Update warning regarding multiple displays

I installed an update on 11/19, just like all of the other updates that pop up; after the update, and each time I login, I get the following message:
"You have multiple Apple LED Cinema Displays attached. Please connect only one Apple LED Cinema Display to your Mac." I have two display cards driving two displays with no problems - why on earth would there suddenly be a concern that I should only be connecting one display?

The update in question is the Apple LED Cinema Display firmware update. The firmware update is designed for only one monitor at a time so that is why it is asking you to connect just one. Once both are updated you may resume your dual display activities.
This link tells more about the update, including the one monitor requirement.

Similar Messages

  • How do I disable the Flashplayer Update Warning?

    Hi Guys
    I'm working on a small SWF as part of a webpage I'm designing. I have a swf banner already on the page and that works fine. But when I test the page, with the additional swf in IE9, using the latest player version, IE9 displays a blank white box instead of the animation and a message saying I need to update my Flash Player (which is fully up to date!) However the swf does work if I publish it as version 9 or below (although I get a message below the swf saying I must update to a newer Flash Player version!!!)
    I've posted on the Flash Player Forum about the technical Flash Player issues but I'm getting irritated by this Flash Player update warning that is part of the CSS (and pops up often). Unfortunately (as a newbie) everytime I try and take the newer version code out I keep getting a bit of a mess. Can anyone tell me which lines of code I should remove or replace from below please (I hope I have copied all the relevant section of code)? Apologies. It is only local at the moment.
      <div class="header"><!-- end .header -->
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        <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="1000" height="240" id="FlashID" title="GBatBMedia Corporate Video Production">
          <param name="movie" value="_animation/webbanner_xlf_0702_2012_fn.swf" />
          <param name="quality" value="high" />
          <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
          <param name="swfversion" value="" />
          <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
          <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
          <param name="LOOP" value="false" />
          <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
          <!--[if !IE]>-->
          <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="_animation/webbanner_xlf_0702_2012_fn.swf" width="1000" height="240">
            <param name="quality" value="high" />
            <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
            <param name="swfversion" value="" />
            <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
            <param name="LOOP" value="false" />
            <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
              <h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
              <p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
            <!--[if !IE]>-->
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    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="255" height="392" class="static_img" id="FlashID2" title="laptopgirl">
      <param name="movie" value="_animation/laptopgirl.swf" />
      <param name="quality" value="high" />
      <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
      <param name="swfversion" value="" />
      <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
      <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
      <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
      <!--[if !IE]>-->
      <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="_animation/laptopgirl.swf" width="255" height="392">
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        <param name="swfversion" value="" />
        <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
        <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
          <h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
          <p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a></p>
        <!--[if !IE]>-->

    Thanks Adninjastrator
    Apols for delay in feedback. The good news is both your solutions work for IE9 and I went with "commenting" to solve the problem, bbbuuuttt the bad news is both solutions impact on Firefox and when I open that browser the swf objects do not display at all (just blank white oblongs with commenting and a blank box for the header and nothing at all for the 2nd swf when I tried your replacement option). That's bizare. Is there a piece of code I'm missing or something I need to adapt for FireFox (I'm running the latest version)?
    Here's my revised code with commenting (apolos that I cannot offer a link at the moment):
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/main.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <title>Welcome to Business Video Production, Digital Signage, Animation and Graphic Design</title>
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        <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="header" -->
        <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="1000" height="240" id="FlashID" title="GBatBMedia Corporate Video Production">
          <param name="movie" value="_animation/webbanner_xlf_0702_2012_fn.swf" />
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          <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
          <param name="swfversion" value="" />
          <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
          <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
          <param name="LOOP" value="false" />
          <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
          <!--[if !IE]>-->
          <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="_animation/webbanner_xlf_0702_2012_fn.swf" width="1000" height="240">
            <param name="quality" value="high" />
            <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
            <param name="swfversion" value="" />
            <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
            <param name="LOOP" value="false" />
            <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
            <!-- Comment this section out. Open comment tag here, close down below
                    <h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
                    <p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.g if" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a></p>
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    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="FlashID2" width="255" height="392" class="static_img_left" id="FlashID2" title="laptop">
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       <param name="swfversion" value="11.3.300.257" />
       <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
       <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
       <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
       <!--[if !IE]>-->
       <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="_animation/laptopgirl.swf" width="255" height="392">
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         <param name="swfversion" value="11.3.300.257" />
         <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
         <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
        <!-- Comment this section out. Open comment tag here, close down below
                    <h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
                    <p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.g if" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a></p>
         <!--[if !IE]>-->
    We can add  life to your website design,  stand alone multimedia applications or other promotional needs.</p>
        <p align="justify">We combine  illustration and design skills with the latest industry standard software to create animations and graphics to add &quot;zing&quot; to the story you are telling. We can create both 2D and 3D animations  that will engage your audience on your website and for the creative side of the corp
        orate and video production market.</p>
        <p align="justify"> produce animations for websites, stand alone multimedia applications and other media.<br />
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    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});
    <!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

  • Delimiter for multiple display fields

    Hi ,
    Is there any way in MDM so we can change the delimiter for multiple display fields.
    Suppose for a lookup table code and description both are display fields.In Data manager when we select main table as our current table ,value in that lookup field will appear as code,description ,but as per the requirement it should be hyphen separated i.e code- description.
    Is there any way we can change the delimiter.
    Thanks in Advance
    Neethu Joy

    Hi Neethu,
    No, there is no way to change the delimiter but I can suggest you some workaround.
    Create one more field in same lookup table and mark it as display field. Create one assignment with the expression code&"-"&Description and put it in workflow having trigger action = Record Create and Record Update with Automatic launch action. With this, whenever you modify lookup data i.e. either code or description workflow will automatically update the third filed.
    Just check if this fits in your requirement.
    Jitesh Talreja

  • How do I get the menu bar to appear on multiple displays without mirroring displays?

    I keep finding things about the new Yosemite update that I do not like. The most recent is that apparently you can't have a menubar on multiple displays, unless you mirror the displays. This does not work for me. I want to keep my thunderbolt display as my primary display, but I am working in photoshop on my Cintiqu and I can't afford to drag my mouse all the way back to the thunderbolt display every time I need to access the photoshop menu.
    Is there some sort of fix for this that I'm not seeing?
    If not I sincerely hope that the apple engineers fix this ASAP.

    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.

  • How to update flag in multiple tables using custom sql DB adapter

    hi all,
    I have a scenario: I want to update flags in multiple tables in DB2. I have used toplink update only to update all tabless after creating relationships between them. But that approach is not working as it couldnot detect emmisions with DB2 and update the complete record with blank values in other columns.
    So, i want to use custom sql now. Can anybody help in resolving the issue or in writing the custom sql.

    Dear SeánMacGC thanks for reply,
    But "a.changed" is not a field in GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER_CHG. what i am doing in this procedure is i am collecting bulck data and validating field by field from GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER_CHG with GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER table as their structure is same.. if v_name is not same as v_name_chg then i am setting changed flag to "Y" changed is "changed dbms_sql.varchar2_table" and updating GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER in bluck where changed flag ='Y'...
    type custRec is record
    n_cust_ref_no dbms_sql.number_table,
    v_name dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
    v_name_chg dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
    rowid rowidArray,
    *changed dbms_sql.varchar2_table*
    i cannot use simple SQL as i need to validate field for each records with GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER_CHG and insert into log file as well.....
    to run this procedure:

  • Satellite L500: unable to change to Multiple Display to play via TV

    Having followed instructions to connect laptop to TV via HDMI there is no signal. Followed instructions in User Manual but
    User Manual says go to Adjust Resolution/Advanced/GenericPnPMonitor/Graphics Properties/Display Properties then click 'Multiple Display' but there is only one drop down option 'Single Display' and 1 primary device the notebook.
    When I toggle FN F5 to change display it only shows LCD display.
    Is this something simple I'm missing or does this suggest a fault with the Toshiba Display Driver?

    For I using the HDMI connection I can recommend this:
    Firstly connect the cable to your notebook and TV or external monitor. Then power on the TV and choose the right input channel. Finally power on the notebook and normally the HDMI connection will be recognized automatically.
    If it doesnt work I would recommend updating the display driver and BIOS. Both can be founded on the Toshiba website.

  • Multiple display won't work

    I have connected two different monitors to my late 2009 IMAC.  The multiple display works fine but when I shutdown the computer the secondary monitor won't wake up unless I unlug the video cord and plug it in again.  Any solutions?

    Hi Michael, thanks for your reply.
    Regarding the GPU failure, I had my doubts about this simply because the external display at any resolution and 'screen share' are fine and that would seem to imply the GPU itself is fine.
    I don't have an answer and I suspect it's going to require a new logic board, but from what I know that is an expensive fix and that would be unaffordable meaning the MBP will effectively become a MacMini which I'd really like to avoid.
    Is there anything else I can try?

  • T530 multiple display configuration lead to errors when closing the laptop

    I have a Lenovo T530 2429CTT and I am having some trouble when trying to set up my multiple display configuration with a Lenovo ThinkPad Mini Dock Plus Series 3.
    I have an external Samsung LCD monitor which is connected to the Mini Dock via DisplayPort.
    I am running Win 7 Prof.
    The problem I see is with an application which uses DirectX. The display looks fine in the following configuration:
    - Laptop open
    - External Samsung LCD Monitor on
    - Display cloned so that both devices show my desktop
    The issues appear when I close the laptop. I do this because in my office I only work with the external monitor so I don't need the internal display of the laptop at that moment.
    When I close the laptop the following happens:
    The external display gets dark for some seconds. It comes up again, gets dark and after a while (maybe 10 sec) it stays active. Sometimes I see a notification that the color scheme has changed to Win 7 basic.
    Everything seems to be fine now but when looking at the DirectX based display of my application I have some problems for example with the refresh (the display looks very weird).
    BTW: The laptop has an internal and an external graphic card (Internal: Intel HD 4000, External: NVIDIA NVS 5400M).
    So it seems as when the laptop gets closed, the internal graphics will be turned off. Due to this the display on the external monitor also changes the settings of the graphhic card (maybe it gets turned in an energy saver state).
    I was looking at many of the NVIDIA settings without any success so hopefully somebody in this forum has an idea what is happening there.

    I'm trying to buy the exact same configuration. 
    although i cannot find this 2429CTT on lenovo site anywhere, is available for selling on a known european supplier.
    and my propose is to have 2 Monitors connected, so I'll follow this inquire very closely and hold my order until then.
    do you have any update on it?
    just by curiosity, what about the rest? how does the PC feels to you? everything else is working?

  • T530 multiple display configuration

    I have the T530 with the NVIDIA Optimus option that should allow a triple display configuration (two external displays and the laptop LCD). 
    I have been able to get a working configuration with the laptop LCD and two external displays over DisplayPort through the docking station. 
    I have found that upon some boot cycles, I am either stuck with just the laptop LCD as the only display or I am able to turn on only one external display. Sometimes a reboot will change it, sometimes it will not.
    What's strange is that the NVIDIA control panel and the Windows display settings show all three LCDs, I am just not able to turn on one or both of the external displays (even if I turn off the laptop LCD).
    Has anyone found a solution to this problem?
    Thank you!
    Go to Solution.

    Hi, admarsha
    There are updates available for both your BIOS and Optimus that may help this issue. The BIOS update can be found here and the Optimus update can be found here. Looking over the ReadMe for the Nvidia update, part of the update does help with issues connected to multiple displays through docking stations so it may help.
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution!" This will help the rest of the community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.

  • K7D Master-L graphics problem: multiple display adapters/no winxp star

    I just recently bought a new K7D Master-L and I've had a few problems with it. Other than these issues the board has been great, but this is getting pretty annoying and I can't seem to fix it, so I'm posting here for advice/help/solutions.
    System Specs: I have two AthlonMP 1900+ and 786MB Corsair RAM (registered PC2100, 512MB in slot 1, 256MB in slot 2). I have a WD400JB (40GB ATA100 drive with 8MB buffer) and a generic IDE CD/DVD-ROM. I have an ATI Radeon 9700 Pro AGP card running at 4x.
    When I first installed the motherboard I tried to load Windoze XP on it (actually I first used Linux but had ...driver problems). Anyway XP seemed to install fine, but upon reboot, the system would get to the "progress bar"/"OS loading" screen (the small blue bar that goes back and forth) and the bar would get stuck exactly 2 "bars" from where it started--every time. I could boot into safe mode, but nothing seemed screwy. Doign the command-line boot (I think) where it shows the drivers it is loading, it got to the "agpgart" file then stopped, maybe this was the problem. I gave up after a dozen reboots or so, trying various things, and installed Windows 2000+SP3.
    Win2K installed fine, and after installing the drivers on MSI's site for northbridge, southbridge, audio, and lan, and installing ATI's latest Catalyst 3.4 drivers (I also tried 3.2), device manager had no more problems, save one.
    The problem is that there are two display adapters listed: "RADEON 9700" and "RADEON 9700 (Secondary)". There were two adapters listed before I installed the drivers, called something like "Display Adapter" and "Display Adapter (VGA compatible)". In Properties it says "PCI Slot 4 (PCI bus 1, device 5, function 0)", is this normal for AGP cards? Here is a screenshot (I disabled one to see if that helped my settings-loss problem, but it doesn't):
    Whats worse is that the display settings don't seem to stick around across reboots--it always reverts to the default settings of 640x480x16--which is extremely annoying. These problems exist regardless of whether I have a Service Pack installed (currently I'm running on a fresh Win2K install with no updates and having the same issues). I've tried multiple drivers for the card and no change, I've tried with/without the updated chipset drivers, and I've had this same setup work on my previous motherboard (Tyan Tiger MP) without seeing multiple display adapters.
    Any ideas? Or is there something that might fix my WinXP startup freeze? If so I could reinstall WinXP and see if that has the same multiple adapter problem...
    Thanks for any advice.

    Well my system just booted into 640x480x16, so it appears those registry changes didn't fix the issue. The registry settings were simply changed back to 640x480x16 for some reason. I haven't reinstalled the motherboard drivers, but I gathered them all up and I'll try this later today. Here are the latest drivers I found, all from MSI's site:
    Onboard AC97 Codec Driver
    Support model:   K7D Master (MS-6501)
    Description:   AMD AC97 Codec Driver version 10B
    Date:      2002-8-20
    Intel 10/100 LAN device driver for Win2000
    Support model:   MS-6508...MS-6501...MS-9202
    Description:   A formal release from Intel.
          For integrated Intel 10/100 Lan.
    Date:      2003-2-25
    AMD 762 Driver
    Support model:   K7D Master (MS-6501)
    Description:   - WHQL Certified Driver
          - Added support for Windows XP
          - Changed settings to only use auto-compensation for the AMD-762 (MP) Northbridge(2000/XP).
    Date:      2002-8-20
    AMD 768 Driver
    Support model:    K7D Master (MS-6501)
    Description:   - WHQL Certified Driver
    Date:       2002-8-20
    AMD EIDE Driver
    Support model:    K7D Master (MS-6501)
    Description:   - WHQL-Certified for Windows 2000/XP ONLY. Version 1.43s
    Date:      2002-8-20
    Microsoft Windows® 2000 Patch for AGP Applications on AMD platforms
    Support model:   K7D Master (MS-6501)
    Description:   This is a registry file for Windows 2000
    Date:      2002-8-20
    Award® BIOS I have 1.6 (?)
    File Size:   234KB
    Version:   1.82
    Update date:   2003-5-12
    Update Description:   Support AMD MP 2800+ in correspondance with AMD web site recommendation
    Onboard NIC Driver
    Support model    K7D Master (MS-6501)
    -Intel GD82559ER LAN chipset driver
    Date    2002-8-20
    We shall see if this fixes the multiple adapter problem. As far as the display settings problem, I don't know that the deal is. It works fine on other motherboards with the same hardware and drivers, so it must be something with the K7D, Windows, and ATI interaction.
    P.S.: There is a bug with this forum software and apostrohpies. Every time you preview your post it inserts escape characters ("\") before apostrphies, and also inserts escape characters for these escape characters, so quickly you have something like  "\\\\\\\'" where you want "'".

  • Analysis Authorization based on Hier node with multiple display hierarchies

    Hi guys - I've got a problem where s.o. might have an idea of how to switch on the light at the end of the tunnel, I am currently standing in:
    Cost Center Authorization should be given through RSECADMIN, reporting should be possible for any hierarchy that exists for the authorization relevant info object.
    Preferred solution:
    The Cost Center Analysis Authorization should be given through RSECADMIN - Hierarchy node assignment.
    u2022     A dedicated Authorization Cost Center Hierarchy will be maintained in ECC6 as an alternative cost center hierarchy and extracted into BW.
    u2022     The RSECADMIN Hierarchy node assignment should be based on a particular node (Type 2).
    u2022     The display level will be specified as required (here: Level 7)
    u2022     The Authorization granted should be independent of hierarchy name and version (validity 3).
    Reporting Scenario and technical impact:
    As mentioned above, when designing and running a query the user should be able to freely select other (i.e. than the authorization) display hierarchies for the authorization relevant reporting object 'Cost Center' as well. The technical names of the semantically relevant hierarchy nodes could therefore vary. E.g. cost centers 1, 2 and 3, being assigned under hierarchy node u2018Au2019 of the RSECADMIN relevant authorization hierarchy, could be subsumed by hierarchy node u2018Bu2019 in another display hierarchy, which the user may want to display in accordance to his reporting needs. Ideally, the alternative display hierarchy should therefore display node u2018Bu2019.
    My findings so far (based on prototyping) turn out that this is not possible as long u2018Bu2019 (and its hierarchy) is not authorized in RSECADMIN. Can these findings be confirmed? And if not, would anyone have an idea of how to facilitate the reporting scenario?
    Would there be any other way to grant access, possibly based on RSECADMIN single values, and also enable the user to flexibly display hierarchies with only those hierarchy nodes whose single cost center values the user has been given access to?
    Thanks everyone for your input...
    Edited by: Claus64 on Jul 13, 2009 4:10 AM

    HI CLause,
    On Jul 14 2009, you wrote in SDN and said:
    FYI: Found a solution...
    The hierarchy analysis authorization will be based on a navigational attribute of cost center.
    With analysis authorizations it is possible to declare the Auth object (e.g. 0COSTCENTER__RACCAUT0) as authorization relevant and leave the superior object 0COSTCENTER auth irrelevant.
    The auth will be given for 0COSTCENTER__RACCAUT0. This object will be placed as a filter of the query, being restricted by an Authorization variable for hierarchy nodes.
    Due to the concept of Analysis Authorizations, this variable will automatically pick up the nodes granted as part of RSECADMIN Hierarchy based Authorization.
    As mentioned above, 0COSTCENTER as the regular reporting characteristic remains auth irrelevant and can therefore take any hierarchy thatu2019s available. Reporting on single values will be possible, too. Only those nodes show up that hold the authorized cost centers in accordance to the authorization.
    If the auth relevant 0COSTCENTER__RACCAUT0 is not used in the query definition by either not taking it in as a filter or skipping the Auth variable, the query will launch the message that the authorization is missing. No data show up at all.
    See this thread:
    Analysis Authorization based on Hier node with multiple display hierarchies
    I am also in the same situation as you and need to understadn your solution. I understand that you created a Nav Attr on 0COSTCENTER and made this auth relevant whilst ensuring that 0COSTCENTER is NOT auth relevant. This is all fine. The issue was you have multiple hierachies for 0COSTCENTER, how did the new Nav Attr help you solve your issue. When loading 0COSTCENTER what values did you load ino the new Nav Attribute and how did that link to the hierachies? Also, in RSECADMIN you created hiearchy nodes based on the Nav Attribute but I am confused as to what values you have in the Nav Attr.
    I appreciate if you can share your solution from the past in more details.
    many thanks

  • How to update fields in multiple tables ?

    Dear all,
    What is the fastest way to update fields in multiple tables... from a single change table...as below is my code to update the fields but it is taking long time to update as i need to keep log file if any one update fails....
    package body DO_DC_NAME_UPDATE_OTHER_TAB
    type rowidArray is table of rowid index by binary_integer;
    type custRec is record
    n_cust_ref_no dbms_sql.number_table,
    v_name dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
    v_name_chg dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
    rowid rowidArray,
    changed dbms_sql.varchar2_table
    procedure VALIDATE_CUST_NAME( p_n_cust_ref_no in number,p_v_name_chg in out NOCOPY varchar2, p_changed in out NOCOPY varchar2 )
    FOR cr_cust IN (SELECT --a.n_cust_ref_no,a.v_name,UPD_V_NAME, a.n_weight,a.V_LASTUPD_INFTIM
    from GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER_CHG where n_cust_ref_no=p_n_cust_ref_no)
    -- v_name
    if nvl(trim(cr_cust.v_name),0) != nvl(p_v_name_chg,0)
              p_v_name_chg := p_v_name_chg;
              --p_v_name := p_v_name;
              p_changed := 'Y';
    end if;
         end loop;
    l_record custRec;
    l_array_size number default 20000;
    l_done boolean;
    l_cnt number default 1;
    cursor c is select a.n_cust_ref_no, a.v_name,a.v_name_chg, a.rowid, 'N'
                        from GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER_CHG a--,GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER b
                        where a.v_name <> trim(a.v_name_chg); --and  a.n_cust_ref_no in (1434775,1561181,1601870);
    open c;
    ( 'processing ' || l_cnt || ' thru ' || (l_cnt+l_array_size-1) );
    fetch c bulk collect into l_record.n_cust_ref_no, l_record.v_name,l_record.v_name_chg,l_record.rowid, l_record.changed
    LIMIT l_array_size;
    l_done := c%notfound;
    --dbms_output.put_line ('message10');
    for i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    VALIDATE_CUST_NAME(l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i),l_record.v_name_chg(i),l_record.changed(i) );
    end loop;
    --dbms_output.put_line (l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)||','||l_record.V_OCCUP_CODE(i)||','||l_record.CHANGED(i));
    /*forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    set q.v_name = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.n_cust_ref_no = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.v_name) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y';*/
    -- update v_name in all the related tables
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    set q.v_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.n_cust_ref_no = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.v_name) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.v_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    set q.v_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.n_cust_ref_no = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.v_name) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.v_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    set q.v_NAME =l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.n_cust_ref_no = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.v_name) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.v_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    set q.V_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.n_cust_ref_no = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.V_NAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.v_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    set q.V_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.n_cust_ref_no = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.V_NAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.v_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    set q.V_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.n_cust_ref_no = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.V_NAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.v_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    set q.V_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.n_cust_ref_no = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.V_NAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.v_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    set q.V_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.n_cust_ref_no = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.V_NAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.v_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    set q.V_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.n_cust_ref_no = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.V_NAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.v_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    set q.v_FNAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.n_cust_ref_no = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.v_FNAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.v_FNAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    update INDT_LIAM_DETAIL q
    set q.v_FNAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.n_cust_ref_no = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.v_FNAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.v_FNAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    update GNMT_POLICY q
    set q.V_PAYER_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.N_PAYER_REF_NO = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.V_PAYER_NAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.V_PAYER_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    update GNMT_QUOTATION q
    set q.V_PAYER_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.N_PAYER_REF_NO = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.V_PAYER_NAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.V_PAYER_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    update GNMT_QUOTATION q
    set q.V_PROPOSER_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.N_PROPOSER_REF_NO = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.V_PROPOSER_NAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.V_PROPOSER_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    update GNMT_POLICY q
    set q.V_PROPOSER_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.N_PROPOSER_REF_NO = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.V_PROPOSER_NAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.V_PROPOSER_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    update CLMT_CLAIM_MASTER q
    set q.V_CLIENT_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.N_CLIENT_REF_NO = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.V_CLIENT_NAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.V_CLIENT_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    update CLMT_CLAIM_MASTER q
    set q.V_INTIMATOR_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.N_CLIENT_REF_NO = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.V_INTIMATOR_NAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.V_INTIMATOR_NAME is not null;
    forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
    update PYMT_VOU_MASTER q
    set q.V_PAYEE_NAME = l_record.v_name_chg(i)
    where q.n_cust_ref_no = l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
    and trim(q.V_PAYEE_NAME) = l_record.v_name(i)
    and l_record.changed(i) = 'Y'
    and q.V_PAYEE_NAME is not null;
    /*forall i in 1 .. l_record.n_cust_ref_no.count
              FROM GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER_CHG where n_cust_ref_no =l_record.n_cust_ref_no(i)
              --and n_cust_ref_no not in (select n_cust_ref_no from GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER_LOG);*/
    exit when (l_done);
    l_cnt := l_cnt + l_array_size;
    end loop;
    thank You

    Dear SeánMacGC thanks for reply,
    But "a.changed" is not a field in GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER_CHG. what i am doing in this procedure is i am collecting bulck data and validating field by field from GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER_CHG with GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER table as their structure is same.. if v_name is not same as v_name_chg then i am setting changed flag to "Y" changed is "changed dbms_sql.varchar2_table" and updating GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER in bluck where changed flag ='Y'...
    type custRec is record
    n_cust_ref_no dbms_sql.number_table,
    v_name dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
    v_name_chg dbms_sql.varchar2_table,
    rowid rowidArray,
    *changed dbms_sql.varchar2_table*
    i cannot use simple SQL as i need to validate field for each records with GNMT_CUSTOMER_MASTER_CHG and insert into log file as well.....
    to run this procedure:

  • When closing Firefox windows, I would like a warning before the last window closes. The about:config settings do nothing. There is a warning for multiple tabs..

    When closing Firefox windows, I would like a warning before the last window closes. The about:config settings do nothing. There is a warning for multiple tabs... why not for the last window? I do not use tabs... just windows... I have a mouse button programmed for that. It is really irritating to have to restart Firefox all the time and then open the history window because no warning was issued!

    This is ridiculous. I've had this problems for years now and I'm finally walking away from Firefox. I use my keyboards more than my mouse, and how many times does your finger slip and hit Command Q instead of W. How come FF can't reset something as trivial as this? So many people are having problems with this?
    Feels like FF has become too big, too slow and just not cooperative anymore. What a shame, I've been using Netscape/Firefox for 13 years. This is silly.

  • How do you use multiple displays with a MacBook Pro and iMac

    I have an iMac and a MacbookPro laptop both upgraded to OS X 10.9 (Mavericks).  I'd like to use multiple displays with them.  Can I do this without an Apple TV?  They are both on the same network.  If I can, can someone please give some instructions on how this can be done?

    Both computers have ports for external monitors. Check your user manuals. Only one display can be added to the MBP, but newer iMacs have dual Thunderbolt ports.
    Do your own Google research to learn what to do, but reading your manuals should be all you really need. It' not rocket science yet.

  • How to update software on multiple iPhones using same iTunes account?

    How to update software on multiple iPhones using same iTunes account?

    SeanB15 wrote:
    Here are more details on my situation which should help clarify things...
    I purchased three iPhone 4 models back when they first came out (for my family) that all share the same iTunes account for access to apps and music, but each phone/user still has his/her custom contact list, email accts, and select lists of apps and music from the one iTunes acct library.  The problem is (as I understand it) that I can only update the software on one of the three iPhones – the primary phone I used to setup the iTunes acct without wiping out the separate contact lists, etc. As it stands today... the first (primary) iPhone associated with the iTune acct has been updated with the latest software version 5.1.1 and sync'd up with all the apps, music, etc from the one iTune acct, while the other two iPhones are still running on the original software version 4.0.2 and are experiencing problems now. I was advised by AT&T back in January that it would be necessary to setup separate iTunes accts for the second and third iPhones in order to receive system updates and still be able to manage separate contact lists, etc. If I go this route, I assume we will lose all the apps on phones #2 and #3 that we have been "sharing"... correct? Since this AT&T advice was prior to iCloud coming out, would iCloud be a better solution or at least part of the solution? I really don't yet understand how iCloud works. Hopefully, one of you can help me??
    we have 2 iphone 4's synced to the same itunes account for apps and music since the day we bought them, but each has a different icloud acct. they have both been updated on the same itunes account with every update that has come out since we bought them in december of 2010. nothing on either phone has ever been lost or duplicated. having said all that, maybe i'm missing something here, but we have had no problems. we do have itunes setup to sync manually. i do believe i'm a piker compared to lawrence finch, but i'm just telling you what happens in my house. maybe check with apple? is there a store near you?

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