Using the Netbean for J2me

I using the Netbean to write the J2ME games, but everytimes I press the run command, the Norton Antivirus will detected a worm, should I keep blocking it or allow it?

The emulator is using sockets for internal communication. You have to configure your antivirus not to block the communication. I don't know how to do that for NAV.

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    <!-- Ant makefile for ImageJ -->
    <project name="ImageJ" default="run">
      <target name="compile" description="Compile everything.">
          <!-- Copy the swing layout library into dist.lib -->
        <copy file="dist/lib/swing-layout-1.0.3.jar" todir=".." />
        <!-- First, ensure the build directory exists. -->
        <mkdir dir="build" />
        <!-- Build everything; add debug="on" to debug -->
        <javac srcdir="." destdir="build" optimize="on" source="1.4" target="1.4" debug="on">
          <!-- The plugins directory only needs to be
                 present at runtime, not at build time. -->
          <!-- exclude name="plugins/**"/-->
      <target name="build" depends="compile" description="Build ij.jar.">
        <!-- Copy needed files into the build directory. -->
        <copy file="IJ_Props.txt" todir="build" />
        <copy file="images/microscope.gif" tofile="build/microscope.gif" />
        <copy file="images/about.jpg" tofile="build/about.jpg" />
         <copy file="plugins/MacAdapter.class" tofile="build/MacAdapter.class" />
        <copy todir="build/macros"><fileset dir="macros"/></copy>
        <!-- Build ij.jar. -->
        <jar jarfile="ij.jar" basedir="build"
             manifest="MANIFEST.MF" />
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        <delete dir="build" />
        <delete file="ij.jar" />
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        <copy file="ij.jar" toDir=".." />
        <java maxmemory="640m" jar="ij.jar" fork="yes" />
      <target name="run2" depends="build" description="Build and run ImageJ.">
        <!-- Run in ImageJ directory -->
        <copy file="ij.jar" toDir=".." />
        <java maxmemory="640m" dir=".." jar="ij.jar" fork="yes" />
      <target name="zip" depends="clean" description="Build">
        <zip zipfile="../"
      <target name="javadocs" description="Build the JavaDocs.">
        <delete dir="../api" />
        <mkdir dir="../api" />
               windowtitle="ImageJ API">
       </project>notice I added this line: <copy file="dist/lib/swing-layout-1.0.3.jar" todir=".." />
    because the dir ".." is where the other jar files are placed, i.e.:
    [GAIAG:~/**JavaProjects/Netbeans_ImageJ/source] chris% ls ..
    PolarDisplay          ij.jar               swing-layout-1.0.3.jar
    TestFrames          myApp
    api               source
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    Hi Suren424,
    I think Using Differencing Disks may cover your needs .
    Please refer to following setps:
       "Create the Parent Virtual Machine Configuration and Virtual Hard Disk
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        Generalize the installation
        Prepare the parent virtual hard disk
        Create the differencing disks
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    For details please refer to follwing link:
    Hope this helps
    Best Regards
    Elton Ji
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    Hi frogjt,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    Great question! You can absolutely do this in OS X 10.9. The attached article explains how the process of using AirPlay with Apple TV to create a second display. Also, towards the bottom of the article there are instructions on how to set your Displays preferences on the computer to make sure the TV and MacBook Pro displays are set up the way you want them to be.
    OS X: Using multiple displays in Mavericks
    Have a great day,

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    It appears that your networking goals with the AirPort Express is to use it as a wireless Ethernet bridge instead of using it to extend the wireless range of your AirPort Extreme. The latter requires that the Express Wi-Fi radios be enabled.
    If you intended to use the Express as a wireless bridge, you just need to reconfigure it to "Join a wireless" network instead of "Extend a wireless network."
    For whatever reason when I have my express extend my wifi at home the download speed from just the express is absolutely terrible, drops to about 1.5 mb compared to when it's on the extremes part of the network the speed goes up to 50-75mb.
    In an extended network, the placement of the extending base station is critical as it can only extend the wireless network at the bandwidth at which it receives it.
    Please check out the following AirPort User Tip for details on optimal base station placement.

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    iTunes 12 for Mac: Change where your iTunes files are stored - - Unfortunately this is misnamed.  It should say "Change where your media files but not where your library files are stored" - more information at: - and steps 5-8 in

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    I think it's a Lion problem.  I had this problem with an old Dell True Mobile wireless router, and hoped it would go away with a new Airport Express router.  Same problem.  I checked online and saw a lot of message boards featuring questions from people that suffered the interruption of their wi-fi connection, some with Macbooks others with iMacs like me.  The problem happens when I don't use the computer for a few minutes. It goes into the Idle mode, kind of like sleep.  The connection is severed and the time clock upper right stops.  It's weird.  There was supposedly an Apple update that addressed this issue, so at the Genius bar two days ago I updated to 10.7.3, downloaded and installed the update. Didn't work.  Is it Lion? Is it a wireless card issue?  Very frustrating.  I subitted a genius bar work authorization with another Apple Genius Bar support tech the next day. He ran some tests. Cryptically said he knew that Apple knew about this and was working on a solution but couldn't tell me what it was. Submitted my info and said I'd be contacted by an Apple tech within 48 hours and provided with a link to another download of another update that should "fix" the problem.  I don't know what to do.

    New routers have "mixed" modes for your network; this means that it will automatically choose the best option between wireless-B, wireless-G and wireless-N network modes. I used to experience this issue using the 2.4 GHz. mixed mode wireless network.
    Thankfully, my router can create 2 networks: a 2.4 GHz. network and a 5 GHz. network.
    When I randomly changed this value to "use only wireless-B and wireless-G" trying to fix an issue with a wi-fi expander, the iMac wi-fi  issue dissapeared! I tried it with wireless-N only, but it didn't work.
    So, finally, I have a 2.4 GHz network with only wireless-B and wireless-G modes which works PERFECT with the iMac, and a 5 GHz. network with a mixed* wireless mode for everything else mode.
    *PD: by "mixed" mode it means that the router will automatically choose between B, G and N network modes as it fits better.

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