Updating a "3D curve" global variable

I'm using a "3D curve" globla variable. I can't find the way to properly update the plots of that variable ? On my main VI the 3D curve works fine but the global variable doesn't update.

Salut Tartanpion !
May be you could post an example/ sample of your vi. Otherwise I'm afraid nobody will be able to help you...
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
         E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        

Similar Messages

  • After updating to lv 2010, global variables do not write

    I have just updated from LV 2009 SP2 to LV 2010 and found that some of my global variables are written to, but cannot be read from.   Other global variables cannot be written to.
    How do I fix this? 
    metzler CLAD

    Hello, is that shared variable or global variable ?
    In my opinion Global variable function are same in 2009 or 2010 so theoretically updating shouldn't effect so it is unly the version issue in executing among the VI .. please make your complete project in updated version if still you get error plz reply with error codes .. 
    One more thing you can try is to reconnect all variables ..
    In case it is shared variable  This error can occur if you attempt to read from a write-only variable or write to a read-only variable, or if you do not have permission to access the variable. I am sure this shouldn't be your problem but still have a check on this also ..
    In next reply please write if you are geting any error code ..
    BR, HS

  • Global variable not updating in main vi

    Hello Friends,
    I had already prepared a vi with global variables assigned in it previously... now I have updated 4 more global variables to this vi... The output at the read jet data sub vi is updating whereas the force and the rpm values are not updating in this main vi.... I call this as main vi because I just see the final output here, all in one front panel...
    If i click on run once, I get 1 value and in order to get another value i should stop and run again.
    Could you please suggest me how can I get it updated continuously?

    LabVIEW will execute whichever one who wants to first.
    You can use error wires to force an order of execution.
    I would recommend looking at the online LabVIEW tutorials
    LabVIEW Introduction Course - Three Hours
    LabVIEW Introduction Course - Six Hours

  • Timeline. How does (or does not) update global variables?

    Hello All,
    I am having problems to understand how a timeline updates values. In my case the timeline is supposed to change an index within a second always by incrementing it by one or decrementing by one. Basically I am trying to create a mosaic of images that when I press left key all the columns move to left and when I press right key all the columns move to right.
    To do this I have a deltaX constant that defines the translation.
    Then I have a global tracker initialized to 0 and then udated +1 if move to right, -1 if move to left.
    The Timeline is:
    public var tracker: Number = 0;
    var thumbnails: ImageView[] = bind for (column in [0..appModel.CATALOG_COLUMNS + 1]) {
                    for (row in [1..appModel.CATALOG_ROWS]) {
                        def imageView: ImageView =  ImageView {
                                    image: bind catalogData.dataAt(row, column)
                                    x:  bind (column - 1)*catalogData.maxThumbnailWidth + column*xSpacing
                                    y:  bind ySpacing + (row - 1) * (catalogData.maxThumbnailHeight + ySpacing)
                                    translateX: bind tracker*deltaX
                                    transforms:  bind [
                                        Rotate {
                                            angle: bind direction * rotation
                                            pivotX: bind imageView.x + imageView.boundsInLocal.width / 2
                                            pivotY: bind imageView.y + imageView.boundsInLocal.height / 2
        override public function create(): Node {
            return Group {
                        content: bind thumbnails
    public function rotateAndTranslateToRight(): Void {
            direction = 1;
        public function rotateAndTranslateToLeft(): Void {
            direction = -1;
        var translateAndRotateTimeline = Timeline {
            def initialValueTracker = tracker;
                    keyFrames: [
                        KeyFrame {
                            time: 0s
                            values: [
                                 rotation => 0,
                                 tracker => initialValueTracker
                        KeyFrame {
                            time: 1s
                            values: [
                                rotation => 360 tween Interpolator.LINEAR,
                                tracker => initialValueTracker + direction tween Interpolator.LINEAR
                }The problem is that if I first move to right the Timeline works correctly and tracker goes from 0 to 1 in one second, therefore I see a translation to right of tracker*deltaX pixels. So far so good.
    Then if I move to left, I am expecting the Timeline to change tracker from 1 to 0 in one second, but really it is changing tracker from 0 to -1... which of course messes up my translation to left.
    I thought Timeline updates global variables (define outside the Timeline in the context of the class the Timeline is defined) during the transition, but apparently from my observation it doesn't.
    Or maybe I am not defining correctly the Timeline itself and/or the tracker variables?
    Edited by: sacchett88 on Jun 4, 2010 1:03 PM

    Thanks for the reply... but it didn't help me that much in finding the workaround. I wrote a simpler example to prove the point that can be easily copied and pasted and run. The example draw a circle and for every right key it should move the circle to right of a deltaX number of pixel. If left key is pressed then the circle should move to left of a deltaX number of pixels. The code is:
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;
    import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
    import javafx.animation.Timeline;
    import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
    import javafx.animation.Interpolator;
    var deltaX: Number = 70;
    var direction: Number = 1;
    var tracker: Number = 0;
    var circle: Circle;
    var translate = Timeline {
        def initialValueTracker = tracker;
                keyFrames: [
                    KeyFrame {
                        time: 0s
                        values: [
                            tracker => initialValueTracker
                    KeyFrame {
                        time: 1s
                        values: [
                            tracker => initialValueTracker + direction tween Interpolator.LINEAR
    Stage {
        title: "Application title"
        scene: Scene {
            width: 900
            content: [
                circle = Circle {
                    centerX: 100,
                    centerY: 100,
                    translateX: bind tracker*deltaX
                    radius: 40
                    fill: Color.BLACK
                    onKeyPressed: function (e: KeyEvent): Void {
                        if (e.code == KeyCode.VK_RIGHT) {
                            direction = 1;
                        } else if (e.code == KeyCode.VK_LEFT) {
                            direction = -1;
    circle.requestFocus();I understand how KeyFrame works. However the final value I'd like to be the initial value for next key press. I also tried to assign explicitely the final value to the tracker variable at the end of the timeline, but next time timeline still picks up the initial value 0 of tracker.

  • Global Variable Update for URL Link

    I cant seem to find the article anymore and not sure if I was imagining this.
    Within OBIEE when editing a dashboard we can add dashboard objects including a link
    For this link, we can have any web URL we want to redirect to another web page.
    For this URL, is there anyway to declare a static variable for this so we can go to one central location to update the URL?
    Recently I had to go into each dashboard and update the URL manually one by one. Rather avoid this exercise if I can just make one global variable change
    Any ideas?

    So I finally found what I was looking for and it was right in front of my nose
    In the catalog manager there is an option for "XML Search and Replace"
    To update all the URL's across all my dashboards I just needed to use this function
    Remember after updating to refresh, or exit and log back into your catalog manager to see the newly updated changes
    Edited by: chillychin on May 17, 2013 2:13 PM

  • Global variable updating

    If you have a book with ten chapters and use a variable as the issue number in the footer of each page, this results in a long and manual process to update it.
    It would save me a lot of time if I could update a variable across all files in a book at the same time.
    Proposed solution:
    At the moment, variables are only managed in individual .fm files, not in the .book file. You could have a Global Variable Update option in the book window which brings up a dialog allowing you to select any open .fm file (much like the Import Formats window). Then you can select a variable from this .fm file and type a new value for it. The variable will then be updated for all .fm files in the book (or created if no such variable exists).

    There is a way to update your single variable definition across your entire book. I'm assuming you want the variable value to be the same in all or in all your selected files as well.
    Requirement: The variable you are updating must be named the same in all your files.
    Potential Pitfall: If you have Running h/f variables defined differently from file to file, the definitions will be overwritten to what the file you are importing from has defined.
    Ok, assuming your variable "issue number" is named the same in all your chapters, make a copy of one of your chapters by saving it out as "importvar.fm" (or whatever).
    Now edit the definition of that user variable to what it needs to be. Do not close the variable palette.
    In the list of user variables, delete all other user variables, but leave "Issue Number" as the only user defined variable in the palette.
    Close the variable palette and save the file.
    Select the files in your book that you want to import to. File>Import>Formats (Alt FIO) and select ONLY "Variable Definitions". Select "Import".
    Done. In addition to your request for an update to the program, I would like the ability to deselect the system variables from a "Variable Definitions" Import.

  • Update global variable on front panel of another VI

    I have a main VI that has the GUI for the operators that has several steps with multiple sub vi's. I want to display the status (where I am in the process) on the GUI. I am using global variables, and the status updates in the global variable front panel just fine, however it only outputs the last value to the operator GUI. I would like it to show the new status at each point in the code. I read something about action engines but I am not sure is that is the correct way. I attached some code just as an example of how I am doing it right now.  
    example.vi ‏9 KB

    lvuser333 wrote:
    I have a main VI that has the GUI for the operators that has several steps with multiple sub vi's. I want to display the status (where I am in the process) on the GUI. I am using global variables, and the status updates in the global variable front panel just fine, however it only outputs the last value to the operator GUI. I would like it to show the new status at each point in the code. I read something about action engines but I am not sure is that is the correct way. I attached some code just as an example of how I am doing it right now.  
    i would implement a state machine, in your case. and look into references to bring the info up to the main vi if need to....
    Spoiler (Highlight to read)

  • Control global variable used in sub vi

    I've created a vi to read an instrument and to initiate its calibration with labview. This VI stores data in a global variable containing measurments and status of the instrument.
    Now what I'm trying to do is create a sub vi with this to read&write 2 exactly identical instruments so I can finally create a VI that read all 3 instruments simultaneously.
    How could I create a control on the global variable used by the sub VIs since it is the only thing that will change along with its COM port ?
    I included a screetshot of the current VI.
    Read_Calibrate.PNG ‏61 KB

    I would make an array of values and then you just pass in which value to update.  I would actually take it a step further and make an Action Engine that can update the data and return the data.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Using functional global variables to transfer data between touch screen device and other targets

    We are currently developing a control system that will operate on a cRIO with a touch screen interface. During development we have been using functional global variables (FGVs) to handle most of the settings/data etc, however we have just realised that we may have an issue updating the data on the touch screen, and vice versa.
    Previously we have implemented similar programs using shared variables, however we were wondering if there is anyway to implement FGVs in a similar manner, whether it'd be a combination of FGVs and shared variables.
    Software version: Labview 8.2.1

    See this thread on LAVA about sharing FGV's across projects. THis should be extendable to cross paltforms (I believe).
    You also may want to concider an upgrade to LV 8.5.1. We have found a number of performance related issues with LV 8.2.1 and RT.
    If you decide not to upgrade, just remeber what I wrote (above) when you have reason to question the performance.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Setting the value of an Application Item (setting a global variable);

    In APEX, I need to initialize a global variable to 0 to implement a variable for testing to see if anything on the page has changed. Will update to 1 when certain select lists on the page are changed. Have read through some similar questions and replies within the forum as well as other blogs and sites. So, I believe what I am doing is the way to go about this. Unfortunately, my initialization of an application item/global isn't happening yet. here's a rundown of what has been implemented:
    1) created an application item, G_CLASSIFICATION_ID_NEW in the shared components;
    2) created Javascript (JS) function called by addLoadEvent in the page html header region so when the page loads, the G_CLASSIFICATION_ID_NEW global/application item should get set to 0 with the following JS and using AJAX and htmldb_GET:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function initVars()
    alert("before get initvars");
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,null,22);
    get.add('G_CLASSIFICATION_ID_NEW', 0);
    gReturn = get.get();
    get = null;
    alert("after get initvars");
    alert("before call to initpage");
    I've used the htmldb_Get with success for populating other global variables and running On Demand Processes with onchange JS calls in the html form element attributes within select lists on the page. Afterwards, I can check the globals via the Session window and searching on Application Items. Unfortunately, I'm missing something because my G_CLASSIFICATION_ID_NEW never gets populated when I load the page. The alerts all popup when the page is loaded, so I know the script is being executed when the page loads. the alert(gReturn.value) comes back undefined. And, needless to say, the G_CLASSIFICATION_ID_NEW to 0 is not occurring.
    I've tried the htmldb_Get with it calling an application process and without (set to null). From what I've read, you shouldn't need to call an on demand process to have the get.add set the global variable. Then again, this could be where I'm going wrong. however, as I've mentioned, this works for other functions called from an onchange to populate an application item, but the page has already loaded when the onchange(s) get executed. They may work because the page is already loaded when the onchange is called. My point here is that my other On demand processes are NOT setting or changing the global variables at all. The globals are getting set with the get.add(<app item>, <value>) portion of my other JS functions within the HTML Header region. So, I'm inclined to believe that I don't need the 'application_process=<some_odp>' parameter set, but if that's not true, please let me know. if so, what would need to be in the on demand process--ie, what would be the purpose of the get.add(<application item>, <value>) if I set the global variable in the on demand process because that's the only thing I could think of doing within an on demand process for this?
    If somebody can point out what I'm not understanding or failing to do here, that would be great. I'm doing fine with APEX, but wouldn't consider myself a guru with it just yet. I'm definitely not a JS/AJAX guru, and when things like this go astray, I get bogged down because I'm not sure of the problem. So, I'm hoping you gurus who monitor this forum can get me going in the right direction.

    Hi Jari,
    Does that javascript work if you place it some of region footer on page 22 ?Yes. I cut it out of the html header of the page, and put it in the footer of the first region on the page. It initializes the variable. Putting it into the footer of the first region on the page should work for me instead of having an extra region on the page that's being picked up from page 0.
    Is your page 22 authentication public ?No. This particular page is set for an ADMINISTRATOR only. That said, I am logged in as an administrator. So, I cannot see why setting authentication should make a difference as long as I have that authentication/authorization. Also, there will be other pages where I want to use this script or a similar script, but again, those pages will not be open to the public. the authentication will be "role" based where a user will not necessarily have to be an administrator, but they will have to have a certain role to access the page. Is there a known problem or something that precludes a html header JS script from doing an addloadevent when authentication is NOT public?
    thank you,

  • Can I use the timestamp of a Network published global variable to reduce network traffic?

    I would like to use a couple of network-published global variables that will contain large clusters of data.  I want to host them on one device but read them from several - consider a distributed control system.  The data will update very infrequently, but, when it does, I want all my HMIs to know quickly.  I can have all the HMIs just read the data 4x/second (that would be fast enough) but I was wondering if there is a more elegant solution (still using global variables).  If I read only the timestamp 4x/second from each of the HMIs, compare it to the last read, and then poll the whole variable only if the timestamps are different, will that require less resources than just grabbing the whole variable every time?  In other words, does reading the timestamp use the same amount of resources as reading the whole variable?
    With really simple code, assuming the "Setup Data" cluster is quite large, does....
    ...get me any advantage over...
    Go to Solution.

    mark3545 wrote:
    So that means they are already doing what I want anyway, right?  If the reader only gets updated when the writer changes it, I can poll it as often as I want without increasing traffic, correct?
    That is correct.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Can I Access the Value of a Global Variable in a Trigger

    I'm using a Global variable in a Package which i use in the BIU Trigger to populate a column. After assigning the value for that global variable, I run an INSERT in the same package. But I find only the default value of the Global variable populated in the column. Can I use a Global Variable in a Trigger? Is there any way to put in a common value across all the tables in an application for all DMLs of a particular session?

    I'm already having the same setup mentioned in the thread. And I'm doing exactly whats given there. But the issue seems to be something different. I'm assigning the value to the Global Variable in the Package through Apex. Here's the Package Code:
    X_app_user_id NUMBER DEFAULT -1;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY Schema1.spms_security_pkg
    FUNCTION user_id
    -- RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'USER ID'||'*'||X_app_user_id);
    RETURN NVL (x_app_user_id, -1);
    -- RETURN NVL (sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER'), -1);
    RETURN -1;
    And Here is the Trigger Code:
    :NEW.created_by := spms_security_pkg.user_id;
    :NEW.created_date := SYSDATE;
    :NEW.updated_by := SPMS_SECURITY_PKG.X_app_user_id;--spms_security_pkg.user_id;
    :NEW.updated_date := SYSDATE;
    END IF;
    But I always get -1 in the both in the table after the DMLs.

  • How to use a global variable for reading a query resultset in JDBC lookup?

    Hi Friends,
    Using JDBC lookup, I am trying to read from a table Emp1 using a user defined function. In PI 7.0, this function returns values of a single column only even if you fire a " Select * " query. I am planning to use a global variable(array) that stores individual column values of the records returned by a "select *" query. Need pointers on as to how a global variable can be declared and used to acheive the above scenario. Kindly explain with an example. Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Amit,
    Sounds like a good idea but then you would need an external db and update the table in a thread safe way !.
    Regarding your question as to how to work with global variable please refer https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/1352. [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]

  • How can I run two different vi's in same project which are accessing same global variable with out effecting the speed of the execution of both the vi's

    I have build an Labview project with FPGA target .  I have configured an FPGA VI and an host Vi to acquire data and logged the data to a file and stored the latest data in a global variable simultanously. I have configured one more VI in the same project  to access the global variable.  I have build a dll to access both the VI as functions in LabWindows/CVI code.  My task in CVI is to update configured GUI with latest data periodically and run the  host VI continously for a long time and log the data to a file. GUI should update for every one second with latest data for this I am using the second VI in which I am accessing the global varibale in which the latest data has been stored in host VI.

    Duplicate Post (go here)

  • Passing Global Variable in Sql Object

    How can i pass my global variable into SQL object? I tried to pass it but then I tried to update the schema it giving me the error at varble
    Please advise me

    The Update schema is used only to get the structure for the Output.
    Once you have a valid structure and the SQL Parses without any variables use the syntax for applying variables as in any Script within DI.
    $GV_MyVar enclosed within square brackets will be replaced by Value of the variable.
    $GV_MyVar enclosed within curly brackets will be replaced by Value of the variable enclosed in single quotes.
    When the job runs, the variables will be replaced with values OR values with quotes. It is at this time, the SQL send to the database is validated for syntax.
    Therefore, you will not know the validity of your SQL with Global Variables until you run the job.
    Hope this helps!
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: Tiji Mathew on May 8, 2009 3:40 PM
    The actual syntax was being posted as a link. edited to make the text descriptive.

Maybe you are looking for