Update to 4.0.1 made reception WORSE?

so a few weeks back i updated my iphone 3GS from 4.0 to 4.0.1 and my AT&T phone reception appears to have gotten WORSE, much worse. for example, at home i used to get 4 to 5 bars of "3G", now i only get somewhere between 2 to 4 bars of "E." also, i didn't used to have call-drop issues, now the phone drops calls a few times a week, or just hangs when i try to make a call. i never used to have to attempt calls multiple times before connecting. now i do almost every day. did the update screw something up? ***?

Make sure that Firefox gets installed properly.<br />
Open the DMG file and drag the Firefox program to the application folder on your hard drive.<br />
You shouldn't double-click the Firefox application to run it from the disk image, but drag it out of the DMG folder instead.
* http://kb.mozillazine.org/Installing_Firefox#Mac_OS_X
* https://support.mozilla.com/kb/Installing+Firefox+on+Mac

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    You need to look at Mac's iTunes, check  > System Preferences > iCloud.
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    No Apple response???  Redplum/Valassis will not help either.  I searched, using the cups error message and though it is Unbuntu, same error so maybe useful...only problem: details would not display unless I join Unbuntu forum.  What a pain to do anything with my Mac or find any help.  I honestly regret buying this buggy OS.
    Anyway, here is what I found, FYI:
    As the old saying goes: when in doubt, consult the manual. The problem appears to be that I added the printer using the KDE Add Printer Wizard. It was automatically given a "socket" URI instead of an "lpd" one. When I:
    - altered the printer settings at http://localhost:631 (the CUPS admin page) as instructed in the manual for the printer, and
    - copied the PPD file into a second place on the hard drive (as instructed on ubunutuforums, see the link above)
    ..everything started working.
    It's still slower than windows, but I can live with that
    Probably a simple fix. Change the socket I.P. to match the printer I.P. like this:
    socket:// The thing I'm concerned with using socket:// is that AFAIK the printer I.P. must not change. In my case I'm able to assign a static I.P. address to the printer but it's something to consider.
    I found that the only thing I needed to do was change socket to lpd (and remove :9100 off the end as well). See Solving Ubuntu printer “broken pipe” problem (DocuPrint C525A) . BTW thanks for steering me in the right direction - very grateful.      
    Solving Ubuntu printer “broken pipe” problem (DocuPrint C525A)
    Posted on November 25, 2008
    Are you having a problem with your printer under the latest versions of Ubuntu (perhaps it worked under an older version)? Are you able to print short documents, but not longer, or more graphics-intensive, documents? (e.g. the unfortunate people at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=625493). Do they sit there as Processing for ages and then switch to Held? If you have the same problem I had the solution I tried may work for you too. Firstly, check your cups error log:
    sudo gedit /var/log/cups/error_log
    If you see anything like the following, the solution may be simple:
    [Job 201] Unable to write print data: Broken pipe
    PID 13359 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/socket) stopped with status 1!
    System > Administration > Printing and right click on your printer, selecting Properties. Settings > Device URI
    If you see something like socket://your_printer_ip_address:9100 just change socket to lpd and remove the :9100 off the end. Then click on apply.
    Apparently lpd is a more modern protocol which works with most printers whereas socket is more raw (and potentially faster but riskier in a network situation). Somewhere along the line, the default Ubuntu/Gnome setup for networked printers shifted from lpd to socket. Some primitive printers will have benefited whereas a larger number of more modern printers will have suffered.
    Please correct me if I am wrong (which is highly possible) but the underlying problem could be that socket may make the printer wait a long time for a large file to be processed ready for printing. Some printers, such as the Fuji Xerox DocuPrint C525A, may drop the socket if things take too long to start coming through.
    Changing timeout settings might work but lpd is better than socket so it is the preferred solution in any case.
    If this works for you, please leave a comment to let others know (ideally with a description of the printer and Ubuntu version). Printer may be relevant if it doesn’t support the direct stream protocol properly. NB I may take a while to let your comment through because of the volume of spam. Sorry about that.
    Finally, thanks to sphilli8 for the steer in the right direction at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6245626.

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    Can u please tel me what tables are updated when a payment is made in R12?
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    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi MPH,
    pl.visit following link.

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    That's corrected, they save to your camera roll.

  • 3.1.2 Update made things worse, final straw.

    After 4 days of perfect quality service, then 8 days of nothing but problem after problem, that's it, I lost it, this is a completely unacceptable level of service from both Apple and O2.
    Battery life barely lasting a day, 3G signal constantly dropping no matter location (even sitting on the same park bench I could watch it cycle constantly and drop, watching my battery life draining away, wifi, push, etc all turned off)
    O2 says "It's not us, your problem is with the iPhone"
    Apple says "We wont even talk to you until 3pm" (Sure, saturdays are busy, I totally understand, but I am NOT waiting 5 hours to talk to a technical advisor, I dont care how trendy you think you are. (this was at 10 am this morning) )
    So I marched right back into carphone warehouse, told the guy to skip the usual spiel and just cancel my contract. I was warned about going with O2 by friends but ignored them, stupidly, now i'm stuck with £20 worth of iPhone apps, and a £20 case that Carphone Warehouse would not refund.
    I intend to take out an iPhone contract with Vodaphone in January (supposedly when they are releasing). I don't intend to try Orange, I have had a terrible experience with them in the past.
    3.1.2 was the final straw, it's ridiculous that they had to release 2 updates within 2 weeks in the first place, let alone neither of them fixing any of the problems I was having, despite restoring the phone several times, cycling the battery, new sim, etc.
    If the problems are with the phone itself, hardware or software, I can only hope that they fix it by January, whereas if the problem is with O2s network, then good riddance. What a complete bust.
    Anyone who is thinking about taking out a contract, I advise you wait, anyone who still has the ability to cancel without incurring penalty I strongly urge you to do so.
    Such a pity, the device itself was the best gadget I ever had, absolutely loved it, but it's a phone first and foremost and i'm certainly not paying £250 up front and £45/month for a phone that only works on GPRS, I can get that for £10/month and no upfront from Virgin (same minutes/texts).

    I tried absolutely everything but thanks for the suggestions.
    Went from 3.0 (phone came with)
    To 3.1
    Several Hard Resets and more than one restore (from backup)
    Replaced the sim.
    More hard resets.
    Restore without backup (as new phone)
    Perfect GPRS reception when I turned 3G off, but honestly, no way I was prepared to pay 45/month for that and hope that the problem was software and not the 3G chip. So I returned it already.
    As for booking an appointment ahead of time, I already view Apple and the way they operate as pretentious and aloof, it's a SHOP, I should not need to book an appointment to walk into a shop and talk to an employee, that is not how shops work. I have a faulty product that needs to be replaced, I do not need to book an appointment to have a 'genius' ask me textbook questions before implying I must have tampered with the phone before reluctantly offering me an upgrade.
    In any other store a normal sales clerk will do that without making me wait 5 hours, I just get in the queue.
    Given the deadline for being locked into the contract was monday, I didnt want to risk waiting till saturday night for a new phone and being given just sunday to test it, because the first phone was fine for four days before giving me problems.
    To axemandu:
    I completely agree, whether the problem is with Apples software, the 3G chip Apple chose to use, or the service providers (or a combination of any of the three) the level of communication and service that a number (i'm not going to make any assumption as to how many, but more than enough to support 100+ page threads of complaints) of customers are recieving a level of service that is totally and utterly unacceptable and something needs to be done.
    I was lucky that I could ditch my contract, others were not so lucky and those people are being left with a huge monthly cost for a phone that is essentially, broken 24/7.
    I've never been Apples biggest fan, I had a rather dim view of them (and any company that hails the first iteration of a hardware product the way Apple does, first iterations always have problems which is why I waited for the 3Gs, assuming problems would be fixed by then) until I bought an iPod Classic, which has served me incredibly well for nearly 2 years now and is still performing amazingly.
    To go from that to the problems i've had with the iPhone 3GS and O2 has destroyed my newfound confidence in Apple, I have returned to intensely disliking them and although I intend to take out a Vodafone iPhone contract, I only intend to do so in order to make use of the money that would be wasted on the case/apps/etc I bought for the iPhone. If that still does not function well in the grace period before being locked into the contract, I will not hesitate to switch to an Android powered phone or one of the new Nokias.

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    Such a stupid little problem that surely is easily rectified.
    When will Apple fix this????

    Thanks for that but unfortunately been there, got the T-shirt, they replaced the phone with a new one, and still happens. I believe from what I have read, it's a software glitch that quite a few people have had problems with.

  • ThinkServer TS140 - Inconsistently loud fans, and BIOS update made it worse?

        This is an unusual request for me to be making, but does anybody have any experience with the fans on a TSx40 ThinkServer randomly ramping up, even when the processors are minimally loaded?
        I have a ThinkServer TS140 that I loaded VMware ESXi 5.5 on that is intended to live in my front office for basic development. Nothing fancy, and really just a couple of simple LInux VM's, generally only one at a time.
    Hardware is:
    ThinkServer TS140 with Intel Xeon E3-1225v3 at 3.2GHz
    Intel PWLA8391GTBLK PRO/1000 GT Desktop Network Adapter
    Adaptec RAID 6405E Storage Controller (2271700-R)
    (2x) WD Red 1TB hard drives (WD10EFRX)
        Out of the box, I would boot the server up, it would be whisper-quiet, and I would work with it as needed. This is my first Lenovo purchase, and I was very impressed with the performance-and-silence-to-cost ratio. Then, one night when I left the server running without any VM's even powered on, I came in to find the fans ramped up to full speed. I couldnt explain why, so I restarted the server and it returned to normal. This has happened a number of times, and I cant figure out why.
        This morning I tried performing a BIOS update to 8A8 using the DOS Utility, and the update went well....but now the fans are ramped up all the time!
        I have the BIOS power settings on "Best Acoustic Performance", and I'm not sure what else to do...
    Is this an issue with using non-Lenovo hardware in the server, specifically the network card or RAID adapter?
    I'm open to any suggestions, thoughts, ideas, or questions.....thanks!

    Validated is a term used when we have tested and ensured the functionality of a device in the system. Some devices have specific firmware on them (specific to Lenovo). Since there are thousands of potential devices and configurations, it is impossible to test and validate them all. There is a subset of hardware that is tested and approved (validated) and also supported on Lenovo systems. This information can be found on our support site in the documentation section.
    Here is the datasheet for the TS140 which details what is validated and supported on the TS140.

  • Wifi problem started as soon as I got an update that 7.02 update was available. Updated phone to 7.02 to see if fixed problem. Only made it worse!!!! No network is detected!

    I have tried all the solutions apple has offered online. I will not reset my phone to factory settings unless it is a last resort. What is Apple doing to fix this? I had my last Iphone last for more than 2 years and I hve had this one less than a year. My Wifi was greyed out and now it's on but won't connect or locate any networks (but if I keep switching it on and off it will freeze on me again). Does Apple have plans to fix this problem because I refuse to purchase a new phone?
    Are there any other new solutions to try in fixing the Wifi that doesn't require freezing or heating up the phone or switching to airplane mode and resetting the network settings as well making sure it's up todate or changing the apostrophe in the phone's name? My phone has never been dropped or damaged. Everyone around the world seems to be having this problem and Apple does not seem to be making a move to fix it? I use this phone for everything and 4g will only last so long before I reach my monthly limit. Please help!!!!!!!!!

    The following Apple Support document has a series of steps to correct your problem go through them in order until you get the problem corrected. If going through all steps does not help Make an appointment at an Apple Store to have your device examined by a technician. Or contact Apple Support.

  • Nice updates/fixes but what about the reception issue?

    Don't want to beat a proverbial dead horse, but what about making the IPhone 4 a better receiver of calls? My 3Gs was the BEST phone I ever owned. I rarely had a dropped call, I was able to make and receive calls in places where no phone I had owned previously could. When I read that this phone had the best reception of any IPhone (according to Apple) I went and made the switch. Yes, I read many posts where folks say just that, great phone. I am on IPhone 4 number three and all have been plagued with reception issues, thought the first two were worse than this one. I go to the same locations every day and the 3Gs sent and received calls remarkably better. Just sayin.....

    n2speed125 wrote:
    What ps issue? I have none!! The reception issue is real and I lose signal in places where my 3GS would not.. I can hold my 3gs any way I like and still use the internet.. While using my iPhone 4 in the same place, all I get is the spinning wheel of death and it does not connect.. I've had the bumper on it since I got it and while it may help a little, it does NOT make the issue disappear..
    Just because an issue doesn't effect YOUR phone, doesn't mean it's not an issue for others..
    if you are not using a case then you are just ... idk... slow or something.
    because apple put the antenna on the outside of the phone it is easier to attenuate the signal but it also gives much better reception. i have not dropped one call on my iphone 4... i was dropping tons of calls on my 3Gs and i am in the same area.
    i have tried to attenuate the signal on my phone and cannot with the case on no matter how i hold it. if i take the case off and hold the sweet spot it drops like crazy. maybe your bumper isn't covering the antenna well enough.
    i got the incipio NGP for 19 bucks at walmart. if you put that case on and still have the issue then i think you are totally full of cr@p.
    Message was edited by: himoura

  • 3G/Edge reception worse after 2.1

    I updated my phone to 2.1 yesterday. My 3G and Edge reception has actually gotten worse since upgrading from 2.0.2. The iPhone has been a big disappointment to me. My work related Razr and my At&t 8525 get much better reception in a literal side by side comparison.

    Really, must be a bad 3g chip. I know one of the support techs said the some of the inital 3g chips, in the phone were bad. Go get a new iphone. There shouldn't be a problem, there.

Maybe you are looking for