Urgent : Need help to open the contacts / Returns screen from ICWeb Client

Hi Gurus,
I have no much information on PCUI. I need your help to the following:
1--> To open the Contacts / Returns PCUI screen from ICWeb client. (which object to be used)
2--> Pass the confirmed BP to the newly opened window.
Please give me your valuable inputs.
Hoping for the best and the earliest.
Edited by: reg raju on Apr 22, 2008 3:36 PM

Hi Gurus,
I have no much information on PCUI. I need your help to the following:
1--> To open the Contacts / Returns PCUI screen from ICWeb client. (which object to be used)
2--> Pass the confirmed BP to the newly opened window.
Please give me your valuable inputs.
Hoping for the best and the earliest.
Edited by: reg raju on Apr 22, 2008 3:36 PM

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    Which version of OS X are you running? All you need to do is to purchase a retail copy of whichever flavor of Windows you like (I prefer Windows 7 Professional to Win 8.1) and use Boot Camp to install same. Then you'll be able to boot into either Mac OS or Windows by holding down the option key.
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    Good luck,

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" backgroundGradientAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]" backgroundGradientColors="[#007200, #000200]" width="1024" height="768" applicationComplete="popolni_vse()">
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    <mx:Script source="dajzaj.as"/>
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        <mx:SetProperty target="{panel1}" name="title" value="Galerije MME"/>
        <mx:SetProperty target="{panel2}" name="title" value="opis slik"/>
        <mx:SetProperty target="{panel3}" name="title" value="Opis Galerije"/>   
        <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{panel1}" position="lastChild">
        <mx:HorizontalList x="0" y="22" width="713.09863" height="157.39436" id="ListaslikGalerije"></mx:HorizontalList>
                <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" value="MME opisi galerij "/>
                <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{panel1}" position="lastChild">
                    <mx:Label x="217" y="346" text="labela za test" id="izbr"/>
                <mx:SetProperty target="{label1}" name="text" value="26. November 2009@08:06"/>
                <mx:SetProperty target="{label1}" name="x" value="845"/>
                <mx:SetProperty target="{label1}" name="width" value="169"/>
                <mx:SetProperty target="{Gale}" name="text" value="plac za Galerije"/>
            <mx:State name="Projekti"/>
    <mx:MenuBar id="MMEMenu" labelField="@label" showRoot="true" fillAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]" fillColors="[#043D01, #000000]" color="#9EE499" x="8" y="24"
             itemClick="dajVsebino(event)" width="1006.1268" height="21.90141">
           <mx:XMLList id="MMEmenuModel">
                 <menuitem label="O nas">
                     <menuitem label="reference podjetja" name="refMME" type="check" groupName="one"/>
                     <menuitem label="reference direktor" name="refdir" type="check" groupName="one"/>
                  <menuitem label="Kontakt" name="podatMME" groupName="one" />
                  <menuitem label="Kje smo" name="lokaMME" type="check" groupName="one" />
                 <menuitem type="separator"/>
                 <menuitem label="Galerija">
                     <menuitem label="Slovenija" name="galSvn" type="check" groupName="one"/>
                     <menuitem label="Nemčija" name="galDeu" type="check" groupName="one" />
                 <menuitem type="separator"/>
                 <menuitem label="projekti">
                     <menuitem label="Slovenija" name="projSvn" type="check" groupName="one"/>
                     <menuitem label="Nemčija" name="projDeu" type="check" groupName="one" />
                     <menuitem label="Madžarska" name="projHun" type="check" groupName="one"/>
        <mx:Label x="845" y="10" text="25. November 2009@08:21" color="#FFFFFF" width="169" height="18.02817" id="label1"/>
        <mx:Label x="746" y="10" text="zadnja posodobitev:" color="#FFFFFF"/>
        <mx:Panel x="9" y="57" width="743.02814" height="688.4507" layout="absolute" title="Plac za Vsebino" id="panel1">
            <mx:Text x="0" y="-0.1" text="MME vsebina" width="722.95776" height="648.4507" id="Gale"/>
        <mx:Label x="197.25" y="748.45" color="#FFFFFF" text="Copyright © 2009 MME d.o.o." fontSize="12" width="228.73239" height="20"/>
        <mx:Label x="463.35" y="748.45" text="izdelava spletnih strani: FACTUM d.o.o." color="#FBFDFD" fontSize="12" width="287.60565" height="20"/>
        <mx:Panel x="759" y="53" width="250" height="705.07043" layout="absolute" title="Plac za hitre novice" id="panel3">
            <mx:Text x="0" y="0" text="MME novice" width="230" height="665.07043" id="text1"/>
            <mx:Panel x="-10" y="325.35" width="250" height="336.61972" layout="absolute" title="začasna panela" color="#000203" themeColor="#4BA247" cornerRadius="10" backgroundColor="#4B9539" id="panel2">
                <mx:Label x="145" y="53" text="vrednost" id="spremmen"/>
                <mx:Label x="125" y="78" text="Label"/>
                <mx:Label x="125" y="103" text="Label"/>
                <mx:Label x="0" y="53" text="spremenljivka iz Menuja:"/>
                <mx:Label x="45" y="78" text="Label"/>
                <mx:Label x="45" y="103" text="Label"/>
        <mx:Label x="9.9" y="10" text="plac za naslov MME vsebine" id="MMEnaslov" color="#040000"/>

    I know it's been a while but… did you fix this?
    It looks to me like you are terminating the <mx:Application> tag at the top. The opening tag should end like this: resultFormat="e4x">, not resultFormat="e4x"/> (Remove the /).


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    And because of that I'm having problems to send emails.
    I just updated the software for the iOS 5.1, but the problem continues.
    Could you help me?

    Hello King_Penguin, I tried to do it, but when I toggle the contacts "on" and merge it on iCloud, it returns automatically to "off" and exits the screen.
    Thank you.

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    Thx =)

    Hi ,
        Sry ,, let me explain again ... I ll set the name of the files in the follow order ... Name_Serial_date_chanel.sxc ..
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    I already figured out what i need guys .. thx for the help ^^
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    import java.util.*;
    public class FileOpen
           public static void main(String[] args)       
                 FileOpen deleteList = new FileOpen();
                 String url="http://www.google.com/";
                   try {
                        String[] cmd = new String[4];
                        cmd[0] = "cmd.exe";
                        cmd[1] = "/C";
                        cmd[2] = "start";
                        cmd[3] = "c:
                        System.out.println(" cmd"+cmd);
                        Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
                        System.out.println(" cmd1"+cmd);
                        Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("notepad");
                        System.out.println(" cmd2"+cmd);
                        } catch (IOException ioe)
                 //System.out.println("Memberfarm: " + memberFarm);       
    Puneet Aggarwal

    Hi Puneet,
    What exactly are you trying to do? Can you describe where in the system you are doing it? There are different options....
    What about a document report with a link to the Web site URL you want to open?
    What about a read-only URL field on the document, populated with the URL you want to open?
    What about the desktop links channel?
    Lots of different ways to skin that cat (sorry cat lovers) ..your code looks like it might be the most difficult approach.
    -Howie Wexler

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    This Adobe muse site file requires a newer version of Adobe Muse. I want to comeback to old version Adobe muse i need help to open my file thanks

    You may need to design the site again in older version OR may be copy and paste in place from new to old except what is new in the latest version.
    Hope that helps!
    Kind Regards,

  • Need help to trace the place where error occuring in Web UI of type System

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    Need help to trace the place where error occurring in Web UI of type System error,
    this error coming while saving the corporate account creation,
    error message description : - System error: Interruption in Routine READ TABLE GT_CHAR_VAL, CHAR_NAME = PVTLTD_CLEAN_SEGMENT
    System error: Interruption in Routine READ TABLE GT_CHAR_VAL, CHAR_NAME = PVTLTD_CLEAN_CLASS-CP
    thanking you.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Nagaraj,
    See that the mandatory SICF setting are enabled or Active in the SICF Services.  Follow the steps as below:-
    Enter the TCode SICF
    Execute the same for Hierarchy Type SICF.
    Check the following SAP Note 1295006.
    If every thing is Active then, the IC Agent role will open.
    Still if it is not opening Let me know.

  • In installation process of Acrobat Professional 7 , its showing that Adobe Pdf printer is not Installed...need help to install the software completely

    In installation process of Acrobat Professional 7 , its showing that Adobe Pdf printer is not Installed...need help to install the software completely

    If it is Win 7 or later, the Adobe PDF printer for AA 7 will not install and AcroTray will not function. You will have to install a PS driver from Adobe or maybe an HP color PS printer driver. Then edit the driver properties and change the name to Adobe PDF and the port to FILE. You will always have to do an extra step in creating PDFs by opening the file that is created in Distiller to get the PDF.
    If you are talking about Win 8, you may not be successful at all. If you got Acrobat and Distiller to install, then there is a chance.

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    I need help transfering my Outlook Contact list to my new Iphone

    Open itunes, connect iphone, select what you want to sync, sync.
    Click Support at the top of the page then click manuals.

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    Your post is devoid of the relevant information – what is the camera in question?
    Check this list to see if your version of ACR supports Raw files from that camera:
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras

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    Kindly give the details or any suitable link for the same.
    please consider it as on urgent basis.

    the certification matrix is available on metalink.oracle.com. You need a support contract to access this information.

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    Thanks many many times!

    > Hi, could anyone tell which class I should use to
    parsing the IP header of a packet?
    > Urgently need help for parsing IP header
    Don't flag your question as urgent, even if it is for you.
    * We all answer questions here voluntarily, in our leisure time. We do that because doing so is fun for us, because we enjoy helping people and having interesting discussions. Guess what, it is much less fun if it gets stressful. So the last thing you want to do to get us to answer your question is to pass your stress over to us.
    * People who are stressed and want a fast answer often don't even find the time to do the necessary research or to formulate their question in an easy to comprehend way. That's even less fun to work with. So you really don't want us to feel your stress. Instead you want to take your time to write a well formulated post that is fun to answer. The less likely it is for us to know that your question is urgent, the more likely you are to get a fast answer!
    * The simple notion that you want your post to be answered faster than those of the other members might feel rather unfair to some of us. Doubly so because often "urgent" questions actually are homework questions. Yours might be different, but someone who had bad experiences with this type of question might not read far enough to notice.

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    The iPhone remembers information about previous contacts.
    Complelely independently, you have a Contacts app with a contacts list.  It sounds like your contacts list has 3 names on it.  You need to add a few names.

Maybe you are looking for