Using AppleTV offline

I have two AppleTV2 units and use them on a wi-fi network for in-house sharing of video media. I have a Hughesnet satellite Internet connection with a limited Fair Access Policy bandwidth threshold of 550MB. The AppleTV units appear to be draining 200 - 300 MB per day of bandwidth for, I imagine, updating the iTunes store info. Since I do not use AppleTV to download media from the internet I'm wondering if there is a way to configure them to be on my home WiFi network without being online. I have been manually unplugging them for now, but it is not the elegant solution I'm hoping for.

tombo23 wrote:
I have two AppleTV2 units and use them on a wi-fi network for in-house sharing of video media. I have a Hughesnet satellite Internet connection with a limited Fair Access Policy bandwidth threshold of 550MB. The AppleTV units appear to be draining 200 - 300 MB per day of bandwidth for, I imagine, updating the iTunes store info. Since I do not use AppleTV to download media from the internet I'm wondering if there is a way to configure them to be on my home WiFi network without being online. I have been manually unplugging them for now, but it is not the elegant solution I'm hoping for.
That's a tough one. Maybe set them as a private static IP address and don't specify a Gateway address? That is a lot of data being downloaded though. Have you unplugged them when not in use and checked to see if the usage is still there? As long as your router shares/publishes a Public IP address to your network, they will try to get to it

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    == Description
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    == Troubleshooting information
    HTML5: Application Caching
    .style1 {
    font-family: Consolas;
    font-size: small;
    text-align: left;
    margin-left: 80px;
    function onCacheChecking(e)
    printOutput("CHECKINGContents of the manifest are being checked.", 0);
    function onCacheCached(e) {
    printOutput("CACHEDAll the resources mentioned in the manifest have been downloaded", 0);
    function onCacheNoUpdate(e)
    printOutput("NOUPDATEManifest file has not been changed. No updates took place.", 0);
    function onCacheUpdateReady(e)
    printOutput("UPDATEREADYChanges have been made to manifest file, and were downloaded.", 0);
    function onCacheError(e) {
    printOutput("ERRORAn error occured while trying to process manifest file.", 0);
    function onCacheObselete(e)
    printOutput("OBSOLETEEither the manifest file has been deleted or renamed at the source", 0);
    function onCacheDownloading(e) {
    printOutput("DOWNLOADINGDownloading resources into local cache.", 0);
    function onCacheProgress(e) {
    printOutput("PROGRESSDownload in process.", 0);
    function printOutput(statusMessages, howToTell)
    * Outputs information about an event with its description
    * @param statusMessages The message string to be displayed that describes the event
    * @param howToTell Specifies if the output is to be written onto document(0) or alert(1) or both(2)
    try {
    if (howToTell == 2) {
    document.getElementById("stat").innerHTML += statusMessages;
    else if (howToTell == 0) {
    document.getElementById("stat").innerHTML += statusMessages;
    else if (howToTell == 1) {
    catch (IOExceptionOutput) {
    function initiateCaching()
    var ONLY_DOC = 0;
    var ONLY_ALERT = 1;
    var BOTH_DOC_ALERT = 2;
    if (window.applicationCache)
    var appcache = window.applicationCache;
    printOutput("BROWSER COMPATIBILITYSUCCESS!! AppCache works on this browser.", 0);
    appcache.addEventListener('checking', onCacheChecking, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('cached', onCacheCached, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('noupdate', onCacheNoUpdate, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('downloading', onCacheDownloading, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('progress', onCacheProgress, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('updateready', onCacheUpdateReady, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('error', onCacheError, false);
    appcache.addEventListener('obsolete', onCacheObselete, false);
    document.getElementById("stat").innerHTML = "Failure! I cant work.";
    catch (UnknownError)
    window.alert('Internet Explorer does not support Application Caching yet.\nPlease run me on Safari or Firefox browsers\n\n');
    stat.innerHTML = "Failure! I cant work.";
    == Firefox version
    == Operating system
    Windows XP
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0E)
    == Plugins installed
    *-Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45
    *Default Plug-in
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.3.2"
    *NPRuntime Script Plug-in Library for Java(TM) Deploy
    *The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
    *Google Update
    *Office Live Update v1.4
    *Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) plug-in for Mozilla browsers
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20 for Mozilla browsers
    *Npdsplay dll
    *DRM Store Netscape Plugin
    *DRM Netscape Network Object
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kandarpa Chandrasekhar Omkar
    Software Engineer
    Wipro Technologies
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    We have had this issue many, many times before including on the latest 3.6 rev. It appears that when the applicationCache has an update triggered by a new manifest file, the browser may still use only its local network cache to check for updates to the files in the manifest, instead of forcing an HTTP request and revalidating both the browser cache and the applicationCache versions of the cached file (seems there is more than one). I have to assume this is a browser bug, as one should not have to frig with server Cache-Control headers and such to get this to work as expected (and even then it still doesn't sometimes).
    The only thing that seems to fix the problem is setting network.http.use-cache to false (default is true) in about:config . This helps my case because we only ever run offline (applicationCache driven) apps in the affected browser (our managed mobile apps platform), but it will otherwise slow down your browser experience considerably.

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    Hey again Angel,
    It is the latter:
    If your Mac supports AirPlay Mirroring, an AirPlay Mirroring status icon appears in the menu bar when an Apple TV is on the same network as your Mac.
    OS X Mavericks: Wirelessly mirror your Mac screen to your HDTV
    So the AirPlay icon will only be seen on your Mac when an Apple TV is present on the same network as your Mac. You may also be interested in more information about AirPlay, which can be found here:
    About AirPlay Mirroring in OS X - Apple Support

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    gp2 wrote:
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    If it's copy protected material, then yes.
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    Correct, not supported.

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    BarryEdge wrote: I'm concluding the  OS is actually irrelevant to the CS5 apps...
    ...good conclusion.
    No worries.

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    Any suggestions for work-arounds or solutions on this one?
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    Suggestions, thoughts, recommendations, etc. very welcome.

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    Hi this is how i created a user using WLST Offline?
    cd('/Security/' + domainName)
    # Delete the default user name weblogic
    # incase you want to remove the defualt user weblogic
    # Creating a new user defined
    create(userName, 'User')
    # Setting the password of the user you created.
    cd ('/Security/' + domainName + '/User/' + userName)

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    Depends on what you mean by "work with them offline". If you mean store the documents so you can access them if not connected to the internet, you already have it: can download files from the cloud an use them offline. You will need an app to handle the zip files: I use File Manager, but there are others. File Manager also intergrates with dropbox, Google Drive, and iCloud. If you only need to read them, these apps will take care of that for you.
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    Pages, Numbers (Apple)
    Document (by Savy soda)
    document 2 go
    Smart Office
    Make sure to read botht he descriptions and the reveiws carefully

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    What is wrong? What do I wrong?

    Try turning off the airplay password on your Apple TV, playing a few slides and then try re-enabling your password if you wish to use it.

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    Is this possible to do using WLST offline?

    I enabled "DebugSecurityAtn" as suggested - and "DebugHttpSessions" as well.
    Unfortunately, I'm still not sure what's happening though.
    Here are all my "Authentication Providers" in the order listed in the Console:
    - DefaultAuthenticator : Control Flags=SUFFICIENT
    - DefaultIdentityAsserter : No "Active Type"
    - saml2IA (SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion Provider)
    - samlauth (SAML Authentication Provider): SUFFICIENT
    This is an except of the updated server log:
    <SecuritySAMLAtn> <SAMLIALoginModule: commit(): SAML IA LoginModule Group Added>
    <SecurityAtn> <$ServiceImpl.authenticate login succeeded and myuser was not previously locked out>
    <SecurityAtn> < 3
    Principal = class"myuser")
    Principal = class"grp_a")
    Principal = class"grp_b")
    <HttpSessions> <[HTTP Session:100046]Creating new session with ID: nVm... for Web application: /saml2.>
    <SecuritySAML2Service> <Using redirect URL from request cache: 'https://localhost:1234/MyApp/secure/index.html'>
    <SecuritySAML2Service> <Redirecting to URL: https://localhost:1234/MyApp/secure/index.html>
    <HttpSessions> <[HTTP Session:100078]HTTPSession with id: "nVm..." is of size 84 bytes.>
    <SecuritySAML2Service> <SAML2Filter: Processing request on URI '/MyApp/secure/index.html;jsessionid=nVm...'>
    <SecuritySAML2Service> <getServiceTypeFromURI(): request URI is not a service URI>
    <SecuritySAML2Service> <getServiceTypeFromURI(): returning service type 'SPinitiator'>
    Thank you,

  • Sound not working after using AppleTV

    I used AppleTV the other day with my MacBook Pro and everything worked find while I was using it. However, I want to watch something on my laptop now, and my sound is not working. The volume is grayed out in the menu and whenever I try to use my volume buttons to turn it back on, nothing happens. I think my laptop still thinks it is connected to AirPlay, but it isn't. And even when I would disconnect from AirPlay but keep AppleTV on, the volume was still grayed out. Please let me know if there is a way to fix this, as I find my self unable to.

    Hello there, alligabor.
    The following Knowledge Base article provides a great resource for information and troubleshooting of AirPlay Mirroring on OS X:
    About AirPlay Mirroring in OS X
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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