Upload from Youtube to Facebook?

Hey guys, i would like to know how to upload videos from youtube straight to my facebook.  I have accounts for both.  Speaking of, i also could not figure out how to sign into my youtube account, i put in the right information but it wouldn't go through on my Ipod.  It goes through on my computer though.  Any help would be appriciated, Thanks!!

You can't upload directly to Facebook from Youtube, but you can however upload to Twitter from the Youtube app on iOS 5. If you have your Twitter account synced to your Facebook account, when you post to Twitter, it will appear in your Facebook feed. Hope I helped!

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    I assume you actually mean uploading from iPad to Facebook?
    Do you have a facebook app for iPad 2. I use friendly. Once installed you can upload photos from your iPad by tapping on the friendly icon with the 2 down arrows. Then tap upload Photo and then Chose from library (note chose is spelt as in app)
    Hope this helps.

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    Follow the instructions to uninstall then reinstall the Flash plugin then restart the Mac(s).
    Help for deleting Flash cookies.  http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20091114062050800

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    Re: the FaceBook problem
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    2. File -> Export: Select the files in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export. The dialogue will give you various options, including altering the format, naming the files and changing the size.
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    I don't believe you can do this from within muse out of the box. However you can use a widget (not free i'm afraid) from here to do it:
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    iTunes downloads give you permission to play the music for personal use only; see the extract from terms of use below.
    To use published music for other purposes you would need to contact the publisher of the music direct and ask about obtaining a licence.
    This can be very expensive!     A few hundred £ / $
    If this is for video production, a far easier and cheaper option is to use Production Music, such as MCPS:
    You agree that the iTunes Products are provided to you by way of a license only. You understand that the Service and certain iTunes Products include a security framework using technology that protects digital information and limits your use of iTunes Products to certain usage rules (“Security Framework”) established by iTunes and its licensors and that, whether or not iTunes Products are limited by security technology, you shall use iTunes Products in compliance with the applicable usage rules established by iTunes and its licensors (“Usage Rules”), and that any other use of the iTunes Products may constitute a copyright infringement. Any security technology is an inseparable part of the iTunes Products. iTunes reserves the right to modify the Usage Rules for future purchases on the Service at any time. However, such changes will not apply to iTunes Products that you have already purchased. Any change to the Usage Rules will be communicated to you. In the event that you refuse to accept the new Usage Rules, you will no longer be able to acquire iTunes Products from the Service.
    You shall be authorised to use iTunes Products only for personal, noncommercial use.
    iTunes Terms of Use

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