Use DOM to get the element value of XML document?

I can not to use the method getNodeValue to get the element value of XML document. How can I do for it?
For example, for element
<address>125 Smith Avenue</address>
how to get the value "125 Smith Avenue" by using DOM?

Thanks for all of you.
The code indicates that I need to get the node by tag name. If I do not know the distribution of the elements and want to traverse all nodes. If the node contains value, I retrieve the value. How to implement the general case.
For example, my XML file represent a directory hierarchy and looks like

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    I removed the namespace, i can get a element value.
    How can i get a element value with namespace?
    --1. Error ----------- xml ------------------------------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    *<TaxInvoice xmlns="urn:kr:or:kec:standard:Tax:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformation:1:0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:kr:or:kec:standard:Tax:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformation:1:0">*
    --2. sucess ----------- xml ---------remove namespace---------------------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    ---------- program ------------
    procedure insert_table
    l_clob clob,
    wellformed out boolean,
    error out varchar2
    l_parser dbms_xmlparser.Parser;
    xmldoc xmldom.domdocument;
    l_doc dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
    l_nl dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    l_n dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
    l_root DBMS_XMLDOM.domelement;
    l_node DBMS_XMLDOM.domnode;
    l_node2 DBMS_XMLDOM.domnode;
    buf VARCHAR2(30000);
    xmlparseerror exception;
    TYPE tab_type is Table of xml_upload%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab tab_type := tab_type();
    pragma exception_init(xmlparseerror, -20100);
    l_node_name varchar2(300);
    l_parser := dbms_xmlparser.newParser;
    l_doc := DBMS_XMLDOM.newdomdocument;
    dbms_xmlparser.parseClob(l_parser, l_clob);
    l_doc := dbms_xmlparser.getDocument(l_parser);
    l_n := dbms_xmldom.makeNode(l_doc);
    l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectNodes(l_n, '/TaxInvoice/TaxInvoiceDocument');
    FOR cur_tax In 0..dbms_xmldom.getLength(l_nl) - 1 LOOP
    l_n := dbms_xmldom.item(l_nl, cur_tax);
    t_tab(t_tab.last).ed_id := '5000000';
    dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf(l_n, 'IssueID/text()', t_tab(t_tab.last).tid_issue_id);
    dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf(l_n, 'TypeCode/text()', t_tab(t_tab.last).tid_type_code);
    FORALL i IN t_tab.first .. t_tab.last
    INSERT INTO xml_upload VALUES t_tab(i);
    wellformed := true;
    when xmlparseerror then
    wellformed := false;
    error := sqlerrm;
    end insert_table;

    l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectNodes(l_n, '/TaxInvoice/TaxInvoiceDocument');try to change as follow
    l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes(l_n,'/TaxInvoice/TaxInvoiceDocument','xmlns="urn:kr:or:kec:standard:Tax:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformation:1:0"');Edited by: AlexAnd on Aug 17, 2011 12:36 AM

  • Issue using extractval to get the node value when there is namespace

    I created the db with a XMLType column:
    CREATE TABLE mytable1 (key_column VARCHAR2(10) PRIMARY KEY, xml_column1 XMLType);
    Then inserted one row:
    INSERT INTO mytable1 (key_column,xml_column1) VALUES ('test', XMLType('<MY_TEST xmlns="" version="1.0">
    Then I ran:
    select extractValue(xml_column1,'MY_TEST/TEST_NAME') policy from mytable1;
    There is nothing returned.
    If i do not have "xmlns="" " in MY_TEST node, then the correct value returned.
    Please advise how could I get the node value when there is namespace? Thanks.

    This is a known issue. In the third parameter of extractvalue, set the namesapce. Then it works.

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    <?xml version = "1.0"?>
         <person name="Joe" age="22" />
    In mydox.xml, I want to get the attribute values of element person. Of course,
    in the actual XML file, it is more complicated.
    However, I get the following run-time error,
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at ParserTest.main( on line element.hasAttribute("name")
    import javax.xml.transform.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    public class ParserTest2
         public static void main(String[] args) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException
              String xmlFile = "mydoc.xml";
              doc = getDocumentFromFile(xmlFile);
              Element element = doc.getElementById("person");
              //Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
              if (element.hasAttribute("name"))
              {     System.out.println("attribute = " + element.getAttribute("name"));
         public static Document getDocumentFromFile(String xmlFile)
                        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                        DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                        Document doc = builder.parse(new File(xmlFile));
                        return doc;
                   catch(IOException e)
                   {     e.printStackTrace();
                        return null;
                   catch(SAXException e)
                   {     e.printStackTrace();
                        return null;
                   catch(ParserConfigurationException e)
                   {     e.printStackTrace();
                        return null;
         private static Document doc;
    any ideas? Thanks!!

    Thrown when an application attempts to use null in a case where an object is required. These include:
    Calling the instance method of a null object.
    Accessing or modifying the field of a null object.
    Taking the length of null as if it were an array.
    Accessing or modifying the slots of null as if it were an array.
    Throwing null as if it were a Throwable value.
    You know what line it happens on, so you know which of these cases applies. So you know that variable "element" is null at that point. How could it come to be null? You assign to it only once, two lines above. How could that assignment be null? Check the documentation for [url]org.w3c.dom.Document.getElementById().
    Repeat every time you get one of those exceptions.

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    So far i got all relation between parent and child
    but I can t get the sum value of all parent in every levels ,
    This is what i get so far 
     WITH EmpCTE( MS_ID ,  MMS_ID , Qty , FLG , lvl)
                        SELECT        Child_Code, Parent_Code , Cast(1 as float) ,  GSS_HR_COSTRELATION.FLG  , 0 AS lvl
                        FROM            GSS_HR_COSTRELATION
                        WHERE Child_Code  =  '01'
                        UNION ALL
                        SELECT        Child_Code, Parent_Code , Cast(1 as float) , E.FLG  , M.lvl + 1
                        FROM            GSS_HR_COSTRELATION AS E
                        JOIN EmpCTE AS M  ON E.Parent_Code = M.MS_ID WHERE  E.FLG is null
                        SELECT  A.Cost_ID , MS_ID  , A.Cost_CODE , A.Cost_name ,  MMS_ID , FLG , ISNULL(A.TOTAL , 0) As Cost , Cast(A.month AS nvarchar) As month , lvl From EmpCTE  LEFT join
                        SELECT  Cost_ID , Cost_CODE , Cost_Name ,  Sum(QTY*PRICE) AS TOTAL ,month(DateCreated) AS month
                        FROM            GSS_HR_COSTCENTER LEFT JOIN
                        GSS_AC_WTHDRAW ON GSS_HR_COSTCENTER.Cost_ID = GSS_AC_WTHDRAW.line_id
                        GROUP BY Cost_ID , Cost_Name , Cost_CODE ,month(DateCreated) ) A ON A.Cost_code = EmpCTE.MS_ID Order by lvl , A.Cost_CODE
    I am using Sql server 2012 
    this is my script of my database (include data)
    /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[GSS_AC_WTHDRAW]    Script Date: 11/23/2014 3:31:31 PM ******/
    [MATID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [MATNO] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [STPRICE_ID] [int] NULL,
    [MS_CD] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [QTY] [decimal](16, 2) NULL,
    [PRICE] [float] NULL,
    [DateCreated] [datetime] NULL,
    [Name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [DeptID] [int] NULL,
    [CreatedID_by] [int] NULL,
    [JvHeader_ID] [int] NULL,
    [line_id] [int] NULL,
    [createby] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER]    Script Date: 11/23/2014 3:31:31 PM ******/
    [Cost_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [Cost_code] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [Cost_name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [Dept_ID] [int] NULL,
    [DeptGroup_ID] [int] NULL,
    [Cost_code] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION]    Script Date: 11/23/2014 3:31:31 PM ******/
    [Relation_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [Child_Code] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [Parent_Code] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [FLG] [int] NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_AC_WTHDRAW] ([MATID], [MATNO], [STPRICE_ID], [MS_CD], [QTY], [PRICE], [DateCreated], [Name], [DeptID], [CreatedID_by], [JvHeader_ID], [line_id], [createby]) VALUES (1002, N'1411-0130', 1385, N'9101101', CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(16, 2)), 18,
    CAST(0x0000A3DB00000000 AS DateTime), N'0', 13, NULL, NULL, 49, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_AC_WTHDRAW] ([MATID], [MATNO], [STPRICE_ID], [MS_CD], [QTY], [PRICE], [DateCreated], [Name], [DeptID], [CreatedID_by], [JvHeader_ID], [line_id], [createby]) VALUES (1003, N'1411-0130', 1466, N'910201', CAST(50.00 AS Decimal(16, 2)), 18, CAST(0x0000A3DB00000000
    AS DateTime), N'0', 13, NULL, NULL, 49, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_AC_WTHDRAW] ([MATID], [MATNO], [STPRICE_ID], [MS_CD], [QTY], [PRICE], [DateCreated], [Name], [DeptID], [CreatedID_by], [JvHeader_ID], [line_id], [createby]) VALUES (1004, N'1411-0131', 1456, N'914201', CAST(150.00 AS Decimal(16, 2)), 27.25,
    CAST(0x0000A3DB00000000 AS DateTime), N'0', 13, NULL, NULL, 58, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_AC_WTHDRAW] ([MATID], [MATNO], [STPRICE_ID], [MS_CD], [QTY], [PRICE], [DateCreated], [Name], [DeptID], [CreatedID_by], [JvHeader_ID], [line_id], [createby]) VALUES (1005, N'1411-0131', 1118, N'914016', CAST(31.00 AS Decimal(16, 2)), 105, CAST(0x0000A3DB00000000
    AS DateTime), N'0', 13, NULL, NULL, 59, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_AC_WTHDRAW] ([MATID], [MATNO], [STPRICE_ID], [MS_CD], [QTY], [PRICE], [DateCreated], [Name], [DeptID], [CreatedID_by], [JvHeader_ID], [line_id], [createby]) VALUES (1006, N'1411-0131', 105, N'914015', CAST(34.00 AS Decimal(16, 2)), 70, CAST(0x0000A3DB00000000
    AS DateTime), N'0', 13, NULL, NULL, 59, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (107, N'01', N'SME', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (1, N'02', N'ADMIN', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (2, N'03', N'MANUFACTURE', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (15, N'11', N'Pattern', 11, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (104, N'21', N'Foundry', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (16, N'2100', N'FD Common', NULL, 2)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (41, N'2110', N'Melting', 12, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (108, N'2110-00', N'Melting Common', 12, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (123, N'2110-01', N'Melting Repairing', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (109, N'2110-01-0101', N'Melting_เตา.1', 12, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (124, N'2110-01-0201', N'Melting CM1', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (125, N'2110-01-0202', N'Melting CM2', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (126, N'2110-01-0203', N'Melting CM3', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (127, N'2110-01-0204', N'Melting CM4', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (128, N'2110-01-0205', N'Melting CM5', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (129, N'2110-01-0206', N'Melting CM6', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (130, N'2110-01-0207', N'Melting CM7', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (131, N'2110-01-0208', N'Melting CM8', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (132, N'2110-01-0209', N'Melting CM9', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (110, N'2110-02-0102', N'Melting_เตา.2', 12, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (111, N'2110-03-0103', N'Melting_เตา.3', 12, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (112, N'2110-04-0104', N'Melting_เตา.4', 12, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (113, N'2110-05-0105', N'Melting_เตา.5', 12, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (114, N'2110-06-0106', N'Melting_เตา.6', 12, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (115, N'2110-07-0107', N'Melting_เตา.7', 12, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (116, N'2110-08-0108', N'Melting_เตา.8', 12, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (117, N'2110-09-0109', N'Melting_เตา.9', 12, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (118, N'2110-10-0110', N'Melting_เตา.10', 12, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (119, N'2110-11-0111', N'Melting_เตา.11', 12, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (18, N'2111', N'Molding', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (42, N'2111-01', N'Core Common', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (151, N'2111-01-0201', N'Moulding -Core _CSC1', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (152, N'2111-01-0202', N'Moulding -Core _CSC2', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (148, N'2111-01-0401', N'Moulding -Core _CS-1', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (149, N'2111-01-0402', N'Moulding -Core _CS-2', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (150, N'2111-01-0501', N'Moulding -Core _MP-1', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (43, N'2111-0110', N'Core - HSP', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (44, N'2111-0111', N'Core - AVS', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (45, N'2111-0112', N'Core - VML', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (46, N'2111-0113', N'Core - AMF', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (47, N'2111-0114', N'Core - DISA', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (48, N'2111-02', N'Molding Line Common', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (49, N'2111-0210', N'Molding Line - HSP', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (144, N'2111-0210-0201', N'Moulding Line-HSP_CHSP1', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (145, N'2111-0210-0202', N'Moulding Line-HSP_CHSP2', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (146, N'2111-0210-0203', N'Moulding Line-HSP_CHSP3', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (143, N'2111-0210-0301', N'Moulding Line-HSP_HSP', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (50, N'2111-0211', N'Molding Line - AVS', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (139, N'2111-0211-0201', N'Moulding Line-AVS_CAVS', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (140, N'2111-0211-0202', N'Moulding Line-AVS_CAV1', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (141, N'2111-0211-0203', N'Moulding Line-AVS_CAV2', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (142, N'2111-0211-0204', N'Moulding Line-AVS_CAV3', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (138, N'2111-0211-0301', N'Moulding Line-AVS_AVS', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (51, N'2111-0212', N'Molding Line - VML', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (137, N'2111-0212-0201', N'Moulding Line-VML_CVML', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (136, N'2111-0212-0301', N'Moulding Line-VML_VML', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (52, N'2111-0213', N'Molding Line - AMF', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (134, N'2111-0213-0201', N'Moulding Line-AMF_CAMF1', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (135, N'2111-0213-0202', N'Moulding Line-AMF_CAMF2', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (133, N'2111-0213-0301', N'Moulding Line-AMF_AMF', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (53, N'2111-0214', N'Molding Line - DISA', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (147, N'2111-0214-0301', N'Moulding Line-DISA_DISA', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (54, N'2111-0215', N'Finishing Small - Shot Blast', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (55, N'2111-0216', N'Finishing Small - Grinding', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (159, N'2111-0216-1101', N'Moulding-Finishing-small grinding_G1', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (160, N'2111-0216-1102', N'Moulding-Finishing-small grinding_G2', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (161, N'2111-0216-1103', N'Moulding-Finishing-small grinding_G3', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (162, N'2111-0216-1104', N'Moulding-Finishing-small grinding_G4', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (163, N'2111-0216-1105', N'Moulding-Finishing-small grinding_G5', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (164, N'2111-0216-1106', N'Moulding-Finishing-small grinding_G6', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (165, N'2111-0216-1107', N'Moulding-Finishing-small grinding_G7', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (166, N'2111-0216-1108', N'Moulding-Finishing-small grinding_G8', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (167, N'2111-0216-1109', N'Moulding-Finishing-small grinding_G9', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (168, N'2111-0216-1110', N'Moulding-Finishing-small grinding_G10', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (56, N'2111-0217', N'Finishing Small - Oil Painting', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (57, N'2111-0218', N'Finishing Small - Packing', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (58, N'2111-0219', N'Finishing Line - Shot Blast', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (153, N'2111-0219-0901', N'Moulding-Finishing Line Shot Blast_SB-1', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (154, N'2111-0219-0902', N'Moulding-Finishing Line Shot Blast_SB-2', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (155, N'2111-0219-0903', N'Moulding-Finishing Line Shot Blast_SB-3', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (156, N'2111-0219-0904', N'Moulding-Finishing Line Shot Blast_SB-4', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (157, N'2111-0219-0905', N'Moulding-Finishing Line Shot Blast_SB-5', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (158, N'2111-0219-0906', N'Moulding-Finishing Line Shot Blast_SB-6', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (59, N'2111-0220', N'Finishing Line - Grinding', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (60, N'2111-0221', N'Finishing Line - Oil Painting', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (61, N'2111-0222', N'Finishing Line - Packing', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (62, N'2111-03', N'Molding Repairing', 13, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (19, N'2112', N'F1', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (63, N'2112-00', N'F1 Common', 14, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (64, N'2112-01', N'Molding Roll', 14, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (65, N'2112-0110', N'Grinding Roll', 14, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (66, N'2112-02', N'Molding M/C Tool', 14, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (67, N'2112-0210', N'Finishing F1', 14, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (68, N'2112-0211', N'Shot Blast F1', 14, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (69, N'2112-0212', N'Grinding F1', 14, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (70, N'2112-0213', N'Painting F1', 14, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (71, N'2112-0214', N'Packing F1', 14, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (72, N'2112-0215', N'Repairing F1', 14, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (20, N'2113', N'F2', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (73, N'2113-00', N'F2 Common', 15, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (74, N'2113-01', N'Molding Press Die', 15, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (75, N'2113-02', N'Finishing F2', 15, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (76, N'2113-03', N'Shot Blast F2', 15, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (77, N'2113-04', N'Grinding F2', 15, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (78, N'2113-05', N'Painting F2', 15, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (79, N'2113-06', N'Repairing F2', 15, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (105, N'51', N'Machine', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (21, N'5100', N'MC Common', NULL, 3)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (22, N'5110', N'SME M/C', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (80, N'5110-00', N'SME M/C Common', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (81, N'5110-01', N'SME M/C CNC Late', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (82, N'5110-02', N'M/C Center', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (83, N'5110-03', N'Timing', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (84, N'5110-04', N'Milling', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (85, N'5110-05', N'SME M/C Grinding', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (86, N'5110-06', N'Drilling', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (87, N'5110-07', N'Boring', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (88, N'5110-08', N'Honning', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (89, N'5110-09', N'Double Colume', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (90, N'5110-10', N'Painting', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (91, N'5110-11', N'SME M/C Packing', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (23, N'5111', N'ROLL M/C', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (92, N'5111-00', N'ROLL M/C Common', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (93, N'5111-01', N'Rough Cut', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (94, N'5111-02', N'Center', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (95, N'5111-03', N'ROLL M/C  CNC Late', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (96, N'5111-04', N'M/C Center (Ring roll)', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (97, N'5111-05', N'ROLL M/C Grinding', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (98, N'5111-06', N'Plan Cut', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (99, N'5111-07', N'Flower Cut', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (100, N'5111-08', N'Drilling', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (101, N'5111-09', N'Hand Finish', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (102, N'5111-10', N'ROLL M/C Packing', 16, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (106, N'81', N'Maintenance', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (24, N'8100', N'MT Common', NULL, 3)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (3, N'91', N'ADMIN', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (4, N'9100', N'Admin Common', NULL, 5)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (5, N'9110', N'Account', 1, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (6, N'9111', N'Purchase', 2, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (7, N'9112', N'Human Resource', 3, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (8, N'9113', N'Quality Assurance', 4, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (9, N'9114', N'Quality Control', 5, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (10, N'9115', N'Safety', 6, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (11, N'9116', N'Doc.Control', 7, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (12, N'9117', N'Sale', 8, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (13, N'9118', N'Planning', 9, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (14, N'9119', N'Store&Delivery', 10, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTCENTER] ([Cost_ID], [Cost_code], [Cost_name], [Dept_ID], [DeptGroup_ID]) VALUES (120, N'9120', N'R & D Engineering', 19, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (1, N'02', N'01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (2, N'03', N'01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (3, N'91', N'02', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (4, N'9100', N'91', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (5, N'9110', N'91', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (6, N'9111', N'91', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (7, N'9112', N'91', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (8, N'9113', N'91', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (9, N'9114', N'91', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (10, N'9115', N'91', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (11, N'9116', N'91', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (12, N'9117', N'91', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (13, N'9118', N'91', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (14, N'9119', N'91', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (15, N'11', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (16, N'2100', N'21', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (17, N'2110', N'21', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (18, N'2111', N'21', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (19, N'2112', N'21', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (20, N'2113', N'21', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (21, N'5100', N'51', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (22, N'5110', N'51', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (23, N'5111', N'51', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (24, N'8100', N'81', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (121, N'2110-01', N'2110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (122, N'2110-01-0201', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (123, N'2110-01-0202', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (124, N'2110-01-0203', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (125, N'2110-01-0204', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (126, N'2110-01-0205', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (127, N'2110-01-0206', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (128, N'2110-01-0207', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (129, N'2110-01-0208', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (130, N'2110-01-0209', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (131, N'2111-0213-0301', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (132, N'2111-0213-0201', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (133, N'2111-0213-0202', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (134, N'2111-0212-0301', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (135, N'2111-0212-0201', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (136, N'2111-0211-0301', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (137, N'2111-0211-0201', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (42, N'2111-01', N'2110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (43, N'2111-0110', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (44, N'2111-0111', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (45, N'2111-0112', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (46, N'2111-0113', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (47, N'2111-0114', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (48, N'2111-02', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (49, N'2111-0210', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (50, N'2111-0211', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (51, N'2111-0212', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (52, N'2111-0213', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (53, N'2111-0214', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (54, N'2111-0215', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (55, N'2111-0216', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (56, N'2111-0217', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (57, N'2111-0218', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (58, N'2111-0219', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (59, N'2111-0220', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (60, N'2111-0221', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (61, N'2111-0222', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (62, N'2111-03', N'2111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (63, N'2112-00', N'2112', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (64, N'2112-01', N'2112', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (65, N'2112-0110', N'2112', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (66, N'2112-02', N'2112', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (67, N'2112-0210', N'2112', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (68, N'2112-0211', N'2112', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (69, N'2112-0212', N'2112', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (70, N'2112-0213', N'2112', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (71, N'2112-0214', N'2112', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (72, N'2112-0215', N'2112', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (73, N'2113-00', N'2113', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (74, N'2113-01', N'2113', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (75, N'2113-02', N'2113', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (76, N'2113-03', N'2113', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (77, N'2113-04', N'2113', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (78, N'2113-05', N'2113', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (79, N'2113-06', N'2113', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (80, N'5110-00', N'5110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (81, N'5110-01', N'5110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (82, N'5110-02', N'5110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (83, N'5110-03', N'5110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (84, N'5110-04', N'5110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (85, N'5110-05', N'5110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (86, N'5110-06', N'5110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (87, N'5110-07', N'5110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (88, N'5110-08', N'5110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (89, N'5110-09', N'5110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (90, N'5110-10', N'5110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (91, N'5110-11', N'5110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (92, N'5111-00', N'5111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (93, N'5111-01', N'5111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (94, N'5111-02', N'5111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (95, N'5111-03', N'5111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (96, N'5111-04', N'5111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (97, N'5111-05', N'5111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (98, N'5111-06', N'5111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (99, N'5111-07', N'5111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (100, N'5111-08', N'5111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (101, N'5111-09', N'5111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (102, N'5111-10', N'5111', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (103, N'11', N'03', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (104, N'21', N'03', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (105, N'51', N'03', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (106, N'81', N'03', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (107, N'01', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (108, N'2110-00', N'2110', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (109, N'2110-01-0101', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (110, N'2110-02-0102', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (111, N'2110-03-0103', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (112, N'2110-04-0104', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (113, N'2110-05-0105', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (114, N'2110-06-0106', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (115, N'2110-07-0107', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (116, N'2110-08-0108', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (117, N'2110-09-0109', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (138, N'2111-0211-0202', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (139, N'2111-0211-0203', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (140, N'2111-0211-0204', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (141, N'2111-0210-0301', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (142, N'2111-0210-0201', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (143, N'2111-0210-0202', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (144, N'2111-0210-0203', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (145, N'2111-0214-0301', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (146, N'2111-01-0401', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (147, N'2111-01-0402', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (148, N'2111-01-0501', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (149, N'2111-01-0201', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (150, N'2111-01-0202', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (151, N'2111-0219-0901', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (152, N'2111-0219-0902', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (153, N'2111-0219-0903', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (154, N'2111-0219-0904', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (155, N'2111-0219-0905', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (156, N'2111-0219-0906', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (157, N'2111-0216-1101', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (158, N'2111-0216-1102', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (159, N'2111-0216-1103', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (160, N'2111-0216-1104', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (161, N'2111-0216-1105', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (162, N'2111-0216-1106', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (163, N'2111-0216-1107', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (164, N'2111-0216-1108', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (165, N'2111-0216-1109', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (166, N'2111-0216-1110', NULL, NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (118, N'2110-10-0110', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (119, N'2110-11-0111', N'2110-01', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[GSS_HR_COSTRELATION] ([Relation_ID], [Child_Code], [Parent_Code], [FLG]) VALUES (120, N'9120', N'91', NULL)

    >> I want to sum every parent recursively to the top of parent <<
    The terms “parent” and “child” are part of network databases and NOT RDBMS. We have “weak entity” and “{strong entity” in our data models today.
    If you use the nested sets model, this hierarchical aggregation is easy. But your mindset is still in file systems, pointer chains and procedural language programming code. You also have no idea how ISO-11179 naming rules work. 
    Most of the data element names are garbage! Most of your code is garbage, even after we get over the fundamental design errors. 
    Think about how absurd “qty” as a data element name is in a schema. Quantity of what?? From logic (specifically the Law of Identity, the most fundamental law in mathematics) that “to be” (exist) is to be something in particular; so this has to be “<something
    in particular>_qty” to be valid. Your other data elemet names are also vague garbage. 
    We do NOT use flags in SQL; this is a predicate language like Assembly code. We do NOT set flags; we discover a current “state of being” with predicates. 
    Think about “GSS_Hr_Cost_Relation” as a name. Is there only one of them, as you have said?? Would also call a table of “Marriages” a “Man_Woman_Legal_Relations” ? NO! The relationship has a name of its own! 
    CAST(1 AS FLOAT) is better written AS a constant E1.0; but it is weird. why are you using FLOAT? Do you want rounding errors? Why do you write crap like “CAST(34.00 AS DECIMAL(16, 2)”  when an insertion of just 34.00 works better? Why do you write crap
    like “CAST(0x0000a3db00000000 AS DATETIME” instead of using ISO-8601 formats, DATE and DATETIME2(0) data types? 
    Then you have no idea what kind of attribute a “<something>_code” is and why it cannort ever be key. Go to any library and look at the Dewey DECIMAL Classification system. The hierarchy is in the encoding itself, NOT in some multiple levels of storage. 
    Why do you have more NULL-able columns than the loan systems of major automobile corporations? I can answer that! Your schema is a disaster that needs to be re-done. 
    Putting audit data into the table being audited is both stupid and illegal! And then to make it worse, “datecreated” should have been “creation_date” if the moron knew ISO-11179 rules. But it is still a crime; what happens to the audit data when the row is
    deleted or the table is dropped? Can a person with access to the data also have access to the audit trail? DOH! 
    The use of “NVARCHAR(50)” might be correct in places where the data actually is in Unicode varying strings. I think I have seen ~10 of them in 30 years of writing SQL. But everything does not qualify; most likely some moron using ACCESS or a ORM tool used this
    default because he is both stupid and lazy. Fire him; his ignorance is dangerous to the project. 
    Most ISO encodings are fixed length and between 9 and 16 characters with a regular expression for validation. Not all but most. 
    Finally, after all the decades of RDBMS, why do you use “mat_id INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL”?? Why do you think that the insertion attempt count of one table is a valid logical attribute, much less a KEY? 
    You do not know how to write an INSERT UNTO statement! Look up the VALUES () clause and row constructions. 
    I have decades of my life invested in SQL and RDBMS. Reading code like this is painful. Can you please get a minimal education and correct this mess? I have been asked to write a book on bad SQL and this is classic illiterate programming! Almost nothing is
    Sorry, but you wanted help and the best help is to stop you from doing more harm until you can learn how to do it properly. >> I want to sum every parent recursively to the top of parent <<
    The terms “parent” and “child” are part of network databases and NOT RDBMS. We have “weak entity” and “{strong entity” in our data models today.
    If you use the nested sets model, this hierarchical aggregation is easy. But your mindset is still in file systems, pointer chains and procedural language programming code. You also have no idea how ISO-11179 naming rules work. 
    Most of the data element names are garbage! Most of your code is garbage, even after we get over the fundamental design errors. 
    Think about how absurd “qty” as a data element name is in a schema. Quantity of what?? From logic (specifically the Law of Identity, the most fundamental law in mathematics) that “to be” (exist) is to be something in particular; so this has to be “<something
    in particular>_qty” to be valid. Your other data elemet names are also vague garbage. 
    We do NOT use flags in SQL; this is a predicate language like Assembly code. We do NOT set flags; we discover a current “state of being” with predicates. 
    Think about “GSS_Hr_Cost_Relation” as a name. Is there only one of them, as you have said?? Would also call a table of “Marriages” a “Man_Woman_Legal_Relations” ? NO! The relationship has a name of its own! 
    CAST(1 AS FLOAT) is better written AS a constant E1.0; but it is weird. why are you using FLOAT? Do you want rounding errors? Why do you write crap like “CAST(34.00 AS DECIMAL(16, 2)”  when an insertion of just 34.00 works better? Why do you write crap
    like “CAST(0x0000a3db00000000 AS DATETIME” instead of using ISO-8601 formats, DATE and DATETIME2(0) data types? 
    Then you have no idea what kind of attribute a “<something>_code” is and why it cannort ever be key. Go to any library and look at the Dewey DECIMAL Classification system. The hierarchy is in the encoding itself, NOT in some multiple levels of storage. 
    Why do you have more NULL-able columns than the loan systems of major automobile corporations? I can answer that! Your schema is a disaster that needs to be re-done. 
    Putting audit data into the table being audited is both stupid and illegal! And then to make it worse, “datecreated” should have been “creation_date” if the moron knew ISO-11179 rules. But it is still a crime; what happens to the audit data when the row is
    deleted or the table is dropped? Can a person with access to the data also have access to the audit trail? DOH! 
    The use of “NVARCHAR(50)” might be correct in places where the data actually is in Unicode varying strings. I think I have seen ~10 of them in 30 years of writing SQL. But everything does not qualify; most likely some moron using ACCESS or a ORM tool used this
    default because he is both stupid and lazy. Fire him; his ignorance is dangerous to the project. 
    Most ISO encodings are fixed length and between 9 and 16 characters with a regular expression for validation. Not all but most. 
    Finally, after all the decades of RDBMS, why do you use “mat_id INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL”?? Why do you think that the insertion attempt count of one table is a valid logical attribute, much less a KEY? 
    You do not know how to write an INSERT UNTO statement! Look up the VALUES () clause and row constructions. 
    I have decades of my life invested in SQL and RDBMS. Reading code like this is painful. Can you please get a minimal education and correct this mess? I have been asked to write a book on bad SQL and this is classic illiterate programming! Almost nothing is
    Sorry, but you wanted help and the best help is to stop you from doing more harm until you can learn how to do it properly. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • How can I get the text value of an XML element  in MXML ?

    I have the following XML loaded into a variable of type XML :
         <comment>RIMpro Data Collector Configuration</comment>
         <entry key="server.pear.username"/>
         <entry key="">5</entry>
         <entry key=""></entry>
    I can easily get the key attribute displayed in a DataGridColumn by setting the dataProvider to my variable and the dataField to "@key".  But I do not know how to get the text value in a second column...  Is there a way or do I need to change my XML to something like this :
         <comment>RIMpro Data Collector Configuration</comment>
         <entry key="server.pear.username"/>
         <entry key="" value="5"></entry>
         <entry key="" value=""></entry>
    Many thanks in advance.

    yes, you'd better modify your XML structure to fit the DataGrid internals.
    Since dataField pattern require each grid row item to have a named property to be displayed, otherwise you'll be forced to overcome this pattern using custom labelFunction for the particular column which will implement your custom actions on how to extract appropriate data for that column out of grid row item. It will be much more complicated than just rearranging your xml structure.

  • How to get the kerning value and set it to back use script?

    I come back again.
    I encountered a kerning problem.
    how to get the kerning value and set it to back use script?
    Thanks very much!

    For both cases, the filename can be found on the FILE.ReceivedFileName Context Property.  You can access this Property in a Pipeline Component or Orchestration and take any action you want, such as apply to a database.
    The value is accessed by: MyReceivedMessage(FILE.ReceivedFileName)
    In the case of a duplicate EDI Interchange, you would use the Failed Message Routing feature to capture the error message with either an Orchestration or Send Port.

  • Getting the elements of a tag

    Hello everyone,
    I want to get the text values of a tag in an XML file and save them in an arraylist.I use the DOM parseer to do that. Here is my source code:
    private void display(Node node, ArrayList al){
    if (node == null) {
    return ;
    int type = node.getNodeType();
    switch (type) {
    case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: {
    int length = (node.getAttributes() != null) ? node.getAttributes().getLength() : 0;
    NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes();
    if (childNodes != null) {
    length = childNodes.getLength();
    for (int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < length; loopIndex++ ) {
    display(childNodes.item(loopIndex), al);
    case Node.TEXT_NODE: {
    The problem is: when a child element is empty, I want to add an empty string to the arrayList al (""). May be you'll say change the if statement. But if I do that I will also get the elements after the end tag of an element.
    For example: if I have
    my arraylist will look like after print
    but when I have:
    what I want is:
    (empty string)
    What I am doing wrong or what should I do to resolve that?

    Quite a few things I did not understand in your code.
    You have a source like
    Why is that? Did you mean
    Then you could enumerate contents of tag child like:
    org.w3c.dom.NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTagName("child");Better yet if you fetched information using XPath functionality,
    list =  org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI.selectNodeList(doc, "parent/*");Kullervo

  • How to get the attribute value of an XML file??

    How to get the attribute value of an XML file??
    For example, how to get name and age attributes?
    <student name="Joe" age="20" />

    What are you using to read the XML file??
    On the assumption of JDOM - Something along the lines of:SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(true);
    Document doc =;
    Element root = doc.getRootElement();
    List children = root.getChildren();
    Element thisElement = (Element)children.get(n);
    String name = thisElement.getAttributeValue("name")
         int age = Integer.parseInt(thisElement.getAttributeValue("age"));
    catch (Exception ex)
         throw new InvalidElementException("Expected an int.....");

  • How to get the node value of payload

    The null is returned when I use the following code to get the User_ID element in the payload, but there are values in the User_ID element of the payload
    Task task_test = wfSvcClient.getTaskQueryService().getTaskDetailsById(wfCtx, taskId);
    System.out.println("the payload value is " + task_test.getPayloadAsElement().getElementsByTagName("User_ID").item(0).getNodeValue());
    How to get the node value of payload ? any suggestion?

    Hi Jayson,
    System.out.println("the payload value is " + task_test.getPayloadAsElement().getElementsByTagName("User_ID").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
    So add the getFirstChild() call in between.
    If this works, maybe consider using JAXB to marshall the payload details to POJO's. This will make reading the payload details much easier.
    Regards, Ronald

  • How to get the attribute values out?

    Hi everyone,
    <category name="Mens Clothing" id="0">
    <subcategory>Active/Baselayer Tops</subcategory>
    <category name="Womens Clothing" id="1">
    How to get the attribute values out? For example "Mens
    Clothing" and "Womens Clothing".
    // the line below returns "Active/Baselayer Tops" and
    "Active/Baselayer Bottoms"
    var myXml:XML = new XML(event.result);

    Here is attribute identifier operator from FB Help:
    @ attribute identifier Operator
    Usage myXML.@attributeName
    Identifies attributes of an XML or XMLList object. For
    example, myXML.@id identifies attributes named id for the myXML XML
    object. You can also use the following syntax to access attributes:
    myXML.attribute("id"), myXML["@id"], and myXML.@["id"]. The syntax
    myXML.@id is recommended. To return an XMLList object of all
    attribute names, use @*. To return an attribute with a name that
    matches an ActionScript reserved word, use the attribute() method
    instead of the @ operator.
    Operands attributeName:* — The name of the attribute.
    How to use examples
    The first example shows how to use the @ (at sign) operator
    to identify an attribute of an element:
    var myXML:XML =
    <item id = "42">
    <catalogName>Presta tube</catalogName>
    trace(myXML.@id); // 42The next example returns all attribute
    var xml:XML =<example id='123' color='blue'/>
    var xml2:XMLList = xml.@*;
    trace(xml2 is XMLList); // true
    trace(xml2.length()); // 2
    for (var i:int = 0; i < xml2.length(); i++)
    )); // xml
    trace(xml2.nodeKind()); // attribute
    .name()); // id and color
    } The next example returns an attribute with a name that
    matches a reserved word in ActionScript. You cannot use the syntax
    xml.@class (since class is a reserved word in ActionScript). You
    need to use the syntax xml.attribute("class"):
    var xml:XML = <example class='123'/>

  • Can't get the current value of item.

    i user javascript to set a item value by a Partial Page Refresh .then i want to turn to another page by a button and Transfer the item's new value to the second page's item,but the value of the item is always teh old value but not de new value,how can i get the new value of the item first. thanks;

    Hi 蓝色理想_行者 ( Ideal _ blue Walker),
    i user javascript to set a item value by a Partial Page Refresh .then i want to turn to another page by a button and Transfer the item's new value to the second page's item,but the value of the item is always teh old value but not de new value,how can i get the new value of the item first.
    Values set using JavaScript are present only in HTML DOM, not in the session state. To set the value in session state you need to use PL/SQL.
    Exact implementation will depend on how you navigate to the second page, by doing a submit or something else.

  • How to get the column values from a BC4J View Table in UIXML?

    I am using a default UiXML Application for Order Entry system with Orders & Order Lines & Customers. I have a uix file OrdersView1_View.uix which displays (no updateable columns) all the Orders. How do I get the column value of a selected row in a BC4J Table (example:OrdersId) when a Submit button is pressed using UIXML or Java Classes?
    I appreciate any help on this.

    You need to use keyStamp, an example:
    <bc4j table name="orders">
    <bc4j:rowKey name="key" />
    Furthermore, you can automatically send the selected row key using the go event handler, so in the handlers section you could send the key to an orderInfo page:
    <event name="show">
    <!-- forward to the update page, passing
    the selected key as a page property -->
    <ctrl:go name="orderInfo" redirect="true">
    <ctrl:property name="key">
    <ctrl:selection name="orders" key="key" />

  • Need to get the selected values from the selectManyShuttle

    I am using ADF11g newer version.
    I have a selectManyShuttle and a command button. Need to insert all the selected values on the right hand side of the selectManyShuttle into a database table.
    I created the selectManyShuttle with the values. Need help in getting the values on the right hand side.
    <af:selectManyShuttle value="#{bindings.UserMgmtVO1.inputValue}"
    <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.UserMgmtVO1.items}"
    Any sample code or link is really appreicated.

    Thanks for the reply.
    I am using a View Object and I dropped it as SelectManyShuttle
    <af:selectManyShuttle value="#{bindings.UserMgmtVO1.inputValue}"
    <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.UserMgmtVO1.items}"
    public void getSelectedValues(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
    System.out.println("Testing Shuttle");
    ArrayList list = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(valueChangeEvent.getNewValue()));
    String val = "";
    String sqlStmt = "";
    try {
    if (list != null) {
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    int l = list.size() - 1;
    val = list.get(l).toString(); //returns , delimited string
    System.out.println(" value:" + val);
    if (val != null) {
    val = val.replaceAll("[\\[\\]]", ""); //remove []
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val, ",");
    int nto = st.countTokens();
    for (int j = 0; j < nto; j++) {
    String users = st.nextToken().trim();
    System.out.println("Users:" + users);
    //sqlStmt = " update xxpp_project_clip set clip_status='true', clip_seq = "+j * 10+
    // " where project_id = "+rHdr.getAttribute("ProjectId") +
    // " and clip_name ='"+ clip_Name +"'";
    //System.out.println("sqlStmt:" + sqlStmt);
    //if (stmt != null)
    // stmt.close();
    // am.getDBTransaction().commit();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    I don't see the values in the list.
    I gets printed as
    how to get the individual values in the list?

  • How to get the selected values from a selectmanylistbox?

    Hi ADF Experts,
    <af:selectManyListbox label="Label 1" id="sml1" partialTriggers="cb2"
                      autoSubmit="true"      valuePassThru="true">
        <f:selectItems value="#{viewScope.TestBean.actualList}" id="si1"
      <af:commandButton text="get selected values" id="cb3"
      private List<String> lovValue;
      private List<SelectItem> actualList;
    //getters and setters
      public void getSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        for (String selectedItem : lovValue) {
            System.out.println("Selected item: " +selectedItem.); // this is giving 1 and 3 like this. how to get the checked values as I'm getting only the indexes. In this scenario I am populating the list programmatically.Just I wanted to know how can we get the selected values(not indexes). Please suggest.

    Hi Timo,
    As I am sharing the page fragment and the Java class. So its my usecase I have mentioned below
    I am sharing the jsff page fragment and java class. So that it wud be of help to others.
    jsff page fragment
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
            <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1">
              <af:commandButton text="Search"  id="cb1"
        <af:popup id="p1" binding="#{viewScope.TestBean.searchSupplierPopup}">
              <af:dialog id="d2"
               <af:table value="#{bindings.Contacts.collectionModel}" var="row"
                      emptyText="#{bindings.Contacts.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                      filterVisible="true" varStatus="vs"
                      rowSelection="multiple" id="t1">
              <af:column sortProperty="name" filterable="true" sortable="true"
                         headerText="#{}" id="c2">
                <af:outputText value="#{}" id="ot1"/>
              <af:column sortProperty="email" filterable="true" sortable="true"
                <af:outputText value="#{}" id="ot2"/>
          <af:commandButton text="OK" id="cb5" partialSubmit="true"       actionListener="#{viewScope.TestBean.testMethod}"/>
          <af:commandButton text="Cancel" id="cb6"
      <af:selectManyListbox label="Label 1" id="sml1" partialTriggers="cb5"
                      autoSubmit="true"      valuePassThru="true"
        <f:selectItems value="#{viewScope.TestBean.actualList}" id="si1"
      <af:commandButton text="get selected values" id="cb3"
      <af:commandButton text="remove selected" id="cb4"
             partialSubmit="true"           actionListener="#{viewScope.TestBean.removeSelectedValues}"/>
    package com.demo.view;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.faces.component.UISelectItems;
    import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
    import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
    import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;
    import oracle.jbo.Key;
    import oracle.jbo.Row;
    import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;
    public class TestBean {
      private RichTable tsupportIssues;
      private List<SelectItem> lovValue;
      private List<SelectItem> actualList;
      private RichSelectManyListbox prp1;
      private List valuesChoosed = new ArrayList();
      private UISelectItems selectedItems;
      private RichPopup searchSupplierPopup;
        public TestBean() {
      public void setTsupportIssues(RichTable tsupportIssues) {
        this.tsupportIssues = tsupportIssues;
      public RichTable getTsupportIssues() {
        return tsupportIssues;
      public void testMethod(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        // For learning purposes - show Select Many Button clicked 
         System.out.println("Select Many Button has been Clicked");
        // // RowKeySet Object can hold the selected rows from a user as follows    
        RowKeySet rksSelectedRows =         this.getTsupportIssues().getSelectedRowKeys();
        // Iterator object provides the ability to use hasNext(), next() and remove() against the selected rows 
        Iterator itrSelectedRows = rksSelectedRows.iterator();  
        // Get the data control that is bound to the table - e.g.
        // OpenSupportItemsIterator    
        DCBindingContainer bindings =         (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry(); 
        DCIteratorBinding dcIteratorBindings =         bindings.findIteratorBinding("findAllContactsIterator"); 
        // Information from binding that is specific to the rows  
        RowSetIterator rsiSelectedRows =         dcIteratorBindings.getRowSetIterator();   
        // Loop through selected rows  
        int i=1;
        while (itrSelectedRows.hasNext()) {        
          // Get key for selected row    
          Key key = (Key)((List);  
          // Use the key to get the data from the above binding that is related to the row      
          Row myRow = rsiSelectedRows.getRow(key);         
          // Display attribute of row in console output - would generally be bound to a UI component like a Label and or used to call another proces       
    //        actualList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    //        String j = Integer.toString(i);
    //        actualList.add(new SelectItem(j, (String)myRow.getAttribute("name")));
    //      i++;
      public void setLovValue(List<SelectItem> lovValue) {
        this.lovValue = lovValue;
      public List<SelectItem> getLovValue() {
        return lovValue;
      public void setActualList(List<SelectItem> actualList) {
        this.actualList = actualList;
      public List<SelectItem> getActualList() {
        actualList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
        for(int i=0;i<valuesChoosed.size();i++){
          actualList.add(new SelectItem(valuesChoosed.get(i), (String)valuesChoosed.get(i)));
          actualList.add(new SelectItem("1","Select One"));
        return actualList;
      public void setPrp1(RichSelectManyListbox prp1) {
        this.prp1 = prp1;
      public RichSelectManyListbox getPrp1() {
        return prp1;
      public void setValuesChoosed(List valuesChoosed) {
        this.valuesChoosed = valuesChoosed;
      public List getValuesChoosed() {
        return valuesChoosed;
      public void getValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        for(int i=0;i<valuesChoosed.size();i++){
      public void getSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
         for(int i=0;i<this.getLovValue().size();i++){
             System.out.println("Selected Value:"+this.getLovValue().get(i));
      public void removeSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
      public void setSelectedItems(UISelectItems selectedItems) {
        this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
      public UISelectItems getSelectedItems() {
        return selectedItems;
        public void setSearchSupplierPopup(RichPopup searchSupplierPopup) {
            this.searchSupplierPopup = searchSupplierPopup;
        public RichPopup getSearchSupplierPopup() {
            return searchSupplierPopup;
        public void cancelPopupSearch(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
        public void searchSupplier(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
            RichPopup.PopupHints hints = new RichPopup.PopupHints();
    package com.demo.view;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.faces.component.UISelectItems;
    import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
    import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
    import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;
    import oracle.jbo.Key;
    import oracle.jbo.Row;
    import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;
    public class TestBean {
      private RichTable tsupportIssues;
      private List<SelectItem> lovValue;
      private List<SelectItem> actualList;
      private RichSelectManyListbox prp1;
      private List valuesChoosed = new ArrayList();
      private UISelectItems selectedItems;
      private RichPopup searchSupplierPopup;
        public TestBean() {
      public void setTsupportIssues(RichTable tsupportIssues) {
        this.tsupportIssues = tsupportIssues;
      public RichTable getTsupportIssues() {
        return tsupportIssues;
      public void testMethod(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        // For learning purposes - show Select Many Button clicked 
         System.out.println("Select Many Button has been Clicked");
        // // RowKeySet Object can hold the selected rows from a user as follows    
        RowKeySet rksSelectedRows =         this.getTsupportIssues().getSelectedRowKeys();
        // Iterator object provides the ability to use hasNext(), next() and remove() against the selected rows 
        Iterator itrSelectedRows = rksSelectedRows.iterator();  
        // Get the data control that is bound to the table - e.g.
        // OpenSupportItemsIterator    
        DCBindingContainer bindings =         (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry(); 
        DCIteratorBinding dcIteratorBindings =         bindings.findIteratorBinding("findAllContactsIterator"); 
        // Information from binding that is specific to the rows  
        RowSetIterator rsiSelectedRows =         dcIteratorBindings.getRowSetIterator();   
        // Loop through selected rows  
        int i=1;
        while (itrSelectedRows.hasNext()) {        
          // Get key for selected row    
          Key key = (Key)((List);  
          // Use the key to get the data from the above binding that is related to the row      
          Row myRow = rsiSelectedRows.getRow(key);         
          // Display attribute of row in console output - would generally be bound to a UI component like a Label and or used to call another proces       
    //        actualList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    //        String j = Integer.toString(i);
    //        actualList.add(new SelectItem(j, (String)myRow.getAttribute("name")));
    //      i++;
      public void setLovValue(List<SelectItem> lovValue) {
        this.lovValue = lovValue;
      public List<SelectItem> getLovValue() {
        return lovValue;
      public void setActualList(List<SelectItem> actualList) {
        this.actualList = actualList;
      public List<SelectItem> getActualList() {
        actualList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
        for(int i=0;i<valuesChoosed.size();i++){
          actualList.add(new SelectItem(valuesChoosed.get(i), (String)valuesChoosed.get(i)));
          actualList.add(new SelectItem("1","Select One"));
        return actualList;
      public void setPrp1(RichSelectManyListbox prp1) {
        this.prp1 = prp1;
      public RichSelectManyListbox getPrp1() {
        return prp1;
      public void setValuesChoosed(List valuesChoosed) {
        this.valuesChoosed = valuesChoosed;
      public List getValuesChoosed() {
        return valuesChoosed;
      public void getValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        for(int i=0;i<valuesChoosed.size();i++){
      public void getSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
         for(int i=0;i<this.getLovValue().size();i++){
             System.out.println("Selected Value:"+this.getLovValue().get(i));
      public void removeSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        for(int i=0;i<this.getLovValue().size();i++){
            System.out.println("Selected Value:"+this.getLovValue().get(i));
      public void setSelectedItems(UISelectItems selectedItems) {
        this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
      public UISelectItems getSelectedItems() {
        return selectedItems;
        public void setSearchSupplierPopup(RichPopup searchSupplierPopup) {
            this.searchSupplierPopup = searchSupplierPopup;
        public RichPopup getSearchSupplierPopup() {
            return searchSupplierPopup;
        public void cancelPopupSearch(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
        public void searchSupplier(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
            RichPopup.PopupHints hints = new RichPopup.PopupHints();
    A. Abhijit

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