Url port forwarding

Suppose I would like to forward to
In the url prefix, I entered "/", and in the fixed-url field I entered "
But it seems by doing this way, the url cannot be retrived.
How to configure to redirect to another port?

Hi elving, I mean without doing the url forwarding(I tooke the url forwarding configuration out), then "" works.
When doing the url forwarding, I can see the web broswer is connected to But no page displayed.
I checked the obj.conf file there is an entry :
NameTrans fn="redirect" from="/" url=""
Is there any problem somewhere?
Thanks ,

Similar Messages

  • Port forwarding for airport utility 5.6.1

    The previous version of airport utility had a simple tab "port mapping" that allowed me to forward ports so that various servers running on my machine could be accessible via outside of my WAN/LAN.  However, when using the latest version, I don't see anything related to port mapping, the closest I found was an IPv6 Firewall-- which I am not certain is what I am looking for......
    Ultimately, I have a development web server that I run on port 3000, and I want this to be accessible from the outside world--- and also I would like VNC guests to be able to do screen sharing / remote access which I believe is through port 5900...  How can I make these two things accessible through my standard IPv4 address?
    Thank you.

    Tesserax, you seem to be the Airport Extreme guru.  Been trying to find answers on forums all day so as not to duplicate a post.  Also tried to find a way to contact you directly so as not to get off topic here...but couldn't see an option.
    Running Airport Extreme Version 7.6.1.  Hosting a FileMaker Pro 10 file on a PowerPC on my home network (ISP is TimeWarner ...ugh).  Need to publish this file to the URL the gent that hosts my site has pointed at my public IP addy here on my home network.
    Created DHCP Reservation by MAC Address for the machine hosting to achieve static IP.  Have opened ports 80 and 5003 (filemaker) in Port Mapping.  Both pointing at the IP addy of that same machine hosting the file.  Some discussions have said to make the end of IP .201 or higher for port forwarding so I've done so.
    Port checkers all say these ports are still closed.  Time Warner has told me they are not blocking either of these ports and that my modem does not have a firewall holding things up—they say the prob is with my router settings.
    I should probably also mention that I used to successfully forward these ports and host/access this file via the URL (same ISP and domain host etc. then as currently).
    Obviously posting here because none of this is working.  Have looked over the links and docs you regularly reply with—hoping you may have other wisdom to give us.  Thanks in advance.

  • Nginx client_ip in log file, with ssh -R Port forwarding

    Hi, everyone!
    First, I run a nginx server M1 (in my offce)  behind a router R1 and M1's IP addr is I set nginx's log format like this:
    log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
    '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
    '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
    After that, I will get the correct client ip in the access log. - - [21/Apr/2015:11:12:47 +0800] "GET /js/date.js HTTP/1.1" 200 403 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.118 Safari/537.36" "-"
    Then, I want to visit M1 outside (in the campus) .  Unfortunately, I can do nothing with the router R1. But I have a router R2 whose framework is OpenWrt and its IP 222.xx.xx.xx can be visited by anyone who has logged into the campus network.
    Then I wrote a autossh service to do that:
    Description=AutoSSH service for local port 80 forwarded to 222.xx.xx.xx:80
    # place this in /etc/systemd/system/, than enable this.
    Environment="AUTOSSH_GATETIME=0" "AUTOSSH_POLL=60" "AUTOSSH_LOGFILE=/var/log/nginxssh.log"
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/autossh -M 22000 -NR 222.xx.xx.xx:808:localhost:808 -NR 222.xx.xx.xx:80:localhost:80 -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -p xxxx [email protected] -i /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa
    Yeah, It works! BUT BUT when someone visits 222.xx.xx.xx, I lost the  the client ip in nginx log file. That would always be, why? - - [27/Apr/2015:00:34:07 +0800] "GET /static/mathjax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_HTML HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "http://222.xx.xx.xx:808/url/jakevdp.github.com/downloads/notebooks/XKCD_plots.ipynb" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0" "-"
    After ``ssh -R Port forwarding``,  client ip is lost?
    If so,  what should I use to replace ``ssh -R``?
    Last edited by limser (2015-05-04 12:39:18)

    It seems there is a port forwarding configuration trouble with you modem.
    When you access from the WAN or from the LAN, you don't enter in you modem the same way, so the behavior is different.
    It seems that the port 22 of your modem is not directly forwarded to your server. The modem itself asks you a login/password. The key-pair authentification is between laptop and server. The modem itself is not recognized during this authentification.
    Don't touch your ssh-config. It's OK since it was working for monthes before you change your modem.

  • Port Forward in Cisco series 800

    Dear Support
    below the configuration of Cisco Series 800 Router that Has VDSL  port of internet , the configuration as below : 
    i add three command
    what is required in order to make port forward
    ip nat inside source static tcp  8000 8000 dilar 0
    ip nat inside source static tcp 554 554 dilar 0
    ip access list extended 100
    permit ip any any
    what is required to make port forward to the local ip address from outside interface that is VDSL port ?
    ! Last configuration change at 10:47:44 KSA Wed Apr 22 2015 by aamalsup
    version 15.2
    no service pad
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime
    service password-encryption
    hostname AamalNet
    logging buffered 51200 warnings
    enable secret level 2 5 $1$Y4PF$K6TQ5wf0gcHiO5IxvLZba0
    enable secret level 5 5 $1$WZeO$BzTCl0C0e1078CWxExJK0/
    enable secret 5 $1$plq6$P5HVL/tR81cs0GFDrD.0V/
    aaa new-model
    aaa authentication login default local
    aaa authentication login sdm_vpn_xauth_ml_1 local
    aaa authentication login sdm_vpn_xauth_ml_2 local
    aaa authorization exec default local
    aaa authorization network sdm_vpn_group_ml_1 local
    aaa session-id common
    clock timezone KSA 3 0
    crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-1682106276
     enrollment selfsigned
     subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-1682106276
     revocation-check none
     rsakeypair TP-self-signed-1682106276
    crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-1682106276
     certificate self-signed 02
      30820250 308201B9 A0030201 02020102 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
      31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
      69666963 6174652D 31363832 31303632 3736301E 170D3032 30333031 30303038
      35315A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649
      4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D31 36383231
      30363237 3630819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281
      8100C2F3 49897460 71FEB259 7794B7C6 D398958A 2D338F0F C69F0E75 1137B16C
      C261A275 8416DAF6 FC19AA6E 50024019 66CE4DB8 3AFAB6FE CE892B42 86A93490
      97259E47 D740B2F4 9AA2D307 7B676841 2CAAA879 D945A6FD 717B507F 77399332
      1644CEDE 884BF133 ACFBBC80 9869A104 54CC3EEE 9D521378 EC762D86 C3F0ABC9
      CA990203 010001A3 78307630 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 30230603
      551D1104 1C301A82 18417761 6C416D61 6C792E61 77616C6E 65742E6E 65742E73
      61301F06 03551D23 04183016 80149ADD A651C9F9 F8369354 5C904777 090FEB75
      72E0301D 0603551D 0E041604 149ADDA6 51C9F9F8 3693545C 90477709 0FEB7572
      E0300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 01040500 03818100 50ACCA98 1A5FCCAD FC61D703
      A8589B02 AFB8CD47 BD1CC7B0 B095C97F AA0604A8 F8495053 C8A9CBB9 644F5674
      318A7AA0 873250AD 1DE28CE2 BE21ED19 BF212CF7 E2A97CFB FFA62F1E 643CEDFE
      90D02109 719FD4D3 98E6C40B D61CE89C D2426C1E 3CBD9FBE 397F7F7C F1DD279E
      14F8BB2D ABFA784B 6E04274B EDCBFC8F A805E91D
    ip cef
    no ip dhcp use vrf connected
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp pool lan
     import all
     lease 0 2
    ip dhcp pool wireless
     import all
     lease 0 2
    no ip domain lookup
    ip domain name aamal.net.sa
    ip name-server
    ip name-server
    no ipv6 cef
    cwmp agent
     enable download
     session retry limit 10
     management server password 7 094D4308151612001D05072F
     management server url http://aamalservice.aamal.net.sa:9090
    license udi pid C887VA-W-E-K9 sn FCZ17459018
     log config
    username k privilege 15 password 7 020D
    username admin privilege 15 password 7 14161606050A
    controller VDSL 0
    crypto isakmp policy 1
     encr 3des
     authentication pre-share
     group 2
    crypto isakmp client configuration group aamalnet
     key aamalnet
     dhcp server
     max-users 10
    crypto isakmp profile sdm-ike-profile-1
       match identity group aamalnet
       client authentication list sdm_vpn_xauth_ml_2
       isakmp authorization list sdm_vpn_group_ml_1
       client configuration address respond
       virtual-template 1
    crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
     mode tunnel
    crypto ipsec profile SDM_Profile1
     set security-association idle-time 60
     set transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA
     set isakmp-profile sdm-ike-profile-1
    bridge irb
    interface ATM0
     no ip address
     no atm ilmi-keepalive
    interface ATM0.1 point-to-point
     pvc 0/35
      pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1
    interface Ethernet0
     no ip address
    interface FastEthernet0
     no ip address
    interface FastEthernet1
     no ip address
    interface FastEthernet2
     no ip address
    interface FastEthernet3
     no ip address
    interface Virtual-Template1 type tunnel
     ip unnumbered Dialer0
     tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
     tunnel protection ipsec profile SDM_Profile1
    interface Wlan-GigabitEthernet0
     description Internal switch interface connecting to the embedded AP
     switchport mode trunk
     no ip address
    interface wlan-ap0
     description Embedded Service module interface to manage the embedded AP
     ip unnumbered Vlan1
    interface Vlan1
     description $ETH-SW-LAUNCH$$INTF-INFO-HWIC 4ESW$
     ip address
     ip nat inside
     ip virtual-reassembly in
     ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
    interface Vlan2
     no ip address
     bridge-group 2
    interface Dialer0
     ip address negotiated
     ip mtu 1452
     ip nat outside
     ip virtual-reassembly in
     encapsulation ppp
     dialer pool 1
     dialer-group 1
     ppp authentication chap callin
     ppp chap hostname [email protected]
     ppp chap password 7 0007145E2E5A05522E1858
     no cdp enable
    interface BVI2
     ip address
     ip nat inside
     ip virtual-reassembly in
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ip http server
    ip http access-class 23
    ip http authentication local
    ip http secure-server
    ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 10000
    ip nat inside source list 1 interface Dialer0 overload
    ip route Dialer0
    access-list 1 remark SDM_ACL Category=2
    access-list 1 permit
    access-list 1 permit
    access-list 23 permit
    access-list 23 permit
    access-list 23 permit
    access-list 23 permit
    access-list 23 permit
    dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
    no cdp run
    snmp-server community private RW
    snmp-server community public RO
    bridge 1 protocol ieee
    bridge 1 route ip
    bridge 2 protocol ieee
    bridge 2 route ip
    privilege interface level 5 encapsulation
    privilege interface level 5 description
    privilege interface level 5 no encapsulation
    privilege interface level 5 no description
    privilege interface level 5 no
    privilege configure level 5 ip route
    privilege configure level 5 interface
    privilege configure level 5 controller
    privilege configure level 5 ip
    privilege exec level 5 copy running-config tftp
    privilege exec level 5 copy running-config
    privilege exec level 5 copy
    privilege exec level 5 write memory
    privilege exec level 5 write
    privilege exec level 5 configure terminal
    privilege exec level 5 configure
    privilege exec level 5 show processes cpu
    privilege exec level 5 show processes
    privilege exec level 2 show running-config
    privilege exec level 5 show configuration
    privilege exec level 2 show
    privilege exec level 5 clear counters
    privilege exec level 5 clear
    banner exec
    % Password expiration warning.
    Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM) is installed on this device and
    it provides the default username "cisco" for  one-time use. If you have already
    used the username "cisco" to login to the router and your IOS image supports the
    "one-time" user option, then this username has already expired. You will not be
    able to login to the router with this username after you exit this session.
    It is strongly suggested that you create a new username with a privilege level
    of 15 using the following command.
    username <myuser> privilege 15 secret 0 <mypassword>
    Replace <myuser> and <mypassword> with the username and password you want to
    banner login
    ********STC AamalNet Service****************************************
    ********Authorize Access Only. For more Support Call 909************
    line con 0
     privilege level 15
     no modem enable
    line aux 0
    line 2
     no activation-character
     no exec
     transport preferred none
     transport input all
     stopbits 1
    line vty 0 4
     access-class 23 in
     privilege level 2
     transport input telnet ssh
    scheduler max-task-time 5000
    scheduler allocate 20000 1000

    What version are you running?

  • Port forwarding & security level

    [was orig sent to fios internetforum in error- I'm on a dsl line]
    I've set up port forwarding for various services (mIRC, ftp, etc) on my Versalink gateway (Westell 327W router/modem). Ports are OK, Still, I can't access these when my firewall is set to "Typical Security" - I have to go down to Minimum for anything to get through. Is this the way it's supposed to work? I thought that port forwarding opened my selected ports in the firewall without compromising security otherwise. If I have to choose min. security, what's the point of port forwarding? Thanks for any feedback - ed

    At this time I can't tell you about the Security Level setting, but I can answer this question
    eda wrote:
    What's the point of port forwarding?
    I point to the info at
    grc.com's pure CSS menu (Research -> Recent -> NAT Router Security)
    Direct URL: http://www.grc.com/nat/nat.htm
    But, it gets kind of weird.
    For example, I point to the info at
    DSLR (dslreports.com) ->  FAQs -> Verizon Online FiOS FAQ -> Troubleshooting -> What is the NAT Table problem in the Actiontec?
    Direct URL: http://www.dslreports.com/faq/16233
    If you are the original poster (OP) and your issue is solved, please remember to click the "Solution?" button so that others can more easily find it. If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the "Kudos" button.

  • Port Forwarding to view a web-page that isn't on a...

    I have port forwarding set up to access certain services at home, which works fine using my home hub, with the exception of one thing. I'm trying to use a url like the one below, in order that I can gain access to a web page which is on a web-server on a machine in my network that operates on a different port to normal (normal being port 80 or 443 here since this is https):
    within my home network, I use the following address in a browser and it works fine:
    Now I have the port forward application set up on the home hub 3 with the ports set to forward 1234 to 1234 and I have assigned this to the correct machine (i've tried assigning by IP addess and also tried changing the forwarding rule to '1232 to 1234' and amending my url appropriately.
    Unfortunately nothing I have tried is working.
    uPnP is turned off as most of the machines I want to access are on static IP's. (I couldn't assign forwarding rules to the static IP machines with it on).
    Could anyone shed any light on this?
    thanks in advance.
    btw, uPnP is turned off as most of the machines I want to access are on static IP's.
    (I do have a work around by using RDP to another machine and then opening the url using the target machines ip address in the remotely controlled machines browser, but it's far, far from ideal).
    Go to Solution.

    I am not sure you have that quite right on DynDNS, as you have to use two host names, and a webhop to link the two.
    Here is a live example of what I used to have.
    Mt current webserver works on port 80, which is fine.
    My host address is http://forumhelp.dyndns.info which points to the machine on my LAN, which has port 80 forwarded to it.
    Prior to the current arrangement, I had a webserver running from a NAS device on port 8100.
    To ensure that incoming web requests appeared on the standard port, I had to create an additional similar host name, and then create a webhop within DynDNS to do the redirect.
    The web address on the Internet stiil be the same, but would  webhop to http://dummyhost.dyndns.org:8100/
    Have you checked using one of the many port checking websites to see if port 1234 is open?
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • WRT120N - DMZ works, port forwarding doesn't work; only one device allowed in DMZ

    I have an WRT120N router and two DVRs.  I can get either one of the DVRs to work just fine if I put it in the DMZ.  Neither one works when I enable port forwarding.  Since I cannot have two devices in the DMZ with this router, I cannot use that approach (throwing them in the DMZ) as a viable solution.
    I need help finding out what I am doing incorrectly with the port forwarding.  Basically I am creating an entry for each port of each device, going to the correct IP address of that device.  I have tried both protocols as well as just TCP.  This does not work.  Just for fun, I tried using the port range forwarding and this does not work either.  The only thing that works is if I throw either of the devices in the DMZ.
    So what I have essentially is this:
    DEVICE1 / (internal) / PORT 999 / works great in DMZ but not in port fwd
    DEVICE2 / (internal) / PORT 456 / works great in DMZ but not in port fwd
    I have used Wireshark from a remote computer to observe what happens when I navigate to the URL that I need, such as http://myjunk.ddnsprovider.xyz:999 (where 999 is the port on which the device in question serves).  I don't see anything out of the ordinary.  (I assume there is no way to run a packet sniffer on the router.)  (Can we "telnet" into the router, btw?)
    So either I am doing something wrong, or there is a need for a router software update, or the router is blocking some other protocol, etc.  Help is much appreciated!  BTW, tried with the router firewall off, too.  No go.

    Whats the current firmware installed on your router? Have you tried to upgrade the firmware on your Router?

  • Port forwarding issues

    I'm trying to set up Azureus or transmission but I cannot open the ports successfully.
    The setup is: ADSL router -> gigabit wired switch -> macbook pro
    Upnp is enabled on the router. I spent a long time on IRC trying to solve the problem with some azureus support guys, but we couldn't figure it out. I have set up a manual port forward in the router to my mb. I set the correct port in azureus (/transmission), set an exception in the firewall, but a port test still doesn't work. If I disabled the firewall on the router or my mac, it doesn't work. It doesn't work as an administrator or restricted user. It isn't any settings in Azureus or transmission as I haven't changed the defaults. If I enable upnp in azureus, it works but is slower than it should be, and it should work without it. I'm pretty sure it isn't anything to do with the router as a windows PC set up in exactly the same way with a different IP and port works. I believe this is something on the mac that is blocking the connections, but as I've only had this mac 2 days and I've not installed much, I don't see what it can be.
    EDIT: I could be mistaken, but web downloads seem very slow too. I should get around 400kb/s, I actually get about 20-50 on most downloads it seems.
    I've pretty exhaustively tested this now and its getting quite frustrating. I can post Azureus's upnp logs if anyone wants to see them.
    MBP 15" 2.4ghz Mac OS X (10.4.10)

    Thanks for the help.
    I use openDNS, so it shouldn't be slow.
    I've tried transmission as well as Azureus. I've also used limewire which says the connection is 'turbo-charged' even when I disable upnp, so that's no help really.
    Done the last two steps.
    Here's the upnp log for anyone who can understand it. I have no idea what is (near the bottom)
    [15:54:07] group = / started
    [15:54:07] group = / started
    [15:54:07] ignoring loopback address /, interface lo0
    [15:54:07] ignoring IPv6 address /fe80:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%1, interface lo0
    [15:54:07] ignoring loopback address /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0, interface lo0
    [15:54:07] Mapping request: Incoming Peer Data Port (UDP/56456), enabled = true
    [15:54:07] Mapping request: UDP Tracker Client Port (UDP/56456), enabled = true
    [15:54:07] Mapping request: Incoming Peer Data Port (TCP/56456), enabled = true
    [15:54:07] Mapping request: Incoming Peer Data Port (TCP/8080), enabled = false
    [15:54:07] Mapping request: TCP Tracker Port (TCP/6969), enabled = false
    [15:54:07] Mapping request: TCP SSL Tracker Port (TCP/7000), enabled = false
    [15:54:07] Mapping request: UDP Tracker Port (UDP/6969), enabled = false
    [15:54:07] Mapping request: Distributed DB (UDP/56456), enabled = true
    [15:54:07] Device '' is ok: discover=0,found=0,readok=0,read_bad=0,map_ok=0,mapbad=0
    [15:54:07] UPnP: root discovered: usn=uuid:11111111-%04x-c0a8-101001349b0e9::upnp:rootdevice, location=, ni=en0,local=/
    [15:54:07] Downloading:
    [15:54:08] Relative URL base is
    [15:54:08] ZyXEL Prestige 660HW-T1 Internet Sharing Gateway
    [15:54:08] urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:Layer3Forwarding:1:desc= d.xml, control=
    [15:54:08] ZyXEL Prestige 660HW-T1 Internet Sharing Gateway
    [15:54:08] urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1:desc= :80/WanCommonIfc1.xml, control=
    [15:54:08] ZyXEL Prestige 660HW-T1 Internet Sharing Gateway *
    [15:54:08] urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANDSLLinkConfig:1:desc= slLink.xml, control=
    [15:54:08] urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1:desc= Conn.xml, control=
    [15:54:08] ZyXEL Prestige 660HW-T1 Internet Sharing Gateway
    [15:54:08] urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:LANHostConfigManagement:1:desc= 80/LanHostCfgMgmt.xml, control=
    [15:54:08] Found WANIPConnection
    [15:54:08] Downloading:
    [15:54:08] UPnP: Mapping 'Incoming Peer Data Port (UDP/56456)' established
    [15:54:08] UPnP: Mapping 'Incoming Peer Data Port (UDP/56456)' established
    [15:54:08] Mapping UDP Tracker Client Port (UDP/56456) already established
    [15:54:08] UPnP: Mapping 'Incoming Peer Data Port (TCP/56456)' established
    [15:54:08] UPnP: Mapping 'Incoming Peer Data Port (TCP/56456)' established
    [15:54:08] Mapping Distributed DB (UDP/56456) already established
    [15:54:22] Device '' is ok: discover=0,found=0,readok=0,read_bad=0,map_ok=0,mapbad=0
    [15:54:22] UPnP: root discovered: usn=uuid:89bccb25-4b13-af9e-e5ab-94be0185a62b::upnp:rootdevice, location=, ni=fw0,local=/
    [15:54:22] Downloading:

  • NAT / Port Forwarding WRV200

    Hi, I would like to access a Digital Video Recorder ( port 12088) from the internet (Telenet/Belgium). I'm using a Cisco/Linksys WRV200 ( to access the internet. I can access the WRV200 remotely (from Internet) and I've created following port forwards: Port 8016-8016 >>> Port 12088-12088 >>> Connecting to the DVR internally is working fine but accessing the DVR from the outside doesn't work for some reason. Any suggestions?
    Go to Solution.

    These products are being handled by the Cisco Small Business Support Community. (URL: https://supportforums.cisco.com/community/netpro/small-business )

  • Port Mapping / port forwarding - help please...again...

    I am trying to use port forwarding/port mapping but after numerous failures to access my computer from an Internat connection, I am seeking advice or guidance. 
    I have a 2011 Apple Time Capsule, and under the Advanced tab on Airport utilities, Port mapping I have chosen +
    it then comes up with a box in which I have entered the following:
    Service - drop down menu (number of options...but have been advised on other threads to leave as is)
    It then has 5 boxes:
    Public UDP port(s)  - 9080
    Public TCP ports(s) - 9080
    Private IP adress    - 10.0.1.x
    Private UDP Port(s)  - 9080
    Private TCP Port(s)   -9080
    note I have enabled NAT port mapping protocall. My ISP has advised that I cant use port 80 for some reason...but all others should be ok
    note also the 10.0.1.x is a static address i have assigned to teh camera.
    I have a dns provider, and when I use the URL on my LAN - I can access the camera....but as soon as I tryu to access via the WAN - it is unable to reach the server.
    Other points - the TC is in normal mode (i.e. not Bridge)
    Does anyone have any idea if I have set port mapping up correctly; any way i can test, any ideas how i can fix this??
    I have tried this on a number of forums thus far - but no success to date.
    Welcome all and any help!!!

    LaPastenague wrote:
    Have you reset the camera web page to use 9080?
    i have checked again and in teh advances settings of my camera - it asks for HTTP port, HTTPS port, and for Nata Traversal it asks for an alternative HTTP port.   I have entered 9080 against all of these.
    The TC is in normal mode ie as a router.. what modem do you have in front of it? Is it in bridge? Does the TC get the public IP or does the modem route the address as well? You will have no success via double NAT.
    not sure what brand the modem is - but i can confirm it is set up as a modem only with both the router and wireless functions turned off.
    The Modem is not in Bridge mode - neither is my ATC.  The ATC gets the public IP address via the adsl modem.  so double NAT should not be an issue
    When you say you can access the camera using URL on lan, is that using the new port 9080? Please give explicitly what address you use.. (you can hide the full public address) and port.. and AFAIK this should NOT work as the TC would have to handle NAT Loopback which would amaze me if it does. According to all the info around the web the TC has no NAT Loopback and therefore should not be able to handle the address. I need to know therefore the exact address you use
    this is actually using the url that my dns provider provides to me as i do not have a static ip address.   albeit this appears temperamental as to when it works sometimes from my LAN. after which it requests user name and password and I can then see the live stream.
    one problem I have just noted is that when checking teh DNS setup - it still appears to default to port 80 which my isp has advised i can not use) so i am checking with teh dns provider how i change this.
    The good news is port mapping must work on my ATC, as I have just set up my slingbox using their automatic port mapping assistant and it seemed to set up with no issues...i have also just confirmed that the stream can be viewed on the internet.  

  • HH3 port forwarding for Squeezebox Controller

    I followed the instructions from slimdevices about setting up the 3 specific TCP and UDP ports for port forwarding, and not using the DMZ. I got my external IP address from "whatsmyip", and I couldn't connect my Squeezebox Controller through the HH3 to the Squeezebox server running on my NAS. The help desk in India fowarded all TCP and UDP ports, activated the DMZ and switched the firewall off! Somewhat dangerous I felt. It still didn't work, so I've re-enabled the firewall, and switched off the DMZ.
    Is there an simple test to check whether the HH3 is doing as requested? I've tried pinging the external IP address from my office/work PC and a neighbour's PC but there's no response.
    Any suggestions gratefully received.
    Graham Dodds

    gdodds wrote:
    Some more information - I've just realised that the HH3 (and maybe the whole of BTBroadBand?) uses dynamic IP addresses. I have to put the IP address of the remote library (the HH3 and NAS in this case) into the Controller, so if this changes while I'm away from base, I won't know what IP address to set for the library, and if I use a dynamic DNS, I can't enter the text into the Controller! What am I supposed to do?
    If you have a PC that would be on while you are away from home you can used no-ip.com and run a small bit of software that updates them so that you just have a standard URL all the time.

  • BT Infinity, Home Hub 3, CCTV, Port Forwarding

    I have a HH3 on Infinity and have set up my CCTV DVR on port forwarding as per the online guide (by adding a new game/application):
    Initially everything works fine when accessing the CCTV via the external unique URL provided by Samsung. But after say a week or so I'm unable to access the CCTV from outside the network. When logging into it on the local IP address it works fine so I know it's not an internal setup issue. But I can't seem to figure out why it would start working fine externally, then suddenly stop?
    Would the HH3's device limit have an impact on this?
    Any advice would be much appreciated.

    You need to give the CCTV DVR, a static IP address, as DHCP does not always work properly for very long.
    These pages may help, as they deal with one popular system, you should be able to adapt it for your system.
    You nedd some form of DDNS service, as your public IP address will change.
    Apollo Zeus CCTV - Port forwarding, plus iPad and PC instructions.
    A general guide is on this page.
    Port forwarding problems
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • Lync Edge and Proxy server public DNS records port forwarding rules

    Hi All
    I have question in regards to port forwarding rules for port 443 of simple url.
    I have 4 public ip addresses.
    1 edge server (4 nics , 3 running with different ip for sip, meet and dialin in DMZ network, 1 connected to internal local network).
    1 proxy server (2 nics, 1 running with an ip which is in DMZ same as edge, and 1 connected to internal local network)
    1 front end (lync 2013 standard installed.) connected to internal local network
    1 office web apps . connected to internal local network
    The question is that I am using 3 public ip addresses respectively on public DNS records for sip, meet and dialin(av) and using port 443 which has been set on edge server. So , I can use 3 DMZ network ip address on edge for sip, meet
    and dialin (av) port forwarding from 3 public ip addresses as per in Microsoft document.
    However, I also have a reverse proxy .Hence, my understanding is all public DNS records except SIP and port 443 should be pointed and port forwarded to reverse proxy ip address which is in DMZ network as it would redirect 443 and 80 to 4443 and 8080 to front
    Now the question has been clear, if simple URLs public DNS record and port forwarding rules for port 443 should be pointed to reverse proxy server, why they need to be set on each ip address and port number in Front end server topology to edge server?
    If anyone knows, please give a help how to set it correct and what is supposed to be a correct configuration for a topology lync 2013

    Hi George
    Thanks for your reply. Attached is my topology which could make my it bit clear. You may see the public dns host record from the image. I set sip, meet, dialin , and owa 4 host records. The first 3 records are pointed to lync edge by doing a NAT with port
    443 which is the same as per you said. However my understanding is they should be pointed to reverse proxy instead as for instance, I need meet.xxx.com with port 443 to be redirected to port 4443 through reverse proxy server to the front end. So when the external
    customers who do not have lync client installed to their machine then we can shoot a lync meeting and send to them via outlook and they just need to click on join lync meeting link in the email to join in such a meeting based on IE. (Is my understanding correct?)
    If lync web meeting works like so , then the question is why I need to set three SAME addresses in front end topology builder for edge and make them point to edge server instead? 
    1. Access Edge service (SIP.XXX.COM) ---> I understand that it is used for external login lync front end.
    2. Webconf edge server(Can I set to meet.xxx.com which is the same as simple URL that points to reverse proxy?) ----> If I can set this address to be the same as simple url address that points to reverse proxy, why should it need to be NATed to edge
    instead? TO BE HONEST, if I HAVE tested, if I set this url as sip.xxx.com which means to use a single FQDN and ip address with port 444 and points simple url meet.xxx.com to reverse proxy, it will still work to join lync meeting sent by
    outlook.I DO NOT REALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT this URL used for at this stage.
    3. AV edge --- same as webconf
    Wen Fei Cao

  • Intra-net vs. iner-net port forwarding

    If I have a server with two nics, one facing out and the other in, and I set up port forwarding on that server so that requests coming in on the outward facing nic for port 80 go to another machine on the intranet, port 8080, and internal clients on the intranet want to get to the same port via the public url for it, can I do that?
    Can the natd.plist specify both of the nics for port redirection? Will that work?
    I ask because I first defined the port redirection for the inward facing nic and, when I try to access it from a client on the intranet, I'm told that there's no answer at that port. (Temporarily unable to connect to Connection refused) is the ip address of the inward-facing nic on the server with natd running.

    If I have a server with two nics, one facing out and the other in, and I set up port forwarding on that server so that requests coming in on the outward facing nic for port 80 go to another machine on the intranet, port 8080, and internal clients on the intranet want to get to the same port via the public url for it, can I do that?
    Can the natd.plist specify both of the nics for port redirection? Will that work?
    I ask because I first defined the port redirection for the inward facing nic and, when I try to access it from a client on the intranet, I'm told that there's no answer at that port. (Temporarily unable to connect to Connection refused) is the ip address of the inward-facing nic on the server with natd running.

  • I need help changing settings (port forward?) after a physical server move

    Hi! I have a 10.6 server that I use at home. All is well and good there. The Airport Extreme assigns IP addresses for the network. I have www.mydomain.com that runs on the server -- I use it for testing web apps, etc. I use DynDNS with their client app that send the Comcast dynamic IP address back to DynDNS to keep the server on the grid.
    My friend has a 10.6 server. He has www.hisdomain.com as a home business. He also uses DynDNS in a similar way. His landlord just informed him that his apartment is going to be sold from underneath him and he has to move ASAP. It looks like he won't have a permanent place for a month or two, so I offered to let him keep his server at my place.
    We both run websites on port 443 and port 80.
    After attaching his server to my network, his domain name updates, but typing www.hisdomain.com into a browser lands me on www.mydomain.com. I guess that the problem is port forwarding... the router sends all 443 and 80 requests to my server.
    How do I configure this so that services for hisdomain.com are forwarded to his server while services for mydomain.com are forwarded to my server?

    Short answer: you can't, although there are a couple of ways to sort-of kluge it.
    Long answer: When your router gets an incoming connection, the only thing it has to go on is the IP address and port number (the domain name is sent much later, after TCP session with the server is established). So unless you have multiple public IP addresses (and a router that can handle them), or want to put the sites on different ports...
    Speaking of which, here's kluge #1: run his server on different ports (e.g. 81 and 444, or maybe 8080 and 8043) and set the router to forward them to his server. Problem: the user has to include the port number in the URL when they connect, or they'll get your server.
    Partial solution (and kluge #2): add a virtual site on your server, with the hostname www.hisdomain.com, go to its Aliases section, and add a rule in the URL Aliases & Redirects section, with these settings:
    Type: RedirectMatch
    Pattern: (.*)$
    Path: http://www.hisdomain.com:81$1
    Then build an SSL version that redirects to https://www.hisdomain.com:444$1. Problem: when the client connects, they'll get your SSL certificate instead of his (again, it happens before the client sends the domain name it's trying to reach), and get a cert error. No fix for this.
    Kluge #3: instead of making the virtual site redirect clients to his server, add a reverse proxy so your server'll transparently forward requests to his server, and proxy the replies. I haven't done this, but I think what you need to do is make a virtual site (as above), and under its Proxy tab (the one under the virtual site, not the one under the Settings section), check the Enable Reverse Proxy box, leave the Proxy Path as "/" and the Sticky Session Identifier field blank, and add a Balancer member with the Server URL "http://hisinternalipaddress" and a blank Route. Or something like that. Again, you could do the same for https as well, but you'll have the same certificate problem.

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