Do u know any BADI's or User Exits for SAVE EVENT in transaction me21n??

Moreover, also check out the threads
MIRO question - detail lines of a purchaising document
Re: MIRO user exit or BADI to change SAP value
Exit Name Description
LMR1M001 User exits in Logistics Invoice Verification
LMR1M002 Account grouping for GR/IR account maintenance
LMR1M003 Number assignment in Logistics Invoice Verification
LMR1M004 Logistics Invoice Verification: item text for follow-on docs
LMR1M005 Logistics Inv. Verification: Release Parked Doc. for Posting
LMR1M006 Logistics Invoice Verification: Process XML Invoice
MRMH0001 Logistics Invoice Verification: ERS procedure
MRMH0002 Logistics Invoice Verification: EDI inbound
MRMH0003 Logistics Invoice Verification: Revaluation/RAP
MRMN0001 Message output and creation: Logistics Invoice Verification
Transaction Code - ML81N Service Entry Sheet
Exit Name Description
INTERFAC Interface for data transfer
SRVDET User screen on tab strip of service detail screen
SRVEDIT Service list control (maintenance/display)
SRVENTRY Unplanned part of entry sheet (obsolete since Rel. 3.1G)
SRVESI Data conversion entry sheet interface
SRVESKN Set account assignment in service line
SRVESLL Service line checks
SRVESSR Set entry sheet header data
SRVEUSCR User screen on entry sheet tabstrip
SRVKNTTP Setting the account assgnmt category when reading in, if "U"
SRVLIMIT Limit check
SRVMAIL1 Processing of mail before generation of sheet
SRVMSTLV Conversion of data during importing of standard service cat.
SRVPOWEB Purchase order for service entry in Web
SRVQUOT Service export/import for inquiry/quotations
SRVREL Changes to comm. structure for release of entry sheet
SRVSEL Service selection from non-SAP systems
SRV_FRM SRV: Formula calculation (obsolete since 4.0A!)

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    Hi Gurus,
    I have an urgent requirement to tweak the user exit at time of autopack to sort the parts numbers by Storage Bins and pack the parts. When we create the delivery using VL10E or VL04 system checks if the delivery it’s going to create has packing instructions, If yes it considers volume and weights and pack’s accordingly based on the configuration and master data setup. When the pick list prints it prints by Handling units and the parts which needs to packed inside the handling units. To minimize pick times  when creating handling units  for the delivery through autopack functionality we  need to sort bins from descending to ascending order and submit the list to autopack function module to make sure it packs in the same order.
                      Standard SAP has given  user exits – BADI (BADI_HU_AUTOPACK) after 4.6C which is available in our system and also Packmodi (enhancement) to tweak the system.
    The storage bin we maintain in material master (MARD- LGPBE) field
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    Best points will surely be rewarded....

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  • Urgent BADI

    hi guru's,
    can anyone tell me that how we can implement new method
    for BADI Definition??
    its urgent.
    regards saurabh.

    The use of object orientated code within SAP has lead to new method of enhancing standard SAP code called
    Business Add-Ins or BADI's for short. Although the implementation concept is based on classes, methods and
    inheritance you do not really have to understand this fully to implement a BADI. Simply think of methods
    as a function module with the same import and export parameters and follow the simple instructions below.
    1. Execute Business Add-In(BADI) transaction SE18
    2. Enter BADI name i.e. HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR and press the display
    3. Select menu option Implementation->Create
    4. Give implementation a name such as Z_HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR
    5. You can now make any changes you require to the BADI within this
    implementation, for example choose the Interface tab
    6. Double click on the method you want to change, you can now enter
    any code you require.
    7. Please note to find out what import and export parameters a
    method has got return the original BADI definition
    (i.e. HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR) and double click on the method name
    for example within HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR contract is a method
    8. When changes have been made activate the implementation

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    My requirement is to do a enhancement in MM01 where if i enter a value in x-plant status(Basic Data 1 view )
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    I tried with the exits available but dint work out...is there any badi i could work on???
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    Thanks in advance...

    Hi Sudheer,
    Transaction Code - MM01                     Create Material &
    Exit Name
    Material Master (Industry): Checks and Enhancements
    Material Master (Industry): Number Assignment
    Material Master (Industry and Retail): Number Display
    No of Exits:          3

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    And the audio works without denoiser
    So the Denoiser is causing an issue and the issue is caused by using a device not designed for HQ purpose?
    Go with out the denoiser if you cant re record on something better.  Is it a VO?

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  • Badi and Business event( Urgent)

    Hi experts,
          I am new to badi and business event 1120P. Please post how this business event exactly comes in to picture in this badi. also how to find this business event?
    And also Post the logic or code. The requirement is given below . Pls Post the solution. Its very urgent.
    Enhancement Summary
    Two user exits are needed to determine the correct G/L Account and Cost Center on Shipment Cost documents and post the Material Group on the Accounting document. BADI_SCD_ACCTG and Business Event 1120P can be used to accommodate the new functionality.
    Business Process
    Specific G/L Accounts and Cost Centers have to be determined to post on the Shipment Cost document. This is needed to provide accurate management reporting capabilities on shipments for Sales Order or Stock Transfer Order. A new custom table must be created which contains the following information: Distribution, Mode of Transport, Account, Cost Center Material group. Distribution is an identifier here if this shipment originated from an SO or STO.
    There are no screens involved in this enhancement.
    Table: ZTABLE1
    Field     Data Element     Type     Length     Description
    MANDT     MANDT     CLNT (key)     3     Client
    DISTRIBUTION     Z_DISTRIBUTION     CHAR (key)     1     Distribution
    MOT     ZZDEF_MOT     CHAR (key)     2     Mode of Transportation
    MATKL     MATKL     CHAR (key)     9     Material group
    SAKNR     SAKNR     CHAR     10     G/L Account Number
    KOSTL     KOSTL     CHAR     10     Cost Center
    This table gets updated manually by the FI team.
    Values for Distribution are:
    ‘1’  =  Primary Distribution to Refinery
    ‘2’ = Primary and Secondary– Excluding refinery
    All entries must be checked against SAP config and master tables
    User exit BADI BADI_SCD_ACCTG will be used to determine the correct G/L Account, Cost Center and Product Group based on Distribution and Mode of Transport. This BADI gets called only when a new Shipment Cost document get created.
    Once the BADI determined the new values it populates field c_vfkn-sakto with the G/L account, field c_vfkn-kostl with the Cost Center and exports the Product group to memory.
    There is no field on the Shipment Cost Document to store the Product group. Therefore another mechanism must be used to get the Product Group on the accounting document.
    Business Event 1120P can be used to import the Product group out of memory and put it on BSEG-MATNR. Structure BSEG_SUBST must be enhanced with field MATNR for this purpose.
    Function, Rules, Exits      Description of Functionality, Rules, Exits
    BADI_SCD_ACCTG     Business Add-In for Shipment Cost Account Assignment
    Business Framework     Business Event 1120P can be used to import the Product Group from memory and to populate field BSEG_SUBST-MATNR.
    This event gets called from different places. It needs to be ensured that it only populates the value when it was called from BADI_SCD_ACCTG.
    Custom Table     A look-up Table needs to be maintained for Distribution, Mode of Transport, G/L Account, Cost Center and Material Group
    Transaction code     To maintain the new table
    Append Structure     To enhance structure BSEG_SUBST with MATNR
          Business Add-In BADI_SCD_ACCTG can be used to determine the account assignments for a shipment cost item to set the G/L Account and Cost Center. All data needed to determine the new information gets provided in this BADI.
    •     Determine if STO or SO based on Document Category from internal table I_REFOBJ-VTRLP field VGTYP If is C then Distribution type is Sales Order (Primary and Secondary – Excluding Refinery – ‘2’ ) else we need to check the receiving plant. If the receiving plant (I_REFOBJ-VTRLK field WERKS) is a refinery the Distribution type is Primary (1) else it’s a (Primary and Secondary – Excluding Refinery – ‘2’ ). Refineries can be identified via Function Module ZPLANTCLASSIFICATION. The plant must be passed into Import Parameter IP_SAPPLANT and field INT_PLANTCHAR-ATNAM must be looked up with value SAPTYPE. If it exists and field ATWRT contains ‘RFY’, the plant is a refinery.
    •     Product Group can be determined from the Material master through Material group field MARA-MATKL.
    •     Mode of Transport will be passed in the BADI in VTRLK-OIC_MOT.
    •     Select single entry from table ZTABLE1based on Distribution, Mode of Transport and Material Group. If nothing gets selected, error message ‘No entry exists in table ZTABLE1for Distribution (distribution), MOT (MOT) & Mat. Group (material group)’ should be triggered.
    •     Move ZTABLE1-SAKNR  to c_vfkn-sakto and ZTABLE1-KOSTL to c_vfkn-kostl
    •     The Material group must be exported to memory in BADI_SCD_ACCTG
    •     The Material group must be imported from memory in Business Event BP1120P
    •     Free Memory in Business Event BP1120P
    This is VI01 – Creation of Freight Cost Item screen
    and also code for function module ZPLANTCLASSIFICATION below
    FUNCTION zplantclassification .
    ""Local interface:
    *"  TABLES
    *"      NO_OBJEK_FOUND
    *"      NO_SISLOC_FOUND
    *"      NO_INPUT_FOUND
    *"      ONE_TO_MANY_ISSUE
    *"      UNKNOWN_ERRORS
    Created By  :  SYUB                                                  *
    Description : Function Module to retrieve plant characteristics      *
    The function module has two capabilities:
    1. Retrieve only the necessary characteristics
    2. Retrieve the whole characteristics into an internal table.
    Parameter Description                                                *
    In the future, if there is a new characteristic added to the
    plant classification tables, the characteristic has to be added
    to the list of the export parameters and the loop statement.
      TABLES: ausp, cabn, ksml, zdef_delplant.
      DATA: ws_objek LIKE ausp-objek,
            ws_countchar TYPE i,
            ws_countplant TYPE i.
    *Internal table for SAP plant
      DATA: BEGIN OF int_plant OCCURS 0,
            plant LIKE ausp-objek,
            END OF int_plant.
    *sap plant code is the input parameter.Move objek, atnam, and atwrt to
    *internal table PLANTCHAR using inner join of AUSP, CABN, and KSML to
    *synch up the internal characteristic numbers throughout the 3 tables.
      IF NOT ip_sapplant IS INITIAL.
        SELECT auspobjek cabnatnam ausp~atwrt
          FROM ksml AS ksml
          INNER JOIN cabn AS cabn
            ON cabnatinn = ksmlimerk
          INNER JOIN ausp AS ausp
            ON ausp~objek = ip_sapplant
            AND auspatinn = cabnatinn
            AND ausp~mafid = 'O'
            AND ausp~klart = 'Z01'.
    *Checking the existence of ip_sapplant in the table, if it doesn't
    *exist, raise the exception else if it exists, check if it has
    *characteristic values.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          RAISE no_objek_found.
          DESCRIBE TABLE int_plantchar LINES ws_countchar.
          IF ws_countchar LT 2.
            RAISE valid_plant_no_characteristic.
    *cps plant code is the input parameter. Move objek from table AUSP to
    *ws_objek using inner join of CABN and AUSP to match up the internal
    *characteristic numbers from the 2 tables.
      ELSEIF NOT ip_cpsplant IS INITIAL.
        SELECT ausp~objek
          INTO TABLE int_plant
          FROM ausp AS ausp
          INNER JOIN cabn AS cabn
            ON cabn~atnam = 'OLDCODE'
              WHERE auspatinn = cabnatinn
                AND ausp~mafid = 'O'
                AND ausp~klart = 'Z01'
                AND ausp~atwrt = ip_cpsplant.
    *Checking the existence of ip_cpsplant in the table
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    *Counting the number of SAP plants in the internal table int_plant
          DESCRIBE TABLE int_plant LINES ws_countplant.
    *Moving the values of objek, atnam, and atwrt to PLANTCHAR using objek
    *from ws_objek.
          IF ws_countplant EQ 1.
            LOOP AT int_plant.
              SELECT auspobjek cabnatnam ausp~atwrt
                INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE int_plantchar
                FROM ksml AS ksml
                INNER JOIN cabn AS cabn
                  ON cabnatinn = ksmlimerk
                INNER JOIN ausp AS ausp
                  ON ausp~objek = int_plant-plant
                  AND auspatinn = cabnatinn
                  AND ausp~mafid = 'O'
                  AND ausp~klart = 'Z01'.
    *If there more than one SAP Plants, then raise an exception.
          ELSEIF ws_countplant GT 1.
            RAISE one_to_many_issue.
          SELECT SINGLE werks FROM zdef_delplant
            INTO ws_objek
            WHERE cpsloc = ip_cpsplant.
          SELECT auspobjek cabnatnam ausp~atwrt
           FROM ksml AS ksml
           INNER JOIN cabn AS cabn
             ON cabnatinn = ksmlimerk
           INNER JOIN ausp AS ausp
             ON ausp~objek = ws_objek
             AND auspatinn = cabnatinn
             AND ausp~mafid = 'O'
             AND ausp~klart = 'Z01'.
          if sy-subrc ne 0.
            raise plant_not_found_zdef_delplant.
    *cps plant code is the input parameter. Move objek from table AUSP to
    *ws_objek using inner join of CABN and AUSP to match up the internal
    *characteristic numbers from the 2 tables.
      ELSEIF NOT ip_sisloc IS INITIAL.
        SELECT ausp~objek
          INTO TABLE int_plant
          FROM ausp AS ausp
          INNER JOIN cabn AS cabn
            ON cabn~atnam = 'SISLOC'
              WHERE auspatinn = cabnatinn
                AND ausp~mafid = 'O'
                AND ausp~klart = 'Z01'
                AND ausp~atwrt = ip_sisloc.
    *Checking the existence of ip_sapplant in the table
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          DESCRIBE TABLE int_plant LINES ws_countplant.
    *Moving the values of objek, atnam, and atwrt to PLANTCHAR using objek
    *from ws_objek.
          IF ws_countplant EQ 1.
            LOOP AT int_plant.
              SELECT auspobjek cabnatnam ausp~atwrt
                INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE int_plantchar
                FROM ksml AS ksml
                INNER JOIN cabn AS cabn
                  ON cabnatinn = ksmlimerk
                INNER JOIN ausp AS ausp
                  ON ausp~objek = int_plant-plant
                  AND auspatinn = cabnatinn
                  AND ausp~mafid = 'O'
                  AND ausp~klart = 'Z01'.
    *If there more than one SAP Plants, then raise an exception.
          ELSEIF ws_countplant GT 1.
            RAISE one_to_many_issue.
          SELECT SINGLE werks FROM zdef_delplant
            INTO ws_objek
            WHERE sisloc = ip_sisloc.
          SELECT auspobjek cabnatnam ausp~atwrt
           FROM ksml AS ksml
           INNER JOIN cabn AS cabn
             ON cabnatinn = ksmlimerk
           INNER JOIN ausp AS ausp
             ON ausp~objek = ws_objek
             AND auspatinn = cabnatinn
             AND ausp~mafid = 'O'
             AND ausp~klart = 'Z01'.
          if sy-subrc ne 0.
            raise plant_not_found_zdef_delplant.
    *Checking if there is an input parameter entered.
        RAISE no_input_found.
    Modified 7/30 by RFOR to validate SAP plant is in plant master
      data: wa_t001w like t001w.
      read table int_plantchar.
      SELECT SINGLE * from t001w into wa_t001w where
      werks = int_plantchar-objek.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
        raise NO_OBJEK_FOUND.
    *Moving all the characteristic values to the export parameters
      LOOP AT int_plantchar.
        MOVE int_plantchar-objek TO ep_sapplant.
        CASE int_plantchar-atnam.
          WHEN 'OLDCODE'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_cpsplant.
          WHEN 'SISLOC'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_sisloc.
          WHEN 'OWNERSHIP'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_ownership.
          WHEN 'SMISTYPE'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_smistype.
          WHEN 'SPOTREF'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_spotref.
          WHEN 'SUBTYPE'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_subtype.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_supplyregion.
          WHEN 'TYPE'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_type.
          WHEN 'DISTAREA'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_distarea.
          WHEN 'GEOGAREA'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_geogarea.
          WHEN 'HMF'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_hmf.
          WHEN 'IATACODE'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_iatacode.
          WHEN 'IRSTCN'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_irstcn.
          WHEN 'OPSAREA'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_opsarea.
          WHEN 'PLANTSTAT'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_plantstat.
          WHEN 'PORTCODE'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_portcode.
          WHEN 'REFAREA'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_refarea.
          WHEN 'SAPTYPE'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_saptype.
          WHEN 'MFG_WARRANTY'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_mfgwarranty.
          WHEN 'USER_TYPE'.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_usertype.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_trmcenter.
            MOVE int_plantchar-atwrt TO ep_transcenter.
          when 'FEIN'.
            move int_plantchar-atwrt to ep_fein.
    Pls help me out from this problem its very urgent.

    hi SK ,
    process like this .
    in BADI
    1.Here u have to put ur logic based on the Requirement.
    2.then u have to call BTE like this
    <b>call function 'OPEN_FI_PERFORM_00001020_E'
            t_bseg = xbseg
            t_bkpf = xbkpf.</b>
    3.Update Ztables.
    this is sample logic only.First get logic of TS then u will come to know how to do?


    Hi I am using BADI BUPA_FURTHER_CHECKS...when creating a business partner (sold-to-party) in SAP CRM?
    I need to check the industry code with the attribute...and give an error message...
    But the problem is that this BADI is not getting triggered?
    Do u knw any other badi that gets trigerred...?
    PLease help its urgent...

       Try this BADI.  <b>BUPA_INDSEC_CHECK</b>
       Reward if it works.

  • Urgent (userexit/badi)

    hi all ,
    in t-code 'VT01N'   i have to make f4 help on field 'Container ID' of third screen of this t-code..can i do it by using Userexit or badi? if yes then how?
    can anybody send me step by step procedure?
    its urgent .
    thanx in advance .
    saurabh srivastava .

       it may helps u..
       It is user exit for vt01n i. e .V56AFCCH
       check it..

  • Appraisals - BAdi calcuation display (urgent)

    Hello Experts,
    I have created a new BAdi for final result for Value determination. I have assigned it at Criteria group level but even after the completion, the value is not displayed. However, it is calculating properly at the backend and pushing to the relevant column. I have put a breakpoint and it is triggering..so I am able to view the calculation.
    Please let me know if there is any linkage/I have to do change any configuration in the front end so that it is displayed.
    Its very urgent..Please help on this.
    Thanks in advance!

    Dear Swetha,
    I suppose you have assigned standard BAdI name for your BAdI. Try to change the name of the implentation of the BAdI. That should do the job.
    Do reward points if the answer is helpful.

  • Plz Urgent in BADI

    In production server in vl01n transaction server some one put BREAK-POINT  out bound delivery order when item level badi implementation..
    I used all method but its not showing in Method code.
    How i can find zbadi implementation where break point is set.
    Very urgent.
    Plz reply as sooon as possible.

    Hi dugesh,
                       you can put the break point  in se19  --interface ---under the method <b>change_input_header_items</b>.The pariculer BADI will trigger when you click on PGI(post goods issue from the outbound delivery(VL02N).
    Hope now you have catch my point.
    and you can develop any objects in developemen server.In production server you can test the object only .You have no rights access Functional T.codes .

  • Badi's on vi01. Pls Its very urgent

    Hi Experts,
          I have given the requirement below I am not aware of badi's. Pls tell me the info about  Business event 1120P. And also post the coding for this functionality . Its very urgent
    Enhancement Summary
    Two user exits are needed to determine the correct G/L Account and Cost Center on Shipment Cost documents and post the Material Group on the Accounting document. BADI_SCD_ACCTG and Business Event 1120P can be used to accommodate the new functionality.
    Business Process
    Specific G/L Accounts and Cost Centers have to be determined to post on the Shipment Cost document. This is needed to provide accurate management reporting capabilities on shipments for Sales Order or Stock Transfer Order. A new custom table must be created which contains the following information: Distribution, Mode of Transport, Account, Cost Center Material group. Distribution is an identifier here if this shipment originated from an SO or STO.
    There are no screens involved in this enhancement.
    Table: ZTABLE1
    Field     Data Element     Type     Length     Description
    MANDT     MANDT     CLNT (key)     3     Client
    DISTRIBUTION     Z_DISTRIBUTION     CHAR (key)     1     Distribution
    MOT     ZZDEF_MOT     CHAR (key)     2     Mode of Transportation
    MATKL     MATKL     CHAR (key)     9     Material group
    SAKNR     SAKNR     CHAR     10     G/L Account Number
    KOSTL     KOSTL     CHAR     10     Cost Center
    This table gets updated manually by the FI team.
    Values for Distribution are:
    ‘1’  =  Primary Distribution to Refinery
    ‘2’ = Primary and Secondary– Excluding refinery
    All entries must be checked against SAP config and master tables
    User exit BADI BADI_SCD_ACCTG will be used to determine the correct G/L Account, Cost Center and Product Group based on Distribution and Mode of Transport. This BADI gets called only when a new Shipment Cost document get created.
    Once the BADI determined the new values it populates field c_vfkn-sakto with the G/L account, field c_vfkn-kostl with the Cost Center and exports the Product group to memory.
    There is no field on the Shipment Cost Document to store the Product group. Therefore another mechanism must be used to get the Product Group on the accounting document.
    Business Event 1120P can be used to import the Product group out of memory and put it on BSEG-MATNR. Structure BSEG_SUBST must be enhanced with field MATNR for this purpose.
    Function, Rules, Exits      Description of Functionality, Rules, Exits
    BADI_SCD_ACCTG     Business Add-In for Shipment Cost Account Assignment
    Business Framework     Business Event 1120P can be used to import the Product Group from memory and to populate field BSEG_SUBST-MATNR.
    This event gets called from different places. It needs to be ensured that it only populates the value when it was called from BADI_SCD_ACCTG.
    Custom Table     A look-up Table needs to be maintained for Distribution, Mode of Transport, G/L Account, Cost Center and Material Group
    Transaction code     To maintain the new table
    Append Structure     To enhance structure BSEG_SUBST with MATNR
          Business Add-In BADI_SCD_ACCTG can be used to determine the account assignments for a shipment cost item to set the G/L Account and Cost Center. All data needed to determine the new information gets provided in this BADI.
    •     Determine if STO or SO based on Document Category from internal table I_REFOBJ-VTRLP field VGTYP If is C then Distribution type is Sales Order (Primary and Secondary – Excluding Refinery – ‘2’ ) else we need to check the receiving plant. If the receiving plant (I_REFOBJ-VTRLK field WERKS) is a refinery the Distribution type is Primary (1) else it’s a (Primary and Secondary – Excluding Refinery – ‘2’ ). Refineries can be identified via Function Module Z_M_GET_PLANTCLASSIFICATION. The plant must be passed into Import Parameter IP_SAPPLANT and field INT_PLANTCHAR-ATNAM must be looked up with value SAPTYPE. If it exists and field ATWRT contains ‘RFY’, the plant is a refinery.
    •     Product Group can be determined from the Material master through Material group field MARA-MATKL.
    •     Mode of Transport will be passed in the BADI in VTRLK-OIC_MOT.
    •     Select single entry from table ZTABLE1based on Distribution, Mode of Transport and Material Group. If nothing gets selected, error message ‘No entry exists in table ZTABLE1for Distribution (distribution), MOT (MOT) & Mat. Group (material group)’ should be triggered.
    •     Move ZTABLE1-SAKNR  to c_vfkn-sakto and ZTABLE1-KOSTL to c_vfkn-kostl
    •     The Material group must be exported to memory in BADI_SCD_ACCTG
    •     The Material group must be imported from memory in Business Event BP1120P
    •     Free Memory in Business Event BP1120P
    This is VI01 – Creation of Freight Cost Item screen

    check the reply of ur Same Post .

  • !!URGENT!! BADI Implementation for creation of G/L accounts

    Please can you urgently help. I am trying to implement a user exit or badi to check the uniqueness of the description while creating a G/L account.
    I tried to create a BADI implementation to the definition FI_LIMIT_ACCOUNT but it gives error messages that this is for SAP internal use.
    The user exit ZXF03U01 used in enhancement SAPMF02H cannot be used as this exit passes only SKA1 and SKB1.I would like to check on SKAT. The fields affected in SKAT-TXT20 and SKAT-TXT50.
    Do you see a solution to this?
    I have the same to be implemented for KS01/KS02 - Create/Change Costcenter.
    A prompt response would be appreciated.

    Also try :
    Or FM`s

  • QE51N exit / BADi needed URGENTLY

    Hi experts,
    I'm having this following urgent problem, let's see if any1 can be of any assistance and brainstorm with me...
    We have a requirement that when executing the selection-screen of QE51N, a kind of popup screen comes out asking the user for data (this should only come out the first time the selection screen is executed). Once that's done filled and the user fills in the data of QE51N & presses the SAVE button, we should fill in a custom Z table with the data of our Popup screen and some data of QE51N.
    Ok, for the Popup screen we're using exit EXIT_SAPLQEEM_029 (which is one of the first exits that are executed) and as we only want it to be executed the first time, we're using a flag in memory to see if it's marked or not. However, the problem is when we finish with the data and want to go BACK or EXIT, we want to clean the memory flag (so that the Popup can appear again). I can't find any user exit or BADI that is executed when leaving QE51N.
    Another alternative is another exit / BADI which is executed <b>ONCE</b> right at the beginning of the transaction instead of EXIT_SAPLQEEM_029. That way there would be no need for a flag...
    Can anybody <b>PLEASE</b> try to help?
    PS - I tried all QEEM* exits, no luck
    PS2 - EXIT_SAPLQEEM_015 is used for saving the data
    PS3 - Thanks a lot! Points will be rewarded

    QEEM0021  User exit: additional functions for user key +US1
    QEEM0022  User exit: additional functions for user key +US2
    QEEM0023  User exit: additional functions for user key +US3
    QEEM0024  User exit: additional functions for user key +US4
    Does anyone know if any of these could be used to handle the BACK / CANCEL / EXIT buttons?

  • BADI y functions - Urgent

    I have the BADI CMAC_BADI_DDS and 3 functions:
    FKK_DEFREV_0010, FKK_DEFREV_0030 and FKK_DEFREV_1119.
    How do I do to put these 3 function inside the BADI ?
    I need this really urgent !!!

    Hi Cesar,
    The 3 methods in the BADI are active once the BADI is implemented.
    If you are looking to see which one is most applicable, do a where used list on each of the methods to dermine where they are used.
    Then within the relevant method, add your code.
    Set a breakpoint in your code and run the process just to check your code is processed ok.
    Does this help ? I think the transaction SE19 can be used to display the BADI methods then double click on the method to go into the code.
    Kind regards

  • BADI(very very urgent)

    Hi all,
       i got the badi for post goods issue  but in which TRANSACTION, i have to use this badi.i am new to badi.plz tell me , how can i use the LE_SHP_GOODSMOVEMENT.
    plz tell me the procedure to follow?
    it is very very urgent.i will reward the point.

    Hi gudia,
      Thanks very much.i am really sorry because i have not  replied u till now.i am very busy with other issue.so i forgot to open this mail.
      anyway, my mail id is [email protected]
    my gmail id is [email protected] will be always online in gmail messenger.plz give me some message to my gmail messenger so that i will give u instant reply if i will be in office.
    plz describe me clearly so that i can solve that issue using BADI.
    i have set some 20 break points in that program while pressing the post goods issue button in delivery(VL02n).but control is not going to that program.plz suggest me details.
    Thanks very much for ur help.waiting for ur reply.

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