Using System.getProperty("myVar")

How do I pass in the System property within Eclipse to get the above statement to pick it up? I've always used java myApp -dmyVar=someValue from the cmd line.
I know you add it as an arg to the JVM but what menu/dropdown/option do I use within the IDE

you have to click RUN and in the scren that appers you have a tab
Arguments here you can give both program arguments and vm arguments
you have to choose Run and not Run As

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    Revision: 20505
    Revision: 20505
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2011-03-01 07:31:55 -0800 (Tue, 01 Mar 2011)
    Log Message:
    Bug: Watson #2818669 - AbstractAmfInput uses System.getProperty in Constructor leading to AccessControlException when using in Applet
    QA: Yes
    Doc: No
    Checkintests: Didn't run - the change was to wrap the System.getProperty in a try/catch that would have caused the SecurityException, so no real functionality change that could affect the check-in tests.
    Modified Paths:

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    Yes. Don't use Web Start, and you'll have no problems.
    Seriously, the security exception is there by design. If you must call System.getProperty, you need to sign your jars -- though personally, I think there are situations where signing your jars to make Web Start work is a needless complication.
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    Environment variable that is read internally by the JRE. If you go to dos (in windows) and type "set" and hit return, you'll see Username=whatever your login name is. If course, someone with the right credentials can change this.
    Unix has a similar feature.

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    What is the difference between using
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    This is documented under the getProperties() method in the JavaDoc for the System class:
    java.vm.specification.version     Java Virtual Machine specification version
    java.vm.specification.vendor     Java Virtual Machine specification vendor     Java Virtual Machine specification name
    java.vm.version     Java Virtual Machine implementation version
    java.vm.vendor     Java Virtual Machine implementation vendor     Java Virtual Machine implementation name

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    ans: /home/naveen/client/classes
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    use getenv(), instead of getProperty()

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    In XP, the environment variable USERPROFILE is set to C:\Documents and Settings\<username>, and that value is picked up for user.home. Since the "user's home directory" varies by os, there will be variations. 98 is different than Linux than XP, etc.

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    If you are using OC4J stand-alone, there are two ways (I know of) to define "System" properties:
    * Use "-D" option of "java" command when launching OC4J
    * Use "-p" switch recognized by "oc4j.jar" when launching OC4J
    Note that I haven't tried OC4J stand-alone developer's preview so I don't know if the above is still correct for that version, but it is for every version prior to that one.
    Good Luck,

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    Two suggestions so far for Linux:
    * /usr/local/foo
    * user.home
    The first will probably only be writable if your installer* is being run by root / superuser. I'd say that the expected behaviour would be to extract to pwd - i.e. user.dir. However, as already stated I'd quite like to be given the choice first if it's a GUI installer. A console installer which extracts to pwd would seem quite reasonable.
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    Under OS X people will probably expect you to use the built-in installer. You might be able to build a suitable package without an OS X box - check Apple's website for documentation. The desktop is ~/Desktop (where ~ is user.home).
    * If it's not an installer, although you seem implicitly to have agreed it is, I'd extract to /tmp/fooRND, making sure that it didn't exist and generating a new RND if it did.

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         //this function creates a session.
         public void setSession(configParams params) throws Exception {
              boolean done = false;
              int retryCount = 0;
              mVTName = params.getFactoryName();
    It returns me null. And when i do
    :/home/santsat > echo $VTNAME
    Any thoughts o what is wrong in the code?
    Message was edited by:

    Java's system property is not the same as environment variable.
    To get environment variable, use System.getenv().
    If you start your java app with -DVTNAME= then you can use System.getProperty().

  • System.getProperty with foreign language

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    How can I make the System property look at the correct path (again, this happens in other languages as well)?

    Hmmm.... I didn't think I used toUpperCase in my code. When all else fails, my advice is to read the API...
    Note: This method is locale sensitive, and may produce unexpected results if used for strings that are intended to be interpreted locale independently. Examples are programming language identifiers, protocol keys, and HTML tags. For instance, "title".toUpperCase() in a Turkish locale returns "T?TLE", where '?' is the LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE character. To obtain correct results for locale insensitive strings, use toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).

  • SCJP System.getProperty()

    I am having problem with a scjp question:
    public class vv{
         public static void main(String[] args){
              String myProp = System.getProperty("prop.custom");
    suppose it can complie if I use:
    but there is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: prop.custom=gobstopper
    What's wrong?

    Welcome to the Sun forums.
    crunchor wrote:
    ..but there is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: prop.custom=gobstopperHuhh?
    public class vv{
         public static void main(String[] args){
              String myProp = System.getProperty("prop.custom");
    andrew@pc1:/media/disk/proj$ javac
    andrew@pc1:/media/disk/proj$ java vv
    What's wrong?Which brings me back to - huhh?
    BTW - Please use code tags when posting code, code snippets, HTML/XML or input/output. The code tags protect the indentation and formatting of the sample. To use the code tags, select (highlight) the sample and click the CODE button.

  • Problem with System.getProperty( "" ) in JCAPS6

    Hello everybody,
    I'm using JCAPS 6 but I have to follow a guideline of projects implemented with JCAPS 5.1.3.
    The project for example, has written for the logs-directory in method user initialize this code:
    // JCAPS uses JVM version 1.5 "--- BEGIN ------ JCAPS userInitialize" );
    String currRoot = System.getProperty( "" );
    String log4j_props = currRoot + "/../../NameDirectory/" + collabContext.getProjectPath() + "/" +
    collabContext.getCollaborationName() + "";
    With JCAPS 6 I don't know how to substitute "System.getProperty( "" );" because with it don't function.
    Somebody can help me?

    This is the correct code:
    // JCAPS uses JVM version 1.5 "--- BEGIN ------ JCAPS userInitialize" );
    String currRoot = System.getProperty( "" );
    String log4j_props = currRoot + "/../../NoemaLife/" + collabContext.getProjectPath() + "/" + collabContext.getCollaborationName() + "";
    but I have the same problem...

  • System.getProperty("") not working without /etc/passwd, CentOS 4.3

    Dear all,
    I'm having trouble getting the system property (which we need in our ant scripts) on our CentOS box. :(
    When running the program below thru
    java dumpproperties2
    it prints "'?'" on our CentOS 4.3. On win32 it works. It turns out that if you add the account corresponding to the EUID to /etc/passwd it works correctly. However, we don't use passwd authentication but an enterprise wide LDAP-system. Our /etc/nsswitch.conf says:
    passwd: files ldap
    One work around is to replace the java executable with a script that does
    /path/to/jdk/bin/java$USER -Duser.home=$HOME $@
    Used jdk is j2se 1.5.0_13 Linux 32-bit.
    Some questions for the experts:
    1) Is there any other way?
    2) Is it a known issue that Linux versions of the jdk just looks in /etc/passwd to map uid to user name (and home dir) instead of doing what the rest of the system, like whoami, does? I haven't found anything in either the readme or installation instructions, nor in the bug db.
    Br, Jesper Tr�g�rdh
    public class dumpproperties2 {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
         String s = System.getProperty("");
         System.out.println("'" + s + "'");

    Does this work?
    //public final class System
    public static String getenv(String name)Then you can access the USER environment from inside Java.

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