Usage of Parameters/Parameter groups/parameter profiles in POSDM?

Hello Experts,
Can you please help me understand the Concept of Usage of Parameters/Parameter groups/parameter profiles in POSDM?
Define Parameters for Rules?

Parameters for an item are currently only applicable for the following display type:
- lov: passing parameters to the LOV group
- groupLink: passing parameters to the task flow of the called group
Steven Davelaar,
JHeadstart Team.

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    R12의 Sales Order find 화면의 Item LOV를 control 하는 parameter나
    Profile은 무엇인지 알아본다.
    R12에서는 System Parameter에 있는 'Item Validation Org' 값이 Item LOV
    값을 control 한다.
    1. Using Order Management Super User responsibility
    2. Setup > System Parameters > Values
    For example:
    -. 만일 Find Window에 Operating Unit가 명기되어 있다면,
    명기된 Operating Unit에 default로 묶인 Item Validation Org의 item을
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    -. 만일 Find Window에 Operating Unit이 명기되어 있지 않다면,
    Item LOV는 default Operating Unit(MO: Default Operating Unit)과 묶인
    Item Validation Org를 기본으로 한 item을 보여준다.
    같은 logic이 또한 Multi-Org Concurrent Program pararmeter window의 Item
    LOV에도 적용된다.
    Note 393724.1

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    The semantics for parameters in SQL Server is copy-in/copy-out. However, this does not mean that there cannot be optimizations. That is, there is no need to copy the BLOB, as long as the procedure does not change it. Whether they actually have such an optimization,
    I don't know.
    I composed the repro below, and it is sort of interesting. If I restart my instance (SQL 2014), the memory usage grows with about 40 M for each nesting call, which certainly indicates that the BLOB is copied over and over again. But if I then run it again,
    the growth is not the same. This may be because, it uses buffers already available. (A BLOB has to be a handle like a table when it is over some size.) Then again, it means that it is squeezing something else out of the cache.
    CREATE PROCEDURE K  @h varchar(MAX) AS
       SELECT SUM(pages_kb)*8192 AS K, datalength(@h) as Dlen FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks
       SELECT @h = ''
    CREATE PROCEDURE L  @h varchar(MAX) AS
       SELECT SUM(pages_kb)*8192 AS L1, datalength(@h) as Dlen FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks
       EXEC K @h
       SELECT SUM(pages_kb)*8192 AS L2, datalength(@h) as Dlen FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks
       --SELECT @h = ''
    CREATE PROCEDURE M  @h varchar(MAX) AS
       SELECT SUM(pages_kb)*8192 AS M1, datalength(@h) as Dlen FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks
       EXEC L @h
       SELECT SUM(pages_kb)*8192 AS M2, datalength(@h) as Dlen FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks
       --SELECT @h = ''
    CREATE PROCEDURE N  @h varchar(MAX) AS
       SELECT SUM(pages_kb)*8192 AS N1, datalength(@h) as Dlen FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks
       EXEC M @h
       SELECT SUM(pages_kb)*8192 AS N2, datalength(@h) as Dlen FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks
       --SELECT @h = ''
    DECLARE @h varchar(MAX) = replicate(cast('ABCD' AS varchar(MAX)), 1E7)
    EXEC N @h
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Having issues viewing interactive parameters and group tree in Visual Studio 2013 design view.

    Hey Guys,
    I'm a web developer (front end and back end, kind of a one man army sort of deal) and my current employer wishes to use crystal reports to display the results of the online survey apps/tools I have been working on for the last few months. However, I have been having trouble getting the reports to render in browser, and a lot of the ui components of the browser based report viewer (the interactive parameters and group tree) will not render properly in the design view of visual studio (ive attached a screen cap of what I'm talking about) or in the browser itself.
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    Additional info:
    Visual studio version: 2013 professional (trial)
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    Server and OS versions: IIS 7.5 on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
    Any help you guys could provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Mike
    First thing you want to do is uninstall CRVS SP 9 and install CRVS SP 10. SP 10 is the first SP to support VS 2013.
    Once that is done, let us know if that helped any.
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

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    Hi Monica,
    did u find an answer for this query on Target groups
    Please let me know

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    Can I ask how one of the import parameter "DUE_DATE" works?
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    Do any of you know how this parameter is used?
    Thank you very much and best regards,

    Hi Sampath,
    I tried both the FM's and couldn't work, I was looking all the user exits and BADI's(there were some posts in SDN with all user exits and BAID's ) and non seems to be talking about this problem. Could you please suggest me if you know something?
    I tried in service market place and couldn't find any notes also.
    and one more question you have written i should try IMPLICTLEY for User exit. could you please tell me what does this mean?

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    I hit the jspx page with parameters like so: .../page.jspx?ulrp1=123&ulrp2=456
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    What am I doing wrong?
    Thanks for your help.

    Yes, with the #{param...} notation you refer to a request parameter. When you do hide/show, a new request is sent to the server without the params, which causes JHeadstart to reexecute the query because the bind parameter values have changed (to null).
    The ADFBindingFilter ensures that the "bindings" request attribute is set on each request, that's why #{bindings... expression keeps working.
    In general, you should try to avoid use of request parameters when using JSF. It is better to pass around context state using managed beans.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • No option to reorder the Parameters in group Dynamic prompt

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    Is there any workaround to make it in order?
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    I think you are referring to Standard Parameters.
    I am referring to Dynamic and have to use the Existing one which was created using Business View Manager. After selecting that I can order how it needs to be display in Value Section. Even i select Country / Region / State in the order i want, the prompt displays properly but associated label text displays other way like (City/Country/Region).
    in the example report i posted in the post 1,  open it up, Expand Parameter Field, Right Click and select Parameter Order
    You will see City/Country/Region. If you edit one of the parameter, the order of display would be Country/Region/City.
    On Preview Press F5 and in that screen, Verify the label text for this prompt group.. it will show as City/Country/Region but the prompts will be in order like Country / Region / City.

  • Unable to push user profiles to AD groups with Profile Manager since upgrade to Server v3

    Since upgrading our OS X Mac server from 10.8.5 to 10.9.1, and OS X Server app to v3 (now 3.0.2) I have been unable to push or modify user profiles to AD groups (or AD users) using Profile Manager. This was working fine on OS X 10.8.5. Pushing device profiles is still working OK after the upgrade.
    From what I can see from the logs on the client side and server side, it seems related to a problem with the mdm authtoken.
    In the client console I can see this entry:
    27/01/14 14:30:15.844 mdmclient[38557]: *** ERROR *** [Agent:636102071] Unable to proceed with connection to: https://ourserver.ourdomain/devicemanagement/api/device/mdm_connect ( because don't have valid MDM AuthToken
    On the server, in the php.log I can see the corresponding attempt to authenticate:
    1::Jan 27 14:29:50.930 [158] <> {require_once (mdm_checkin.php:11)} vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv - PUT mdm_checkin
    0::Jan 27 14:29:50.931 [158] <> checkin: 'UserAuthenticate'
    1::Jan 27 14:29:50.936 [158] <> {Target_for_incoming_request (target.php:209)} Found target NETWORK LS: <User[156]@ourclientmachine>
    0::Jan 27 14:29:50.937 [158] <> {LabSession_validate_auth_token (mdm_checkin.php:22)} Failed auth for target NETWORK LS: <User[156]@Device[1697]>, incoming_request={
    0::Jan 27 14:29:50.937 [158] <>   'MessageType'=>'UserAuthenticate',
    0::Jan 27 14:29:50.937 [158] <>   'UDID'=>'17aff5c5a40f51acbbd78023d0028c80',
    0::Jan 27 14:29:50.937 [158] <>   'UserID'=>'A5EA25B7-7CCD-4EF4-B240-F23DED275EEC'
    0::Jan 27 14:29:50.937 [158] <> }
    1::Jan 27 14:29:50.965 [158] <> {SendFinalOutput (mdm_checkin.php:145)} Sent Final Output (407 bytes)
    1::Jan 27 14:29:50.965 [158] <> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - /devicemanagement/mdm/mdm_checkin
    0::Jan 27 14:29:50.965 [158] <> {SendFinalOutput (mdm_checkin.php:145)} Completed in 34ms | 200 OK [https://ourserver.ourdomain/devicemanagement/api/device/mdm_checkin]
    So I can see there is a failure to authenticate, but don't really know how to troubleshoot this further. Or maybe this is just a bug in the new server app?
    I have tried to remove and re-enroll clients in Profile Manager but no joy there.
    In the client's Keychain I can see an MDM user AuthToken linked to the correct user account.
    Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions

    I just wanted to update my post, as this issue for me is resolved.
    I uninstalled and reinstalled the on our Mac server, since then I've been able to push profiles to AD Users and Groups. I guess that in my case the Server app got into a bit of a mess when it was upgraded to v3.
    Now the next headache I have is that my AD Groups which are displayed in Profile Manager are not syncing any recent changes. I think I'm probably seeing the same issue as described in this post

  • CODE GROUP( Catalog Profile )

    Hi Sapient,
    Is it possible to assign more no. of code group with a single catalog type like damage ( Catalog type "C" ) for a single equipment only.If it is possible then can anyone tell me how to creat the same and display it.
    Edited by: Amit  Rana on Apr 14, 2009 10:26 AM

    You can creat multiple code groups within same catalog.But when you define catalog profile for technical object you need to  include all those code groups which you want to be available.If you want to include multiple then you need to put each code group against related catalog in catalog profile or add * for given catalog to include all code groups defined for damage catalog.

  • Metadata Groups in Profiles

    Hello I'm in the middle of a process of figuring something out and I'm a little lost on what UCM is doing.
    Ok so I have a profile with 8 different groups of metadata, and I'm trying to recycle it so it's the same page but only showing groups needed for this new type of item. So what I was trying to do was use the idoc command <$dpPromote("xMetadata:isExcluded", "1")$>, and it does exclude the metadata field from the form (I think it does atleast); but the group header is still there and doesn't hide or show anything because there is nothing there. Now if I was to go to the Type drop down on the Edit Rule Field for that metadata and click them as Exclude from that then the group goes away, but now I can't access it on the full form I'm using. I'm wondering if I'm either missing something (the idoc pdf doesn't really give much on "field:isExcluded", or if there is another way to do this?

    you could do what jiri suggested.
    1) create 1 additional rule for hiding your xMetadata.
    2)To this rule under General Tab select "Use Rule Activation Condition" --> go to custom tab and add
    ( (dpAction like "Info") and (dDoctype like "<value>"))
    3) add the metadata and select hidden from dropdown.
    4) Add this rule to your profile. Make sure this rule is after your original rule for displaying xMetadata.

  • BIDS 2008 - Dimension Usage new relationship Measure Group Column list empty?

    Ive been updating my underlying schema, and DSV and now Im having to update some of the Dimensions.  Looks like things got a bit "sideways" somewhere along the way.  Now that Im going back to reassign dimensions being used within the
    Dimension Usage tab of the Cube, the measure group column list is empty when I go to create a new relationship (regular type)

    Hi shiftbit,
    According to your description, you get an empty Measure Group Columns list when defining relationship. Right?
    Based on your screenshot, you may notice that Measure group table is empty, so definitely it can't show any column in the dropdown list. If there's columns in the measure group that are related to the dimension columns, at least it will show the fact
    table for Measure group.
    In this scenario, please check if the fact table for the Measure group is existing. Re-process the Measure group and try again. If the issue persists, please re-create that measure group.
    Define Relationship Dialog Box (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou
    TechNet Community Support

  • Usages of Vendor Accounting Group in FI

    Could you explain me the Functionality of Vendor Accounting Group in FI Side in Detail.

    Dear Priya,
    Go through this link
    I hope this will help you,

  • Usage of Redo Log Groups & Disk Contention

    I have a peculiar problem here.
    I have the redo log groups/members configured in the following manner.Please note that the disks are in the A-B-A-B-A-B sequence for successive redo groups.
    GROUP#      MEMBER
    11      /origlogA/log_g11m1.dbf
    11      /mirrlogA/log_g11m2.dbf
    12      /origlogB/log_g12m1.dbf
    12      /mirrlogB/log_g12m2.dbf
    13      /origlogA/log_g13m1.dbf
    13      /mirrlogA/log_g13m2.dbf
    14      /origlogB/log_g14m1.dbf
    14      /mirrlogB/log_g14m2.dbf
    15      /origlogA/log_g15m1.dbf
    15      /mirrlogA/log_g15m2.dbf
    16      /origlogB/log_g16m1.dbf
    16      /mirrlogB/log_g16m2.dbf
    17      /origlogA/log_g17m1.dbf
    17      /mirrlogA/log_g17m2.dbf
    18      /origlogB/log_g18m1.dbf
    18      /mirrlogB/log_g18m2.dbf
    19      /origlogA/log_g19m1.dbf
    19      /mirrlogA/log_g19m2.dbf
    20      /origlogB/log_g20m1.dbf
    20      /mirrlogB/log_g20m2.dbf
    21      /origlogA/log_g21m1.dbf
    21      /mirrlogA/log_g21m2.dbf
    22      /origlogB/log_g22m1.dbf
    22      /mirrlogB/log_g22m2.dbf
    23      /origlogA/log_g23m1.dbf
    23      /mirrlogA/log_g23m2.dbf
    24      /origlogB/log_g24m1.dbf
    24      /mirrlogB/log_g24m2.dbf
    But oracle uses these groups in a zig-zag manner(pls refer the list below).Here, after group# 15, it is group# 11 , which is used. And the members of these two groups are in the same set of disks ie; "/origlogA and /mirrlogA"
    (Note:The following result is ordered by sequence #)
    16      263076           /origlogB/log_g16m1.dbf
    16      263076           /mirrlogB/log_g16m2.dbf
    17      263077           /origlogA/log_g17m1.dbf
    17      263077           /mirrlogA/log_g17m2.dbf
    18      263078           /origlogB/log_g18m1.dbf
    18      263078           /mirrlogB/log_g18m2.dbf
    19      263079           /origlogA/log_g19m1.dbf
    19      263079           /mirrlogA/log_g19m2.dbf
    20      263080           /origlogB/log_g20m1.dbf
    20      263080           /mirrlogB/log_g20m2.dbf
    21      263081           /origlogA/log_g21m1.dbf
    21      263081           /mirrlogA/log_g21m2.dbf
    22      263082           /origlogB/log_g22m1.dbf
    22      263082           /mirrlogB/log_g22m2.dbf
    23      263083           /origlogA/log_g23m1.dbf
    23      263083           /mirrlogA/log_g23m2.dbf
    24      263084           /origlogB/log_g24m1.dbf
    24      263084           /mirrlogB/log_g24m2.dbf
    13      263085           /origlogA/log_g13m1.dbf
    13      263085           /mirrlogA/log_g13m2.dbf
    14      263086           /origlogB/log_g14m1.dbf
    14      263086           /mirrlogB/log_g14m2.dbf
    15      263087           /origlogA/log_g15m1.dbf
    15      263087           /mirrlogA/log_g15m2.dbf
    11      263088           /origlogA/log_g11m1.dbf
    11      263088           /mirrlogA/log_g11m2.dbf
    12      263089           /origlogB/log_g12m1.dbf
    12      263089           /mirrlogB/log_g12m2.dbf
    Is there anyway, which we can force oracle to use the log groups in the right succession of log groups ? (like 11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 etc.).
    I want to make sure that there will be no chances of contention, due to the "archiving of the offline redo log & LGWR writing to the online redo log" happening on the same disk.
    Thanks in advance,

    There's no way to achieve what you're trying to do except:
    1/ switch logfile till the current group is the last one.
    2/ drop groups from 1 to (last - 2)
    3/ create groups 1, 2, 3 (or 11, 12, 13, 14, ... don't care)
    4/ Switch logfile Twice
    5/ Alter system checkpoint
    6/ Drop the former 2 or 3 remaining groups (19, 20, 21, ...)
    7/ Recreate them.
    But i'd like to point that having them go in order is perfectly useless.
    And that you're a priori doing something dangerous. Having your log members on the same disk for the different groups. usually I'd choose to
    . Put member 1 on disk 1
    . Put member 2 on disk 2
    . Increase the number of archiver processes
    . ensure disk 1 and 2 are not RAID disk(click)

  • Usage by cost centre group

    I have multiple cost centres linked to one cost center group. How do I get aggregated issues to the cost center group. When I run by cost centre group and drill down it shows it by cost centre
    Thanks for your assistance

    use transaction mb51 and enter movement type 201  run the report.
    you can also enter cost center number in report if required by cost centres.
    points if helpful/solved
    Edited by: RAMESH ARORA on Feb 27, 2008 2:02 PM

Maybe you are looking for