Update Value After Commit

Hello everyone,
i'm begginner in ADFand using jdev
I have table , there is attribute called "flag" I want when update in this table and press "commit" after pressing ....update this "flag" with '1"
ex. After pressing commit "update table set flag = 1 "
anyone can help me plz.

Dear I try to write this code
    protected void doDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e) {
        super.doDML(operation, e);
        if (operation == DML_UPDATE) {
            setCallStat("1");  // this is the flag
            try {
              catch (JboException ex) {
                throw ex;
but After run application and press commit appear this Error
cannot be cast to java.lang.Exception

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    Thanks marc for your feedback. Ofcourse what you said is right. But is there any way i can see the changed values before submitting .
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    thanks in advance.

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    There appears to be logical issue here.
    a) The value will be incremented only when user visits the Page 8 . If user does not visit Page 8 then the change will not occur
    b) If the user visits Page 8 but does not save the change (commit) even then the change would not come into effect.
    Can this not be handled through a scheduled job that runs on the underlying tables at per-determined intervals/time? Say , once a day?
    If the above 2 points do not affect you then you can try the Process route.
    i) Write a OnLoad Before Header or After header process on Page 8
    ii) In this process find out whether the required/preset interval has elapsed on not
    iii) If the criteria is met then change the value of the Page 8 as well as Page 1 items using bind variable sysntax in the Process
    :P12_ITEM := '2' ; -- or whatever you want.
    :P1_ITEM := :P12_ITEM;How to figure out the interval? If it is date/time based then use SYSDATE. If it is something else , you need to figure out the interval calculation that works for you.

  • Update problems after commit

    Hi all,
    I am using the functional module BAPI_PROCORDCONF_CANCEL for cancelling the confirmation order.After that if it is successfull i am comminting using
          wait = c_x.
    after this immediately checking in AFWL table for the cancelled confiramtion order. Select statement is returning sy-subrc - 4.since entry is not found in the table.suppose if use wait up to 5 seconds after  callling bapi_transaction commit.entry is found in the table AFWL.By this it is understood its  taking time to update in the table.I want to avoid this wait statement is there any alternate way ( Avoiding DO and ENDDO ).Can any body guide me on this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Siva,
    In your case it makes sense to use the wait flag as 'X', as this marks it as a synchronous update(while a blank signifies an asynchronous update - read the documentation on this).
    I guess you can try to set the update task as local using statement "SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL" before the FM call, so that the update is done by the same work process.
    Also i don't see a table AFWL in my system, is the table name correct - anyways check if the table is buffered by any chance(i am sure that it is not).
    In case if there is any other pending tasks in your programs flow, which can be executed between "COMMIT" and "SELECT" i would suggest that you do this here.
    Failing all of the above, you might have to go with a DO ENDO.
    Edited by: Chen K V on Apr 14, 2011 11:07 AM

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    use selectionlistener for your first table then add clientlistener and serverlistener so that you will get the rows on click in back bean.
    then get second table vo and and create and add row for that view object. add partial target to refresh your second table from back bean.
    on click of save call commit operation.

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    I've managed to solve this by doing the following.
    <b>1) Get the items on the Bid Invitation</b>
       I_GUID                        = ip_guid
       I_OBJECT_TYPE                 = 'BUS2200'
       E_HEADER                      = ls_header
       ET_ATTACH                     = lt_attach
       ET_CONDITIONS                 = lt_conditions
       ET_DYN_ATTR                   = lt_dyn_attr
       E_ITEM                        = rt_items.
    <b>2) Get all the weightings for these items.</b>
          i_p_guid            = ip_guid
          i_p_kind            = 'B'
          i_object_type       = 'BUS2200001'
          e_weight            = rt_weights.
    <b>3) Then updated the specific attributes values.</b>
      DATA: lt_x_weight TYPE bbpt_pds_weight_ic,
            ls_weight TYPE bbp_pds_weight_ic,
            lt_y_weight TYPE bbpt_pds_weight_ic.
      CLEAR ls_weight.
        FROM bbp_pdwgt WHERE guid = ip_guid.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
      APPEND ls_weight TO lt_y_weight.
      ls_weight-value_amount1 = ip_min.
      ls_weight-value_amount2 = ip_max.
      ls_weight-kz            = 'U'.
      APPEND ls_weight TO lt_x_weight.
          i_x_weight = lt_x_weight
          i_y_weight = lt_y_weight.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        COMMIT WORK.

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    thanks in adv

    refreshing browser, reloads flashplayer and flash application
    it is running, so all variables will be reset,

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    Pl refer to SAP help on the same as follows.
    Naveen Vishal

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    We have a requirement to update a column value once the item has been approved.
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    Require content approval for submitted items : yes
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    I have createdatu a Sharepoint 2013 workflow to check if Approval sts of current item = 0 i.e. Approved , then check out and update the item and finally checkin the item. Everything works fine till this point except that the minor version of the item is
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    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to update Column value after current item is Approved and then publish major version using Sharepoint 2013 designer workflow.
    You will get into this kind of Catch-22 situation trying to set the Content Approval Status in SharePoint Designer workflow:
    - You must check out the document before you can change the Content Approval Status
             - You can't change the Content Approval Status once the document in checked out
    Since you set the Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited=Yes, you will need to check out the document when run the workflow on the item. But you cannot approve a document when it is checked
    out. So the logic in workflow conflicts.
    As a workaround, you can use the Start Another Workflow action to start the normal Approval workflow on the document.  The built-in Approval workflow can work with a document that’s not checked out.
    The designer approval workflow also can work with a document that’s not checked out.
    You can create two workflow using SharePoint Designer 2013.
    First, create a SharePoint 2010 platform workflow.
    Then, create a SharePoint 2013 platform workflow.
    Then when the SharePoint 2013 platform workflow start, it will start the SharePoint 2010 platform workflow to set content approval status, then the SharePoint 2013 platform workflow will update current item value.
    More information:
    SharePoint Designer Workflow Content Approval Issue
    SharePoint 2010 Approval Workflow with Content Approval
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • An internal error has occurred:  ?:0: attempt to index a nil value after installing LR5.5 update and trying to play or preview slideshow

    An internal error has occurred:  ?:0: attempt to index a nil value after installing LR5.5 update and trying to play or preview slideshow. Never had this problem before. I went to forums and see that this is a problem with previous versions and this only occurred after installing lastest update.

         If you follow the advice of the previous poster Julie Kmoch and then gradualy add presets back in one at a time you might be able to find the one that is causing the issue. I may be guessing, but I believe the issue has something to do with either an incompatible Preset setting (eg a older preset in newer version of LR) or a corrupt Preset.
    Say you bought LR2 and imported a bunch of Presets from the internet, cuz 'Hey these effects are cool and I don't have to recreate the wheel', and then you upgraded to LR3 (not a clean install) and now one of the Presets that calls a certain slider setting or value that is different in LR3 doesn't work anymore. This might be why it throws the error, but again I am just speculating.
    Location of LR Preset folder in Windows Vista/ Windows 7
    C:/Users/<YourUserName>/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Lightroom/Develop Presets
    If you do not see the folder AppData, you may need to change the settings in Windows Explorer to 'Show Hidden Files and Folders'. To do that in Windows Vista/ Windows 7, open a Windows Explorer window, Click on Organize, then Foler and Search Options. Then click on the View tab and select the option button next to Show hidden files, folders and drives.
    Hope this helps a bit,

  • Sender agreement not updated in XI cache after commit

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    somehow none of my created sender agreements appears in the XI cache after commit. I also did a complete refresh of the XI chache.
    Any ideas?

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    Any other ideas?
    Thanks so far!

  • Oracle 10G AS, Batch Update doesn't commit.

    We are using Batch uptdate to commit a set of records, but to our surprise one of the batches commits in DB and the other doesnt.
    The below pseudo code explains our scenario :
    String str1="INSERT INTO TBL1 (COL1,COL2) VALUES (?,?) ";
    String str2="UPDATE TBL2 SET COL1=? WHERE COL2=?";
    PreparedStatement pstmt1=conn.prepareStatement(str1);
    PreparedStatement pstmt2=conn.prepareStatement(str2);
    for(500 recs)
    On 500 Recs
    //This batch updates the DB and commits too
    //The Batch executes successfully, but updates are not reflected in DB,
    //which may mean that it must not be committing in DB
    - In the above, pstmt1 is an INSERT and pstmt2 is an UPDATE.
    - It so happens that at the end, DB reflects Inserts done by pstmt1, but it doesnt reflect the Updates of pstmt2.
    - We have also fired a SELECT stmt immediately after pstmt2 Execute Batch, but the updated values are not reflected.
    - Also the above scenario works absolutely fine if we use a STATEMENT instead of a PREPAREDSTATEMENT for pstmt2.
    Set up Details:
    App Server :: Oracle 10G AS for Linux 2.1,
    Database Driver :: Oracle 10G Driver which is bundled with Oracle 10G AS
    Database :: Oracle 9i
    Any ideas in this regards would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks !
    - Khyati
    Message was edited by:

    I think this is not the right forum for this question; probably a JDBC forum or one of the Oracle AS forums.

  • Updating Values from Portal to R/3

    Hi ,
      Iam facing a problem in updating values while calling RFCs from portal.This is the scenario of calling RFCs :
    1. Submitting new data by changing some values from the existing record.
                                   - They are calling a RFC to save those values in R/3.
                I have used Commit work and wait and also   
                BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT to update the values in database in this 
    2. Now Immediately after submission they are searching the records by giving  
        changed values as search criteria by calling another RFC(RFC for search).
                                  - The record is coming but the values are not updating and showing previous values.
    Same scenario is working fine from R/3 when executing the Function modules with out calling from portal.
    What are the changes that need to do at R/3 side?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Swarna Munukoti.
    Message was edited by:
            Swarna Munukoti

    In addition and from a maintenance perspective you could do a: Portal Group to R/3 UserMapping.
    This will then automatically map all Portal Users in the Portal Group to the one R/3 user in the back-end. This saves effort when new users are created on the portal you don't have to map them all.
    This method is also proposed by SAP for mapping to MDM for example.
    NOTE: When you choose this you cannot trace the user in the back-end because
    this back-end user is shared. If this is not a problem for your scenarion then I would say go for it.
    Benjamin Houttuin

  • Not able to view actual Price updated 'Value' in Change Tracker

    I was able to get my Change tracker to work and it is functioning. (SRM 5.0 MDM5.5 )... Configured Portal iViews for change tracker.
    If I change a description I can see it in the change tracker application. But if I try and track a Price change it only shows me a date-time  and user as to I when the price was changed it doesnu2019t show me the actual value changed, for my audit purposes.
    On the portal the change tracker "Field" dropdown shows -> Price Updated. this is what is tracking any change of price.
    In MDM Console-> Admin->Change Tracker I am tracking under Catalog Items: Price information, Price Updated, Special search terms, long description.
    When I look at the Data manager in the Record Detail, I see  u2018Price Updatedu2019 and it only has a Date and time stamp. In this same Record Detail,  I see the field Price Information that contains :Lower bound, Purchasing Info record ID, Purchasing Organization, Amount and Currency.  Amount-> contains the actual price value. This is what i want to see in the portal iView as Old value and New value....this is what I am unable to view? theres one small step i am not doing...
    I am trying to track the actual change in the filed u2018Amountu2019u2026 I have tried to search for it in the Portal iView fields (table, record contains, fields, record)

    Hi Alex,
    I would not here comment on change Tracking functionality but can you suggest another workaround to achieve this requirement. If it fits in your requirement you can go ahead with it.
    In MDM, Create another field in Main table say Initial Price and for already existing field Amount replace its name with Updated Price in Qualified table Price.
    now after this you will see that your by default Updated Price has values as it was your Amount field earlier and Initial Price field as empty. Now for next time, if any record comes using Import Manager then MDM workflow should trigger at Record Import.
    This workflow contains following steps.
    Assign step should have below expression and assignment:
    Price Information.Updated Price
    Where I am assuming Price Information is the field in main table which is look up to this qualified table Price.
    So in this way you can maintain both existing and updated values of Price and cant then show in your Catalog.
    suppose you have already existing record say 1 which has value of Amount as 20.
    So that means you have Updated Price as 20 and Initial Price as empty(Null)
    Now when same record 1 updates with new Amount say 40, it triggers this workflow on record import which will then assign value of existing updated Price 20 to Initial Field after that Updated Price will update by 40.
    Note: This Assignment works well only if your main table record has this Qualified table link as single record. If your main table record contains more than one qualified links then this Assignment would not work fine. So use only if it fits.
    Mandeep Saini

  • How to update values in ValueChangeEvent..

    Hi Everyone,
    I am using Jdeveloper
    I have a scenario as follows. I have 2 input fields as Password and Confirmpassword.
    I wrote a ValueChangeListener for the field Password to do some validations and I wrote another ValueChangeListener for the Confirmpassword field inorder to compare the values entered in both fields.
    But here.., In ValueChangeListener event of Confirmpassword field, iam unable to fetch the value of Password field to compare.
    The reason is ..., ValueChangeListener  occurs in ApplyRequestPhase/ProcessValidationsPhase, and values get updated in UpdateModelPhase, hence values are not updating and unable to fetch in ValueChangeListener  event.
    In order to update values to the component tree in ValueChangeListener event, i tried using below code
    But values are not updating..Kindly suggest me to achieve my scenario. Do the needful. Thanks in advance.

    Hi Nitish...
    Thanks for the response...
    I tried fetching password field value in Confirmpassword field by 2 ways as follows
    1. I binded value of the field as #{backingBeanScope.LoginPage.pwd} and tried to get value using getPwd() method.
    2. I fetched Ui component of  password inputfield and tried to get value using password.getValue()
    By both ways Iam getting null value in ValueChangeListener event of Confirmpassword.
    After clicking a button on the page , as usual the setters, ValueChangeListeners are executing and during this sequence..Iam getting value . But my scenario is this validation should be performed bu tabbing out of the field , not after clicking on a button .
    autoSubmit property is set to true.
    Kindly suggest me to proceed further. Thanks in advance.

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