Using store procedure within sql statement?

I have the following sample tables:
project id project_name
====== ===============
1          project one
2          project two
3           project three
employee_id     fname          lname
=========== =============     =====
100          amy          A
200          better          B
300          carrie          C
project_id     employee_id
===========     ===========
1          200
2          300
3          100
there is a procedure getFullname(empployee_id) in place that combines the fname with lname to full name
what i need to accomplish is the following.
project is created by employee
project one is created by better b
project two is created by carrie C
project three is created by amy A
but the rule is: you have to call the procedure getFullName(employee_id) to accomplish the task above, and don't use the join tables to get the full employee name

  RETURN 'Lastname ' || TO_CHAR(i_nEmpId) || ' Firstname';
                  UNION ALL
                  SELECT 2 PROJECT_id, 'project two' PROJECT_NAME FROM DUAL
                  UNION ALL
                  SELECT 3 PROJECT_id, 'project three' PROJECT_NAME FROM DUAL
                  UNION ALL
                  SELECT 2 PROJ_ID, 200 EMP_ID FROM DUAL
                  UNION ALL
                  SELECT 3 PROJ_ID, 300 EMP_ID FROM DUAL
       PROJECT_NAME || ' is created by ' || YOUR_FUNCTION(EMP_ID)

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    Post Author: ltkin
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
    How to build a report in web Intelligence using Store procedure under Microsoft SQL Server 2000 ?

    Hi ltkin,
    Unfortunately, it is not possible in Xir2 to create Webi reports from stored procedures.
    Webi reports can only be created from Universe. So in Business Objects XIR3 we can create a special universe that enables Web Intelligence user's to access stored procedures residing in the database. This is the only way that Web Intelligence user's can access stored procedures.
    Please let me know if the above information helps.

  • Using Procedure in SQL statement

    Dear Sir,
    As you know, I can use any function in SQL statement. For example:
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    Thank you in advance.

    I got a way in order to use the benefit of procedure in function. It's trough your idea in using TYPE OBJECT as the following:
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    (Txn_Timestamp_obj timestamp,
    Txn_Type_Obj Number(12));
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    FUNCTION Get_Shift_Missed_Txn_Obj(F_Date_In     Date,
                        F_Time_In Timestamp,
                        F_Employee_Id     number)
    RETURN Missed_Txn_type;
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    EMP.Id) OBJ from dual) T
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    Please advise.

    You can simply create a function which calls dbms_application_info and use that in your sql statement as in
    SQL> create or replace function set_client_info (i_info varchar2)
       return varchar2
       dbms_application_info.set_client_info (i_info);
       return i_info;
    end set_client_info;
    Function created.
    SQL> create or replace view v_emp
      select * from emp where empno = to_number(sys_context('userenv','client_info'))
    View created.
    SQL> select ename from v_emp where set_client_info(7788) is not null
    1 row selected.
    SQL> select ename from v_emp where set_client_info(7900) is not null
    1 row selected.


    Why we cant call a procedure inside SQL statement?

    Hitesh Nirkhey wrote:
    Hi Karthick_Arp
    as you said
    The procedure that is used inside a function cannot contain DDL or DML statements or COMMIT/ROLLBACK.
    Said that it does not make much sence to use a procedure within a function.IT make sense if we DECLARE FUNCTION AS PRAGMA AUTONOMUS_TRANSACTION
    then we can execute DDL or DML statements or COMMIT/ROLLBACK in that function.
    HiteshBut why would you do that?

  • Which is better to use Store Procedure or Views in Crystal Reports ?

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    It depeneds on the requirement. Well, but from performance point of view as u know that stored procedures are already compiled on DB side, they would be more efficient. Views are handled differently. Here CR has nothing to do with it.
    But if the stored procedure u r using is having 2 Select statements, CR will only display the results from the first select statement. In that case you need to use Views as one can use more than one views in the report and join them.
    Using a Generic view which is created by the DBA for a larger audience will result in performance issues meaning if a View "V" has 25 fields and View is based on 5 tables  and ur report is using only 5 fields which are coming only from 2 tables inside the view,in this case u will end up in joining 3 more tables unnecessarily.
    Hope this helps!

  • Using Collection in a sql statement.

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    The standard approach is to use SQL collection type and table function,
    for example
    SQL> create TYPE Interface_param_dgos IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(20);
      2  /
    Type created.
    SQL> create or replace package my_pkg
      2  is
      3   lt_inter_dgos Interface_param_dgos := Interface_param_dgos();
      4   function get_coll return Interface_param_dgos;
      5  end;
      6  /
    Package created.
    SQL> create or replace package body my_pkg
      2  is
      3   function get_coll return Interface_param_dgos
      4   is
      5   begin
      6    return lt_inter_dgos;
      7   end;
      8  end;
      9  /
    Package body created.
    SQL> begin
      2   my_pkg.lt_inter_dgos.extend(3);
      3   my_pkg.lt_inter_dgos(1) := 'SMITH';
      4   my_pkg.lt_inter_dgos(2) := 'KING';
      5   my_pkg.lt_inter_dgos(3) := 'ALLEN';
      6  end;
      7  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select ename from emp;
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> delete from emp where ename in (select column_value from table(my_pkg.get_coll));
    3 rows deleted.
    SQL> select ename from emp;
    11 rows selected.Rgds.

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    Schema name substitution should work for stored procedures just like it does for tables. If it doesn't - report a bug.
    You don't get any help for sql-statement based data services - dsp doesn't parse the sql provided. One thing you could do is use the default schema (following the user of your connection pool), and not specify the schema in your sql-statement.

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    we have got the following problem:
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    What is the better way: pl/sql-procedure or sql-statements? On which conditions depend the choose?
    (For your information: our statements aren't difficult. In our testdatabase aren't much datasources.)
    Here is a snippet of our code:
    1. PL/SQL-Prozedure:
    CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("begin dbrb_test_pkg.test(?,?,?); end;");
    cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
    cs.registerOutParameter(2, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
    cs.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
    ResultSet rs1 = ((OracleCallableStatement)cs).getCursor(1);
    ResultSet rs2 = ((OracleCallableStatement)cs).getCursor(2);
    ResultSet rs3 = ((OracleCallableStatement)cs).getCursor(3);
    2. SQL-Statements directly in Java-Code:
    String statement1b = "SELECT bva_id, bva_datva FROM bva";
    ResultSet rs1b = stmt.executeQuery(statement1b);
    String statement2b = "SELECT brb_id, brb_datein FROM brb";
    ResultSet rs2b = stmt.executeQuery(statement2b);
    String statement3b = "SELECT bper_id, bper_nz1 FROM bper";
    ResultSet rs3b = stmt.executeQuery(statement3b);
    Thanks a lot.
    Claudia and Nicole

    this is a case-to-case basis.
    it's ok to use the Statement/PreparedStatement if you're constructing your SQL or DML (insert/update/delete) statements. like when you're WHERE condition is dynamically created. this can be done also in PL/SQL (CallabeStatement) but passing of data is very tedious for you.
    the PL/SQL is much better to use if all your SQL or DML statements are fixed. besides, this is easier to maintain. when you need to change a statement, you don't need to check the statement in SQL prompt then make the necessary changes in your java codes, then compile the class. when you're using PLSQL, you just need to change and recompile the PL you made. then presto! it's done. as long as you don't change the parameters the PL receives and sends, it should perfectly work with your java code. =)

  • Using store procedures with SQLJ - please help!

    I have two questions:
    1.I wrote simple test appllication that uses SQLJ to run store
    procedures from SQL package. It compiles and work fine from
    JDeveloper 3 if I use java version JDK1.2.2_JDeveloper.
    It compiles OK in regular JDK1.2.2 but raise the following
    exception when running:
    com.itrade.trserver.truser.dbqueries.ItrHistorian_SJProfile0 not
    found: [Ljava.lang.Object;;
    Serializable is incompatible with Externalizable
    Does it mean that I have to use JDeveloper JDK?
    2.When I give other then default package for *.sqlj file the
    *.sqlj file is added to project but I cannot see it in specified
    package (the *.sqlj file is created in the its directory).
    After I compile the project the I can see *.java file in the
    specified package, but compiler gives errors about redefined
    symbols. If I remove *.sqlj file from the project it compiles OK.
    What I am doing wrong?
    Yakov Becker

    Thank you for the response.
    I don't create jar file. I run it from JDeveloper environment.
    What do you mean by "I made sure to also copy over the
    : the .ser file"? What purpose of the *.ser file in this case?
    JDeveloper Team (guest) wrote:
    : I have come across this error before..
    : I'm assuming that your jar file is in the classpath as
    : specified in the Jserv configuration?
    : When I had the error, I made sure to also copy over the
    : the .ser file.
    : In my case, I happened to have both my class files and
    : the .ser file outside of a jar file and it worked..
    : Hope this helps!
    : Yakov Becker (guest) wrote:
    : : I have two questions:
    : : 1.I wrote simple test appllication that uses SQLJ to run
    : : procedures from SQL package. It compiles and work fine from
    : : JDeveloper 3 if I use java version JDK1.2.2_JDeveloper.
    : : It compiles OK in regular JDK1.2.2 but raise the following
    : : exception when running:
    : : profile
    : : com.itrade.trserver.truser.dbqueries.ItrHistorian_SJProfile0
    : not
    : : found: [Ljava.lang.Object;;
    : : Serializable is incompatible with Externalizable
    : : Does it mean that I have to use JDeveloper JDK?
    : : 2.When I give other then default package for *.sqlj file the
    : : *.sqlj file is added to project but I cannot see it in
    : specified
    : : package (the *.sqlj file is created in the its directory).
    : : After I compile the project the I can see *.java file in the
    : : specified package, but compiler gives errors about redefined
    : : symbols. If I remove *.sqlj file from the project it
    : OK.
    : : What I am doing wrong?
    : : Yakov Becker

  • Need to update multiple records using store procedure

    Hi i am trying to update multiple records using store procedure but failed to achieve pls help me with this
    for example my source is
    emp_name sal
    abhi 2000
    arti 1500
    priya 1700
    i want to increase salary of emp whose salary is less than 2000 it means rest two salary should get update..using stored procedure only
    i have tried following code
    create or replace procedure upt_sal(p_sal out emp.sal%type, p_cursor out sys_refcursor)
    open p_cursor for
    select sal into p_sal from emp;
    if sal<2000 then
    update emp set sal= sal+200;
    end i;f
    and i have called the procedure using following codes
    set serveroutput on
    p_sal emp.sal%type;
    v_cursor sys_refcursor;
    fetch v_cursor into p_sal;
    the program is executing but i should get o/p like this after updating
    but i am getting first row only
    and record is not upsating...please help me with this

    Hi Alberto,
    thanx for your valuable suggestion. but still i have doubt. the code which i have mentioned above might be simple but what if i have big requirement where i need update the data by using loops and conditional statement.
    and i have similar kind of requirement where i need to deal with procedure which returns more than one row
    my source is
    empno ename salary
    here i need to write a store procedure which accepts the empno (111) as input para and display ename and salary
    here i have written store procedure like this
    create or replace procedure show_emp_det(p_empno in emp.empno%type, p_ename out emp.ename%type,p_salary out emp.salary%type, p_cursor out sys_refcursor)
    open p_cursor for
    select ename,salary into p_ename,p_salary from emp where empno=p_empno;
    and i have called this by using
    p_salary emp.salary%type;
    p_ename emp.ename%type
    v_cursor sys_refcursor;
    fetch v_cursor into p_ename,p_salary;
    here i should get
    but i am getting first row only
    but i want to fetch both rows...pls help me to find the solution

  • Error by using database procedure in select statement

    hi ,
    I have built a database procedure having one parameter with in out varchar type. that return value with some addition.
    i am using it with some column in select statement only for display purpuses but i am facing error by doing that in select statement. that procedure is working well with bind variable but not with select statement.
    plz help me how i can use a procedure in select statement. or can i do it or not.

    plz help me how i can use a procedure in select statement. or can i do it or not.A workaround could be to create a wrapper function for your procedure. One that only passes the input parameters and returns the output parameter.
    The simply call this function in your select which internally calls the procedure.

  • How to pass xml data as objects into Database using store procedures

    Hi All,
         I don't have much knowledge on store procedure,can anybody help how to pass the xml as objects in Database using store procedure.
    My Requirement is I have a table with three fields EMPLOYEE is table name and the fields are EMP_ID,EMP_TYPE AND EMP_DET,I have to insert the employees xml data into corresponding fields in the table.
    Input Data
    So each row values has to inserted into resp fields in the table.

    Do you have a similar structure in your stored procedure ?
    In that case you can simply call the procedure from soa using db adapter and do a mapping to assign the values.

  • Benefit of using store procedure instead of select statement to pull data into biztalk

    I was wondering why store procedure is more beneficial than using select statement to pull data into biztalk?

    In addition to the above two points, in case if there is a change in logic of stored procedure, you only need to modify the stored proc and the applications calling/using it may be left intact.
    Also, stored procedures are complied code so performance is better and safe too.
    Please mark this post accordingly if it answers your query or is helpful.

  • Using stored procedures within Crystal Reports

    Hello all,
    Background Information:
    I am trying to teach myself how to execute a stored procedure within Crystal Reports.  This is an aspect of Crystal that my work group has not utilized before and we're trying to gather information on the subject.  We use Oracle to create and execute functions and procedures all the time, but I've never tried this within Crystal.
    I use the "Add Command" functionality within Crystal on most of my reports so that I can taylor the sql to the report.  I find this easier to do versus using the ODBC connection to the tables and writing the code through the Crystal Reports wizard.  I also frequently use functions within these sql statements that are inserted in the Add Command.
    What I'm trying to achieve:
    I have a report that needs to run as a "trial", and then later as a committed "run".  This is for a monthly billing system.  Essentially, the user will run the report as the "trial", preview the data, make any necessay corrections, and then later, run the actual billing run.  Within my application, the bills are not actually marked as "billed" until they are actually "billed', if that makes sense.  As a result, the "trial" report will need to mark the bills as "billed", generate the report, and then rollback the data (so that the bills are not "billed".  Once the actual billing reports are ran, the same report will run, but with a "commit" at the end of the report so that the bills are now "billed".
    I'm trying simple tests and failing (i.e. taking baby steps to learn what capabilities Crystal has):
    I created as simple of a procedure as I can envision.  This procedure inserts the word "test" in one of my fields for a provided account number.  When I try to run this procedure via Crystal (via New Report ->History->My ODBC Database link->Stored Procedures), Crystal asks for the account number parameter, as it should.  But I then receive the error message:
    Database Connector Error: '42000:[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle]Syntax error or access violation'
    The existing ODBC connection has work great for years and years to retrieve data from tables, but this is the first time I've tried to utilize procedures.  Can anybody help?  And can anybody explain what the Stored Procedures link is supposed to do?  Am I going down the right path?

    Make sure the Oracle client install path is in the PATH statement. And also make sure you are using an IN/OUT cursor. CR only reads the last SELECT statement. Search the Documents area on how to create a Stored Procedure.
    Also, if you are using CR XI ( 11.0 ) then upgrade to CR XI R2 and apply all service packs ( SP 6 ). Go to this link: and download the trial version of CR XI R2 and use your XI keycode, then apply the patches which you can get to by clicking on the BusinessObjects tab above, then Downloads.
    Direct link to the Trial version:
    It may fix your issue also.
    Thanks again

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