Upgrade of LR3 Teacher Ed to LR5 Teacher Ed

I purchased the Teacher Ed of LR3 in 2010.  I have since bought a new camera that is not recognized by LR3 and am considering an upgrade to LR5.  The Teacher Ed of LR5 is listed as $79.99 but I cannot tell if this is the upgrade price or the full price – so what is the price for an upgrade of the Teacher Ed of LR5?  Also, I am still eligible to purchase the Teacher Ed (my status as a teacher has not changed)?  I don't remember if this is just a one time discount.  Thanks.

You purchased LR 3.x version license at the Teacher/ Student discount price. The software is the same as the full version. So you are eligable to puchase the LR 5 upgrade at the regular upgrade price which is around $80.
If you are still eligable for the Teacher / Student version you can purchase the LR 5 version at approxametly the same price of the regular upgrade price. You will then have to go through the hassel of verifying your elegibility. There is no special Teacher/ Student upgrade price. Actually Amazon is offering the LR 5 upgrade at $75.99.

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    You can click Buy on this page to purchase LR5 without subscribing:
    http://www.adobe.com/products/catalog/software._sl_id-contentfilter_sl_catalog_sl_software _sl_mostpopular.html
    First, though, download and install LR 5.6 from the Adobe Updates page and make sure LR5 will run on your computer:

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    If the price is the same as an ordinary upgrade you are probably better off buying that because it can be upgraded in the future.

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    Thank you, JimHess for your help.  That was deceptively easy.  I spent two hours trying to find someone at Adobe to help this newbie (me) with this but you answered my question very well.  Greatly appreciated.
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    dj_paige a écrit:
    ...But we can also wait and see report from other users.
    Unfortunately, there is no doubt that the conversion of PSE12 catalogs has been omitted. It's not the first time : I also had to wait for LR4 to be able to convert PSE11 files. We may hope that Adobe will acknowledge the fact, and possibly solve the problem for future versions of PSE.
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    When you upgrade your existing LR3 catalog to LR4, all images in the catalog that had previous develop adjustments (so likely most of them) will retain the 2010 Process Version, and therefore will exhibit the LR3 controls in the Basic Panel. These can be upgraded to PV2012 (and thus to the new Basic Panel controls) as indicated by Michael.
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    Yes, absolutely: upgrade.
    Lr3 is better, period (why not use it instead of Lr2?)
    The upgrade price to me is so reasonable that its a no-brainer.
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    Remove all the versions of LR from the computer and then remove this file from this location  (USER)Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Lightroom x.0 Registration file
    Then install LR by downloading from adobe.com and then serialize with your serial number and then check.

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    Kann man eigentlich auch nur einen Teil einer Suite upgraden? Z.B. bei CS5 Design Premium nur ein Photoshop-CS6-Upgrade durchführen und die anderen Produkte (Illustrator etc.) bei CS5 lassen?
    Nein. Das ist ja gerade der Punkt - du kriegst mehr Programme zu einem günstigeren Preis, mußt aber damit leben, dass sie alle an die gleiche Seriennummer gebunden sind. Willst du nur PS imemr aktuell halten, weil dich der Rest nicht interessiert, dann mußt du halt davon nochmal eine separate Vollversion kaufen und die dann immer upgraden. Ob das aber langfristig Sinn macht, ist zu bezweifeln. Die Programme entwickeln sich alle immer weiter und Kompatibilitätsprobleme wenn du dann meinetwegen eine Grafik aus PS CS7 in dein dann altes CS5 importierst kann heute keiner voraussagen. Gleiches halt für Betriebssysteme - Adobe Software von vor 5 Jahren (CS3) läuft ja teilweise heute schon nicht mehr unter Windows 7. Für denm Rest sehe ich keine probleme - kauf dir die Suite, die du brauchst und dann eben irgendwann mal auf kommerziell upgraden. Zu welchen Preisen und Konditione weiß aber heute auch noch keiner.

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    Thank you.

    Hello matosh1981.
    please have a look there, where basic questions are treated:
    http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/upgrade-policy-product-announcement.html >>> see the headlines esp. Looking for information about updates or purchasing an upgrade?

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