Upgrading to mountain lion on an older macbook

hello. posting this for a friend who has an old macbook. (not a pro)
i am having a horrible time trying to figure out where to enter the serial number so i know exactly what kind of mac this is. it's not an aluminum enclosure, and i THINK its a 2009, but i dont know from when that year. the serial number is W8745U7VZ63. the OS on this computer is 10.5.8 and at this point flash and chrome won't even work, and require 10.6 to function. i understand i have to upgrade in succession and i can't just go straight to mountain lion on this machine. but my question is...can i even get mountain lion on this machine successfully? i figured looking up my serial number would tell me my computer's exact specs but, as i said, i can't find that spot on the apple site. any help would be great!

First we need to know which one of the 9 different models of MacBook you have. To see which model you have go to the Apple in the upper left corner and select About This Mac, then click on More Info. When System Profiler comes up check the Model Identifier and post it back here.
The Early 2006 model 1,1 Core Duo can only run a maximum of 10.6 Snow Leopard.
The models Late 2006 Core 2 Duos 2,1 through Early 2008 4,1 can only run a maximum of 10.7 Lion.
The Late 2008 model 5,1 Aluminum Unibody through the Mid 2010 White Unibody model 7,1 can run 10.8 Mountain Lion.

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  • Can I upgrade to Mountain Lion with my 2008 MAcbook Pro?

    I have a 2008 MAcbook pro 10.6.8 , 2,5 GHz Intel duel core, 4 GB MHz 17 Inch.    It works fine but I am about to receive a new iPhone 5 and want to use iCloud. Is my computer compatible with doing this? ANd what will be different if I do? Will my computer be faster or slower or stay the same?? I also have a older version of Word for MAc (2008 or 2009) , I dont think it will work anymore if I upgrade. Thanks for your help!

    You are using 10.6.8, so you can sync the iPhone 5 with your computer in this version. However, if you want to use iCloud, you have to upgrade. In this case, you can upgrade to Lion and Mountain Lion. OS X Mountain Lion needs a Mid/Late 2007 or newer MacBook Pro. Read > http://www.apple.com/osx/specs
    First, open the App Store and purchase OS X Mountain Lion. While it's been downloaded, make a backup of your data with Time Machine or Carbon Copy Cloner, and check that your applications are compatible > http://www.roaringapps.com
    When the download finishes, the OS X Mountain Lion installer will show up, so follow the steps to upgrade to Mountain Lion. After upgrading, open System Preferences > iCloud, and follow its steps to set up iCloud on your MacBook Pro.
    Microsoft Office 2008 and 2011 works in Mountain Lion, but if you have 2008, you should update it to the most recent version before upgrading to OS X Mountain Lion

  • Is it at all possible to get mountain lion with an older MacBook?

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    There is a min requirement on the machine itself. 
    See this link:
    http://www.tuaw.com/2012/02/16/mountain-lion-drops-support-for-several-older-mac -models/
    If you really want to upgrade away from Snow Leopard, you can call Apple to buy the Lion usb.
    In my opinion, the ONLY reason that I upgraded to Lion is the new File Vault (I have a Macbook 2008).  If you don't use file vault I don't see a reason to upgrade to Lion because you are not able to use most of the feature that it offers anyway, such Air Drop or Improved mouse touch detection.
    I don't think for my Macbook 2008 ( or your Macbook 2007), Lion is that great of an upgrade : )

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    The MBA's RAM isn't upgradable and while the SSD can be upgraded with third party drives, it voids the warranty. Your computer should run Lion acceptably fast but Mt Lion is a bit of a stretch for a 2GB computer, even with an SSD. Plus, if your computer has something dragging it down with Lion, it isn't likely to get any better with the upgrade to Mt Lion.
    If you want to start tracking down the cause of your slowdown start looking at your hard drive free space (you should have 10-15% empty) and use Activity Monitor to check for rogue processes.

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    I selected this on price alone - the local Tigert Direct had a 50% off promotion.
    Intel ICH8-M AHCI:
      Vendor:          Intel
      Product:          ICH8-M AHCI
      Link Speed:          1.5 Gigabit
      Negotiated Link Speed:          1.5 Gigabit
      Physical Interconnect:          SATA
      Description:          AHCI Version 1.10 Supported
      Capacity:          160.04 GB (160,041,885,696 bytes)
      Model:          INTEL SSDSA2M160G2GN                   
      Revision:          2CV102M3

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    Welcome to Apple Communities
    OS X hasn't updated utilities. Boot with Command and R keys and reinstall 10.8

  • Mavericks upgrade from Mountain Lion deletes all user accounts

    This is a lesson for upgrading too early (and too eagerly).
    Today I tried the Mavericks upgrade from Mountain Lion on my 2007 Macbook Pro, after going through all the pre-installation/pre-upgrade checklists.
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    None of those accounts worked under Mountain Lion.  Basically, there is no way in.
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    It seems to me that the Mavericks upgrade from my Mountain Lion forgot to bring over the user accounts but it did preserve the contents of all the users' home directories.
    Unless anyone can spot some sort of user error here (please let me know), I am heading back to Mountain Lion pretty swiftly.  Otherwise, I suspect there is a bug in the Mavericks installer.
    Any assistance is appreciated.

    The reason this occurred is a mystery and has not been commonly reported. Consider the following. It may or may not help. You should probably print these instructions before proceeding.
    Boot Single User mode again and do the following:
    (You can skip the first step. It will check your boot volume for errors and correct what it can. If there were errors the installer should not have proceeded, but the possibility exists that directory corruption may have occurred during installation. That seems unlikely to me but could explain what went wrong.)
    In Single User Mode:
    At the :/ root# prompt, type fsck -fy and press Return or Enter. It will take a few moments to complete. If you are concerned that nothing is happening just press the Return key until you see the :/ root# prompt again.
    Once the disk check is complete and the prompt returns, type mount -uw / and press Return / Enter.
    Type launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.opendirectoryd.plist and press Enter. If you get an error message you may ignore it.
    Type ls /Users and press Enter. All of the usernames on the computer will be listed, which is helpful if you don’t know or remember what these are.
    Type dscl . passwd /Users/username password while replacing username with one of the users displayed in the previous step and replacing password with the new password of your choice. Press Enter. You will likely get an error message about a file or directory not being found. You may ignore this.
    Type reboot and press Enter.

  • I have an older mac w/LION 10.7.5 - if I upgrade to Mountain Lion 10.8, will it slow down my computer significantly?

    I have an older IMAC - purchased in 2007. Works well. I have LION iOS 10.7.5 and want to upgrade to Mountain Lion 10.8. Will it slow down my computer? If so, how much?

    Be sure you can upgrade your iMac:
    Upgrading to Yosemite
    You can upgrade to Yosemite from Lion or directly from Snow Leopard. Yosemite can be downloaded from the Mac App Store for FREE.
    Upgrading to Yosemite
    To upgrade to Yosemite you must have Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or Lion installed. Download Yosemite from the App Store. Sign in using your Apple ID. Yosemite is free. The file is quite large, over 5 GBs, so allow some time to download. It would be preferable to use Ethernet because it is nearly four times faster than wireless.
        OS X Mavericks/Yosemite - System Requirements
          Macs that can be upgraded to OS X Yosemite
             1. iMac (Mid 2007 or newer) - Model Identifier 7,1 or later
             2. MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer) - Model Identifier 5,1 or later
             3. MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             4. MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer) - Model Identifier 2,1 or later
             5. Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             6. Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             7. Xserve (Early 2009) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
    To find the model identifier open System Profiler in the Utilities folder. It's displayed in the panel on the right.
         Are my applications compatible?
             See App Compatibility Table - RoaringApps.
    Upgrading to Mountain Lion
    To upgrade to Mountain Lion you must have Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or Lion installed. Purchase a redemption code at the Online Apple Store: OS X Mountain Lion. Mountain Lion is $19.99 plus tax. Use the code to redeem a download of Mountain Lion from the App Store. The file is quite large, over 4 GBs, so allow some time to download. It would be preferable to use Ethernet because it is nearly four times faster than wireless.
         OS X Mountain Lion - System Requirements
           Macs that can be upgraded to OS X Mountain Lion
             1. iMac (Mid 2007 or newer) - Model Identifier 7,1 or later.
             2. MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer) - Model
                 Identifier 5,1 or later.
             3. MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later.
             4. MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer) - Model Identifier 2,1 or later.
             5. Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later.
             6. Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later.
             7. Xserve (Early 2009) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later.
    To find the model identifier open System Profiler in the Utilities folder. It's displayed in the panel on the right.
         Are my applications compatible?
             See App Compatibility Table - RoaringApps.

  • On my 2008 MacBook I am running 10.6.8 with Microsoft Office 10.1.  Will this version of Office work if  I upgrade to Mountain Lion?

    On my 2008 MacBook I am running 10.6.8 with Microsoft Office 10.1.  Will this version of Office work if  I upgrade to Mountain Lion?

    No! Even Office 2004 will not run under Lion and newer. You can check out http://www.libreoffice.org/ and iWorks applications to replace Office.
    Check your applications for Mavericks compatibility here:  http://roaringapps.com/
    Note: a new version of Office for Mac is expected later this year or early next year. Buying Office 2011 now is buying old software. There will be no credits for older versions. The next version of Office will be subscription. This is the best option I know currently for subscription. This includes a free update to the new version when it's released.
    Office 365 Home Premium 1yr Subscription
    Regular List Price: $99.99  Price: $71.49 (price varies)
    Licensed for one user to install on up to five devices (Mac or PC)
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

  • Early 2011 13" MacBook Pro Freezing since upgrading to Mountain Lion

    Hey all,
    I've been researching this issue extensively and it seems as if it would be most efficient if I started my own post instead of cluttering someone else's.
    I upgraded to Mountain Lion within a week of its release. In the past two weeks, my computer has crashed 3 to 4 times. I can still move my mouse, and if I have an app like Spotify open it will continue to play music through the speakers. However, the computer is frozen and I cannot type/click/control the computer. The only way to get it back is by pressing and holding down the power key and rebooting.
    Called AppleCare and went to the "Genius" Bar multiple times; neither helped.
    I ran EtreCheck on my computer and below are my results:
    Hardware Information:
              MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,1
              1 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 2 cores
              4 GB RAM
    System Software:
              OS X 10.8.1 (12B19) - Uptime: 0 days 4:16
    Disk Information:
              Hitachi HTS545050B9A302 disk0 : (500.11 GB)
                        disk0s1 (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
                        Macintosh HD (disk0s2) /: 499.25 GB (248.19 GB free)
                        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
              MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898 
    USB Information:
              Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
              Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub
                        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
              Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
              Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    FireWire Information:
    Kernel Extensions:
              com.avatron.AVExVideo          Version: 1.6.5
              com.logmein.driver.LogMeInSoundDriver          Version: 1.0.0
              com.protech.NoSleep          Version: 1.3.1
              com.avatron.AVExFramebuffer          Version: 1.6.5
    Problem System Launch Daemons:
                     [failed] com.apple.coresymbolicationd.plist
                     [failed] com.apple.xprotectupdater.plist
    Problem System Launch Agents:
                     [failed] com.apple.accountsd.plist
                     [failed] com.apple.afpstat.plist
                     [failed] com.apple.CalendarAgent.plist
                     [failed] com.apple.coreservices.appleid.authentication.plist
                     [failed] com.apple.printtool.agent.plist
    Launch Daemons:
                     [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
                     [loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist
                     [loaded] com.cisco.anyconnect.vpnagentd.plist
                     [loaded] com.crashplan.engine.plist
                     [loaded] com.DesignScience.DSMTTool.plist
                     [loaded] com.google.keystone.daemon.plist
                     [loaded] com.logmein.logmeinserver.plist
                     [loaded] com.logmein.raupdate.plist
                     [loaded] com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist
    Launch Agents:
                 [not loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
                     [loaded] com.cisco.anyconnect.gui.plist
                     [loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist
                     [loaded] com.hp.messagecenter.launcher.plist
                     [loaded] com.logmein.logmeingui.plist
                     [loaded] com.logmein.logmeinguiagent.plist
                 [not loaded] com.logmein.logmeinguiagentatlogin.plist
                     [loaded] com.wacom.pentablet.plist
                     [loaded] com.xerox.scan.workcentre6505.ButtonListenerAgent.plist
    User Launch Agents:
                     [loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
                     [failed] [email protected]plist
                     [loaded] com.google.Chrome.framework.plist
                     [loaded] com.spotify.webhelper.plist
                     [loaded] com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist
    User Login Items:
              Window Tidy
              CrashPlan menu bar
              Google Chrome
              Microsoft Word
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Air Display Preferences
              Flash Player
    Internet Plug-ins:
              Flash Player.plugin
              QuickTime Plugin.plugin
    User Internet Plug-ins:
    Bad Fonts:
    Top Processes:
              4.3   %          WindowServer
              2.4   %          Spotify
              1.9   %          EtreCheck
              1.6   %          hidd
              1.1   %          Finder
              0.7   %          Activity
              0.6   %          activitymonitord
              0.3   %          quicklookd
              0.2   %          Flux
              0.2   %          fontd
    Should I be concerned with items marked as "failed" or "not loaded?" My MacBook does not crash daily (more like once or twice a week), and each time I have been doing very simply processes, like surfing the web with Chrome or writing something in Word or listening to Spotify.

    Here's an updated report reflecting fewer errors that I took this afternoon. I hope someone on this message board can help...
    Hardware Information:
              MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,1
              1 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 2 cores
              4 GB RAM
    System Software:
              OS X 10.8.1 (12B19) - Uptime: 0 days 3:17
    Disk Information:
              Hitachi HTS545050B9A302 disk0 : (500.11 GB)
                        disk0s1 (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
                        Macintosh HD (disk0s2) /: 499.25 GB (249.27 GB free)
                        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
              MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898 
    USB Information:
              Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
              Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
              Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub
                        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
              Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    FireWire Information:
    Kernel Extensions:
              com.avatron.AVExVideo          Version: 1.6.5
              com.logmein.driver.LogMeInSoundDriver          Version: 1.0.0
              com.protech.NoSleep          Version: 1.3.1
              com.avatron.AVExFramebuffer          Version: 1.6.5
    Problem System Launch Daemons:
                     [failed] com.apple.xprotectupdater.plist
    Problem System Launch Agents:
                     [failed] com.apple.afpstat.plist
                     [failed] com.apple.printtool.agent.plist
    Launch Daemons:
                     [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
                     [loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist
                     [loaded] com.cisco.anyconnect.vpnagentd.plist
                     [loaded] com.crashplan.engine.plist
                     [loaded] com.DesignScience.DSMTTool.plist
                     [loaded] com.google.keystone.daemon.plist
                     [loaded] com.logmein.logmeinserver.plist
                     [loaded] com.logmein.raupdate.plist
                     [loaded] com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist
    Launch Agents:
                 [not loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
                     [loaded] com.cisco.anyconnect.gui.plist
                     [loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist
                     [loaded] com.hp.messagecenter.launcher.plist
                     [loaded] com.logmein.logmeingui.plist
                     [loaded] com.logmein.logmeinguiagent.plist
                 [not loaded] com.logmein.logmeinguiagentatlogin.plist
                     [loaded] com.wacom.pentablet.plist
                     [loaded] com.xerox.scan.workcentre6505.ButtonListenerAgent.plist
    User Launch Agents:
                     [loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
                     [failed] com.apple.CSConfigDotMacCert-tcheck8@me.com-SharedServices.Agent.plist
                     [loaded] com.google.Chrome.framework.plist
                     [loaded] com.spotify.webhelper.plist
                     [loaded] com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist
    User Login Items:
              Window Tidy
              CrashPlan menu bar
              Google Chrome
              Microsoft Word
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Air Display Preferences
              Flash Player
    Internet Plug-ins:
              Flash Player.plugin
              QuickTime Plugin.plugin
    User Internet Plug-ins:
    Bad Fonts:
    Top Processes:
              8.0   %          WindowServer
              7.1   %          coreaudiod
              4.7   %          Spotify
              1.6   %          EtreCheck
              1.0   %          mds
              0.9   %          hidd
              0.7   %          Sparrow
              0.5   %          mdworker
              0.3   %          fontd
              0.2   %          Flux

  • HT201342 How will this benefit me. I have a Mac computer that i upgraded to Mountain lion, a macbook pro and an iPhone 4s which has the latest software. all i want is simplicity and to have one email account which which will not duplicate everything 4 or

    I have been asked to set up an Icloud account by Apple.
    How will having another icloud email benefit me. I have my work email which is all i require, but had to set up a @me account to get email on my Macbook.
    I have a Mac computer that i upgraded to Mountain lion, a macbook pro and an iPhone 4s which has the latest software. all i want is simplicity and to have one email account which which will not duplicate everything 4 or 5 times.
    My notes are duplicated, i have to delete my emails individually on all devices so whenever i put my phone on, all the emails i have deleted at work re-appear on my phone and again the same thing happens on my Macbook pro. I seem to spend all my time deleting emails 3 times.
    Is there something simple in the set up of these that i am missing?
    Any help would be appreciated

    I have been asked to set up an Icloud account by Apple.
    How will having another icloud email benefit me. I have my work email which is all i require, but had to set up a @me account to get email on my Macbook.
    I have a Mac computer that i upgraded to Mountain lion, a macbook pro and an iPhone 4s which has the latest software. all i want is simplicity and to have one email account which which will not duplicate everything 4 or 5 times.
    My notes are duplicated, i have to delete my emails individually on all devices so whenever i put my phone on, all the emails i have deleted at work re-appear on my phone and again the same thing happens on my Macbook pro. I seem to spend all my time deleting emails 3 times.
    Is there something simple in the set up of these that i am missing?
    Any help would be appreciated

  • I want to use icloud on my macbook and cant because I am using OSX10.6.8 - I want to upgrade this but I cant upgrade to mountain lion as my mac does not support this - cannot find a way to go to Version 10.7.4 which i understand supports icloud - help

    want to use icloud on my macbook and cant because I am using OSX10.6.8 - I want to upgrade this but I cant upgrade to mountain lion as my mac does not support this - cannot find a way to go to Version 10.7.4 which i understand supports icloud - help to do this please

    If you purchased Lion for your iMac, just log into the Mac App Store from your MacBook using the Apple ID under which you purchased Lion and go to the Purchases page. You will be able to download and install Lion there. 
    searching the internet i found a link to upgrtade to 10.7
    The only place you get get Lion is from the Mac App Store. If you found some other site, that was an illegal copy and almost certainly tied to someone else's Apple ID and hence unusable by you. If the link was just to the Mac App Store, see above.
    As to the problem with synchronization to iCloud, that's not a 10.6 question, so I'd suggest you take up that specific issue in either the Lion or iCloud forums, providing full details, and someone there can probably help you sort things out.

  • Since upgrading to mountain lion on my macbook pro, i cannot email photos from iphoto.

    Since upgrading to mountain lion on my macbook pro, i cannot email photos from iphoto.
    i can select the picture but when sending it, an error symbol appears.
    Any ideas ?

    This doesn't work for me at all. I tried entering exactly the same information that I used to set up my regular email account and I'm still getting an error message. I even tried switching to using my gmail account and neither one worked. Then it got hung up and had to repair my database! I have a lot of photos on my Mac (thank goodness they're backed up) and I was really sweating it for a moment.
    Apple is so easy until it's not. I find this to be really aggrevating and I'm irritated that it hasn't been fixed. In fact I did an online search and someone described this same problem in detail and it was exactly what was happening to me. Same error messages.
    I'm frustrated that Apple keeps updating it's operating system and then we go through these glitches.
    And while I'm at it, I have never had such a frustrating time using my login information as I have to get into this forum! Why do they make it so difficult? There's just something about the way it's worded that get's me messed up every time. Meanwhile, at least get iPhoto fixed!

  • My 2011 Macbook has become exceedingly slow after upgrading to Mountain Lion.

    I have a 2011 Macbook which has become really slow after I upgraded to Mountain Lion in March. At first it wasn't that bad, but it's getting worse and my computer has begun to overheat even if I'm only using Google Chrome. I used to be able to keep multiple applications open at once and never closed many of them, but now if I want to get anything done I have to use the absolute minimum. My CPU has reached 86 degrees Celsius and temperatures slightly below this seem to be the average, even if I've only been on for ten minutes. It heats up VERY quickly. The fan has been operating at 2919 rpm, but it has said that for days and I don't know if this number should be changing? (I know that normal is about 2000 rpm, so I know it shouldn't be that high anyway.)
    I'm currently working on cleaning out my harddrive of duplicate and unnecessary files and I plan on restoring to the default settings and backing everything up on an external harddrive... but are there other things I should be doing to speed my computer back up, like good programs to clean out my computer's temporary memory on a regular basis? The problem seems to have come on pretty fast though, so I don't know if there could be something else wrong with it and if I should take it into an Apple-approved repair place.
    Also, I'm not one to illegally download/pirate things from sketchy websites, so I highly doubt a virus is the cause, especially given that Macs rarely get viruses.
    Any suggestions of what to do and what programs/apps to install would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    I have a 2011 Macbook which has become really slow after I upgraded to Mountain Lion in March. At first it wasn't that bad, but it's getting worse and my computer has begun to overheat even if I'm only using Google Chrome. I used to be able to keep multiple applications open at once and never closed many of them, but now if I want to get anything done I have to use the absolute minimum. My CPU has reached 86 degrees Celsius and temperatures slightly below this seem to be the average, even if I've only been on for ten minutes. It heats up VERY quickly. The fan has been operating at 2919 rpm, but it has said that for days and I don't know if this number should be changing? (I know that normal is about 2000 rpm, so I know it shouldn't be that high anyway.)
    I'm currently working on cleaning out my harddrive of duplicate and unnecessary files and I plan on restoring to the default settings and backing everything up on an external harddrive... but are there other things I should be doing to speed my computer back up, like good programs to clean out my computer's temporary memory on a regular basis? The problem seems to have come on pretty fast though, so I don't know if there could be something else wrong with it and if I should take it into an Apple-approved repair place.
    Also, I'm not one to illegally download/pirate things from sketchy websites, so I highly doubt a virus is the cause, especially given that Macs rarely get viruses.
    Any suggestions of what to do and what programs/apps to install would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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