Upgrade 4.5 for Mac?

On the Blackberry site, it says the upgrade is only available for Windows Internet Explorer only. Is there anyway to upgrade the software on a Mac without IE?

upgrade goes through :
- either an ActiveX inside MS Internet Explorer
- or through Desktop Manager for Windows.
The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    That implies you haven't upgraded yet. Yes?
    I will still be unable to use word docs.
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    I apologize for any delay on the completion of your order Don0727! Our order status update website http://vz.to/1vJdvVw indicates that your order is still in process. Once processing is completed you will be provided with a tracking number. I apologize for any inconvenience this have caused you. Be assured that we make every effort to process all orders as soon as possible.
    AntonioC_VZW Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/VZWSupport

  • Advice on upgrading to SSD for Mac Pro (optimized for AfterEffects & Photoshop)

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    1. Should I be purchasing 1 or 2 SSDs, and how should I be using these drives to optimize my system for AfterEffects and Photoshop?
    2. Should I install my operating system (I'm on OS 10.8.5 but plan to upgrade to Mavericks when I upgrade to CC) on one separate SSD, and then install my Adobe applications on a 2nd SSD, or can I put both the operating system and applications on a single SSD? And should I be saving my projects on a SSD (if so, which one, if I'm supposed to purchase 2?
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    6. I'm also considering upgrading my current graphics card (ATI Radeon HD 5870) to the NVIDIA Quatro 4000 or NVIDIA Quatro 5000, but I'm wondering how much of a speed boost this would give me.
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    Memory: 64 GB DDR3 ECC
    Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5870
    Hard Drives (Internal): 2x 2TB Hitachi HD
    Hard Drives (External): 12TB OWC Mercury Elite Pro RAID drive array (connected via eSATA)
    Apologies in advance for the long message, but I've always recieved great advice from these message boards and I'd appreciate any help!

    Thanks so much for jumping back into the discussion, The hatter! I had some earlier questions from before that I was hoping you could answer:
    Currently I own a 12 TB OWC Mercury Elite Pro RAID drive array (connected via eSATA) which I use to save projects, project files, and renders. So (unless I am mistaken) you're recommending that I continue to use this RAID array to save projects, project files, and renders.
    (I was looking into purchasing a Mercury Accelsior_E2 for my SSD via PCI -- it has eSATA, so I can continue to connect my RAID array)
    Then I would use my new SSD via SATA II for my system, apps, and OS (minus home folder media files, data, documents) and my SSD via PCI for scratch disks for Photoshop/AfterEffects.
    Currently I have 2 x 2 TB internal hard drives, which have all my OS + home folder media files.
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    1. Purchase SSDs (via PCI and internal SATA II) and install them inside my Mac Pro.
    (Is there any formatting I need to do at this point to the SSDs once they are all plugged in...?)
    2. Install TRIM Enabler
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    4. CCC clones system gets 'cloned' (minus the media folders) to the SSD that is installed via SATA II in empty internal drive bay inside Mac Pro.
    5. Repair the SSD with DU after cloning and before using and booting from SSD.
    (What is DU? How does it work? Not familiar with DU...?)
    6. Reboot computer from system running on SSD.
    7. Open Photoshop/AfterEffects (now running from SSD) and assign new scratch disk (the SSDs on PCIe SSD controller).
    8. After 100% sure that system + apps that have been cloned is working via SSD, delete ONLY system and apps from old hard drive (but do not delete media files).
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    I haven't bought from this company myself, but my (very skeptical and conservative) brother-in-law bought Microsoft Office 2010 Professional from them for only $96, and during the installation process it went to the "Genuine Microsoft" license verification website which passed it as a valid license and registered it.
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    Bridge and organizer are totally different kinds of programs. Bridge is just a browser. It totally doesn't care what you do with your photos outside of bridge, just shows you the current state of any folder you point it to, unlike asset managers like iphoto, organizer, LR, aperture, where you must let the program take over managing your photos from now on. For instance, you can look at a folder in bridge, move half a dozen photos out of it in the finder, then next time bridge just shows a folder with 6 less photos in it.
    Organizer is like iphoto, aperture, lightroom: an asset manager. If you use one of these programs you commit to letting it manage your photos for you. If you use organizer and then move photos from outside organizer, it will have a hissy fit and run around waving its hands in the air and bleating that it can't find them again. You must do everything--deleting, moving, renaming--from inside the organizer if you want it to know where your photos are. On the plus side, organizer lets you save many different edited versions of your photo in a way that takes up much less space than saving an actual new copy each time. When you use an asset management program, the idea is to forget about where the photos are stored and use tags and categories to find them when you want them. Many people believe this is much superior to folders. You could make tags and categories and sub-categories instead of the folder names you currently use.
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    Contact Microsoft it's their product.

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    I can purchase CS5 for $199 as an upgrade and request the Mac version.
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    Thanks for any responses.

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    If you have Office 2004 or a copy of Office 2008 you haven't yet installed, no. If you've installed Office 2008 or have Office 2011, yes.

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    here is a link that will give you some information

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    At all costs avoid the standard hard drive - it is a huge performance bottleneck. The Fusion drive is fantastic if you have lots of stuff and want to avoid using an external hard drive to store all that stuff. If you have nowhere near 256GB of stuff and don't anticipate taking lots of digital photos, video, or downloading music, then the SSD is a better choice. While the fusion drive provides superior speed compared to the internal drive it cannot match the speed of an SSD once you've added enough data and programs to fill the SSD portion of the drive. (That's a simplistic explanation but accurate none-the-less.)
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