URL changes on PostBack

I have JSF page that loads from a popup. This PopUp attaches two parameters that the page load event uses to display the appropriate data.
There is also a delete button on the page. When delete is hit actions are performed to delete the data. When the page posts back the parameters on the URL are not written out and this causes problems.
I've found some ways to hack around this, but I would like the postback to be the original URL with the parameters.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Thanks for the reply, Frank.
In the web.xml file, I already have the following:
Do I need to make changes to some other file?

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  • [svn:fx-3.x] 11086: Fixing Safari 4.x support for url change detection.

    Revision: 11086
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-10-22 11:42:17 -0700 (Thu, 22 Oct 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fixing Safari 4.x support for url change detection.
    QE notes: None
    Doc notes: None
    Bugs: SDK-22483
    Reviewer: Alex
    Tests run: Manual browser test.
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
        flex/sdk/branches/3.x/templates/html-templates/client-side-detection-with-history/history /history.js
        flex/sdk/branches/3.x/templates/html-templates/express-installation-with-history/history/ history.js
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    Go to ~Library/Internet Plugins. You should see: Glims
    Delete Glims from the system and restart your Mac.
    If you need help uninstalling Glims go here.
    Safari 4: May unexpectedly quit with "Glims for Safari" Read where you see: Resolution.
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

  • Opendocument url changes automatically on different machines

    Hello All,
    I have one url of a Document
    when i open this url on the same server, it asks for credentails, after passing the same, the page show could not find the document and page 404 missing
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    the file gets downloaded.
    Does anybody know the solution?
    Kind Regards

    In one machine without asking anything is runs and downloads the document (url changes automatically in this machine, second link)
    this is because
    The URL we are using to access the launch pad
    if we are using http://xyz:8080/BOE/BI
    the our URL for open doc should be http://xyz:8080/OpenDocument/opendoc/logonVintela.do?appKind=OpenDocument&iDocID=sample&sIDType=CUID&isApplication=true&appKind=OpenDocument&appCUID=AZXgyG8_ue9OtYITUhGG.wg
    then it will not ask for anything it will take from the existing session.
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  • How to resolve Agents with pending URL changes

    I have run the EMDIAG tool against my 12c OMS and one section of the results hows thie following -
    7001. Agents with pending URL changes
    1 row selected.
    On this host ./emctl status agent returns -
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2012 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Agent Version :
    OMS Version :
    Protocol Version :
    Agent Home : /usr/local/oracle/product/agent12g/agent_inst
    Agent Binaries : /usr/local/oracle/product/agent12g/core/
    Agent Process ID : 44637
    Parent Process ID : 44555
    Agent URL : https://lepisma.ucdavis.edu:3872/emd/main/
    Repository URL : https://oracle-emrep1.ucdavis.edu:4904/empbs/upload
    Started at : 2013-04-20 16:09:06
    Started by user : oracle
    Last Reload : (none)
    Last successful upload : 2013-04-22 13:34:14
    Last attempted upload : 2013-04-22 13:34:14
    Total Megabytes of XML files uploaded so far : 134.96
    Number of XML files pending upload : 1
    Size of XML files pending upload(MB) : 0.03
    Available disk space on upload filesystem : 62.49%
    Collection Status : Collections enabled
    Last attempted heartbeat to OMS : 2013-04-22 13:34:11
    Last successful heartbeat to OMS : 2013-04-22 13:34:11
    Agent is Running and Ready
    Examinig the emd.properties file shows no entry for https://lepisma.ucdavis.edu:1830/emd/main and ./emctl config agent listtargets only shows the following for oracle_emd -
    [lepisma.ucdavis.edu:3872, oracle_emd]
    This was recently upgraded from 11g and prior to the upgrade there were difficulties patching this agent. Because of that it was reinstalled in 12c. I have no clue what is causing the issue let alone how to resolve it. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
    Thank you.
    Bill Wagman

    It's ok to have 11g agent and 12c agents up and running simultaneously and we do it all the time during migration from one to the other since they have to run on different ports (12c checks this at install ONLY IF the 11g agent it up and running when the 12c agent is being pushed out to the host).
    Also, if EMDIAG is the only place you see 1830 port being reported, it may be becuase its doing a search for any agents currently installed on the server. So if you still have both the 11g agent and 12c agent installed, this should not be an issue that it it reporting that URL/port with 1830 for the 11g agent. Since you can't upgrade 11g agents to 12c, (its required to do a new install of 12c agent) you have to do a complete uninstall of the 11g agent first from the OEM 11g gui console, then at the inventory level where the inital 11g agent was installed, than you may still need to manually remove that 11g directory if your runInstaller did not remove it once its "uninstalled".
    Edited by: ora6dba on Apr 25, 2013 7:24 AM



    Please check before posting that you have not accidentally turned on the CAPS LOCK feature of your keyboard.
    To answer your question. You can't do that. There are alterate ways to solve this sort of problem. What exactly is the nature of the problem you are seeking to solve?

  • Interesting sort issue: URL changes but does not refresh

    Thanks everyone for you help on my sort problem! There is still one tiny issue remaining.
    When I hit the SORT button, nothing happens except the URL changes from http://localhost/jserv/Invoice3.jsp to http://localhost/jserv/Invoice3.jsp?valueCheckbox=3&valueCheckbox=4&order=ID&sort=DESC
    The ID's of the records and the sort order are being added to the URL, but the sort is not being performed.
    <%@page language="java" import="java.sql.*"%>
    <%@ include file="../Connections/connBeachwear.jsp" %>
    String rsBeachwear__varCheckbox = "1";
    if (request.getParameter ("valueCheckbox") !=null) {rsBeachwear__varCheckbox = (String)request.getParameter ("valueCheckbox")   ;}
    String rsBeachwear__name = "ID";//default sort value
    if (request.getParameter ("order") !=null) {rsBeachwear__name = (String)request.getParameter ("order");}
    String rsBeachwear__sort = "ASC";//default sort value
    if (request.getParameter ("sort") !=null) {rsBeachwear__sort = (String)request.getParameter ("sort");}
    Driver DriverrsBeachwear = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_connBeachwear_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnrsBeachwear = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_connBeachwear_STRING,MM_connBeachwear_USERNAME,MM_connBeachwear_PASSWORD);
    String chkValues[]=request.getParameterValues("valueCheckbox");
    StringBuffer prepStr=new StringBuffer("SELECT ID, Item, Color, Size FROM Beachwear WHERE ID=");
    for(int x = 0; x < chkValues.length; ++x) {
    prepStr.append(" OR ID=");
    }//end if
    }//end for loop
    prepStr.append(" ORDER BY '%" + rsBeachwear__name + "%' '%" + rsBeachwear__sort + "%'"); //NEW SQL SORT CODE:
    PreparedStatement StatementrsBeachwear=ConnrsBeachwear.prepareStatement(prepStr.toString());
    ResultSet rsBeachwear = StatementrsBeachwear.executeQuery();
    Object rsBeachwear_data;
    <title>Beachwear Title</title>
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <%//FORM "GET" METHOD<%>
    <form name="form1" method="get" action="Invoice3.jsp">
    <%while(rsBeachwear.next()){   //LOOP; RELEVANT, NOT POINTLESS %>
    <table width="75%" border="1">
    <td width="13%">ID:</td>
    <td width="87%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("ID"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="13%">ITEM:</td>
    <td width="87%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("Item"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="13%">COLOR:</td>
    <td width="87%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("Color"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="13%">SIZE:</td>
    <td width="87%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("Size"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="13%"> </td>
    <td width="87%">
    <input type="checkbox" name="valueCheckbox" value="<%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("ID"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%>" checked> //NEW CHECKBOX ADDED WITH SAME CODE AS PREVIOUS (SEARCH) PAGE
    <p>  </p>
    <table width="54%" border="1">
    <td width="29%">
    <div align="center">Parameter </div>
    <td width="28%">
    <div align="center">1</div>
    <td width="43%">
    <div align="center">2</div>
    <td width="29%">
    <div align="center">
    <input type="submit" value="Sort Now">
    <td width="28%">
    <div align="center">
    <select name="order" size="1">
    <option value="ID" selected>ID</option>
    <option value="Item">Item</option>
    <option value="Color">Color</option>
    <option value="Size">Size</option>
    <td width="43%">
    <div align="center">
    <select name="sort" size="1">
    <option value="ASC" selected>Ascending</option>
    <option value="DESC">Descending</option>

    The sort problem is solved: Mission accomplished!
    The single quotes and percentage marks in the SQL logic were causing the problem! The sort works great now. Now I just need to program memory into the list boxes so they remember their last setting, but I know how I will do that.
    Thanks again for all your help!

  • Have the web service API URLs changed?

    I'm currently in the beginning stages of working with the iTunes U Web Service API, and I'm running into an issue.
    Step 2 of uploading a web services document (pg 50 of the admin guide) says to request an upload URL. The base URL for this request:
    doesn't seem to be valid. I am receiving 404 errors:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
    <title>404 Not Found</title>
    <meta name="generator" content="Indigo">
    Not Found
    The requested URL /WebObjects/Core.woa/API/GetUploadURL was not found on this server.
    I've tried added the identifier path but still no luck. Just to be clear, I am generating and sending a proper authorization token; the issue is that the destination URL seems to be invalid.
    Have the API URLs changed or am I missing something?

    Hi Chris,
    A couple of things ...
    First is that you want to read page 54 of latest admin guide.
    Nextly, the basic way to access the API hasn't changed ... Apple has changed the XSD and the specifics of the API itself ... but not the way you call it. That's been pretty steady since I've been messing with it.
    The base URL should look like this:
    https://deimos.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/API/GetUploadURL/your-university.ed u.111.222.333
    "111.222.333" is called a "handle" and it uniquely specifies a resource (track, cover image, etc.) within iTunes U. "111.222" is a path to the resource "333".
    After the base URL, you have to add the same kind of token string that you would for "Browsing" iTunes U ... that is a string in the form ...
    credentials=foo&identity=user&time=123456&signature =abc123abc&type=XMLControlFile
    A question mark "?" separates the base URL from the token string. Whatever you do, do -not- forget the type=XMLControlFile! The manual does not emphasize that you need to add this token, but you must to use the API.

  • Epcm.doNavigate(): browser url changes

    i created a whole new navigation area. When using epcm.doNavigate, the url of the browser changes to the location of the current page.But i want it to stay the same: .../irj/portal.<br><br>
    I compared my code to the original topLevelNavigation, but i can't find any differences that could prevent this url change.<br><br>
    Any ideas?<br><br>
    kind regards,<br>
    function doMouseClick(clickedNode){<br>
    a href="#" onclick="doMouseClick('<%=node1stLevel.getHashedName()%>')"><%=node1stLevel.getTitle(locale)%>  </a

    do you have a real link or an HTMLB link?
    In HTMLB you just have to
    link.setOnClientClick("EPCM.doNavigate('ROLES://" + <yourTarget> + "', 0);");
    But even if it is no HTMLB you could try to set the mode as second parameter.
    0 or not specified: Depending on the setting of the WorkProtect feature the target is opened in a new window or on the current desktop.
    1: Open target in a new window, with no a portal header and navigation bar.
    2: Open target in a new window, with a portal header and navigation bar.
    Maybe that helps.
    Best regards

  • FeedBurner URL change for iTunes

    How do I submit a url change to iTunes? Apparently, I can then get iTunes stats.
    And would someone please tell me that this won't screw up everything!
    Thanks in advance.

    There are 3 options:
    1) Edit the default zone URL from CA --> Application Management --> AAM --> Select the web application
    Click on http://intranet.abc.com and change it to http://www.abc.com
    Extend the web application to some any other zone with URL http://www.abc.com
    3) Create a new web application with URL http://www.abc.com, Detach the content db/s from http://intranet.abc.com and attach it to newly created web application (Note: If you follow this option, it may break customizations)

  • Weather channel URL changes?

    Am I the only one who is seeing the TWC URL change after installing it on the original iPhone's home screen? I've installed my 2 favorite weather channel pages on the home screen so many times. Sometimes they'll work for a day, many times only a few minutes. Anyone else? Oh, yeah, 2.0 firmware.

    I found a discussion about this with some more info.
    http://www.everythingicafe.com/forum/general-discussion/weather-channel-blocks-i phone-5278.html
    Someone had emailed the weather channel about this and this is the response they got...
    "Thanks so much for taking the time to write to us. We felt that the load time for weather.com was excessive so we made the decision to force the mobile site and thereby cut our download time in half. We are actively monitoring this, as well as consumer feedback and may make an update to our current strategy soon.
    Thanks for taking the time to let us know how you feel and please send any additional thoughts or comments directly to me."
    Cathy Rohrl
    Product Manager - Mobile Web
    [email protected]

  • Url change with servlet to jsp

    i guess i have a small problem-
    i am using this code to forward from a servlet to a jsp:
    protected void passProcessing(String url, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
              RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher(url);
              try { rd.forward(req, res); }
              catch (Exception e) {
                        + " : Dispatch Forward Error : " + e); }
    The link and everything is right.
    My Problem: The URL doesnt change- it is still the url with the invokung servlet. The result is that some included gifs in the jsp are not shown.
    Thanx in Advance

    put a
    <base href="http://your.server.com/yourWebapp">inside your head definition of the htmls and use only relative urls for your gifs and it will work, no matter where you redirect from.

  • URL changing after been redirected to another component ....

    I have modified to display additional page for every authenticated user before displaying the portal home page ..
    here is the code ..
    IPortalComponentURI uri = request.createPortalComponentURI();
    String Url = uri.toString();
    response.write("<form id=\"redirform\" method=\"post\" target=\"_parent\" action="Url">");
    Terms and conditions page is being displaying but the URL looks like ..
    but i want it to be as  ..../irj/portal ..
    how can i achieve this.
    I want to make my page to be appeared before displaying home page.

    Long visible URL doesn't ok to the management.
    Initially i tried to direct to the T&C's page from masthead page using response.include(.., ..); but in that case T&C's page is being displaying only in masthead part i want it to place on the top of whole page.
    so as a next choice i'm using <form> tag and in action="irj/servlet/prt/portal/portalroot/com.sap.portal.termsandconditions.Component" but unfortunately long visible URL taking place in the address bar.
    Can't we find the place where exactly the control being passing on to default frame work page? if yes then i can redirect every one to my component first and after checking can be redirected to default framework page.
    I read some where that by changing "com.sap.portal.desktop.url" we can achieve this. but don't know where should i assign my URL to that attribute in session object, even don't know whether it will work or not?

  • URL Change Color on Mouseover?

    I have a flyer created in InDesign 5.5 that includes a URL identified as a hyperlink in InDesign. I exported the document as an interactive PDF and, as expected, when I mouseover the URL the I-bar changes to a hand and a box comes up with the URL in it. Is there a way, either originally in InDesign or subsequently in Acrobat, to make it so that the URL also changes color on mouseover?

    Depends on how its set up. If it's just a link object then no, since such objects do not contain any text of their own and can't be used to change the underlying content of the document.
    The only way this can be done is by using a form field and a MouseEnter and MouseExit script that will alter the font color of that field (and of course a MouseUp script that will launch the link).

  • PDF Link properties \ Actions my URLs change

    When I upload a pdf file, "that contains hyperlinks to network files", to our internal sharepoint server, the links change. They go from "\\server location" to "http://server name". Is there a setting I can check off to stop this from happening?

    To be expected.
    See 7.11 of ISO 32000-1 (ISO Standard for PDF Ref.).
    Link syntax in network space (UNC) and in webspace (URI/URL) are not equivalent / the same.
    (SharePoint is webspace.)
    Be well...

  • Why alert casting error when module url changed?

    Hi, everyone.
    I occurred a stranger error when click the item in DataGrid
    which is redirected by "ModuleLoader" url.
    Error #1034: Cast Error:Cannot cast
    mx.managers::DragManagerImpl@482f971 to
    at mx.managers::DragManager$/get
    at mx.managers::DragManager$/get
    isDragging()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\DragManager.as:18 7]
    mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/dragScroll()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\framework \src\mx\controls\listClasses\ListBase.as:7148]
    at Function/
    at <anonymous>()
    at SetIntervalTimer/onTimer()
    at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
    at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
    Actually I never modify about DragManagerImpl...
    In my main.mxml there is a
    <mx:ModuleLoader id="module"
    this ModuleLoader control is to load a new swf module when
    change the url.
    Althought the first loaded module which included DataGrid is
    OK, it popup the error when this module is the second time switched
    by the url...
    The error is the above when click the item in it.
    Actually all cast operation is error as I tried:
    And is there any solution for it? ModuleLoader has such a
    Thank you very much.

    Another way to "find" the URL for the oamconsole, that I use if I'm not familiar with the configuration I'm working on is to first log into the Adminserver WL Console, then go to "Deployments".
    Then, find "oamconsole" in the Deployments listed (on the right).
    Click on that, then on the next page, look for the "Testing" tab. Click on the "Testing" tab, which which show the /oamconsole app.
    Click on the "+" to expand the tree, and you should see a bunch of different URLs on the right, e.g., if you have OAM console deployed to managed servers, etc., there'll be different URLs for those, etc., and you can just click on the links to open up OAM Console in your browser.

Maybe you are looking for