URGENT query multiple views

I want to query on multiple views, how do I do that?
I have a view (foto_main) with primary key foto_id and 6 other attributes.
I have 2 other views (foto_link_feat and foto_link_pict) that are linked with foto_main.
Foto_link_feat has 2 attributes (foto_id and feat_id) and foto_link_pict has also 2 attributes (foto_id and pict_id).
I want to create a query on all the attributes in foto_main and on feat_id and foto_id.
You can create a new view with al the attributes you want to search but that is not a good solution.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem??

I believe that there was a suggestion/feature request which involves defining ViewObjects which do not work on database tables/views, but on other ViewObjects. I guess this is what you would want.
However, that still would mean defining yet another ViewObject. So I guess, that wouldn't be much different to creating a new ViewObject in your current situation.
Or.. in case I misunderstood you, you can alter an existing ViewObject in a way that it queries multiple tables/views. In order to do that, just set the query to expert mode and enter a simple join or whatever.

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    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pinnacle_student AS SELECT DISTINCT p.person_identifier01, p.last_name, p.first_name, p.middle_name, p.date_of_birth, p.gender, p.streetaddress, p.city, p.state, p.zip, p.phone_number, p.email, p.ssn, p.ethnic, p.fulltime, i.student_instance_id, e.comb_id FROM sss_student_enrollments e, sss_student_instance i, pinnacle_people p, cmn_statuses s WHERE e.person_id=i.person_id and i.person_id=p.person_id and i.status_id=s.status_id and s.status in('Active', 'Accepted');
    Here's the single sql that doesn't:
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pinnacle_test AS SELECT DISTINCT cp.PERSON_IDENTIFIER01, cp.LAST_NAME, cp.FIRST_NAME, cp.MIDDLE_NAME, cp.DATE_OF_BIRTH, cp.GENDER, cpa.LINE1 | | ' ' | | cpa.LINE2 | | ' ' | | cpa.LINE3 AS StreetAddress, cpa.CITY, cpa.STATE, cpa.ZIP, cph.PHONE_NUMBER, cp.EMAIL, cp.SSN, cp.ETHNIC, cp.FULLTIME, si.STUDENT_INSTANCE_ID, se.COMB_ID FROM SSS_STUDENT_ENROLLMENTS se, SSS_STUDENT_INSTANCE si, CMN_STATUSES cs, CMN_PEOPLE cp, (SELECT * FROM CMN_PEOPLE_ADDRESSES WHERE Active_Address = 'Y' and Address_Type = 'Home') cpa, (SELECT * FROM CMN_PHONE_NOS WHERE active_phone_number = 'Y' and primary_flag = 'Y') cph WHERE se.PERSON_ID = si.PERSON_ID and si.STATUS_ID = cs.STATUS_ID and si.PERSON_ID = cp.PERSON_ID and cp.PERSON_ID(+) = cpa.PERSON_ID and cpa.PERSON_ID(+) = cph.PERSON_ID and cs.status in ('Active', 'Accepted');
    Thanks in advance,
    Erik Marin
    [email protected]

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pinnacle_student
    SELECT DISTINCT p.person_identifier01,
    a.line1 | | ' ' | | a.line2 | | ' ' | | a.line3 AS StreetAddress,
    FROM sss_student_enrollments e,
    sss_student_instance i,
    cmn_people p,
    cmn_people_addresses a,
    cmn_phone_nos ph,
    cmn_statuses s
    WHERE e.person_id = i.person_id
    and i.person_id = p.person_id
    and i.status_id = s.status_id
    and p.person_id = a.person_id(+)
    and p.person_id = ph.person_id(+)
    and s.status in ('Active', 'Accepted')
    and a.Active_Address(+) = 'Y'
    and a.Address_Type(+) = 'Home'
    and ph.active_phone_number(+) = 'Y'
    and ph.primary_flag(+) = 'Y';

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    Try to use add command and write the query like this
    select * from view where datefield={?date}
    also create another add command for the other view
    select * from view2 where datefield2={?date}
    for all the queries create the same parameter with the name {?date}

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    Hi all, forget about this, it was a problem in the query definition not in visual composer. Im closing this thread.

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    There is still a limitation of 1 WSUS to 1 SQL Instance, because the database name is hardcoded to SUSDB. To use multiple WSUS servers on that same cluster will require the installation of an additional instance.
    If that additional server is destined to be a downstream server, though, I would recommend just using the native Windows Internal Database on the local system.
    Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCSA, MCITP:EA, MCDBA
    SolarWinds Head Geek
    Microsoft MVP - Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing (2005-2014)
    My MVP Profile: http://mvp.microsoft.com/en-us/mvp/Lawrence%20R%20Garvin-32101
    The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of SolarWinds.

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    Happy New Year!

    Step1: Use SQL Query Multiple results as XML activity
    Step2: Define the output of SQL activity to look similar to
        <row>row1 value</row>
        <row>row2 value</row>
        <row>row3 value</row>
        <row>row4 value</row>
        <row>row5 value</row>
        <row>row6 value</row>
        <row>row7 value</row>
        <row>row8 value</row>
        <row>row9 value</row>
        <row>row10 value</row>
    Step3: arrange your forms fields (Table and rows) in the same way as mentioned above.

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    it's "possible", in the same way that low temperature fusion and space elevators are "possible". There's nothing conclusively ruling it out, but not something you want to attempt on your own under a time constraint. 
    The "Active" ServiceManager database is a 5th or 6th normal form dynamic software defined snowflake schema representitive object database. Updating the database directly is strictly unsupported, and
    Travis has discouraged people from even trying to read from it. a college of mine does service manager and operations manager databases at a 400+ level full time, and after 2+ years of doing it, he
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     for a production environment, you're much better off fixing the DW. 

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    I am involved in developing a web application wherein I have to display the 'All Workbooks' similiar functionality in the 'Open Workbook from Database' dialog box of Discoverer. Can anybody provide me with the background query or view that Discoverer uses to retrieve this data for workbook listing? Please let me know if my question is confusing and requires more details.

    If you just need the list of workbooks then you need to use the EUL_DOCUMENT table:
    SELECT u.User_Name          Owner_Name
    *,Doc.Doc_Name Workbook_Name*
    *,Doc.Doc_Updated_Date Last_Update_Date*
    FROM   Eul_Us.Eul5_Documents Doc
    *,Eul_Us.Eul5_Eul_Users Own_Usr*
    *,Fnd_User u*
    WHERE  Own_Usr.Eu_Id = Doc.Doc_Eu_Id AND
    To_Char(u.User_Id(+)) = Substr(Own_Usr.Eu_Username
    If you want the exact same list then you need to do the above along with the sharing :
    case when instr(disco_docs.doc_created_by,'#')=0 then disco_docs.doc_created_by
    when instr(disco_docs.doc_created_by,'#')>0 and instr(disco_docs.doc_created_by,'#',2)=0 then (select fu.user_name from fnd_user fu where fu.user_id=substr(disco_docs.doc_created_by,2,5))
    else NULL
    end "Workbook Owner/Creator",
    disco_docs.doc_name "Workbook Name",
    disco_docs.Doc_Updated_Date  "Last Update Date",
    case when instr(disco_users.eu_username,'#')=0 then disco_users.eu_username
    when instr(disco_users.eu_username,'#')>0 and instr(disco_users.eu_username,'#',2)=0 then (select fu.user_name from fnd_user fu where fu.user_id=substr(disco_users.eu_username,2,5))
    else (select resp.responsibility_name from fnd_responsibility_tl resp where resp.responsibility_id=substr(disco_users.eu_username,2,5))
    end as "Shared Name / Responsibility"
    eul_us.eul5_documents disco_docs,
    eul_us.eul5_access_privs disco_shares,
    eul_us.eul5_eul_users disco_users
    disco_docs.doc_id = disco_shares.gd_doc_id (+)
    and disco_users.eu_username(+) NOT IN ('EUL5', 'PUBLIC')
    AND disco_users.eu_id(+) = disco_shares.ap_eu_id;
    * Change the EUL_US to your discoverer schema...
    Then you will need to compare the current user with the sharing list or creator
    Good luck


    What I need to do is based on a selection, I have a detail block that shows the results. My selection would determine which view to display in the detail block.
    So for example, my selection is:
    Source: A
    Year 2005
    I would then display the details by querying A_2005_VIEW
    I can query a view dynamically using the QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NAME however, my problem is, each view has different column names. How do I show different columns based on specific views?

    You could use a "From Clause Query" as the block data source. You can change that dynamically.
    Create generically named database items on the block COL1, COL2, ... COLn
    Then depending on the users choice in the selection criteria, use the WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE trigger on the query block to
    set_block_property(..., query_data_source_name,
    '(SELECT viewcol1 COL1, viewcol2 COL2, .... , viewcoln COLN
    FROM <whichever view>)');
    This will work because Forms constructs the block query thus:
    SELECT COL1, COL2, ..., COLN
    FROM <blocks query_data_source_name>
    so you are using the aliases in your query to match the forms database items names.

  • How can I have multiple views for my question

    When I posed a question on a forum, it indicates that I have one (1) view. How can I have multiple views on the same question?

    I believe the number you are looking at is the number of times a particular thread has been looked at (viewed) by different users. When someone else opens your question, the view count should increase.

  • Can Numbers Display Multiple Views of the Same Table

    Excel and Appleworks both have a pull down tab on the vertical bar allowing multiple views into the same spreadsheet (table). Can Numbers do this?
    I have a set of calculations at the top of a spreadsheet that are based on years and years worth of data under the calculations (same column). I add data for each new event (the rows) and watch the calculations at the top of the data. Easy to do in Excel or Appleworks, but, I can't figure out how to do this in Numbers.
    Spot1 Spot2
    Total 15 36
    Avg 5 12
    Jan 09 5 10
    Feb 09 6 20
    Mar 09 4 6
    Apr 09
    So... does Numbers allow the view "split" or multiple views that Excel and Appleworks allow?

    Question asked and responded several times:
    feature unavailable.
    For multiple views of a table there is an easy workaround as we may build a table whose every cells grab their contents from the 'master' one.
    _Go to "Provide Numbers Feedback" in the "Numbers" menu_, describe what you wish.
    Then, cross your fingers, and wait _at least_ for iWork'10
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 1 septembre 2009 21:56:42

  • Is it possible the query in view object is dynamic?

    Is it possible the query in view object is dynamic?
    Generally, make the column list dynamic.
    I think this is related to whether view object can be assembled at runtime based on a dynamic cursor in a procedure?
    I ask this because I would like to know how we can use OA framework to simulate crosstab workbook in Discoverer?
    Anybody has some clues, please advise.

    Hi Shay,
    Let me tell you briefly... I am sending input as customerId,customerNumber,CustomerName to the web service, if the record is available i am getting the response and i am displaying those records on page as a table. Now when i click a row i need to populate another table with all sale orders of that customer. From webservice datacontrol i have only customer object, I dont have Sales Order Object. For this i need master detail relation. In this case how to proceed. Thats why i am thinking to create a vO and EO object for sales orders table and i want to create view link for this sales order and customers. As i don't have customer VO and EO object to create view link.

  • How to build sql query for view object at run time

    I have a LOV on my form that is created from a view object.
    View object is read-only and is created from a SQL query.
    SQL query consists of few input parameters and table joins.
    My scenario is such that if input parameters are passed, i have to join extra tables, otherwise, only one table can fetch the results I need.
    Can anyone please suggest, how I can solve this? I want to build the query for view object at run time based on the values passed to input parameters.
    Srikanth Addanki

    As I understand you want to change the query at run time.
    If this is what you want, you can use setQuery Method then use executeQuery.

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    Is it possible you mistakenly clicked on a [Clear Layout] button?
    But a great hint is- Always click on the [Create a Saved Book] button, early in your new book design.
    Then you have a permanent link to the book in the Collections panel. (In addition to the standard collection of your selected images)
    Note: a Book Collection shows an icon that looks like a book.
    Every time you come back to edit the book, open the Book Module by clicking on the white arrow that appears on the end of your Book Collection title. (The title as saved)
    Re-opening a book without using the "Saved Book" option can have unpredictable results.
    A "Book" Collection is like a "Smart Collection" because anything you do to the book design, change pages, change images, etc,  is automatically updated in the Saved Book collection.

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