"upgrading" protected files to non DRM

Hey all,
I read that Apple has moved over to non DRM and that protected files that we've bought in the past can be upgraded to non DRM for a fraction of the cost of the song.
Trouble is, I can't work out how to do this.
Any ideas?

It generally is really easy. Make sure that you're logged into your iTunes Store account. If you are and the link doesn't appear, then the Store doesn't recognize that any of your purchased tracks are eligible for upgrade.
Confirm that tracks you have purchased are available in the Store as iTunes Plus. If at least some are, sometimes for various reasons (replacement of a track in the Store with another copy, slight changes in the release identification, etc.) the link between the track and your Purchase History can break, which will result in the track not appearing as eligible for iTunes Plus upgrade even though it exists as Plus in the Store.
If this is the case, contact the iTunes Store Customer Service department using the form at the bottom of the Purchase Issues FAQ web page (there is no category specifically for this issue, so I'd suggest just picking one under the Purchases - problem area) and explain the problem to them. It may take a couple of email exchanges to get past the "form" email responses, but eventually they should work out a solution for you. You may need to provide the track name, artist and order number so they can confirm the original purchase.

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    • Add this level to loading procedures
    • Adds a line to the upgrade log file: 'Level XXX added to model'.
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    Thank you for your question.
    We are currently looking into this issue and will give you an update as soon as possible.
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Linda Li
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
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    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    iphone 4, os 4.3, windows 7 itunes 10.2.1

    I have been able to finally work it out. If you want non DRM tv shows to show up make sure ARTIST is filled out. If you want all the episodes under the one TV heading, you need to make sure the Artist is the same.

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    I am not a t my computer most of the time, but I always have my ipod with me.
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    If the files are protected (DRM) there is nothing you can do but watch them the way the author intended.
    Even discussing methods of breaking DRM is against the rules of these pages.
    If you're trying to move "write" protected files that is an issue of permissions.
    Are the videos on a CD or inside a Disk Image?

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