Update textbox by selecting a different row

It's like a messaging app so when you click on the selected
message title, the text shows in the textbox. Well, I've got a nice
list of message titles but what is the trick for updating the
textbox to reflect the message chosen? I can do this with separate
pages but that seems silly. I imagine this is something to do with
an onclick handler but can someone point me to an example?

Hopefully, this will get you started:
<style type="text/css">
display: none;
<script type="text/javascript">
function display(anElement){
var number = anElement.id.split('-')[1];
document.getElementById('message-text').value =
document.getElementById('message-' + number).innerHTML;
<div id="title-1" class="message-title"
onclick="display(this)">All you need to know about
<div id="message-1" class="message-text-hidden">Start
<input type="text" id="message-text"></input>

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    Hi all,
    The database is Oracle10g.
    I want to select one column from one row of a table, based on a condition, and the second column of the second row of that first row of the same table.
    There should be an order by clause to enable it so that I can talk about first row and second row.
    For example : select ename , job from emp where deptno = 20; . And here the column ename is for the first employee of deptno 20 , and job is the column for the second employee in the same deptno.
    How to achieve this ?
    Thank you very much indeed

    I think you want this.
    SQL> create table test as select rownum id,'ROW '||rownum r from all_objects where rownum<=5;
    Table created.
    SQL> select * from test order by id;
            ID R
             1 ROW 1
             2 ROW 2
             3 ROW 3
             4 ROW 4
             5 ROW 5
    SQL> select id,r,lead(r,1) over (order by id) next_r from test order by id;
            ID R          NEXT_R
             1 ROW 1      ROW 2
             2 ROW 2      ROW 3
             3 ROW 3      ROW 4
             4 ROW 4      ROW 5
             5 ROW 5The feature you are looking for is analytic functions. You can read about them here: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14223/analysis.htm#sthref1684

  • SELECT returning different rows when issued from SQL Developer or Java apps

    Hi there. I'm facing a problem here: I'm trying to issue a SELECT from Java, which should return me 2 rows; but I'm getting just one. When I issue the SELECT directly through SQL Developer it gives me the expected result. I've pastebin the code at http://paste.uni.cc/11821, where I've described in details the problem.
    What could it be? Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    I would code it a bit differently, but I don't think that would solve your problem.
    I suggest setting up the JDBC logging. I'm not promising it will help, but I guess it
    can't hurt. Here is a white paper about it:
    You can also access that link from this Web page:
    Good Luck,

  • Select 2 records (rows) in the results.

    I am using Oracle R12- Forms.
    After searched for all orders for a specific Customer, on the Results, I need to select 2 different rows.
    Also tried ft object,but failed.
    If manual, I use Keep holding the Ctrl Key, and Click for the first row, and Click 2nd row.
    In OATS, I could not do this with the code below:
    int rone=2;
    int rtwo=5
    Robot robot = new Robot();
    // press and hold CONTROL key
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    What you need is a tree.
    See Tomahawk (www.myfaces.org)

  • BDC : to select different rows in table control

    I have to fill many rows in table control and want to select different row one by one  in increasing order which rows are filled in BDC.
    Can anybody suggest me with coding...

    Hi ,
    I am attaching sample code for BDC transaction code is : FV11 , This code is also contains poage down concepts . By using this page down concept you can add number of item fields
    Program Name        : ZFV11_NEW
    Program Description : To Upload Condition Records-FV11
    Author              : Jagadish
    Start Date          : 11/06/2007
    REPORT zfv11
       DO NOT CHANGE - the generated data section - DO NOT CHANGE    ***
      If it is nessesary to change the data section use the rules:
      1.) Each definition of a field exists of two lines
      2.) The first line shows exactly the comment
          '* data element: ' followed with the data element
          which describes the field.
          If you don't have a data element use the
          comment without a data element name
      3.) The second line shows the fieldname of the
          structure, the fieldname must consist of
          a fieldname and optional the character '_' and
          three numbers and the field length in brackets
      4.) Each field must be type C.
    Generated data section with specific formatting - DO NOT CHANGE  ***
    TABLES : t100.
    DATA: BEGIN OF record OCCURS 0,
    data element: KSCHA
            kschl(004),               "Condition Type
    data element: SELKZ_LIST
    data element: WERKS_D
            werks(004),               "Plant
    data element: ELIFN
            lifnr(010),               "Vendor
    data element: MATNR
            matnr(018),               "Material No.
    data element: KBETR_KOND
            kbetr(016),               "Amount
    data element: KODATAB
            datab(010),               "Condition Validity Date from
    data element: KODATBI
            datbi(010),               "Condition Validity To
    data element: MWSKZ
          END OF record.
    DATA : BEGIN OF it_new OCCURS 0,                    " Internal Table for Header Data
           END OF it_new.
    DATA : BEGIN OF it_item OCCURS 0,                  " Internal table for Item Data
          END OF it_item.
    DATA : cnt(2) TYPE n,
           fld(25) TYPE c.
    TYPE-POOLS: truxs.
    DATA: it_raw TYPE truxs_t_text_data.
    DATA : n TYPE n.
         BEGIN OF t_data OCCURS 0,
               data TYPE string,
         END   OF t_data.
    DATA:BEGIN OF it_mess OCCURS 0,
        END OF it_mess.
    DATA : p_mode    TYPE c.
       it_msgtab1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bdcmsgcoll WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA :  l_mstring(150).
    DATA : BEGIN OF bdcdata OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE bdcdata.
    DATA: END OF bdcdata.
    PARAMETERS : p_file1 LIKE rlgrap-filename.
      PERFORM file_selection.
      PERFORM data_upload.
      PERFORM table_control.
      LOOP AT it_new.
        REFRESH bdcdata.
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '0100'.
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RV13A-KSCHL'
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLV14A' '0100'.
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '1363'.
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'KOMG-WERKS'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'KOMG-LIFNR'
    DATA: "X(5) TYPE N,
             N(5) TYPE N.
       N = 0.
       LOOP AT it_item.
         N = N + 1.
       "X = 1.
       CNT = 1.
       DO N TIMES.
         IF CNT > 19.
           perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE' 'KOMG-MATNR(01)'.
           perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=P+'.
           PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '1363'.
           CNT = 1.
        cnt = 1.
        LOOP AT it_item WHERE werks EQ it_new-werks AND lifnr EQ it_new-lifnr . "FROM x TO x.
          CONCATENATE 'KOMG-MATNR(' cnt ')' INTO fld.
          PERFORM bdc_field USING fld it_item-matnr.
          CONCATENATE 'KONP-KBETR(' cnt')' INTO fld.
          PERFORM bdc_field USING fld it_item-kbetr.
          CONCATENATE 'RV13A-DATAB(' cnt ')' INTO fld.
          PERFORM bdc_field USING fld it_item-datab.
          CONCATENATE 'RV13A-DATBI(' cnt ')' INTO fld.
          PERFORM bdc_field USING fld it_item-datbi.
          CONCATENATE 'KONP-MWSK1(' cnt ')' INTO fld.
          PERFORM bdc_field USING fld it_item-mwsk1.
          cnt = cnt + 1.
          if cnt = 20.
            perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE' 'KOMG-MATNR(19)'.
            perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=P+'.
            PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '1363'.
            CNT = 1.
    CLEAR it_item.
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '1363'.
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        CALL TRANSACTION 'FV11' USING bdcdata MODE 'A'
                                            UPDATE 'S'
                                           MESSAGES  INTO it_msgtab.
        CLEAR bdcdata[].
        PERFORM error.
           Start new screen   -Subroutine     for screen s                                      *
    FORM bdc_dynpro USING program dynpro.
      CLEAR bdcdata.
      bdcdata-program  = program.
      bdcdata-dynpro   = dynpro.
      bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'.
      APPEND bdcdata.
    ENDFORM.                    "BDC_DYNPRO
           Insert field        -Subroutine   for field s                                         *
    FORM bdc_field USING fnam fval.
      CLEAR bdcdata.
      bdcdata-fnam = fnam.
      bdcdata-fval = fval.
      APPEND bdcdata.
    ENDFORM.                    "BDC_FIELD
    *&      Form  file_selection
    FORM file_selection .
          program_name  = syst-cprog
          dynpro_number = syst-dynnr
          field_name    = 'P_FILE1'
          file_name     = p_file1.
    ENDFORM.                    " file_selection
    *&      Form  data_upload
    FORM data_upload .
        I_FIELD_SEPERATOR        =
           i_line_header            =  'X'
           i_tab_raw_data           =  it_raw
           i_filename               =  p_file1
           i_tab_converted_data     = record
           conversion_failed        = 1
           OTHERS                   = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " data_upload
    *&      Form  error
    FORM error .
      LOOP AT it_msgtab.
        IF it_msgtab-msgtyp = 'E'.
          SELECT SINGLE * FROM t100 WHERE sprsl = it_msgtab-msgspra
                                    AND   arbgb = it_msgtab-msgid
                                    AND   msgnr = it_msgtab-msgnr.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            l_mstring = t100-text.
            IF l_mstring CS '&1'.
              REPLACE '&1' WITH it_msgtab-msgv1 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&2' WITH it_msgtab-msgv2 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&3' WITH it_msgtab-msgv3 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&4' WITH it_msgtab-msgv4 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&' WITH it_msgtab-msgv1 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&' WITH it_msgtab-msgv2 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&' WITH it_msgtab-msgv3 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&' WITH it_msgtab-msgv4 INTO l_mstring.
            CONDENSE l_mstring.
            it_mess-msgtyp = it_msgtab-msgtyp.
            it_mess-lms = l_mstring.
            it_mess-msgv1 = it_msgtab-msgv1.
            APPEND it_mess.
           WRITE: / it_msgtab-msgtyp, l_mstring(150).
           WRITE: / it_msgtab.
            it_mess-msgtyp = it_msgtab-msgtyp.
            it_mess-lms = l_mstring.
            it_mess-msgv1 = it_msgtab-msgv1.
            APPEND it_mess.
    ENDFORM.                    " error
    *&      Form  table_Control
    FORM table_control .
    SORT record BY lifnr matnr.
      LOOP AT record.
        ON CHANGE OF record-lifnr.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING record TO it_new.
          APPEND it_new.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING record TO it_item.
        APPEND it_item.
    ENDFORM.                    " table_Control
    Reward if useful

  • Deadlock when updating different rows on a single table with one clustered index

    Deadlock when updating different rows on a single table with one clustered index. Can anyone explain why?
    <event name="xml_deadlock_report" package="sqlserver" timestamp="2014-07-30T06:12:17.839Z">
      <data name="xml_report">
              <victimProcess id="process1209f498" />
              <process id="process1209f498" taskpriority="0" logused="1260" waitresource="KEY: 8:72057654588604416 (8ceb12026762)" waittime="1396" ownerId="1145783115" transactionname="implicit_transaction"
    lasttranstarted="2014-07-30T02:12:16.430" XDES="0x3a2daa538" lockMode="X" schedulerid="46" kpid="7868" status="suspended" spid="262" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0"
    trancount="2" lastbatchstarted="2014-07-30T02:12:16.440" lastbatchcompleted="2014-07-30T02:12:16.437" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.437" clientapp="Internet Information Services" hostname="CHTWEB-CH2-11P"
    hostpid="12776" loginname="chatuser" isolationlevel="read uncommitted (1)" xactid="1145783115" currentdb="8" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128058">
    UPDATE analyst_monitor SET cam_status = N'4', cam_event_data = N'sales1', cam_event_time = current_timestamp , cam_modified_time = current_timestamp , cam_room = '' WHERE cam_analyst_name=N'ABCD' AND cam_window= 2   </inputbuf>
              <process id="process9cba188" taskpriority="0" logused="2084" waitresource="KEY: 8:72057654588604416 (2280b457674a)" waittime="1397" ownerId="1145783104" transactionname="implicit_transaction"
    lasttranstarted="2014-07-30T02:12:16.427" XDES="0x909616d28" lockMode="X" schedulerid="23" kpid="8704" status="suspended" spid="155" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0"
    trancount="2" lastbatchstarted="2014-07-30T02:12:16.440" lastbatchcompleted="2014-07-30T02:12:16.437" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.437" clientapp="Internet Information Services" hostname="CHTWEB-CH2-11P"
    hostpid="12776" loginname="chatuser" isolationlevel="read uncommitted (1)" xactid="1145783104" currentdb="8" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128058">
    UPDATE analyst_monitor SET cam_status = N'4', cam_event_data = N'sales2', cam_event_time = current_timestamp , cam_modified_time = current_timestamp , cam_room = '' WHERE cam_analyst_name=N'12345' AND cam_window= 1   </inputbuf>
              <keylock hobtid="72057654588604416" dbid="8" objectname="CHAT.dbo.analyst_monitor" indexname="IX_Clust_scam_an_name_window" id="lock4befe1100" mode="X" associatedObjectId="72057654588604416">
                  <owner id="process9cba188" mode="X" />
                  <waiter id="process1209f498" mode="X" requestType="wait" />
              <keylock hobtid="72057654588604416" dbid="8" objectname="CHAT.dbo.analyst_monitor" indexname="IX_Clust_scam_an_name_window" id="lock18ee1ab00" mode="X" associatedObjectId="72057654588604416">
                  <owner id="process1209f498" mode="X" />
                  <waiter id="process9cba188" mode="X" requestType="wait" />

    To be honest, I don't think the transaction is necessary, but the developers put it there anyway. The select statement will put the result cam_status
    into a variable, and then depends on its value, it will decide whether to execute the second update statement or not. I still can't upload the screen-shot, because it says it needs to verify my account at first. No clue at all. But it is very simple, just
    Clustered Index Update
    cost: 100%
    By the way, for some reason, I can't find the object based on the associatedObjectId listed in the XML
    <keylock hobtid="72057654588604416" dbid="8" objectname="CHAT.dbo.analyst_monitor"
    indexname="IX_Clust_scam_an_name_window" id="lock4befe1100" mode="X" associatedObjectId="72057654588604416">
    For example: 
    SELECT * FROM sys.partition WHERE hobt_id = 72057654588604416
    This return nothing. Not sure why.

  • Different row count for select versus insert in XML query

    I encounter a situation where a SELECT * returns a different rows count than an INSERT INTO... (SELECT *) by xmltable join. This makes no sense at all!!!
    In breif, I tried to convert xml data into traditional relational tables. I wrote an xml query to select data from xmltable... I checked row count. When I used "create table as select" that was the same query above, I got correct row count. However when I used "insert into select" that was the same query above, I got the wrong info in the table I just inserted.
    Does any one have any idea what caused this issue? Thanks for your help.

    DUPLICATE post
    count of rows in a schema tables

  • Display of text of different rows with different color - JTable

    Hi all !
    I have struck in a problem. I have to display the different rows with different color in the JTable. I have created an arraylist in the model class, which stores color of all the rows. Now in renderer class, I am just picking up color from the arraylist, taking rowIndex as index for arraylist. I used to set foreground color for each row in the renderer class. The problem is that it is not showing all the rows properly, sometimes it show all the rows correctly, but as i resize the window/panel, it starts behaving abnormally, some text is painted properly, but other aren't.
    Does anybody have any solution regarding this problem.
    One thing i want to mention is that in getTableCellRendererComponent() method, i used to retrive the color everytime, and setting the foreground color of the text. Is this a right approach or some other technique have to be followed.
    here is code of renderer class ---
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    * Renderer to plot stage record table.
    public class ExStageCellRenderer extends javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer
        Color curColor;
         * returns component to be painted, overridding this method from
         * DefaultCellRenderer
         * @param table
         *            table whose component has to be plotted
         * @param value
         *            value of that particular cell
         * @param isSelected
         *            is Cell selected
         * @param hasFocus
         *            has the cell got focus
         * @param row
         *            row of the cell
         * @param column
         *            column of the cell
         * @return painted component
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent (JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row,
                int column)
            Component component = super.getTableCellRendererComponent (table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
            ExStageDataModel model = (ExStageDataModel)table.getModel ();       
            if (curColor instanceof Color) {
                    curColor = model.getColor(row);
                } else {
                    // If color unknown, use table's foreground color
                    curColor = table.getForeground();
            String tooltip = "";
            StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer ();
            for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount (); i++)
                    Object Value = table.getValueAt (row, i);
                    if (Value == null) continue;
                    stringBuffer.append (Value.toString () + "    ");
            tooltip += stringBuffer.toString ();
            tooltip = tooltip.trim ();
            ((JComponent) component).setToolTipText (tooltip);
            if (column == 1)
                this.setHorizontalAlignment (SwingConstants.CENTER);
            else if (column == 0 || column == 4 || column == 5)
                this.setHorizontalAlignment (SwingConstants.LEFT);
                this.setHorizontalAlignment (SwingConstants.RIGHT);
            // LOOK!! should turn tip off if there is none !!
            component.setForeground (this.curColor);
            //System.out.println("render : " + component.getBounds ());
            //component.validate ();
            component.update (component.getGraphics ());
            return component;
    Waiting for reply....
    Code snooker

    Hmm, why are you doing the curColor instanceof? What does this accomplish? I don't see any reason to ask what it was before; all you should be interested in here is what you want it to be now.
    All you should have to do is say:
    this.setForeground(model.getColor(row));I also don't see why you're doing the update() -- JTable is going to do that for you at the appropriate time, you have no idea if now is the right time to do it or not. In fact it probably isn't, you're probably updating the previously-drawn cell with your new color and alignment, which may be the strange behavior you're seeing.
    Also, I don't see why you're doing the super. All that's going to do is return "this", so why not just use "this"?
    Well, without knowing your larger code or exactly what you're trying to accomplish, maybe I'm just missing something.
    I've just recently been working on a program where I had some similar requirements -- different foreground and background colors and alignment -- and I found it much cleaner to create a class to hold all this data, and then create a default renderer for that class. Then I made some constructors for this "attribute" class that let me set whatever I need, like
    public CellAttrib(String s,Color c,int alignment,Border border)
    // with suitable defaults ...
    pubic CellAtrtrib(String s)
    }Then the renderer just queried the cell-attributes class, as in:

  • A filter cannot be applied to the currently selected field. Select a different field

    I am using an InfoPath form to submit the data. In my form I am using one dropdown and one textbox in a repeating table, and the data is fetching from the SharePoint list.
    Scenario: In my SharePoint list there is a column of Company name and other is of Focal Point name. In dropdown contains the company name column.
    I want the functionality that when i select the Company name the associated focal point name should appear in the textbox.
    To achieve this I am using the filter for dropdown but it is showing me error "A filter cannot be applied to the currently selected field. Select a different field."
    Can anyone please tell me how can I do this.
    Thanks in Advanced,

    Please update me any solution for this as I am not able to resolve this.....

  • Not able to color different rows with different colors in a column of table

    I am trying to to display different rows with different colors in a column of the table based on some decode condition.
    I have gone through the following threads :
    Can we colour the rows in the column of a table
    Changing Color of a value in a column
    This is what i have done :
    1.Added the following code to custom.xss(changed the name to Custom.xss as suggested in one of the above threads) --- in path ---- jdev\myhtml\OA_HTML\cabo\styles
    <style selector=".1">
    <includeStyle name="DefaultFontFamily"/>
    <property name="font-size">11pt</property>
    <property name="font-weight">Bolder</property>
    <property name="color">#008000</property>
    <property name="text-indent">3px</property>
    <style selector=".2">
    <includeStyle name="DefaultFontFamily"/>
    <property name="font-size">11pt</property>
    <property name="font-weight">Bolder</property>
    <property name="color">#FFFF00</property>
    <property name="text-indent">3px</property>
    2. Sql query of the VO is :
    select comments,role ,decode(role,'REQUESTER','1','2') Colorattr from xxat_sars_action_history where request_id = :1 and event_name = :2 and action_code <> 'PENDING'
    order by sequence_num desc
    3. Coded the following in the process request of the controller:
    OATableBean table = (OATableBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("CommentsTB");
    OAMessageStyledTextBean roleBN = (OAMessageStyledTextBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("role");
    OADataBoundValueViewObject cssjob = new OADataBoundValueViewObject(roleBN,"Colorattr");
    roleBN.setAttributeValue(oracle.cabo.ui.UIConstants.STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, cssjob);
    where 1 and 2 form the colors ( i have even tried with 'Red' and 'Yellow'...as it was not working replaced with 1 and 2)
    4.The query returns data fine with corresponding 1 and 2 values.
    But different colors are not getting reflecting on to the UI.
    I am testing this on my local jdev.
    Please do let me know if i am missing something.
    Thanks ,

    Any Clues please.....

  • Selecting only one row at a time

    Hi experts,
    i have following doubt regarding selecting rows from a db:
    Is there any way of selecting only one row AT A TIME from a dabase just to collect the data in rows instead of in a unique document containing all the rows?
    I would like you to ellaborate on this as i need to send only one row to the IE, and then other row, and so on... without throwing any error!
    I have seen that there are SELECT SINGLE and SELECT UP TO 1 ROW, but these two methods are only useful when retrieving only one row, and that does not match my requirements. I need to process all the rows but one by one..
    I know that we can use the receiver jdbc adapter as if it was a sender by means of its specific datatype, but how to do it row by row??
    Hope i had explained well..
    Thanks in advance and best regards,

    Hi kiran,
    Yes, my table has 5 not null fields but i am selecting and updating fixes values so i think that I will definetely go for the next solution:
    SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE status='0' and ROWNUM<2;
    UPDATE t1 SET status='1' WHERE status='0' and ROWNUM<2;
    My only concern is if the update will take the same row that the select.... BTW, I think it will
    ..What do you guys think?
    I ve been trying to operate with your proposed queries but i received some errors. Your queries are very interesting but i think that with the above ones i meet my requirements as the status field will be 0 for not processed rows and 1 for precessed ones (and the update will look for the row that meets the same 'where' clause than the select, and then, and only then, it will set status='1').
    The only thing i have to care about is what i questioned before.
    Thanks a lot and best regards,

  • Selection of a row in  a table

    I have a problem with JTable. ...i have just started working with JTables and still have not got a complete hang of how they function.
    I have a table whose model is "AbstractTableModel". I have different data in each row of the table therefore i have a celledtior and cell renderer per row. Each row is rendered as a combo box. There is only one column in that table. What i need to do is when the user clicks on any of these the rows in the table i need to evaluate what is the content in that row(in the combo box-It should be the values that have not been used up yet in the other rows...so basically as you add rows the combo box content will keep shrinking till all the possible vlaues are exhausted).
    I added a celleditor listener for every row. When the user clicks on the cell the event get's captured but the row value that shows up is not row the user selected. The value is always the previous selected row. Each cell is rendered as a combo box.
    For example if the user selected the first row in the table then the value of the row selected is -1. If the the user adds two more rows and selects the third row then the value selected is 0 (previos selected).
    What i cannot figure out is how in the world is this value obtained.
    Please help !! I tried everything i can think of to get the correct value of the row selected.
    Thanks a lot for your time and patience.

    Hello Suman,
    Please, look at 'No First Select from Table' section of this blog: [/people/jarrod.williams/blog/2006/12/14/visual-composer-tips-and-tricks|/people/jarrod.williams/blog/2006/12/14/visual-composer-tips-and-tricks]
    Good luck,

  • "Try Selecting a Different Printer or File Type" Error - iPad2 - Officejet Pro 8600 - ePrint error

    I just got an Officejet Pro 8600 and I've been trying to get web pages to print using HP ePrint from my iPad 2 (iOS 7.0.6). I go into the ePrint app, go to web page of choice, and then click on my printer option to print. It renders on screen and then throws out the following error:
    "Try Selecting a Different Printer or File Type" "Officejet Pro 8600 [5124FC] doesn't support this file type."
    I can use ePrint from the iPad to print pictures from camera roll.
    This only is problematic when I try to print web pages (I tried amazon.com for test).
    I have no problems doing this from my iPhone...only the iPad.
    I've tried rebooting device and trying again....same thing.
    Anybody know how to fix this? I really want to be able to print web pages from my iPad.
    Thanks in advance...

    Hello Possie,
    Thank you for the update.  I have to say I'm surprised and disappointed that the uninstall and reinstall did not resolve the issue, especially since you can print the page from your iPhone.
    I have spent some time researching this and working with my colleagues in HP's Cloud Services and we have a couple of suggestions/questions.
    Do you get the same error when you try to print the web page using Apple's AirPrint feature? 
    Please ensure the iPad is connect to your home wireless network and try to print again.
    Please try changing the settings in the ePrint app before printing the web page.  Please ensure that the paper quality is set to normal (see screen shot below) and that the paper size is set to letter (see 2nd screen shot below).
    Please let us know how it goes. 
    Please click on the Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” on the post that solves your issue to help others find the solution.
    I work on behalf of HP

  • SUM two fileds from different rows from the same table

    I would like to SUM two fileds from different rows from the same table but I don't know how to do that.
    BillingTransactionsIndex      CreateDate      UserType      UserIndex      TransType      Reference      Total      Balance
    2      6/5/2008 15:02      1      51      1      150      -288.2      -288.2
    5      6/8/2008 11:55      1      51      1      157      -1.58674      -289.787
    In the table above I want SUM fields Total and Balance for the first row and the the next row SUM 2nd row Total with 1st row Balance
    Please help

    SQL> with tbl as
      2  (select 1 as ID,  90 as total from dual
      3          union all
      4  select 2 as ID,  23 as total  from dual
      5          union all
      6  select 3 as ID,  15 as total  from dual
      7          union all
      8  select 4 as ID,  20 as total  from dual)
      9  select id , total, sum(total) over (order by ID) as balance from tbl
    10  /
            ID      TOTAL    BALANCE
             1         90         90
             2         23        113
             3         15        128
             4         20        148

  • SQL merge and after insert or update on ... for each row fires too often?

    there is a base table, which has a companion history table
    - lets say USER_DATA & USER_DATA_HIST.
    For each update on USER_DATA there has to be recorded the old condition of the USER_DATA record into the USER_DATA_HIST (insert new record)
    - to have the history of changes to USER_DATA.
    The first approach was to do the insert for the row trigger:
    trigger user_data_tr_aiu after insert or update on user_data for each rowBut the performance was bad, because for a bulk update to USER_DATA, there have been individual inserts per records.
    So i tried a trick:
    Instead of doing the real insert into USER_DATA_HIST, i collect the USER_DATA_HIST data into a pl/sql collection first.
    And later i do a bulk insert for the collection in the USER_DATA_HIST table with stmt trigger:
    trigger user_data_tr_ra after insert or update on user_dataBut sometimes i recognize, that the list of entries saved in the pl/sql collection are more than my USER_DATA records being updated.
    (BTW, for the update i use SQL merge, because it's driven by another table.)
    As there is a uniq tracking_id in USER_DATA record, i could identify, that there are duplicates.
    If i sort for the tracking_id and remove duplicate i get exactly the #no of records updated by the SQL merge.
    So how comes, that there are duplicates?
    I can try to make a sample 'sqlplus' program, but it will take some time.
    But maybe somebody knows already about some issues here(?!)
    - many thanks!
    best regards,

    Not sure really. Although it shouldn't take long to do a test case - it only took me 10 mins....
    SQL> create table USER_DATA
      2  (   id      number,
      3      col1    varchar2(100)
      4  )
      5  /
    Table created.
      2  (   id      number,
      3      col1    varchar2(100),
      4      tmsp    timestamp
      5  )
      6  /
    Table created.
    SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pkg_audit_user_data
      2  IS
      4      PROCEDURE p_Init;
      6      PROCEDURE p_Log
      7      (   air_UserData        IN user_data%ROWTYPE
      8      );
    10      PROCEDURE p_Write;
    11  END;
    12  /
    Package created.
    SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pkg_audit_user_data
      2  IS
      4      TYPE tt_UserData        IS TABLE OF user_data_hist%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
      6      pt_UserData             tt_UserData;
      8      PROCEDURE p_Init
      9      IS
    11      BEGIN
    14          IF pt_UserData.COUNT > 0 THEN
    16              pt_UserData.DELETE;
    18          END IF;
    20      END;
    22      PROCEDURE p_Log
    23      (   air_UserData        IN user_data%ROWTYPE
    24      )
    25      IS
    26          ln_Idx              BINARY_INTEGER;
    28      BEGIN
    30          ln_Idx := pt_UserData.COUNT + 1;
    32          pt_UserData(ln_Idx).id     := air_UserData.id;
    33          pt_UserData(ln_Idx).col1   := air_UserData.col1;
    34          pt_UserData(ln_Idx).tmsp   := SYSTIMESTAMP;
    36      END;
    38      PROCEDURE p_Write
    39      IS
    41      BEGIN
    43          FORALL li_Idx IN INDICES OF pt_UserData
    44              INSERT
    45              INTO
    46                  user_data_hist
    47              VALUES
    48                  pt_UserData(li_Idx);
    50      END;
    51  END;
    52  /
    Package body created.
    SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER preu_s_user_data BEFORE UPDATE ON user_data
      2  DECLARE
      4  BEGIN
      6      pkg_audit_user_data.p_Init;
      8  END;
      9  /
    Trigger created.
    SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER preu_r_user_data BEFORE UPDATE ON user_data
      2  FOR EACH ROW
      3  DECLARE
      5      lc_Row      user_data%ROWTYPE;
      7  BEGIN
      9      lc_Row.id   := :NEW.id;
    10      lc_Row.col1 := :NEW.col1;
    12      pkg_audit_user_data.p_Log
    13      (   lc_Row
    14      );
    16  END;
    17  /
    Trigger created.
    SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER postu_s_user_data AFTER UPDATE ON user_data
      2  DECLARE
      4  BEGIN
      6      pkg_audit_user_data.p_Write;
      8  END;
      9  /
    Trigger created.
    SQL> insert
      2  into
      3      user_data
      4  select
      5      rownum,
      6      dbms_random.string('u',20)
      7  from
      8      dual
      9  connect by
    10      level <=10
    11  /
    10 rows created.
    SQL> select * from user_data
      2  /
            ID COL1
    10 rows selected.
    SQL> select * from user_data_hist
      2  /
    no rows selected
      2  INTO
      3      user_data a
      4  USING
      5  (   SELECT
      6          rownum + 8 id,
      7          dbms_random.string('u',20) col1
      8      FROM
      9          dual
    10      CONNECT BY
    11          level <= 10
    12  ) b
    13  ON (a.id = b.id)
    15      UPDATE SET a.col1 = b.col1
    17      INSERT(a.id,a.col1)
    18      VALUES (b.id,b.col1)
    19  /
    10 rows merged.
    SQL> select * from user_data_hist
      2  /
            ID COL1                 TMSP
    SQL> select * from v$version
      2  /
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - ProductionHTH

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