Use third party framework in Command Line Tool

Hi.  I'm writing a small application for a friend of mine, and basically what it does is lets you put in some information, and then creates and stores that information in an Excel file.  However, all of my research suggests that C++ doesn't work nicely with Excel files, so I found a 3rd party framework called LibXL which provides C++ with the ability to create and edit Excel files.  My only problem is getting my Command Line Tool to use this framework.  I'm not even sure if it is possible, but if someone could help me out, I would really appreciate it!
P.S: I'm using XCode 4.2 to write this application, and I'm using Command Line Tool because the application has to be useable on Windows.

That last one is an excellent punch line!
>I found a 3rd party framework called LibXL which provides C++ with the ability to create and edit Excel files.
That should be coming with a manual. Some frameworks can be included in their entirety into the program you are writing, where for others you can only reference to it and you have to distribute the framework file(s) along with your own application. This doesn't sound like one, but an external framework may only be meant for GUI functions, in which case you cannot write a Terminal-only program.
But here comes the kicker:
>P.S: I'm using XCode 4.2 to write this application, and I'm using Command Line Tool because the application has to be useable on Windows.
It's possible for you to *write* the program but not to compile it. (Actually, you *can* compile it but then you have a Mac Terminal program, not a Windows one.) Even if you know what you are doing and are happy with sending over the source code, together with instructions on how to compile it under Windows, this implies you would only and *exclusively* use functions that are available in compilers for Windows. That rules out your External framework idea -- unless there is a Windows version available as well (do check for that; if this is an Open Source project, there very well may be.) But you are still programming "blind", and if you get it to work on your Mac (and nevermind the problem with the framework being external, because you won't need to send it over anyway) but your friend canNOT make it work under Windows, you won't know if it's because the Windows version of the compiler doesn't accept the external library, or it's the wrong version, or you accidentally used a Mac-only feature anyway, or the friend does not know how to compile ... et cetera, et cetera.
Best advise is to install VirtualBox (or something similar) on your system, test all you want with XCode but then, after you got it to work, carry over the project into Windows and start a-new.

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    Development Tools -> General Questions:
    I am trying to figure out how to put utility classes into JAR files and then compile and run applications against those JAR files using the command-line javac, jar, and java tools. I am using jdk1.7.0_17 on Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.7.
    I have posted a simple example with one utility class, one console application class, and a Makefile:
    Here is a console session:
    2013-05-20 21:39:01 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ cat src/com/example/util/
    package com.example.util;
    public class Hello {
        public static void hello(String arg) {
         System.out.println("hello, " + arg);
    2013-05-20 21:39:12 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ cat src/com/example/hello/
    package com.example.hello;
    import static com.example.util.Hello.hello;
    public class HelloConsole {
        public static void main(String [] args) {
    2013-05-20 21:39:21 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ make
    rm -f hello
    find . -name '*.class' -delete
    javac src/com/example/util/
    javac -cp src src/com/example/hello/
    echo "java -cp src com.example.hello.HelloConsole" > hello
    chmod +x hello
    2013-05-20 21:39:28 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ ./hello
    hello, world!I believe I am looking for:
    1. Command-line invocation of "jar" to put the utility class bytecode file (Hello.class) into a JAR?
    2. Command-line invocation of "javac" to compile the application ( against the JAR file?
    3. Command-line invocation of "java" to run the application (HelloConsole.class) against the JAR file?
    I already know how t compile the utility class file.
    Any suggestions?

    I finally figured it out:
    1. All name spaces must match -- identifiers, packages, file system, JAR contents, etc..
    2. Tools must be invoked from specific working directories with specific option arguments, all according to the project name space.
    My key discovery was that if the code says
    import com.example.util.Hello;then the JAR must contain
    com/example/util/Hello.classand I must invoke the compiler and interpreter with an -classpath argument that is the full path to the JAR file
    -classpath ext/com/example/util.jarThe code is here:
    Here is a console session that demonstrates building and running the code two ways:
    1. Compiling the utility class into bytecode, compiling the application class against the utility bytecode, and running the application bytecode against the utility bytecode.
    2. Putting the (previously compiled) utility bytecode into a JAR and running the application bytecode against the JAR. (Note that recompiling the application against the JAR was unnecessary.)
    (If you don't know Make, understand that the working directory is reset to the initial working directory prior to each and every command issued by Make):
    2013-05-25 14:02:47 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ cat apps/com/example/hello/
    package com.example.hello;
    import com.example.util.Hello;
    public class Console {
        public static void main(String [] args) {
    2013-05-25 14:02:55 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ cat libs/com/example/util/
    package com.example.util;
    public class Hello {
        public static void hello(String arg) {
         System.out.println("hello, " + arg);
    2013-05-25 14:03:03 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ make
    rm -rf bin ext obj
    mkdir obj
    cd libs; javac -d ../obj com/example/util/
    mkdir bin
    cd apps; javac -d ../bin -cp ../obj com/example/hello/
    cd bin; java -cp .:../obj com.example.hello.Console
    hello, world!
    mkdir -p ext/com/example
    cd obj; jar cvf ../ext/com/example/util.jar com/example/util/Hello.class
    added manifest
    adding: com/example/util/Hello.class(in = 566) (out= 357)(deflated 36%)
    cd bin; java -cp .:../ext/com/example/util.jar com.example.hello.Console
    hello, world!
    2013-05-25 14:03:11 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ tree -I CVS .
    |-- Makefile
    |-- apps
    |   `-- com
    |       `-- example
    |           `-- hello
    |               `--
    |-- bin
    |   `-- com
    |       `-- example
    |           `-- hello
    |               `-- Console.class
    |-- ext
    |   `-- com
    |       `-- example
    |           `-- util.jar
    |-- libs
    |   `-- com
    |       `-- example
    |           `-- util
    |               `--
    `-- obj
        `-- com
            `-- example
                `-- util
                    `-- Hello.class
    19 directories, 6 filesHTH,

  • [SOLVED] building an ane which include third party framework and using it

    I made a ane which using third party framework.  Without packing the framework into ane, the ane works fine, and using the framework directly in xcode, it works perfectly too.
    But when pack the framework into ane, I got the error when using it to build a ipa:
    ld: warning: ignoring file /var/folders/c0/m8m1_z5915qblkj9d_7jhmcw0000gn/T/3cb383e9-0092-4b1c-9 09f-5c219b2fbcd4/Partytrack.framework/Partytrack, file was built for unsupported file format ( 0x56 0x65 0x72 0x73 0x69 0x6f 0x6e 0x73 0x2f 0x43 0x75 0x72 0x72 0x65 0x6e 0x74 ) which is not the architecture being linked (armv7): /var/folders/c0/m8m1_z5915qblkj9d_7jhmcw0000gn/T/3cb383e9-0092-4b1c-9 09f-5c219b2fbcd4/Partytrack.framework/Partytrack
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: /Users/apple/Documents/flexsdk/flex3.9/lib/aot/lib/libDebugger1.arm-a ir.a(avmplusDebugger.cpp.o)
    Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:"_OBJC_CLASS_$_Partytrack", referenced from:objc-class-ref in libcom.haibin.extension.PromotionAPI.a(partyTrackAPI.o)
    ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
    Compilation failed while executing : ld64
    The message "is not the architecture being linked (armv7)" is wrong because i using lipo command and get the framework info:
    lipo -info Partytrack.framework/Partytrack
    Architectures in the fat file: Partytrack.framework/Partytrack are: armv7 armv7s i386
    So is it can't find the framework file?
    I'm using Air 3.9
    This is how i build the ane:
    My platformoptions.xml file content:
    <platform xmlns="">
            <option>-ios_version_min 4.3</option>
            <option>-framework CoreData</option>
            <option>-framework UIKit</option>
            <option>-framework Foundation</option>
            <option>-framework Security</option>
            <option>-weak_framework AdSupport</option>
    And my build command are:
    <target name="package" description="Create the extension package">
    <exec executable="${FLEX_HOME}/bin/adt" failonerror="true" dir="../">
    <env key="AIR_SDK_HOME" value="${FLEX_HOME}"/>
    <arg value="-package"/>
    <arg line="-storetype pkcs12"/>
    <arg line="-keystore build/testkey.p12"/>
    <arg line="-storepass 123456"/>
    <arg line="-target ane"/>
    <arg value="${ANE_NAME}.ane"/>
    <arg value="build/extension.xml"/>
    <arg line="-swc swc/${ANE_NAME}.swc"/>
    <arg line="-platform iPhone-ARM -platformoptions build/platform.xml -C ios/ . "/>
    <arg line="-platform Android-ARM -C android/ ."/>
    <arg line="-platform default -C default/ ."/>
    File "Partytrack.framework " is in the directory "ios"
    I unzip the ane file and see the file Partytrack.framework is successfully packed into it.
    &: I use flash builder to build a ipa. 

    a got some error when build ipa:
    Error occurred while packaging the application:
    Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
      "__ZNKSt3__120__vector_base_commonILb1EE20__throw_length_errorEv", referenced from:
          __ZNSt3__16vectorIPhNS_9allocatorIS1_EEE8__appendEm in AppotaSDK(dmz_all.o)
          __ZNSt3__16vectorIN2cv3VecIiLi128EEENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE8__appendEm in AppotaSDK(matrix.o)
          __ZNSt3__16vectorIN2cv3VecIiLi64EEENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE8__appendEm in AppotaSDK(matrix.o)
          __ZNSt3__16vectorIN2cv3VecIiLi32EEENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE8__appendEm in AppotaSDK(matrix.o)
          __ZNSt3__16vectorIN2cv3VecIiLi16EEENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE8__appendEm in AppotaSDK(matrix.o)
          __ZNSt3__16vectorIN2cv3VecIiLi12EEENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE8__appendEm in AppotaSDK(matrix.o)
          __ZNSt3__16vectorIN2cv3VecIiLi9EEENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE8__appendEm in AppotaSDK(matrix.o)
      "__ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEC1ERKS5_", referenced from:
          __ZN2cv9ExceptionC1EiRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEES9 _S9_i in AppotaSDK(system.o)
          __ZN2cv5errorERKNS_9ExceptionE in AppotaSDK(system.o)
          _cvRegisterModule in AppotaSDK(system.o)
      "__ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEED1Ev", referenced from:
          __Z37_DMZ_fc25492ba21335d69fb04c299b9af1e0P9_IplImageh in AppotaSDK(dmz_all.o)
          __ZL37_DMZ_9eb98eef37ddfbe246ec282eedb142fcP9_IplImageP37_DMZ_200145a25bf71dde0e26f96431f eb196 in AppotaSDK(dmz_all.o)
          __ZN2cv4meanERKNS_11_InputArrayES2_ in AppotaSDK(stat.o)
          __ZN2cv9minMaxIdxERKNS_11_InputArrayEPdS3_PiS4_S2_ in AppotaSDK(stat.o)
          __ZN2cv9minMaxLocERKNS_11_InputArrayEPdS3_PNS_6Point_IiEES6_S2_ in AppotaSDK(stat.o)
          __ZN2cv4normERKNS_11_InputArrayEiS2_ in AppotaSDK(stat.o)
          _cvAvg in AppotaSDK(stat.o)
      "__ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEaSERKS5_", referenced from:
          __ZN2cv9Exception13formatMessageEv in AppotaSDK(system.o)
      "__ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE6__initEPKcm", referenced from:
          __Z37_DMZ_fc25492ba21335d69fb04c299b9af1e0P9_IplImageh in AppotaSDK(dmz_all.o)
          __ZL37_DMZ_9eb98eef37ddfbe246ec282eedb142fcP9_IplImageP37_DMZ_200145a25bf71dde0e26f96431f eb196 in AppotaSDK(dmz_all.o)
          __ZN2cv4meanERKNS_11_InputArrayES2_ in AppotaSDK(stat.o)
          __ZN2cv9minMaxIdxERKNS_11_InputArrayEPdS3_PiS4_S2_ in AppotaSDK(stat.o)
          __ZN2cv9minMaxLocERKNS_11_InputArrayEPdS3_PNS_6Point_IiEES6_S2_ in AppotaSDK(stat.o)
          __ZN2cv4normERKNS_11_InputArrayEiS2_ in AppotaSDK(stat.o)
          _cvAvg in AppotaSDK(stat.o)
    ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
    Compilation failed while executing : ld64

  • GUI Applications unable to use command line tools

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    I've searched, but I can't find a thread about this one, so...
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    -- I recently moved from an old G4 to a relatively new G5, and had issues migrating files, so I eventually just copied my entire home directory from the old machine to the new, replacing the freshly created one on the new machine. I feel like that missed something that tells the GUI where your $PATH is, or some other link between GUI and command line.
    -- I created a new user, and that user does not experience the same troubles. This adds to my suspicion that it is account/PATH related.
    Any help anyone can give it greatly appreciated.
    PM G5 dual 2.0   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Did you by any chance create an evironment.plist file? It is located in ~/.MacOSX/ If you don't know about it or don't know to look (.MacOSX is normally invisible), try this:
    In, in the "Go" menu select "Go to Folder..." (shift-command-G), type ~/MacOSX in the text field and hit OK, the finder should then open a window or complain.
    If it opens a window and you find in it a file named environment.plist move that file to the desktop and try your applications. Do they work as advertized? Try again after logging in/out if things don't work. Do they work now?
    Whatever hapens, tell us more...

  • Error while exporting webi reports using BIAR command line tool.

             We are trying to export webi objects to a biar file using the biar command line tool, biarengine.jar in XI 3.0. We are using the query select * from ci_infoobjects where si_kind='webi'.
    We are getting an error "unable to create plugin object".
    Export of all other objects is going through fine.
    Any ideas?

    Try this
    exportQuery=select * from ci_appobjects where si_kind='universe'

  • Issue while creating BPEL artifacts using BPEL command line tool

    I am trying to create BPEL artificats for SQL server stored procedure for SQO Server 2005 using BPEL Command line tool.
    My is
    ProductName=Microsoft SQL Server
    and I have create a batch file called as generate.bat and it contains following information
    java -cp D:\jdevstudio10134\integration\lib\DBAdapter.jar;D:\jdevstudio10134\integration\lib\bpm-infra.jar;D:\jdevstudio10134\integration\lib\orabpel.jar;D:\jdevstudio10134\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;D:\jdevstudio10134\lib\xschema.jar;D:\jdevstudio10134\toplink\jlib\toplink.jar;D:\jdevstudio10134\integration\lib\connector15.jar;D:\temp\sqlprocedure\JDBC\sqljdbc.jar oracle.tip.adapter.db.sp.artifacts.GenerateArtifacts %1
    and when I try to run the command at BPEL PM Developer Prompt, I am getting Procedure not found, Can one please tell, what is the cause of this error. and how does this command line tool exactly work.
    Following is the output from command prompt.
    D:\product\\OracleAS_1\bpel\samples>D:\temp\sqlprocedure\generate.bat D:\temp\sqlprocedure\
    D:\product\\OracleAS_1\bpel\samples>java -cp D:\jdevstudio10134\integration\lib\DBAdapter.jar;D:\jdevstudio10134\integration\lib\bpm-infra.jar
    lib\toplink.jar;D:\jdevstudio10134\integration\lib\connector15.jar;D:\temp\sqlprocedure\JDBC\sqljdbc.jar oracle.tip.adapter.db.sp.artifacts.GenerateArtifacts D:\temp\sqlprocedure\
    Procedure not found: dAP.spiSOATesting
    Thank you

      Pricing will be carried basing on the pricing
    Case1: Prices will be carried out automatically if
    necessary condition records are maintained for the
    condition type.
      For this you can go to Sales Order-> Item Conditions
    In the screen you can click on command button Analysis,
    which gives you the list of condition types associated
    to the pricing procedure. By clicking on the condition
    type you can know the action that has taken place.
    Case2: Manually forcing prices for Items.
      To do this, you have to populate ORDER_CONDITIONS_IN &
    ORDER_CONDITIONS_INX. Also note to identify the item
    numbers, you manually pass the item number for each item
    in the sales order, use the same item number for
    populating conditions.
      Parameters required:
       Hope the above info helps you. Do revert back if you
    need more info.
    Kind Regards

  • How are Windows Server Backup and Command Line Tools used in vCSHB installation?

    How are Windows Server Backup and Command Line Tools used during the installation of vCSHB?  Is it required in all types of deployments (PtoV, VtoV, PtoP)? Is it used to create the files that are put in the file share for the second node to use during vCSHB installation or is it only used during a vCSHB clone operation of a Physical to Physical deployment?  Are these tools not used in some deployments?

    You need Windows Server Backup installed on source and destination, and during the installation of vCSHB the installer will invoke the wbadmin (Windows Server Backup Utility) and will backup configuration and application data (application data is optimal but can decrease the sync time after installation of secondary node). On the secondary node you will need only run the vCSHB installer and everything will be restored.
    Check this blog entry for some more info about some problems in P2P deployment:

  • How can I create a NetBoot image using command line tools?

    Is it possible to create a NetBoot image entirely using command line tools?
    (That is, without using the SystemImageUtility)
    If so, are there reasonable instructions posted somewhere?
    I don't believe I can use SystemImageUtility with my current setup,
    but I would be happy to hear how I could:
    I have a set of Xserve clusternodes but without optical drives or video cards.
    One node acts as the head, running DHCP, DNS, OpenDirectory, Xgrid.
    They are wired to a gigabit switch.
    I have a PowerBook connected on the subnet which has ServerAdmin Tools installed.
    I don't think when I run SystemImageUtility on my PowerBook that I can successfully image one of the clusternodes disks over the network.
    I have tried to start one node in target(Firewire) mode, connect it via Firewire
    to the head node, and run hdiutil from the head node to make a complete disk image of the clusternode's drive.
    But a NetBoot image requires the whole nbi file, right?
    Could I then use copy this disk image to my PowerBook and use SystemImageUtility on my PowerBook to create a NetBoot image from it?
    I really have tried to read the PDFs, but I found the section on System Imaging in the Command Line Reference rather unhelpful.
    Thanks for anyones help.
      Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    To create a NetBoot image, you could just put the cluster node in target mode and attach it to your PowerBook. Then use SIU to create the NetBoot image.
    If you're trying to create a backup image of the disk, use hdiutil, or put in in target mode and create the image with Disk Utility.

  • Using third party tool to initiate a Forte batchprogram

    Hello Forte Users,
    Our company has acquired a software product called Maestro. It's a
    production scheduling facility that manages tasks for batch mode execution.
    We would like to know if anyone out there has had any experience using this
    product with Forte. One recommendation that we discussed was to have
    Maestro start a script on Escript to communicate to an agent that would
    start the batch process at a specified time. Has anyone done something
    similar or can offer any suggestions ?
    Thanks in advance,
    Jean Mercier
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

    We use Maestro for all our scheduling scripts. To start\stop the
    environment and start\stop applications. We create a shell script that uses
    escript to start/stop applications. Maestro just calls the shell scripts
    and monitor it for completion. I think you have to write the shell script
    in a standard way to return an error if it does not finish properly. Here
    is an example:
    source /appls/forte/fortedef.csh
    $FORTE_ROOT/install/bin/start_nodemgr -fm "(x:300000)" -e TR2ProdEnv
    ps -fu forte | grep -v grep|grep nodemgr>/appls/forte/production/scripts/KBB
    set KBB=/appls/forte/production/scripts/KBB
    if (-z $KBB) then
    exit 1
    exit 0
    Hope this helps.
    Kamran Amin
    Forte Technical Leader, Core Systems
    (203)-459-7362 or 8-204-7362 - Trumbull
    [email protected]
    From: Jean Mercier[SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, April 12, 1999 10:36 AM
    To: Forte-Users (E-mail)
    Subject: Using third party tool to initiate a Forte batch program
    Hello Forte Users,
    Our company has acquired a software product called Maestro. It's a
    production scheduling facility that manages tasks for batch mode
    We would like to know if anyone out there has had any experience using
    product with Forte. One recommendation that we discussed was to have
    Maestro start a script on Escript to communicate to an agent that would
    start the batch process at a specified time. Has anyone done something
    similar or can offer any suggestions ?
    Thanks in advance,
    Jean Mercier
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

  • Currency Conversion using third party tool

    I am trying to access BW from a third party tool and so far been quite successfull accessing BW Infocubes and Bex Queries by using OLAP BAPIs. However my customer wants to use currency conversion as it is available in BEX in the third party tool as well. I need some thoughts in this direction from experts who have worked on Business Objects and BW integration.
    I believe Business Objects has a similar interface with BW using OLAP BAPIs. Is there a currency conversion functionality available in Business Objects for BW? Would really appreciate if somebody, who has tried out this feature, can share some of his/her experience.

    We use Maestro for all our scheduling scripts. To start\stop the
    environment and start\stop applications. We create a shell script that uses
    escript to start/stop applications. Maestro just calls the shell scripts
    and monitor it for completion. I think you have to write the shell script
    in a standard way to return an error if it does not finish properly. Here
    is an example:
    source /appls/forte/fortedef.csh
    $FORTE_ROOT/install/bin/start_nodemgr -fm "(x:300000)" -e TR2ProdEnv
    ps -fu forte | grep -v grep|grep nodemgr>/appls/forte/production/scripts/KBB
    set KBB=/appls/forte/production/scripts/KBB
    if (-z $KBB) then
    exit 1
    exit 0
    Hope this helps.
    Kamran Amin
    Forte Technical Leader, Core Systems
    (203)-459-7362 or 8-204-7362 - Trumbull
    [email protected]
    From: Jean Mercier[SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, April 12, 1999 10:36 AM
    To: Forte-Users (E-mail)
    Subject: Using third party tool to initiate a Forte batch program
    Hello Forte Users,
    Our company has acquired a software product called Maestro. It's a
    production scheduling facility that manages tasks for batch mode
    We would like to know if anyone out there has had any experience using
    product with Forte. One recommendation that we discussed was to have
    Maestro start a script on Escript to communicate to an agent that would
    start the batch process at a specified time. Has anyone done something
    similar or can offer any suggestions ?
    Thanks in advance,
    Jean Mercier
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

  • Changing proxy to PAC file using command line tool ?

    I've asked this before but have not had much luck getting an easy fix.
    I need to change a large number of machines over to using a pac file instead of the current settings for secure and web proxys.
    It's not possible using 10.4 CLI command networksetup but I'm wondering if anyone may have another way of doing this ? Possibly a script or something ???

    The command line tools with ARD do not appear to have any syntax for specifying a PAC file URL nor the syntax to specify Proxies use a PAC file.
    I suggest you look at /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist file. This is where your PAC file settings will be saved. You may be able to programatically alter the file using "defaults write" or some other tool.
    Hope this helps!
      Mac OS X (10.4.10)   1 GHz Powerbook G4

  • Biar Export using Biar Command line tool

    Hi All,
    I am trying to export biar file using the biar command line tool for that i have written a .properties file and running that using the batch file , Here are the contents - -
    exportQuery= Select * from ci_infoobjects where si_kind in ('CrystalReport','Folder') and si_name='Air Travel Activity' and SI_INSTANCE = 0
    and running the above .properties file using below command u2013
    cd C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\4.0\java\lib
    java -jar biarengine.jar C:\work\biartest\
    I get the biar file created on the given folder but if I compare itu2019s size(261KB) with the biar which I create manually from the Import Wizard(35 KB) , then comparatively it is bigger. It seems biar has every instance.
    This increases the file size unnecessary since we do not need the instances in the BIAR, just the report and the dependent repository objects.
    Need your assistance on this issue!
    Thanks for your help!

    I would suggest creating a case with support to go over this, you should have a support agreement since you have the Enterprise product.

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    should I have to install something?
    I have documentation for using the oracle repository command line Toll
    for Windows and Unix, but I didn't found anything about using the oracle
    repository command line Tool for Linux.

    JDeveloper runs excellent on Linux and is supposed to be able to use the repository, but that's a GUI...

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  • Running a command in a command line tool in fastest way

    Before anything I want to clarify some terms : 
    file (android application package file) : equivalent to executable (exe) files on windows
    : A command line tool which comes with android sdk in order to fetch information of an apk file (It obviously has other usages)
    note : This question is not about an android feature. It's all about C# and functionality of .Net framework 
    apk file has a name just same as any other file, but it has a internal name (which will be shown when you install apk file on android os as name of application) 
    aapt.exe I can get internal name of an apk using following command :  
    d badging "<apk path>"
    have copied aapt.exe where executable file of my c# application is and I want  :
    above command for each apk in selected directory (using GetAllFiles method)
    I want to get internal names of apk files and
    I've tried a lot of ways and I've searched a lot. finally this is what I've got : 
    Process proc = new Process();
    proc.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
    proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
    proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
    proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
    proc.StartInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
    using (StreamWriter sw = proc.StandardInput)
    foreach (string path in Directories.GetAllFiles(@"E:\apk", "apk"))
    sw.WriteLine("aapt d badging " + "\"" + path + "\"");
    //following line doesn't work because sStandardInput is open
    // There will be a really huge amount of text (at least 20 line per sw.Writeline) and
    //it impacts performance so following line is not really what I'm looking for
    GetAllFiles is
    a function that I've created to fetch all apk file full path. It gets two argument. First argument is path and second one is extension of file you want its full path to be fetched.
    This is not final code.
    As I've commented it out first Debug.WriteLine doesn't
    work and second one is not a good idea. how should I get output from proc?
    I have tried running process by argument and its awful :)
    As another approach :
    Because apk files are basically zip files I can extract them get what I want from them.
    There is an xml file named Androidmanifest.xml in every apk file.
    Androidmanifest.xml is like an ID card for an apk file and apk internal name can be found in it but here are some problems with this approach : 
    1. Androidmanifest.xml is not a plain text file. It's coded and it requires a lot of complexity to decode it
    2. application name (or apk internal name) is an attribute in this file and it's value is not a string value. It's a reference to a file where strings are stored and worst thing is it's not an easy to find out reference. It's just a number

    And you don't get any output from it? Maybe you're passing the arguments incorrectly?
    No. I don't get any result and I have checked arguments and it's correct.
    But you are already running a separate process for every apk file. You start a single cmd.exe and then send it commands that will cause aapt to be run for every file. Unless aapt accepts multiple apk filenames on the command line there's no way
    around using separate processes.
    I didn't know that. anyway speed in this way is much more rather than creating a function. creating a Process object in it and calling function for each apk file.
    I read somewhere that it's possible to run multiple commands in cmd by & operator but as you said I think every command runs aapt. I have tested this approach too and it's very very slow
    fastest approach I have found is what I have wrote here and speed is about  0.6 per apk file which is still slow when there is thousands of apk files.
    I tried an application that does same thing (fetching apk information) and in it's installation directory I found aapt.exe which means it uses this tool to get information but speed is significantly faster rather than my application.   
    So what's your suggestion about this? 

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