(Urgent) Extract Code From form 4.5

I would like to know if there is any way of extracting or exporting the code from a form created in forms 4.5, into text format.
The form is in the executable format .frx.

If the form is in fmx format, there is absolutely no way you can retrieve the code.
Fmx format is a final format. No reverse is possible.
Good luck,

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                         SAPbouiCOM.Item oItem = null;
                        oItem = oForm.Items.Item("4");
                        SAPbouiCOM.ComboBox oEditStatus = (SAPbouiCOM.ComboBox)oItem.Specific;
                       string strStatus = oEditStatus.Selected.Description;
    but it didnt work
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    Dear vitor
    thank you very much for your help
    your tip gave me the lead i needed to get the data from item 4
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                       SAPbouiCOM.Item oItem = null;
                        oItem = oForm.Items.Item("4");
                        SAPbouiCOM.EditText edit = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oItem.Specific;
                        string strStatus = edit.Value;
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    U can get a document of the Form in a text file. This will
    contain all Objects properties, Triggers etc.To do this:
    1. Open the Form Builder and the Form u want to document.
    2. File - Administration - Object List Report.
    Hope this helps.

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    there's a good Whitepaper at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/forms/pdf/frm9isrw9i.pdf.
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    Can you please help us... its very critical for us.
    Edited by: user775668 on Jun 17, 2011 5:46 AM
    Edited by: user775668 on Jun 17, 2011 5:46 AM

    In terms of trying to debug this why don't you login to your schema and create a view:
    create view testview as select * from all_objects@dblink
    and deal with that instead?
    (You would need to grant permissions to that view.)
    I mean as a way to keep the complex dbms_sql out of the loop and look
    more to permissions and schema issues. In the long term the view hard codes the structure and is
    not a good solution if the structure changes. I just mean as a test.
    BTW you know there is an all_objects already? Didn't know if you meant that literally or not.
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    url links are not html.
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    http://somesite.com, that will not
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    Try using a lexical parameter(&parm_1) for a string of values or a bind parameter(:parm_1) for a single value

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    Thanks for the reply. This is a view and [AmountDue] is supposed to be [CurrentDueAmount] + [PastDueAmount] - [PaidAmount]. The view is not calculating [PaidAmount] right . Below is the complete code of the view. Do you see anything wrong in the code ?
    SELECT     [isi].[InvoiceID], [ii].[DueDate], [SubInvoiceID] = [isi].[ID], [INV_FacilityID] = [if].[ID], [if].[FacilityID],
    [iff].[FacilityFeeID], [LoanID] = NULL, [isi].[PortfolioID], [isi].[Portfolio], 
                          [PaymentType] = [isis_fee].[SectionType], [Name]
    = [iff].[Name], [ReceivedAmount], [dates].[CurrentDueAmount], 
                          [PastDueAmount] = CASE WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount],
    0) > 0 THEN [pastdue].[PastDueFeeAmount] + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) 
                          WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) 
                          < 0 THEN /* We bring past due to zero and
    apply reset to current. */ CASE WHEN [pastdue].[PastDueFeeAmount] + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) 
                          < 0 THEN 0 ELSE [pastdue].[PastDueFeeAmount]
    + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) END WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) = 0 AND 
                          [pastdue].[PastDueFeeAmount] < 0 THEN 0 ELSE
    [pastdue].[PastDueFeeAmount] END, [PaidAmount] = CASE WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) 
                          < 0 THEN /* We bring past due to zero and
    apply rest to current. */ CASE WHEN [pastdue].[PastDueFeeAmount] + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) 
                          < 0 THEN - ([pastdue].[PastDueFeeAmount]
    + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0)) ELSE 0 END WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) = 0 AND 
                          [pastdue].[PastDueFeeAmount] < 0 THEN - [pastdue].[PastDueFeeAmount]
    ELSE 0 END, [AmountDue] = [unpaid].[UnpaidFeeAmount], [ID] = [iff].[FacilityFeeID]
    FROM         [dbo].[INV_SubInvoice] isi JOIN
                          [dbo].[INV_Invoice] ii ON [isi].[InvoiceID]
    = [ii].[ID] JOIN
                          [dbo].[INV_Facility] [if] ON [isi].[ID] = [if].[SubInvoiceID]
                          [dbo].[INV_FacilityFee] iff ON [if].[ID] = [iff].[INV_FacilityID]
                              (SELECT     [sis_fee].[ID],
    [sis_fee].[SectionTypeCode], [SectionType] = [st_fee].[Name], [sis_fee].[INV_FacilityFeeID]
       [dbo].[INV_SubInvoiceSection] sis_fee JOIN
                   [dbo].[INV_SectionType] st_fee ON [sis_fee].[SectionTypeCode] = [st_fee].[Code]
                                WHERE      [INV_FacilityFeeID]
    IS NOT NULL AND [StatusCode] = 'BILL') isis_fee ON [iff].[ID] = [isis_fee].[INV_FacilityFeeID] JOIN
                              (SELECT     [iffa].[SectionID],
    [AccrualDeterminationDateMax] = MAX([iffa].[AccrualDeterminationDate]), 
                   [AccrualDeterminationDateMin] = MIN([iffa].[AccrualDeterminationDate]), [CurrentDueAmount] = SUM([iffa].[AccruedFeeAmount]), 
                   [ReceivedAmount] = SUM([iffa].[ReceivedFeeAmount])
       [dbo].[INV_FacilityFeeAccrual] iffa
                                GROUP BY [iffa].[SectionID])
    dates ON [isis_fee].[ID] = [dates].[SectionID] LEFT JOIN
                              (SELECT     *
       [dbo].[INV_FacilityFeeAccrual]) unpaid ON [dates].[SectionID] = [unpaid].[SectionID] AND 
                          [dates].[AccrualDeterminationDateMax] = [unpaid].[AccrualDeterminationDate]
                              (SELECT     [SectionID],
    [PastDueFeeAmount] = SUM([PastDueFeeAmount])
                                GROUP BY [SectionID]) pastdue
    ON [dates].[SectionID] = [pastdue].[SectionID]
    SELECT     [isi].[InvoiceID], [ii].[DueDate], [SubInvoiceID] = [isi].[ID], [INV_FacilityID] = [if].[ID], [if].[FacilityID],
    [FacilityFeeID] = NULL, [il].[LoanID], [isi].[PortfolioID], [isi].[Portfolio], 
                          [PaymentType] = [isis_loan].[SectionType], [Name]
    = [il].[Name], [ReceivedAmount], [CurrentDueAmount], [PastDueAmount] = CASE WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 
                          0) > 0 THEN [PastDueAmount] + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount],
    0) WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) 
                          < 0 THEN /* We bring past due to zero and
    apply rest to current. */ CASE WHEN [PastDueAmount] + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) 
                          < 0 THEN 0 ELSE [PastDueAmount] + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount],
    0) END WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) = 0 AND 
                          [PastDueAmount] < 0 THEN 0 ELSE [PastDueAmount]
                          [PaidAmount] = CASE WHEN [isis_loan].[SectionTypeCode]
    = 'LOAN_PRIN' THEN 0 ELSE CASE WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) 
                          < 0 THEN /* We bring past due to zero and
    apply rest to current. */ CASE WHEN [PastDueAmount] + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) 
                          < 0 THEN - ([PastDueAmount] + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount],
    0)) ELSE 0 END WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) = 0 AND 
                          [PastDueAmount] < 0 THEN - [PastDueAmount]
    ELSE 0 END END, 
                          [AmountDue] = CASE WHEN [isis_loan].[SectionTypeCode]
    = 'LOAN_PRIN' THEN [CurrentDueAmount] ELSE [unpaid].[AmountDue] END, [ID] = [il].[LoanID]
    FROM         [dbo].[INV_SubInvoice] isi JOIN
                          [dbo].[INV_Invoice] ii ON [isi].[InvoiceID]
    = [ii].[ID] JOIN
                          [dbo].[INV_Facility] [if] ON [isi].[ID] = [if].[SubInvoiceID]
                          [dbo].[INV_Loan] il ON [if].[ID] = [il].[INV_FacilityID]
                              (SELECT     [sis_loan].[ID],
    [sis_loan].[SectionTypeCode], [SectionType] = [st_loan].[Name], [sis_loan].[INV_LoanID]
       [dbo].[INV_SubInvoiceSection] sis_loan JOIN
                   [dbo].[INV_SectionType] st_loan ON [sis_loan].[SectionTypeCode] = [st_loan].[Code]
                                WHERE      [INV_LoanID]
    IS NOT NULL AND [StatusCode] = 'BILL') isis_loan ON [il].[ID] = [isis_loan].[INV_LoanID] JOIN
                              (SELECT     [iffa].[SectionID],
    [AccrualDeterminationDateMax] = MAX([iffa].[AccrualDeterminationDate]), 
                   [AccrualDeterminationDateMin] = MIN([iffa].[AccrualDeterminationDate]), [CurrentDueAmount] = SUM([iffa].[ExpectedPrincipalAmount]), 
                   [ReceivedAmount] = SUM([ReceivedPrincipalAmount])
       [dbo].[INV_LoanPrincipalAmortization] iffa
                                GROUP BY [iffa].[SectionID]
                                SELECT     [iffa].[SectionID],
    [AccrualDeterminationDateMax] = MAX([iffa].[AccrualDeterminationDate]), 
                  [AccrualDeterminationDateMin] = MIN([iffa].[AccrualDeterminationDate]), [CurrentDueAmount] = SUM([iffa].[AccruedInterestAmount]), 
                  [ReceivedAmount] = SUM([ReceivedInterestAmount])
      [dbo].[INV_LoanCashInterestAccrual] iffa
                                GROUP BY [iffa].[SectionID]
                                SELECT     [iffa].[SectionID],
    [AccrualDeterminationDateMax] = MAX([iffa].[AccrualDeterminationDate]), 
                  [AccrualDeterminationDateMin] = MIN([iffa].[AccrualDeterminationDate]), [CurrentDueAmount] = SUM([iffa].[AccruedInterestAmount]), 
                  [ReceivedAmount] = SUM([ReceivedInterestAmount])
      [dbo].[INV_LoanPIKInterestAccrual] iffa
                                GROUP BY [iffa].[SectionID])
    dates ON [isis_loan].[ID] = [dates].[SectionID] LEFT JOIN
                              (SELECT     [AmountDue]
    = [UnpaidPrincipalAmount], [SectionID], [AccrualDeterminationDate]
                                SELECT     [AmountDue]
    = [UnpaidInterestAmount], [SectionID], [AccrualDeterminationDate]
                                SELECT     [AmountDue]
    = [UnpaidInterestAmount], [SectionID], [AccrualDeterminationDate]
      [dbo].[INV_LoanPIKInterestAccrual]) unpaid ON [dates].[SectionID] = [unpaid].[SectionID] AND 
                          [dates].[AccrualDeterminationDateMax] = [unpaid].[AccrualDeterminationDate]
                              (SELECT     [PastDueAmount]
    = SUM([PastDuePrincipalAmount]), [SectionID]
                                GROUP BY [SectionID]
                                SELECT     [PastDueAmount]
    = SUM([PastDueInterestAmount]), [SectionID]
                                GROUP BY [SectionID]
                                SELECT     [PastDueAmount]
    = SUM([PastDueInterestAmount]), [SectionID]
                                GROUP BY [SectionID]) pastdue
    ON [dates].[SectionID] = [pastdue].[SectionID]
    SELECT     [isi].[InvoiceID], [ii].[DueDate], [SubInvoiceID] = [isi].[ID], [INV_FacilityID] = [if].[ID], [if].[FacilityID],
    [FacilityFeeID] = NULL, [il].[LoanID], [isi].[PortfolioID], [isi].[Portfolio], 
                          [PaymentType] = 'PIK Interest Applied', [Name]
    = [il].[Name], [ReceivedAmount], [CurrentDueAmount] = - [dates].[CurrentDueAmount], 
                          [PastDueAmount] = - CASE WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount],
    0) > 0 THEN [PastDueAmount] + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) 
                          < 0 THEN /* We bring past due to zero and
    apply rest to current. */ CASE WHEN [PastDueAmount] + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) 
                          < 0 THEN 0 ELSE [PastDueAmount] + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount],
    0) END WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) = 0 AND 
                          [PastDueAmount] < 0 THEN 0 ELSE [PastDueAmount]
    END, [PaidAmount] = - CASE WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) 
                          < 0 THEN /* We bring past due to zero and
    apply rest to current. */ CASE WHEN [PastDueAmount] + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) 
                          < 0 THEN - ([PastDueAmount] + ISNULL([ReceivedAmount],
    0)) ELSE 0 END WHEN ISNULL([ReceivedAmount], 0) = 0 AND 
                          [PastDueAmount] < 0 THEN - [PastDueAmount]
    ELSE 0 END, [AmountDue] = - [AmountDue], [ID] = [il].[LoanID]
    FROM         [dbo].[INV_SubInvoice] isi JOIN
                          [dbo].[INV_Invoice] ii ON [isi].[InvoiceID]
    = [ii].[ID] JOIN
                          [dbo].[INV_Facility] [if] ON [isi].[ID] = [if].[SubInvoiceID]
                          [dbo].[INV_Loan] il ON [if].[ID] = [il].[INV_FacilityID]
                              (SELECT     [sis_loan].[ID],
    [sis_loan].[SectionTypeCode], [SectionType] = [st_loan].[Name], [sis_loan].[INV_LoanID]
       [dbo].[INV_SubInvoiceSection] sis_loan JOIN
                   [dbo].[INV_SectionType] st_loan ON [sis_loan].[SectionTypeCode] = [st_loan].[Code]
                                WHERE      [INV_LoanID]
    IS NOT NULL AND [StatusCode] = 'BILL' AND [sis_loan].[SectionTypeCode] = 'LOAN_INT_PIK') isis_loan ON 
                          [il].[ID] = [isis_loan].[INV_LoanID] JOIN
                              (SELECT     [iffa].[SectionID],
    [AccrualDeterminationDateMax] = MAX([iffa].[AccrualDeterminationDate]), 
                   [AccrualDeterminationDateMin] = MIN([iffa].[AccrualDeterminationDate]), [CurrentDueAmount] = SUM([iffa].[AccruedInterestAmount]), 
                   [ReceivedAmount] = SUM([ReceivedInterestAmount])
       [dbo].[INV_LoanPIKInterestAccrual] iffa
                                GROUP BY [iffa].[SectionID])
    dates ON [isis_loan].[ID] = [dates].[SectionID] LEFT JOIN
                              (SELECT     [AmountDue]
    = [UnpaidInterestAmount], [SectionID], [AccrualDeterminationDate]
       [dbo].[INV_LoanPIKInterestAccrual]) unpaid ON [dates].[SectionID] = [unpaid].[SectionID] AND 
                          [dates].[AccrualDeterminationDateMax] = [unpaid].[AccrualDeterminationDate]
                              (SELECT     [PastDueAmount]
    = SUM([PastDueInterestAmount]), [SectionID]
                                GROUP BY [SectionID]) pastdue
    ON [dates].[SectionID] = [pastdue].[SectionID]

  • How to extract data from info cube into an internal table using ABAP code

    Can Anyone plz suggest me
    How to extract data from info cube into an internal table using ABAP code like BAPI's or function modules.
    Thankx in advance

    HI Dinesh,
    Thankq for ur reply
    but i ahve already tried to use the function module.
    When I try to Use the function module RSDRI_INFOPOV_READ
    I get an information message "ERROR GENERATION TEST FRAME".
    can U plz tell me what could be the problem

  • How do I extract email from a form and send the PDF to that user?

    How do I extract email from a form and send the PDF to that user?

    here you can add email to send to, CC, Subject, and body message
    var oDoc = event.target;
                                                                bUI: false,
                                                                cTo: "Agency Contact Email",
                                                                cCC: "",
                                                                cSubject: "Write your title here,
                                                                cMsg: "Dear" + AgencyContact + "(" + AgencyContactEmail + ")\nThe student, " + FirstName + " " + LastName + " has applied to work at your agency. Please confirm they can work here blah blah blah.......\n\nThanks.\n\nrespectuflly,\n\nme"

  • Need to pre-populate and Extract data from static PDF form

    Hi Jasmin or Jayan or anyone else that can answer.
    I have a requirement to use Digital Signatures.  Because of that, the forms must be static PDFs and the form variables will be “document form”.  I want to pre-populate the form via an SQL query and custom render process and render it as PDF so that the submitter can apply a digital signature when he/she is done and ready to submit for approvalSubsequent approvers will also digitally sign the form.  I know that I will specify the custom render to render only once and thereby preserve the signature(s) on the form.  I do, however, need to extract data from the form to control the business process.  I cannot access the data in the form the same way I do with an xdp and I also cannot pre-populate the same way I do with an xdp. 
    Any suggestions on how to attack this?

    Parth, one problem with your approach is he will submit PDF and therefore you won't be able to put the PDF in a variable that's suppose to contain just xml.
    The prepopulation should be the same. If you start off with an xdp, then you will call a render service that merges data with your xdp to create a PDF.
    Now when you submit, you will submit the entire PDF back in the Document Form variable. In Workbench, you can use the FormDataIntegration service to extract data from that PDF that's being stored under Document Form var/object/document and put it in an xml variable. Then you can just use xPath to do your condition.
    I'm assuming you'll just pass that same Document Form variable to the next step, because if you do any change to the PDF it'll brake the signature.
    Let me know if I missed anything.

  • Extracting data from dynamic forms

    I am new to using Livecycle and see the advantages of using dynamic forms for collecting data. I have designed several dynamic forms which include rows with 6 to 9 text fields and may be completed with 10 to 100 rows. I  have had to use text fields for collecting numeric information as many of the references start with zeros (003456).
    Whilst Acrobat Pro provides for Livecycle dynamic forms to be enabled for Acrobat Reader filling and saving is extracting to Excel the best option available if you do not have the Enerprise version of Livecycle?
    One problem I have in using Excel is that whilst the completed  PDF documents capture the leading zeros, when I view the Excel spreadsheet the lead zeros have been lost. I have experienced this problem in importing Excel files into Access. To overcome this I usually create five lead rows with characters in all the fields that I want Excel to define as text - otherwise it processes them as numerics.
    Any better ways of extracting data from a hundred or so dynamic forms? 

    your problem is not the exported data, it's Excel that drops the leading zeros by default.
    You can use a custom pattern to keep the leading zeros.
    0#### will display intergers with up to 5 places with a leading zero.
    Value:           Displayed Value:
    012               012
    12345          12345
    0045             0045
    Here an example video for telephone numbers.

  • Data extract/convert from SAP system and load to Unix system - Urgent

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    there are four kinds of data objects of HR system, need to extract them individually and map those into Unix system.
    Can anyone please suggest me step-by-step how to go about it....like
    do we need to write a report for that?
    do we need to use Function modules? etc.,
    How to set mappings of that Data to a file?
    How to map that file to Unix system?
    Need to run those on daily basis and after first run, only changed data file need to be loaded. how to do this?
    rewarded with the points.

    I can't say this becouse I don't the problem, anyway u have to do it by yourself.
    U should create:
    - a document where u define the file format: data type, size and name of the field of the unix system;
    - a document for the mapping: link between SAP fields and Unix system fields
    Based on these document you'll create a structure on the report:
                 FIELD1 ...,
                 FIELD2 ...,
               END  OF STR_UNIX_SYSTEM.
    and the code to transfer the data from SAP to legacy:
    So all steps have to be defined in the report before downloading the file.
    So I don't know which legacy system you're speaking about, after creating the file the legacy should read it in order to upload the data.
    U can create a daily job for that report, if you need to transfer the changed data only you should read the change document table (CDHDR and CDPOS) but I don't know HR so I'm not sure these tables are available for HR.

  • Extracting data from a pdf form

    livecycle es2, workbench 9.0
    I'm new to workbench and have a problem extracting data from a pdf form submitted to a short lived process.
    I have set up the following very simple process :
    default startpoint >  ProcessForm > exportData > set value > set value > Write Document
    The intention is to update the document and write it to disk. So far, each step works except for the 'export data' where I cannot get the pdf to extract to xml.
    The Input to the 'export data' step is a variable (myDoc), Data Type: Document,  created from the incoming PDF form.
    If I write out myDoc it is an exact copy of the incoming document, so I guess the start and finish steps of of the process are OK.
    The incoming (PDF) form I was given had no data schema, but  I thought I could access the form data by exporting to an xml variable....
      Service : FormDataIntegration  / exportData
    input (PDF Document)    variable : myDoc
      output(Data extracted)     variable : myXMLData
    Then in the next step (set value) access the xml element I am after ..
    Location:  /process_data/@groupId      Expression: /process_data/myXMLData/xdp/datasets/data/form1/mainPage/groupId
    This is did not work, so I got the incoming form, exported the form data to an xml file,  and created a schema using  Stylus Studio. I then imported that into the myXMLdata definition. ( BTW - Do I need to specify the root node after importing it ? )
    Still not working !
    Extra info : The XML view of my incoming  form shows I have a minimal dataset definition- is this OK ??
    <connectionSet xmlns="http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-connection-set/2.8/">
       <?originalXFAVersion http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-connection-set/2.4/?></connectionSet>
    <xfa:datasets xmlns:xfa="http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-data/1.0/">
       <xfa:data xfa:dataNode="dataGroup"/>
    The schema created by stylus studio has none of the xfdf, xfa settings I have seen on other schemas - is this OK ?
    Any help to get this fixed greatly appreciated

    hey thanks for the offer, but I am now sorted after I found a simple working example on line.
    This is a similar process to the one I am working on, and is clearly described and easy to follow...
    http://eslifeline.wordpress.com/2009/04/25/extracting-data-from-signed-pdf-using-livecycle -server/
    girish bedekar - I thank you !

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