Upgraded to win7: how to get Roxio CD/DVD burning software

I couldn't find this software on lenovo support.
I know it is OEM but we still should be able to install it after a clean install of windows!
Any idea?
Go to Solution.

Hi hatbrox,
Check the setup in the proceeding directory [assuming if it still exists after the upgrade]:- c:\swtools\apps\cbed\SilentSetup.cmd
It's always a good idea to backup C:\SWTOOLS before installation of any OS on your thinkpad in advance.
Hope it helps.
Maliha (I don't work for lenovo)
ThinkPads:- T400[Win 7], T60[Win 7], IBM 240[Win XP]
IdeaPad: U350
Apple:- Macbook Air [Snow Leopard]
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    Go to Solution.

    Perfect. You got it exactly right with the media card.  And if you like the media manager, stick with it. If it ain't broke......
    I thought you wanted to get away from having to continually reinstalling the Easy Burn program, but if you have the disk and don't mind the process.....
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    If this is a New Mac - then there is no iDVD on it - even as iMovie think so.
    If there is no iDVD on Your Mac (and it's not on newer Macs as Apple discarded it) then You need a program that can do this.
    Your Mac can burn CDs and DVDs - BUT DVD as Data-DVDs not as Video-DVDs - they need a program to be encoded and STRUCTURED as such.
    • iDVD is part of the boxed version of iLife'11 and can only be bought outside Apple as on Amazon and e-bay
    • DVD Studio pro - Part of FinalCut Studio Pro bundle - this to has expired and can only be bought second handed. (High price and tough learning Curve - but best ever done.)
    • Roxio Toast™ - Not as elegant as iDVD - but has many other positive additions (I like it as 10-Pro incl BD-component) (now version 11)
    • Burn - only free alternative I know of on internet. Very simple - Just for doing a plain Video-DVD
    Burn http://www.digital-digest.com/software/Burn.html
    only You can buy from Apple is
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    Yours Bengt W

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    You didn't say if you have a new machine that had Lion already installed.  Apple will not be issuing a Lion DVD, but they do offer a Lion thumb drive available from the Apple store for $69.00.  If you purchased and downloaded it from the Apple store, you can download it again at no charge (you also didn't tell us if you mean a defunct hard drive, or an inability to boot up).  If you mean a hard drive problem, you will have to replace the drive and install SL 10.6.8 (I believe that you need that installed in order to install Lion) before doing anything else. Then, if you purchased from the Apple store, you can return there, go to the Lion page, option click on the "purchases" tag (it will turn blue) and it will bring you to the page that lists your purchases. Lion will be there, and you should be able to install it from there.
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    I hope this helps.

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    Both suggestions would work, it just seems like there should be a better way. The way she picks what goes on her iPod currently is very easy, just uncheck a couple, click a few more, easy.
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    When you say above that iDVD will be updated to the latest version by Apple....how is that true since Apple no longer supports iDVD?
    Apple does support iDVD.  Software update will update the latest version of iDVD automatically.  (Incidentally, software update will also update iMovie 06.)  For the best quality, I use iMovie 06 with iDVD 11.
    Apple only sells iDVD on disk as part of iLife 11.
    Various resellers continue to get fresh inventory of iLife 11 on disk (with iDVD) from Apple.
    I received an update to iDVD only a few months ago (after the release of lion).
    Apple supports iDVD on this forum.  Further, iDVD is still supported in Apple stores.
    IDVD remains a popular application in the Apple community. For a variety of obvious reasons Apple would prefer your movies to be stored on the cloud. Many people however prefer to have a physical copy, that they can possess, that is easily playable on over 700 million DVD players worldwide.
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    MacBooster mini
    /Applications/MacBooster mini.app
    /Library/LaunchAgents/com.MacBooster mini.loader.agent.plist
    /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.perion.MacBooster minid.plist
    /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/CT2285220.bundle
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/MacBooster miniNPAPIPlugin.plugin
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/MacBooster miniNPAPIPlugin.plugin
    /Applications/MacBooster mini.app
    /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/CT2285220.bundle
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/MacBoosterminiNPAPIPlugin.plugin
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/MacBoosterminiNPAPIPlugin.plugin
    /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/CT2285220.bundle
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/macboosterminiNPAPIPlugin.plugin
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/macboosterminiNPAPIPlugin.plugin
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    You can get replacement System Install & Restore CD/DVDs from Apple's Customer Support - in the US, (800) 767-2775 - for a nominal S&H fee. You'll need to have the model and/or serial number of your Mac available.
    If you're not in the US, you may need to go through the regional Apple Store that serves your location to find the contact number. Here's a list of links to all of those -

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    Take a look at http://www.patchburn.de/.
    It worked for me on a older iMac G3 using a LaCie 300763U Firewire DVD-RW, with no internal DVD player/burner.
    Also, this UserOpPatch (http://xvi.rpc1.org/playerpatch.html) allowed me to use DVD Player on my external DVD drive in a Tiger installation. Don't know if it'll work in Panther.
    This mascosxhint did work:

  • HT1645 Hello, does anyone know of good DVD burning software for Mac?  I've got two 8 min 25 sec mov files to put on a DVD with title and a menu for the two.  I've tried it with iDVD five times, each time waiting over an hour and then getting an error mess

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    I tried a few but no luck.  I am trying with mov files and I can't see where the cog is happening.  If anyone has any good and relatively inexpensive solutions, please let me know!
    Thanks so much!

    Welcome to the forums.
    If you'd like to continue trying with iDVD, one of Apple's resources shows HT 1645 to be an encoding error (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1645), so I would suggest starting a new iDVD project and set the iDVD Preferences to make sure they match to your project.  In particular, you should be using the Pro encoding setting or Best Performance for projects with a total length under an hour (http://support.apple.com/kb/PH5417). 
    Roxio Toast is an excellent burning tool and part of my work flow after I've used iDVD to create a disk image.  Toast will not have the nice iDVD menus, but can do many other tasks besides DVD creation.  (Disk images can help in the DVD creation process -- here's one of many discussions:  https://discussions.apple.com/message/15469221#15469221)

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    I live in Switzerland (nearly 3 hours away from the nearest Apple Store). I no longer have any guarantee or warranty so cannot get telephone advice without paying a lot. Looking forward to hear your suggestions!

    Start by checking if you can run Snow Leopard:
    Requirements for OS X 10.6 'Snow Leopard'
    The OS 10.6 Snow Leopard install DVD is available for $19.99 from the Apple Store:
    and in the UK:
    but nobody knows for how long it will be available.
    When you have installed it, run Software Update to download and install the latest updates for Snow Leopard.
    You should now see the App Store icon, and you now need to set up your account:
    To use iCloud you have to upgrade at least to Lion, but some functions are only available in Mountain Lion:
    You can also purchase the code to use to download Lion (Lion requires an Intel-based Mac with a Core 2 Duo, i3, i5, i7 or Xeon processor and 2GB of RAM, running the latest version of Snow Leopard), or you can purchase Mountain Lion from the App Store - if you can run that:

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    customers are switching to FireFox and Chrome because of this problem so I would like to find a solution.  I found another thread that had a potential solution (1. Click Tools - Internet Options - Security Tab. 2. Click Local intranet, click Sites, uncheck
    "Automatically detect intranet network" if you checked it. Then check "Include all network paths (UNCs)".  Click Advanced, add the intranet to the zone. Then Close and OK.) but that did not solve my problem.

    Based my research, due to increasing in security, we cannot disable Download Manager of Internet Explorer 9 from changing settings, editing registry keys or editing settings in Group Policy. This can prevent websites downloading automatically. Instead, we can
    set default download location.
    For reference:
    And for more detailed information, please refer to
    Safer and Faster Downloads in IE9.
    Hope this helps.
    If a post solved your problem, click “Mark as Answer” on the post. If a post helped you, click "Vote As Helpful" on the left side of post.

  • How to get video from DVD into FCE?

    I have a DVD which I got from a childhood friend. The DVD contains a compilation of old film clips (her family had old super 8 movies transferred to DVD). I'm trying to import the clip (it's one long video clip, 30 mins long) into FCE for editing. But, when I try to import, all I see on the DVD is one file folder labeled VIDEO_TS; this folder contains eight files with strange suffixes, such as .IFO, .VOB, and .BUP, none of which are accessible. Anyone have any idea how I can get the files into Final Cut Express?
    I would really appreciate any advice. Thank you.

    Hi again, Martin. I did the 'conversion', and it appeared something was happening (i.e. a 'progress bar' showed that something was going on, and it took about 20 mins or so. So, I figured it was doing the conversion. Once done, a 'play' button appeared, but when I pressed it, nothing happened. Does that sound like I'm missing the MPEG2 Playback Component?
    Note: I noticed during the conversion an indication that the file, about 2 gigs seemed to be being created, but for the life of me, I don't know where the file went (i.e. I don't know where (or even if) it was stored on my computer). Anyways, the process seems not to have worked. I guess, as you said, I'll need to purchase the Playback Component?
    Thanks for your help.

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