Using Stored Procedures with TopLink / JPA : Success explanation

For those who have to use Stored Procedures in TopLink this is my success history :
To call an Stored Procedure from the persistence, we have to use the direct JDBC connection because my TopLink version ( Essentials 10g ) ? to date ( 10g ) does not have support for Stored Procedures.
Here is my code :
<address>{color:#0000ff} EntityManagerFactory JPAemfactory = null;{color}</address>
<address>{color:#0000ff} JPAemfactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory ("MyPersistenceUnit"); // this is the name of the persistence unit wrote in the persistence.xml file{color}</address>
<address>{color:#0000ff} EntityManagerr MyEntityManager = JPAemfactory.createEntityManager ();{color}</address>
bq. <address>{color:#0000ff}// creation of the stored procedure calling string .... one question mark for every param, output included \\ String sql = "{call SP_GETLISTATARIFAS(?,?,?,?,?)}"; \\ // We get the JDBC connection \\ oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerImpl entityManager = (oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerImpl) MyEntityManager; \\ UnitOfWorkImpl uow = (UnitOfWorkImpl)entityManager.getUnitOfWork(); \\ // we create a request to the unitofwork because if dont the connection will not exist \\ uow.beginEarlyTransaction(); \\ Connection conexion = ((UnitOfWorkImpl)uow).getAccessor().getConnection(); \\ {color}{color:#0000ff} \\ try { \\ // Creation of the call and we will identify the params as they are in the stored procedure definitiondefinidos \\ CallableStatement call = conexion.prepareCall(sql); \\ {color}</address>
bq. <address>{color:#0000ff} \\ // params INPUT with their values \\ call.setString("pIDMCUPO", "125"); \\ call.setString("pCODIGOHOT", "8023"); \\ call.setString("pCODCANAL", "WEB"); \\ call.setString("pCODSUBCANAL", "HOTEL"); \\ {color}</address><address>{color:#0000ff} \\ // params OUTPUT \\ call.registerOutParameter("rRESULTADO", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); \\ {color}</address><address>{color:#0000ff} \\ // execution \\ call.execute(); \\ {color}</address><address>{color:#0000ff} \\ // getting the response \\ mcontratos_out = call.getString("rRESULTADO"); \\ {color}</address><address>{color:#0000ff} \\ // closing the proc \\ call.close(); \\ {color}</address><address>{color:#0000ff} \\ } catch (SQLException ex) { {color}</address><address>{color:#0000ff} // something you do if there is an error \\ {color}</address><address>{color:#0000ff} \\ } {color}</address>
Hope this helps all the people that have searched a lot like me.......

I have my entity manager setup in a singleton.
I'm finding it's costly to generate the emf, but if I don't close the em (enitity manager) and emf (entity manager factory) my open cursor count climbs until I exceed the max number of open cursors on the database (11g RAC)
I'm committing the connection, and uow, and closing the em at the end of each call.
But until I close the emf, the open cursors aren't released.
TransactionhistoryPkg tranPkg = new TransactionhistoryPkg(conn); //Class created over database package via JPublisher
tranPkg.transactionhistoryInsSp(insertTrans.getCardId()); // executes db package
Am I missing something really obvious here??
btw - I found this link helpful in troubleshooting the max cursors issue:

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    Dear Oracle experts,
    I have a problem concerning using a stored procedure with Delphi.
    I try to use a stored procedure which hast two input parameters ( a integer and a timestamp).
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    So the problem seems to be that the function call "to_timestamp" is not interpreted if it is transferred through my ADO component.
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    Best regards,
    Daniel Wetzler
    P.S. :
    This is the Delphi code to use my Procedure.
    Sproc1 := TAdoStoredProc.Create(nil);
    Sproc1.Connection := TDBConnection(strlistConnectionstrings.objects[iConnectionIndex]).Connection;
    Sproc1.Parameters.CreateParameter ('SwitchID',ftInteger,pdinput,0,0);
    //Sproc1.Parameters.CreateParameter ('StartTime',ftdatetime,pdinput,50,0);
    Sproc1.Parameters.CreateParameter ('StartTime',ftString,pdinput,50,0);
    Sproc1.Parameters.FindParam('StartTime').Value:= 'to_timestamp(''2005/12/30 19:36:21'', ''YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI:SS'')';
    Sproc1.CursorType := ctKeyset;
    Sproc1.Connection := nil;
    FactsTempDS.Recordset:= sproc1.Recordset;
    if FactsTempDS.RecordCount=0
    then raise Exception.Create('No line switch variable found for switch '+IntToStr(SwitchID)+' before starttime. Check BDE dump filter.')

    I have my entity manager setup in a singleton.
    I'm finding it's costly to generate the emf, but if I don't close the em (enitity manager) and emf (entity manager factory) my open cursor count climbs until I exceed the max number of open cursors on the database (11g RAC)
    I'm committing the connection, and uow, and closing the em at the end of each call.
    But until I close the emf, the open cursors aren't released.
    TransactionhistoryPkg tranPkg = new TransactionhistoryPkg(conn); //Class created over database package via JPublisher
    tranPkg.transactionhistoryInsSp(insertTrans.getCardId()); // executes db package
    Am I missing something really obvious here??
    btw - I found this link helpful in troubleshooting the max cursors issue:

  • How to use stored procedure with many return results and variable with perl

    Hi everybody,
    i´m writtting now a Perl programm, wich use a oracle stored procedure with more than 1 result and 1 variable(I have to return 2 variable fpr each result). I don´t now how I can get it.I already search the web but I didn´t find.
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    PROCEDURE get_projects_and_sub_projects (
    v_project_id IN INTEGER,
    v_project_c_id OUT INTEGER,
    v_project_id_find OUT VARCHAR2
    SELECT c_id, proj_id
    FROM t_projet
    WHERE t_projet .ksa_pro_art_kbz = 'KU'
    AND t_projet.proj_id LIKE v_project_id || '%';
    v_project_c_id := NULL;
    v_project_id_find := NULL;
    kmessages.error (NULL,
    'Project-Name: ' || v_project_id,
    'Errornumber: '
    || SQLCODE
    || ' Error: '
    || SQLERRM,
    raise_application_error (-20001,
    'Error '
    || SQLCODE
    || ' get_projects_and_sub_projects: '
    || SQLERRM,
    END get_projects_and_sub_projects;
    in Perl Program:
    sub get_projects_unterprojects_name($$){
    my ($db_handle, $proj_name_id) = @_; #$db_handle ist the DB Connection return value
    my $db_proj_c_id;
    my $db_proj_name;
    eval{ my $csr = $db_handle->prepare(q{
    pro_doc_ber.get_projects_and_sub_projects(:proj_name_id, :db_proj_c_id, :db_proj_name);
    # parameter value
    $csr->bind_param(":proj_name_id", $proj_name_id);
    # return values
    $csr->bind_param_inout(":db_proj_c_id", \$db_proj_c_id, 11);
    $csr->bind_param_inout(":db_proj_name", \$db_proj_name, 20);
    $csr->execute(); };
    But this didn´t work. Could somebody give me some idea?
    Thank you

    Some additional info would probably be helpful.
    What is your programming enviironment? Java?
    In any case I suspect that you will need to use the OCI to deal with specific Oracle types such as user defined object types -- thats not standard ANSI SQL.
    In Java I believe you need to use OPAQUE, there are some examples out there. I'm mostly a PL/SQL developer with some Java expereince so others here are more qualifed to answer your question more directly.

  • XI/PI: jdbc receiver using stored procedure with arrays

    The company needs an interface to search for header data and detail to a legacy system.
    This interface from ERP  to legacy system is synchronous and uses stored procedure.
    The definition of the stored procedure is as follows:
        (p_cvendedor                 IN bdc_vendedores.cvendedor%TYPE,
        p_fdesde                   IN DATE,
        p_fhasta                     IN DATE,
        v_encabezado_ct           OUT encabezado_ct,
        v_detalle_vtas_pagadas_ct OUT detalle_vtas_pagadas_ct,
        err_num                 OUT NUMBER
    Data types used in stored procedure:
    TYPE encabezado_ct AS OBJECT
    ( CREGION         NUMBER(22),
      XREGION         VARCHAR2(50),
      CMERCADO        NUMBER(22),
      XMERCADO        VARCHAR2(50),
      CTVENDEDOR      VARCHAR2(5),
    TYPE detalle_vtas_pagadas_ct AS OBJECT
    (     CITEM           VARCHAR2(10),
          XCONTRATO       VARCHAR2(15),
          XVALOR          VARCHAR2(30),
          CCUENTA         VARCHAR2(15),
          FACTIVACION     DATE,
          XDOMINIO        VARCHAR2(30),
          CCED            VARCHAR2(20),
          XCLIENTE        VARCHAR2(161),
          CCPO            VARCHAR2(60) )
    As shown, this has three input parameters varchar and date respectively and has three output parameters, two of which are defined with a data
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    The problem is to define the signature of the stored procedure in XI when defining the data type request, the message type and mapping system
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    FORM 2:
    defined as an array, but the error tells me that we need to define the attribute either input or output
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <ns0:MT_VtasPagadas_VYC xmlns:ns0="urn:VentasPagadas:VE_ALTASDEDCALIDAD_SD_VYC">
          <VtasPagadasRequest><Generar_Detalle_Vtas_Pagadas action="EXECUTE">
             <p_cvendedor type="VARCHAR"></p_cvendedor>
             <p_fdesde type="DATE"></p_fdesde>
             <p_fhasta type="DATE"></p_fhasta>
                 <CREGION isOutput="1" type="NUMERIC">X</CREGION>
                 <XREGION isOutput="1" type="VARCHAR">X</XREGION>
                 <CMERCADO isOutput="1" type="NUMERIC">X</CMERCADO>
                 <XMERCADO isOutput="1" type="VARCHAR">X</XMERCADO>
                 <CTVENDEDOR isOutput="1" type="VARCHAR">X</CTVENDEDOR>
                 <XCTVENDEDOR isOutput="1" type="VARCHAR">X</XCTVENDEDOR>
                 <XDENOMINACION isOutput="1" type="VARCHAR">X</XDENOMINACION>
                 <CITEM isOutput="1" type="VARCHAR">X</CITEM>
                 <XIDENTIFICADOR isOutput="1" type="VARCHAR">X</XIDENTIFICADOR>
                 <XCONTRATO isOutput="1" type="VARCHAR">X</XCONTRATO>
                 <XVALOR type="VARCHAR">X</XVALOR>
                 <CCUENTA isOutput="1" type="VARCHAR">X</CCUENTA>
                 <FACTIVACION isOutput="1" type="DATE">X</FACTIVACION>
                 <ICTA isOutput="1" type="VARCHAR">X</ICTA>
                 <CCED isOutput="1" type="VARCHAR">X</CCED>
                 <XCLIENTE isOutput="1" type="VARCHAR">X</XCLIENTE>
                 <CCPO isOutput="1" type="VARCHAR">X</CCPO>
            <err_num isOutput="1" type="NUMERIC">X</err_num>
    Edited by: ymonasterio on Mar 31, 2010 4:48 PM

  • Please help - Can not use stored procedure with CTE and temp table in OLEDB source

       I am going to create a simple package. It has OLEDB source , a Derived transformation and a OLEDB Target database.
    Now, for the OLEDB Source, I have a stored procedure with CTE and there are many temp tables inside it. When I give like EXEC <Procedure name> then I am getting the error like ''The metadata  could not be determined because statement with CTE.......uses
    temp table. 
    Please help me how to resolve this ?

    you write to the temp tables that get created at the time the procedure runs I guess
    Instead do it a staged approach, run Execute SQL to populate them, then pull the data using the source.
    You must set retainsameconnection to TRUE to be able to use the temp tables
    Arthur My Blog

  • Using stored procedures with dabasae controls

    Hi. We have two questions.
    Answer 1:
    We are working with Sybase and we are trying to use stored procedures (SP) with databse controls but we don't know how to obtain SP's return. We can to use SP normally if that SP don't have any return. Next example works fine but "stored_procedure_name" actually returns an number (error code) and we need to obtain it:
    * @jc:sql statement="{call stored_procedure_name (?)}"
    Answer 2:
    Do you know how to call SP dinamically? This mean to call an sql statemente where stored_procedure_name and its parameters could be pased as paremeters. That looks as:
    * @jc:sql statement="{call {sql: spName} {sql: listOfParameters}}"
    Thak you very much for your comments.

    I have my entity manager setup in a singleton.
    I'm finding it's costly to generate the emf, but if I don't close the em (enitity manager) and emf (entity manager factory) my open cursor count climbs until I exceed the max number of open cursors on the database (11g RAC)
    I'm committing the connection, and uow, and closing the em at the end of each call.
    But until I close the emf, the open cursors aren't released.
    TransactionhistoryPkg tranPkg = new TransactionhistoryPkg(conn); //Class created over database package via JPublisher
    tranPkg.transactionhistoryInsSp(insertTrans.getCardId()); // executes db package
    Am I missing something really obvious here??
    btw - I found this link helpful in troubleshooting the max cursors issue:

  • Using stored procedure with ExecuteXmlReader

    Just looking to find out if it's possible to use stored procedures when createing an OracleCommand object that calls ExecuteXmlQuery. I'm having a problem and all the samples I've found for using this only use command text (inline SQL). TIA.
    Edited by: user9529215 on Mar 27, 2009 7:48 AM

    I have similar problem. Have you already solved the issue?

  • How to use Stored Procedures with SQLServer2005 and WAS 6.x

    Hi All
    I've got a problem, during the call to a StoredProcedure in SQLServer i've get the next message:
        Exception : Fetch size cannot be negative
    The stored procedure is working correctly if I run my process out of WAS 6.x but if I get a connection from the pool the process don't work.
    Help please, thanks.

    Your procedure has a single OUT parameter ... and yet it appears you are trying to stuff something into it ... that is never going to work. Additionally everything else about your stored procedure would have gotten you a FAIL grade were you been in my beginning PL/SQL class.
    The syntax, a cursor loop, is obsolete and has been for more than 10 years.
    The formatting and use of case makes even the few lines written hard to read.
    And either no commit ever takes place or you are trying to do incremental commits in origseq: Both of which are bad practice.
    This code should use BULK COLLECT to collect all relevant records into an array and then pass the array to origseq ... no loops ... and end with a commit.
    Demo here:

  • SSRS 2008 Using Stored Procedure with SysRef Cursor Oracle

    I am new to SSRS.
    I have a ssrs procedure which runs to Return Result of Select Query. ( In form of SYS REF Cursor in Oracle ).
    When I am trying to see the Value in Test Window. It is showing Output. But when I m Running the Report in the environment it is giving me error.
    Please help me if there is a better way of handling it.
    As I read in some forum as SSRS has issue handling SYS Ref Cursor...
    Thanks Priyank Piyush

    Hi Priyank,
    According to your description, you are use a Stored Procedure from SysRef Cursor Oracle as the report dataset. The query works well in Dataset Query Designer, while an error occurs when you render the report.
    As per my understanding, the problem is that there are something wrong with the report design. Please double-check the design of the report. In order to trouble shoot the problem more efficiently, could you please post the detail error message? Then we can
    make further analysis.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Crystal Reports - Using Stored Procedure with c#

    Post Author: cathalmckenna
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    I've got some c# code that sets a reports data source.
    Its works when connecting to a data source that is a Table, however when the datasource is a Stored Procedure the following error is generated.
    The table 'PNL_STATUS_REPORT' could not be found.Error in File C:\DOCUME1\mckennac\LOCALS1\Temp\temp_9b3cb2f4-7e37-4e34-bd18-af7b06c85139 {ACBDC2D4-A275-4CAA-B3C0-E3C92F615007}.rpt:The table could not be found.
    The problem is when setting table.Location. I've tried prefixing this with the package name that the stored proc is in, but no luck. If I set the table Location to the package name, I get no error, but the report returns no results.
    Any ideas why this doesnt work, is there a different way to handle stored procs??
                 ConnectionInfo connInfo = new ConnectionInfo();            connInfo.DatabaseName = dbName;            connInfo.ServerName = serverName;            connInfo.UserID = userName;            connInfo.Password = password;                        foreach (Table table in report.Database.Tables)            {                TableLogOnInfo logOnInfo = table.LogOnInfo;                string&#91;&#93; locations = table.Location.Split('.');                string unqualifiedLocation = locations&#91;locations.Length - 1&#93;;                logOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = connInfo;                table.ApplyLogOnInfo(logOnInfo);                table.Location = unqualifiedLocation;            }

    Post Author: ianbennett
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    I too am having the same problem.  I have found that when the user has a fast connection it works OK but when they use a "slow" link it does not seem to passs the logon information through before trying to generate the report.

  • BCS External Content Type using Stored Procedure with parameter

    I have a requirement wherein I will be using External Content Type (BCS) using a Stored Procedure.
    The stored procedure has parameters.
    I have set up Read List and Read Item
    However, when I visited my list, I cannot enter any parameter.
    Can you show me a guide on how to configure this with parameters?
    ----------------------- Sharepoint Newbie

    Here are the references for creating an External Content Type to support Read List and Read Item operations:
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Using stored procedure with Oracle user-defined types in database control

    I have a requirement where I need to call an Oracle Stored Proc which has IN and OUT parameters. OUT parameters are of user-defined types in Oracle packages.
    I am getting error while calling the Stored proc like below:
    create or replace
    col1 out types_aa.aa_tex_type ,
    col2 out types_aa.aa_tex_type ,
    col2 out types_aa.aa_num_type ) As
    create or replace
    package types_aa as
    type aa_tex_type is table of varchar2(255) index by binary_integer;
    type aa_num_type is table of char index by binary_integer;
    Wli Code:
    DB Control:
    * @jc:sql statement="call AA_SAM_TEST(?,?,?)"
    void Call_AA_SAM_TEST(SQLParameter[] param) throws SQLException;
    JPD Code:
    param = new SQLParameter[3];
    Object param1 = new String();
    Object param2 = new String();
    Object param3 = new String();
    this.param[0] = new SQLParameter(param1 , Types.STRUCT, SQLParameter.OUT);
    this.param[1] = new SQLParameter(param2, Types.STRUCT, SQLParameter.OUT);
    this.param[2] = new SQLParameter(param3, Types.STRUCT, SQLParameter.OUT);
    I am getting the following error...
    <Jul 24, 2007 6:47:42 PM IST> <Warning> <WLW> <000000> <Id=database_Update; Method=Ctrl_files.Database_Update.Call_AA_SAM_TEST(); Failure=java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06553: PLS-:
    ORA-06553: PLS-:
    ORA-06553: PLS-:
    ORA-06553: PLS-:
    ORA-06553: PLS-:
    ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or typ
    ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'AA_SAM_TEST'
    ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'AA_SAM_TEST'
    Can anyone know how to specify OUT parameter of USer-Defined types while using a DB control to access a Stored Proc in Oracle.
    Any help is highly appreciated.

    I have similar problem. Have you already solved the issue?

  • Toplink using stored procedures

    I have a stored procedure doing an update on two tables on a database. I would like to use this stored procedure with TopLink. The two tables are mapped to two java objects generated by TopLink in the server cache.
    When executed, the procedure first modifies a row on a first table that is mapped to the first Java object. Next, this same procedure also modifies data the other table (which is mapped to a the second java object already in the server cache).
    Does anyone know if Toplink would be able to reflect the changes done to the second table to the second Java object in the cache?

    How do you want to use the stored procedure from TopLink? Would it be used for the object's insert, update or delete operation, or does the procedure not map directly to a CRUD operation?
    If the procedure were an update operation and took the fields from the objects as parameters, then you could define a multiple-table descriptor that mapped to both tables and used the procedure for its update operation. You could still have two separate objects if you made one an aggregate.
    If the procedure is just performing some application logic, then it would probably be best to just call the procedure directly, and then refresh the two objects. You might also consider performing the application logic in Java instead of in the database.

  • Best practices to use stored procedure

    Just wondering about best practices of using Stored procedures in TOPLink with respect to Objects. Any thoughts on this?
    I find the approach suggested at re:Coding for Stored Procedures is a lot of work! seems to be fine.
    Is there any thoughts on converting results directly into Java objects?

    I encountered the same problems.
    See the topic I posted: Re: Mapping a Java attribute to the result of a function call
    The solution I used is good, but has its restrictions.
    I created a database view on the query that uses stored functions. Then, I mapped my object to the database view. Problem solved.
    However, like I said, this solution has its restrictions:
    1) Your database must support views
    2) This only works for read-only queries
    I hope this helps you any further.
    Kind regards,

  • SSIS 2012 ETL is failing only at one server (No BIDS) but running successfully from BIDS on different sever . In this ETL, I have used Stored Procedure in OLEDB Source.

    Hi Guys,
    SSIS 2012 ETL is failing only at one server (No BIDS) but running successfully from BIDS on different sever . In this ETL, I have used Stored Procedure in OLEDB Source.
    Note: I have couple of ETLs developed in 2005 using same logic and upgraded to 2012, working perfectly.
    I am getting Error Message:
    Error Code
    An OLE DB
    error has occurred.
    Error code: 0x80004005.
    OLE DB
    record is available. 
    Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" 
    Hresult: 0x80004005 
    Description: "Error converting data type varchar to datetime.".
    to retrieve
    column information
    from the data
    source. Make
    sure your target
    table in
    the database is
    "OLE DB Source"
    failed validation
    and returned
    validation status
    I tried below word around and found It is working perfectly.
    I loaded data into a table (dbo.TEMP) using Stored procedure and then I used this dbo.TEMP table in OLEDB source and then found no issue.
    MY SP Details: (This SP I am calling in OLEDB source of ETL) and when I run it from one server IT is working fine and when I run from ETL dedicated Server getting error:   Guys Help me out.
    --EXEC [DBO].[SP_TEST] '2014-09-30','2014-10-01'
    IF 1 = 1
    ) AS PROCESS_DATE     
    AS money)
    AS  S1_AMT
    AS money)
    AS money)
    AS money)
    AS VARCHAR(20))
    AS money)
    AS  S3_AMT
    and @TODATEKEY
    and @TODATEKEY
    and @TODATEKEY
    Data Source Mode: SQL Command for Variable
    "EXEC [DBO].[SP_TEST]  '"+ (DT_WSTR, 24) @[User::V_EXTRACT_FROM_DT]  +"','"+ (DT_WSTR, 24) @[User::V_EXTRACT_TO_DT]  +"'"
    Where variable @[User::V_EXTRACT_FROM_DT] and @[User::V_EXTRACT_TO_DT] is defined as DATETIME 
    Thanks Shiven:) If Answer is Helpful, Please Vote

    Yes you are right. At one sever where I was getting error, DateTime was in USA format and Where It was running successfully was in AUS format.
    I changed from USA to AUS and I did another changes:
    Data Source Mode: SQL
    EXEC  [DBO].[SP_TEST] 
    and It is working fine.
    Thanks Shiven:) If Answer is Helpful, Please Vote

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