Using intermedia text

I'm working on a website at the moment which is cgi based and has an Oracle 8i backend.
On this website users can upload word documents etc into an knowledge base. These documents are physically held on the file system
What I want to do is to upload the documents to an Oracle table and then use intermedia text to search on these documents. I would like to avail of intermedia Themes & Gists and the "ranking" system it uses. In other words I would like the search to return something similar to the search results you find in Oracle Portal.
Any information on how to incorporate oracle intermedia into an existing cgi based website would be much appreciated.
thank you.

For documentation see here on technet: products -> Oracle Text.
You don't have to load the documents into the database when they are already in the filesystem.
You can create a table with an entry for each filename.
Here is a sample script for FILE_DATASTORE with INSO FILTER (for filtering word and other documents).
-- Sample INSO Filter and FileDatastore
drop table datastores;
create table datastores(id number primary key, docs varchar2(2000));
insert into datastores values(1,'whitepaper.pdf');
-- Create Preferences
exec CTX_DDL.drop_preference('MY_LEXER');
exec CTX_DDL.create_preference('MY_LEXER','BASIC_LEXER');
exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','BASE_LETTER','YES');
exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','MIXED_CASE', 'NO');
exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','INDEX_THEMES','NO');
exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','INDEX_TEXT', 'YES');
exec ctx_ddl.drop_section_group ('MY_SECTION');
exec ctx_ddl.create_section_group ('MY_SECTION','NULL_SECTION_GROUP');
exec ctx_ddl.drop_preference('COMMON_DIR');
exec ctx_ddl.create_preference('COMMON_DIR','FILE_DATASTORE');
exec ctx_ddl.set_attribute('COMMON_DIR','PATH','/tmp/pdf');
exec Ctx_Ddl.Drop_Preference ('inso_filter_pref');
exec Ctx_Ddl.Create_Preference ('INSO_FILTER_PREF', 'INSO_FILTER');
-- Create Text Index
-- drop index datastores_text;
exec ctx_output.start_log('index.log');
create index datastores_text on datastores (docs)
indextype is ctxsys.context
parameters ('datastore COMMON_DIR
lexer MY_LEXER
section group MY_SECTION
memory 50M');
exec ctx_output.end_log;
select count(*) from dr$datastores_text$i;
select token_text from dr$datastores_text$i;

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    public Document xmlquery(String tabName,String xslfilename)
    Document xmlDocToReturn = null;
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    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
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    Thank you.

    Your problem here is that when you store an XML document in a CLOB and search it using intermedia, when you do a query like:
    SELECT xml_text
    FROM bookstore
    WHERE CONTAINS(xml_text,'John WITHIN authorsec')>0
    The output from the XML SQL Utility using getXMLDOM() looks like this:<ROWSET>
    </ROWSET>with the document as a single text value (it's actually just a text node, not a CDATA node) but the above illustrates conceptually that the whole XML document is one big text node.
    To transform this you'll need to parse that XML text into an XML document in memory by passing constructing a StringReader() on the text value and parsing that reader.

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    Hi Sanjoy,
    Please post your question in the following discussion forum.
    Multimedia (formerly interMedia)

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    So Stephen, if I understand correctly, you have URL items, where the URL references the content in the IFS repository. This means that these items are being indexed by the WWSBR_URL_CTX_INDX. It'd be interesting to see if the results are returned as you would expect them to be using this index alone. This will tell you if there is a problem with Intermedia Text or if the problem lies with the way that Portal is using Intermedia Text and combining the scores from the multiple indexes.
    Try running a SQL query like
    select i.title, score(10) scr from wwv_things i, wwsbr_url$ u
    and contains (u.absolute_url,'${oracle}',10) > 0
    order by scr desc
    This will match your search term against only text which was indexed by the URL index and returns the display name of the corresponding item. Here I've searched for the term 'oracle'; change this to whatever you were using in your testcase. Note also that the $ implies the stem operator which is used by default in Portal.
    If this query doesn't return you the scores that you were expecting then the problem is to do with the way that Intermedia Text is indexing your PDF documents. If it does return what you'd expect then we need to look more closely at what Portal is doing with the scores.

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    Thanks in advance
    Ana Lasprilla

    I don't want to use this portlet because It can be customize the way I need it to, so I want to build my own searcher that's why I need to know how can I access the files into my content area with intermedia.
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    Ana Lasprilla

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    yes,it is overriden in VOImpl
    public void executeQuery()
            setQuery((new StringBuilder()).append(selectStmt).append(" order by ").append(getOrderByClause()).toString());
            OAApplicationModuleImpl oaapplicationmoduleimpl = (OAApplicationModuleImpl)getApplicationModule();
            OAApplicationModuleImpl _tmp = oaapplicationmoduleimpl;
                OAApplicationModuleImpl _tmp1 = oaapplicationmoduleimpl;
                oaapplicationmoduleimpl.writeDiagnostics((new StringBuilder()).append(getClass().getName()).append(".executeQuery").toString(), (new StringBuilder()).append(" Query:").append(getQuery()).toString(), 1);
    But I have extended VO and substituted the VO . In the substituted VOImpl, instead of executeQuery(),I have written
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              setQuery((new StringBuilder()).append(selectStmt).append(" order by ").append(getOrderByClause()).toString());
    Will this work,or do I need to do any changes?

  • InterMedia Text with USER_DATASTORE and ORA-03113

    I have problems using Oracle's InterMedia Text-index with a
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    What I try to do is to create a context-index on multiple columns
    of multiple tables. I created a table containing the original
    tablenames and primary keys plus a char(1)-column to index, a
    user_datastore, a procedure in a user-schema, a
    wrapping-procedure in ctxsys' schema and finally the index. All
    works fine so far but I get an ORA-03113 "end-of-file on
    communication channel" error when querying the table with
    contains. The procedure itself works.
    Here's what I tried in detail:
    I created a table "alldocs" containing the tablename and
    primary-key-value of each line of each table plus a dummy-column
    for the index:
    create table alldocs(
    table varchar2(30) not null,
    id number not null,
    data char(1),
    primary key(tabelle, id)
    I filled this table:
    insert into alldocs (select 'MYDOCS', id, 'a' from mydocs);
    insert into alldocs (select 'OTHERDOCS', id, 'b' from otherdocs);
    The user's procedure - only dummy for testing - is:
    create procedure test.GetAllDocsData(row IN ROWID, data IN OUT
         tabname varchar2(30);
         myid     number;
         tmpclob clob;
         dbms_lob.createtemporary(tmpclob, TRUE);
         dbms_lob.writeappend(tmpclob, 34, 'Ein Text mit ca. 20
    Zeichen Ldnge.');
         data := tmpclob;
    In ctxsys' schema I defined the following procedure and the
    create or replace procedure sysGetAllDocsData(rid in rowid, tlob
    in out clob) is
    test.GetAllDocsData(rid, tlob);
    end sysGetAllDocsData;
    grant execute on sysGetAllDocsData to test;
    call ctx_ddl.create_preference('MyUserDS', 'user_datastore');
    call ctx_ddl.set_attribute('MyUserDS', 'procedure',
    call ctx_ddl.set_attribute('MyUserDS', 'output_type', 'CLOB');
    Finally I defined the index:
    create index test.alldocs_ctx on test.alldocs(data)
         indextype is ctxsys.context
         parameters ('DATASTORE CTXSYS.MyUserDS FILTER
    This all works without errors. But when querying like this:
    select * from test.alldocs where contains('data', 'Text')>0
    the answer is
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    I hope someone can help.

    Hi Ralf,
    please define first your own preferences like this:
    exec CTX_DDL.drop_preference('MY_LEXER');
    exec CTX_DDL.create_preference('MY_LEXER','BASIC_LEXER');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','ALTERNATE_SPELLING',
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','BASE_LETTER','YES');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','MIXED_CASE', 'NO');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','INDEX_THEMES','NO');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','INDEX_TEXT', 'YES');
    exec CTX_DDL.set_attribute('MY_LEXER','COMPOSITE', 'GERMAN');
    exec ctx_ddl.Drop_Preference ('MY_FILTER');
    exec ctx_ddl.Create_Preference ('MY_FILTER','NULL_FILTER');
    exec ctx_ddl.drop_section_group ('MY_SECTION');
    exec ctx_ddl.create_section_group
    and then create your index with this preferences. You only need
    an INSO filter if you want to index pdf,word,...
    create index test.alldocs_ctx on test.alldocs(data)
         indextype is ctxsys.context
         parameters ('DATASTORE CTXSYS.MyUserDS FILTER
    CTXSYS.INSO_FILTER LEXER BASIC_LEXER');create index test.alldocs_ctx on test.alldocs(data)
         indextype is ctxsys.context
         parameters ('
    lexer MY_LEXER
    filter MY_FILTER
    section group MY_SECTION');
    Then see in the token table what tokens are in the index:
    select token_text from dr$alldocs_ctx$i;
    If you got also an ORA-3113 see in alert.log if there is a trace
    referenced with this error and have a look in this file to find a
    better error message.
    Good luck.

  • Using oracle text

    I have some problem when trying a query text application using Oracle Text, as fallow.
    My database is 8.1.7, I have user 'DEMO' having DBA privilege and granted roles: RESOURCE, CONNECT, CTXAPP already.
    I connect with DEMO and create a table 'QUICK' as instructed:
    create table quick
    quick_id number
    constraint quick_pk primary key,
    text varchar(80)
    Now, I create the index:
    create index quick_text on quick ( text )
    indextype is ctxsys.context;
    But I receive the following errors and messages:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
    ORA-20000: interMedia Text error:
    DRG-50100: CORE LSF error: 4294967280
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 126
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS", line 78
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Please tell me why and what I have to do now.

    Looks like a bad install to me. If this is purely a test database,
    I'd suggest reinstalling the whole thing from scratch. If it's not,
    then you need to contact Oracle Support to get this resolved.

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    Hi Gurus and APEX Dev team
    My team need to develop an APEX App that will index all our documents spread across various servers. Some of the documents require Single sign on access (e.g. and some require other authorization methods (e.g. Metalink) . The Question is , Is it possible to index the pages that require authorization using Oracle text. If yes How? I have implemented the demo app which can index pages that do not require authorization.
    Thanks a million

    Unless I misunderstand you, the fact that the pages require authentication doesn't really matter, it is the underlying data you want to index correct? If so then you would index them in exactly the same way that you would index any table data using Oracle Text/interMedia.
    Author of Pro Application Express:
    REWARDS: Please remember to mark helpful or correct posts on the forum, not just for my answers but for everyone!

  • Problem in using Intermedia search  with Oracel 9i DB on Red hat Linux

    I am unable to search a particular text in a blob using Intermedia search feature.I am using Oracle 9i (9.0.2 version)mounted on Red Hat Linux OS.
    It works well on a Windows 2k OS.
    To be more precise the following query fails when I pass the INSO_FILTER as the parameter.
    Any Help towards it is highly appreciated.
    thanks & regards /Ravi

    Did you check the script to try to see what it was/is doing?

  • Strange: Conditional Error in Intermedia Text Index Creation

    Hi All,
    I am facing a strange error while creating the Intermedia Text index on 8.1.6 release for NT 4.0.
    I have one database instance installed on the server. When i connect to Oracle through SQL plus as: connect username/password;
    The index creation works fine!
    But, if i connect using: username/password@servicename;
    The index creation does not work!
    The following error occurs.
    ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
    ORA-20000:intermedia Text error:
    ORA-50704:Net8 listener is not running or cannot start external procedures
    ORA-28575:unable to open RPC connection to external procedure agent
    ORA-12154:TNS:could not resolve service name
    ORA-06512:at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 126
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS", line 54
    ORA-06512:at line 1
    Could anyone please help as to why it works without when connected without the service name but not otherwise?
    Thanking you in advance!
    Thanks and Regards
    Anurag Agarwal

    Hi All,
    I am facing a strange error while creating the Intermedia Text index on 8.1.6 release for NT 4.0.
    I have one database instance installed on the server. When i connect to Oracle through SQL plus as: connect username/password;
    The index creation works fine!
    But, if i connect using: username/password@servicename;
    The index creation does not work!
    The following error occurs.
    ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
    ORA-20000:intermedia Text error:
    ORA-50704:Net8 listener is not running or cannot start external procedures
    ORA-28575:unable to open RPC connection to external procedure agent
    ORA-12154:TNS:could not resolve service name
    ORA-06512:at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 126
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS", line 54
    ORA-06512:at line 1
    Could anyone please help as to why it works without when connected without the service name but not otherwise?
    Thanking you in advance!
    Thanks and Regards
    Anurag Agarwal

  • How to index ORDSYS.orddoc type using Oracle Text?

    Dear All,
    I am very new to Oracle Text and Oracle intermedia ORDSYS.orddoc type.
    As what I know it is impossible to index ORDSYS.orddoc using Oracle Text, so
    may I know is there anyway alternative to index ORDSYS.orddoc type using Oracle Text?
    I am using ORDDOC type due to my application need to allow user to upload various type of media file such as audio, video, word document etc...
    Please help as I need it to do full text search for those uploaded document, thanks in advanced.
    Best Regards,

    Dear All,
    I am very new to Oracle Text and Oracle intermedia ORDSYS.orddoc type.
    As what I know it is impossible to index ORDSYS.orddoc using Oracle Text, so
    may I know is there anyway alternative to index ORDSYS.orddoc type using Oracle Text?
    I am using ORDDOC type due to my application need to allow user to upload various type of media file such as audio, video, word document etc...
    Please help as I need it to do full text search for those uploaded document, thanks in advanced.
    Best Regards,

  • Creating intermedia text index error

    Hello. I tried creating an index using the below command
    create index mydocs_text_index on
    mydocs(thefile) indextype is ctxsys.context;
    However, I received some error message as follows:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
    ORA-20000: file not found
    DRG-50704: file not found
    ORA-28575: unable to open RPC connection to external procedure agent
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 126
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS", line 54
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    What do you think is wrong?
    Thank you

    Is the listener up and running?
    1.What are the steps to install interMedia Text manually, AFTER installing the code via the
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/admin
    B. as SYS:
    @dr0csys.sql ctxsys system temp
    where ctxsys is the ctxsys password
    system is the default tablespace for ctxsys
    temp is the temporary tablespace for ctxsys
    C. as CTXSYS:
    (on Solaris)
    where /oracle/db/dev118 is $ORACLE_HOME
    D. as CTXSYS:
    Note: this is assuming you want U.S. to be your language default, otherwise run the
    corresponding drdef for your language.
    2.What are the steps to install interMedia Text manually, with a Net8 Configuration?
    A. Configure an IPC listener address.
    For example, change:
    (PROTOCOL=tcp) ( (PORT=1521)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = ap118sun) (PORT
    This shows the full LISTENER definition in your listener.ora. Note: EXTPROC0 ends in a
    B. Add a system identifier (SID) name of PLSExtProc and a program name of EXTPROC in the server's LISTENER.ORA file.
    For example, in the SID_LIST_LISTENER definition, insert:
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC = ...
    (SID_DESC =
    C. Add a net service name description entry for EXTPROC0 in the server's tnsnames.ora
    file, using SID rather than SERVICE_NAME in the CONNECT_DATA section.
    For example, add this to the end of tnsnames.ora:
    extproc_connection_data =
    This entry should be added exactly as you see it here (do NOT substitute your SID
    anywhere, do NOT change the case of any text). Note: EXTPROC0 ends in a zero, RO
    ends in an Oh
    1.How do I check my interMedia Text installation and setup?
    should give you the following:
    LSNRCTL for Solaris: Version - Production on 31-MAR-99 18:57:49
    (c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Connecting to
    Alias LISTENER
    Version TNSLSNR for Solaris: Version - Production
    Start Date 30-MAR-99 15:53:06
    Uptime 1 days 3 hr. 4 min. 42 sec
    Trace Level off
    Security OFF
    Listener Parameter File
    Listener Log File
    Services Summary...
    PLSExtProc has 1 service handler(s)
    oco815 has 3 service handler(s)
    The command completed successfully
    The important information to understand here is the service handler for PLSExtProc.
    B. Create a user/table/index/query thus:
    As SYS or SYSTEM:
    create user ctxtest identified by ctxtest ;
    grant connect, resource, ctxapp to ctxtest ;
    Do any other grants, quotas, tablespace etc. for the new user. As CTXTEST:
    create table quick
    quick_id number primary key,
    text varchar(80)
    insert into quick ( quick_id, text )
    values ( 1, 'The cat sat on the mat' );
    insert into quick ( quick_id, text )
    values ( 2, 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog' );
    create index quick_text on quick ( text )
    indextype is ctxsys.context;
    At this point, if your Net8 setup is NOT correct you will get:
    create index quick_text on quick ( text )
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
    ORA-20000: ConText error:
    DRG-50704: Net8 listener is not running or cannot start external procedures
    ORA-28575: unable to open RPC connection to external procedure agent
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 122
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS", line 34
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    If everything is OK, you will get:
    Index created.
    Now try some queries:
    SQL> select quick_id from quick where contains(text, 'cat')>0;
    SQL> select quick_id from quick where contains(text, 'fox')>0;
    Congratulations !! You now have a successful interMedia Text V8.1 installation.

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