URGENT - Bullets in JEditorPane

im workin on a HTML editor.
im trying to have a toggle button which will insert a bullet and also remove the bullet for a sentence. im able to insert the bullet.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
thank you

you could read the HTML portion containing the bullet(s) into a string, then parse the string for UL and LI tags and remove them, then you could write the HTML string back to the document replacing the portion previously read.
To extract the existing HTML, you would place the caret somewhere into the bullet list and call getParagraphElement for that position. With the Element you call getParentElement until you have the UL tag. With the Element containing the UL tag, you can call getStartOffset and getEndOffset to extract the HTML. To copy the HTML to a string you can use a StringWriter as follows
    HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) editorPane.getDocument();
    EditorKit kit = (EditorKit) editorPane.getEditorKit();
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    kit.write(sw, doc, start, length);The HTML then is in sw.getBuffer().toString()
Once you manipulated the HTML as appropriate, you can write back as shown above with EditorKit.read()
Hope that helps

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    Hi Andreas,
    Did you find any solution for this ? I am facing the same problem.
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    Have you tried to close and then re-open the file in your editorpane after you've saved?
    It will work when you change the name because it has to open the file as new. Java can't dynamically update values upon files like C does with pointers.

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    I think the setCharacterAttributes(int offset, int length, AttributeSet s, boolean replace) will solve the problem.
    You can create your own Styled Document and set it to the Editor Pane.

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    JEditorPane specifically doesn't allow loading of the same file/URL twice. It's one of the first checks it makes when you set the page.
    I think it'll work fine if you simply call setText("") on the editor pane to clear it down before calling setPage(..) with your file or URL. Even though the setText method doesn't load a file or anything it does create a new document which will not have the same URL as your original file so when you reload you file it will fail in the comparison and load it from scratch again.
    Hope this works for you,

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    ------> . John
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    ------> . Susan
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    Hi ,
    Is your data coming from a Collection or Vector or other sources? So , am sending a code in plain html for displaying content in the required format. You can replace the bolded characters in the code ,with your dynamic content using <%=YourVariable%> .
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    <li type=disc> Name2<br>
    <li type=disc> Name3<br>
    <td valign="top">
    <li type=disc> Name4<br>
    <li type=disc> Name5<br>
    <li type=disc> Name6<br>

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    If you don't want to have to fool around with the HyperlinkListener, just add the normal <BASE> tag to your HTML file. The <BASE> tag has the following syntax:
    <BASE HREF="baseURL" TARGET="WindowName" >
    The TARGET portion is optional!
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    This may be too late for you (hopefully not), but I had the same problem a little while ago and just figured out how to fix it. Basically, you need to examine the Element structure of the html yourself and manually handle the form, as far as I can tell. There are several ways to display a URL in a JEditorPane, but the most straight-forward (JEditorPane.setPage(URL url)) doesn't actually store the Element structure anywhere accessible. Here's the code to load the page:
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    URL url = new URL("http://blahblahblah.com");
    contents.read(url.openStream(), htmlDoc);Now that you have the page loaded correctly, you can access to the Elements within. You can use htmlDoc.getDefaultRootElement() to get the root and then iterate recursively through all the child Elements, checking out the Attributes of each. This will look for the submit button and add a listener to it for you:
    private void parseElements(Element elem) {
        AttributeSet atts = elem.getAttributes();
        //If this is the submit button, add a listener:
             Object model = atts.getAttribute(StyleConstants.ModelAttribute);
             Object type = atts.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.TYPE);
             if ((type != null) && (type.equals("submit"))) {
                 DefaultButtonModel btn = (DefaultButtonModel) model;
                 btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        for (int i = 0; i < elem.getElementCount(); i++)
    }Of course, printing out "Yay!" is not really very helpful. When you're parsing through the Elements, check for the attribute StyleContsants.ModelAttribute. If that exists, you can cast it to the correct type of Model (see the documentation for HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.FormAction for information about what types of models to expect from what types of HTML elements) and store it until the "submit" button is pressed. Then all you have to do is get all the data from the models, format it and submit it to the action URL in either a "get" or a "post." The action URL is stored, in Java 1.3, in the HTML.Tag.Form attribute of one of the Elements (I don't remember which one). Getting that attribute returns a SimpleAttributeSet, and you get the HTML.Attribute.Action out of that. In Java 1.4 it's easier to find, you just have to look for the HTML.Attribure.Action attribute in one of the Elements.
    Why isn't this all automatically done for you? I don't know. Good luck.

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    My task requirement is to display a compay logo as static backgdound in this jeditorPane
    (The logo must be displayed always in the center nevermind the text scrolling)...
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    public void paint(Graphics g) {
          int scrolled_down = (int) ( (JViewport)this.getParent()).getViewPosition().
          Rectangle visibleRectangle = new Rectangle();
          int width = visibleRectangle.getBounds().width;
          int height = visibleRectangle.getBounds().height;
          ImageIcon logo = IconFactory.getInstance().getIngLogoPaleIcon();
          g.drawImage(logo.getImage(), (width - logo.getIconWidth()) / 2,
                      scrolled_down + (height - logo.getIconHeight()) / 2, this);
        }But the problem is that I drow the logo over the some part of the text and the text is not visible.
    If I call super.paint(Graphics) mehtod after I drow the logo, the logo is overpainted and is not visible.
    (This logo is very pale transparent gif image).
    So my question is how can I achieve the effect this logo to be behind the text displayed in JEditorPane
    (I tried if it's possible to use CSS body attributes for static background image,but as I expected they are not supported)
    Thanks for every help in advance

    myEditorPane.setOpaque(false) This allows components under the EditorPane to show through.
    Thus, add a label with the desired image into a JLayeredPane, (if using in a JDeskTopPane you have acces to its FRAME_CONTENT_LAYER).
    Add your EditorPane on top of this after setting opaque to false and viola!
    Be aware that you should use caution when choosing a forground, (font ), color as the underlying image will affect how your text appears....

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    how to refersh the JEditorPane ..i used JEditorPane.removeAll() .but it not working
    pls help me

    usually, if you apply changes (setText, setAttributes, etc) to a document associated to a JEditorPane, the JEditorPane automatically shows the changes right away.
    If you instead want to replace the whole document, you could use JEdtiorPane.setDocument(), which again usually shows the newly assigned document right away.
    To simply wipe out the current contents, you can try
    JEditorPane.remove(0, JEditorPane.getDocument().getLength());
    Hope this helps

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    Assuming you have a text document and not an HTML document, try:
    **  Return the current line number at the Caret position.
    public static int getLineAtCaret(JTextComponent component)
         int caretPosition = component.getCaretPosition();
         Element root = component.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement();
         return root.getElementIndex( caretPosition ) + 1;

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    How to print a bullet in smartforms?
    I need it urgently.
    Any help would be appeciated.

    if i remember correct <600> is the value for bullets.
    you can insert this using sap system symbols ---> select bullets (before this place your cursor where ever you want the bullets.
    P1  <600> test.

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