Updating a x1600 graphics card!

Hi i´ve got an old Macbook pro from early 2007, and would like to install xcode5.
The problem is that moutain Lion ( lowest Os to run xcode5) will not install because of my graphics card (x1600).
I would like to know, where i can get a better graphics card for my macbook.
I know that it´s and old Mac and getting card for him will be difficult, but had to take a shot, here, and maybe some
one can indicate or help me out.
I like the my Mac and If i can get around this problem, I will try.

Mountain Lion hardware requirements:
MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)

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    I can confirm that this solution works with Windows 10 Technology/Insider preview too. And surely works with forthcoming Windows RTM too. 
    Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 TP work both like a charm with nearly 10 years old HP Compaq nx9420 laptop, with Intel Core 2 Duo and ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 display adapter. Nice co-operation of "old" hardware and very Modern Windows OS.
    So in brief:
    If you have laptop with ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 or other X1000-series display adapter and
    you want to install Windows 8, 8.1 or 10, do this:
    0) First just install Windows 8.x/10. It will install Microsoft Generic display driver, but that doesn't support full resolution of ATI Mobility Radeon X1000 -series - for example it may show maximum 1400x1050 -resolution, thus your laptop display and Radeon
    X1000 may support native 1650x1050, but you can't obtain that resolution with that Microsoft generic driver. So you need ATI-driver and you can get it this way: 
    1) With Internet Explorer (this doesn't work with other browsers) go to
    Microsoft Update -catalog:   http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/
    2) Search "ATI Mobility Radeon X1600"
      (or X1300, X1800 etc)
    3) Sort search results by date (last update -column), latest on top. You will see drivers for Windows 7
    - they will work with Windows 8.x and 10 too. There is certainly two of them; other is 32 bit only and other is 64 bit dirver.
    4) Select proper driver version of them, according your Windows 32 or 64 bit, so click Add
    5) At top-right click Show basket and then download those driver packages to your computer. They are cab-file
    6) Obtain 7-zip -utility, install it and with it unpack that cab-driver package on folder with its package-name.
    7) On start of taskbar, right mouse button click Windows-Start and then select Hardware management. On
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    8) Browse on folder, where you unpacked ATI driver (on stage 6 earlier) and select Next ... that updates
    driver, on the go and you don't need even to reboot Windows. 
    9) Now you have proper ATI Mobility Radeon -driver in use. It  surely sets automatically resolution
    according your laptop screen (so recommended native resolution of screen panel) or you can select that on diplay settings. 
    Extra: For that Windows 8.x/10 boot works fine too, do this too: 
    Seems that Windows 8.x (and Windows 10 too), with their hybrid-shutdown -functionality, require some support of the display adapter, that ATI Radeon Mobility x1000 -series don't have. 
    So the solution is to disable that Windows 8.x (or Windows 10) hybrid boot -functionality (that is quicker boot) and to use "normal boot". 
    You can fix that this way:
    - at end of Taskbar click battery/power icon and select Power settings
    - navigate to power and sleep settings
    - either at bottom of those settings, or in Win10 more power settings, select power buttons functionality/settings (so what power button, sleep button or closing laptop screen does)
    - at bottom of those settings is shutdown options (or with similar name). uncheck "use quick boot" -settings (for to uncheck that you may need to click first upper "changing disabled settings" (or similar name) at top or windows) 
    (I recommend to check Hibernate at the same time too, because that is usefull)
    - then Save settings and reboot Windows and you have got rid of that problem that Windows 8.x/10 don't show Lock screen, now it does.
    Boot takes just a little longer, so practically no problem. And if you need quicker boot with laptop, use Hibernate-state, so don't shut down your laptop, but instead put it into Hibernate-state (that is better than Sleep mode, because Hibernate-mode doesn't
    consume battery-power, like Sleep-mode does)

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    You're very welcome.
    Your notebook has switchable graphics...an Intel UMA graphics chip which uses shared system memory, and an AMD Radeon HD 7650M graphics chip, which uses discrete graphics memory.
    The AMD GPU with its discrete graphics memory are still chips soldered and integrated on the motherboard.
    That's what it means.  You assumed it was a removable card, and it is not.
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    Note on page 7...
    Intel HD Graphics 4000 (3nd Generation Intel Quad-Core i7; Dual-Core i5 and i3)
    Intel HD Graphics 3000 (2nd Generation Intel Dual-Core i5 and i3)
    Intel HD Graphics (2nd Generation Intel Celeron configurations)
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    I don't see anything there about a graphics card, do you?

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    I have tried updating software and the operating system as this is now with recent versions do apparently.
    Kind Regards Toby.
    Motion Designer / Editor

    I suggest you post on the Adobe forums since it's their software you're having problems with and this forum is for trouble shooting Apple Software Update app for Windows, which is not related to your question in any way.

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    I also experienced problems with my graphics card after installing the latest update via the "software update" application. I have the standard GeForce FX 5200 installed in my Power Mac G5 Dual 2GHz. After the update, the available resolutions listed in my "display preferences" were changed. Several additional resolutions were added, most of which were "interlaced." I normally run my display, a Sony Multiscan crt, at 1024 x 768. This was now only available as a "interlaced" option, which would not display properly on my monitor. I downloaded the 10.4.9 Combo Updater directly from the Apple web site. Once I ran the combo updater, it removed the "interlaced" options and restored my normal choices. Everything is now running smoothly. If anyone is having graphics card issues, I would give the combo updater a try.
    Power Mac G5 Dual 2GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    I'm just not sure what is going on - that error is what Mac Mini's and others with onboard video have when they try to run FCE/FCP, and there is a workaround mentioned here:
    Of course, your MBP has the ATI card, not onboard video.
    I did a clean install of FCE 3 HD ( PPC ) and then upgraded immediately to FCE 3.5 HD ( Universal ) and have experienced no problems with it.

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    Just in case: do I need any power cord / adapter / other part for either of those cards to work?
    Thank you,

    Yes, there is a special Mac version of these (and any) card. The ROM on the card is different for the PC, as it needs to work with the PC's BIOS. A Mac card needs a different ROM to work with either Open Firmware (G5s) or EFI (Mac Pros). As you discovered, the Mac Pro cards work only Mac Pros, and you'd find the same to be true of the G5 cards, also due to the ROM differences.
    You'll find it much easier to find the ATI X1900GT (aka G5 Edition). The 7800GT is generally only available as a replacement part, and as such, is very expensive. OWC has/had some in stock for a very reasonable price, but I have no idea if they can or will ship to China.

  • Updating Radeon Mobility Graphics Cards

    As you will have probably found out ATI aren't very forthcoming with new mobility drivers. The good news is though that with a slight modification normal Catalyst drivers can be used follow this link for instructions:
    I am using the latest drivers myself using this info.

    Hi Carmel
    Thanks for this tip.
    But note: The original Toshiba graphic drivers are modified because of graphic overheating issues. The ATI drivers are not designed for notebook usage. In his case the usage of no Toshiba graphic drivers can damage the graphic card.
    You can use it but at your own RISK. If the graphic card will be damage so warranty will not cover the reparation.

  • ATI x1600 Graphic Card Problem

    i installed bootcamp drivers from leopard than upgrade it 2.0 drivers. Things are well here but i need ati control panel setup for maximum graphic performance, kindly tell me where can i download.
    i'm running Windows SP2

    Man ......... ! ......... i'm running Assasin Creed & Call of Duty 4 in low Quality, which makes me feel so dizzy.
    Now there's a line called in a post says "Do it AT YOUR OWN RISK" is that mean if i overclock it than i'm going Damage my Computer (by Hardware Level) ?
    Overclocking the graphics chip or the CPU always contains the possibilities if irreversable damage to them.
    And with integrated systems like the iMac and Notebooks the possibility is rising, since these systems have been carefully designed in terms of heat-production and fan-system.
    If its like that than i'm not that much rich to buy a NEW ONE and i live in Pakistan and these days weather is around 40Degree Temp.
    With temperatures like these the risk of damage is rising as well.
    What you guys suggest? Shud i do it or not ?
    In 20+ years of using computers (MS-DOS/Windows-PCs and Macs) I have never overclocked anything in them.
    But the choice is yours.
    If you decide to overclock, start it slowly, and only increase the speed when your iMac is working flawlessly with the previous increase.
    At the first sign of errors (disturbed graphics or similar), stop and decrease back to the previous working setting.
    Keep an eye on the temperatures of the graphics chip and the whole iMac.
    And realise, that the X1600 is a graphics chip that is at least 3 years old and might simply be not able to run CoD4 or Assassins Creed at full quality.
    Take care

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    You cannot upgrade the GPU except by buying a newer model with a better GPU. Normally, with shared RAM the GPU will have a maximum of 384 MBs of VRAM with 4 GBs of installed RAM. That will increase by about 128 MBs per 2 GBs of additional installed RAM.

  • Viewing HD online video at 1080P with graphic card ATI x1600

    I seem to notice that when I am viewing videos in HD at 1080 the video tends to get choppy but then it start to work again normally, mean while when I go to my new macbook alum it works perfectly fine there is this because ATI x1600 doesn´t support 1080 HD trailer movies at that res, which it ***** because back then it use to work fine at 1080 is this a leopard driver issues or is it that the card is not powerful enough to handle that res, even though I have 256 of ram just as the same as the nvidia 9400m which has shared 256 of ram.

    this is the link where my ATI X1600 graphics card with iMac intel duo core 2.0 gigahertz with 2 gigs of ram and my graphics is 256 of vram
    has problem viewing smoothly the HD 1080P trailers, but it doesn´t have any problems viewing with the new macbook with the nvidia 9400m graphic cards is this probably because of an encoding issue or codec issues with these HD trailers.

  • Satelite 1730, updating graphics card

    At work we have a Toshiba Satelite 1730 that I wanted to upgrade the graphics card for. It's an ATI card but I was recommended to go to the manufacturer of the laptop for an update.
    But at Toshiba Support I only find an update for Windows ME.
    I know the laptop was delivered with Windows ME but sice then the PC support at work have upgraded it to Windows 2000.
    Where can I find an update for the graphics card for Windows 2000?

    You are right about OS. This notebook model is delivered with WinME only and there is no support for other operating systems. The only thing that you can do is to search on the net the driver for your graphic card by at producer download site.
    Your notebook has an ATI RAGE Mobility-C graphic chip.

  • Goosed graphics card

    hello, just last week i was installing fallout 1 for OSX and i had heard people were having problems with colors, and they recommended a nvidia 256 color update which i downloaded. it asked me to restart, and when i did the OS basically gets to the logo and the loading gear spins, indicating the OS would be starting. the computer then goes light blue screen, which is normal because a few seconds later the computer starts. instead, it goes back to the apple logo and freezes there. further research has shown me that i installed an update for my graphics card that wasn't needed (nvidia and GMA aren't the same, DUH!) so my question is this: is there any way i can access the file system of my mac and remove this update via firewire? when i try firewire, i can't delete the files necessary, because i do not have sufficient read/write permissions. also, running in safe boot doesn't work. i hope someone can help me remove this, or else i'll have to re-install the OS all over again... sorry for the lengthy post...

    i re-installed the operating system and performed a archive and re-install. all is well =)

  • Graphics Card Missing

    I've had the MSI GS70 stealth for a little over a year and have had issues with my gpu not showing up in either the device manager or any other program i run to check on it. Bios won't find it and im not really sure why. Normally i would send it in, but my warranty is up and was just curious if anyone might have any suggestions on what i could do to solve this problem.

    Quote from: nathanbriggs94 on 07-April-15, 01:11:41
    That is not the case. The drivers do not install since it cant find it. I did reload windows 8 a while back and it worked fine, i did the intel driver and then the nvidia one. Later i updated to windows 8.1 and did some updates and the graphics card disappeared. I rolled it back to 8 to a state where it should work and it was still missing.
    Boot into bios but spaming DEL button once in look under advanced or tab with GPU feature it should have a UMA Only or NVIDIA + UMA thing there if it says UMA ONLY then you need to select it and change it to Nvidia that should re-enable the nvidia gpu chip so it appears again inside windows

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