Update Row into Run Table Task is not executing in correct sequence in DAC

Update Row into Run Table Task is not executing in correct sequence in DAC.
The task phase for this task is "Post Lost" . The depth in the execution plan is 19 but this task is running some times in Depth 12, some times in 14 and some time in Depth 16. Would like to know is this sequence of execution is correct order or not? In the out of the Box this task is executed at the end of the entire load. No Errors were reported in DAC log.
Please let me know if any documents that would highlight this issue

Update into Run table is a task thats required to update a table called W_ETL_RUN_S. The whole intention of this table is to keep the poor mans run history on the warehouse itself. The actual run history is stored in the DAC runtime tables, however the DAC repository could be on some other database/schema other than warehouse. Its mostly a legacy table, thats being carried around. If one were to pay close attention to this task, it has phase dependencies defined that dictate when this task should run.
Apologies in advance for a lengthy post.... But sure might help understanding how DAC behaves! And is going to be essential for you to find issues at hand.
The dependency generation in DAC follows the following rules of thumb!
- Considers the Source table target table definitions of the tasks. With this information the tasks that write to a table take precedence over the tasks that reads from a table.
- Considers the phase information. With this information, it will be able to resolve some of the conflicts. Should multiple tasks write to the same table, the phase is used to appropriately stagger them.
- Considers the truncate table option. Should there be multiple tasks that write to the same table with the same phase information, the task that truncates the table takes precedence.
- When more than one task that needs to write to the table that have similar properties, DAC would stagger them. However if one feels that either they can all go in parallel, or a common truncate is desired prior to any of the tasks execution, one could use a task group.
- Task group is also handy when you suspect the application logic dictates cyclical reads and writes. For example, Task 1 reads from A and writes to B. Task 2 reads from B and writes back to A. If these two tasks were to have different phases, DAC would be able to figure that out and order them accordingly. If not, for example those tasks need to be of the same phase for some reason, one could create a task group as well.
Now that I described the behavior of how the dependency generation works, there may be some tasks that have no relevance to other tasks either as source tables or target tables. The update into run history is a classic example. The purpose of this task is to update the run information in the W_ETL_RUN_S with status 'Completed' with an end time stamp. Because this needs to run at the end, it has phase dependency defined on it. With this information DAC will be able to stagger the position of execution either before (Block) or after (Wait) all the tasks belonging to a particular phase is completed.
Now a description about depth. While Depth gives an indication to the order of execution, its only an indication of how the tasks may be executed. Its a reflection of how the dependencies have been discovered. Let me explain with an example. The tasks that have no dependency will have a depth of 0. The tasks that depend on one or more or all of depth 0 get a depth of 1. The tasks that depend on one or more or all of depth 1 get a depth of 2. It also means implicitly a task of depth 2 will indirectly depend on a task of depth 0 through other tasks in depth 1. In essence the dependencies translate to an execution graph, and is different from the batch structures one usually thinks of when it comes to ETL execution.
Because DAC does runtime optimization in the order in which tasks are executed, it may pick a task thats of order 1 over something else with an order of 0. The factors considered for picking the next best task to run depend on
- The number of dependent tasks. For example, a task which has 10 dependents gets more priorty than the one whose dependents is 1.
- If all else equal, it considers the number of source tables. For example a task having 10 source tables gets more priority than the one that has only two source tables.
- If all else equal, it considers the average time taken by each of the tasks. The longer running ones will get more preference than the quick running ones
- and many other factors!
And of course the dependencies are honored through the execution. Unless all the predecessors of a task are in completed state a task does not get picked for execution.
Another way to think of this depth concept : If one were to execute one task at a time, probably this is the order in which the tasks will be executed.
The depth can change depending on the number of tasks identified for the execution plan.
The immediate predecessors and successor can be a very valuable information to look at and should be used to validate the design. All predecessors and successors provide information to corroborate it even further. This can be accessed through clicking on any task and choosing the detail button. You will see all these information over there. As an alternate method, you could also use the 'All/immediate Predecessors' and 'All/immediate Successor' tabs that provide a flat view of the dependencies. Note that these tabs may have to retrieve a large amount of data, and hence will open in a query mode.
SUMMARY: Irrespective of the depth, validate
- if this task has 'Phase dependencies' that span all the ETL phases and has a 'Wait' option.
- click on the particular task and verify if the task does not have any successors. And the predecessors include all the tasks from all the phases its supposed to wait for!
Once you have inspected the above two you should be good to go, no matter what the depth says!
Hope this helps!

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    attribute1 varchar2 (10)
    attribute2 varchar2 (10)
    processed varchar2 (10)
    attribute1 varchar2 (10)
    attribute2 varchar2 (10)
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    Etbin wrote:
    Hi, Frank
    taking nulls into account, what if some attributes are null ;) then the query should look like
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    EtbinYes, you could do that. OP specifically requested something else:
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    set table1.processed = "Y"
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                    WHERE MediaTypeID = #ARGUMENTS.gridrow.MediaTypeID#
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                    <cfset value=ARGUMENTS.gridchanged[colname]>
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                    Values ('#value#')              
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            <cfgrid format="html" name="grid_Tables2" pagesize="3"  selectmode="edit" width="800px" 
                <cfgridcolumn name="MediaTypeID" header="ID"  display="no"/>
                <cfgridcolumn name="MediaTypeName" header="Media Type" />
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    {"gridaction":"I","gridrow":{"MEDIATYPEID":"","MEDIATYPENAME":"uuuuuu","CFGRIDROWINDEX":4} ,"gridchanged":{}}

    Is this with the Travel database or another database?
    If it's another database then make sure your columns
    allow nulls. To check this in the Server Navigator, expand
    your DataSource down to the column.
    Select the column and view the Is Nullable property
    in the Property Sheet
    If still no luck, check out a tutorial, like Performing Inserts, ...

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    You want all of the 10,000 new rows to be completely identical? Here's one way:
    INSERT INTO table_x (quantity, entry_date)
            SELECT           100,      SYSDATE
         FROM          dual
         CONNECT BY   LEVEL <= 10000
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables, and also post the results you want from that data.
    If you're asking about a DML statement, such as INSERT, the sample data will be the contents of the table(s) before the DML, and the results will be state of the changed table(s) when everything is finished. In this problem, it could be that the only table involved has no rows before the DML. In that case, post no INSERT statements, just the CREATE TABLE statement and the results. Simplify the problem. Pretend that you only want to INSERT maybe 5 rows; we'll find a solution that works equally well for 10,000 rows.
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    INTO myschema.Fact_page_performance
    time_sk ,
    batch_id ,
    delta_msec ,
    error_code_sk ,
    content_errs ,
    element_count ,
    page_bytes ,
    Available ,
    (SELECT time_sk ,
    batch_id ,
    delta_msec ,
    error_code_sk ,
    content_errs ,
    element_count ,
    page_bytes ,
    WHERE date_sk=20090509,20090510
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    Thanks and Regards

    You can have either VALUES or SELECT not both
    INTO myschema.Fact_page_performance
    time_sk ,
    batch_id ,
    delta_msec ,
    error_code_sk ,
    content_errs ,
    element_count ,
    page_bytes ,
    Available ,
    SELECT time_sk ,
    batch_id ,
    delta_msec ,
    error_code_sk ,
    content_errs ,
    element_count ,
    page_bytes ,
    WHERE date_sk=20090509,20090510;

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    ON test
    -- How could I insert the deleted row into another table
    END delete_trigger;
    Message was edited by:

    I'm not sure what's wrong there.
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    SELECT column_name
    FROM all_tab_columns
    WHERE table_name = 'my_tab'; //but no rows selected?
    This topic might not be what this thread should be about. Here I posted a new thread:
    How to get colum names of the newly created table?
    Message was edited by:

  • Need to insert rows into 100 tables at a time

    hi there,
    below is our script for creation of 100 tables...
    we need a plsql script, to insert rows into 100 tables at a single time...
    please help us...vey urgent...
    counter NUMBER;
    sql_string VARCHAR2(2000);
    BEGIN FOR counter IN 1..100 LOOP sql_string := 'CREATE TABLE emp_table'||counter||'
    (id integer primary key, col_a VARCHAR2(42),col_b date,col_c number,col_d varchar2(20),col_e varchar2(20),
    col_f varchar2(20),col_g varchar2(20),col_h date,col_i varchar2(20),col_j varchar2(20),col_k date)';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_string;

    below is our procedure and the error we are getting...
    Name Null? Type
    ID VARCHAR2(10)
    COL_A VARCHAR2(10)
    COL_B VARCHAR2(10)
    COL_C VARCHAR2(10)
    COL_D VARCHAR2(10)
    COL_E VARCHAR2(10)
    COL_F VARCHAR2(10)
    COL_G VARCHAR2(10)
    COL_H VARCHAR2(10)
    counter NUMBER;
    sql_string VARCHAR2(4000);
    BEGIN FOR counter IN 1..100 LOOP sql_string := 'CREATE TABLE emp_a'||counter||'
    (id varchar2(10), col_a varchar2(10), col_b varchar2(10), col_c varchar2(10), col_d varchar2(10), col_e varchar2(10),
    col_f varchar2(10), col_g varchar2(10), col_h varchar2(10), col_j date)';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_string;
    counter NUMBER;
    sql_string VARCHAR2 (2000);
    FOR OuterCounter IN 1 .. 100 LOOP --- table prefix in which it is to be inserted
    FOR InnerCounter IN 1 .. 100 LOOP --- records to be inserted
    sql_string := 'INSERT INTO emp_a' || Outercounter || ' (id, col_a, col_b, col_c, col_d, col_e, col_f, col_g, col_h, col_j)
    VALUES ('
    || InnerCounter || ', to_char( ''col_a''' || innercounter || '),'
    || InnerCounter || ', to_char( ''col_d''' || innercounter || '),'
    || ', to_char( ''col_e''' || innercounter || '),'
    || ', to_char( ''col_f''' || innercounter || '),'
    || ', to_char( ''col_g''' || innercounter || '),'
    || ', to_char( ''col_h''' || innercounter || '),'
    || ', to_char( ''col_j''' || innercounter || '), SYSDATE)';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_string;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
    ORA-06512: at line 17
    please check the procedure and write the correct one...

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    Thanks in advance

    Or other good thing would be to add LAST_UPDATED column to your table, that can reflect the time the row gets updated.

  • How to updated matrix into related table?

    hi, can anyone help me below coding how to updated matrix into related table?
    Thank you.
                For rowNum = 0 To oMatrix.RowCount
                    oRecordset.Fields.Item("Code").Value = oMatrix.Columns.Item("DSCode").Cells.Item(rowNum).Specific.Value
                    oRecordset.Fields.Item("Name").Value = oMatrix.Columns.Item("DSName").Cells.Item(rowNum).Specific.Value
                    oRecordset.Fields.Item("U_RPTC").Value = oMatrix.Columns.Item("DSReport").Cells.Item(rowNum).Specific.Value
                    oRecordset.Fields.Item("U_USRC").Value = oMatrix.Columns.Item("DSUser").Cells.Item(rowNum).Specific.Value

    For Fast Matrix Loading you can user some thing like this.
            Dim Column As SAPbouiCOM.Column
            Dim Matrix As SAPbouiCOM.Matrix
            Dim Table As SAPbouiCOM.DataTable
            Table = oForm.DataSources.DataTables.Add("Documents")
            Table.Columns.Add("Code", SAPbouiCOM.BoFieldsType.ft_Integer)
            Table.Columns.Add("Name", SAPbouiCOM.BoFieldsType.ft_Integer)
            Table.Columns.Add("U_RPTC", SAPbouiCOM.BoFieldsType.ft_AlphaNumeric, 255)
            Table.Columns.Add("U_USRC", SAPbouiCOM.BoFieldsType.ft_AlphaNumeric, 255)
            Matrix = oForm.Items.Item("MatrixUID").Specific
            Column = Matrix.Columns.Item("Code")
            Column.DataBind.Bind("Documents", "Code")
            Column = Matrix.Columns.Item("Name")
            Column.DataBind.Bind("Documents", "Name")
            Column = Matrix.Columns.Item("U_RPTC")
            Column.DataBind.Bind("Documents", "U_RPTC")
            Column = Matrix.Columns.Item("U_USRC")
            Column.DataBind.Bind("Documents", "U_USRC")
            Matrix.LoadFromDataSource() 'Load The Data to the Matrix
    To pull the data form the display back to the Table you can use this

  • Installed iTunes on a 1TB drive designated H:. Bought a 3TB drive designated G:. Downloaded iTunes update. On "Run" command, it will not let me change the destination drive, so it registers an error, and will not update. Help

    Installed iTunes on a 1TB drive designated H:. Bought a 3TB drive designated G:. Downloaded iTunes update. On "Run" command, it will not let me change the destination drive, so it registers an error, and will not update. App freezes, windows says to upgrade it.

    I went to Edit>Preferences>Advanced, G: is showing as the destination drive.

  • Inserting multiples rows into a table using function or procedure..

    How do i insert multiples rows into a table using function or procedure?
    Please provide me query..

    Use FORALL bulk insert statement...
    procedure generate_test_data as
    type cl_itab is table of integer index by pls_integer;
    v_cl_itab cl_itab;
    type cl_vtab is table of varchar2(25) index by pls_integer;
    v_cl_vtab cl_vtab;
    type cl_dtab is table of date index by pls_integer;
    v_cl_dtab cl_dtab;
    for i in 1.. 100 loop
              v_cl_itab(i):= dbms_random.value(1,1000);
              v_cl_vtab (i):=dbms_random.string('a',20);
              v_cl_dtab (i):=to_date(trunc(dbms_random.value(2453737, 2454101)),'j');          
         end loop;
         forall i in v_cl_itab.first .. v_cl_itab.last
              execute immediate 'insert into test_order values( :n, :str , :dt ) ' using v_cl_itab(i), v_cl_vtab (i), v_cl_dtab (i);          

  • TABLE(CAST()) function not returning the correct results in few scenarios.

    I am using TABLE(CAST()) operation in PL/SQL and it is returning me no data.
    Here is what I have done:
    1.     Created Record type
    target__id          NUMBER(10),
    target_entity_id NUMBER(10),
    dd           CHAR(3),
    fd           CHAR(3),
    code      NUMBER(10),
    target_pct      NUMBER,
    template_nm VARCHAR2(50),
    p_symbol      VARCHAR2(10),
    pm_init          VARCHAR2(3),
    target_name     VARCHAR2(20),
    targe_type     VARCHAR2(30),
    target_caption     VARCHAR2(30),
    sort_order      NUMBER (4)
    2.     Created Table type
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE target_arr AS TABLE OF target_rec
    3.     Created Stored procedure which accepts parameter of type target_arr and runs the Table(Cast()) function on it.
         Following is the simplified form of my procedure.
         PROCEDURE get_target_weights
         p_in_template_target IN target_arr,
         p_out_count          OUT NUMBER,
              SELECT count(*) into p_out_count
         FROM TABLE(CAST(p_in_template_target AS                     target_arr)) arr;
    I am calling get_target_weights from my java code and passing p_in_template_target with 10140 records.
    Scenario 1: If target_pct in the last record is 0, p_out_count returned from the procedure is 0.
    Scenario 2: If target_pct in the last record is any other value(say 0.01), p_out_count returned from the procedure is 10140.
    Please help me understand why the Table(Cast()) is not returning the correct results in Scenario 1. Also adding or deleting any record from the test data returns the correct results (i.e. if keep target_pct in the last record as 0 but add or delete any record).
    Let me know how can I attach the test data I am using to help you debugging as I don’t see any Attach file button on Post Message screen on the forum.

    I am not able to reproduce this problem with a small data set. I can only reproduce with the data having 10140 records.
    I am not sure if this is the memory issue as adding a new record also solves the problem.
    This should not be the error because of wrong way of filling the records in java as for testing purpose I just saved the records which I am sending from java in a table. I updated the stored procedure as well to read the data from the table and then perform TABLE(CAST()) operation. I am still getting 0 as the output for scenario 1 mentioned in my last mail.
    Here is what I have updated:
    1.     Created the table target_table
    CREATE Table target_table
    target_id          NUMBER(10),
    target_entity_id NUMBER(10),
    dd           CHAR(3),
    fd           CHAR(3),
    code      NUMBER(10),
    target_pct      NUMBER,
    template_nm VARCHAR2(50),
    p_symbol      VARCHAR2(10),
    pm_init          VARCHAR2(3),
    target_name     VARCHAR2(20),
    target_type     VARCHAR2(30),
    target_caption     VARCHAR2(30),
    sort_order      NUMBER (4)
    2.     Inserted data into the table : The script has around 10140 rows. Pls let me know how can I send it to you
    3.     Updated procedure to read data from table and stored into variable of type target_arr. Run Table(cast()) operation on target_arr and get the count
    PROCEDURE test_target_weights
         v_target_rec target_table%ROWTYPE;
         CURSOR wt_cursor IS
         Select * from target_table;
         v_count NUMBER := 1;
         v_target_arr cws_target_arr:= target_arr ();
         v_target_arr_rec target_rec;
         v_rec_count NUMBER;
         OPEN wt_cursor;
              fetch wt_cursor into v_target_rec; -- fetch data from table into local           record.
              exit when wt_cursor%notfound;
              --move data into target_arr
              v_target_arr_rec :=                     cws_curr_pair_entity_wt_rec(v_target_rec target_id,v_target_rec. target_entity_id,
              v_target_arr(v_count) := v_target_arr_rec;
              v_count := v_count + 1;
         end loop;
         close wt_cursor;
         -- run table cast on target_arr
         SELECT count(*) into v_rec_count
         FROM TABLE(CAST(v_target_arr AS target_arr)) arr;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('p_out_count ' || v_rec_count);
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v_count ' || v_count);
    Output is
    p_out_count 0
    v_count 10140
    Expected output
    p_out_count 10140
    v_count 10140

  • Data Flow Task is not executing in the package

    I have a package in which I have a Data Flow Task which will load the data from Excel file to SQL Table.
    The Data Flow Task is executing and loading the data if I execute that particular task only.
    But when I run the whole package, the data is not loading into the table. (Its not even showing in the Data Viewers also)
    FYI: On every run, the Source Excel file will be deleted and created by the previous tasks (before the Data Flow Task)
    Please give me the cause and solution for this.
    Thanks in advance.. 

    Hello Sai -
    Can you please post the structure of your package (screenshot) , unless there is a change in excel connection prior to data flow , there should be no reason for no data.
    As you mentioned the source files are deleted prior to data load , it could mean :
    1 - New files have no data
    2 - The connection of the data flow is dynamically changed to the new files.
    Happy to help! Thanks. Regards and good Wishes, Deepak. http://deepaksqlmsbusinessintelligence.blogspot.com/

  • When converting tables in a MS Word 2010 or 2007 to PDF the table borders do not retain the correct thickness as identified in the word document.  Is there a solution for this issue?

    When converting tables in a MS Word 2010 or 2007 to PDF the table borders do not retain the correct thickness as identified in the word document.  Is there a solution for this issue?

    Please try with latest version of MS Word and Acrobat.

Maybe you are looking for