In HTMLDB, the value of the parameter of a multiple select box is colon delimited(ie P6_Name = Smith:Jones:Burke). Is there an easy way to use this parameter in a SQL statement?
Select *
from names
Select *
from names
Name IN ('Smith','Jones','Burke')
Thank you

Thank you for your response! I'm an idiot. It didn't make sense to me because your talking about a <i>multi-select</i> variable and I was thinking about a <i>select-list</i> variable. My problem is that I need to assign a list of values to one select list item.
For example:
With the select list as
Display value = All Types, Some Types, One Specific Type<br>
Return Value = (Type1, type2, type3), (type1, type2), (type3)
I've just started in all of this so I'd imagine that I'm probably going about it wrong.

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    Is there a difference in the use of the single and double quotes and the + sign for number variables?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Stuart,
    I am assuming that the UnitID is stored as a numeric in the database? If so, the proper SQL syntax for comparing with numerics should not use a single quote (or any quotes for that matter). The quotes are used only for strings.
    So you would want to use:
    This is really more of an SQL question universal to all languages, not just TestStand.
    Here is an excellent resource that you can consult:
    Jervin Justin
    NI TestStand Product Manager

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    Try this: '@{Fscl_Qtr_Var}'

  • How to use multiple selection parameters in the data model

    Hi, after have looked all the previous threads about how to use multiple selection parameters , I still have a problem;
    I'm using Oracle BI Publisher and I'm tried to define more than one multiple selection parameters inside the data template;
    Inside a simple SQL queries they work perfectly....but inside the data template I have errors.
    My data template is the following (it's very simple...I am just testing how the parameters work):
    <dataTemplate name="Test" defaultPackage="bip_departments_2_parameters">
    <parameter name="p_dep_2_param" include_in_output="false" datatype="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_loc_1_param" include_in_output="false" datatype="character"/>
    <dataTrigger name="beforeReport" source="bip_departments_2_parameters.beforeReportTrigger"/>
    <sqlStatement name="Q2">
    select deptno, dname,loc
    from dept
    <group name="G_DEPT" source="Q2">
    <element name="deptno" value="deptno"/>
    <element name="dname" value="dname"/>
    <element name="loc" value="loc"/>
    The 2 parameters are based on these LOV:
    1) select distinct dname from dept (p_dep_2_param)
    2) select distinct loc from dept (p_loc_1_param)
    and both of them have checked the "Multiple selection" and "Can select all" boxes
    The package I created, in order to use the lexical refence is:
    CREATE OR REPLACE package SCOTT.bip_departments_2_parameters
    p_dep_2_param varchar2(14);
    p_loc_1_param varchar2(20);
    p_where_clause varchar2(100);
    function beforereporttrigger
    return boolean;
    end bip_departments_2_parameters;
    CREATE OR REPLACE package body SCOTT.bip_departments_2_parameters
    function beforereporttrigger
    return boolean
    l_return boolean := true;
    if (p_dep_2_param is not null) --and (p_loc_1_param is not null)
    p_where_clause := 'where (dname in (' || replace (p_dep_1_param, '''') || ') and loc in (' || replace (p_loc_1_param, '''') || '))';
    p_where_clause := 'where 1=1';
    end if;
    return (l_return);
    end beforereporttrigger;
    end bip_departments_2_parameters;
    As you see, I tried to have only one p_where_clause (with more than one parameter inside)....but it doesn't work...
    Using only the first parameter (based on deptno (which is number), the p_where_clause is: p_where_clause := 'where (deptno in (' || replace (p_dep_2_param, '''') || '))';
    it works perfectly....
    Now I don't know if the problem is the datatype, but I noticed that with a single parameter (deptno is number), the lexical refence (inside the data template) works.....with a varchar parameter it doesn't work....
    So my questions are these:
    1) how can I define the p_where_clause (inside the package) with a single varchar parameter (for example, the department location name)
    2) how can I define the p_where_clause using more than one parameter (for example, the department location name and the department name) not number.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestion

    the missing thing in your example is the fact, that if only one value is selected, the parameter has exact this value like BOSTON. If you choose more than one value, the parameter includes the *'*, so that it looks like *'BOSTON','NEW YORK'*. So you need to check in the package, if there's a *,* in the parameter or not. If yes there's more than one value, if not it's only one value or it's null.
    So change your package to (you need to expand your variables)
    create or replace package bip_departments_2_parameters
    p_dep_2_param varchar2(1000);
    p_loc_1_param varchar2(1000);
    p_where_clause varchar2(1000);
    function beforereporttrigger
    return boolean;
    end bip_departments_2_parameters;
    create or replace package body bip_departments_2_parameters
    function beforereporttrigger
    return boolean
    l_return boolean := true;
    p_where_clause := ' ';
    if p_dep_2_param is not null then
    if instr(p_dep_2_param,',')>0 then
    p_where_clause := 'WHERE DNAME in ('||p_dep_2_param||')';
    p_where_clause := 'WHERE DNAME = '''||p_dep_2_param||'''';
    end if;
    if p_loc_1_param is not null then
    if instr(p_loc_1_param,',')>0 then
    p_where_clause := p_where_clause || ' AND LOC IN ('||p_loc_1_param||')';
    p_where_clause := p_where_clause || ' AND LOC = '''||p_loc_1_param||'''';
    end if;
    end if;
    if p_loc_1_param is not null then
    if instr(p_loc_1_param,',')>0 then
    p_where_clause := p_where_clause || 'WHERE LOC in ('||p_loc_1_param||')';
    p_where_clause := p_where_clause || 'WHERE LOC = '''||p_loc_1_param||'''';
    end if;
    end if;
    end if;
    return (l_return);
    end beforereporttrigger;
    end bip_departments_2_parameters;
    I've written a similar example at ... but it's in german.

  • Want to use presentation date variable in Advance SQL filter option

    I want to use presentation date variable in Advance SQL filter option.....I am getting the below error.
    SQL in Advance SQL filter ----
    "Fact Status Details"."Load Date" =
    (select min(Cast("D Time"."Business Date" as char))-1
    from "D Time" where "D Time"."Operational Month Sk" =
    (select "D Time"."Operational Month Sk" from "D Time" where date '@{Date1}'=cast("D Time"."Business Date" As char)))
    Error ---
    Error getting drill information: SELECT "Fact Status Details"."Load Date" saw_0 FROM "Pre RFAI Sales" WHERE "Fact Status Details"."Load Date" = (select min(Cast("D Time"."Business Date" as char))-1 from "D Time" where "D Time"."Operational Month Sk" = (select "D Time"."Operational Month Sk" from "D Time" where date '@{Date1}'=cast("D Time"."Business Date" As char)))
    Error Details
    Error Codes: YQCO4T56:OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P
    Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW).
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 27002] Near <select>: Syntax error [nQSError: 26012] . (HY000)
    SQL Issued: {call NQSGetLevelDrillability('SELECT "Fact Status Details"."Load Date" saw_0 FROM "Pre RFAI Sales" WHERE "Fact Status Details"."Load Date" = (select min(Cast("D Time"."Business Date" as char))-1 from "D Time" where "D Time"."Operational Month Sk" = (select "D Time"."Operational Month Sk" from "D Time" where date ''@{Date1}''=cast("D Time"."Business Date" As char)))')}
    Load Date format ---YYYYMMDD
    Please advise...i need to fix this issue urgently.

    Thanks for your reply.
    Could you please help me with the correct code...i tried to correct it....
    "Fact Status Details"."Load Date" =
    (select Cast(min("D Time"."Business Date" )-1 as char)
    from "D Time" where "D Time"."Operational Month Sk" =
    (select "D Time"."Operational Month Sk" from "D Time" where Date'@{Date1}'=cast("D Time"."Business Date" As char)))
    Please let me know if i am wrong..this code is also not working.

  • How to use a Sybase table in Oracle SQL statement?

    How to use a Sybase table in Oracle SQL statement?
    Sybase version :
    Oracle version : 10.2.05

    user12088323 wrote:
    How to use a Sybase table in Oracle SQL statement?
    Sybase version :
    Oracle version : 10.2.05
    Thanks.Any Oracle client connected to the Oracle database can access Sybase data through the <font style="background-color: #FFFFCC">Database Gateway for Sybase</font> (it requires an additional license) or the <font style="background-color: #FFFFCC">Database gateway for ODBC</font> (it's free).
    The Oracle client and the Oracle database can reside on different machines. The gateway accepts connections only from the Oracle database.
    A connection to the gateway is established through a database link when it is first used in an Oracle session. In this context, a connection refers to the connection between the Oracle database and the gateway. The connection remains established until the Oracle session ends. Another session or user can access the same database link and get a distinct connection to the gateway and Sybase database.
    Database links are active for the duration of a gateway session. If you want to close a database link during a session, you can do so with the ALTER SESSION statement.
    To access the Sybase server, you must create a <font style="background-color: #FFFFCC">database link</font>. A public database link is the most common of database links.
    2  "user" IDENTIFIED BY "password" USING 'tns_name_entry';
    --dblink is the complete database link name.
    --tns_name_entry specifies the Oracle Net connect descriptor specified in the tnsnames.ora file that identifies the gatewayAfter the database link is created you can verify the connection to the Sybase database, as follows:
    SQL> SELECT * FROM DUAL@dblink;
    Configuring Oracle Database Gateway for Sybase
    <font style="background-color: #FFFFCC">{message:id=10649126}</font>

  • How to enter bind variables in Calender SQL statement

    Anyone know how to include bind variables in Calender SQL statement. Let's say in sql statement below:
    EMP.HIREDATE the_date,
    EMP.ENAME the_name,
    null the_name_link,
    null the_date_link,
    null the_target
    from SCOTT.EMP
    order by EMP.HIREDATE

    Here is the sql statement
    EMP.HIREDATE the_date,
    EMP.ENAME the_name,
    null the_name_link,
    null the_date_link,
    null the_target
    from SCOTT.EMP
    where deptno = :dept
    order by EMP.HIREDATE

  • Using multiple select lists in ADF

    I am trying to use a multiple select list in my JSP page, and have a method in the ApplicationModule be called when the Struts action is called. I am following the example ADF tutorials, where the method is added to the ApplicationModule class, then dragged onto the Stuts Flow diagram (to associate it with an action).
    I am able to create a dyna form bean for the page that contains the multi select as a type "java.lang.String[]" (string array). I am able get that values that were selected in a normal action's "execute" method. For example:
    msf = (DynaActionForm) form;
    String[] statusSelection = (String[]) msf.get("multSelectList");
    However, I cannot seem to get the "multSelectList" values into a method in my Application Module class. The "multSelectList" is defined in my dynaFormBean as a String[] type. I am passing it in as an argument like the following....
    public void setParams(String multSelectList[]) {
    This results in the method not being called at all. I am not sure why. Does this have something to do with a String[] not being serializable??
    However, if I just attempt to pass other types form items to the method, it works. For example:
    public void setParams(String simpleCheckbox) {
    Does anyone know how to use multiple select lists in conjunction with ADF?
    my multSelectList looks something like this:
    <select name="multSelectList" multiple size="5">
    <option value="ALL">Select All</option>
    <option value="preferred">Preferred</option>
    <option value="standard">Standard</option>
    <option value="approved">Approved</option>
    <option value="interim">Interim</option>

    I got this working by changing the signature of the Application Module method to use ArrayList rather than String[], then you can marshal the Struts FormBean contents into an ArrayList to pass up.
    To do this, subclass the DataAction by using "Go To Code" off of the context menu and then override the initializeMethodParameters() method:
      protected void initializeMethodParameters(DataActionContext actionContext, JUCtrlActionBinding actionBinding)
        //Get the String Array from the Form Bean
        String[] selection = (String[])((DynaActionForm)actionContext.getActionForm()).get("multiSelect");
        //convert that to an ArrayList
        ArrayList selectionArr = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(selection));
        //Add that object to the Arg List for the AM method
        ArrayList params = new ArrayList();

  • Script logic - how to use a selection variable within an allocation logic

    I want to implement a simple top-down distribution to distribute values from a yearly budget (Y20xx.TOTAL) to a quarter budget (Q20xx.Q1, ... Q20xx.Q4) using the actuals of the previous year as reference.
    If we hard code the members it works fine:
    Of course, we want to make this dynamic, using the values inputted in the selection screen of the package: time, entity and category.
    So if we start with write the following logic, it does not work anymore:
    So, how to use the selection variables in this allocation logic? %TIME%, %CATEGORY% also did not work ...
    solved it ...
    Edited by: Dries Paesmans on Feb 22, 2009 8:31 PM

    Hi Dries,
    Looks like you solved this, but if I can just add a small point -- when you use syntax like this:
    each time the logic runs, it will scan through the dimension from the FIN and Q2009.TOTAL members, one level at a time, until it reaches the base members (where calc = 'n'). This may happen very quickly, if the dimension has very few levels, but could take a bit of extra time if it's a particularly deep dimension. (By which I mean many levels of hierarchy -- not some 1970's Pink Floyd musical reference.)
    You may speed things up by using a member property instead of the BAS(xyz). Flag all the base members using a specific property value, and that way the logic engine can pick up the complete list of members in the WHERE clause, in a single query.
    *DIM Account What=ACC_NOT_ASSIGNED; Where=[FloydProperty]="DarkSideOfTheMoon"; ...
    This adds some maitenance work in the dimension, which may be problematic if your admins are changing it regularly (and will cause problems if they forget to update this particular property).
    I can't predict how much time this will save you (maybe not much at all), but anyway I figure you'd want to know exactly what work you're asking the system to perform.

  • Schedule Manager - Use of Selection Variable

    Hi all,
    My Question is "What is the use of Selection Variable settings in Schedule Manager screen?"
    I am not asking about defining selection variable in the variants to pick up values from TVARV table. My question is how I can make use of the Selection Variable(Extras->Settings->Selection Variable) in the Schedule Manager screen.
    The variable value column is ready for input in the Schedule Manager screen, is it possible to set the variant to pick up this value for the tasks in SCMA?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Prabha,
    After you have finished maintaining your variant, you would have to click on the "<b>Attributes</b>" button just below the title and maintain the description for your variant. Save this entry and press the back <b>green arrow</b>. Your save button would now be activated and you can save your settings now.
    I hope this helps.
    Do not forget to award the point please.

  • Ranges input using multiple selection in select-options

    I have declared a single selection field with multiple selection as follows:
    If a range is entered using multiple selection, no value appears in the selection field on screen, however, the ranges tab in multiple selection shows the range. Is there a way to programatically test if a range has been entered using multiple selection? Help is appreciated.

    If you not displaying the intervals then user can enter only one value then option field will be with 'EQ' sign.
    " Then Values are entered using the multple selections

  • Can i use a environment variable inside a *.sql file?

    I want to create a external table.
    So i am using the command
    create or replace directory abc as 'C:\folder'.... inside a sql file.
    Now i want the path "C:\folder" to be dynamic as i am using this path in many other places also inside the sql file.So i thought to create a environment variable and put this value there.I tried using as %PATH% but it gives error..... where %PATH%=C:\folder.
    Can i use a environment variable inside a *.sql file?
    But how to do that or is there any other way.
    Edited by: user11018268 on Feb 19, 2010 1:03 AM

    user11018268 wrote:
    Actually what i want is the path "C:\folder" is not fixed it can be anything which i may not know the user may decide it later. Not supported. A directory object refers to a specific physical location (directory/folder) on a file system. Not a path.
    You can work around it by (creating and) using a function (running under a super user schema with authid definer privs). The caller (e.g. schema scott ) calls it with a physical path. E.g. GetDirectoryObject( 'C:\folder\2010\feb\week4' ).
    This function determines if there is an existing directory object for the path. If not, it uses a wildcard search to determine if there are any directory objects for parents in the path (e.g. for C:\folder\2010\feb or C:\folder\2010 or C:\folder ).
    If it finds a directory object, it interrogates the data dictionary to determine if the caller, schema scott for example, has read/write access on that directory object. If it has, it creates a new directory object and grants the caller read/write access to it. The function then returns the name of the directory object to the caller.
    The caller thus do not deal directly with directory objects. The function returns the object name given a physical path as input. Also, only a single base directory needs to be created (e.g. for C:\folder ) and access granted to the schema on it. Any sub-directory in that base directory can now be dynamically accessed by the schema.

  • How do I use a variable within a sql statement

    I am trying to use a local variable within an open SQL step but I keep getting an error.
    My sql command looks like this "SELECT BoardDetailID FROM BoardDetails WHERE SerialNumber = " +  locals.CurrentSerialNo
    If I replace the locals.CurrentSerialNo with an actual value such as below the statement works fine.
    "SELECT BoardDetailID FROM BoardDetails WHERE SerialNumber = " +  " 'ABC001' " 
    Can someone tell me how to correctly format the statement to use a variable?

    Thanks for the reply. I have changed the required variable to a string, but with no success. I have reattached my updated sequence file and an image of the error.
    When looking at the Data operation step I see that the sql statement is missing everything after the last quotation mark.
    Thanks again,
    Database Test Sequence.seq ‏10 KB
    TestStand error.JPG ‏37 KB

  • ORA-00911: invalid character using multiple select statements

    I am getting an ORA-00911: invalid character error when trying to execute 2 select statements using ODP.NET.
    cmd.CommandText = "select sysdate from dual;select sysdate from dual;";
    cmd.Connection = conn;
    cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
    OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    This works in SQL server but for some reason it appears this does not work in Oracle?
    If this is the case what is a vaiable workaround? Wrapping the 2 statements in a transaction?
    Seems strange that you can't return multiple result sets using in-line sql statements.

    Oracle doesn't support passing multiple statements like that, and this is unrelated to ODP.NET.
    SQL> select * from emp;select * from dept;
    select * from emp;select * from dept
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00911: invalid character
    You could do it via an anonymous block and ref cursors though if you dont want to do it via a stored procedure..
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
    public class test
    public static void Main()
        using (OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection("data source=orcl;user id=scott;password=tiger;"))
            string strSql = "begin open :refcur1 for select * from emp;" +
                "open :refcur2 for select * from dept;" +
                "open :refcur3 for select * from salgrade;end;";
            using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(strSql, con))
                cmd.Parameters.Add("refcur1", OracleDbType.RefCursor, ParameterDirection.Output);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("refcur2", OracleDbType.RefCursor, ParameterDirection.Output);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("refcur3", OracleDbType.RefCursor, ParameterDirection.Output);
                OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                foreach (DataTable dt in ds.Tables)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nProcessing {0} resultset...", dt.ToString());
                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                        Console.WriteLine("column 1: {0}", row[0]);
    }Hope it helps,

  • Using Variables in a SQL Statement

    I know, I know, this is written in VB..I'm doing a VB Project right now for my Instructor (While in an Intermediate Java Class)
    But VB (I feel) doesnt have very good support Forums.
    Anyway, this is the problem:
    I want to use String Variables to hold the place of field names in
    a SQL Statement and the change the ORDER according to intCount's Loop:
    The key word(s) here is "ORDER BY"
    Private Sub DataGrid1_Click()
    Dim intCount As Integer
    Dim strColHead(11) As String
    strColHead(0) = "RES__PUR_DT"
    strColHead(1) = "VENDOR"
    strColHead(2) = "VEN_LOC"
    strColHead(3) = "RES_TYPE"
    strColHead(4) = "RES_FROM_DT"
    strColHead(5) = "RES_TO_DT"
    strColHead(6) = "MISC_ADJ"
    strColHead(7) = "STATE_TAX"
    strColHead(8) = "LOC_CHARGE"
    strColHead(9) = "RES_ID"
    strColHead(10) = "RES_OP"
    For intCount = 0 To 10
    If DataGrid1.SelStartCol = intCount Then
    Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from tblReservation order by 'strColHead(intCount)'"
    End If
    Next intCount
    End Sub

    I'm just wondering if anyone knows a work around so that I might be able to store a Table's FIELD name in a variable or an array[] so that I can do a query based on the decision of a loop without having to code 10 IF/ELSE statements.For instance, although the above code will not work, this code, although quite lengthy, does:
    If DataGrid1.SelStartCol = 0 Then
    Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from tblReservation order by RES__PUR_DT"
    ElseIf DataGrid1.SelStartCol = 1 Then
    Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from tblReservation order by VENDOR"
    ElseIf DataGrid1.SelStartCol = 2 Then
    Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from tblReservation order by VEN_LOC"
    ElseIf DataGrid1.SelStartCol = 3 Then
    Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from tblReservation order by RES_TYPE"
    ElseIf DataGrid1.SelStartCol = 4 Then
    Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from tblReservation order by RES_FROM_DT"
    ElseIf DataGrid1.SelStartCol = 5 Then
    Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from tblReservation order by RES_TO_DT"
    ElseIf DataGrid1.SelStartCol = 6 Then
    Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from tblReservation order by MISC_ADJ"
    ElseIf DataGrid1.SelStartCol = 7 Then
    Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from tblReservation order by STATE_TAX"
    ElseIf DataGrid1.SelStartCol = 8 Then
    Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from tblReservation order by LOC_CHARGE"
    ElseIf DataGrid1.SelStartCol = 9 Then
    Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from tblReservation order by RES_ID"
    ElseIf DataGrid1.SelStartCol = 10 Then
    Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from tblReservation order by RES_OP"
    End If
    Do you see where i'm going with this?
    I simple want to use a variable in the "select * from <Table> Order by <Field>"

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