Using an array list as a hash map value

I have an object which has a "properties" field, which contains certain data for that object.
Most of the time the key/values are both Strings, but in at least one instance, the key is a string, the value needs to be an array list.
The Map is declared as HashMap<String, Object>
when I populate the map, and then attempt to retrieve its value, it seems to work correctly.
But when I try to retrieve the arrayList from another object, using its getter, it doesn't work,
IOW, if I have code like this:
// object created from outside the class where the map is populated
ExampleObject eo = new exampleObject();
eo.getProperties.get("string value that is a key for the map. ");
// if I try to determine the class the value is,
System.out.println("class: " + eo.getProperties,get("string value that is a key for the map. ").getClass());
// the code above indicates the object is a string. I googled and found a suggestion on this forum, that instead of making the map value an arrayList, I should create an object that contains an array list as a field, and then use that new object as the map value. I tried that and had the same problem.
any idea what I'm doing wrong? Hope that's clear...
Edited by: badperson on Aug 13, 2008 9:38 AM

threw this together and it worked fine, so something else is screwed up in my code.
import java.util.*;
public class MapTester {
     private HashMap<String, Object> testMap;
     private ArrayList testList;
     public ArrayList<String> createList(String listName){
          System.out.println("creating list");
          testList = new ArrayList<String>();
          testList.add(listName + " line one");
          testList.add(listName + " line two");
          testList.add(listName + " line three");
          return testList;
     public HashMap<String, Object> createMap(String key, Object value){
          System.out.println("populating map");
          testMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
          testMap.put(key, value);
          return testMap;
     public static void main(String[] args){
          MapTester mapTester = new MapTester();
          mapTester.createList("List 1");
          mapTester.createMap("listKey", mapTester.getTestList());
          System.out.println("retrieving arrayList");
          System.out.println("map value is type: " + mapTester.getTestMap().get("listKey").getClass());
     public ArrayList getTestList() {
          return testList;
     public HashMap<String, Object> getTestMap() {
          return testMap;
}thanks for the replies

Similar Messages

  • A suggestion : use "loop array list" instead of ArrayList / LinkedList

    ArrayList is good at:
    get / set by index : O(1)
    appending : O(log(n))
    remove last : O(1)
    and very bad at:
    add middle : O(n)
    remove from middle : O(n)
    LinkedList is good at:
    fast remove from middle, if your iteraror already goes there : O(1)
    convenient methods : addFirst, addLast, removeFirst, removeLast : O(1)
    and very bad at :
    get / set by index : O(n)
    here I want to make a suggestion : use "loop array list" instead of the ArrayList and LinkedList.
    a "loop array list" is based on array, just like ArrayList. But it has 2 member-variables : the start position, and the real size. the start position can be anywhere within array.length. an element of index "i" is stored in array[ start + i ], and when (start + i > array.length), loop to the beginning of the array; when (start + i < 0), loop to the end of the array.
    this "loop array list" has all the good sides:
    get / set by index : O(1)
    add first / last : O(log(n))
    remove first / last : O(log(n))
    add / remove from middle : O(n)
    (note : because we shrink the backup-array when the real size is too small, add / remove operation take O(log(n)) now.)
    the only problem is : add / remove from middle. let's take a look at it.
    1. the LinkedList does NOT really add/remove from middle in O(1), you has to locate the element, which is O(n).
    2. O(n) is acceptable, O(n^2) is not acceptable. try this : keep removing first element from an very big ArrayList ( size>10^6 ) until it's empty.
    the fact is, any list can perform batch-remove / batch-add operation in O(n) instead of O(n^2). it's easy : allocate a new list, iterate the original list, copy the element into the new list if condition is satisfied.
    so, instead of "remove from middle", what we need is a new methods : removeAllByCondition( Condition condition ), and now the batch-remove operation can be done in O(n)
    here is an implementation of mine. I've tested it on my computer( 512mem + 2G cpu, win2k + jdk1.5 ), it's amazing, just a little slower then ArrayList when add last, and a liitle slower then LinkedList when batch-remove. in all other cases, it's far more better then those 2 kinds of List.
    // source code : List2
    import java.util.AbstractList;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.Comparator;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    import java.util.Set;
    public final class List2<T> extends AbstractList<T> {
    private static int initialArrayLength = 4;
    private T[] array;
    private int start;
    private int size;
    private void init( T[] newArray, int start_a, int size_a ) {
    array = newArray;
    start = start_a;
    size = size_a;
    private void init() {
    init( (T[]) new Object[ initialArrayLength ], 0, 0 );
    public List2() {
    public List2( Collection<? extends T> collection ) {
              collection.toArray( (T[]) new Object[ collection.size() * 11 / 10 + 1 ] ),
    private List2( T[] array_a, int start_a, int size_a ) {
         init( array_a, start_a, size_a );
    public static <TT> List2<TT> createV( TT... elements ) {
         TT[] array = (TT[]) new Object[ elements.length * 11 / 10 + 1 ];
         System.arraycopy( elements, 0, array, 0, elements.length );
         return new List2<TT>( array, 0, elements.length );
    public static List2<Double> create( double... elements ) {
         Double[] array = new Double[ elements.length * 11 / 10 + 1 ];
         for( int i=0; i < elements.length; i++ )
              array[i] = elements;
         return new List2<Double>( array, 0, elements.length );
    public static List2<Integer> create( int... elements ) {
         Integer[] array2 = new Integer[ elements.length * 11 / 10 + 1 ];
         for( int i=0; i < elements.length; i++ )
              array2[i] = elements[i];
         return new List2<Integer>( array2, 0, elements.length );
    public static List2<Character> create( char... elements ) {
         Character[] array2 = new Character[ elements.length * 11 / 10 + 1 ];
         for( int i=0; i < elements.length; i++ )
              array2[i] = elements[i];
         return new List2<Character>( array2, 0, elements.length );
    public static List2<Character> create( String s ) {
         return create( s.toCharArray() );
    public List2<T> clone() {
         return new List2<T>( this );
    // basic
    public int size() {
         return size;
    private int index( int index ) {
         int i = start + index;
         if( i >= array.length )
              i -= array.length;
         return i;
    public T get( int d ) {
         if( d < 0 || d >= size )
              throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
         if( size == 0 )
              throw new NoSuchElementException();
         return array[ index( d ) ];
    public T set( int index, T element ) {
         if( index < 0 || index >= size )
              throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
         int i = index( index );
         T oldElement = array[i];
         array[i] = element;
         return oldElement;
    private void copyAndSetToNewArray( int newArrayLength ) {
         T[] newArray = (T[]) new Object[ newArrayLength ];
         for( int i=0; i<size; i++ )
              newArray[i] = array[ index( i ) ];
         init( newArray, 0, size );
    public void addFirst( T element ) {
         if( size == array.length )
              copyAndSetToNewArray( size * 3 / 2 + 1 );
         int i = index( array.length - 1 );
         array[ i ] = element;
         start = i;
    public void addLast( T element ) {
         if( size == array.length )
              copyAndSetToNewArray( size * 3 / 2 + 1 );
         array[ index( size ) ] = element;
    public T removeFirst() {
         if( size == 0 )
              throw new NoSuchElementException();
         T oldElement = array[ start ];
         array[ start ] = null;
         start = index( 1 );
         if( array.length > size * 2 + 1 )
              copyAndSetToNewArray( size * 11 / 10 + 1 );
         return oldElement;
    public T removeLast() {
         if( size == 0 )
              throw new NoSuchElementException();
         int i = index( size - 1 );
         T oldElement = array[i];
         array[i] = null;
         if( array.length > size * 2 + 1 )
              copyAndSetToNewArray( size * 11 / 10 + 1 );
         return oldElement;
    public int removeAll( ListCondition<T> condition ) {
         T[] newArray = (T[]) new Object[ array.length ];
         int iNew = 0;
         for( int i=0; i < size; i++ ) {
              T element = get( i );
              if( ! condition.isConditionSatisfied( this, i, element ) )
                   newArray[ iNew++ ] = element;
         int oldSize = size;
         init( newArray, 0, iNew );
         if( array.length > size * 2 + 1 )
              copyAndSetToNewArray( size * 11 / 10 + 1 );
         return size - oldSize;
    // aux
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
         if( obj == this )
         return true;
         if( obj instanceof List2 ) {
              List2 that = (List2) obj;
              if( this.size != that.size )
                   return false;
              for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
                   if( ! Tools.equals( this.array[ this.index(i) ], that.array[ that.index(i) ] ) )
                        return false;
              return true;
         if( obj instanceof List ) {
              List that = (List) obj;
              if( this.size != that.size() )
                   return false;
              Iterator thatIter = that.iterator();
              for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
                   if( ! Tools.equals( this.array[ this.index(i) ], ) )
                        return false;
              return true;
         return true;
    public int hashCode() {
         int hashCode = 1;
         for( int i=0; i < size; i++ ) {
              T element = array[ index( i ) ];
         hashCode = 31*hashCode + ( element==null ? 0 : element.hashCode() );
         return hashCode;
    public boolean isEmpty() {
         return size == 0;
    public T getFirst() {
         return get( 0 );
    public T getLast() {
         return get( size() - 1 );
    public T getRandom() {
         return get( (int) (Math.random() * size) );
    public int indexOf( Object element ) {
         for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
              if( Tools.equals( array[ index( i ) ], element ) )
                   return i;
         return -1;
    public int lastIndexOf( Object element ) {
         for( int i=size-1; i >= 0; i-- )
              if( Tools.equals( array[ index( i ) ], element ) )
                   return i;
         return -1;
    public boolean contains( Object element ) {
         return indexOf( element ) != -1;
    public boolean add( T element ) {
         addLast( element );
         return true;
    public void add( int index, T element ) {
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    public T remove() {
         return removeFirst();
    public boolean remove( Object element ) {
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "use removeAll( Condition ) instead" );
    public T remove( int index ) {
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "use removeAll( Condition ) instead" );
    public void clear() {
    public Object[] toArray() {
         Object[] result = new Object[ size ];
         for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
         result[i] = array[ index( i ) ];
         return result;
    public <TT> TT[] toArray( TT[] a ) {
    if( a.length < size )
    a = (TT[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance( a.getClass().getComponentType(), size );
    for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
    a[i] = (TT) array[ index( i ) ];
    if( a.length > size )
         a[size] = null;
    return a;
    public void sort() {
         Object[] a = toArray();
         Arrays.sort( a );
         for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
              array[ i ] = (T) a[ i ];
         start = 0;
    public void sortDesc() {
         Object[] a = toArray();
         Arrays.sort( a );
         for( int i=0, j=size-1; i < size; i++, j-- )
              array[ i ] = (T) a[ j ];
         start = 0;
    public void sort( Comparator<T> comparator ) {
         T[] a = (T[]) toArray();
         Arrays.sort( a, comparator );
         for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
              array[ i ] = a[ i ];
         start = 0;
    public void sortDesc( Comparator<T> comparator ) {
         T[] a = (T[]) toArray();
         Arrays.sort( a, comparator );
         for( int i=0, j=size-1; i < size; i++, j-- )
              array[ i ] = a[ j ];
         start = 0;
    public String toString( String delimiter ) {
         return toString( "", delimiter, "", size() );
    public String toString( String prefix, String delimiter, String suffix, int max ) {
         StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer( prefix );
         int dest = Math.min( max, size );
         for( int i=0; i < dest; i++ ) {
              stringBuffer.append( get(i) );
              if( i < dest - 1 )
                   stringBuffer.append( delimiter );
         if( size > max )
              stringBuffer.append( "...(" ).append( size() - max ).append( " more)" );
         stringBuffer.append( suffix );
         return stringBuffer.toString();
    // batch operation
    public boolean containsAll( Collection<?> that ) {
         Set<Object> thisSet = new HashSet<Object>( this );
         for( Object element : that )
              if( ! thisSet.contains( element ) )
                   return false;
         return true;
    public List2<T> subList( int fromIndex, int toIndex ) {
         if( fromIndex < 0 || toIndex > size || toIndex < fromIndex )
              throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
         int newSize = toIndex - fromIndex;
         T[] newArray = (T[]) new Object[ newSize * 11 / 10 + 1 ];
         for( int i=fromIndex, iNew=0; i < toIndex; i++, iNew++ )
              newArray[ iNew ] = array[ index( i ) ];
         return new List2<T>( newArray, 0, newSize );
    public void addV( T... that ) {
         for( T element : that )
              addLast( element );
    public boolean addAll( Collection<? extends T> that ) {
         for( T element : that )
              addLast( element );
         return ! that.isEmpty();
    public boolean addAll( int index, Collection<? extends T> c ) {
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    public void removeRest( T element ) {
         int position = lastIndexOf( element );
         if( position == -1 )
         while( ! Tools.equals( element, removeLast() ) );
    public void removeAllEquals( final T element ) {
         removeAll( new ListCondition<T>() { public boolean isConditionSatisfied(List2 list, int index, T currentElement) {
              return currentElement.equals( element );
    public void removeAllBetween( final T from, final T to ) {
         removeAll( new ListCondition<T>() {
              public boolean isConditionSatisfied(List2 list, int index, T element) {
                   if( from != null && ((Comparable) from).compareTo( element ) > 0 )
                        return false;
                   if( to != null && ((Comparable) to).compareTo( element ) <= 0 )
                        return false;
                   return true;
    public boolean retainAll( Collection<?> that ) {
         final Set<Object> thatSet = new HashSet<Object>( that );
         int removeCount = removeAll( new ListCondition<T>() { public boolean isConditionSatisfied(List2 list, int index, T element) {
              return ! thatSet.contains( element );
         return removeCount > 0;
    public boolean removeAll( Collection<?> that ) {
         final Set<Object> thatSet = new HashSet<Object>( that );
         int removeCount = removeAll( new ListCondition<T>() { public boolean isConditionSatisfied(List2 list, int index, T element) {
              return thatSet.contains( element );
         return removeCount > 0;
    // unit test
    private static int maxTestCount = 1000 * 1000;
    public static void unitTest() throws Exception {
         // thest thoese methods for one time
         Tools.ensureEquals( new List2(), new ArrayList() );
         Tools.ensureNotEquals( List2.create( "abcde" ), new ArrayList() );
         Tools.ensureNotEquals( List2.create( "abcde" ), List2.create( "abcdef" ) );
         final List<Double> list1 = new ArrayList<Double>();
         final List2<Double> list2 = new List2<Double>();
         Runnable[] tasks = new Runnable[] {
              // test those methods that do NOT change the list
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   Tools.ensureEquals( new List2<Double>( list1 ), list1 );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( List2.createV( list1.toArray() ), list1 );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( List2.createV( list1.toArray( new Double[0] ) ), list1 );
                   double[] doubles = new double[ list1.size() ];
                   int i = 0;
                   for( double d : list1 )
                        doubles[i++] = d;
                   Tools.ensureEquals( List2.create( doubles ), list1 );
                   Tools.ensure( list1.isEmpty() == list2.isEmpty() );
                   Arrays.equals( list1.toArray(), list2.toArray() );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1, list2.clone() );
                   Double notExistElement = -2.0;
                   Tools.ensure( list1.indexOf( notExistElement ) == -1 );
                   Tools.ensure( list1.lastIndexOf( notExistElement ) == -1 );
                   Tools.ensure( list1.contains( notExistElement ) == false );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1.toString(), list2.toString() );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1.toString(), list2.toString() );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1.hashCode(), list2.hashCode() );
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   Tools.ensure( list1.get(0).equals( list2.getFirst() ) );
                   Tools.ensure( list1.get(list1.size()-1).equals( list2.getLast() ) );
                   Double existRandomElement = list2.getRandom();
                   Tools.ensure( list1.contains( existRandomElement ) );
                   Tools.ensure( list2.contains( existRandomElement ) );
                   Tools.ensure( list1.indexOf( existRandomElement ) == list2.indexOf( existRandomElement ) );
                   Tools.ensure( list1.indexOf( existRandomElement ) == list2.indexOf( existRandomElement ) );
                   int from = (int) (Math.random() * list1.size());
                   int to = (int) (Math.random() * (list1.size()+1));
                   if( from > to ) {
                        int t = from;
                        from = to;
                        to = t;
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1.subList( from, to ), list2.subList( from, to ) );
              // test those methods that change the list
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   int i = (int) (Math.random() * list1.size());
                   double d = Math.random();
                   list1.set( i, d );
                   list2.set( i, d );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   int i = (int) (Math.random() * list1.size());
                   Tools.ensure( list1.get( i ).equals( list2.get( i ) ) );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   double d = Math.random();
                   list1.add( 0, d );
                   list2.addFirst( d );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   double d = Math.random();
                   list1.add( d );
                   list2.addLast( d );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   double d = Math.random();
                   list1.add( d );
                   list2.addLast( d );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   Tools.ensure( list1.remove( 0 ).equals( list2.removeFirst() ) );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   Tools.ensure( list1.remove( list1.size() - 1 ).equals( list2.removeLast() ) );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   int i = 0;
                   for( Iterator<Double> iter=list1.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++ ) {
                        if( i % 3 == 0 )
                   list2.removeAll( new ListCondition<Double>() { public boolean isConditionSatisfied(List2 list, int index, Double element) {
                        return index % 3 == 0;
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   double d = Math.random();
                   list1.add( d );
                   list2.add( d );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   Tools.ensure( list1.remove(0).equals( list2.remove() ) );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   int r = (int) (Math.random() * list1.size());
                   Double element = list1.get( r );
                   int index = list1.lastIndexOf( element );
                   for( int i=list1.size()-1; i>=index; i-- )
                        list1.remove( i );
                   list2.removeRest( element );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   list2.removeRest( Math.random() - 2 );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   Collections.sort( list1 );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   Collections.sort( list1 );
                   Collections.reverse( list1 );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   Comparator<Double> comparator = new Comparator<Double>() { public int compare(Double o1, Double o2) {
                        return o1.toString().substring(2).compareTo( o2.toString().substring(2) );
                   Collections.sort( list1, comparator );
                   list2.sort( comparator );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   Comparator<Double> comparator = new Comparator<Double>() { public int compare(Double o1, Double o2) {
                        return o1.toString().substring(2).compareTo( o2.toString().substring(2) );
                   Collections.sort( list1, comparator );
                   Collections.reverse( list1 );
                   list2.sortDesc( comparator );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   Double notExistElement = -2.0;
                   list2.removeAllEquals( notExistElement );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1, list2 );
                   list2.removeAllBetween( 0.5, 0.6 );
                   for( Iterator<Double> iter=list1.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                        double d =;
                        if( d >= 0.5 && d < 0.6 )
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1, list2 );
         System.out.print( "test List2 " );
         for( int i=0; i < maxTestCount; i++ ) {
              tasks[ (int) (Math.random() * tasks.length) ].run();
              Tools.ensureEquals( list1, list2 );
              if( i % (maxTestCount/10) == 0 )
                   System.out.print( "." );
         System.out.println( " ok" );
    // source code : ListCondition
    public interface ListCondition<T> {
    boolean isConditionSatisfied( List2 list, int index, T element );

    I have the following statement:
    private List list = new ArrayList();
    why not use private ArrayList list = new
    I know ArrayList implements List, so list has a wide
    scope, right? What's the benefit?
    JieBy using the interface you are not tied to a specific implementation.
    Later, you may determine that using a LinkedList is more efficient to your specific code and then all you need to do is change the statement to:
    private List list = new LinkedList();As long as you are not casting the list reference to ArrayList (or something along those lines) you would not need to change anything else.

  • Use of array list

    Please let me know the use of following line:
    <q>ArrayList<BufferedImage> bufferedlist=new ArrayList<BufferedImage>();</q>

    It creates an ArrayList which can only contain BufferedImages. A better way to write this is use an interface rather than a concrete class to declare the variable or field.
    List<BufferedImage> bufferedlist=new ArrayList<BufferedImage>();I suggest you spend some time reading about and trying to understand generics as this is the simplest use case I can think of. There are far more complex examples.

  • Using a MergeSort with an Array List

    Hi. I'm working on a program that does a MergeSort using an array list. The user is asked to enter 2 arrays of increasing numbers, and my program will create a 3rd array that merges the 2 original ones.
    I think I've almost got it down, but I seem to be running into an OutOfBounds error, and I'm not sure why. I've tried changing the initial values of some of my variables to no avail.
    I'm kinda new to Java so be gentle.
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import cs1.Keyboard;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MergeSort3
         public static void main (String[] args)
              ArrayList<Integer> ary1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
              ArrayList<Integer> ary2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
              ArrayList<Integer> ary3 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
              int input=0, count=0, ary1count=0, ary2count=0, temp=0;
              boolean ok=true;
                   System.out.println("Enter integers in Array1 from smallest to largest. (-1 to stop): ");
                   input = Keyboard.readInt();
                   System.out.println("Enter integers in Array2 from smallest to largest. (-1 to stop): ");
                   input = Keyboard.readInt();
              System.out.println("Size of array 1: "  + ary1.size());
              System.out.println("Size of array 2: "  + ary2.size());
              int ary3size=ary1.size()+ary2.size();
                   if(ary1.get(ary1count)<=ary2.get(ary2count) && ary1count<ary1.size() && ary2count<ary2.size())
                   while(ary1count>=ary1.size() && ary2count<ary2.size())

    We can't run the program since you're using a non-standard class, csi.Keyboard.
    Reduce the problem to a program that only uses standard Java classes, post the new program, AND identify the line that's throwing the error (not just the line number!) and post the exact error message.

  • How can I resize an array directly (without using reshape array)?

    Hi everyone,
    I have a porgam in which I am using an array as a command (with specific values that the user enters before running the program). By mistake, at the beginning I created a 4 dimension array (for instance), but I didn't know because I was only showing the first 3 values (not expanding the array to 4 or more). I would now like to change the size of the array from 4 to 3. I don't seem to be able to find an option (right clicking on the array) that enables me to do this directly. I don't want to use the "reshape array" icon, because this is not what I want to do. I hope I am clear enough.
    Thanks for any help,
    Go to Solution.
    Forum ‏7 KB

              If i have understood your question hope this helps you. If you want to change the size of the array right click on the array element and click Data Operations>Delete Element or if you want to do programmatically delete the particular element.
    Forum%20array[1].vi ‏11 KB

  • Using the Array SetElements function

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to use the Array SetElements function to set a value to specific indices within an initialized array but I cannot figure out what the syntax is for the optional parameter 2. I've tried a whole bunch that seem to make sense but always get an error. Has anyone used this function before who can let me know what the syntax to use is?
    Go to Solution.

    So the syntax for setting all of the elements to a value can simply be written:
    SetElements( myArray,valueToSet )
    To add in the optional parameter 2 and define a range is something like this:
    SetElements( myArray,valueToSet, "[3..6]" )
    The .. operator is analagous to a : in Matlab.
    Good luck,

  • SessionAttribute of array list

    I have a session attribute of an array list with class objects with different values. I know that if i wanted to cast this session attribute to a class i could do so if there were only one object. How do i find a particular object within the array list based on a attribute value so i can assign it to my class? If you have any suggestions, or places to read about this I'd appreciate it.

    sorry for the confusion, i figured i'll just show the method that creates the array list and maybe then you'll understand. So once this is created i want to get a particular "account" out of the array list. :
    public static ArrayList<Account> selectAccounts()
            QbConnectionPool pool = QbConnectionPool.getInstance();
            Connection connection = pool.getConnection();
            PreparedStatement ps = null;
            ResultSet rs = null;
            String query = "SELECT ListID, Name, FullName, AccountNumber FROM Account";
                ps = connection.prepareStatement(query);
                rs = ps.executeQuery();
                ArrayList<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>();
                while (
                {   Account account = new Account();
                return accounts;
            catch(SQLException e)
                return null;

  • Unusually High MAPE Values

    Posting it again for anyone to give you some inputs.
    We ran forecast on a selection ID that has all Product-Customer combinations using Auto Model 56 in the bakground on Prod-cust level. The system has proposed a strategies like constant, croston, seasonal and so on ..which is fine.
    We have set up a limit of 80 for the Error Metric MAPE in the Diagnosis group. If I am not wrong, MAPE is a percentage value and 80 should mean 80%. But after the forcast run using 56, the system generated  abnormally high MAPE values, for example MAPE values obtained are in 10's of thousands like 2,956,009.830 and even 10,000,000.000 . These are no where close to our limit 80. MAPE is the average of absolute percentage differences between Acutals and Expost forecast. So how could system generated MAPE be so high for all the combinations . Are we supposed to read it differently, because i thought auto model though may not propose the best fit model parameters, but atleast not give us a forecast which has such high MAPE values. I was expecting MAPE within 100 or worst case 200, 300 but not thousands and millions..
    Am I missing something ? Please help - Susan

    Hello Susan
    You could use the MAPE-A. You have to implemnt it on your own in a badi.
    The MAPE-A ist a value between 0-2.
    Hope thats helps you.

  • How to read XI Data type in Java code and populate as array list, using UDF

    How to read XI Data type in Java code and populate as array list, using UDF?
    Is there any API using which  the XI data types can be read?
    Kindly reply.

    Input Structure:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:CustomerCreateResp xmlns:ns0="urn:bp:xi:up:re:cust_mdm:cmdm:pr5:100">
    Output structure
    (Sample output structure.This actually needs to be mapped and generated using UDF)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns1:updateCustomer xmlns:ns1="urn:xiSericeVi"><ns1:customer><ns2:ArrayList xmlns:ns2="java:sap/standard">[]</ns2:ArrayList></ns1:customer><ns1:name>2344566</ns1:name></ns1:updateCustomer>

  • Sorting in List Hash Map

    Hi All ,
    I i have the data in below format:
    Name     Age     Skill     Company
    Vass     21     Java     Zylog
    Samy     24     PB     HP
    Lee     18     ADF     CTS
    Reng     16     Java     Info
    I converted this data into java collections List<Hash Map> like this.
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    public class HashMapDemo {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // Create a hash map
            List<HashMap> list = new ArrayList<HashMap>();
            HashMap hm = new HashMap();
            hm.put("Name", new String("Vass"));
            hm.put("Age", new Integer(21));
            hm.put("Company", new String("Zylog"));
            hm.put("skill", new String("Java"));
            HashMap hm1 = new HashMap();
            hm1.put("Name", new String("Samy"));
            hm1.put("Age", new Integer(24));
            hm1.put("Company", new String("HP"));
            hm1.put("skill", new String("PB"));
            HashMap hm2 = new HashMap();
            hm2.put("Name", new String("Lee"));
            hm2.put("Age", new Integer(18));
            hm2.put("Company", new String("CTS"));
            hm2.put("skill", new String("ADF"));
            HashMap hm3 = new HashMap();
            hm3.put("Name", new String("Reng"));
            hm3.put("Age", new Integer(16));
            hm3.put("Company", new String("Info"));
            hm3.put("skill", new String("Java"));
            Iterator i = list.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
    } As per data (table format) i want to sort the data in Column level
    how can i to achieve ?.
    List<HashMap> is type of collection is help to me?
    Any idea?
    Vass Lee

    Check out Comparator, and use Google to find examples on how to use it.
    Still sorting a collection of hashmaps is a bit odd design though. I think you want to create a simple class with properties in stead of a HashMap, then implement Comparable on that class.

  • How to create a dicitionary using hash map.

    Hi All,
    I want to create a dictionary using hash map where in i can add new words and there meaning. I have written some code But I am not happy with this. Can you suggest me how to add the words and there meanings to the hash map.
    I am not able to add the words and there meaning to the hash map.
    for this i tried creating a dictionary class.
    // Using hashmap
    import java.util.*;
    public class Dictionary
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Create a hash map
            HashMap hm = new HashMap();
            // put elements to the map
            hm.put("Abode: ", "Home");
            hm.put("Balance: ", "An intrument to measure or weigh");
            hm.put("Car: ", "Automobile");
            hm.put("Dinner: ","Last meal of the day generally had after evening and before sleeping");
            hm.put("Embossed: ", "Engraved kind");
            Set set = hm.entrySet();
            Iterator i = set.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext())
                Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry);
                System.out.print(me.getKey() + ": ");
    }This is the other Dictionary class which i created.
    public class Main_Dictionary
        public static void main(String[] args)
            Content_Dictionary cd = new Content_Dictionary();
            cd.getContent_Dictionary("Abode", "Home");
    class Content_Dictionary
        String word, meaning;
            word = "a";
            meaning = "b";
        Content_Dictionary(String x, String y)
            word = x;
            meaning = y;
        void getContent_Dictionary(String w, String m)
            word = w;
            meaning = m;
        void displayValues()
            System.out.print(word + ": ");
    }If i create an interface containing all the words and there meaning
    public interface Words_Dictionary
        String Abode = "Home";
        String Dark = "Lacking brightness";
        String Balance = "An intrument to measure or weigh";
        String Car = "Type of Automobile";
        String Dinner = "Last meal of the day";
        String Embossed  = "Engraved kind";
        String Adroit = "SkillFul";
    }and then create a another class which implements this interface, but how should i add these words and there meaning in the hashmap.

    I tried creating word document but i was unable to
    figure out how to do the operations on the word
    document and its content,
    So This is what i could come up with, i just created
    one class Dictionary , now I am able to search for
    the meaning of the word specified by me, and I am
    able to print all the words and there meanings added
    to the hashmap, but i am not able to figure out how
    to add a new word and the meaning in the hashmap and
    how to find is a word is there or not...May I suggest a slightly different approach?
    Do not create a String ==> String mapping, but a String ==> List<String> mapping. And do NOT place everything inside your main method.
    Here's a small demo:
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    public class Dictionary {
        private Map< String, List<String >> dictionary;
        public Dictionary() {
            dictionary = new HashMap< String, List<String >>();
        public void addWord(String base, String meaning) {
            List<String> allMeanings = dictionary.get(base);
            if(allMeanings == null) { // if null, there is no entry mapped to 'base' yet: create a new one
                List<String> newMeanings = new ArrayList<String>();
                dictionary.put(base, newMeanings);
            } else {
        public List<String> search(String base) {
            // your code here
            return null;
        // ... other methods ...
        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder();
            for(Map.Entry< String, List<String >> e : dictionary.entrySet()) {
                strb.append(" : ");
            return strb.toString();
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Dictionary dict = new Dictionary();
            dict.addWord("Abode", "Home");
            dict.addWord("Abode", "House");
            dict.addWord("Car", "Automobile");
            dict.addWord("Car", "Vehicle");
    }Good luck.

  • Sort array list and using comparable

    With the following code I would like to setup a score object for the current player.
    Change it to a string(Is it correct to say parse it to a string type)
    Then add it to the arraylist.
    So I can sort the array list according to the string size.
    That's why I have the variables in that order.
    So if 3 players have the same amount of guesses, they can be positioned on the high score list according to their gameTime.
    //create score object
                   Score currentScore = new Score(guessCount, gameTime, name);
                   String currentScoreToString = currentScore.toString();
                   //add score to arrayList
                   scores.add(currentScoreToString);So the error message says " The method add(Score) in the type arrayList <Score> is not applicable for the arguments(string)"
    Now, I understand that, I would like to know if there is another way to achieve what I am trying to do.
    Is the string idea I am trying here possible? is it practical or should I use comparable?
    I have looked at comparable, but I don't get it.
    Will my Score class implement comparable. I am looking at an example with the following code.
    public class Employee implements Comparable {
        int EmpID;
        String Ename;
        double Sal;
        static int i;
        public Employee() {
            EmpID = i++;
            Ename = "dont know";
            Sal = 0.0;
        public Employee(String ename, double sal) {
            EmpID = i++;
            Ename = ename;
            Sal = sal;
        public String toString() {
            return "EmpID " + EmpID + "\n" + "Ename " + Ename + "\n" + "Sal" + Sal;
        public int compareTo(Object o1) {
            if (this.Sal == ((Employee) o1).Sal)
                return 0;
            else if ((this.Sal) > ((Employee) o1).Sal)
                return 1;
                return -1;
    import java.util.*;
    public class ComparableDemo{
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            List ts1 = new ArrayList();
            ts1.add(new Employee ("Tom",40000.00));
            ts1.add(new Employee ("Harry",20000.00));
            ts1.add(new Employee ("Maggie",50000.00));
            ts1.add(new Employee ("Chris",70000.00));
            Iterator itr = ts1.iterator();
                Object element =;
                System.out.println(element + "\n");
    }The thing I don't understand is why it returns 0, 1 or -1(does it have to do with the positioning according to the object is being compared with?)
    What if I only use currentScore in a loop which loops every time the player restarts?
    //create score object
                   Score currentScore = new Score(guessCount, gameTime, name);
                   String currentScoreToString = currentScore.toString();
                   //add score to arrayList
                   scores.add(currentScoreToString);Also why there is a method compareTo, and where is it used?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Implode on Oct 7, 2009 9:27 AM
    Edited by: Implode on Oct 7, 2009 9:28 AM

    jverd wrote:
    Implode wrote:
    I have to hand in an assignment by Friday, and all I have to do still is write a method to sort the array list. Okay, if you have to write your own sort method, then the links I provided may not be that useful. They show you how to use the sort methods provided by the core API. You COULD still implement Comparable or Comparator. It would just be your sort routine calling it rather than the built-in ones.
    You have two main tasks: 1) Write a method that determines which of a pair of items is "less than" the other, and 2) Figure out a procedure for sorting a list of items.
    The basic idea is this: When you sort, you compare pairs of items, and swap them if they're out of order. The two main parts of sorting are: 1) The rules for determining which item is "less than" another and 2) Determining which pairs of items to compare. When you implement Comparable or create a Comparator, you're doing #1--defining the rules for what makes one object of your class "less than" another. Collections.sort() and other methods in the core API will call your compare() or compareTo() method on pairs of objects to produce a sorted list.
    For instance, if you have a PersonName class that consists of firstName and lastName, then your rules might be, "Compare last names. If they're different, then whichever lastName is less indicates which PersonName object is less. If they're the same, then compare firstNames." This is exactly what we do in many real-life situations. And of course the "compare lastName" and "compare firstName" steps have their own rules, which are implemented by String's compareTo method, and which basically say, "compare char by char until there's a difference or one string runs out of chars."
    Completely independent of the rules for comparing two items is the algorithm for which items get compared and possibly swapped. So, if you have 10 Whatsits (W1 through W10) in a row, and you're asked to sort them, you might do something like this:
    Compare the current W1 to each of W2 through W10 (call the current one being compared Wn). If any of them are less than W1, swap that Wn with W1 and continue on, comparing the new W1 to W(n+1) (that is, swap them, and then compare the new first item to the next one after where you just swapped.)
    Once we reach the end of the list, the item in position 1 is the "smallest".
    Now repeat the process, comparing W2 to W3 through W10, then W3 to W4 through W10, etc. After N steps, the first N positions have the correct Whatsit.
    Do you see how the comparison rules are totally independent of the algorithm we use to determine which items to compare? You can define one set of comparison rules ("which item is less?") for Whatsits, another for Strings, another for Integers, and use the same sorting algorithm on any of those types of items, as long as you use the appropriate comparison rules.Thanks ;)
    massive help
    I understand that now, but I am clueless on how to implement it.
    Edited by: Implode on Oct 7, 2009 10:56 AM

  • Creating array of hash maps

    I tried creating an array of hash maps in my application .
    but it continued to give me problem
    can any of u help me in this regard.
    thank you

    int SIZE=...;
    HashMap[] maps=new HashMap[SIZE];
    for(int i=0; i<maps.length; i++){
    maps=new HashMap();
    Or, for a purposely misleading SIZE=...;
    HashMap[] maps = new HashMap[SIZE];
    java.util.Arrays.fill(maps, new HashMap());

  • Using Hash maps

    Just a quick one
    I have two hash maps - each containing information on the location of characters in a individual string.
    Is there some sort of method that allows me to compare the two maps and return the string locations where they contain the same information ?

    Hi evett,
    You might want to check out the method "entrySet()" in the Map class, once you get the 2 Set's, you can then use the "retainAll()" method of a Set to only keep the information that is the same in both Set's (which contains the information you want).
    Good Luck,

  • Input data file into an Array List using scanner

    How would i input the data into a new array list with fields iD, name, acc_No, balance, oDLimit.
    the data looks like this;
    10 10 is included in the data and i can only assume is the size of the array/data to be put in
    So far i have
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            ArrayList <BankAccount> CurrentAccounts = new ArrayList <BankAccount>();
            Scanner filescan = null;
                filescan = new Scanner(new File("BankAccountInput"));
            catch(Exception e)
            }Any help would be great, thanks!


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