Urgent - Rendering cells in a JTable

I am working with a JTable which contains large volumes of data. I need to be able to set different colors depending on the value in a cell and depending on which row that cell appears. I have created my own renderer and have set it. But it is incredibly slow. I also have to perform drag and drop operations and this is also slowed down in the process.
Is this a bug in Java?
Is there a workaround to make this any faster? Or is there a way u can get the renderer to do the setting in the bacdkground and once it's done to show the settings?

               if(column ==selectedcolumn)
                    setBackground(new java.awt.Color(173, 178, 206));
               return this;
                    for (int i = 0; i < cal.vecpos.size(); i++) {
                         // System.out.println("------------------------------------2");
                         java.util.Vector vec1 = (java.util.Vector) cal.vecpos.elementAt(i);
                         // System.out.println("------------------------------------3");
                         for (int j = 0; j < veccontractnumbers.size(); j++) {
                              // System.out.println("------------------------------------4");
                              if (veccontractnumbers.size() > 0 && vec1.size() > 0) {
                                   if (veccontractnumbers
                                        .equalsIgnoreCase(vec1.elementAt(0).toString())) {
                                        // System.out.println("------------------------------------5");
                                        if (row == Integer.parseInt(vec1.elementAt(1).toString())
                                             && column == Integer.parseInt(vec1.elementAt(2).toString())
                                             && row <= Integer.parseInt(vec1.elementAt(3).toString()) + 3) {
                                             setBackground((java.awt.Color) colorarray[j]);
                                             setFont(new java.awt.Font("Arial", java.awt.Font.BOLD, 12));
                                             // System.out.println("------------------------------------6");
                                        } else
                                             if (getBackground() != null) {
                                                  if (value.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
                                                       setFont(new java.awt.Font("Arial", java.awt.Font.PLAIN, 12));
                                                  } else {
                                             } else {
                                                  setFont(new java.awt.Font("Arial", java.awt.Font.PLAIN, 12));
                         if (column == selectedcolumn) {
                              if (value.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
                                   setBackground(new java.awt.Color(173, 178, 206));
                              } else {
                              if (selectedcolumn == -13) {
                         } else {
                              if (getBackground() != null) {
                                   if (getBackground().equals(new java.awt.Color(173, 178, 206))) {
                                   } else {
                    if (flag) {
                         if (getBackground() != null) {
                              if (value.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("")
                                   && getBackground().equals(new java.awt.Color(173, 178, 206))) {
This is the calculation that has to be done before u decide on which cell is to be coloured.
I have an array of colors.
I have a table which has some numbers in them. Depending on the row the data appears, it has to be coloured. Also identical data are to have the same color.
For this purpose, I have got the details like
the value in the cell
the row no
the column no
and the maxposition limit
stored in a vector of vectors!!
i hope this makes some sense

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    public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer(int row, int column)
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    return new ColorRenderer();
    else if((row == 1) && (column == 0))
    return new ColorRenderer1();
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    Thanks in advance.

  • Floating Height of JTextArea (as Renderer/Editor) in a JTable Cell

    Hey Folks,
    I'm kinda struggling with JTextAreas...
    There is this JTable, which consists of three colums (practically there are two - the other one's an ID-Field...) and only one
    of them ist editable für users.
    Left column is a commentary column which has a max of 150 characters - Right column fills automaticly with a user/date stamp.                                                                                                                                                                                    
    The main function is that on showing the table, old comments will be retrieved from database and new ones can be entered.
    This works all fine and is no matter of subject...
    The core of my problem is that there seems to be no straigh-forward way of determine a proper linecount from (a wordwrapped!) JTextArea.
    After a long search in the net, i found this approach:
        private static ArrayList<String> getWrappedLines(JTextArea myTextArea) {
            ArrayList<String> linesList = new ArrayList<String>();
            int length = myTextArea.getDocument().getLength();
            int offset = 0;
            try {
                while (offset < length) {
                    int end = Utilities.getRowEnd(myTextArea, offset);
                    if (end < 0) {
                    // Include the last character on the line
                    end = Math.min(end + 1, length);
                    String line =
                        myTextArea.getDocument().getText(offset, end - offset);
                    // Remove the line break character
                    if (line.endsWith("\n")) {
                        line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
                    offset = end;
            } catch (BadLocationException e) {
                System.err.println("Bad Location at TextArea");
            return linesList;
        }    This code reads the content of a JTextArea an separates wrapped lines in an array.
    With manual line breaks ("\n") I get Exceptions (Bad Location) which isn't too bad, because
    I was trying to ban manual line breaks anyway...
    The above given method retrieves the lines, while the next sets the new Height (line count multiplied by Font Height) to the row.
        public static void setOptimalRowHeight(JTable table, JTextArea textArea, int row, int column) {
            if (
                row >= 0 &&
                column == VerwaltungsnotizController.IND_VNO_NOTIZ   
                int fontHeight =
                ArrayList<String> wrappedLines = getWrappedLines(textArea);
                int nrOfLines = wrappedLines.size();
                int oldSize = table.getRowHeight(row);
                int newSize = (fontHeight * nrOfLines) + 5;
                if (newSize != oldSize) {
                    table.setRowHeight(row, newSize);
         public static void setOptimalRowHeight(JTable table, JTextArea textArea) {
         int row = table.getSelectedRow();
         int column = table.getSelectedColumn();
         if (
              row >= 0 &&
              column == VerwaltungsnotizController.IND_VNO_NOTIZ   
              setOptimalRowHeight(table, textArea, row, column);
         }The above combined Sources are used by two classes, which are "tied" to the table.
    One is the CellEditor (which works almost fine); the other one is the CellRenderer (which fails miserably!)
    CellEditor (with Listener):
    public class VnoCellEditor extends AbstractCellEditor implements TableCellEditor {
        private VnoTextArea textArea;
        private JTable table;
        public VnoCellEditor (JTable table) {
            this.table = table;
            textArea = new VnoTextArea(table);
            textArea.addKeyListener(new TextAreaEnterAdapter());
            Document document = textArea.getDocument();
            document.addDocumentListener(new VnoTextAreaDocListener(table, textArea));
        public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value,
                                                     boolean isSelected, int row,
                                                     int column) {
            if (value instanceof String) {
            } else if (value instanceof Integer) {
                Integer intValue = (Integer)value;
            } else {
                Object objValue = value;
            System.err.println("Editor - get Component");
            return textArea;
        public Object getCellEditorValue() {
            return textArea.getText();
    public class VnoTextAreaDocListener implements DocumentListener {
        private JTable table;
        private JTextArea textArea;
        public VnoTextAreaDocListener(JTable table, JTextArea textArea) {
            this.table = table;
            this.textArea = textArea;
        public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
            VnoTableRowHeightHelper.setOptimalRowHeight(table, textArea);
        public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
            VnoTableRowHeightHelper.setOptimalRowHeight(table, textArea);
        public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
            //Plain text components don't fire these events
    }As said the editor works almost as planned. On every Keystroke made in Edit-Mode of the table, insertUpdate() or removeUpdate()
    is being called, corresponding to the type of Keystroke ... (duh!)
    The Helpers method is called and the row-height is set real nicely.
    when i navigate into an other row, a removeUpdate()-event is beeing thrown and due to the mechanism the cell selection
    gets somehow mixed around and row-heights get switched.
    Maybe this could get improved, but i don't se my error - which wouldn't be nescessary if this event wasn't thrown.
    (for what I don't see a reason anyway ... !)
    public class VnoCellRenderer implements TableCellRenderer {
        private VnoTextArea textArea;
        private int Row = -1;
        private int Column = -1;
        private VnoTableModel jtmVno;
        public VnoCellRenderer(JTable table) {
            this.jtmVno = (VnoTableModel)table.getModel();
            textArea = new VnoTextArea(table);
            textArea.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        public VnoTextArea getTextArea() {
            return textArea;
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,
                                                       boolean isSelected,
                                                       boolean hasFocus, int row,
                                                       int column) {
            Row = row;
            Column = column;
            String tmpValue = null;
            if (value instanceof String) {
                tmpValue = (String)value;
            } else if (value instanceof Integer) {
                tmpValue = ((Integer)value).toString();
            } else {
                tmpValue = value.toString();
            // FARBEN:
            // Normalmodus
            if (jtmVno == null) {
                System.err.println("Table Model noch nicht initialisiert!");
            } else {
                if (jtmVno.isCellEditable(Row, Column)) {
                } else {
            // Für ausgewählte Zeile
            if (isSelected && !hasFocus) {
            if (Column == VerwaltungsnotizController.IND_VNO_NOTIZ) {
                VnoTableRowHeightHelper.setOptimalRowHeight(table, textArea, row, column);
            return textArea;
    }Okay, this is where the shit hits the fan!
    Since with renderers there is no manual content mutation, row-height-settings are not done with listeners.
    I put this at the very end of the getTableCellRendererComponent(), which is called every time a cell gets rendered.
    The main problem here is that at this point my methods can't determine any linewraps at all!
    getWrappedLines() always returns an empty Array (since Utilities.getRowEnd() returns "-1" beforehand...).
    I'm afraid that my methods are called way too early - at a point were the rendering is not completed or has not even started.
    And to accomplish my desired tasks the fully rendered JTextArea would be needed ... ?!
    I have very limited swing experience, so I can only guess about this core features ...
    But i this is the case - my methods should be called later on the rendered cell. But how? from which component?
    Btw: I have written my own JTextArea to limit the input size
    public class VnoTextArea extends JTextArea {
        private JTable table;
        private int _maximumInputLength = 0;
        public VnoTextArea(JTable table) {
            this.table = table;
        public void setMaximumInputLength(int maximumInputLength) {
          if (maximumInputLength != 0) {
            _maximumInputLength = maximumInputLength;
            super.setDocument(new PlainDocument() {
                public void insertString(int offset, String string, AttributeSet attributeSet) throws BadLocationException {
                  StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(string);
                  int size = VnoTextArea.this.getText().length();
                  int bufferSize = buffer.length();
                  if ((size + bufferSize) > _maximumInputLength) {
                    buffer.delete((_maximumInputLength - size), bufferSize);
                  if (size < _maximumInputLength) {
                    super.insertString(offset, buffer.toString(), attributeSet);
                  } else {
    }I'm sorry for not providing a running example, but it's a pretty huge project...
    Providing all dependencies would go far beyond the scope.
    (and there are many sources which I'm not allowed to post)
    But I hope my examples get down to the core of my problem!
    I also tried different approaches:
    - using getPreferredSize() of the JTextArea (seemed to do nothing useful at all?!)
    - using getLineCount/() of the TextArea (only counts "\n" ...)
    - guessing that every row consist of an average of 20 characters cumpute by myself (low-tech, buggy but fast - unsatisfying)
    With my above mentioned approach I got by far the best results (partially) - but I'm at my wits' end.
    I don't know it any better... And i have tried for days without improvement.
    What would you do?
    vielen Dank im Voraus schon mal für eventuelle Mühen,

    no solution - just a couple of comments:
    - never ever change the calling table in a renderer, I mean really NEVER
    - instead, listen to table events and resize the row height as appropriate
    - JTextArea has a somehow weird prefSize calculation (forgot the details, so don't nail me :), so you have to manually set one dimension and then ask the area to calculate the other. In your renderer, you can do something like:
    Component getTableCellRendererComponent(....) {
        int columnWidth = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(column).getWidth();
        textArea.setSize(columnWidth, Short.MAX_VALUE);
        ... here do the normal config
    // then somewhere else, triggered by appropriate change events
    void updateRowHeight(JTable table, int row) {
       int height = table.getRowHeight();
       foreach column {
             TableCellRenderer r = table.getCellRenderer(row, column);
             Component c = table.prepareCellRenderer(r, row, column);
             height = Math.max(height, c.getPreferredSize().height);
       table.setRowHeight(row, height);
    } HTH - ein bißchen wenigstens :-)

  • How do I change the colour of text in a cell in a JTable?

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    I have tried adding a cell renderer to the table and it does the same ie all cells text colour changes.
    I am able to add a cell renderer to a column and it changes all the cells in the column.
    I cannot figure out how to change just one single cell's text colour without effecting the other cells.

    Ok, so if i create my own cell renderer do I set it as the default renderer for the whole table i.e.
    table.setDefaultRenderer(MyCellRenderer, renderer);
    Does this set one cell renderer for the whole table or is there an individual one for each cell?

  • Making border of cell  invisible in JTable

    Hi i want to make border of cell invisible in JTable
    any help appreciated
    thanks in advance

    Create a renderer with no border - http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/components/table.html#editrender .

  • 3 jbuttons in a cell in a jtable

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    can someone give me a good example how i put 3 buttons in the same cell
    i have a button render and its working good with 1 button but i just cant find a way to enter 3 buttons in the same cell
    tanks in advance

    Doesn't sound like a good design, but if you must, have the renderer return a JPanel with the 3 buttons, probably in a GridLayout or BoxLayout.
    I suppose you already know that the renderer only draws the components to the table cell, and your rendered buttons will not respond to mouse clicks or keyboard actions.

  • Centering text in a cell in a JTable

    I have a program that reads in data from a text file and display it in a JTable. My problem is that the data in each cell is not centered, it is left justified within that cell.
    How can I fix this.

    To align a text inside a cell you have to go through the rendering classes of a Jtable. You can do lots of formatting by using a render class. Heres my code that i use.
    1. The first code aligns your data centered inside the cell.
    2. The second code aligns it like code1 but has an additional character to be printed beside your data inside the text.
    TableColumn col1 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1);
    col1.setCellRenderer( new SimpleRenderer());
    TableColumn col1 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1);
    col1.setCellRenderer( new SimpleRenderer( "$" ));
    ///////////// RENDER CODE IS HERE //////////////
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class SimpleRenderer extends JLabel implements TableCellRenderer
         Border unselectedBorder = null;
         Border selectedBorder = null;
         String text = "";
         Color foreColor = Color.black;
         Color backColor = new java.awt.Color( 217,217,255 );
         Color selectedColor = new java.awt.Color( 217,217,255 );
         public SimpleRenderer()
         setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
         setOpaque( true );
         } // end of CONSTRUCTOR
         public SimpleRenderer( Color foreGround, Color backGround )
         setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
         setOpaque( true );
         this.foreColor = foreGround;
         this.backColor = backGround;
         } // end of CONSTRUCTOR
         public SimpleRenderer( String data )
         text = data;
         setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
         setOpaque( true );
         } // end of CONSTRUCTOR
         public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(
              JTable table, Object object, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,
                                                                                    int row, int column)
              if ( backColor != null )
                   if ( (row % 2 ) == 1 )
                             setBackground( backColor );
                             setBackground( Color.white );
              if ( foreColor != null )
                   setForeground( foreColor );
              if ( hasFocus )
                   if ( isSelected )
                             setBackground( selectedColor );
                             setBackground( Color.white );
              String newData = "" + object;
              if ( newData.trim().equals( "" ))
                   setText( "" );
                   setText( text + " " + object );
              if (isSelected)
              if (selectedBorder == null)
                   Border border, raisedBevel, loweredBevel;
                   raisedBevel = BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder();
                   loweredBevel = BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder();
                   Border colorLine = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.red);
                   border = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( raisedBevel,loweredBevel);
                   selectedBorder = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( border, colorLine);
              if (unselectedBorder == null)
                        unselectedBorder = BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(0,0,0,0,
         catch( ClassCastException e )
         return this;
         } // end of GETTABLECELLRENDERERCOMPONENT method.
         public void setForeColor( Color data )
         foreColor = data;
         } // end of SETFORECOLOR method.
         public void setBackColor( Color data )
         backColor = data;
         } // end of SETBACKCOLOR method.
    } /** end of CLASS **/

  • Getting right end of text displayed in cells of a JTable column

    Hey All,
    Platform: WinXP, Java 5.0.
    I have a simple one-column table whose cells contain pathnames of user-selected files. The pathnames may be quite long, and when they're too long for the fixed width of the column (the containing JFrame is not resizable), I want the trailing (right) end of the pathnames to visible (so the filenames are visible) and for elipsis to be used on the left side (omitting root directory, etc., if need be). I can't figure out how to do this. I've tried many different approaches. Currently I use a class that extends TableCellRenderer, but no combination of alignment settings in this class seems to do the trick.
    I've noticed that in the case of JTextFields, this manner of display seems to be the default, no matter what alignment setting I choose. I can't seem to get the desired effect with the display of cells in my JTable though.
    Anyone have any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance.

    Great job camickr,
    That did just what I wanted; you get the points for sure! I will say that It's surprising to me that Swing leaves so much work in calculation to be done for this simple idea.
    Btw, I also want to mention here that there's another forum issue I raised and you responded to recently, and you never quite answered my question there:
    That's got 10 pts riding on it too, if you care to revisit the issue...
    Thanks very much for the good work on the CellRenderer.

  • How do I change the colour of a selected cell in a jTable?

    I have a Jtable that displays URL names in one column. There are several problems I'm having. The effect I'm trying to achieve is this:
    When the user runs the mouse over the URL name the cursor should change into a hand (similar to what happens in an HTML hyperlink). I'm aware that the Cursor class can set the cursor graphic so i figure that i need a listener of some sort on each cell (so the cursor can change from an arrow to a hand) and also one to indicate when the cursor is not on a cell (so that it can change from a hand back into an arrow). Is this the right track?
    Also, I've looked at the DefaultTableCellRenderer class (which, as i understand it, is responsible for how each cell in the jtable is displayed) for a method that will allow me to set the background of a selected cell (or row or column). I require this because each time i select a cell (or row) it becomes highlighted in blue. I would rather it just remained white and changed the cursor to a hand. I know there exists a method for setting the background for an unselected cell but none for a selected cell. Again, I'm not sure if I'm going down the right track with this approach.
    Lastly, if the cell has been selected (by a mouse click) the font of the writing in the cell (i.e. The name of the URL) should change. This shouldn't be too much of a problem I think.
    I do not expect anyone to provide code to do all of this but some general pointers would be extremely helpful as I do not know if I'm thinking on the right track for any of this. Having some (limited) experience with Swing I doubt there is a simple way to do this but I can only hope!

    there you can find some examples with CellRenderer's and so on ...
    have fun

  • How to get the coordinate of a cell in the jtable?

    How to get the coordinate of a cell in the jtable?
    How to get the point of a cell in the jtable?
    Thanks for help!


  • How to enable JScrollPane in a cell of the JTable

    I am able to place the components into the cell of the JTable. But I am unable to interact with the components like JTable or JComboBox after inseting them into a cell of the JTable.
    This was the one of the Scenario:
    Step 1: I created One JTable named as "insertTable"and adding to JScrollPane
    Step 2: I'm able to inserted the newly created JTable ("insertTable") in to a cell of another JTable(like table inserting a table) using TableCellRenderer.
    here was the problem. I am able to insert the newly created table into the cell. the "insertTable" size is greater the Cell size. So, the "insertTable" is appering with Horizantal and Vertical Scrollbars because the "insertTable" is added to JScrollBar. but I am unable to move the scrollbars.
    please any one help me for this.

    you still didn't try to learn the difference between cellEditor vs cellRenderer - as you were advised to do more than once in recent posts.
    If you do, the answer will be obvious (to you :-). As long as you don't there's nothing to help

  • How to insert textfield in a cell of a jtable ?

    i m not sure how to insert a textfield into a cell of a jtable which already contains some text in the cell .. Can anyone juz show mi a simple program to do this ??? thanks in advance =)

    Hi Michael,
    i get wad u r trying to say ermm actually i did that already. But wad i need to do is such that in a cell, there will b some text displayed (which i have done so) but i also need to add an additional box for user to enter the values n in this case i haf choosen to add the jtextfield box .. But i m not sure how to ... sorry for the misunderstanding ~~~ n thanks for ya reply =)

  • How can i add a MouseMotionlistener  to the cells in the JTable?

    hi !
    how can i add a MouseMotionlistener to the cells in the JTable?

    yes i have.but that is different from adding MouseMotionlistener to the cells for me .
    i just want get the values where the mouse moves to .

  • JComboBox Cell Editor in JTable

    I've scouered the forums for an answer to my question, and while
    finding other valuable advice, I have yet to find an answer to my
    question. But first, a little description:
    I have a JTable consisting of 5 columns:
    col1= standard Object cell editor
    col2= JComboBox cell editor
    col3= JComboBox cell editor, values dependent on col2
    col4= JComboBox cell editor, values dependent on col3
    col5= JComboBox cell editor, values dependent on col4
    Data structure looks like this:
    col1= company object, containing vector of values for col2
    col2= lease object, containing vector of values for col3
    col3= well object, containing vector of values for col4
    col4= pump object, containing vector of values for col5
    col5= simply displayed.
    I have a JButton that adds a new row to the table via dialog, then menu
    options to add entries to the comboboxes/vectors. The kicker here is
    that everything is fine up until I've added a pump, and click the cell
    to view the entry. In my cellEditor class, I have a 'getSelected()'
    method that returns 'combobox.getSelectedIndex()'. When 'edittingStopped()'
    is thrown for any cell in this column, I get a null pointer in my
    getSelectedIndex() method of the lease combobox - only in this pump
    column. Even the part column works correctly. Code snips:
    public class MyApplication ... {
      private TableColumn leaseColumn;
      private TableColumn wellColumn;
      private TableColumn pumpColumn;
      private TableColumn partColumn;
      private LeaseDropDown leaseDropDown;
      private WellDropDown wellDropDown;
      private PumpDropDown pumpDropDown;
      private PartDropDown partDropDown;
      private int currentLease = 0;
      private int currentWell = 0;
      private int currentPump = 0;
      public MyApplication() {
        leaseColumn = pumpshopTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(1);
        leaseDropDown = new LeaseDropDown(companies);
        DefaultTableCellRenderer leaseRenderer =
          new DefaultTableCellRenderer();
        leaseRenderer.setToolTipText("Click for leases");
        //... same for lease, well, pump, part ...
        leaseDropDown.addCellEditorListener(new CellEditorListener() {
          public void editingCanceled(ChangeEvent e) {
          } // end editingCanceled method
          public void editingStopped(ChangeEvent e) {
          } // end editingStopped method
        }); // end addCellEditorListener inner class
        //.... same inner class for well, pump, part ...
      } // end MyApplication constructor
      public void updateCells() {
        currentLease = leaseDropDown.getSelectedLease();
        //... get current well, pump, part ...
        leaseDropDown = new LeaseDropDown(companies); // companies=Vector,col1
        //... same for lease, well, pump and part columns ...
      } // end updateCells method
    } // end MyApplication class
    public class LeaseDropDown extends AbstractCellEditor
        implements TableCellEditor {
      private Vector companiesVector;
      private JComboBox leaseList;
      public LeaseDropDown(Vector cVector) {
        companiesVector = cVector;     
      } // end LeaseDropDown constructor
      public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table,
          Object value, boolean isSelected, int rowIndex, int vColIndex) {
        Company thisCompany = (Company) companiesVector.get(rowIndex);
        Vector leasesVector = (Vector) thisCompany.getLeases();
        leaseList = new JComboBox(leasesVector);
        return leaseList;
      } // end getTableCellEditorComponent method
      public Object getCellEditorValue() {
        return leaseList.getSelectedItem();
      } // end getCellEditorValue method
      public int getSelectedLease() {
        JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Selected lease is: " +
        return leaseList.getSelectedIndex();          
      } // end getSelectedLease method
    } // end LeaseDropDown class... LeaseDropDown can be extrapolated to well, pump, and part,
    handing well the selected lease, handing pump the selected
    lease and well, handing part the selected lease, well and pump.
    I guess my question is how do I get the selected comboboxitem (I'd
    settle for the entire combobox if there's no other way) to fill in the
    next column? Why does the way I have it now work for the first 2 combobox
    columns and not the third?

    I'll try to provide more details.
    I use a JComboBox implementation as a cell in a JTable. The CombBox is editable . This is what I get when I try to type in something.
    java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location
    at java.awt.Component.getLocationOnScreen_NoTreeLock(Component.java:1507)
    at java.awt.Component.getLocationOnScreen(Component.java:1481)
    at javax.swing.JPopupMenu.show(JPopupMenu.java:921)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup.show(BasicComboPopup.java:177)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI.setPopupVisible(BasicComboBoxUI.java:927)
    at javax.swing.JComboBox.setPopupVisible(JComboBox.java:790)
    at javax.swing.JComboBox.showPopup(JComboBox.java:775)
    I read some related bugs on the sun site but I am not sure if this is a bug and if it is then has it been fixed or work-around provided.
    any insights ??

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