Using Flash with Apache Aliasing

We have set up an Apache Alias on our server and we have
successfully used an alias to link to a different directory using
an HTML embed tag, however, when we attempt to use that alias name
within Flash actionscript, it does not attempt to link to the
aliased folder.
Is it possible to use aliasing in this manner in Flash,
specifically in a loadmovie function like follows:"aliasname");

Try to import the flash file as a web resources and then in your jsp use the fuego tag <f:webResources relativePath='/folder/myflash.swf'/>
<p>For example:</p>
<p>param name="movie" value="<em><strong><f:webResources relativePath='/folder/myflash.swf'/></strong></em>" </p>
<p>embed src="<em><strong><f:webResources relativePath='/folder/myflash.swf'/></strong></em>" quality="xxxx" bgcolor="somecolor" width="xxx" height="xxx" name="name"
align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" <br> pluginspage="" </p>
<p>(Sorry I can?t copy all the example becuase the this page tries to show a flash, I hope you understand where use the tag)</p>
I think it will work
Edited by jordanfuego at 09/02/2007 1:32 PM

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    Delay:                        3000 ms
    DTMF: (passcode)     123456#
    Delay:                        3000ms
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    if (<>num) {
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    The standard reply is -
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    reasons not to?
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    reasons not to?
    Most people here don't work with (assiduously avoid) both of
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    so, you may have trouble getting a more explicit response!
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "jawy2007" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fgrr3g$ivf$[email protected]..
    > Problem with Frames in Dreamweaver 2004 mx using Flash
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    > buttons in Dreamweaver within a frame and specifing a
    target frame the
    > flash
    > button loads a new page in another window and not in the
    frame specified.
    > Steps to reproduce:
    > Dreamweaver: New Wesbite / "Create from samples" /
    Framesets / Select
    > "fixed
    > left"
    > In the left frame insert a Flash Button and link it to a
    page to load in
    > the
    > mainFrame.
    > What went wrong?:
    > When the flash button is pressed the page loads in a new
    Internet Explorer
    > window instead of loading in mainFrame frame.
    > What should have happened?:
    > When the flash button is pressed the page should load
    with the mainFrame
    > frame.

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    The Link :

    To me it suggests that whatever the function is that's supposed to get the XML is looking for a hard link (notice the file path in the error) as opposed to a file path relative to the SWF link. Also the "undefined" suggests that the object you're calling for imay be undefined (i.e. Flash has no data about it and therefore can't do anything with it). This is likely the URL string you're passing to the function that's supposed to retrieve the XML. Double check that and make sure the variable for the URL string is defined before the function that needs it calls for it. Hope this helps you troubleshoot whats happening.

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    Hi guys,
    Please see this thread:

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    Try to import the flash file as a web resources and then in your jsp use the fuego tag <f:webResources relativePath='/folder/myflash.swf'/>
    <p>For example:</p>
    <p>param name="movie" value="<em><strong><f:webResources relativePath='/folder/myflash.swf'/></strong></em>" </p>
    <p>embed src="<em><strong><f:webResources relativePath='/folder/myflash.swf'/></strong></em>" quality="xxxx" bgcolor="somecolor" width="xxx" height="xxx" name="name"
    align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" <br> pluginspage="" </p>
    <p>(Sorry I can?t copy all the example becuase the this page tries to show a flash, I hope you understand where use the tag)</p>
    I think it will work
    Edited by jordanfuego at 09/02/2007 1:32 PM

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    No, you can't. there have been literally hundreds and hundreds of discussions about this on the ASC.
    Alternatives ....
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    I thought I'd give my 2 cents on this...
    Is there any particular reason as to why you are using named based virtual hosts?
    Apache recommends using IP based virtual hosts over name based virtual hosts.
    Go to and read the discussion on IP based virtual hosts and name based virtual hosts. The document describes the drawbacks to using the name-based approach.
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    Hi Joe,
    Thanks for answering. works but it creates a blank file on the server. I am not sure how to transfer the contents to the server. Can you help me regarding stuffing the byte array to the server. I am not sure how to send this to the server.
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    var z= new air.FileStream();, air.FileMode.READ);
    var data = z.readMultiByte(z.bytesAvailable, air.File.systemCharset);
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