Using InterMedia Text with FrameMaker, StarOffice...

I'm planning to use InterMedia text with various kinds of documents, but inso filter does not support them. In particular, it does not support:
- Framemaker
- PostScript (I know it works on encapsulated PostScript)
- Applix
Where can I find the right filters?
Is there a way to use InterMedia text with these documents?
Thank you
Paolo Bonanomi

I'd suggest searching the web - there are a number of little freeware filters out there that could be used as user-filters.>Have anybody found a postscript filter and can post it here ?

Similar Messages

  • Using intermedia text

    I'm working on a website at the moment which is cgi based and has an Oracle 8i backend.
    On this website users can upload word documents etc into an knowledge base. These documents are physically held on the file system
    What I want to do is to upload the documents to an Oracle table and then use intermedia text to search on these documents. I would like to avail of intermedia Themes & Gists and the "ranking" system it uses. In other words I would like the search to return something similar to the search results you find in Oracle Portal.
    Any information on how to incorporate oracle intermedia into an existing cgi based website would be much appreciated.
    thank you.

    For documentation see here on technet: products -> Oracle Text.
    You don't have to load the documents into the database when they are already in the filesystem.
    You can create a table with an entry for each filename.
    Here is a sample script for FILE_DATASTORE with INSO FILTER (for filtering word and other documents).
    -- Sample INSO Filter and FileDatastore
    drop table datastores;
    create table datastores(id number primary key, docs varchar2(2000));
    insert into datastores values(1,'whitepaper.pdf');
    -- Create Preferences
    exec CTX_DDL.drop_preference('MY_LEXER');
    exec CTX_DDL.create_preference('MY_LEXER','BASIC_LEXER');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','BASE_LETTER','YES');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','MIXED_CASE', 'NO');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','INDEX_THEMES','NO');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','INDEX_TEXT', 'YES');
    exec ctx_ddl.drop_section_group ('MY_SECTION');
    exec ctx_ddl.create_section_group ('MY_SECTION','NULL_SECTION_GROUP');
    exec ctx_ddl.drop_preference('COMMON_DIR');
    exec ctx_ddl.create_preference('COMMON_DIR','FILE_DATASTORE');
    exec ctx_ddl.set_attribute('COMMON_DIR','PATH','/tmp/pdf');
    exec Ctx_Ddl.Drop_Preference ('inso_filter_pref');
    exec Ctx_Ddl.Create_Preference ('INSO_FILTER_PREF', 'INSO_FILTER');
    -- Create Text Index
    -- drop index datastores_text;
    exec ctx_output.start_log('index.log');
    create index datastores_text on datastores (docs)
    indextype is ctxsys.context
    parameters ('datastore COMMON_DIR
    lexer MY_LEXER
    section group MY_SECTION
    memory 50M');
    exec ctx_output.end_log;
    select count(*) from dr$datastores_text$i;
    select token_text from dr$datastores_text$i;

  • Using speak text with pages

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    Keyboard pops up all the time
    Blocking the speak now option.
    Anyone have a way around this?
    iPad 1, large file.

    Mine does show up, but not on the right like in other apps, but on the far left of the menu.

  • InterMedia Text with USER_DATASTORE and ORA-03113

    I have problems using Oracle's InterMedia Text-index with a
    USER_DATASTORE. I'm using Oracle 8.1.7 on Windows NT 4.0.
    What I try to do is to create a context-index on multiple columns
    of multiple tables. I created a table containing the original
    tablenames and primary keys plus a char(1)-column to index, a
    user_datastore, a procedure in a user-schema, a
    wrapping-procedure in ctxsys' schema and finally the index. All
    works fine so far but I get an ORA-03113 "end-of-file on
    communication channel" error when querying the table with
    contains. The procedure itself works.
    Here's what I tried in detail:
    I created a table "alldocs" containing the tablename and
    primary-key-value of each line of each table plus a dummy-column
    for the index:
    create table alldocs(
    table varchar2(30) not null,
    id number not null,
    data char(1),
    primary key(tabelle, id)
    I filled this table:
    insert into alldocs (select 'MYDOCS', id, 'a' from mydocs);
    insert into alldocs (select 'OTHERDOCS', id, 'b' from otherdocs);
    The user's procedure - only dummy for testing - is:
    create procedure test.GetAllDocsData(row IN ROWID, data IN OUT
         tabname varchar2(30);
         myid     number;
         tmpclob clob;
         dbms_lob.createtemporary(tmpclob, TRUE);
         dbms_lob.writeappend(tmpclob, 34, 'Ein Text mit ca. 20
    Zeichen Ldnge.');
         data := tmpclob;
    In ctxsys' schema I defined the following procedure and the
    create or replace procedure sysGetAllDocsData(rid in rowid, tlob
    in out clob) is
    test.GetAllDocsData(rid, tlob);
    end sysGetAllDocsData;
    grant execute on sysGetAllDocsData to test;
    call ctx_ddl.create_preference('MyUserDS', 'user_datastore');
    call ctx_ddl.set_attribute('MyUserDS', 'procedure',
    call ctx_ddl.set_attribute('MyUserDS', 'output_type', 'CLOB');
    Finally I defined the index:
    create index test.alldocs_ctx on test.alldocs(data)
         indextype is ctxsys.context
         parameters ('DATASTORE CTXSYS.MyUserDS FILTER
    This all works without errors. But when querying like this:
    select * from test.alldocs where contains('data', 'Text')>0
    the answer is
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    I hope someone can help.

    Hi Ralf,
    please define first your own preferences like this:
    exec CTX_DDL.drop_preference('MY_LEXER');
    exec CTX_DDL.create_preference('MY_LEXER','BASIC_LEXER');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','ALTERNATE_SPELLING',
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','BASE_LETTER','YES');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','MIXED_CASE', 'NO');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','INDEX_THEMES','NO');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','INDEX_TEXT', 'YES');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','COMPOSITE', 'GERMAN');
    exec ctx_ddl.Drop_Preference ('MY_FILTER');
    exec ctx_ddl.Create_Preference ('MY_FILTER','NULL_FILTER');
    exec ctx_ddl.drop_section_group ('MY_SECTION');
    exec ctx_ddl.create_section_group
    and then create your index with this preferences. You only need
    an INSO filter if you want to index pdf,word,...
    create index test.alldocs_ctx on test.alldocs(data)
         indextype is ctxsys.context
         parameters ('DATASTORE CTXSYS.MyUserDS FILTER
    CTXSYS.INSO_FILTER LEXER BASIC_LEXER');create index test.alldocs_ctx on test.alldocs(data)
         indextype is ctxsys.context
         parameters ('
    lexer MY_LEXER
    filter MY_FILTER
    section group MY_SECTION');
    Then see in the token table what tokens are in the index:
    select token_text from dr$alldocs_ctx$i;
    If you got also an ORA-3113 see in alert.log if there is a trace
    referenced with this error and have a look in this file to find a
    better error message.
    Good luck.

  • Problem in using Intermedia search  with Oracel 9i DB on Red hat Linux

    I am unable to search a particular text in a blob using Intermedia search feature.I am using Oracle 9i (9.0.2 version)mounted on Red Hat Linux OS.
    It works well on a Windows 2k OS.
    To be more precise the following query fails when I pass the INSO_FILTER as the parameter.
    Any Help towards it is highly appreciated.
    thanks & regards /Ravi

    Did you check the script to try to see what it was/is doing?

  • Using Oracle Text with Apex

    Can someone point me to some resources on how to integrate Oracle Text and APEX to do searches, highlight results, etc (all the features of Oracle Text)?
    The data to be indexed is in files on the filesystem, so I would like to keep it that way and use the FILE_DATASTORE option for Text.
    Thanks for any pointers.
    Update: Yes, I did see
    but the search results there just returns the URL/file containing the "hit". It doesn't show the actual text fragment that caused the match, doesn't highlight it, etc. I am looking for a real Google-like search. Hm, having said that, I might as well use Google Desktop! Nah, where's the fun in that?

    This is a very simple application for my own use. It started life in 8i when there were fewer Text options.
    As such, it uses the query string as entered. This returns all of the matches:
    select msgid, msgdate, Box, fromaddr, subject
      from eudora.inbox
    where contains(body, :P703_MailSearch) > 0
    order by msgdate descI display the selected result like this:
    select subject,
      Replace(eudora.mmarkup(:P704_MSGID, :P702_SEARCH), Chr(13), '<BR>') Body
      from eudora.inbox
    where msgid = :P704_MSGIDIn a newer application, I experimented with the CTXCAT grammer.
    That query looks like this:
    select m.ID, m.pdpno, m.shortdesc
      from pdp_mast m
    where contains(m.dphistory, '<query><textquery lang="ENGLISH" grammar="CTXCAT">
                                             ' || :P1_Text || '
                                      <score datatype="INTEGER"/>
                                  </query>') > 0     
        or contains(m.shortdesc, '<query><textquery lang="ENGLISH" grammar="CTXCAT">
                                             ' || :P1_Text || '
                                      <score datatype="INTEGER"/>
                                  </query>') > 0As always, once you figure out the syntax, its easy to make it work in Apex.
    Text indexes are very fast. On my old 600MHz PC, searches in 250MB of text take less than a second.

  • Using Oracle Text with CLOB field containing multiple languages

    I'm using Oracle 10g (NLS_CHARACTERSET is set to. AL32UTF8) and have a table with a CLOB field which is storing text written in either English and/or Simplified Chinese.
    The following index has been created on this field:
    CREATE INDEX text_index
    ON text_table(text_field)
    I'm having issues in returning text which matches the Chinese text using the CONTAINS operator. For some reason the following query is returning rows which do not contain any Chinese text:
    SELECT *
    FROM text_table
    WHERE contains(text_field,'炫%') > 1;
    A newsgroup user advised me to produce an explain plan using ctx_query.explain.
    I created 2 explain plans, one which was searching the index for 'A%' and the other searching for the Simplified Chinese character '炫%'. The results for the first test were as expected whereby the values contained within the OBJECT_NAME field all began with the letter 'A'.
    The second test however produced somewhat unexpected results. The OBJECT_NAME field this time contained various words, both English and Simplified Chinese. I could be wrong but it appeared to store every individual word in the CLOB field. Both tests produced different EQUIVALENCE rows, the first test was:
    OPTIONS = Null
    Whereas the second test produced:
    OPTIONS = (?)
    Am I right in thinking the Simplified Chinese character is for some reason being converted to a '?' character?
    Any help on this will be much appreciated.

    As you're not specifying a lexer to use, it will use the BASIC_LEXER, designed for space-separated European-type languages. This won't work effectively with Chinese.
    If you know which documents are Chinese and which are English, you can write this into a LANGUAGE column and use the MULTI_LEXER - this will allow you to specify BASIC_LEXER for the English texts, and CHINESE_LEXER or CHINESE_VGRAM_LEXER for the Chinese texts.
    If you don't know the language, you must use either WORLD_LEXER (10g) or AUTO_LEXER (11g). These lexers will automatically determine the language of the documents and index them appropriately. In general. MULTI_LEXER will be faster and more accurate than either of the automatic alternatives.
    When querying for Chinese characters you need to be very careful with your NLS_LANG settings. You need to make sure that the character set defined in NLS_LANG is the same as the character set from which you've pasted (or typed) the chinese characters.
    The "?" in output usually just means "I don't know how to translate this character into your output character set". Sometimes it may appear as a reversed question mark.

  • Using Oracle Text with MS WORD

    We have just installed Text and we want to use it for indexing hundreds of MS WORD documents that are in the same directory. But I could not find a document / example about indexing/filtering Word Documents. I will be grateful iy you can help me for finding these..

    You could specify INSO_FILTER for FILTER preference
    in command for creating index
    (see or
    use USER filter.
    For example see also
    (for loading data you could use any other tools than SQL*Loader)
    Regards, Victor.

  • Using HTML text with an embedded font in Flex 4

    I have spent a day searching the interwebs and have not found a working example of how to use an embedded font with html formatting.
    Anybody know if it can even be done??

    Should be doable, but all fonts used in the html have to be embedded, and
    one of the fonts should be specified as the fontFamily for the component.

  • How do I use XSLT & XML is stored in InterMedia Text.....

    I use interMedia Text to store XML document. How do I use the XSLT Processor API to transform the data which is searched by XML SQL Utility??
    //***Source Code
    public Document xmlquery(String tabName,String xslfilename)
    Document xmlDocToReturn = null;
    String xmlString;
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    //initiate a JDBC connection
    // initialize the OracleXMLQuery
    OracleXMLQuery qry = new OracleXMLQuery(conn,"select XML_TEXT from bookstore where contains (xml_text,'John WITHIN authorsec')>0");
    // structure the generated XML document
    // set the maximum number of rows to be returned
    // get the XML document in string format
    xmlString = qry.getXMLString();
    // print out the XML document
    System.out.println(" OUTPUT IS:\n"+xmlString);
    // get the XML document in string format
    xmlDocToReturn = qry.getXMLDOM();
    catch (SQLException e) {
    return xmlDocToReturn;
    xml = (XMLDocument)query.xmlquery(args[1],args[0]);
    // Instantiate the stylesheet
    XSLStylesheet xsl = new XSLStylesheet(xsldoc, xslURL);
    XSLProcessor processor = new XSLProcessor();
    // Display any warnings that may occur
    // Process XSL
    DocumentFragment result = processor.processXSL(xsl, xml);
    Thank you.

    Your problem here is that when you store an XML document in a CLOB and search it using intermedia, when you do a query like:
    SELECT xml_text
    FROM bookstore
    WHERE CONTAINS(xml_text,'John WITHIN authorsec')>0
    The output from the XML SQL Utility using getXMLDOM() looks like this:<ROWSET>
    </ROWSET>with the document as a single text value (it's actually just a text node, not a CDATA node) but the above illustrates conceptually that the whole XML document is one big text node.
    To transform this you'll need to parse that XML text into an XML document in memory by passing constructing a StringReader() on the text value and parsing that reader.

  • Help with interMedia Text and files into Content Area!!

    I need to use interMedia text to search into the content of some files(.pdf and .doc) that have been uploaded to a content area. I have found that I can use operators like contains, soundex(!) and some other but my problem is that I have no idea how to create my query in order to search into the files.
    Please can anybody give me an example of using intermedia to search into some files stored in a content area.
    I know that by clicking on the portal home, Search Settings under interMedia Create index the content of my files are indexed but I still don't understand how to search over this content.
    Thanks in advance
    Ana Lasprilla

    I don't want to use this portlet because It can be customize the way I need it to, so I want to build my own searcher that's why I need to know how can I access the files into my content area with intermedia.
    Another idea please
    Ana Lasprilla

  • Using Oracle Text for searching with UCM 10g

    I am using Oracle text with UCM 10gR3 and Site Studio 10gR4 and I am trying to sort the search results by relevancy and to also include a snippet of the retrieved document. I have the fields that the SS_GET_SEARCH_RESULTS service returns but the relevancy score is always equals 5 and the snippet contains characters such as &lt; idcnull, /p, etc., which you can see are XML/HTML/UCM tags but which result sin even more strangeness in the snippet if I try to remove them programmatically.
    I have read the Oracle Text documentation and there appear to be ways you can configure Oracle Text but I am not clear at all on what I can do from UCM. It looks like the configuration is either done in database tables or in the query itself, neither of which are readily configurable to me.
    Is anyone experienced in this or know of any documentation this might help?

    If I remember correctly then this issue was seen with an older version of OTS component and Core Update patch / bundle . Upgrade the UCM instance with the latest CS10gr35 update bundle patchset 6907073 and also upgrade OTS component from the same patchset .
    Let me know how it goes after this .

  • Intermedia Text/Hide Tags.

    I use intermedia text to store files with tags like internet (i.e <Start> bla ..</End>.
    I use developer 6 to search and retrive information, but developer show me the tags,
    How can I do to hide the tags?
    Thanks for the help.

    Hi Sanjoy,
    Please post your question in the following discussion forum.
    Multimedia (formerly interMedia)

  • InterMedia Text Search results

    We have interMedia Text enabled on our install and, for Search Results, I need to understand how the percentage score is calculated and, if results have the same score, how the order is determined. Is it possible to reorder the results because it appears to be random? Can anyone point me to the relevant documentation?

    So Stephen, if I understand correctly, you have URL items, where the URL references the content in the IFS repository. This means that these items are being indexed by the WWSBR_URL_CTX_INDX. It'd be interesting to see if the results are returned as you would expect them to be using this index alone. This will tell you if there is a problem with Intermedia Text or if the problem lies with the way that Portal is using Intermedia Text and combining the scores from the multiple indexes.
    Try running a SQL query like
    select i.title, score(10) scr from wwv_things i, wwsbr_url$ u
    and contains (u.absolute_url,'${oracle}',10) > 0
    order by scr desc
    This will match your search term against only text which was indexed by the URL index and returns the display name of the corresponding item. Here I've searched for the term 'oracle'; change this to whatever you were using in your testcase. Note also that the $ implies the stem operator which is used by default in Portal.
    If this query doesn't return you the scores that you were expecting then the problem is to do with the way that Intermedia Text is indexing your PDF documents. If it does return what you'd expect then we need to look more closely at what Portal is doing with the scores.

  • Screen light auto turn dark when I use program/web with background dark in windows 8.1

    Hi there,
    I used HP Pavilion dv6t-6000 CTO Quad for 3 years.
    CPU: Intel core i7-2630QM
    GPU: AMD Radeon 6490m
    It build in windows 7 and I manual install ( fresh install ) windows 8. It's fine. But when I upgrade to windows 8.1, it have an issue and I really hate it.
    When I use "Sublime Text" ( with background is black ), the screen light is become darker. And when I back to ( e.g: a website with background is white ), the screen turn back to lighter.
    I tried many ways, included 4 ways here but it's NOT WORK. 
    NOTE: When I used Option 1 ( upper )
    1. Open PC settings, and click/tap on PC and devices on the left side
    2. Click/tap on Power and sleep on the left side, and turn on or off Adjust my screen brightness automatically on the right side under Brightness.
    ==> It's NOT SHOW button "Adjust my screen brightness automatically". It mean: I have NO built in auto brightness sensor.
    I think this issue is about AMD driver or Intel Graphic driver.
    Is anybody have idea???

    Hi @kolz,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    It is a wonderful  place to find answers and solutions!
    For you to have the best experience in the HP forum I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide Learn How to Post and More
    i grasp that after updating your system from Windows 8 to 8.1 you are having an issue with the display going dim.
    You have tried some steps you located on the web but there was no change.
    Windows 8 an 8.1 are not supported Operating Systems for your notebook.  This does not mean they will not work only that HP has not tested it and therefore does not supply updated drivers.  You would need to check the manufacturer's site for any updated drivers.
    Downloading or Updating Software and Drivers for HP Computers
    When I checked the driver page for your notebook I did notice there is a  bios update, have you done that?
    HP Pavilion dv6t-6000 CTO Quad Edition Entertainment Drivers and Software
    As a bios update does have a potential to cause damage I suggest contacting HP support for assistance with that process.
    Updating the BIOS
    Please call our technical support at 800 474 6836. If you live outside the US/Canada Region, please click the link below to get a support number for your region.
    World Wide Phone Support
    Good Luck!
    Here is a link to Troubleshooting a dim display (Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista)
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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