Using DBCP and Retrieving LastInsertID From An auto_incremented key

I am using Apache Tomcat 4.1.24 with Connector/J 3.0.7 and Mysql 4.0.12. I am trying to use DBCP but need to be able to get the LastInsertID From An auto_incremented key. I have read many examples that say to use "select LAST_INSERT_ID()" with a javax.sql.PreparedStatement but have concerns about this due to the following comment in com.mysql.jdbc.Statement
* getLastInsertID returns the value of the auto_incremented key
* after an executeQuery() or excute() call.
* <p>
* This gets around the un-threadsafe behavior of
* "select LAST_INSERT_ID()" which is tied to the Connection
* that created this Statement, and therefore could have had
* many INSERTS performed before one gets a chance to call
* "select LAST_INSERT_ID()".
* @return the last update ID.
public long getLastInsertID() {
if (Driver.TRACE) {
Object[] args = new Object[0];
Debug.methodCall(this, "getLastInsertID", args);
return lastInsertId;
I have posted a detailed description of my problems with using com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource which will provide the com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.getLastInsertID() method shown above, in the following thread The connections not being reused with com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource is my reason for wanting to use DBCP.
Thanks For Your Help

I have solved the problem that I had by implementing the Jakarta Commons DBCP and the following code to get last insert ids:
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO table1 (description) VALUES(?)", 1);
//The 1 makes it get auto_keys
ps.setString(1, "2222222");
ResultSet rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys();
long insertID = -1;
insertID = rs.getLong(1);
I only have one auto increment column in the table so I have just used this simple con.prepareStatement. If you have more than one auto increment column than you can use one of the other con.prepareStatement methods to create your prepared statement.
Using the Jakarta Commons DBCP to pool the connections, I was able to get more than twice the performance of using com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource. I even pounded my implementation using Jakarta Commons DBCP with thousands of requests(10 simultaneous threads) using Apache JMeter and it scaled very well. The pool grew up to about 10 Database connections that were reused for the duration of over 15,000 requests.
I am very confident due to this performance difference and the experiment that I will insert below that com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource is not reusing database connections.
The following is the result of using com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource to pool connections and refreshing a page a bunch of times. The connection are not reused in the pool.
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |
| 554 | test | localhost:35261 | ebayListings | Sleep | 1475 | | |
| 940 | ebayRW | localhost:35949 | ebayListings | Sleep | 18 | | |
| 941 | ebayRW | localhost:35950 | ebayListings | Sleep | 18 | | |
| 942 | ebayRW | localhost:35951 | ebayListings | Sleep | 18 | | |
| 943 | ebayRW | localhost:35952 | ebayListings | Sleep | 18 | | |
| 956 | ebayRW | localhost:35965 | ebayListings | Sleep | 17 | | |
| 957 | ebayRW | localhost:35966 | ebayListings | Sleep | 17 | | |
| 958 | ebayRW | localhost:35967 | ebayListings | Sleep | 17 | | |
| 959 | ebayRW | localhost:35968 | ebayListings | Sleep | 17 | | |
| 960 | ebayRW | localhost:35969 | ebayListings | Sleep | 17 | | |
| 961 | ebayRW | localhost:35970 | ebayListings | Sleep | 17 | | |
| 962 | ebayRW | localhost:35971 | ebayListings | Sleep | 17 | | |
| 963 | ebayRW | localhost:35972 | ebayListings | Sleep | 17 | | |
| 964 | ebayRW | localhost:35973 | ebayListings | Sleep | 17 | | |
| 965 | ebayRW | localhost:35974 | ebayListings | Sleep | 17 | | |
| 966 | ebayRW | localhost:35975 | ebayListings | Sleep | 16 | | |
| 967 | ebayRW | localhost:35976 | ebayListings | Sleep | 16 | | |
| 968 | ebayRW | localhost:35977 | ebayListings | Sleep | 16 | | |
| 969 | ebayRW | localhost:35978 | ebayListings | Sleep | 16 | | |
| 983 | ebayRW | localhost:35993 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 984 | ebayRW | localhost:35994 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 985 | ebayRW | localhost:35995 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 986 | ebayRW | localhost:35996 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 987 | ebayRW | localhost:35997 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 988 | ebayRW | localhost:35998 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 989 | ebayRW | localhost:35999 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 990 | ebayRW | localhost:36000 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 991 | ebayRW | localhost:36001 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 992 | ebayRW | localhost:36002 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 993 | ebayRW | localhost:36003 | ebayListings | Sleep | 5 | | |
| 994 | ebayRW | localhost:36004 | ebayListings | Sleep | 5 | | |
| 995 | ebayRW | localhost:36005 | ebayListings | Sleep | 5 | | |
| 996 | ebayRW | localhost:36006 | ebayListings | Sleep | 5 | | |
| 1003 | ebayRW | localhost:36014 | ebayListings | Sleep | 5 | | |
| 1009 | ebayRW | localhost:36020 | ebayListings | Sleep | 4 | | |
| 1010 | ebayRW | localhost:36021 | ebayListings | Sleep | 4 | | |
| 1011 | ebayRW | localhost:36022 | ebayListings | Sleep | 4 | | |
| 1012 | ebayRW | localhost:36023 | ebayListings | Sleep | 4 | | |
| 1013 | ebayRW | localhost:36024 | ebayListings | Sleep | 4 | | |
| 1014 | ebayRW | localhost:36025 | ebayListings | Sleep | 4 | | |
| 1015 | ebayRW | localhost:36026 | ebayListings | Sleep | 4 | | |
| 1016 | ebayRW | localhost:36027 | ebayListings | Sleep | 4 | | |
| 1017 | ebayRW | localhost:36028 | ebayListings | Sleep | 4 | | |
| 1018 | ebayRW | localhost:36029 | ebayListings | Sleep | 4 | | |
| 1019 | root | localhost | | Query | 0 | | show processlist |
After a while it will just terminates all connections and start piling them up again. Notice the higher ID numbers.
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |
| 554 | test | localhost:35261 | ebayListings | Sleep | 1523 | | |
| 1042 | ebayRW | localhost:36061 | ebayListings | Sleep | 7 | | |
| 1043 | ebayRW | localhost:36062 | ebayListings | Sleep | 7 | | |
| 1046 | ebayRW | localhost:36067 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 1047 | ebayRW | localhost:36068 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 1048 | ebayRW | localhost:36069 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 1049 | ebayRW | localhost:36070 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 1050 | ebayRW | localhost:36071 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 1051 | ebayRW | localhost:36072 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 1052 | ebayRW | localhost:36073 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 1053 | ebayRW | localhost:36074 | ebayListings | Sleep | 6 | | |
| 1054 | root | localhost | | Query | 0 | | show processlist |
I have switched all of my existing Web Applications over to Jakarta Commons DBCP which only involved changing 3 lines of code per file and will allow me the totally change the underlying database without modifying my individual JSPs and Servlets. Jakarta Commons DBCP is a great solution to the Connection Pool Problem and has worked for my needs.
James Fredley

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    Thank you
    Jayjay john

    Hi Joakins,
    I think Lloyd has a point here in that all I see there which is really database related is a connection string.
    Maybe your question is more general though and you're just asking how to work with a database as a general principle.
    Personally, I like entity framework and would recommend that.
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    You may find this interesting:
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    The strange thing is, if I follow this procedure but using the certsrv website, it works fine and I can install the certificate.
    What am I missing?  Or is this one of those random quirks of AD CS?
    Any help is appreciated.

    Thanks for posting in Microsoft TechNet forums.
    According to the error messages you provided, this can be a permission issue.
    The method of Autoenrollment for a certificate depends on an Active Directory. Considering using Certsrv website was successful, the problem can be that the requester does not have enough permission to access the certificate template in Active Directory
    To autoenroll a certificate template, a user or computer must belong to a security group that is assigned the read,enroll,and autoenroll permissions.
    Only groups that are assigned these permissions are enabled for autoenrollment.
    Could you please answer the following questions for us so that we can troubleshoot the issue more effectively?
    Are the issuing CA server and the requesting CA in the same forest/domain?

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    I need help with writing and reading data from a database table field which has a type of "LCHR". I have given an example of the original code but don't know what to change it to in order to fix it and still read in the original data that's stored in the LCHR field.
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    Incidentally this worked in the 4.7 non-unicode system but is now dumping in the new ECC6 Unicode system.
    Thanks in advance,
    DATA: L_WA(800).
    LOOP AT T_TAB into L_WA.
                 SEQNR type ZDBTAB-LINENUM,
                 DATA type ZDBTAB-RAWDATA,
               END OF T_TAB.
    Select the data.
    SELECT linenum rawdata from ZDBTAB into table T_DATA
         WHERE repid = w_repname
         AND rundate = w_rundate
         ORDER BY linenum.
    Populate calling Internal Table.

    Hi Anuj,
    The unicode flag is active.
    When I run our report and then to try and save the list data a dump is happening at the following point
    LOOP AT T_TAB into L_WA.
    As I say, T_TAB consists of different fields and field types whereas L_WA is CHAR 800. The dump mentions UC_OBJECTS_NOT_CONVERTIBLE
    When I try to load a saved list the dump is happening at the following point
    T_DATA-RAWDATA is type LCHR and T_TAB consists of different fields and field types.
    In both examples the dumps mention UC_OBJECTS_NOT_CONVERTIBLE

  • Inserting and retrieving data from a al32UTF8 database USING SQL Developer

    hi guys,
    Before i post my questions , i think its better for me to provide you guys with my understandings first so that it easier to understand where/if i have gone wrong..
    I am using Window XP and Oracle 10g
    Non-unicode client - a client program that need to use the OS code page for mapping of the retrieved unicode data from the database as well as the support of displaying/inserting the characters from that code page to the database.
    E.G sqlplusw.exe
    Therefore, when using a non-unicode client
    1) we have to set the OS code page (Control panel - regional and language setting - advance - language for non unicode program ) to the code page that contain the characters we are going to display/insert.
    2) we will also have to set the NLS_LANG characterset to the character set of the code page we are going to insert so that when we do a insert (for e.g in thai ) , oracle will know, and auto conversion to UNICODE can take place. This is also true when we retrieve unicode data from the database so that conversion to the correct character set can take place.
    THAI ---> conversion ----> UNICODE
    THAI <---- conversion <---- UNICODE
    I hope my basic understanding is correct up till this point.
    Unicode client - a client program that supports the displaying/inserting of unicode characters without the need of setting the OS code page (Control panel - regional and language setting - advance - language for non unicode program )
    E.G isqlplus http or SQL developer
    1) There is still a need to set the NLS_LANG so that correct conversion can take place between the client and the database.
    For e.g, when retrieving if we set the NLS_LANG character set to ZHS16GBK (chinese) and the data store in unicode in database is E.G (THAI) , then the conversion would be wrong .
    Since it is a unicode supported client, then the NLS_LANG character set should be set to UNICODE as well.
    Here come my questions
    *Important - please help if you are busy and have no other time to answer the rest of the questions
    *Q1) If i were to use a unicode client, what should i set my NLS_LANG character set to ?
    *Q2) Where do i set the NLS_LANG character set information in SQL Developer, i know there is a metalink for setting NLS_LANG using isqlplus but i cant seems to google any result for SQL developer.
    Q3) Is my basic understanding right until this point ? If not, please explain in a more generalised term as i am really not familiar with character sets, code page, unicode , glyphs and fonts..
    Q4) If a unicode client does not need to refer to the OS code page (set in regional and language) , is there a UNICODE code page for the client to refer to , or is there any Window API available ?
    There is still a need to set the NLS_LANG so that correct conversion can take place between the client and the >>database.
    For e.g, when retrieving if we set the NLS_LANG character set to ZHS16GBK (chinese) and the data store in >>unicode in database is E.G (THAI) , then the conversion would be wrong .am i right on this point for UNICODE supported client ?
    Thanks for spending time to read my questions and i hope to hear advices from you guys soon.
    Million thanks again for sharing.
    Best Regards,
    Noob but willing to learn

    The requirement to always set NLS_LANG is not true for JDBC, which ignores NLS_LANG altogether. Java programs fetch text data into String variables, which use Unicode UTF-16 by design. JDBC sets character set conversion so that data is converted between UTF-16 and the database or national character set.
    The requirement to set NLS_LANG is not generally true for OCI, either. The first call in an OCI problem can be OCIEnvNlsCreate(). This call has two parameters that allow the caller to define the character set to use for VARCHAR2/CHAR/LONG/CLOB/statement text and the character set to use for NVARCHAR2/NCHAR/NCLOB. Only if these character sets are specified as 0, NLS_LANG character set is used. Also, OCI programs can specify different character sets for each bind or define variable (i.e. input/output buffer). Note: OCI programs always use NLS_LANG to initialize the language and territory settings for the client program and the database session. Only the character set can be specified is OCIEnvNlsCreate().
    OCIEnvNlsCreate() can specify the client character set as UTF-16 (in platform endianess). This is not possible with NLS_LANG.
    Various interfaces building on OCI, such as Oracle ODBC and ODP .NET, explicitly initialize OCI with Unicode character set, and thus ignore the NLS_LANG character set as well.

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