User is flooding forum with irrelevent questions

The user Anitha/Suneel/Sunil/<Any new name> is flooding the forum with irrelevent questions.
Please delete the unwanted posts.
User details: (Check last 7 posts)

Hi Asmieeta,
Thank you for your awareness.
We've deleted most of the duplicated threads, except for the ones that already have few answers which may be helpful for other community members.
Best regards,

Similar Messages

  • New to forum with a question

    So, pretty simple. Im using LiveCycle Designer ES. Im trying to take an existing form and put a paperforms barcode on it that collects data from one field (the form was created in LC). It seems pretty straight forward only the barcode errors telling me that the script collection doesnt exist and to create a collection. I created an object collection referencing paperforms barcodes. However the paperform barcode shows as greyed (unsupported) in the collection list. Either I need an upgrade or Im doing it wrong. Any tips would be very helpful

    Answered in other discussion

  • New Mac user looking for help with Finder, Preview, Keyboard, & Dock

    So about a month ago I switched over from a lifelong Windows user to a brand new MacBook Pro, and while I am adjusting pretty well, there are still some things that I haven't quite figured out.
    First up on the list is Finder! I like my files to be arranged just like how they are in Windows Explorer--folders first alphabetically, then files alphabetically. I've managed to acquire this setting by messing around with the "clean up by" and "arrange by" functions but I don't really know the specific combination. Most of the time these preferences are saved and set as the defaults under "View Options" but every once in a while it resets and I have to tinker around with the settings all over again. Does anyone know of a way to fix this? It's only happened twice so far, but I'd rather not have it happen again. Also, occasionally when I delete an item, there is a blank space left where the icon was instead of all the files following it bumping up a space. Any quick fixes for this bug?
    Next up is Preview. Again, I like the Windows Way and I like to be able to browse between the files in a folder while using Preview/Windows Photo Viewer. I know that there is a way to browse between files if you select the whole folder and stick it in Preview, but is there a way to achieve the same result without having to do that? An app or "extension" of some sort that adds arrows in to browse between photos? I've had no luck finding anything other than the aforementioned option. Is there a good free alternative to Preview that will function similarly with the browse between photos option?
    One of my favorite things about my new Mac is the backlit keyboard function. My old laptop didn't have it and as someone who is online more often at night it is super helpful. But is there a way to turn it off during the day/in bright settings? A way to put it on a timer? In System Preferences I selected the option "Adjust keyboard brightness in low light", which I assumed to mean would have the keyboard NOT very bright when there IS light, but it continues to light up just the same. Any apps or extensions to help with this one?
    And finally, the dock! This question is more about aesthetics than functionality but help is appreciated all the same. Currently, my dock looks like this: It is rather opaque and the indicator lights can barely be seen. However, in a lot of tutorial videos I've been watching, many people have docks that look like this: It is a darker shade of gray, the divider is dashed rather than a straight line, and the indicator lights are clearly visible. Does anybody know how to get this look for the dock? I've looked in the dock preferences but there's not really anything in there other than magnification/size/effects.
    That about sums things up! I'm sorry if any of these seem like "silly" questions but they are all things I have been unable to find answers for. Any and all tips, tricks, and help is appreciated! Thanks in advance for all your help!!

    congratulations on coming over from the dark side.
    Seems like you are interested in column view, which would show you the hierarchy of folders and files:  Column View in Mac OS X Mountain Lion - For Dummies Not sure what's going on if your finder settings don't stay put. May be a corrupted preferences file, which is easy to fix, but is perhaps a topic for another discussion.
    What I'd suggest is to have an open mind and try to see what the mac can do, rather than force it to look like your windows machine. I mean, if you just want it to look like windows, then why bother switching? If you give it a little time, you'll start to appreciate the mac way of doing things, and see how it is infinitely more awesome, powerful, creative, intuitive, and better designed (and the software way better written)  than what you left behind. But that's your call.
    There are some threads on this forum with complaints about the backlight. Keyboard backlight settings query...: Apple Support Communities  Evidently it depends on the angle of the screen and the light sensor relative to the light. Some suggest that a SMC reset may help: Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)  This is not an issue for me, I just adjust the brightness with the keyboard buttons if I want. Real men shift their own gears, drink their coffee black, and adjust their own keyboard brightness. I am not aware of any software to exert more control over this feature but a search of macupdate  Download Apple Mac Software & iPhone Software : MacUpdate may help. I mean, it's up to you what is important. I can waste a lot of time playing around with the GUI and with unnecessary software, or I can just get my work (and play) done.
    You might prefer the no-glass dock, that removes the shelf, and makes the indicator lights like more discrete orbs. You can do this with the terminal. Using the terminal is also, perhaps, a topic for another discussion.I like the 2D dock much better. If you want I'll give you some directions for how to do it. Otherwise, here's a reference: 2D Dock - MacRumors Forums

  • When i boot i get a flashing folder with a question mark. disk utility doesnt work or read my harddrives to boot with. i installed a new SSD and its not reading that either. i have a macbook pro 2011, any help?

    So I came to this problem a while ago. M ycomputer basically froze so I was forced to shut down by holding the button down. When I started it up I got the flashing folder with a question mark. I started it up holding down the command and r keys which brought me to disk utility. Although my computer doesn't read that I have a hard drive to start it up. When I click on the disk utility app, I cannot verify or repair anything either. The buttons won't allow me to click on them. It also shows "Mac OSX Base System" which shows I have files and what not saved. I had been told that I need a new hard drive so I bought and manually installed a OWC SSD 240GB drive and when i booted the computer up it booted up yo the operating system fine with all my files and what not on there. After about twenty minutes, it froze again. I forced a shut down, restarted and the same thing happened. I am not able to choose my SSD to boot up, although thats probably because it doesn't have an operating system installed on it??
    i have a Macbook Pro 13" 2011
    any help would be great, I'm overall confused.

    this isn’t Apple support; this is a user-to-user forum. We’re just fellow users of Apple products here.
    If you want to boot from your SSD, then you should put the SSD where your HDD currently is, and put the HDD into the optical bay. (That setup will also get you the best performance.) At the moment, you’re still booting from your HDD. Note that you will need to format your SSD in Disk Utility [with the “Mac OS X Extended (Journaled)” format] so that you can install OS X onto it.
    Since you have an Early 2011 model, it might or might not have originally come with grey installation DVDs. You will be able to find out whether it did or not by trying to use OS X Internet Recovery to install OS X onto your SSD. If it does not work, or if the installed OS turns out to be Snow Leopard, then it will have originally come with the DVDs, and you should purchase a replacement pair of DVDs from Apple or iFixit; those discs will have your MacBook Pro’s Apple Hardware Test and its iLife apps. If the installed OS turns out to be Lion, then it will not originally have come with the grey installation DVDs, and your Apple Hardware Test will be installed along with Lion, and your iLife apps will be downloadable from the Mac App Store.

  • My MacBook Pro won't start - it just displays a grey screen with flashing icon of a folder with a question mark in the middle. Help.

    It started while I was using Adobe InDesign, and that program froze, then crashed. When I tried to reopen the program, the error message I received was simply "Error: 16".
    I tried to take a screen shot of the error message for reference, and it gave me a message saying I couldn't because I didn't have access to the files where it would normally store the shot.
    Attached to my computer at the time was my Seagate Free Agent Go-Flex for Mac backup drive.
    So, I closed any open applications, and restarted my computer. But it wouldn't restart. It only displays a grey screen with a flashing icon in the middle of a folder with a question mark on it.
    I have no idea what happened - I wasn't using the machine any differently than usual, and it only had a few basic applicaitons open in addition to InDesign (like Preview, Text Edit, Microsoft Word, iCal).
    I have MacKeeper on my MacBook, and I keep it clean.
    Does anyone out there know what this flashing icon indicates, and if there is anything I can try on my own to fix it?

    ali har wrote:
    It started while I was using Adobe InDesign, and that program froze, then crashed. When I tried to reopen the program, the error message I received was simply "Error: 16".
    I tried to take a screen shot of the error message for reference, and it gave me a message saying I couldn't because I didn't have access to the files where it would normally store the shot.
    For the Error: 16
    Seems a uninstall and reinstall of CS is in order.
    Attached to my computer at the time was my Seagate Free Agent Go-Flex for Mac backup drive.
    May or may not be a contributing factor,  may have kicked in at a wrong time or running root code.
    So, I closed any open applications, and restarted my computer. But it wouldn't restart. It only displays a grey screen with a flashing icon in the middle of a folder with a question mark on it.
    Computer can't find a bootable volume.
    I have MacKeeper on my MacBook, and I keep it clean.
    Well that explains it, MacKeeper is almost malware.
    Search the forums here for "MacKeeper" they will tell the whole story, crapware.
    Disconnect all drives, follow the "Grey Screen" instructions and hold Shift key down while booting, if you get into OS X , immediatly backup your files to another drive and disconnect.
    In my opinion you should first check to make sure you have a backup of your data, then just erase the entire internal drive (hold c boot off the 10.6 disk, use Disk Utility), reinstall OS X, same user name, update to 10.6.8, c boot off the 10.6 and Repair Disk (to fix a update error) install your programs and finally return files from backup into the same main user folders like before (Music, Docs, Pictures etc.)
    A pain it is, but you've hosed your system and in the process you might as well rebuild everything and have a fast machine again. So happens to clear MacKrapper, uninstall CS5 and any other junk in your system at the same time. Fresh, clean, lean and mean.
    Learn to Carbon Copy Cloner to a external drive that new pristine boot drive, you can hold the option key and boot from it (even update it), which is a real bacon saver when something like this happens.  Also it's free to use, donations accepted.
    Note: if anything above I've mentioned is too complicated or your not sure, seek the services of a local computer specialist.

  • Check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user ['name'] - ['name'] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

    We are running a Mountain Lion Server with Open Directory / LDAPv3, as far as I can tell.  My responsibility is to get my CentOS 6.3 box running Samba v. 3.5.10-125.el6 to authenticate users against the ML / OD box.  I can ssh to the CentOS box OK and I can get Guest access to the Samba share to go OK too.  Also, the OD passwords on the LDAP server are set to 'Open Directory' so I guess that means that they are encrypted and the Samba server is set to send encrypted passwords.  But when a user tries to properly authenticate using either say via a Mac client Finder [Command-K], or smbclient, the Samba server will generate this message:
    check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user ['name'] -> ['name'] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
    (I am blanking out the user name on purpose).
    Of course there is more to the story, but those are the basics.
    Here are the relevant parts of my smb.conf.  FWIW, the CentOS / Samba box is called Jupiter.
    Thank you,
              display charset = UTF-8
              realm = SATURN.MCLEAN.HARVARD.EDU
              netbios aliases = ANL
              server string = Welcome To The Jupiter Samba Server Version 3.5.10-125.el6
              interfaces = lo, em1
              security = SERVER
              update encrypted = Yes
              password server =
              smb passwd file = /var/lib/samba/private/secrets.tdb
              passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
              passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
              unix password sync = Yes
              lanman auth = Yes
              client NTLMv2 auth = Yes
              client use spnego principal = Yes
              kerberos method = system keytab
              log level = 2
              syslog = 3
              log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
              max log size = 50
              name resolve order = host lmhosts wins bcast
              server signing = auto
              preferred master = Auto
              ldap admin dn = uid=DirAdmin,cn=users,dc=saturn,dc=mclean,dc=harvard,dc=edu
              ldap group suffix = cn=groups
              ldap passwd sync = yes
              ldap suffix = dc=saturn,dc=mclean,dc=harvard,dc=edu
              ldap ssl = no
              ldap user suffix = cn=users
              usershare allow guests = Yes
              idmap backend = ldap:ldap://
              idmap uid = 10000-20000
              idmap gid = 30000-40000
              cups options = raw
              comment = Home Directories
              read only = No
              comment = All Printers
              path = /var/spool/samba
              printable = Yes
              browseable = No
              comment = Main ANL Share
              path = /anl
              read only = No
              guest ok = Yes
              hide dot files = No

    Turns out a printer driver installed on an XP (even W2K(?)) was (apparently?) flooding the OS X SMB server to the point of collapse. Uninstalling the "HP Tools" part of the driver cleared it up. The printer is an HP LJ1300. I had downloaded the full driver from I don't know if any/all these conditions need to be matched, but: the printer was on the network using an HP print server JetDirect EX Plus, and the computer(s) in question were connecting directly to it (not via a print server). It's been too long ago, but there were always several errors in the System Log (Win XP Event Viewer) that correlated with the errors on the OS X server.
    Proud to say that since that day (10+ months ago) I've not seen it happen again. whew.

  • User list synchronization and Unique userid questions

    I am new to Oracle portal and LDAP and learning more and more about Portal every day.
    I am using Oracle 9iAS portal 3.0.9 version. I have a requirement to integrate 3rd party LDAP with Oracle Portal Single Sign On. I have white paper on Configuring Oracle9iAS Portal for LDAP authentication. I have following questions
    Paragraph from white paper (Background information):
    When using LDAP authentication or any other external repository, for that matter- the list of users for authentication is held on the external repository. However, there is also a list of users held on the Login server, which is used to associate privileges to the user. Ideally, this list is maintained transparently and automatically. In fact, if a user account is created on LDAP and a user attempts to log in, the login will succeed, and an entry is automatically created on the login server for that user, after a successful login.
    1.     What privileges user will be granted when synchronization process create new portal user on login server automatically?
    2.     Is it possible to customize whatever default privileges new portal user gets? If yes, how? Please provide some forum link or documentation or example.
    Unique user Id scenario.
    Our LDAP repository is setup for customers from different companies. We have requirement to integrate LDAP users with Oracle 9iAS portal 3.0.9 Single Sign On. I have two userid with same name on the LDAP from different company. For example userid jsmith from company A and jsmith from company B. Both user id do not exist on Portal Login Server. Both userids will be created automatically in Login server when LDAP and Portal synchronize user list.
    1.     How oracle portal will handle such scenario when portal requires unique userid?
    2.     Can I customize portal login screen? For example when they login they can provide userid, passwd and domain name. Where domain name could be company name.
    Let me know if you need more information. Feel free to send direct e-mail also.

    For 1, you can have the user removed from OUL in OOB scenarios, but behind IP phones it's difficult since we won't know when the PC is offline from there. Only way to know that is when CAM receives a MAC-Notification of a new MAC address being learnt. In IB, you can use heartbeat timers to log them out
    For 2, when a new MAC address is seen on the port, the MAC-Notification is sent out, and depending on your port profile the switchport will change or not. Check your port profile settings for more details on how you have it setup.

  • Creating User Table, User Field ... with Script SQL in C#

    Hi every body,
    I wonder if we could create a user table, user field ... with script SQL in C#.
    Should I use the reference Microsoft.SqlServer.ScriptTask ??
    Thank you for your Help

    I am not sure where your question is directed.  The forum that you have posted your question in is for questions related to the SAP Business One SDK.  Are you looking to create new user tables/fields in SAP Business One?  If so you can do this either through the SAP Business One SDK interface using Tools > User Defined Fields and/or Tools > User Defined tables.
    You can also create metadata objects in Business One programatically using the UserTablesMD and/or UserFields objects.
    SAP does not support direct SQL writes to the SAP Business One Db.

  • HT5312 issue's with security questions !!!

    Hello Support,
    I have an issue here regarding the security questions. i upgraded my mobile phone from Iphone5 to Iphone 5s. and to active the account in new mobile phone, you asked me for 2 security questions and i put the answers. and i told you that i forgot the answering. Then you told me to change the password and i did that. But still, the issue for security questions didn't solve yet, specially while i wanna buy from iTune store and the problem is the questions all the time changed.
    Can you please solve this issue as in my account that i have it in iTune store have some amount of cash in it.
    many thanks in advanced,

    Welcome to the user to User Technical Support Forum provided by Apple.
    For your issue...
    See Here > Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
              Ask to speak with the Account Security Team...
    Or Email Here  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact
    More Info >  Apple ID: All about Apple ID security questions
    You can only set up and/or change a Rescue Email Before you forget the questions/answers.

  • White Macbook has folder with a question mark inside when powered on.

    My brother has a white macbook given to him from a friend and when it is powered on it shows a folder icon with a question mark in the inside flashing and it doesn't boot. He has sent me on a quest to get a power adapter and a new hard drive, He thinks the hard drive is fried. Does anyone know for sure if thats the case, I just don't want to buy all that stuff to figure out that the logic board is dead or something else irreplaceable. There is no backup disks, all I have is a replacement leopard disk from apple used for my mac mini.

    If it is a retail Leopard disc--black with a giant purple X on it--then yes, you could use them, with a couple of caveats. One, it would technically be a violation of the license to use that install of Leopard on more than one computer, and terms of use on this forum forbid me from encouraging such an action. And two, depending on how old this used MacBook is, your install of Leopard may pre-date manufacture of the MacBook and, as a result, not be able to boot the MacBook anyway. However, judging by the info in your signature, that is probably not a problem.
    If the disc for your Mini is gray and shipped with or was meant to ship with the Mini, then no, the disc will not work.
    I still encourage you to get the system discs that came with the MacBook originally, as they have the Apple Hardware Test included, and, as I suggested above, running any OS (or other Apple software) on a Mac without the discs means technically it's an unlicensed copy.

  • We are sorry, but we are unable to complete your request.•The Office 2007 Product Key provided is already associated with another user on this site. Please log in with the user information originally used with this Office 2007 Product Key.

    Over the years I have had many ISP and email addresses - but now we have  finally gone almost fully virtual...
    I have a live login and MS ID 4 my SkyDrive account but I only use my MS  touch with 8.1, SkyDrive and office 365 for mobility.
    And I still like to backup to my own server!!!
    What would be good is if I can put all the software licenses and product  keys of the software and keep a record of my mac addresses for  hardware  and even static IP's in a file or a secure location within the MS online  store.
    That's where MS wants me to get my computing needs from in future and I  will always be able to retrieve it in future but what about the $$$$$ I have  spent on software, hardware and applications prior to now???
    I know u guys love 2 collect data 4 marketing analysis,
    4 example I have an old PC that is still running a server from last century  - if you knew about it a simple script would allow you to offer upgrades or at  least relevant MS products - UNLIKE the rubbish adds I just turn off or tune out 
    Why cant I add products previous online email purchases into the 1 MS live  ID account where I can keep it together? If you make that available I don't have  to have separate steam accounts, EA game accounts, ASUS and adobe accounts etc 
    What has brought me 2 this is I was looking for my office pro 2007 disks to  rebuild a HOME USE ONLY windows 7 laptop (NO touch screen so 8.1 is no benefit  at all)
    I HAVE 4 Genuine PRODUCT KEYs for Office 2007 BUT EVERY TIME I WENT TO  DOWNLOAD the software - regardless of the key I used - I got the error message:  We are sorry, but we are unable to complete your request.•The Office 2007  Product Key
    provided is already associated with another user on this site.  Please log in with the user information originally used with this Office 2007  Product Key.
    That's crap - This is a clean brand spanker install of Win7 and there was  nothing b4 I put the oem drivers from Toshiba back on.
    I looked at dozens of support pages and forum blogs and tried for hours to  get a copy to download - including incognito and other logins but because my  default PC name is also my MS Windows live ID the same error was repeated.
    I keep away from the non MS sites for these things and with good reason -  there were heaps of similar users with the same issue or very close to it that  had downloaded from a supposed MS copy from eValue or digital river etc and the  next
    thing was total corruption of the OS.
    EVENTUALLY I found a LIVE MS chat on a support site in the US and she gave  me a link to a slightly older version which will need updating and some reg edit  changes but so far, so good.
    The point is - what a crock !
    I should be able to just keep all my software, drivers, updates, service  packs, and versions that I have upgraded in the MS store.
    If Microsoft aren't going to support XP or Office 2003 and eventually 2007,  vista & Windows7 not far behind??? then that's still no excuse for them to  put these restrictions and limits when I OWN my copy of the software!!
    Unlike office 365 and SkyDrive space which is described in the T&C  (that we all read before ticking that radial button to agree of course) as ONLY  under a leased licence.
    IF Microsoft can support AND develop software that supports SQL2000  Servers, why is it so hard to archive and keep the same info for  everyone???

    Over the years I have had many ISP and email addresses - but now we have  finally gone almost fully virtual...
    I have a live login and MS ID 4 my SkyDrive account but I only use my MS  touch with 8.1, SkyDrive and office 365 for mobility.
    And I still like to backup to my own server!!!
    What would be good is if I can put all the software licenses and product  keys of the software and keep a record of my mac addresses for  hardware  and even static IP's in a file or a secure location within the MS online  store.
    That's where MS wants me to get my computing needs from in future and I  will always be able to retrieve it in future but what about the $$$$$ I have  spent on software, hardware and applications prior to now???
    I know u guys love 2 collect data 4 marketing analysis,
    4 example I have an old PC that is still running a server from last century  - if you knew about it a simple script would allow you to offer upgrades or at  least relevant MS products - UNLIKE the rubbish adds I just turn off or tune out 
    Why cant I add products previous online email purchases into the 1 MS live  ID account where I can keep it together? If you make that available I don't have  to have separate steam accounts, EA game accounts, ASUS and adobe accounts etc 
    What has brought me 2 this is I was looking for my office pro 2007 disks to  rebuild a HOME USE ONLY windows 7 laptop (NO touch screen so 8.1 is no benefit  at all)
    I HAVE 4 Genuine PRODUCT KEYs for Office 2007 BUT EVERY TIME I WENT TO  DOWNLOAD the software - regardless of the key I used - I got the error message:  We are sorry, but we are unable to complete your request.•The Office 2007  Product Key
    provided is already associated with another user on this site.  Please log in with the user information originally used with this Office 2007  Product Key.
    That's crap - This is a clean brand spanker install of Win7 and there was  nothing b4 I put the oem drivers from Toshiba back on.
    I looked at dozens of support pages and forum blogs and tried for hours to  get a copy to download - including incognito and other logins but because my  default PC name is also my MS Windows live ID the same error was repeated.
    I keep away from the non MS sites for these things and with good reason -  there were heaps of similar users with the same issue or very close to it that  had downloaded from a supposed MS copy from eValue or digital river etc and the  next
    thing was total corruption of the OS.
    EVENTUALLY I found a LIVE MS chat on a support site in the US and she gave  me a link to a slightly older version which will need updating and some reg edit  changes but so far, so good.
    The point is - what a crock !
    I should be able to just keep all my software, drivers, updates, service  packs, and versions that I have upgraded in the MS store.
    If Microsoft aren't going to support XP or Office 2003 and eventually 2007,  vista & Windows7 not far behind??? then that's still no excuse for them to  put these restrictions and limits when I OWN my copy of the software!!
    Unlike office 365 and SkyDrive space which is described in the T&C  (that we all read before ticking that radial button to agree of course) as ONLY  under a leased licence.
    IF Microsoft can support AND develop software that supports SQL2000  Servers, why is it so hard to archive and keep the same info for  everyone???

  • How many users do i have with this account?

    How many users do i have with this account?

    Hi darylm32102489,
    Which account are you referring to? I see that you have an Acrobat subscription--is that what you're asking about? Or are you referring to your online storage account?
    If you're referring to an Acrobat subscription, please see this FAQ for information regarding licensing: d_83547
    Please let us know if you have additional questions.

  • Desktop Icons have vanished, have tried many solutions offered in forums with no results

    I'm at a complete loss as to what to do after searching high and low for answers to this problem.
    My desktop icons have mysteriously vanished as I switched it on last night. I had been using it with no issue earlier that day, but for some reason, switching it on last night, I was greeted with a completely clean desktop.
    This has happened once before, so I figured simply rebooting the computer (like the last time this occurred) would bring back the icons. No such luck, even after restarting it or shutting it down, and reopening it 15 minutes later. When this problem last occurred, I think I was using Snow Leopard; I'm now running Mountain Lion (if this makes any difference).
    I searched a few forums, and tried every solution listed in these topics with absolutely no success. List of things I've tried, as suggested by users on other forums (that seemed to work for people with similar problems):
    Checked to see if the "Desktop" folder was renamed to something else, it wasn't;
    Relaunched Finder several times
    Restarted the computer, shut it down for hours and restarted
    View>Clean up by/Sort by all tried, nothing happens
    Changed the resolution several times, nothing happens
    Quit iTunes, nothing happens
    Verified the disk in Disk Utility, no problems (so repair disk was greyed out);
    Verified the permissions, repaired the permissions successfully, nothing happened;
    Checked Macintosh HD>Users>(username)>Desktop, nothing in the folder (0kb when I check Get Info);
    Searched for and tried to remove via Terminal the following preferences: AND but they are non-existant on my account OR guest account
    Booted in safe mode, still no icons
    Logged into guest account, no icons on administrator Desktop (I overrided permissions to see the desktop, and still no icons)..
    Tried to "killall Finder" in Terminal, no response.
    I did not recently:
    download any new software, games, etc (with the exception of FluidApp, which was installed 3 weeks ago and frankly I don't see how it would affect my computer weeks later);
    connect my MacBook to an external/additional monitor (have never done this, so icons can't be off-screen)
    Additional info:
    When in Finder, most functions in my View menu are greyed out. Available options: "Clean Up By", "Sort By", and "View Options". Selecting any of these do nothing.
    I checked this article ( and my Computer Name actually DID contain an illegal character (a dash) so I removed it; however it did not correct my problem even after reboot/logging out and in/relaunching Finder. (I'm running Mountain Lion though, so not sure if this even applies, but it was the closest thing I could find).
    Nothing but the contents of the desktop seem to have been compromised. I can open applications, install software, use any application, view/open/access files everywhere else on my computer.
    I can save new files on my desktop and they don't disappear.
    I can put files from other places in my computer on the desktop and they don't disappear.
    I DID do a system update to the latest version of Mountain Lion AFTER encountering this problem, in hopes it would correct the problem somehow, but it did not.
    I installed one application in hopes of figuring out a fix after the problem occurred (TinkerTool) but after playing with the options (and in the end, not changing anything) I still have the problem. The "Disable Desktop Features" thing was not checked. I checked it, relaunched finder, and what I put on the desktop disappeared, so I unchecked it and relaunched and they reappeared, but my old desktop did not.
    It's seriously as if someone did a "Select All > Delete", and overpassed the Trash bin somehow (because it still has a few items I had put in there previously).
    Does anyone have any other suggestions in how to retreive my lost desktop icons? I'm going crazy..

    If you have a backup, try restoring your Desktop folder from there.
    You should have a Finder and a FolderActions .plist. Have you tried looking in your user library folder manually instead of using Terminal?
    If you prefer to make your user library permanently visible, use the Terminal command found below.
    You might want to bookmark the command. I had to use it again after I installed 10.8.4. I have also been informed that if you drag the user library to Finder it will remain visible.

  • Can I Design a Forum with using web dynpro for java?

    Hi All:
        Can i design a forum with using web dynpro for java?
        I want to design an application like a simple forum which maybe has many replies.So if i use
    the UI technology "web dynpro for java", i will to create UI elements dynamically.How can i control this
    dynamical UI elements to keep layout ?

    yes you can do that....
    for exaple if you observe SDN...
    you can imagine like....
    A big Transparent Container(TC)....
    Inside that number of other TCs(depending upon the question nd its replies...)....
    In side each TC, again around 9 UIElements....
    one for menioning what is the question/reply?
    other for your description of question/reply...
    other for your name,
    displaing your fourm point... etc...
    So it will be
    for(loop till your (Question+No of replies))
    Create Transparent Container....
    Add Childs to the Container...
    Decide your layout....
    In case if you want to know how to create UIElements dynamically....

  • "User names cannot start with a number" error while adding a user

    Is it possible to use WL Portal 7.0 admin framework to manage users with all numeric
    user id ?
    I got an error "User names cannot start with a number" while trying to add users
    with all numeric user ids. I am using "portalAppTools" web app provided with WL
    7.0 out of the box.
    What "out the box" functionality do I need to change to make this happen ? Thanks

    The problem is that when we have user groups starting with a number, then the search
    feature doesn't work for user groups (case # 466837 with BEA).
    So, which brings me to the following question:
    a. Should the search feature work?
    b. What is the limitation? I mean, it is designed not to allow user groups starting
    with a number. So, there must be a reason for this. So, if we change "disallowFirstCharDigit",
    will it have any impacts on Portal?
    As an aside, it seems somewhat strange that the Portals can start with a number!
    Thanks in advance
    "Ture Hoefner" <replyto@newsgroup> wrote:
    Hello Shah,
    Search your tools web app for the file. In
    installation, it is at:
    It starts with this:
    # Messages and other properties used by usermgmt jsp tools
    # Name properties - UserBean and GroupBean
    disallowedCharacters: ~`!$%^&-*() {}[]|\\/?<>,:;+="'
    disallowFirstCharDigit: true
    Ture Hoefner
    BEA Systems, Inc.
    "Shah Sidi" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3db0a001$[email protected]..
    Is it possible to use WL Portal 7.0 admin framework to manage userswith
    all numeric
    user id ?
    I got an error "User names cannot start with a number" while tryingto add
    with all numeric user ids. I am using "portalAppTools" web app providedwith WL
    7.0 out of the box.
    What "out the box" functionality do I need to change to make this happen?

Maybe you are looking for

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