Use String Variable in New Object Creation

Thanks to those who review and respond. I am new to Java, so please be patient with my terminoloy mistakes and fumblings. I am reading in a file and I want to create a new object based on specific field (car for example). As you will notice I grab field 8 here label sIID.
String sIID =;
BTW this regex grouping works fine. The problem is seen when I try to use the sIID variable in my new object creation process.
DateParse sIID = new DateParse();
My IDE is reporting "Variable sIID is already defined in the scope"
Is this possible? The assumption is that the sIID will have different value during the processing of the file. For example, car could mean truck, sedan, etc with operators like color, number of doors, mileage, top speed, etc.

Thanks for the reply. I have include similar and much shorter code for the sake of brevity.
My problems are centered around the x variable/object below. Ideally this would translate to three objects PersonA, PersonB, etc that I could reference later in the code as PersonA.newname if I wanted to. Hopefully this makes sense.
public class TestingObjects {
  public static void main(String[] argv) {
       String [] names;
       names = new String[3];
       names[0] = "PersonA";
       names[1] = "PersonB";
       names[2] = "PersonC";
       for (String x:names) {
         PN x = new PN();  // <- Problem = x;
public class PN {
       String name;
       String newname;
  public String SayName() {
       newname = "Name = " + name;
      return newname;

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    916753 wrote:
    Yes I tried binding all the values separately. It is working, but, I am trying to pass all values by variableBut you can't. The variable is holding a single string value.... that is just 1 value. Your binding are expecting multiple values. You can't bind 1 string value and expect Oracle to magically know how to break your string up into seperate values for the bind variables. What if one of your bind variables actually needed e.g. a comma seperated string as it's value? How would Oracle know that?
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    $pName.Size -value (New-Object System.Drawing.Size(100,20))
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    Here is how we normally use listboxes to handle form situations like this one.  The listboxes can automatically select subgroups.
    The hash of arrays can be loaded very easily with a script or the results of the first list can be used to lookup and set the contents of the second.
    Notice how little code is actually used.  This is all of the setup code needed aside from the from definition:
    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($listbox2.SelectedItem,'You Selected Site')
    Here is the complete demo form:
    [void][reflection.assembly]::Load("System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")
    [void][reflection.assembly]::Load("System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")
    $form1 = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'
    $listbox2 = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.ListBox'
    $listbox1 = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.ListBox'
    $buttonOK = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Button'
    $InitialFormWindowState = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState'
    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($listbox2.SelectedItem,'You Selected Site')
    #Correct the initial state of the form to prevent the .Net maximized form issue
    $form1.WindowState = $InitialFormWindowState
    $form1.AcceptButton = $buttonOK
    $form1.ClientSize = '439, 262'
    $form1.FormBorderStyle = 'FixedDialog'
    $form1.MaximizeBox = $False
    $form1.MinimizeBox = $False
    $form1.Name = "form1"
    $form1.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'
    $form1.Text = "Form"
    # listbox2
    $listbox2.FormattingEnabled = $True
    $listbox2.Location = '237, 26'
    $listbox2.Name = "listbox2"
    $listbox2.Size = '120, 134'
    $listbox2.TabIndex = 2
    # listbox1
    $listbox1.FormattingEnabled = $True
    $listbox1.Location = '13, 26'
    $listbox1.Name = "listbox1"
    $listbox1.Size = '120, 134'
    $listbox1.TabIndex = 1
    $listbox1.Sorted = $true
    # buttonOK
    $buttonOK.Anchor = 'Bottom, Right'
    $buttonOK.DialogResult = 'OK'
    $buttonOK.Location = '352, 227'
    $buttonOK.Name = "buttonOK"
    $buttonOK.Size = '75, 23'
    $buttonOK.TabIndex = 0
    $buttonOK.Text = "OK"
    $buttonOK.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True
    #Save the initial state of the form
    $InitialFormWindowState = $form1.WindowState
    #Init the OnLoad event to correct the initial state of the form
    #Clean up the control events
    #Show the Form
    You can easily substitute  CheckedListbox if you like checkboxes.

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    MyClass mc = new s() ; // or: s mc = new s() ;
    if ( mc instanceof s ) { ..... }
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    jeanluca wrote:
    I've seen things like this in scripting languages, so I was wondering if things like this are possible in java. Here is an not working example:
    Is something like this possible ?AFAIK, it is only possible in a very limited way as noted above and is nearly always not recommended and definitely not necessary. The variable name has little importance, but OTOH the object reference has great importance. Instead learn about arrays, Lists, and Maps.

  • Using a variable in an object name.

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    var x = 1;
    while (x<15)
         {if (Page1.CheckP// insert the value of x //S1.rawValue==1)
                        {Pax// insert the vaule of x //Sect1.rawValue=PaxName1
    I am using Adobe Designer.
    Thank you in advance.

    Hi Bruce,
    I am running this code in a 'on click' event on a button.
    Basically, I have 5 passenger names each with 6 CheckBox's for 6 sectors.
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    This needs to be done for each sector.
    So this is what I have:
    var PaxName1=Page1.PaxName1.rawValue;  // and all other passenger names.
    // Sector 1
    var x = 1;
    while (x<5)
         var vCheck=Page1["CheckS1P"+x];
         if (vCheck.rawValue==1)
              {[TextField"+X].rawValue = PaxName''+X;
    Hope this explains what I am trying to do.

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    I read the links on using Silverlight to shift things, but that adds a whole other level of complexity.
    I could even do something in the DB and then pull that into the formula field if needed.
    Thanks in advance.
    George Hicks

    Hello All;
    I have an SSRS Report that displays some slider objects. The report auto-refreshes every 5 minutes.
    This report is displayed on a big screen TV and I want to shift the images back and forth every time it refreshes to prevent possible burn-in on the screen.
    I see you can use a formula on the Horizontal position of objects, and I think a variable that gets added 10 and then subtracted by 10 every refresh could be used to display the objects in different positions each iteration, but I don't know how to do that
    in SSRS. I have read up on variables, and I think I need a global variable, but not sure how to update it on each refresh iteration.
    I read the links on using Silverlight to shift things, but that adds a whole other level of complexity.
    I could even do something in the DB and then pull that into the formula field if needed.
    Thanks in advance.
    George Hicks

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    i.e. Lets say my variables are called FirstLetter and SecondLetter.
    FirstLetter="A", SecondLetter="B"
    So as an example and a test....Can I ask ...
    IF SecondLetter>FirstLetter Then
            Textwindow.WriteLine(SecondLetter + "  >" + FirstLetter)
            Textwindow.WriteLine(FirstLetter + " >= " + SecondLetter)
    I seem to be fine and program working well with numeric values in variables but the '> & <' feature does not seem to work with Text ?
    Any help really appreciated

    We gotta get their ASCII/UNICODE value before comparing them:
    firstLetter = "A"
    secondLetter = "B"
    If Text.GetCharacterCode(firstLetter) > Text.GetCharacterCode(secondLetter) Then
    Textwindow.WriteLine(FirstLetter + " > " + SecondLetter)
    ElseIf Text.GetCharacterCode(firstLetter) < Text.GetCharacterCode(secondLetter) Then
    Textwindow.WriteLine(SecondLetter + " > " + FirstLetter)
    Textwindow.WriteLine("They're the same " + FirstLetter + " letter!")
    Click on "Propose As Answer" if some post solves your problem or "Vote As Helpful" if some post has been useful to you! (^_^)

  • How to use reflection package for dynamic object creation

    I want to convert a "DataObject (SDO) " into "Pure java object".
    For this i want to create a java object with the fields in Dataobject, and this should be in generic way.

    Use Java reflection if you have the java class already created.
    Otherwise use Java IO API for creating the .java file and compile it dynamically by calling javac exe from java code and executing using reflection

  • Necessary variables in new group creation

    I am working on a script to create a new user and matching group using the niutil command. When I create my group in the script, I assign a gid and name. Thus, in netinfo manager, the "name" and "gid" properties are listed for the group. However, when I create the same user/group through "accounts" in the System Preferences, both "passwd" and "generateduid" properties are also generated and listed in the NetInfo Manager.
    1. What properties are necessary for a group in OSX 10.4 (Tiger) to function properly?
    2. If the "passwd" and "generateduid" properties are necessary for the group to function properly, then how do I create these properties via a script or the command line?
    Mac OS X (10.4.10)

    man, when am i going to stop feeling like a dope with some of this stuff?
    fist image is showing what i am looking at when i can't find a way to add a group without using the pulldown.
    second images is showing a "sub-group" that i think was created by selecting all the contacts in a group and dragging them to another group. this one does not seem to delete.

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    sir how use integer variable as object in query
    see my code
    Integer currentssgg = new Integer(tt.getValue().toString()); no error
    //yy.setValue(currentss); no error
    //yy.setValue(new Integer(tt.getValue().toString())); no eror
    getSessionBean1().getTripRowSet().setObject(1,currentssgg); giv error
    and how use string variable same as method
    please give me idea how use integer variable as object in query

    >> var mnu = 'menu1';
    this[mnu].onRollOver = function(){
    Close, but it needs to be like this:
    var mnu = 1;
    this["menu" + mnu].onRollOver = function(){
    Dave -
    Head Developer
    Adobe Community Expert

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    Hi experts,
    What on earth is the difference between:
    1)creating a new object by using the "clone()" method and
    2) just creating a new object?
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    Thank you.

    The purpose is very obvious. At anytime in the running application, when Objects have been changed, and you desire to make another one of the same kind, you can't use new. You would use clone. The newer Object would have the same values in the variables. Now i got a question.. an important issue.
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      public static int t = 10;
    } // default constructor is present by default.
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         // Now what about this one????
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Maybe you are looking for