Urgent! Need help in deciding data structure to use

Hi all,
I need to implement a restaurant system by which a customer can make a reservation.
I was wondering whether vector would be able to be store such an object, The thing is I don't want a complex data structure. just sumthin simple cos i hardly have anytime left to my submission. sighz...
The thing is I need to able to search based on 2 properties of an object. Eg. I need to search for a reservation based on the customer name and the date he reserved a table.
But I am totally clueless how to search thru a vector based on 2 properties of the object... Would really appreciate some help. Like an example how to so so based on my program. Feelin so lost...This is all I have so far:
class AddReservation
     static BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
     //Main Method
     public static void main (String[]args)throws IOException
          String custName, comments;
          int covers, date, startTime, endTime;
          int count = 0;
          //User can only add one reservation at a time
               //Create a new reservation
               Reservation oneReservation=new Reservation();                         
               System.out.println("Please enter customer's name:");
               custName = stdin.readLine();
               System.out.println("Please enter number of covers:");
               covers = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());
               System.out.println("Please enter date:");
               date = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());
               System.out.println("Please enter start time:");
               startTime = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());
               System.out.println("Please enter end time:");
               endTime = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());
               System.out.println("Please enter comments, if any:");
               comments = stdin.readLine();
          while (count<1);
          class Reservation
          private Reservation oneReservation;
          private String custName, comments;
          private int covers, startTime, endTime, date;
          //Default constructor
          public Reservation()
          public Reservation(String custName, int covers, int date, int startTime, int endTime, String comments)
          //Setter methods
          public void setcustName(String custName)
          public void setCovers(int covers)
          public void setDate(int date)
          public void setstartTime(int startTime)
          public void setendTime(int endTime)
          public void setComments(String comments)
          //Getter methods
          public String getcustName()
               return custName;
          public int getCovers()
               return covers;
          public int getDate()
               return date;
          public int getstartTime()
               return startTime;
          public int getendTime()
               return endTime;
          public String getComments()
               return comments;
class searchBooking
     static BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
     public static void main (String[]args)throws IOException
          int choice, date, startTime;
          String custName;
               //Search Menu
               System.out.println("Search By: ");
               System.out.println("1. Date");
               System.out.println("2. Name of Customer");
               System.out.println("3. Date & Name of Customer");
               System.out.println("4. Date & Start time of reservation");
               System.out.println("5. Date, Name of customer & Start time of reservation");
               System.out.println("Please make a selection: ");          
               //User keys in choice
               choice = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());
               if (choice==1)
                    System.out.println("Please key in Date (DDMMYY):");
                    date = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());
               else if (choice==2)
                         System.out.println("Please key in Name of Customer:");
                         custName = stdin.readLine();
               else if (choice==3)
                         System.out.println("Please key in Date (DDMMYY):");
                         date = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());
                         System.out.println("Please key in Name of Customer:");
                         custName = stdin.readLine();
               else if (choice==4)
                         System.out.println("Please key in Date (DDMMYY):");
                         date = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());
                         System.out.println("Please key in Start time:");
                         startTime = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());
               else if (choice==5)
                         System.out.println("Please key in Date (DDMMYY):");
                         date = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());
                         System.out.println("Please key in Name of Customer:");
                         custName = stdin.readLine();
                         System.out.println("Please key in Start time:");
                         startTime = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());

Please stop calling your questions urgent. Everybody's question is urgent to them. Nobody's are urgent to the people who are going to answer them. Calling your questions urgent suggests that you think they are more important than others' (They're not.) and will only serve to irritate those who would help you. It won't get your questions answered any sooner.

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  • Need help with retrieving data in vector using for-loop

    ok for my code, i type in String name, password, phone number and int currentsalary and desiredsalary into the textfields and click Add, and it goes into the vector and name appears on the JList ApplicantList.
    what do i add to my listselectionlistener so that by clicking on the name, i can display the details of the person whose name is in the list, back on the texfields?
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane.*;
    import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
    public class Employment extends JFrame
            //declare class variables
            private JPanel jpApplicant, jpEverything,jpWEST, jpCENTRE, jpEAST, jpAddEditDelete,
                                       jpCentreTOP, jpCentreBOT, jpEastTOP, jpEastCENTRE, jpEastBOT,
                                       jpBlank1, panel1, panel2, panel3, panel4;
            private JLabel jlblApplicantForm, jlblAppList, jlblName, jlblPhone,
                                       jlblCurrentSalary, jlblPassword, jlblDesiredSalary,
                                       jlblNotes, jlblApplicantSkills, jlblIndustrySkills,
                                       jlblBlank1, jlblBlank2;
            private JButton jbtnAdd1, jbtnEdit, jbtnDelete, jbtnSave, jbtnCancel,
                                            jbtnAdd2, jbtnRemove;
            private JTextField jtfName, jtfPhone, jtfCurrentSalary, jtfPassword,
               String name,password,phone,currentsalary,desiredsalary,textareastuff;
               String selectedname;
            private         JTabbedPane tabbedPane;
            private DefaultListModel listModel,listModel2;
           private ListSelectionModel listSelectionModel;
            JList ApplicantList, ApplicantSkillsList, IndustrySkillsList;
            protected JTextArea NotesList;    
            Label ApplicantListLabel, NotesListLabel, ApplicantSkillsLabel,
                    Vector details = new Vector();
                public static void main(String []args)
                    Employment f = new Employment();
                }//end of main
                    public Employment()
                            setTitle("E-commerce Placement Agency");
                            JPanel topPanel = new JPanel();
                            topPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
                            getContentPane().add( topPanel );
                            tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Applicant", panel1 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Job Order", panel2 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Skill", panel3 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Company", panel4 );
                            topPanel.add( tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
            public void createPage1()//PAGE 1
                                    panel1 = new JPanel();
                                    panel1.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                                    jpApplicant= new JPanel();
                            jpApplicant.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                            Font bigFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD,24);
                            jlblApplicantForm = new JLabel("\t\t\t\tAPPLICANT FORM  ");
                            jpWEST = new JPanel();                 
                            jpWEST.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            //Applicant List
                                  listModel2=new DefaultListModel();
                                  ApplicantList = new JList(listModel2);
                                listSelectionModel = ApplicantList.getSelectionModel();
                                listSelectionModel.addListSelectionListener(new SharedListSelectionHandler());
                                JScrollPane scrollPane3 = new JScrollPane(ApplicantList);
                            ApplicantListLabel = new Label( "Applicant List:");
                            jpCENTRE = new JPanel();
                            jpCENTRE.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));
                            jpCentreTOP = new JPanel();
                            jpCentreTOP.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,2));
                            jlblName = new JLabel( "Name:");
                            jlblBlank1 = new JLabel ("");
                            jtfName = new JTextField(18);
                            jlblBlank2 = new JLabel("");
                            jlblPhone = new JLabel("Phone:");
                            jlblCurrentSalary = new JLabel("Current Salary:");
                            jtfPhone = new JTextField(13);
                            jtfCurrentSalary = new JTextField(7);
                            jlblPassword = new JLabel("Password:");
                            jlblDesiredSalary = new JLabel("Desired Salary:");
                            jtfPassword = new JTextField(13);
                            jtfDesiredSalary = new JTextField(6);
                            jpCentreBOT = new JPanel();
                            jpCentreBOT.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            jpBlank1 = new JPanel();
                               JTextArea Noteslist=new JTextArea();
                            JScrollPane scroll3=new JScrollPane(Noteslist);
                              //scroll3.setSize(new Dimension(1,1));
                            NotesListLabel = new Label( "Notes:");
                            //Applicant Skills Panel
                            //EAST ==> TOP
                            jpEAST = new JPanel();
                            jpEAST.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            jpEastTOP = new JPanel();
                            jpEastTOP.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            listModel = new DefaultListModel();
                            ApplicantSkillsList = new JList(listModel);
                            ApplicantSkillsLabel = new Label( "Applicant Skills");
                           // JScrollPane scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(ApplicantSkillsList,
                           //                                                   JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
                            JScrollPane scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(ApplicantSkillsList);
    //                        ApplicantSkillsList.addItemListener(new selectNameListener());
                            //Add & Remove Buttons
                            //EAST ==> CENTRE
                            jpEastCENTRE = new JPanel();
                            jbtnAdd2 = new JButton("Add");
                            jbtnRemove = new JButton("Remove");
                            //add buttons to panel
                            //add listener to button
                           jbtnAdd2.addActionListener(new Add2Listener());
                           jbtnRemove.addActionListener(new RemoveListener());
                            //Industry Skills Panel
                            //EAST ==> BOTTOM
                            jpEastBOT = new JPanel();
                            jpEastBOT.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                           String[] data = {"Access97", "Basic Programming",
                           "C++ Programming", "COBOL Programming",
                           "DB Design", "Fortran programming"};
                           IndustrySkillsList = new JList(data);
                           JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(IndustrySkillsList);
                           IndustrySkillsLabel = new Label( "Industry Skills:");
                            jpAddEditDelete= new JPanel();
                            jbtnAdd1=       new JButton("Add");
                            jbtnEdit=       new JButton("Edit");
                            jbtnDelete=     new JButton("Delete");
                            jbtnSave=       new JButton("Save");
                            jbtnCancel=     new JButton("Cancel");
                           //jbtnEdit.addActionListener(new EditListener());
                            jbtnAdd1.addActionListener(new Add1Listener());
                            jbtnCancel.addActionListener(new CancelListener());
            public void createPage2()//PAGE 2
                    panel2 = new JPanel();
                    panel2.setLayout( new GridLayout(1,1) );
                    panel2.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public void createPage3()//PAGE 3
                    panel3 = new JPanel();
                    panel3.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 1 ) );
                    panel3.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public void createPage4()//PAGE 4
                    panel4 = new JPanel();
                    panel4.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 1 ) );
                    panel4.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public class Add1Listener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    //String name,password,phone,currentsalary,desiredsalary,textareastuff;
                    name = jtfName.getText();
                    password = jtfPassword.getText();
                    phone = jtfPhone.getText();
                    currentsalary = jtfCurrentSalary.getText();
                    int i= Integer.parseInt(currentsalary);
                    desiredsalary = jtfDesiredSalary.getText();
                    int j= Integer.parseInt(desiredsalary);
                       StoringData person = new StoringData(name,password,phone,i,j);
                    //textareastuff = NotesList.getText();
                  //  NotesList.setText("");
                    // NotesList.append("");          
                   // details.addElement(name);
            public class Add2Listener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                           String temp1;
                           temp1 = (String)IndustrySkillsList.getSelectedValue();
            public class RemoveListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                            int index = ApplicantSkillsList.getSelectedIndex();
            public class EditListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class DeleteListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class SaveListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class CancelListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class SharedListSelectionHandler implements ListSelectionListener
            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
               selectedname =ApplicantList.getSelectedValue().toString();
               // ListSelectionModel lsm = (ListSelectionModel)e.getSource();
              // for(selectedname==n)
              //     System.out.println(ApplicantList.getSelectedValue().toString());
              //     jtfName.setText(n);
        //int firstIndex = e.getFirstIndex();
                //int lastIndex = e.getLastIndex();
                //boolean isAdjusting = e.getValueIsAdjusting();
                /*if (lsm.isSelectionEmpty())
                } else {
                    // Find out which indexes are selected.
                    /*int minIndex = lsm.getMinSelectionIndex();
                    int maxIndex = lsm.getMaxSelectionIndex();
                    /*for (int i = minIndex; i <= maxIndex; i++)
                       /* if (lsm.isSelectedIndex(i))

    ok i added that part inside my listselectionlistener
    it says incompatible types in line 421.
    and where do i insert :
    StoringData selectedPerson = detailMap.get(selectedName)
    StoringData selectedPerson = ApplicantList.getSelectedValue()
    this is what the code looks like after i added the loop u gave me
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane.*;
    //import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
    public class Employment extends JFrame
            //declare class variables
            private JPanel jpApplicant, jpEverything,jpWEST, jpCENTRE, jpEAST, jpAddEditDelete,
                                       jpCentreTOP, jpCentreBOT, jpEastTOP, jpEastCENTRE, jpEastBOT,
                                       jpBlank1, panel1, panel2, panel3, panel4;
            private JLabel jlblApplicantForm, jlblAppList, jlblName, jlblPhone,
                                       jlblCurrentSalary, jlblPassword, jlblDesiredSalary,
                                       jlblNotes, jlblApplicantSkills, jlblIndustrySkills,
                                       jlblBlank1, jlblBlank2;
            private JButton jbtnAdd1, jbtnEdit, jbtnDelete, jbtnSave, jbtnCancel,
                                            jbtnAdd2, jbtnRemove;
            private JTextField jtfName, jtfPhone, jtfCurrentSalary, jtfPassword,
               String name,password,phone,currentsalary,desiredsalary,textareastuff;
               String selectedname;
            private         JTabbedPane tabbedPane;
            private DefaultListModel listModel,listModel2;
           private ListSelectionModel listSelectionModel;
            JList ApplicantList, ApplicantSkillsList, IndustrySkillsList;
            protected JTextArea NotesList;    
            Label ApplicantListLabel, NotesListLabel, ApplicantSkillsLabel,
                    Vector details = new Vector();
                public static void main(String []args)
                    Employment f = new Employment();
                }//end of main
                    public Employment()
                            setTitle("E-commerce Placement Agency");
                            JPanel topPanel = new JPanel();
                            topPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
                            getContentPane().add( topPanel );
                            tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Applicant", panel1 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Job Order", panel2 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Skill", panel3 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Company", panel4 );
                            topPanel.add( tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
            public void createPage1()//PAGE 1
                                    panel1 = new JPanel();
                                    panel1.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                                    jpApplicant= new JPanel();
                            jpApplicant.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                            Font bigFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD,24);
                            jlblApplicantForm = new JLabel("\t\t\t\tAPPLICANT FORM  ");
                            jpWEST = new JPanel();                 
                            jpWEST.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            //Applicant List
                                  listModel2=new DefaultListModel();
                                  ApplicantList = new JList(listModel2);
                                listSelectionModel = ApplicantList.getSelectionModel();
                                listSelectionModel.addListSelectionListener(new SharedListSelectionHandler());
                                JScrollPane scrollPane3 = new JScrollPane(ApplicantList);
                            ApplicantListLabel = new Label( "Applicant List:");
                            jpCENTRE = new JPanel();
                            jpCENTRE.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));
                            jpCentreTOP = new JPanel();
                            jpCentreTOP.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,2));
                            jlblName = new JLabel( "Name:");
                            jlblBlank1 = new JLabel ("");
                            jtfName = new JTextField(18);
                            jlblBlank2 = new JLabel("");
                            jlblPhone = new JLabel("Phone:");
                            jlblCurrentSalary = new JLabel("Current Salary:");
                            jtfPhone = new JTextField(13);
                            jtfCurrentSalary = new JTextField(7);
                            jlblPassword = new JLabel("Password:");
                            jlblDesiredSalary = new JLabel("Desired Salary:");
                            jtfPassword = new JTextField(13);
                            jtfDesiredSalary = new JTextField(6);
                            jpCentreBOT = new JPanel();
                            jpCentreBOT.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            jpBlank1 = new JPanel();
                               JTextArea Noteslist=new JTextArea();
                            JScrollPane scroll3=new JScrollPane(Noteslist);
                              //scroll3.setSize(new Dimension(1,1));
                            NotesListLabel = new Label( "Notes:");
                            //Applicant Skills Panel
                            //EAST ==> TOP
                            jpEAST = new JPanel();
                            jpEAST.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            jpEastTOP = new JPanel();
                            jpEastTOP.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            listModel = new DefaultListModel();
                            ApplicantSkillsList = new JList(listModel);
                            ApplicantSkillsLabel = new Label( "Applicant Skills");
                           // JScrollPane scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(ApplicantSkillsList,
                           //                                                   JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
                            JScrollPane scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(ApplicantSkillsList);
    //                        ApplicantSkillsList.addItemListener(new selectNameListener());
                            //Add & Remove Buttons
                            //EAST ==> CENTRE
                            jpEastCENTRE = new JPanel();
                            jbtnAdd2 = new JButton("Add");
                            jbtnRemove = new JButton("Remove");
                            //add buttons to panel
                            //add listener to button
                           jbtnAdd2.addActionListener(new Add2Listener());
                           jbtnRemove.addActionListener(new RemoveListener());
                            //Industry Skills Panel
                            //EAST ==> BOTTOM
                            jpEastBOT = new JPanel();
                            jpEastBOT.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                           String[] data = {"Access97", "Basic Programming",
                           "C++ Programming", "COBOL Programming",
                           "DB Design", "Fortran programming"};
                           IndustrySkillsList = new JList(data);
                           JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(IndustrySkillsList);
                           IndustrySkillsLabel = new Label( "Industry Skills:");
                            jpAddEditDelete= new JPanel();
                            jbtnAdd1=       new JButton("Add");
                            jbtnEdit=       new JButton("Edit");
                            jbtnDelete=     new JButton("Delete");
                            jbtnSave=       new JButton("Save");
                            jbtnCancel=     new JButton("Cancel");
                           //jbtnEdit.addActionListener(new EditListener());
                            jbtnAdd1.addActionListener(new Add1Listener());
                            jbtnCancel.addActionListener(new CancelListener());
            public void createPage2()//PAGE 2
                    panel2 = new JPanel();
                    panel2.setLayout( new GridLayout(1,1) );
                    panel2.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public void createPage3()//PAGE 3
                    panel3 = new JPanel();
                    panel3.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 1 ) );
                    panel3.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public void createPage4()//PAGE 4
                    panel4 = new JPanel();
                    panel4.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 1 ) );
                    panel4.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public class Add1Listener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    //String name,password,phone,currentsalary,desiredsalary,textareastuff;
                    name = jtfName.getText();
                    password = jtfPassword.getText();
                    phone = jtfPhone.getText();
                    currentsalary = jtfCurrentSalary.getText();
                    int i= Integer.parseInt(currentsalary);
                    desiredsalary = jtfDesiredSalary.getText();
                    int j= Integer.parseInt(desiredsalary);
                       StoringData person = new StoringData(name,password,phone,i,j);
                    //textareastuff = NotesList.getText();
                  //  NotesList.setText("");
                    // NotesList.append("");          
                   // details.addElement(name);
            public class Add2Listener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                           String temp1;
                           temp1 = (String)IndustrySkillsList.getSelectedValue();
            public class RemoveListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                            int index = ApplicantSkillsList.getSelectedIndex();
            public class EditListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class DeleteListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class SaveListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class CancelListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class SharedListSelectionHandler implements ListSelectionListener
            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
             selectedname =ApplicantList.getSelectedValue().toString();
             StoringData selectedPerson = null;
              for (StoringData person : details)
                if (person.getName1().equals(selectedname))
                       selectedPerson = person;
         if (selectedPerson != null)
      // set the relevant fields
               // ListSelectionModel lsm = (ListSelectionModel)e.getSource();
              //  System.out.println(selectedname);
              // for(selectedname==n)
              //     System.out.println(ApplicantList.getSelectedValue().toString());
              //     jtfName.setText(n);
        //int firstIndex = e.getFirstIndex();
                //int lastIndex = e.getLastIndex();
                //boolean isAdjusting = e.getValueIsAdjusting();
                /*if (lsm.isSelectionEmpty())
                } else {
                    // Find out which indexes are selected.
                    /*int minIndex = lsm.getMinSelectionIndex();
                    int maxIndex = lsm.getMaxSelectionIndex();
                    /*for (int i = minIndex; i <= maxIndex; i++)
                       /* if (lsm.isSelectedIndex(i))

  • Urgently need help with this

    I urgently need help with this:
    When I compile this in Flex Builder 3 it says: The element type 'mx:Application' must be terminated by the matching end-tag '</mx:Application>'.
    but I have this end tag in my file, but when I try to switch from source view to desgin view it says, that: >/mx:Script> expected to terminate element at line 71, this is right at the end of the .mxml file. I have actionscript(.as) file for scripting data.
    This is the mxml code to terminate apllication tag which I did as you can see:
    MXML code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" backgroundGradientAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]" backgroundGradientColors="[#007200, #000200]" width="1024" height="768" applicationComplete="popolni_vse()">
    <mx:HTTPService id="bazaMME" url="lokalnabaza/baza_MME_svn.xml" showBusyCursor="true" resultFormat="e4x"/>
    <mx:Script source="dajzaj.as"/>
    <mx:State name="Galerije">
        <mx:SetProperty target="{panel1}" name="title" value="Galerije MME"/>
        <mx:SetProperty target="{panel2}" name="title" value="opis slik"/>
        <mx:SetProperty target="{panel3}" name="title" value="Opis Galerije"/>   
        <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{panel1}" position="lastChild">
        <mx:HorizontalList x="0" y="22" width="713.09863" height="157.39436" id="ListaslikGalerije"></mx:HorizontalList>
                <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" value="MME opisi galerij "/>
                <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{panel1}" position="lastChild">
                    <mx:Label x="217" y="346" text="labela za test" id="izbr"/>
                <mx:SetProperty target="{label1}" name="text" value="26. November 2009@08:06"/>
                <mx:SetProperty target="{label1}" name="x" value="845"/>
                <mx:SetProperty target="{label1}" name="width" value="169"/>
                <mx:SetProperty target="{Gale}" name="text" value="plac za Galerije"/>
            <mx:State name="Projekti"/>
    <mx:MenuBar id="MMEMenu" labelField="@label" showRoot="true" fillAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]" fillColors="[#043D01, #000000]" color="#9EE499" x="8" y="24"
             itemClick="dajVsebino(event)" width="1006.1268" height="21.90141">
           <mx:XMLList id="MMEmenuModel">
                 <menuitem label="O nas">
                     <menuitem label="reference podjetja" name="refMME" type="check" groupName="one"/>
                     <menuitem label="reference direktor" name="refdir" type="check" groupName="one"/>
                  <menuitem label="Kontakt" name="podatMME" groupName="one" />
                  <menuitem label="Kje smo" name="lokaMME" type="check" groupName="one" />
                 <menuitem type="separator"/>
                 <menuitem label="Galerija">
                     <menuitem label="Slovenija" name="galSvn" type="check" groupName="one"/>
                     <menuitem label="Nemčija" name="galDeu" type="check" groupName="one" />
                 <menuitem type="separator"/>
                 <menuitem label="projekti">
                     <menuitem label="Slovenija" name="projSvn" type="check" groupName="one"/>
                     <menuitem label="Nemčija" name="projDeu" type="check" groupName="one" />
                     <menuitem label="Madžarska" name="projHun" type="check" groupName="one"/>
        <mx:Label x="845" y="10" text="25. November 2009@08:21" color="#FFFFFF" width="169" height="18.02817" id="label1"/>
        <mx:Label x="746" y="10" text="zadnja posodobitev:" color="#FFFFFF"/>
        <mx:Panel x="9" y="57" width="743.02814" height="688.4507" layout="absolute" title="Plac za Vsebino" id="panel1">
            <mx:Text x="0" y="-0.1" text="MME vsebina" width="722.95776" height="648.4507" id="Gale"/>
        <mx:Label x="197.25" y="748.45" color="#FFFFFF" text="Copyright © 2009 MME d.o.o." fontSize="12" width="228.73239" height="20"/>
        <mx:Label x="463.35" y="748.45" text="izdelava spletnih strani: FACTUM d.o.o." color="#FBFDFD" fontSize="12" width="287.60565" height="20"/>
        <mx:Panel x="759" y="53" width="250" height="705.07043" layout="absolute" title="Plac za hitre novice" id="panel3">
            <mx:Text x="0" y="0" text="MME novice" width="230" height="665.07043" id="text1"/>
            <mx:Panel x="-10" y="325.35" width="250" height="336.61972" layout="absolute" title="začasna panela" color="#000203" themeColor="#4BA247" cornerRadius="10" backgroundColor="#4B9539" id="panel2">
                <mx:Label x="145" y="53" text="vrednost" id="spremmen"/>
                <mx:Label x="125" y="78" text="Label"/>
                <mx:Label x="125" y="103" text="Label"/>
                <mx:Label x="0" y="53" text="spremenljivka iz Menuja:"/>
                <mx:Label x="45" y="78" text="Label"/>
                <mx:Label x="45" y="103" text="Label"/>
        <mx:Label x="9.9" y="10" text="plac za naslov MME vsebine" id="MMEnaslov" color="#040000"/>

    I know it's been a while but… did you fix this?
    It looks to me like you are terminating the <mx:Application> tag at the top. The opening tag should end like this: resultFormat="e4x">, not resultFormat="e4x"/> (Remove the /).

  • Need help in transfering data to my new iphone4 from my old iphone3

    Hello, just received my new iphone 4, need help in transfering data from my old iphone 3 photos, emails etc. apps, thank you


  • Need help in oracle data recovery

    Friends ,i need help in oracle data recovery.
    I had an oracle 8i database running on windows.
    For some reason Windows operating system crashed.
    It is not booting up.
    I dont have current backups.But my database physical files are in the disk.
    Controlfile,datafiles and redo log files are there.
    Is there any way I can recover my database?
    Please help in this issue.

    HI citrus,
    thanks for the reply.
    I have installed database 9i on the same PC after O/S reinstallation.
    You are saying that ,I need to keep oracle root folder same as that of my old installation ,and copy control files,redo log and data files in exactly same folders as that of old database,and then start the database?
    thank you for your patience and support.

  • I need help proving the date tag on a photo stored in my iPhoto is from the date it was sent to my iphone/date it was imported into iphoto - and that it is NOT the date the photo was actually taken.  Please help!

    I need help proving the date tag on a photo stored in my iPhoto is from the date it was sent to my iphone/date it was imported into iphoto - and that it is NOT the date the photo was actually taken.   I recieved a photo via text on my iphone and then I synced my iphone to my macbook and now it is in iphoto.  I already know that the date on the photo per the tag that shows up on it in iphoto is NOT the date the photo was actually taken.  I need article or literature or something confirming the tag is from when it was sent to the iphone and/or when it was imported.  I greatly appreciate some assistance!

    All I am trying to do is find something on a forum board or article etc stating that the the date showing in iphoto could be the date it was imported or synced or sent to me and not the actual date taken.
    The date on the photo could be anything because you can edit the date with iPhoto or any of 100 apps, free and paid for. So, the date on the photo will prove nothing, I'm afraid.

  • Need help in converting date format

    Need help in converting date format from 'DD-MON-YYYY' to 'YYYY-MM-DD' in an .rtf template as I believe xml publisher supports the date format as 'YYYY-MM-DD' only.

    I got the same problem, anyone know how to solve this problem? I allready found some date functions on http://blogs.oracle.com/xmlpublisher/2008/09/date_functions.html . I also tried <?xdoxslt:month_name(xdoxslt:get_month(xdofx:substr(NEED_BY_DATE, 4,3)), $_XDOLOCALE), 0, 'nl-NL')?>, but then it returns a namespace error (Caused by: oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XPathException: Namespace prefix 'xdofx' used but not declared.). Anyone know how to fix this?
    Edited by: user11165753 on 7-dec-2009 23:50

  • I need help to decide which macbook pro is best for photo editing, editing movies and doing all the rest too like excel, word etc. 13"

    I need help to decide which macbook pro is best for photo editing, editing movies and doing all the rest too like  microsoft office products ...excel, word etc.  I am new to the apple world and have liked the idea of the MAC Book Pro 13" but really dont know if this is good enough or if the computer will soon crash?
    13-inch: 2.6GHz
    with Retina display
    2.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5
    Turbo Boost up to 3.1GHz
    8GB 1600MHz memory
    512GB PCIe-based flash storage1
    Intel Iris Graphics
    Built-in battery (9 hours)2

    That's a fine machine and, with 8GB of RAM and 512GB flash storage should serve you well for light video/photo editing as well as for 'normal' usage. And it should last you for years to come.
    Good luck in making your decision!!

  • I need help on deciding a New gaming computer!

    I need help on deciding which pc would be best for running valve games from bestbuy...I dont care whether a laptop or a pc i just want to play tf2 with smooth gameplay.  my price range is 1200 and less

    For Team Fortress 2, the requirements to run it on Steam are:
    1.7 GHz Processor
    512 RAM
    DX8 Video card
    Recommended is
    3 GHz Processor
    1 Gig RAM
    DX9 Video Card
    So, you could easily buy a desktop PC for around $400 to $500
    Here's some to look at:
    I would recommend a desktop for gaming over a laptop because you'll have the ability to upgrade the video card down the road (all of these PC's have a PCI Express slot available) and more importantly, better heat dissipation (plus you can usually add additional case fans if necessary).  Plus, the cost is half that of a laptop.  But if you need it to be portable, then you'll have to look at the laptops, and if you do that, consider a laptop chiller to keep it cool.
    Also, look at the AMD processor systems.  Most systems in the lower price range incorporate onboard graphic solutions.  Most games want either an ATI or Nvidia solution for 3D graphics, pixel shading, etc.  The Intel Graphics Solution won't run those games at all.  Also, I would avoid any mini-case desktop PCs (slimlines), because they tend to run hotter inside, some graphic cards will not fit inside them, and some have non-standard size components (such as the motherboard, power supply, etc.
    IMHO - I would spend what is necessary to run the games you want at a comfortable margin and save the extra money for down the road upgrades or a replacement system when you encounter a game you really want to play that won't run on your system. 
    Hope the info helps.... Good luck with your purchase!

  • Urgently  need help for parsing IP header

    Hi, could anyone tell which class I should use to parsing the IP header of a packet?
    Thanks many many times!

    > Hi, could anyone tell which class I should use to
    parsing the IP header of a packet?
    > Urgently need help for parsing IP header
    Don't flag your question as urgent, even if it is for you.
    * We all answer questions here voluntarily, in our leisure time. We do that because doing so is fun for us, because we enjoy helping people and having interesting discussions. Guess what, it is much less fun if it gets stressful. So the last thing you want to do to get us to answer your question is to pass your stress over to us.
    * People who are stressed and want a fast answer often don't even find the time to do the necessary research or to formulate their question in an easy to comprehend way. That's even less fun to work with. So you really don't want us to feel your stress. Instead you want to take your time to write a well formulated post that is fun to answer. The less likely it is for us to know that your question is urgent, the more likely you are to get a fast answer!
    * The simple notion that you want your post to be answered faster than those of the other members might feel rather unfair to some of us. Doubly so because often "urgent" questions actually are homework questions. Yours might be different, but someone who had bad experiences with this type of question might not read far enough to notice.

  • Hi, I had recently purchased ipad3 and but obviously have been having issues with heating up and some minor issues with video playback etc. Apple has agreed to replace my device. I need help in deciding whether i should get a new ipad3 or opt for ipad2.

    Hi, I had recently purchased ipad3 and but obviously have been having issues with heating up and some minor issues with video playback etc. Apple has agreed to replace my device. I need help in deciding whether i should get a new ipad3 or opt for ipad2. Seller is willing to replace it with ipad2 as well..
    Have also heard that the ipad3 revamped version is around along with the mini pad rumor..too much information - lot's of confusion pls help

    Your iBookG4 is still a pretty awesome Mac. Like already said, it has the power to run Leopard, but it depends if you have an internal DVD drive.
    Then I suppose you have to add up the cost of the OS, perhaps another 512MB RAM, iLife 08 and replacements for any favourite apps that you currently use (Leopard breaks a lot of stuff, but Intel breaks even more). Compare it to the cost of a new MacBook, which wil have all of that included and be 3-4x faster too.
    It also depends on what you want to achieve with your iBook. My PMG4 still cuts it today, I still use it in preference to my new Mac Pro, It's about the same age as your iBook, and I'll only stop using it when it becomes "painfully" slow. My 1 year old son currently uses the Mac Pro (parts for a Mac Pro are easier to replace than those for a PMG4).
    I think your choice is simple, if you can a cheap copy of Tiger, use that, it'll get your iPod Touch up and running. It came in DVD and 4 CD version (by request).
    Leopard will work for you too but a lot of the best eye-candy requires quite a meaty graphics card and you may need a RAM upgrade and replacement software - OS9 Classic is not supported in Leopard.

  • Which data structure to use in this scenario? queue, stack, list, ...

    I'm hesitant about what data structure to use (best efficient one) in the following scenario
    At a given moment I have an ordered set of data such as:
    and a current value (by instance, 11)
    Then I need to access the LAST one (10) and
    If my value is greater I will add it to the list. In this example I will add 11 so the list will be (1,3,6,9,10,11)
    On the other hand, as a second step, I will iterate on the list as follows: I will get the first element, do something, then remove it, and go to next one until the list is empty. Therefore, basically I will access always the first element on the list.
    I don't really care about the elements in the middle.
    Which data structure do you suggest me to use?
    I was thinking on Queue (easy to access the head, and extract one by one in order), but I don't know how to get the tail element (10 in this case), as it is the one that tells me if I have to add another element...
    Thank you.

    At a given moment I have an ordered set of data such as:
    and a current value (by instance, 11)
    Then I need to access the LAST one (10) and
    If my value is greater I will add it to the list. In this example I will add 11 so the list will be (1,3,6,9,10,11)Any data structure will do, I would suggest a LinkedList.
    On the other hand, as a second step, I will iterate on the list as follows: I will get the first element, do something, then remove it, and go to next one until the list is empty. Therefore, basically I will access always the first element on the list.Use an iterator and the corresponding remove methods.

  • Hi - I need help. I would like to use my old iPhone 3 as an iPod for music only. Problem is that my phone is locked with a password I can't remember. I havent used the phone since I got my iPhone 4. Anyone who know how I can reset the phone to standard?

    Hi - I need help. I would like to use my old iPhone 3 as an iPod for music only. Problem is that my phone is locked with a password I can't remember. I havent used the phone since I got my iPhone 4. Anyone who know how I can reset the phone to standard installation or just get acces to the phone. There is no SIM card in the phone.

    Hi Lawrence,
    Thanks for your prompt response, however I have first seen it now. I have placed an active SIM card in the iPhone turned it off and on. It now says SIM locked, please write access code. The problem is I don't remember the password. When I connect it to iTunes it tell me that I have to write the password before it can be used with iTunes...... Do you have any good ideas? I see you are from the NYC area.... used to work there back in the early 90´   Those were good days..... What a City

  • I need help verifying the details of a used ipad mini I'm about to buy. Is this possible by just providing the serial

    I need help verifying the details of a used ipad mini I'm about to buy. Is this possible by just providing the serial

    It depends on what you mean by "verifying the details".  sberman gave you the best place to look to research the technical specifications of the device you are thinking of purchasing. If, however, you're asking how to check if the device is Activation Locked, then you can check the status here: https://www.icloud.com/activationlock/

  • [Urgent] Need help calculating difference between two dates

    I'm trying to write a code to display the current day and time, then accept two dates from the user and display the difference between the two dates. To display the current date and time, I've used the SimpleDateFormatter library but I'm having difficulty calculating the difference between two dates. Could someone please help me with this?
    Below is my code so far
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    public class DateFormatter {
         public void displayNow()
              Date todaysDate = new Date();
              SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss");
              String formattedDate = formatter.format(todaysDate);
              System.out.println("Today's date and time is: "+formattedDate);
         public void calculateDifference(Date startDate, Date endDate)
              /* This is whre i need help! */
         public static void main(String[] args)
              DateFormatter df = new DateFormatter();
              Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
              System.out.println("Please enter a date: ");
              String date1 = sc.next();
              System.out.println("Please enter another date: ");
              String date2 = sc.next();
    }The methods displayNow() and calculateDifference(Date startDate, Date endDate) are essential and cannot be skipped out.

    tarahmarie101 wrote:
    Dude. I've tried doing assignments under pressure, and it doesn't work. Here's a piece of free advice. Start earlier next time, don't put "urgent" in the title of your post b/c it just pisses people off around here--and is a sure sign of an overdue homework assignment which no one around here likes helping with, and try to ask intelligent questions--don't just say "Help me!"
    Of course, it takes some time to learn what the intelligent questions are. You have my sympathy. Try asking questions about how to do a particular task, instead of asking people to tell you what to do. It starts to get easier after a while.
    actually dude i started on this on monday.. but there were so many other stuff to do along with this.. and i did try referring up the Calendar utility but it was a bit confusing actually.. it was only after that did i come to this forum.. nor am i very good at Java.. anyhoo thanks for your sympathies :P

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