person in infotype IT0001. Please help me in achiving it.
    Thanks in advance,
    Devananda A J

    Hi Volker,
    I updated it using Actions. Now its working fine.
    Thanks for your inputs.
    Devananda A J

  • Organisation structure Update

    Dear Team,
    One of my clients wants to promotion or increments of employees with effect from 01st May 2014.
    Due to lack of time client wants to update the infotype 8 only and after salary process over then wants to update the organization structure.
    Please suggest.
    Thank you,

    Hi Rakesh,
    I did not get your real requirement.
    Do you have promotion / increment action via PA40? if so then there is a posibilty to change position ,org unit along with enterprise structure. if this is the case then better to do the action and update the IT0008.
    for this you can create an LSMW recording and update the action.which will be an good idea rather than updating only IT0008. i feel the time consuming for both are same

Maybe you are looking for