Using Path to draw a button

Has anyone got any good tutorials on using the Path element to draw custom shapes? I would like to draw a button like widget that can have 4 labels inside it and have one rounded corner.

i did not understand what you are looking for.
Is it on how to create buttons with a custom style (or controls in general)?
Then have a look at
If you really want to know how to use the path class to draw anything, just pop up a sample stage and start drawing. The JavaDoc for Path provides some good examples.
you could as well just phrase your exact problem.

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    In the Paths panel, click the flyout menu (in the top right of the panel) and choose Make Selection (this option will only be available if you have a path selected). Reduce the Feather Radius to 0 (zero) and click OK. This setting will be the default even when clicking the Load Path as Selection button.

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    Yes. That's an accurate enough description.
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    Maybe I'm missing the point here, but ... Why don't you just specify the text you want, whatever the language is, in the constructor for the button? If you want to create a button that says "Wimflicket" because that's the word for "Print" in whatever language, just create the button with new Button("Wimflicket")If you have to support multiple languages, decide what language you are using before you create the button and supply the text in the appropriate language. If for some reason you just must create the button first and decide the language later, use setLabel() to set the text. If you need a special font to render the language, you can do a "setFont" on a Button. While I haven't tried this, I would think that if you set the text and later set the font it should still work correctly.

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    I tried your suggestions(group, achor) and it still did not resolve my Kindle image issue.
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    Can you clarify your statement... "but at least one line above where the images are visible?"

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    If we visit the front page of iOS iBooks the view is very different from what I expected. Here we can see the 4 books I wanted to keep on my device and have downloaded. We can also see the 1 book I wanted to keep, but did not want to store locally on the device and left in iCloud (Pictures of Lilly). However we can also see all the books I had hidden from the purchased section of my iTunes account and which I believe should no-longer be visible, Dracula, frankenstein etc…
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    Let me explain a little more. I had downloaded a lot of free books in the past as a trial when iBooks was first released and since then I have decided I no longer want them, because of this I hid them from the purchased section of the iBooks store. The 5 books left are ones I decided to keep as seen in the following picture.
    This is how it appears in iBooks on my mac. There are 4 books downloaded and 1 book that I have decided not to download at this time. I would still like to keep this book available in the cloud incase I want to download it again in the future. You’ll notice that hide iCloud books is not selected, if I wanted to hide the book that I have chosen to keep in the cloud, but have not downloaded yet I could.
    This is exactly how I think this feature should work. If you have hidden a book from your purchases it should not show up in the mac Ibooks app. (I am aware you can never actually delete a purchase, just hide them and that hidden purchases can be restored to your account from within the account management section of the iBooks store).
    The iOS app is working differently for me. Here is a picture of the purchased tab on the iBooks store in iOS Ibooks. Again notice that pictures of Lilly is still yet to be downloaded. This is how I expected it to look.
    If we visit the front page of iOS iBooks the view is very different from what I expected. Here we can see the 4 books I wanted to keep on my device and have downloaded. We can also see the 1 book I wanted to keep, but did not want to store locally on the device and left in iCloud (Pictures of Lilly). However we can also see all the books I had hidden from the purchased section of my iTunes account and which I believe should no-longer be visible, Dracula, frankenstein etc…
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    I’m still not sure if this is a software glitch or not. This article suggests to me that books can be hidden, but I had already completed these steps.
    A browse of google also suggests people may have been able to hide past purchases from the front page of iBooks on iOS in the past.
    In case there was an issue with syncing I tried logging in and out of my iTunes account via settings in iOS. Force closing the app, disabling automatic downloads and removing my device from iTunes in the cloud. Syncing with iTunes on the mac did not correct the issue either.
    Interestingly I have the same issue on my iPhone 6 running iOS 8.3 as I do on my iPad mini suggesting that this might be an issue either with my account or with iOS iBooks software in general.
    If there is a way to remove the already hidden iBooks in your account from the front page of iBooks on iOS without using the hide iCloud downloads button? Please help community!
    iPhone 6, iOS 8.3, Also an issue on my iPad mini iOS 8

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    Is it that you are using a PDF-based form? Did you copy and paste the Yes/No fields all the way down your form? If so, then all of the yes/no boxes are copies of each other and have the same name and properties in the PDF.
    For example, if you had:
         Question 1 and Question 1 Yes/No checkboxes
         Question 2 and Question 1 Yes/No checkboxes
         Question 3 and Question 1 Yes/No checkboxes
         Question 4 and Question 1 Yes/No checkboxes
    Then whatever answer you selected in Question 1 would populate down through the rest of the form.
    Changing the Yes/No field properties in questions two through four would eliminate the problem.
    I hope that helps,

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    Thanks for your help

    Maybe it's possible to have live video in Illustrator, but you would most certainly need to write your own plugin.
    So this community would be suitable:

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    harishassan16 wrote:
    ... Is there any other way of deauthorizing computers that no longer exist?
    If you no longer have, or access to, the computer(s) you want to deauthorise,
    Log in to iTunes,  go to "view your account info" on the itunes store, deauthorise all five,
    (Please Note: this can only be done Once every 12 months)
    Then re-authorize your current Computer(s) one at a time..
    Authorise / Deauthorise About
    harishassan16 wrote:
    ... I also cannot use the deauthorize all computers button because I did last year ...
    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

  • Failed to solve variable web.framesrc.afrPushIframe using path .//IFRAME[@name='afr::PushIframe']/@src

    I get this problem Failed to solve variable web.framesrc.afrPushIframe using path .//IFRAME[@name='afr::PushIframe']/@src
    So far in the posts i only see this problem . Please let us know how to solve this?

    Tses wrote:
    Am I the only one in the world who tried ΟLT 12c with ADF 11g R2 PS3 ?
    :-(Hi! You're not alone :)
    We tried to record some load tests (OpenScript Build 223) for our ADF R2 application.
    But during the playback I had the same error: "Failed to solve variable web.framesrc.afrPushIframe using path .//IFRAME[@name='afr::PushIframe']/@src ".
    Haven't you found the solution yet?
    By the way, when I use operation "Revert to Recorded" for all nodes of my test and playback it again, I see in results that the script has passed without errors, but nothing has changed in database.

  • When using the "Save as PDF" button

    When using the "Save as PDF" button/function on the "View Responses" page for a selected response will the resulting file be savable locally and printable on 8.5x11" paper?
    Also its Help bubble says that is savable as a PDF form. Does it really mean as a PDF file? Because saving it as a form appears to be a different option according to one pricing structure.

    When you use the Save as PDF a pdf file if the form is created and saved to your local machine.  When you save as PDF you have the option of having the resulting pdf file have a submit button or not have the button.  There is also a feature where you can export the form to a template format called FCDT.

  • Hello, the 'Save As' dialog box used to allow the backspace button to go up one level in the directory when the focus is in the folder contents box but it does not work any more, please help.

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    I kept forgetting and procrastinating about following your instructions, since I have internet access only for limited amounts of time and usually I am busy with important tasks when I am.
    Out of the blue, the problem corrected itself (the Save As box started to open full screen, then shrunk down to a normal size and the edges can now be dragged to a custom size).
    Even the copy and paste problem in the filenaming area seems to have been less troublesome lately even though there have been no updates to Firefox in a few weeks.
    Even though I marked the solution as not helpful, the problem has in fact been resolved. I will save the solution instructions in case the issue returns.

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