URL access in ALBPM

How do I access any particular URL from ALBPM code..I have already imported the Javax Jar file and tried using the methods inside it..
For e.g. httpServletRequest.requestURL
But this does not work..It give me a nullpointerexception...
So if I want to send a URL in an email inside of ALBPM, how do I get that URL?

Well, I'm not really sure what you want this for, but if you want files associated with the web application to be available from the browser, then simply put them in the web application content tree (anywhere but in WEB-INF). Everything in the directory structure of the web application is available from the browser, except for WEB-INF, and unless you specify access rules for certain files/paths in your web.xml.
In a Java application server, you can deploy multiple web applications that all have independent directory structures. There isn't a single directory to place files to make them available, like there is in Apache.
Note that if you're developing standard web services, you should always be able to see the WSDL of a service (including the schema, I would assume) by calling the service from the browser with the "WSDL" request parameter. This will work without manually making the schema files available.

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    2010/01/27@07:09:25.632239 18521 33 WEB ERROR 0x0000151F /export/build40/Oblix/coreid1014/palantir/commonlib/src/apache2_req_info.cpp:170 "WebGate Error Report" Message^The URL /access/sso is reserved for use by Oracle Access Manager and has been used with incorrect parameters. ReqReq^POST /access/sso HTTP/1.1 ReqProto^HTTP/1.1 ReqHost^p1uawbsv1.portal.internal ReqStatLine^ ReqStatus^200 ReqRawUri^/access/sso ReqUri^/access/sso ReqFilename^/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/ohs1/instances/instance1/config/OHS/ohs1/htdocs/access ReqPath^/sso ReqArgs^
    The configuration uses form based login
    Details for Authentication Scheme
    Level           1
    Challenge Method           Form
    Challenge Parameter           
    creds:userid password
    SSL Required           No
    Challenge Redirect           
    Enabled           Yes

    the login post goes to /access/sso, but now i am getting 404 error /access/sso
    Below is what I currently have the following in httpd.conf, which is the same as in a working environment.
    The web gate policy resources include /portal and /public, but no mention of /access. How does web gate know how to intercept /access/sso?
    [2010-01-28T10:50:42.9609+11:00] [OHS] [ERROR:32] [OHS-9999] [core.c] [host_id: p1uawbs02] [host_addr:] [tid: 18] [user: oracle] [ecid: 0000Pa_5qz3BP9s5Gj0Fyf0001rV00009_] [rid: 0] [VirtualHost: main] File does not exist: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/ohs1/instances/instance2/config/OHS/ohs1/htdocs/access
    #*** BEGIN WebGate Specific ****
    LoadFile "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/ohs1/oam/webgate/access/oblix/lib/libgcc_s.so.1"
    LoadFile "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/ohs1/oam/webgate/access/oblix/lib/libstdc++.so.5"
    LoadModule obWebgateModule "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/ohs1/oam/webgate/access/oblix/apps/webgate/bin/webgate.so"
    WebGateInstalldir "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/ohs1/oam/webgate/access"
    WebGateMode PEER
    <Location /access/oblix/apps/webgate/bin/webgate.cgi>
    SetHandler obwebgateerr
    <Location "/oberr.cgi">
    SetHandler obwebgateerr
    <LocationMatch "/*">
    AuthType Oblix
    require valid-user
    #*******Default Login page alias***
    Alias /oamsso "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/ohs1/oam/webgate/access/oamsso"
    <LocationMatch "/oamsso/*">
    Satisfy any
    #*** END WebGate Specific ****

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    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
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    ADF Security is JAAS permission based and not container managed. Note that unless you explicitly configured ADF Security you don't use ADF Security but container managed security, which is all that I can see in your configurations.
    Not sure which version fo JDeveloper you use, but if you could change the following setting
    to contain jspx file references instead of wildcards like in faces/folderB/* then what you see should no longer be possible. There was a known issue with the security settings in SRDemo that was caused by a defect in OC4J container managed security. I would expect this issue to be fixed in a more recent version of OC4J.
    However, the work around until then is to protect all JSPX files in a directory instead of using wild card matches

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    Some one please help
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  • URL Access Parameter GetComponentDefinition

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    http://<servername>/ReportServer?/<report path>&rs:Command=GetComponentDefinition
    It returns the following:
    The operation you are attempting on item '<report path>' is not allowed for this item type. (rsWrongItemType) 
    We are successfully using just about every other URL access parameter specified by msdn.
    Has anyone ever successfully been able to use this URL access parameter? Any help would be immensely appreciated.

    Hi morchis,
    Based on my further research, I find that the GetComponentDefinition command is used to display the XML definition associated with a published report part. These are the report items we can publish as report parts: Charts, Gauges, Images and embedded images,
    Maps, Parameters, Rectangles, Tables, Matrices and Lists.
    To public a report part in Report Designer, please refer to the following steps:
    Flag the report items that you want to publish in the Publish Report Parts dialog box.
    Deploy the report.
    Then we can use the URL below to display the XML definition of report item tablix1:
    http://<servername>/ReportServer/?/report parts/tablix1&rs:Command=GetComponentDefinition
    Report Parts in Report Designer (SSRS)
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • The URL /access/oblix/apps/webgate/bin/webgate.so is reserved for use by Or

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    Oracle Access Manager 10g (
    Oracle HTTP Server 11g
    OAM WebGate 10g(
    Everything looks fine and I am getting the login page when I hit 'http://hostname:port/fndauth/OAMLogin.jsp" but it gives http 500 error when I give username/password and click on the login button. I see the following error in ohs.log.
    [2012-12-26T12:07:36.3007-05:00] [OHS] [ERROR:32] [OHS-9999] [apache2entry_web_gate.cpp] [host_id: dm1dszap02] [host_addr:] [tid: 2918448032] [user: appoimd] [ecid: 004oSHrYwUXEOPKMyUnZ6G0006mB0001eo] [rid: 0] [VirtualHost: main] The URL /access/oblix/apps/webgate/bin/webgate.so is reserved for use by Oracle Access Manager and has been used with incorrect parameters., referer: http://dm1dszap02.corp.nyx.com:7778/ebsauth_nfind4/OAMLogin.jsp
    [2012-12-26T12:07:36.3009-05:00] [OHS] [ERROR:32] [OHS-9999] [odl_log.c] [host_id: dm1dszap02] [host_addr:] [tid: 2918448032] [user: appoimd] [ecid: 004oSHrYwUXEOPKMyUnZ6G0006mB0001eo] [rid: 0] [VirtualHost: main] Request Failed for : /access/oblix/apps/webgate/bin/webgate.so, Resp Code : [500], referer: http://dm1dszap02.corp.nyx.com:7778/ebsauth_nfind4/OAMLogin.jsp
    Any help on this would be highly appreciated.

    the login post goes to /access/sso, but now i am getting 404 error /access/sso
    Below is what I currently have the following in httpd.conf, which is the same as in a working environment.
    The web gate policy resources include /portal and /public, but no mention of /access. How does web gate know how to intercept /access/sso?
    [2010-01-28T10:50:42.9609+11:00] [OHS] [ERROR:32] [OHS-9999] [core.c] [host_id: p1uawbs02] [host_addr:] [tid: 18] [user: oracle] [ecid: 0000Pa_5qz3BP9s5Gj0Fyf0001rV00009_] [rid: 0] [VirtualHost: main] File does not exist: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/ohs1/instances/instance2/config/OHS/ohs1/htdocs/access
    #*** BEGIN WebGate Specific ****
    LoadFile "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/ohs1/oam/webgate/access/oblix/lib/libgcc_s.so.1"
    LoadFile "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/ohs1/oam/webgate/access/oblix/lib/libstdc++.so.5"
    LoadModule obWebgateModule "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/ohs1/oam/webgate/access/oblix/apps/webgate/bin/webgate.so"
    WebGateInstalldir "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/ohs1/oam/webgate/access"
    WebGateMode PEER
    <Location /access/oblix/apps/webgate/bin/webgate.cgi>
    SetHandler obwebgateerr
    <Location "/oberr.cgi">
    SetHandler obwebgateerr
    <LocationMatch "/*">
    AuthType Oblix
    require valid-user
    #*******Default Login page alias***
    Alias /oamsso "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/ohs1/oam/webgate/access/oamsso"
    <LocationMatch "/oamsso/*">
    Satisfy any
    #*** END WebGate Specific ****

  • URL Access Scripting & accented characters

    I'm trying to write a small iTunes script that checks whether track titles of an album match those in the MusicBrainz database. But I'm running into a small problem when I try to retrieve the album information when it's title has accented characters.
    Here's a snippet of code:
    property baseURL : "http://musicbrainz.org/ws/1/release/"
    property tempFile : "Data:temp:tempAlbumInfo.xml"
    property albumTitle : "með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust"
    set queryURL to "?type=xml&releasetypes=Official&limit=10&title=" & albumTitle
    set the clipboard to (baseURL & queryURL)
    -- Fetch the releases info from musicbrainz
    tell application "URL Access Scripting"
    download (baseURL & queryURL) to tempFile replacing yes
    end tell
    This gives me a 503 error from URL Access Scripting, but when I paste the variable just copied to the clipboard into Firefox, the page loads perfectly. Pasting it into Safari, it doesn't work.
    I'm guessing it has something to do with either the way URL Access Scripting and Safari rawurlencode their URLs, or some Unicode / Latin-1 problems.
    Oh, and for album titles without accented characters it all works perfectly. Any idea why this is happening? Thanks!

    I think you need to escape URI string properly.
    Try replacing the line:
    set queryURL to "?type=xml&releasetypes=Official&limit=10&title=" & albumTitle
    with these two lines:
    set escapedTitle to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of albumTitle & " | perl -Mutf8 -MURI::Escape -lne 'print uri_escape($_);'"
    set queryURL to "?type=xml&releasetypes=Official&limit=10&title=" & escapedTitle
    Hope this may help,
    Message was edited by: Hiroto (fixed typo: URI::Escape is the correct module.)

  • URL Access Policy - Administration Guide

    I'm working my way thru the Administration Guide and I'm looking at the URL
    Access Policy. I added a URL to allow (http://www.yahoo.com) and a URL to
    deny (http://www.sportsline.com) for my user fooUser in MyDomain_1. I then
    login the IP Portal as fooUser.
    What form of the URL is the Bookmarks URL entry box expecting? I have tried
    the following and gotten the corresponding results:
    http://www.sportsline.com access allowed
    http://www.yahoo.com access allowed
    http://myServer:myPort/http://www.sportsline.com page cannot be found
    http://myServer:myPort/http://www.yahoo.com page cannot be found
    http://myServer:myPort/www.sportsline.com page cannot be found
    http://myServer:myPort/www.yahoo.com page cannot be found
    I also tried http://myServer:myPort/MyDomain_1/www.sportsline.com and got
    page cannot be found
    Can someone shed some light on this for me?

    You should be able to just put in the URL as you normally would.
    Now, if you are running through the SRAP gateway (versus "open mode")
    the url that should be launched in your browser should automatically append
    the url to your gateway, with some characters escaped, so it would be (I hope
    this doesn't get converted to a link!)
    But! (I'm not 100% on this). If the website is not in your domain, the gateway
    does not care. It will let you access it, as it is implicit that you could open
    a separate browser window and access the site directly.
    In open mode (without the gateway), basically, everything is open, so
    it doesn't make much sense to be able to block it. If you don't put it
    in the URL Bookmarks box, then you could just open a new browser
    window and access it directly!
    Mike Wallach wrote:
    I'm working my way thru the Administration Guide and I'm looking at the URL
    Access Policy. I added a URL to allow (http://www.yahoo.com) and a URL to
    deny (http://www.sportsline.com) for my user fooUser in MyDomain_1. I then
    login the IP Portal as fooUser.
    What form of the URL is the Bookmarks URL entry box expecting? I have tried
    the following and gotten the corresponding results:
    http://www.sportsline.com access allowed
    http://www.yahoo.com access allowed
    http://myServer:myPort/http://www.sportsline.com page cannot be found
    http://myServer:myPort/http://www.yahoo.com page cannot be found
    http://myServer:myPort/www.sportsline.com page cannot be found
    http://myServer:myPort/www.yahoo.com page cannot be found
    I also tried http://myServer:myPort/MyDomain_1/www.sportsline.com and got
    page cannot be found
    Can someone shed some light on this for me?

  • Url access scripting and os X 10.6

    I just upgraded to 10.6 and discovered that my scripts that use "url access scripting" calls no longer work. any ideas?

    I am using AppleScript Editor and so far all attempts to use URL Access Scripting have failed, I checked the dictionary and the syntax for the command has not changed from
    "download " url " to file "((path to file) as text) " replacing (yes or no)"
    but access scripting does not respond at all. It acts as if it is not there.
    Perhaps there is a preference I need to change to activate script editor or something like that. Everything worked before I installed 10.6
    it is 10.6.5 intel
    Message was edited by: Carl Anderson

  • URL Access Scripting???

    Hi does anyone know why "The application "URL Access Scripting" wants to connect to perso139-g5.free.fr on TCP port 80 (http)" its something I see when running Little Snitch. What is causing it? I have searched for this here and on google but have not seen any answers. Thanks in advance.

    That Application is in...
    /system/library/scriptingAdditions/URL Access Scripting
    Somehow? You have a Script trying to download or upload something methinks...
    Looked in all your startup/login items? Does Activity Monitor, or the Logs give any clues?

  • URL Access

    I have a script that uses URL Access to upload a file. The script works fine except lately the AppleEvent has been timing out. At first I thought this was from the server being down but, I could always access the server through FTP. Now I am wondering if this could be a port problem. Has anyone else ran into this problem? Does anyone know what ports URL Access uses?
    PowerBook G4 1Ghz   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

    Without knowing more about your script it's very hard to tell, but the fact you say it times out might be relevant.
    Are you uploading large files? What's your bandwidth limit?
    Is it possible that the file is so large and/or your bandwidth limited so it's taking too long for URL Access Scripting to complete the upload, so AppleScript times out thinking it's hung?
    One thing to try would be wrapping the commands in a 'with timeout' block, like:
    with timeout of 600 seconds
    tell application "URL Access Scripting"
    -- your commands here
    end tell
    end timeout
    Now AppleScript will wait up to 10 minutes for URL Access Scripting to do its thing before timing out.

  • "URL Access Scripting.app"

    In Lion (10.7) "URL Access Scripting.app" seems to be missing from /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions I tried to copy it from an older OSX and the apple script errors.
    Any idea?

    one I adopted/use for home automation to speak the weather forcast
    -- myCode is Weather.com code for your location.
    -- define the URL for the weather report
    set myURL to "http://www.weather.com/outlook/travel/businesstraveler/narrative/" & myCode
    -- get the report
    tell application "URL Access Scripting"
              set my_output_file to "private:var:tmp:" & "SpokenWeather.out"
      download myURL to my_output_file replacing yes
    end tell

  • Restrict URL Access when linking from report

    I have an application that will be a little like a wizard in that I need to control how users get to a form, so I would like to prevent them from being able to just going straight to that page and entering data into the form. I tried using various session state security options, including No URL Access, but that blows up when I try to link from a report to that form for editing purposes.
    Is there some way I can link from the report if the target page restricts URL access, and can get a get a brief overview (or point me to some documentation) on the various branch types? I can't find a good explanation anywhere and I'm hoping that solves my problem.

    What about using an Authorization Scheme and then using Security of Page Attributes.
    In fact it is schema of users, roles, and passwords.
    This example:
    * Runs page 6004 of application 6000 and use the current session ID
    * Clears the current session's cache for items on page 6003
    * Indicates debug information should be hidden (NO)
    * Sets the value of MY_ITEM1 to 1234, sets the value of MY_ITEM2 to null
    (indicated by the comma used as placeholder), and sets the value of MY_ITEM3 to 5678
    - Into Column Attributes/Column Link/Link Text pick an icon.
    - Select for Attributes/Column Link/Target “URL” for table Emp_Address and into URL field type:
    javascript: popupURL('f?p=&APP_ID.: 6004:&SESSION…………');
    You can use the value of any Item. Then in the URL link page check that item.
    Moreover, you can use f?p=&APP_ID.: 6004:&SESSION…..My_Item:#ReportColumnName#.......
    I hope this would help.

  • What does "URL Access Scripting" do?

    I tried the demo of the Little Snitch application to see what kind of network stuff is initiated from my account. On login I get:
    The application "URL Access Scripting" wants to connect to perso139-g5.free.fr on TCP port 80 (http)
    That seems suspect to me. What kind of script wants to go there and how do I find out what kind of script is being run here?

    This was helpful (sorry, clicking the helpful button did not work). I found out it was CoreDuoTemp.app which is in my startup. This is a script. I looked for strings in the script and found
    and it turns out macbriol is an alias for the site I found in Little Snitch
    $ nslookup macbricol.free.fr
    Non-authoritative answer:
    macbricol.free.fr canonical name = perso139-g5.free.fr.
    Name: perso139-g5.free.fr

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